LEONARDO DA VINCI PROCEDURE C Thematic Monitoring Project Information Sheets Projects under Leonardo Phase II Years 2000, 2001, 2002

LEONARDO DA VINCI - PROCEDURE C - Europaeacea.ec.europa.eu/static/Bots/docbots/LEONARDO/T2/group2.pdf · LEONARDO DA VINCI PROCEDURE C Thematic Monitoring Project Information Sheets

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LEONARDO DA VINCI PROCEDURE C Thematic Monitoring Project Information Sheets

Projects under Leonardo Phase II Years 2000, 2001, 2002

LEONARDO DA VINCI THEMATIC MONITORING - Group 2 PROCEDURE C “Developing of Skills within Companies, particularly SMEs”


Theme 1: Integration into the Labour Market

Theme 2: Developing of Skills within Companies, particularly SMEs

Theme 3: Adapting of the Training Supply and New Training Methods -

The Quality of Training

Theme 4: Transparency, Assessment and Validation Knowledge

Theme 5: E-learning

ADVOTTEX: Investigating Strategic Needs for Advanced Vocational Training in the European Textile and Clothing (T&C) Industry RELEVANCE OF THE PROJECT TO THE MAIN THEME The European Textile & Clothing industry is undergoing a number of rapid changes, the largest of which is the increasing globalisation of this industry and the need to face the issue of import competition in a proactive way. To this end, Textile & Clothing companies must develop not only new products and new manufacturing processes but also new forms of working structures. Permanent changes, such as this, require new skills and competencies across the range of levels of qualification. The Textile and Clothing industry wishes to play an active role in the information society in order to be able to change the way certain products are produced and delivered allowing for productivity gains and the creation of new jobs through the use of advanced technologies and different working arrangements. It has become obvious that Textile and Clothing companies require increased and better training in ICT. This is in particularly the case as regards SME’s which represent more than 75% of the European Textile and Clothing sector. The first task of the ADVOTTEX Network will be to undergo detailed analysis as regards the current needs of European Textile and Clothing companies relating to high-level, vocational ICT Training. This ADVOTTEX network present a new support structure with the objective to develop both adaptability and entrepreneurship in the European Textile and Clothing sector and will both stimulate an effective ICT training dynamic among the different types of actors and identify all or any further action to be undertaken in order to improve ICT skills and competencies in the sector. Project number: EUR/00/C/F/NT-94414 Promoter: European Apparel and Textile Organisation (EURATEX) Contact person: Ms Stéphanie LE BERRE Address: Rue Montoyer 24, B-1000 Bruxelles Telephone: + 32 2 2854887 Fax: +32 2 2856054 E-mail: [email protected] Internet: http://www.euratex.org Project duration: 18 months Start date: 1 December 2000 End date: 31 May 2002


LEONARDO DA VINCI THEMATIC MONITORING - Group 2 PROCEDURE C “Developing of Skills within Companies, particularly SMEs”


Theme 1: Integration into the Labour Market

Theme 2: Developing of Skills within Companies, particularly SMEs

Theme 3: Adapting of the Training Supply and New Training Methods -

The Quality of Training

Theme 4: Transparency, Assessment and Validation Knowledge

Theme 5: E-learning

A Systems Approach for Solving Problems related to Power Quality, EMC and Harmonics in Electrical Installations - Network RELEVANCE OF THE PROJECT TO THE MAIN THEME This project will develop training modules to assist designers of electrical installations address both lack of power quality and problems associated with Electro Magnetic Compatibility (EMC). The economic costs of poor power quality and EMC problems within electrical installations can be buried within operational costs, but are believed to affect the economic performance of at least 30% of companies and are an increasing cause for concern in the tertiary and industrial sectors. The partners involved in the project regularly face this issue. The project addresses the need for systematic exchange of expertise between universities, polytechnics and SMEs in a European partnership. They will develop training tools to assist decision-makers ‘in the field’ in the application of standards, which are either not currently unified in certain European countries or are not maintained because of a lack of local regulations. These proposed tools include models and practical guidelines for end users including: an interactive website with accompanying software and databases for distance learning, a trainers forum and a module for the training of trainers (CD-Rom). The website is to be further used by the partnership as a channel for dissemination. (This is a combined project with EUR/00/C/F/PP-94402) RELEVANCE OF THE PROJECT TO THE RELATED THEME The project contributes to theme 5, E-Learning. E-Learning platforms are often proprietary technology, and not suitable to bring a body of knowledge to a massive audience in a cost effective manner. The project addresses e-learning through: - development of an e-learning platform for mass education (which will be in the public domain) - integration of e-learning with conventional teaching methods for maximum effectiveness - fast track adoption of e-learning technology within the power engineering community Project number: EUR/00/C/F/NT-94432 Promoter: European Copper Institute Contact person: Mr Hans De Keulenaer Address: Tervurenlaan 168 b10, B-1150 Brussels Telephone: +32 2 7777070 Fax: +32 2 7777079 E-mail: [email protected] Internet: http://www.copper.org Project duration: 36 months Start date: 1 December 2000 End date: 30 November 2003


LEONARDO DA VINCI THEMATIC MONITORING - Group 2 PROCEDURE C “Developing of Skills within Companies, particularly SMEs”

THEME COVERED BY THE PROJECT MAIN RELATED Theme 1: Integration into the Labour


Theme 2: Developing of Skills within Companies, particularly SMEs

Theme 3: Adapting of the Training Supply and New Training Methods -

The Quality of Training

Theme 4: Transparency, Assessment and Validation Knowledge

Theme 5: E-learning

Certification des Qualifications et des Compétences dans la Fonction Commerciale en Europe RELEVANCE OF THE PROJECT TO THE MAIN THEME Les acteurs de la fonction commerciale (marketing, marketing et ventes directes, vente et encadrement de la vente) doivent aujourd’hui faire face à de nouveaux défis liés à l’émergence de compétences nouvelles dérivées de l’utilisation des nouvelles technologies de l’information et de la communication, à l’hétérogénéité des systèmes de formation existants et des fonctions et à la difficulté d’accès à la qualification surtout pour les collaborateurs de PME, les personnes socialement défavorisées. Ceci entraîne à terme une déficience au niveau de la mobilité professionnelle et à l’accès à la formation professionnelle, une limitation de la compétitivité des PME et enfin entrave l’égalité des chances pour les professionnels d’un pays à l’autre. Les objectifs du présent projet sont de constituer une base de données comparative et permanente des métiers, activités, compétences, formations, dispositifs de certification pour les métiers de la fonction commerciale. Les cibles visées sont les entreprises et particulièrement les PME, en vue d’améliorer leur compétitivité en leur permettant d’améliorer les compétences de leurs collaborateurs dans le domaine indiqué, les professionnels de la fonction commerciale afin de faciliter leur mobilité au niveau européen et donner une meilleure visibilité aux compétences requises pour l’exercice de leur profession et enfin les organismes de formation et de certification afin de faciliter l’établissement d’une plus grande cohérence des dispositions à l’échelle européenne. Le projet contribue donc à promouvoir et renforcer la contribution de la formation professionnelle continue au processus d’innovation dans le domaine de la fonction commerciale par une meilleure connaissance des emplois, des compétences et de leur évolution et des dispositifs de certification. RELEVANCE OF THE PROJECT TO THE RELATED THEME Le projet vise également à améliorer la transparence des qualifications dans le domaine de la fonction commerciale par la mise en place de cette base de données permanente des emplois-type et des formations donnant accès à une certification dans les pays concernés par le projet, facilitant la mobilité professionnelle. La certification mise en place vise également les compétences acquises en situation professionnelle. Les pratiques existantes en matière de certification de la qualification professionnelle des adultes dans le domaine de la fonction commerciale sont encore très limitées et de façon très disparate les dispositifs de validation des acquis professionnels. Les méthodes de formation qui incluent de façon de plus en plus importante l’enseignement à distance assisté par les NTIC n’ont pas à l’heure actuelle de référence commune en, matière de certification et de prise en compte de l’expérience professionnelle dans les systèmes de validation. Le projet permettra donc d’établir une méthodologie commune dans ce domaine et sera ensuite diffusé par les organisations professionnelles de la formation commerciale des pays considérés, visant une plus grande cohérence des dispositifs existant. Project number: EUR/01/C/F/PP-84708 Promoter: EMC European Marketing Confederation Contact person: Ms Julia Ridsdale-Saw Address: Place des Chasseurs Ardennais 20, B-1030 Bruxelles Telephone: +32 2 742 17 80 Fax: +32 2 742 17 85 E-mail: [email protected] Internet: http://www.emc.be Project duration: 24 months Start date: 1er décembre 2001 End date: 30 novembre 2003


LEONARDO DA VINCI THEMATIC MONITORING - Group 2 PROCEDURE C “Developing of Skills within Companies, particularly SMEs”

THEME COVERED BY THE PROJECT MAIN RELATED Theme 1: Integration into the Labour


Theme 2: Developing of Skills within Companies, particularly SMEs

Theme 3: Adapting of the Training Supply and New Training Methods -

The Quality of Training

Theme 4: Transparency, Assessment and Validation Knowledge

Theme 5: E-learning

A Systems Approach for Solving Problems related to Power Quality, EMC and Harmonics in Electrical Installations – Reference Materials RELEVANCE OF THE PROJECT TO THE MAIN THEME Due to increasing systems complexity, electrical engineering is a very different discipline from that of ten years ago. Thus the discussion reflecting this market trend in education and in lifelong learning has become an absolute necessity. The aim of the project is to bridge the gap between highly qualified technical education institutes (lacking marketing and communications expertise) and professional & trade organisations (lacking technical background). The project will further contribute to the systematic exchange of expertise between universities, polytechnics, technical associations and SME’s through establishing a pan-European partnership. SME’s within this sector will benefit from the existence of a European network for their continued business development. There are numerous business opportunities in the area of Power Quality (PQ) and Electro Magnetic Compatibility (EMC) and as such young, skilled engineers are in an ideal position to start-up their own companies in the provision of EMC products and services where potential employment exists for up to 10.000 young engineers and electricians. Thematic training guides will be produced for technical decision-makers, in addition to a distance-training programme and concrete support will be provided to micro SME’s through the provision of tools to increase individual competitiveness. Around one million technicians in Europe, increasingly face challenges in this area thus the network will train this group to be more comfortable when dealing with problems related to PQ/EMC. (This is a combined project with EUR/00/C/F/PP-94432) Project number: EUR/00/C/F/PP-94402 Promoter: European Copper Institute (ECI) Contact person: Mr Hans De Keulenaer Address: Tervurenlaan 168 b. 10, B-1150 Bruxelles Telephone: +32 2 777 70 70 Fax: +32 2 777 70 79 E-mail: [email protected] Internet: http://www.copper.org Project duration: 36 months Start date: 1 December 2000 End date: 30 November 2003


LEONARDO DA VINCI THEMATIC MONITORING - Group 2 PROCEDURE C “Developing of Skills within Companies, particularly SMEs”

THEME COVERED BY THE PROJECT MAIN RELATED Theme 1: Integration into the Labour


Theme 2: Developing of Skills within Companies, particularly SMEs

Theme 3: Adapting of the Training Supply and New Training Methods -

The Quality of Training

Theme 4: Transparency, Assessment and Validation Knowledge

Theme 5: E-learning

European Qualification Strategies in Information and Communications Technologies (EUQuaSIT) RELEVANCE OF THE PROJECT TO THE MAIN THEME “EUQuaSIT” zielt auf die Erhebung von Referenzmaterial zu nationalen (D, P, NL, CZ, RO) und systembedingten Strukturen und Profilen der beruflichen Aus- und Weiterbildungsangebote sowie Studienangebote in Europa im Bereich der Informations- und Telekommunikationstechnik (ICT). Dabei sollen Programme und Maßnamen für benachteiligte Gruppen und Frauen berücksichtigt werden. Die Erhebungen und ergänzenden betrieblichen Fallstudien zum Bedarf an ICT-Fachkräften auf der einen und dem existierenden ICT-Aus- und Weiterbildungsangebot auf der anderen Seite sollen eine internationale Vergleichsgrundlage für Empfehlungen zur europäischen Weiterentwicklung von ICT-Berufsprofilen auf den unterschiedlichen Qualifizierungsleveln liefern. Hauptzielgruppen und Nutzer des Projekts sind Betriebe und insbesondere KMU, Einrichtungen, Berufsschulen und Institutionen der beruflichen Aus- und Weiterbildung, ICT-Fachkräfte, Jugendliche in der Erstausbildung sowie nationale und europäische Entscheidungsträger. Des weiteren sollen die Sozial- und Tarifpartner und Handelskammern in die Umsetzung zukunftsweisender ICT-Qualifizierungsstrategien eingebunden werden. Im Mittelpunkt der Verbreitung der Untersuchungsergebnisse stehen die nationalen und europäischen Gremien der politischen Entscheidungsträger sowie die Sozialpartner. Die Ergebnisse sollen in gedruckter Form, in Einzelberichten und Datenbanken im Internet (http://www.euquasit.net) vorgelegt sowie in Workshops und auf Tagungen diskutiert werden. Project number: D/00/C/F/RF-91309 Promoter: Berufsbildungsinstitut Arbeit und Technik, Universität Flensburg Contact person: Mr A. Willi Petersen Address: Munketoft 3, D-24937 FLENSBURG Telephone: +49 461 1413520/17 Fax: +49 461 1413511 E-mail: [email protected] Internet: http://www.euquasit.net Project duration: 36 months Start date: 1 December 2000 End date: 30 November 2003


LEONARDO DA VINCI THEMATIC MONITORING - Group 2 PROCEDURE C “Developing of Skills within Companies, particularly SMEs”

THEME COVERED BY THE PROJECT MAIN RELATED Theme 1: Integration into the Labour


Theme 2: Developing of Skills within Companies, particularly SMEs

Theme 3: Adapting of the Training Supply and New Training Methods -

The Quality of Training

Theme 4: Transparency, Assessment and Validation Knowledge

Theme 5: E-learning

Employability of Vocational Training Graduates: The European SME’s Approach RELEVANCE OF THE PROJECT TO THE MAIN THEME The project is primarily designed to provide an SME’s point of view on the employability and acquired skills & abilities of vocational training graduates when entering employment. In this sense, this project will pay particular attention to a graduate’s specific ICS skills, a skills area that is attracting increasing attention across Europe. Furthermore, considerations relating to country, enterprise size and gender will be further highlighted by this project. The project will prepare a series of recommendations and conclusions, for use by policy makers and training providers, with regard to successful training strategies and potential improvements to existing vocational training systems. It will effectively assist in a reduction of the number of young Europeans leaving the vocational training system without adequate qualifications able to be used in entering appropriate employment. It will further assist in identifying new skills and competencies, appropriate to the information society, and considering the perspective of an individual SME. Lastly, the project aims to gather data on gender considerations within European SME’s when considering contracting VT graduates. The project fulfils the criteria identified for theme 2 as it makes an original contribution to the existing knowledge in the field since it provides new and first hand information particularly as regards SME’s. As such, SME’s are extremely appropriate for this particular analysis, as they constitute the largest share of enterprises and employment providers across a large number of EU countries. Secondly, SME’s suffer from particular difficulties in attracting students, who often prefer to work in larger companies. Lastly, SME’s often lack the resources to be able to offer further training newly employed graduates, thus leaving them to rely heavily upon existing skills. The project will be a useful tool for promoting the social dialogue in vocational training, since the project is intended to link the world of education with the world of enterprise. RELEVANCE OF THE PROJECT TO THE RELATED THEME Young people insertion into the labour market is not a new problem. However, it has been a question on growing importance during the last years: increasing competitiveness and accelerated transformations on work organisation, on technologies and on markets are inducing changes on the labour skills required by the companies. The project will try to contribute to reduce the number of young people who leave the vocational training system without adequate qualifications. Project number: E/00/C/F/RF-91606 Promoter: Basque Institute of Studies and Research Contact person: Mr Antonio Corral Alza Address: Avda de la Libertad 20, 3°, E-20004 SAN SEBASTIAN Telephone: +34 943 426610 Fax: +34 943 423501 E-mail: [email protected] Internet: http://www.ikei.es Project duration: 18 months Start date: 1 December 2000 End date: 31 Mai 2003


LEONARDO DA VINCI THEMATIC MONITORING - Group 2 PROCEDURE C “Developing of Skills within Companies, particularly SMEs”

THEME COVERED BY THE PROJECT MAIN RELATED Theme 1: Integration into the Labour


Theme 2: Developing of Skills within Companies, particularly SMEs

Theme 3: Adapting of the Training Supply and New Training Methods -

The Quality of Training

Theme 4: Transparency, Assessment and Validation Knowledge

Theme 5: E-learning

Nomenclature analytique du Multimédia Européen RELEVANCE OF THE PROJECT TO THE MAIN THEME Le projet NAME répond au besoin des employés, des organismes de formation professionnelle et des entreprises européennes du multimédia d’harmoniser un dictionnaire international des qualifications et compétences du multimédia. Ce dictionnaire permettra de parler le même langage et donc d’adapter les formations aux besoins exacts des entreprises salariés, étudiants ou bien encore des travailleurs en formation professionnelle continue. Il fournira également le cadre de référence indispensable pour les phases de recrutement et de sélection, d’orientation, de gestion de la performance au travail, de formation et de rémunération. Le projet devrait également améliorer le dialogue social, permettant le cas échéant de mettre en place des conventions collectives spécifiques aux métiers du multimédia, conventions nécessaires à la reconnaissance de ce secteur économique en tant que tel. Ainsi, en renforçant les aptitudes et les compétences des individus, il promouvra et facilitera l’orientation, la capacité d’insertion et de réinsertion professionnelles. NAME renforcera également la contribution de la formation professionnelle au processus d’innovation afin d’améliorer la compétitivité et l’esprit d’entreprise, puis au NAME fournira aux PME la possibilité de mieux trouver les compétences dont elles ont besoin et aux salariés de mieux valoriser leur niveau de compétences. RELEVANCE OF THE PROJECT TO THE RELATED THEME Le projet NAME couvrira l’ensemble des spécificités de chacun des pays de la communauté dans le domaine du multimédia et établira ainsi une nomenclature des qualifications et compétences paneuropéenne relatives aux systèmes de formation professionnelle qui souvent divergent au niveau européen. NAME apporte une harmonisation et une transparence des qualifications professionnelles grâce à ce dictionnaire de référence. Project number: F/00/C/F/RF-91803 Promoter: Aquitaine Multimédia Contact person: Mr Jacques Peyrondet Address: C / O Twenty One, Rue Charles Lamoureux 9, F-33000 BORDEAUX Telephone: +33 5 56487272 Fax: + 33 5 56487273 E-mail: [email protected] Internet: http://www.aquitaine-multimedia.com Project duration: 24 months Start date: 1 décembre 2000 End date: 30 novembre 2002


LEONARDO DA VINCI THEMATIC MONITORING - Group 2 PROCEDURE C “Developing of Skills within Companies, particularly SMEs”

THEME COVERED BY THE PROJECT MAIN RELATED Theme 1: Integration into the Labour


Theme 2: Developing of Skills within Companies, particularly SMEs

Theme 3: Adapting of the Training Supply and New Training Methods -

The Quality of Training

Theme 4: Transparency, Assessment and Validation Knowledge

Theme 5: E-learning

WITS - Women In new Technologies: Strategies of continuous training and retraining in Europe RELEVANCE OF THE PROJECT TO THE MAIN THEME Statistics in Europe have shown that, as a rule, sectors within which women represent the majority are those which to some degree perpetuate the stereotype female role e.g. domestic services, healthcare, education. Similarly, the present equal opportunities approach which aims to encourage women to enter traditionally masculine sectors could easily be considered obsolete, considering the fact that in many European regions, the analysis of strategies and actions adopted for the retraining of women employees to new technologies is still greatly undervalued. This point of view further considers that the rapid pace of technological change and the progressive computerisation of many industrial processes increasingly demand new skills. In this context women’s skills and qualifications may often be overlooked in the restructuring of work processes, particularly within SME’s. Within the EU, there is therefore an urgent need to develop appropriate forms of continuous training and to improve industrial retraining processes to enable women employees to learn about new technologies and to be able to use these productively in the workforce. Additionally, a lack in adequate statistical analysis should further be addressed to better understand the internal dynamics of SME’s from a qualitative point of view. The current project aims to experiment with a new approach which is both qualitative and quantitative, for a comparative analysis in a particular field to include social, economic & cultural perspectives; to synthesise existing strategies and the methods of continuous training and retraining of women in new technologies, particularly within SME’s and to analyse the progress made in different European regions with regard to national and EU policy. Project number: I/00/C/P/RF-92119 Promoter: Associazione SINTESI Contact person: Ms Stefania Zanna Address: Viale delle Scienze, I-90128 PALERMO Telephone: +39 091 6571654 Fax: +39 091 6571655 E-mail: [email protected] Internet: http://sintesi.dicpm.unipa.it Project duration: 30 months Start date: 1 December 2000 End date: 31 May 2003


LEONARDO DA VINCI THEMATIC MONITORING - Group 2 PROCEDURE C “Developing of Skills within Companies, particularly SMEs”

THEME COVERED BY THE PROJECT MAIN RELATED Theme 1: Integration into the Labour


Theme 2: Developing of Skills within Companies, particularly SMEs

Theme 3: Adapting of the Training Supply and New Training Methods -

The Quality of Training

Theme 4: Transparency, Assessment and Validation Knowledge

Theme 5: E-learning

UP-Skills : Up-Grading Graduate Strategic Skills RELEVANCE OF THE PROJECT TO THE MAIN THEME Several European studies strengthen the fact that world wide liberalisation of trade in the textile and clothing sector from 2005 will cause a substantial reduction in the number of enterprises, mainly SMEs, with disastrous consequences concerning employment. The main cause pointed out is the lack of strategic perspectives from these enterprises. The importance of SMEs and the weight of the textile and clothing sector in this transforming industry is increasingly recognised in the European economy, thus it is important to take operational measures, which will reduce this lack of strategic perspective. The low education level of entrepreneurs and the additional difficulties in accomplishment of tasks related to strategic management, make it necessary to mobilise the existent senior staff to take on responsibilities at strategic level. Studies related to this subject are rare, thus the project will carry out an in-depth analysis that will identify the required skills, to allow senior staff within SME’s to take on new responsibilities at management level. The study will serve as the basis for the design of training programmes targeting senior SME staff, raising the strategic capacity of individual SMEs and thus enabling a strategic re-qualification of the existing workers. UP-Skills aims to further identify the current and the potential, future profile of senior SME staff, in order to enable them to take on responsibilities at strategic management level, providing the acquisition of new skills, which will reduce the gap between the two profiles (technical and strategic). The potential impact of the project should be that of an increase in individual competencies, of polyvalence and of entrepreneurship; at individual SME-level, the aim is to contribute to an individual enterprises development; at the level of educational and training institutions, the project should allow a more forward-thinking vision as regards professional profiles and the identification of new or future job-related tasks. Project number: P/00/C/P/RF-92552 Promoter: Universidade do Minho Contact person: Mr Jaime Ferreira da Silva Address: Reitoria – Largo do Paço, P-4710 BRAGA Telephone: +351 2 53510229 Fax: +351 2 53816007 E-mail: [email protected] Project duration: 24 months Start date: 1 December 2000 End date: 30 November 2002


LEONARDO DA VINCI THEMATIC MONITORING - Group 2 PROCEDURE C “Developing of Skills within Companies, particularly SMEs”

THEME COVERED BY THE PROJECT MAIN RELATED Theme 1: Integration into the Labour


Theme 2: Developing of Skills within Companies, particularly SMEs

Theme 3: Adapting of the Training Supply and New Training Methods -

The Quality of Training

Theme 4: Transparency, Assessment and Validation Knowledge

Theme 5: E-learning

State of art survey of enterprise education, analysis and classification of results in www-database RELEVANCE OF THE PROJECT TO THE MAIN THEME The ENTREDU project aims to encourage access to all practices and theoretical approaches with regard to vocational enterprise training and entrepreneurial studies in Europe. The results will be aimed particularly at curriculum developers and researchers in this field thus promoting innovation, entrepreneurship and self-employment as a valid and attractive career choice to young Europeans through the improvement of individual competencies associated with setting-up of an enterprise. This process should contribute to the creation of a new European enterprise culture, in particular, an SME culture, which is a requirement for the future competitiveness of this sector and the European economy at large. The project is a first attempt to undergo a European wide analysis of enterprise training at vocational level. It sets out to gather data on different enterprise and educational cultures, to analyse and classify both theories and practice in a state-of the-art matrix, all with the aim of providing an initial frame-of-reference for development in the field. Project beneficiaries include trainers, teachers & planners of enterprise training and entrepreneurial studies; researchers & academics within the sector; planners of national curricula; national & community education policy makers and SME policy makers. Project number: FIN/00/C/F/RF-92650 Promoter: Turku School of Economics and Business Administration, Business Research and Development Centre Contact person: Ms Ulla Hytti Address: P.O. BOX 110, FIN-20521 TURKU Telephone: +358 2 33834548 Fax: +358 2 3383393 E-mail: [email protected] Internet: http://www.tukkk.fi/pki Project duration: 24 months Start date: 1 December 2000 End date: 30 November 2002


LEONARDO DA VINCI THEMATIC MONITORING - Group 2 PROCEDURE C “Developing of Skills within Companies, particularly SMEs”

THEME COVERED BY THE PROJECT MAIN RELATED Theme 1: Integration into the Labour


Theme 2: Developing of Skills within Companies, particularly SMEs

Theme 3: Adapting of the Training Supply and New Training Methods -

The Quality of Training

Theme 4: Transparency, Assessment and Validation Knowledge

Theme 5: E-learning

European Network for Qualification in Forestry RELEVANCE OF THE PROJECT TO THE MAIN THEME The ENQuaFor project will create a forum and database on occupational education and training in the forestry sector, thus promoting the harmonisation of qualifications & training and promoting transnational mobility. Structural changes in forestry throughout Europe (technical innovation, ecological demands and outsourcing) are affecting competitiveness and working/training conditions within the industry. ENQuaFor will provide a forum for promoters, training providers and forest entrepreneurs to review existing practice in the field of training in European forestry. The project will further establish a transnational network for the forestry contracting sector, able to function as a dissemination forum for information regarding vocational training, with primary target groups being SMEs, training institutions and individual employees. In order to provide a comprehensive overview of existing national and transnational practice, project results relating to different training measures will be collected and evaluated for potential adaptation within the different participating European countries/regions. This overview will be complemented in the presentation of examples of good practice able to serve as a reference to other users in the forestry-contracting field. ENQuaFor will bring together national forestry contracting associations, training institutions, European organisations involved in Social Dialogue and training experts in forestry. Project partners will work towards the definition of criteria for the harmonisation of training qualifications in Europe. RELEVANCE OF THE PROJECT TO THE RELATED THEME ENQuaFor will encourage and support national/regional actors to benefit from experience and information from partners to continuously improve their vocational training schemes. Project number: EUR/02/C/F/NT-84603 Promoter: European Network of Forest Entrepreneurs Contact person: Edgar Kastenholz Address: Rütteberg 10, D-79294 Sölden Telephone: +49 761 45367431 Fax: +49 761 45367432 E-mail: [email protected] Internet: www.enfe.net Project duration: 36 months Start date: 1.12.2002 End date: 30.11.2005


LEONARDO DA VINCI THEMATIC MONITORING - Group 2 PROCEDURE C “Developing of Skills within Companies, particularly SMEs”

THEME COVERED BY THE PROJECT MAIN RELATED Theme 1: Integration into the Labour


Theme 2: Developing of Skills within Companies, particularly SMEs

Theme 3: Adapting of the Training Supply and New Training Methods -

The Quality of Training

Theme 4: Transparency, Assessment and Validation Knowledge

Theme 5: E-learning

The Refrigeration Craftsman: Competence and Qualification of Personnel working in the field of Refrigeration RELEVANCE OF THE PROJECT TO THE MAIN THEME To meet the need for certified education and training in the European refrigeration industry, this transnational network project will undertake an analysis of the skill requirements for refrigeration craftsmen. The outcome will be a portfolio of required skills/competencies at several levels to define a minimum European Standard. The primary target groups of the project are training institutions, training policy makers and individual SMEs. The project will work with the Air conditioning and Refrigeration European Association (AREA) to obtain recognition of the standard, which will then enable European countries to both compare and measure their vocational education and training programmes. The European industrial standard will be promoted as a tool to improve existing and/or develop new qualifications for refrigeration craftsmen. The definition of the standard will provide a benchmark for training activities and thus assist in both overcoming the shortage of skilled professionals and attracting new young people to the sector. RELEVANCE OF THE PROJECT TO THE RELATED THEME This project will create a European standard with a portfolio of competences for refrigeration craftsmen. All competences (knowledge, skills, etc) of personnel working in the field of refrigeration must be in accordance with the European Directives, such as the Pressure Equipment Directive (PED), and the Environmental Regulations mentioned in the project. They shall be incorporated in the National systems regulating qualification and certification. Through good dissemination channels, the portfolio will become a means of validating competences for qualification and certification purposes in all European participating countries. Project number: EUR/02/C/F/NT-84604 Promoter: Air conditioning and Refrigeration European Association (AREA) Contact person: Robert Berckmans Address: Beau Site Première Avenue, 88, B-1330 Rixensart Telephone: +32 2 6538835 Fax: +32 2 6523872 E-mail: [email protected]; [email protected] Internet: http://www.area-eur.be Project duration: 36 months Start date: 1/12/2002 End date: 30/11/2005


LEONARDO DA VINCI THEMATIC MONITORING - Group 2 PROCEDURE C “Developing of Skills within Companies, particularly SMEs”

THEME COVERED BY THE PROJECT MAIN RELATED Theme 1: Integration into the Labour


Theme 2: Developing of Skills within Companies, particularly SMEs

Theme 3: Adapting of the Training Supply and New Training Methods -

The Quality of Training

Theme 4: Transparency, Assessment and Validation Knowledge

Theme 5: E-learning

Modular Interactive E-Learning Course on Aluminium Fabrication Technology RELEVANCE OF THE PROJECT TO THE MAIN THEME The AluMATTER project will develop a modular, interactive, web-based learning and training environment on aluminium fabrication for the aluminium industry and the aluminium-user industry (downstream industry). The ‘storyboard’ for each training module will be developed by small expert groups featuring representatives of the aluminium industry and education/training specialists. Once developed, each of the training modules will be further tested by both technical and end user representatives, issued as far as possible from SME’s. These modules will be integrated into the existing training curricula of technical universities/colleges as well as into the in-service training provision of SMEs working in the fabrication of aluminium products. RELEVANCE OF THE PROJECT TO THE RELATED THEME The training programme itself will comprise 60 hours of training divided into six training modules (in DE, EN, FR & NL) relevant to aluminium fabrication technologies, namely static and dynamic properties, functional applications, machining technology, formability & forming technology, joining technology & corrosion and surface technology. Each ‘technology’ will be integrated in the overall production chain of specific aluminium products in order to emphasise the link between the process/technology parameters and final product performances. Individual training modules will comprise 60-100 training screens, including interactive animation, simulation, multiple-choice questions, virtual experiments and self-evaluation. The end materials, to be hosted via an ICT learning platform, are planned to be used as distance-training, self-learning materials and further as complementary learning material within vocational training and higher education. Project number: EUR/02/C/F/PP-84701 Promoter: European Aluminium Association Contact person: Patrick de Schrynmakers/Christian Leroy Address: Avenue de Broqueville , 12, B-1150 Bruxelles Telephone: +32 2 7756357 Fax: +32 2 7756343 E-mail: [email protected]; [email protected] Internet: www.eaa.net; www.aluminium.org Project duration: 36 months Start date: 1/12/2002 End date: 30/11/2005


LEONARDO DA VINCI THEMATIC MONITORING - Group 2 PROCEDURE C “Developing of Skills within Companies, particularly SMEs”

THEME COVERED BY THE PROJECT MAIN RELATED Theme 1: Integration into the Labour


Theme 2: Developing of Skills within Companies, particularly SMEs

Theme 3: Adapting of the Training Supply and New Training Methods -

The Quality of Training

Theme 4: Transparency, Assessment and Validation Knowledge

Theme 5: E-learning

Developing and Promoting Vocational Training for Recycling Social Enterprise RELEVANCE OF THE PROJECT TO THE MAIN THEME The RECYCLE-SET project focuses on facilitating adaptability, encouraging entrepreneurial approaches and enabling sustainability in ‘recycling’ social enterprises through the development of a pilot training programme for social enterprise managers, particularly those involved in the re-use of textile and technical equipment. A modular training programme will be designed, developed and piloted, for the skills development of social enterprise managers, at three specific levels. The first two levels will cover strategic development and external development aspects for social enterprises working on WEEE (re-use, treatment, sale and recycling of electrical and electronic appliances) and TEXTILE (collection, re-use, sale and recycling of clothing) with the third level focusing upon social and internal aspects relevant to sectoral development. A pilot phase will be undertaken to both test and validate the prototype and a series of strategies, guidelines, evaluation tools and supporting information will be produced to facilitate implementation of the developed training package both during and after the pilot phase. Project number: EUR/02/C/F/PP-84705 Promoter: Re-Use and Recycling European Union Social Enterprises (RREUSE) Contact person: Paolo Ferraresie Address: 49 rue de la Luzerne, B-1030 Brussels Telephone: +32 (0)475 937 935 Fax: +32 (0)2 502 99 00 E-mail: [email protected] Project duration: 36 months Start date: 1/12/2002 End date: 30/11/2005


LEONARDO DA VINCI THEMATIC MONITORING - Group 2 PROCEDURE C “Developing of Skills within Companies, particularly SMEs”

THEME COVERED BY THE PROJECT MAIN RELATED Theme 1: Integration into the Labour


Theme 2: Developing of Skills within Companies, particularly SMEs

Theme 3: Adapting of the Training Supply and New Training Methods -

The Quality of Training

Theme 4: Transparency, Assessment and Validation Knowledge

Theme 5: E-learning

Statut et rôles de la formation continue pour les personnels qualifiés de la net-économie en situation professionnelle dite "précaire" RELEVANCE OF THE PROJECT TO THE MAIN THEME The principal aim of this project is to analyse, at European level, reports on the evolution of continuous training in the context of job insecurity in the service sector. The project will specifically examine net economy sector and how the development of work conditions in this sector has impacted on continuous training. Evolution of the internet and information and communication technologies (ICT), internationalisation and new forms of working have made this sector a field of experimentation. Universities and SMEs will produce two comprehensive surveys (preliminary survey and survey) of training provision for managerial staffs, executives and middle managers and will use this as the basis for the in-depth analyses of the effectiveness of training/employment in addressing the associated decline in job security. The promotion of Social Dialogue in vocational training should lead to greater awareness on the part of managers and a better understanding of global training needs among employers, training institutions and policy-makers. The project’s recommendations will be directed to decision-makers. The common analysis tool will be distributed to various actors involved in net economy sector. End results will be made available to owners of SMEs, managerial staffs, executives and middle managers in net economy sector and academia. Project number: F/02/C/F/RF-81101 Promoter: UNIVERSITE TOULOUSE-LE MIRAIL (U.T.M.) CENTRE D'ETUDE ET DE RECHERCHE TECHNIQUE ORGANISATION POUVOIR (CERTOP) UNITÉ MIXTE DE RECHERCHE (UMR 5044) Contact person: Corinne Saint-Martin Address: Allées Antonio Machado, 5 , F-31058 TOULOUSE Cedex 9 Telephone: +33 5 61504170 Fax: +33 5 61504378 E-mail: [email protected] Internet: http://www.univ-tlse2.fr/certop/ Project duration: 36 months Start date: 1/12/2002 End date: 30/11/2005


LEONARDO DA VINCI THEMATIC MONITORING - Group 2 PROCEDURE C “Developing of Skills within Companies, particularly SMEs”

THEME COVERED BY THE PROJECT MAIN RELATED Theme 1: Integration into the Labour


Theme 2: Developing of Skills within Companies, particularly SMEs

Theme 3: Adapting of the Training Supply and New Training Methods -

The Quality of Training

Theme 4: Transparency, Assessment and Validation Knowledge

Theme 5: E-learning

Medical Assistance and Therapy in Europe RELEVANCE OF THE PROJECT TO THE MAIN THEME The purpose of this project is to develop guidelines and reference materials with regard to the initial preparation and continuous training of medical and paramedical personnel. Activity will comprise: an analysis of state-of-the-art health organisations, at European level, with particular regard to the preparatory and ongoing training of medical and paramedical personnel; improvement of training curricula; evaluation of continuous training methodology and assessment of the demand for essential knowledge in other, related disciplines (i.e. biophysics, biotechnology and ICT). Analyses will begin with the use of individual questionnaires, with hospital managers, doctors and paramedical personnel, to be followed by interviews with these groups and with individual patients. Results will comprise, an assessment of hospital training needs, an outline training curricula (based upon identified training needs) and guidelines for continuous training. RELEVANCE OF THE PROJECT TO THE RELATED THEME In this research we intend also to suggest how may be improved the training quality in the medical assistance field. Project number: I/02/C/F/RF-81511 Promoter: UNIVERSITÀ DEGLI STUDI DI PERUGIA - Dipartimento di Scienze Biochimiche e Biotecnologie Molecolari Contact person: Franco Magni Address: Policlino Monteluce - PO Box 58 (Succursale 3), I-06123 PERUGIA Telephone: +39 075 5728095 Fax: +39 075 5726803 E-mail: [email protected] Project duration: 36 months Start date: 1/12/2002 End date: 30/11/2005


LEONARDO DA VINCI THEMATIC MONITORING - Group 2 PROCEDURE C “Developing of Skills within Companies, particularly SMEs”

THEME COVERED BY THE PROJECT MAIN RELATED Theme 1: Integration into the Labour


Theme 2: Developing of Skills within Companies, particularly SMEs

Theme 3: Adapting of the Training Supply and New Training Methods -

The Quality of Training

Theme 4: Transparency, Assessment and Validation Knowledge

Theme 5: E-learning

Lutter contre les discriminations au travail RELEVANCE OF THE PROJECT TO THE MAIN THEME The project aims to develop a set of training and awareness-raising tools to identify different forms of discrimination in the workplace. These tools will offer assistance to trainers and workers’ representatives within SMEs. The tools will provide a means of analysing and combating workplace discrimination on a range of grounds – sex, race/ethnicity, age, disability, sexual orientation, criminal record or qualifications. Social Partners, training institutions and SMEs will carry out research across the partner countries to identify the different forms and combinations of discrimination in the workplace, within SMEs. The pilot training tool, which will be created and tested, will help workers’ representatives develop their knowledge of the underlying concepts of discrimination and anti-discrimination legislation and activities. Combating workplace discrimination in all its forms, in SMEs, is an issue in all participating partner countries and is dealt with in different ways. Consequently, the inherent methodology of the NODISCRIM project is to address the complex, pluralistic nature and various manifestations of discrimination. This typology of discrimination will be supplemented with reference material on skills requirements for worker representatives, who have to intervene when workers in SMEs experience discrimination in the workplace, to this end, the training tools created aim to develop appropriate and adequate skills within this target group. RELEVANCE OF THE PROJECT TO THE RELATED THEME By developing assistance tools for trainers and workers representatives in order to identify and to avoid discrimination in companies, the project will also contribute to increase the integration into the labour marked of people who are still victims of discrimination. Project number: F/02/C/F/TH-81007 Promoter: EMERGENCES Contact person: Pierre COUTAZ/ Anne RJASANOWSKI Address: 261, rue de Paris, F-93556 Montreuil Cedex Telephone: +33 1 55821730 Fax: +33 1 55821765 E-mail: [email protected]/; [email protected] Project duration: 24 months Start date: 1/12/2002 End date: 30/11/2004