Leo Tolstoy (9 September 1828 – 20 November 1910) By: Lysie Eldridge http:// russiapedia.rt.com/prominent-russians/literature /leo-tolstoy /

Leo Tolstoy (9 September 1828 – 20 November 1910)

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Leo Tolstoy (9 September 1828 – 20 November 1910). By: Lysie Eldridge. http:// russiapedia.rt.com/prominent-russians/literature/leo-tolstoy /. Early Years. Born in Yasnaya Polyana, in the Tula Province of Russia to Princess Volkonskaya and Count Nikolay Tolstoy - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Page 1: Leo Tolstoy (9 September 1828 – 20 November 1910)

Leo Tolstoy(9 September 1828 – 20 November 1910)

By: Lysie Eldridgehttp://russiapedia.rt.com/prominent-russians/literature/leo-tolstoy/

Page 2: Leo Tolstoy (9 September 1828 – 20 November 1910)

Early YearsBorn in Yasnaya

Polyana, in the Tula Province of Russia to Princess Volkonskaya and Count Nikolay Tolstoy

Went to live with aunt after passing of both parents


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Received his primary education from French and German tutors

He enrolled in an Oriental languages program at the University of Kazan in 1843

Early Years

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Adult Life

He left the university in 1847 and attempted to become a farmer, which he failed at

Convinced by his brother, Nikolay, to join the army, he fought in the Crimean War from November 1854 through August 1855


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Established himself as a moral and religious leader toward the last 30 years of life

Received rewards of international acclaim

Disagreement with his wife over his spiritual beliefs led him to going on a pilgrimage with his daughter, Aleksandra, in October 1910, where he died

Adult Life

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Writing HighlightsFirst started to write in a

journal after he began farming where he poured out thoughts

Used current events to examine war, religion, feminism, and other related topics

His first great novel, War and Peace, reflected on Napoleonic wars and included satire of historical laws

Wrote his works on the genre of realism http://www.amazon.com/War-And-Peace-Signet-Classics/dp/0451530543

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Incorporates his own ideas and beliefs in his works

Wrote about events that had been going on in the world

His own crisis on spiritual beliefs were expressed in Anna Karenina

Expressed his ideas clearly and concisely in his works

Went into great detail in writings to thoroughly express the thoughts of the characters

Writing Highlights

Page 8: Leo Tolstoy (9 September 1828 – 20 November 1910)

Historical and Cultural Context of Anna KareninaExpresses Russian society in

the Great Reforms Tolstoy’s own personal

transformations expressed through his character Levin

Serfs in the late 1800’s lived difficult lives, discussion on their education, lives, and farming techniques were a major theme discussed throughout novel


Page 9: Leo Tolstoy (9 September 1828 – 20 November 1910)

Historical and Cultural Context of Anna KareninaGreat Reform(1855-

1881):Lack of technological

and industrial advancement

Alexander II attempted to end serfdom, which was opposed by many of the land owning nobility

Shift towards individualism

Debate over women’s rights http://moviecarpet.com/new-anna-karenina-images-have-landed-2012-10-05.html

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Strong use of symbolism in novelOne of most significant was the train

Used to represent the impending failure of the love affair between Count Vronsky and Ana

First introduced to the symbol when Anna and Vronsky first meet at the train station. A man was killed by jumping in front of the train. Anna referred to this incident as a “bad omen”

From then on the two carry on a rocky relationship filled with jealousy and unsure feelings between each other

You then see a train at the end of their relationship, and Anna’s life. She believed that Vronsky didn’t love her anymore and was cheating on her. On her way to go see and talk to him at his mothers, at the train station Anna remembers the man who jumped on the day they met. So to spite him, and make him feel how much he loves her, she jumps

Analysis Of Anna Karenina*Spoiler Alert*

Page 11: Leo Tolstoy (9 September 1828 – 20 November 1910)

Several themes from the novelImportance of Family Life

PositivesLevin builds up his family from originally nothing. Develops a closer

relationship with his brother and is with him through his deathDifficulties

Limits individual freedom especially with Oblonsky and Levin. Anna must decide between her son and Vronsky. Anna loses meaning of life with the loss of her family

Social ChangeWomen’s rights

Talked about during a dinner conversation as well as talked about with the arrangement of marriages

Change in the things that people valued- old ideas to new freethinking and independent ideasSeen when Levin tries to modernize his farming technique and in

the council meetings

Analysis Of Anna Karenina

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Dolly is married to Stiva Oblonsky, the brother of Anna Karenin. He had had an affair with their old countess. After Dolly found out of the affair she was very upset and wanted nothing to do with him. Oblonsky called upon his sister to help them reconcile. After helping the two work things out, she returns to her husband, and government official , Alexis Karenin, and son, Seryohza. Upon her return she begins an affair with Count Alexis

Vronsky, a man she met when visiting her brother. The two carry out the relationship, and Anna in turn learns she is pregnant. After Anna’s husband learns of the affair, he allows it to carry on as long as Vronsky doesn’t come to their home and his reputation isn’t ruined by it. After crossing Vronsky at his house, Karenin wants a divorce but Anna refuses. Vronsky asks for Dolly’s help to convince Anna to carry through with it.

Context of Excerpt from Anna Karenina

Page 13: Leo Tolstoy (9 September 1828 – 20 November 1910)

Anna meets up with Dolly to ask her opinion on the situation of her affair and the way she is living. They discuss Anna getting a divorce with Karenin and marrying Vronksy. Also, how Vronksy suffers from his position but endures it for Anna. The discussion of children also comes into play. Anna can’t dream of putting a child in the position where they would bear a strangers name and be ashamed of their parents. She can’t cant ask for a divorce because her husband wouldn’t give her one, and even if she did it would mean acknowledging her guilt to a man she hates as well as completely giving up her son.

Summary of Excerpt

Page 14: Leo Tolstoy (9 September 1828 – 20 November 1910)

Definition: A piece of writing expressing a characters inner thoughts, feelings, and impressions

Illustration from excerpt: pg 762“For her this was one of those discoveries that leads… to simple a solution for too complicated a problem

ExcerptInterior Monologue

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Definition: A repeated element or themeExample: Mirrors being a motif in HamletExamples from novel:

Adultery- Oblonsky with his countess Anna and VronskyForgiveness-Dolly forgives Oblonsky for the affairAnna begs Karenin for forgiveness after almost dying while giving birth

Illustration from excerpt:Adultery- Anna’s affair with Vronsky is brought up in the discussion of the divorceForgiveness- Getting a divorce from her husband would mean Anna acknowledging her guilt to her husband and wanting forgiveness for it, something she cant do


Page 16: Leo Tolstoy (9 September 1828 – 20 November 1910)

Definition: Series of events that build up to the climax

Example: In The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde Poole coming to Mr. Utterson to help figure out what was wrong with Dr. Jekyll was rising action

Illustration from excerpt: This scene is rising action it gives insight into the complicated nature of the relationship between Anna and Vronsky. Also, how Anna feels she has to sacrifice many things to have him and keep his love

Excerpt Rising Action

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Love:-Anna doesn’t want to have anymore children, because she is afraid that their love wouldn’t be the same with children. She can either be pregnant and ill, or a committed and faithful companion. Her love for Vronsky is stronger than the alternative-The two people Anna loves more than anything are her son, Seryozha, and Vronksy. It pains her that no matter what she does in this situation, she cant unite the two into her life

Hate:-Anna can’t imagine asking her husband for a divorce. It would mean that she acknowledges she feels guilty in her having an affair . She can’t fathom the idea of admitting this to the man she hates more than anything-Anna is afraid of bearing children and having them hate her for the life she is bringing them into-Brief mention of Kitty hating Anna for taking Vronsky from her

Love and Hate in Excerpt

Page 18: Leo Tolstoy (9 September 1828 – 20 November 1910)

Fun Facts on TolstoyGandhi and MLK were

influenced by Tolstoy’s philosophy on nonviolent resistance to evil

Character Levin was based on himself

Gave away much of the wealth he inherited because he thought he was unworthy of it

Had a special interest in Buddhist philosophy
