Leica TPS800 Series User Manual Version 4.0 English

Leica TPS800 Series - SCCS...Leica TPS800-4.0.1en 4 Validity of this manual Description General This manual applies to all TPS800 Series inst ruments. Where there are differences between

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Page 1: Leica TPS800 Series - SCCS...Leica TPS800-4.0.1en 4 Validity of this manual Description General This manual applies to all TPS800 Series inst ruments. Where there are differences between

Leica TPS800 SeriesUser Manual

Version English


Page 2: Leica TPS800 Series - SCCS...Leica TPS800-4.0.1en 4 Validity of this manual Description General This manual applies to all TPS800 Series inst ruments. Where there are differences between

entification the serial number of your product are e type plate.el and serial number in your manual fer to this information when you need r agency or Leica Geosystems autho-orkshop.

______ Serial no.: ____________

2Leica TPS800-4.0.1en

Electronical Total StationCongratulations on the purchase of a TPS800 series instrument.

This manual contains important safety directions as well as instructions for setting up the product and operating it. Refer to "Safety Directions" for further information.Read carefully through the User Manual before you switch on the product.

Product idThe model andindicated on thEnter the modand always reto contact yourized service w

Type: ______

Page 3: Leica TPS800 Series - SCCS...Leica TPS800-4.0.1en 4 Validity of this manual Description General This manual applies to all TPS800 Series inst ruments. Where there are differences between

Leica TPS800-4.0.1en

s(registered trademark of Microsoft n).

marks are the property of their respec-

Important paragraphs which must be adhered to in practice as they enable the product to be used in a technically correct and efficient manner.



SymbolsThe symbols used in this manual have the following meanings:

Trademark• Windows

CorporatioAll other tradetive owners.

Type Description

� Danger Indicates an imminently hazardous situation which, if not avoided, will result in death or serious injury.

� Warning Indicates a potentially hazardous situation or an unintended use which, if not avoided, could result in death or serious injury.

� Caution Indicates a potentially hazardous situation or an unintended use which, if not avoided, may result in minor or moderate injury and/or appreciable material, financial and environmental damage.


Page 4: Leica TPS800 Series - SCCS...Leica TPS800-4.0.1en 4 Validity of this manual Description General This manual applies to all TPS800 Series inst ruments. Where there are differences between

Where there are differences between

mode "IR" this telescope type uses xially from the telescope's objective.

EDM additionally offer the EDM DM modes a narrow visible red laser

4Leica TPS800-4.0.1en

Validity of this manualDescription

General This manual applies to all TPS800 Series instruments. the various models they are clearly described.

Telescope • When measuring distances to a reflector with EDMa wide visible red laser beam, which emerges coa

• Instruments that are equipped with a reflectorlessmodes "RL" and "RL-Prism". When using these Ebeam is used to measure distances.

Page 5: Leica TPS800 Series - SCCS...Leica TPS800-4.0.1en 4 Validity of this manual Description General This manual applies to all TPS800 Series inst ruments. Where there are differences between

Leica TPS800-4.0.1en

ameters.......................... 156

fer................................... 157

o ..................................... 158

Protection with PIN ..... 159

ransport......................... 160

ctions ............................ 163

Data ................................ 184

al Limited Warranty, icense Agreement ........ 195

........................................ 197


Contents - OverviewIntroduction ...................................... 10

Operating the Instrument ................ 18

Measuring Preparation / Setting up 26

FNC Key ............................................ 39

Programs........................................... 47

Settings ........................................... 134

EDM Settings .................................. 140

File Management ............................ 145

Start-up sequence .......................... 148

Check & Adjust............................... 149


Data Trans

System Inf


Care and T

Safety Dire


InternationSoftware L

Index ........

Page 6: Leica TPS800 Series - SCCS...Leica TPS800-4.0.1en 4 Validity of this manual Description General This manual applies to all TPS800 Series inst ruments. Where there are differences between

bol "Compensator" ....................... 24bol "Offset" ................................... 24bol "Character Input" .................... 24

....................................................... 25

Preparation / ...................................................... 26

....................................................... 26

....................................................... 27the tripod...................................... 29Setup........................................... 30p with the electronic level p ................................................... 32sity................................................ 33sitioning ...................................... 33..................................................... 34ters ............................................... 34aracters ......................................... 34aracters........................................ 34.................................................... 36

6Leica TPS800-4.0.1en

ContentsIntroduction .................................................. 10

Important parts............................................... 11Technical terms and abbreviations ............ 12Area of applicability....................................... 15PC Program Package Leica Geo Office Tools (LGO-Tools) ......... 15

Installation on the PC ..................................... 15Program content............................................. 15

Power Supply................................................. 17

Operating the Instrument....................... 18Keypad ............................................................ 18

Fixed keys ...................................................... 19Trigger key...................................................... 19Selection of Language.................................. 19Distance measurement ................................ 20Softkeys .......................................................... 23Symbols .......................................................... 24

Status symbol "EDM type" ............................. 24Status symbol "Battery capacity" ................... 24

Status symStatus symStatus sym

Menu tree.

MeasuringSetting up

UnpackingBatteries...Setting up Instrument Levelling ustep-by-steLaser intenHints for poInput mode

Edit characErasing chInserting ch


Page 7: Leica TPS800 Series - SCCS...Leica TPS800-4.0.1en 4 Validity of this manual Description General This manual applies to all TPS800 Series inst ruments. Where there are differences between

Leica TPS800-4.0.1en

s.................................................... 53n .................................................... 53...................................................... 54...................................................... 55n.................................................... 57Line/Arc ........................................ 64e ................................................... 79ume ............................................... 81ight ............................................... 84n ................................................... 85 3D (optional)................................ 87.................................................... 110O (optional) ............................... 115

Plane .......................................... 128..................................................... 131e .................................................. 132

..................................................... 134

gs ............................................. 140

ement...................................... 145

quence ................................... 148

djust ......................................... 149t error (Hz-collimation)........... 150


Wildcard search............................................. 37Measuring....................................................... 38

FNC Key.......................................................... 39Light On /Off................................................... 39Level/Plummet ............................................... 39IR/ RL Toggle................................................. 39Laser Pointer.................................................. 39Free-Coding ................................................... 39Units................................................................. 39Delete Last Record ....................................... 40Lock with PIN ................................................. 40Check Tie........................................................ 40Tracking .......................................................... 41Target Offset .................................................. 41Main Settings ................................................. 44Height Transfer.............................................. 44Hidden Point................................................... 45

Programs ....................................................... 47Application pre-settings................................ 47

Setting job ...................................................... 47Setting Station................................................ 48Orientation...................................................... 49

ApplicationIntroductioSurveying .Stake out ..Free StatioReference Tie DistancArea & VolRemote HeConstructioRoadworksCOGO ......TraversePRReference

Coding......Quick Cod


EDM SettinFile ManagStart-up seCheck & A


Page 8: Leica TPS800 Series - SCCS...Leica TPS800-4.0.1en 4 Validity of this manual Description General This manual applies to all TPS800 Series inst ruments. Where there are differences between

prisms......................................... 162ucts............................................. 162 plugs ......................................... 162

ctions...................................... 163se................................................ 163se ............................................... 163e ................................................. 163e ................................................ 164

lities............................................ 165 use............................................. 166sification..................................... 170.................................................... 170Measurements tors (IR mode)............................. 170Measurements flectors (RL mode)....................... 173Guide Light EGL.......................... 176met ............................................. 177netic Compatibility EMC ........ 180ent, Applicable in U.S........... 182

Data........................................... 184ic correction .............................. 190formulae ...................................... 193

8Leica TPS800-4.0.1en

V-Index (Vertical index error) .................... 150Tripod ........................................................... 153Circular level ................................................ 153Circular level on the tribrach ........................ 154Laser plummet ............................................. 154

COMM Parameters .................................. 156

Data Transfer ............................................. 157

System Info ................................................. 158

Instrument Protection with PIN......... 159

Care and Transport ................................. 160Transport ...................................................... 160

Transport in the field .................................... 160Transport in a road vehicle........................... 160Shipping ....................................................... 160Shipping, transport of batteries .................... 160Field adjustment........................................... 160

Storage.......................................................... 161Product......................................................... 161Field adjustment........................................... 161Batteries ....................................................... 161

Cleaning and Drying ................................... 162Objective, eyepiece and prisms ................... 162

Fogging ofDamp prodCables and

Safety DireIntended U

Permitted uAdverse us

Limits of UsResponsibiHazards ofLaser Clas

General ....Distancer, with ReflecDistancer, without ReElectronic Laser plum

ElectromagFCC Statem

Technical Atmospher


Page 9: Leica TPS800 Series - SCCS...Leica TPS800-4.0.1en 4 Validity of this manual Description General This manual applies to all TPS800 Series inst ruments. Where there are differences between

Leica TPS800-4.0.1en


International Limited Warranty, Software License Agreement............. 195

International Limited Warranty.................. 195Software License Agreement.................... 195

Index............................................................... 197

Page 10: Leica TPS800 Series - SCCS...Leica TPS800-4.0.1en 4 Validity of this manual Description General This manual applies to all TPS800 Series inst ruments. Where there are differences between



















* ?!



10Leica TPS800-4.0.1en

IntroductionThe Leica Geosystems TPS800 is a high-quality electronic Total Station.Its innovative technology makes the daily surveying jobs easier.The instrument is ideally suited for simple construc-tion surveys and stake out tasks.The easy operation of the instrument functions can be learned without problems in no time.


Page 11: Leica TPS800 Series - SCCS...Leica TPS800-4.0.1en 4 Validity of this manual Description General This manual applies to all TPS800 Series inst ruments. Where there are differences between

Leica TPS800-4.0.1en

ht guide light EGL (optional)ive

nd for GEB111ver focussing graticule telescope image

le carrying handle with mounting

rface RS232

with integrated Electronic Distance ent (EDM); Beam exit

velyyl drive


Important parts1) Optical sig2) Integrated3) Vertical dr4) Battery5) Battery sta6) Battery co7) Eyepiece;8) Focussing9) Detachab

screws10) Serial inte11) Foot screw12) Objective

Measurem13) Display14) Keyboard15) Circular le16) On/Off ke17) Trigger ke18) HorizontaInstruments with EGL Instruments without EGL


















* ?!



Page 12: Leica TPS800 Series - SCCS...Leica TPS800-4.0.1en 4 Validity of this manual Description General This manual applies to all TPS800 Series inst ruments. Where there are differences between


sight / collimation axiss = line from the reticle to the centre of

g axisn axis of the telescope.xistion axis of the telescope (Trunion

ngle / zenith angle circlecular division for reading the V-angle.tal directiontal circlecular division for reading the Hz-

12Leica TPS800-4.0.1en

Technical terms and abbreviationsZA = Line-of-Telescope axithe objective.SA = StandinVertical rotatioKA = Tilting aHorizontal rotaaxis).V = Vertical aVK = VerticalWith coded cirHz = HorizonHK = HorizonWith coded cirangle.


Page 13: Leica TPS800 Series - SCCS...Leica TPS800-4.0.1en 4 Validity of this manual Description General This manual applies to all TPS800 Series inst ruments. Where there are differences between

Leica TPS800-4.0.1en

Plumb line / CompensatorDirection of gravity. The compen-sator defines the plumb line within the instrument.

ZenithPoint on the plumb line above the observer.

ReticleGlass plate within the telescope with reticle.


Standing axis inclinationAngle between plumb line and standing axis. Standing axis tilt is not an instrument error and is not eliminated by measuring in both faces. Any possible influence it may have on the Hz-direction resp. V-angle is eliminate by the dual axis compensator.Line-of-sight error (Hz-collima-tion)The line-of-sight error is the devia-tion from the perpendicular between tilting axis and line-of-sight. This could be eliminated by measuring in both faces.V-Index (Vertical index error)With horizontal line-of-sight the V-circle reading should be exactly 90°(100gon). The deviation from this values is termed V-index (i).







Page 14: Leica TPS800 Series - SCCS...Leica TPS800-4.0.1en 4 Validity of this manual Description General This manual applies to all TPS800 Series inst ruments. Where there are differences between


ted meteorological corrected slope ce between instrument tilting axis and of prism/laser dot (TCR).ted meteorological corrected hori- distance.t difference between station and point.tor height above groundent height above ground

n coordinate (Easting)n coordinate (Northing)n heightg of target pointng of target pointt of target point

14Leica TPS800-4.0.1en


hr Reflechi InstrumE0 StatioN0 StatioH0 StatioE EastinN NorthiH Heigh


Page 15: Leica TPS800 Series - SCCS...Leica TPS800-4.0.1en 4 Validity of this manual Description General This manual applies to all TPS800 Series inst ruments. Where there are differences between

Leica TPS800-4.0.1en

m Package Office Tools (LGO-Tools)ackage LGO-Tools is used for the between the Total Station and the several auxiliary programs in order to se of the instrument.

on the PCn program can be found on the CD-. Please note that LGO-Tools can ed on computers with MS Windows Vista operating systems.revious versions of LGO-Tools on r must be uninstalled first before ew version.tion call program "setup.exe" in the -Tools on the CD-ROM and follow ctions of the installation program.

tentul installation the following programs


Area of applicabilityThis User Manual is valid for all instruments of the TPS800 Series.

PC PrograLeica GeoThe program pdata exchangePC. It containssupport your u

Installation The installatioROM suppliedonly be install2000, XP and

Any pyour computeinstalling the nFor the installadirectory \LGOthe input instru

Program conAfter successfappear:

Page 16: Leica TPS800 Series - SCCS...Leica TPS800-4.0.1en 4 Validity of this manual Description General This manual applies to all TPS800 Series inst ruments. Where there are differences between


anager g of own, special formatted data

s.tion Manager

port as well as creating of instrument ion.ore information about LGO-Tools refer hensive Online Help.

16Leica TPS800-4.0.1en

Tools• Data Exchange Manager

For data exchange of coordinates, measure-ments, codelists and output formats between instrument and PC.

• Coordinate EditorImport/Export as well as creating and processing of coordinate files.

• Codelist Manager For creating and processing of codelists.

• Software Upload For loading system software and EDM-software.

For EDM Software upload only LGO/LGO-Tools Software Version 3.0 or higher must be used for error free operation.Not using the correct upload Software can permanently damage the instrument.

Before the Software Upload, always insert a charged battery into the instrument.

• Format MFor creatinoutput file

• ConfiguraImport/Exconfigurat

For mto the compre

Page 17: Leica TPS800 Series - SCCS...Leica TPS800-4.0.1en 4 Validity of this manual Description General This manual applies to all TPS800 Series inst ruments. Where there are differences between

Leica TPS800-4.0.1en

ls in the battery adapter GAD39

osystems instrument is powered by plug-in batteries. For this product, we e basic battery (GEB111) or the Pro 21). Optionally six single cells can be GAD39 battery adapter. batteries (1.5 V each) supply 9 Volts. on the instrument is designed for a olts (GEB111/ GEB121). ttery charge is not displayed correctly gle cells. Use the single cells with the r as emergency power supply. The

the single cells is in a lower rate of n over long periods.


Power SupplyUse the Leica Geosystems batteries, chargers and accessories or accessories recommended by Leica Geosystems to ensure the correct functionality of the instrument.Power for the instrument can be supplied either internally or externally. An external battery is connected to the instrument using a LEMO cable.• Internal battery:

One GEB111 or 121 battery fit in the battery compartment.

• External battery:One GEB171 battery connected via cable.

1 GEB1212 GEB1113 Single cel

Your Leica Gerechargeable recommend thbattery (GEB1used with the Six single cell The voltmetervoltage of 6 V

The bawhen using sinbattery adapteadvantage of discharge eve


1 2 3

Page 18: Leica TPS800 Series - SCCS...Leica TPS800-4.0.1en 4 Validity of this manual Description General This manual applies to all TPS800 Series inst ruments. Where there are differences between

Operating the Instrument

easured field.

s firmly assigned functions.eric keys keys

input bar in edit and input mode or focus bar.eysed the variable functions displayed at of the screen.rnctions that can be called up with the


18Leica TPS800-4.0.1en

Operating the InstrumentThe On / Off key is located on the side cover of the Total Station.

All shown displays are examples. It is possible that local software versions are different to the basic version.


1) FocusActively m

2) Symbols3) Fixed key

Keys with4) Alphanum5) Navigation

Control ofcontrol of

6) Function kAre assignthe bottom

7) Softkey baDisplays fufunction k




Page 19: Leica TPS800 Series - SCCS...Leica TPS800-4.0.1en 4 Validity of this manual Description General This manual applies to all TPS800 Series inst ruments. Where there are differences between

Leica TPS800-4.0.1en

yent trigger has three settings F).

e activated in the configuration menu.

nus with multiple entries a shortcut wn on the right of each entry.ber allowing a direct start, without

of Language on the instrument the user is able to ferred language.

choose the language is only shown if are loaded onto the instrument and

On is set in Settings dialog.ditional language connect the instru-ools Version 4.0 or higher via the and load using "LGO Tools - Soft-

19Operating the Instrument

Fixed keys[PAGE] Scrolls to next page when a dialogue

consists of several pages.[MENU] Accesses programs, settings, the data

manager, adjustments, communica-tions parameters, system information and data transfer.

[USER] Key, programmable with function from the FNC menu.

[FNC] Quick-access to measurement-supporting functions.

[ESC] Quit a dialog or the edit mode with acti-vation of the "previous" value. Return to next higher level.Confirm an input; continue to the next field.

Trigger keThe measurem(ALL,DIST, OFThe key can b

At menumber is shoUsing this numpaging.

Selection After switchingchoose his preThe dialog to two languagesLang.choice:To load an adment to LGO Tserial interfaceware Upload".

Page 20: Leica TPS800 Series - SCCS...Leica TPS800-4.0.1en 4 Validity of this manual Description General This manual applies to all TPS800 Series inst ruments. Where there are differences between

Operating the Instrument

cars, animals, swaying branches, etc. r beam while a measurement is being n of the laser beam is reflected and

correct distance values.ting the measuring beam while taking easurements or measurements using Measurements to prism reflectors are n object crosses the measuring beam f 0 to 30m and the distance to be ore than 300m.cause the measuring time is very r can always find a way of avoiding ituations.hort distances may be measured IR mode to well reflecting targets. istances are corrected with the addi-efined for the active reflector.

20Leica TPS800-4.0.1en

Distance measurementA laser distancer (EDM) is incorporated into the instruments of the TPS800 series.In all versions, the distance can be determined by using an Laser beam which emerges coaxially from the telescope objective.

Measurements to strongly reflecting targets such as to traffic lights in Reflector EDM mode without prism should be avoided. The measured distances may be wrong or inaccu-rate.For applications without reflector a special arrange-ment of the EDM, and appropriate arrangement of the beam paths, enable ranges of over five kilome-tres to be attained with standard prisms. Miniprisms, 360° reflectors and reflector tapes can also be used, and measurement is also possible without a reflector.

When a distance measurement is trig-gered, the EDM measures to the object which is in the beam path at that moment.

If e.g. people, cross the lasetaken, a fractiomay lead to inAvoid interrupreflectorless mreflective foils.only critical if aat a distance omeasured is mIn practice, beshort, the usethese critical s

Very sreflectorless inNote that the dtive constant d

Page 21: Leica TPS800 Series - SCCS...Leica TPS800-4.0.1en 4 Validity of this manual Description General This manual applies to all TPS800 Series inst ruments. Where there are differences between

Leica TPS800-4.0.1en

re that the laser beam is not reflected ose to the line of sight (e.g. highly cts). a distance measurement is triggered, sures to the object which is in the that moment. In case of temporary .g. a passing vehicle, heavy rain, fog DM may measure to the obstruction.

measuring longer distances, any the red laser beam from the line of d to less accurate measurements. e the laser beam might not be the point at which the crosshairs are

recommended to verify that the R-llimated with the telescope line of he chapter "Checking and adjusting").t measure with two instruments to the imultaneously.

21Operating the Instrument

Incorrect result

Correct result

ReflectorlessBe su

by anything clreflective obje

Whenthe EDM meabeam path at obstruction (eor snow) the E

Whendivergence of sight might leaThis is becausreflected frompointing.Therefore, it islaser is well cosight (refer to t

Do nosame target s



Page 22: Leica TPS800 Series - SCCS...Leica TPS800-4.0.1en 4 Validity of this manual Description General This manual applies to all TPS800 Series inst ruments. Where there are differences between

Operating the Instrument

eflector tape laser beam can be used to measure ils, also. To guarantee the accuracy eam must be perpendicular to the

and it must be well adjusted (refer to hecking and adjusting").sure the additive constant belongs to rget (reflector).

22Leica TPS800-4.0.1en

Red laser to prismsAccurate measurements to prisms should

be made with the standard program (Reflector EDM mode).

Red laser to rThe visible redto reflective fothe red laser breflector tape the chapter "C

Make the selected ta

Page 23: Leica TPS800 Series - SCCS...Leica TPS800-4.0.1en 4 Validity of this manual Description General This manual applies to all TPS800 Series inst ruments. Where there are differences between

Leica TPS800-4.0.1en

eys:arts distance and angle measure-ents and saves measured values.arts distance and angle measure-ents without saving measured values.ves displayed values.letes current value in the display and ready for the input of a new value.pens the coordinate input mode.splays the list of available points.arts the search for the point entered.splays EDM settings.ggles between reflector- and reflec-

rless measurement modes.ck to last active dialog.ntinue to next dialog.turns to highest softkey level. next softkey level.t displayed message or dialog and it dialog.rther information about menu/appli-

buttons in the relevant sections.

23Operating the Instrument


Under softkeys, a selection of commands and func-tions is listed at the bottom of the screen. They can be activated with the corresponding function keys. The available scope of each function depends on the applications / functions currently active.

General softk[ALL] St

m[DIST] St


is [ENH] O[LIST] Di[FIND] St[EDM] Di[IR/RL] To

to[PREV] Ba[NEXT] Co


[OK] Sequ

Find fucation specific



PtID : 982Hz : 50.0000 gV : 66.6667 g : 67.903 m : 3.987 m



Page 24: Leica TPS800 Series - SCCS...Leica TPS800-4.0.1en 4 Validity of this manual Description General This manual applies to all TPS800 Series inst ruments. Where there are differences between

Operating the Instrument

ol "EDM type"flector EDM mode for measuring to

isms and reflective targets.flectorless EDM mode for measuring

all targets.

ol "Battery capacity"e battery symbol indicates the level of

e remaining battery capacity (75% full own in the example).

ol "Compensator"mpensator is on.

mpensator is off.

ol "Offset"ffset is active.

ol "Character Input"meric Mode

phanumeric Mode

24Leica TPS800-4.0.1en

SymbolsDepending on software version different symbols are displayed indicating a particular operating status.

A double arrow indicates choice fields.

Using the navigation keys the desired parameter can be selected. Quits a selection with the enter key or the navigation keys.

Indicates that several pages are avail-able which can be selected with [PAGE].

Indicates telescope position I or II.

Indicates that Hz is set to "left side angle measurement" (anti-clockwise).

Status symbReprReto

Status symbThthsh

Status symbCo


Status symb! O

Status symbNu






Page 25: Leica TPS800 Series - SCCS...Leica TPS800-4.0.1en 4 Validity of this manual Description General This manual applies to all TPS800 Series inst ruments. Where there are differences between

Leica TPS800-4.0.1en

ManagementJobFixpointsMeasurementsCodesInitialize MemoryMemory Statistic

ustmentsHz-CollimationV-IndexView Adjustment Datamunication ParametersBaudrateDatabitsParityEndmarkStopbits

a TransferJobDataFormat

o Start (Start-up sequence)tem InfoBatteryInstrument TemperatureDisplay HeaterDateTimeSW-Info Operating-System, Application SW, Layout, Instrument Type, Serial Number


25Operating the Instrument

Menu tree[MENU] > Confirm menu selection.[PAGE] Scroll to next page.

Depending on user interface sequence and arrangement of menu items may be different.


—— Programs —— Surveying —— Stake Out —— Free Station —— COGO —— Tie Distance —— Area & Volume —— Remote Height —— Reference Line/Arc —— Roadworks 3D —— Construction —— TraversePRO —— Reference Plane —— Settings —— Contrast, Trigger Key, USER Key, V-Setting, Tilt Correction, Hz Collimation, Language —— Sector Beep, Beep, Hz Incrementation, Reticle Illumin., DSP Heater, Auto-Off, Pre-/Suffix —— Min. Reading, Angle Unit, Distance Unit, Distance Decimals, Temperature Unit, Pressure Unit, Code Record —— Face I Definition, Data Output, GSI 8/16, Mask 1/2/3 —— EDM Settings —— EDM-Mode —— Prism Type —— Prism Constant —— Laser-Point —— Guide Light

—— File —— —— —— —— —— ——

—— Adj —— —— —— —— Com —— —— —— —— —— —— Dat —— —— —— —— Aut —— Sys —— —— —— —— —— —— —— PIN

Page 26: Leica TPS800 Series - SCCS...Leica TPS800-4.0.1en 4 Validity of this manual Description General This manual applies to all TPS800 Series inst ruments. Where there are differences between

Measuring Preparation / Setting up

(optional)piece or eyepiece for steep angles

ionle tribrach (optional)arger and accessories (optional)t toolsB111 (optional)ini Prism Adapter (optional)B121 (optional)i prism (optional)racket GHT196 for height meter

ter GHM007 (optional) cover / Lens hood rods + holder (optional)ualeight for Zenith eyepiece (optional)

26Leica TPS800-4.0.1en

Measuring Preparation / Setting up

UnpackingRemove instrument from transport case and check for completeness:

1) Data cable2) Zenith eye

(optional)3) Total Stat4) Removab5) Battery ch6) Adjustmen7) Battery GE8) GAD105 M9) Battery GE10) Tip for min11) Spacing b

(optional)12) Height me13) Protective14) Mini prism15) Mini prism16) User Man17) CounterwTPS800_Z14
















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Leica TPS800-4.0.1en

ery into battery holder.ery holder into instrument.

battery correctly (note pole markings f the battery holder). Check and insert true to side into the housing. the battery refer to chapter "Charging es".e of battery refer to chapter "Tech-


3. 4.

27Measuring Preparation / Setting

BatteriesInserting / Replacing Battery

1. Remove battery holder.2. Remove battery.

3. Insert batt4. Insert batt

Insert on the inside obattery holder• To charge

the batteri• For the typ

nical data

TPS800_Z15 1. 2. TPS800_Z16

Page 28: Leica TPS800 Series - SCCS...Leica TPS800-4.0.1en 4 Validity of this manual Description General This manual applies to all TPS800 Series inst ruments. Where there are differences between

Measuring Preparation / Setting up

tion/Dischargingteries can be operated from -20°C to +131°F. temperatures reduce the capacity wn; very high operating temperatures

rvice life of the battery.

28Leica TPS800-4.0.1en

When using the GEB121 battery, remove the spacer for the GEB111 from the battery compartment.

Charging / first-time use• The battery must be charged prior to using for

the first time because it is delivered with an energy content as low as possible.

• For new batteries or batteries that have been stored for a long time (> three months), it is effectual to make 3 - 5 charge/discharge cycles.

• The permissible temperature range for charging is between 0°C to +35°C / +32°F to +95°F. For optimal charging we recommend charging the batteries at a low ambient temperature of +10°C to +20°C/+50°F to +68°F if possible.

• It is normal for the battery to become warm during charging. Using the chargers recom-mended by Leica Geosystems, it is not possible to charge the battery if the temperature is too high.

OperaThe bat

+55°C/-4°F toLow operatingthat can be drareduce the se

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Leica TPS800-4.0.1en

e clamping screws on the tripod legs, the required length and tighten the

guarantee a firm foothold sufficiently tripod legs into the ground. When he legs into the ground note that the t be applied along the legs.

setting up the tripod pay attention to a ition of the tripod plate. ns of inclination can be made with the

the tribrach. Larger corrections must he tripod legs. using a tribrach with an optical laser plummet cannot be used.

29Measuring Preparation / Setting

Setting up the tripod 1. Loosen thpull out toclamps.

2. In order topress the pressing tforce mus

Whenhorizontal posSlight correctiofoot screws ofbe done with t

Whenplummet, the



Page 30: Leica TPS800 Series - SCCS...Leica TPS800-4.0.1en 4 Validity of this manual Description General This manual applies to all TPS800 Series inst ruments. Where there are differences between

Measuring Preparation / Setting up

t Setup

cribes an instrument setup over a d point using the laser plummet. It is le to set up the instrument without the rked ground point.tant features:ways recommended to shield the

ent from direct sunlight and avoid n temperatures around the instru-

ser plummet described in this topic is to the vertical axis of the instrument. cts a red spot onto the ground,

g it appreciably easier to centre the ent.

ser plummet cannot be used in ction with a tribrach equipped with an l plummet.

30Leica TPS800-4.0.1en

Careful handling of tripod• Check all screws and bolts for correct fit.• During transport always use the cover supplied.• Use the tripod only for surveying tasks.

InstrumenDescriptionThis topic desmarked grounalways possibneed for a ma

Impor• It is al


• The labuilt inIt projemakininstrum

• The laconjunoptica


Page 31: Leica TPS800 Series - SCCS...Leica TPS800-4.0.1en 4 Validity of this manual Description General This manual applies to all TPS800 Series inst ruments. Where there are differences between

Leica TPS800-4.0.1en

e instrument and switch on the laser nd electronic level by pressing [FNC] lummet]. tripod legs (1) and use the tribrach s (6) to centre the plummet (4) over point.

tripod legs to level the circular level (7).he electronic level turn the tribrach s (6) to precisely level the instrument.to "Levelling up with the electronic tep" for more information. instrument precisely over the ground y shifting the tribrach on the tripod

eps 6. and 7. until the required accu-ieved.

31Measuring Preparation / Setting

Setup step-by-step

1 Extend the tripod legs to allow for a comfortable working posture. Position the tripod over the marked ground point, centring it as well as possible.

2 Fasten the tribrach and instrument onto the tripod.

3 Turn on thplummet a> [Level/P

4 Move the footscrewthe ground

5 Adjust the6 By using t


level step-by-s7 Centre the

point (4) bplate (2).

8 Repeat stracy is ach




5 4


5 1





Page 32: Leica TPS800 Series - SCCS...Leica TPS800-4.0.1en 4 Validity of this manual Description General This manual applies to all TPS800 Series inst ruments. Where there are differences between

Measuring Preparation / Setting up

e footscrews. When the electronic ntred the arrows are replaced by ks. elec-l for the is by last

. An ws the or e footscrew. When the electronic level the arrow is replaced by a checkmark.

the l is ree re trument ectly

th [OK].

32Leica TPS800-4.0.1en

Levelling up with the electronic level step-by-stepThe electronic level can be used to precisely level up the instrument using the footscrews of the tribrach.1 Turn on the instrument and switch on the elec-

tronic level by pressing [FNC] > [Level/Plummet].

2 Centre the circular level approximately by turning the footscrews of the tribrach.

The bubble of the electronic level and the arrows for the rotating direction of the footscrews only appear if the instrument tilt is inside a certain levelling range.3 Turn the instrument until it is parallel to two foot-

screws.4 Centre the elec-

tronic level of this axis by turning the two footscrews. Arrows show the direction for

rotating thlevel is cecheckmar

5 Centre thetronic levesecond axturning thefootscrewarrow shodirection frotating this centred

Whenelectronic levecentred and thcheckmarks ashown, the inshas been perfleveled up. 6 Accept wi

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Leica TPS800-4.0.1en


ver pipes or depressionsircumstances the laser dot is not er pipes). In this case, the laser dot isible by using a transparent plate so ot can be easily aligned to the centre

33Measuring Preparation / Setting

Laser intensityChanging the laser intensityExternal influences and the surface conditions may require the adjustment of the intensity of the laser. The laser can be adjusted in 25% steps as required.

Hints for p

Positioning oUnder some cvisible (e.g. ovcan be made vthat the laser dof the pipe.

TPS800_Z24 TPS800_Z25

Page 34: Leica TPS800 Series - SCCS...Leica TPS800-4.0.1en 4 Validity of this manual Description General This manual applies to all TPS800 Series inst ruments. Where there are differences between

Measuring Preparation / Setting up

acters. Place cursor on character to be deleted.

. Pressing the navigation key deletes the relevant character.

. Confirm input.

Deletes the change and restores the previous value.

ractersas skipped (e.g. -15 instead of -125)

it later.

. Place cursor on "1".

. Inserts an empty character on the right of "1".

. Input the new characters.

. Confirm input.

34Leica TPS800-4.0.1en

Input modeDue to the alphanumerical keypad you can enter characters directly.• Numeric fields:

Can only contain numerical values.By pressing a button of the numeric keypad the number will be displayed.

• Alphanumeric fields:Can contain numbers and letters.By pressing a button of the alphanumeric keypad the input opens. By pressing several times you can toggle through the characters. For example: 1->S->T->U->1->S....

Edit characters1. Place cursor on character to be

edited.2. Input the new character.

3. Confirm input.

Erasing char1




Inserting chaIf a character wyou can insert





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Leica TPS800-4.0.1en

entry "*" can be used in data fields mbers or codes can be searched for.

anumeric character set "+" and "-" are normal alphanumeric characters with

atical function.aracterser during Wildcard point search (see ildcard search").

" appears only in the front position of

edit mode the position of the decimal e changed. The decimal place is

35Measuring Preparation / Setting

Character setEntry mode contains the following characters for numeric and alphanumeric input.

The characterwhere point nuSigns+/- In the alph

treated asno mathem

Additional ch* Place hold

chapter "W"+" / "-

an input.In the

place cannot bskipped.

Numerical Alphanumerical" + " " - "" . "" 0 - 9 "

(ASCII 43) (ASCII 45) (ASCII 46) (ASCII 48 - 57)

" "" ! "" # "" $ "" % "" & "" ( "" ) "" * "" + "" , "" - "" . "" / " " : "" < "" = "" > "" ? "" @ "" A - Z"" _ "

" ‘ "

(ASCII 32) [space] (ASCII 33) (ASCII 35) (ASCII 36) (ASCII 37) (ASCII 38)(ASCII 40)(ASCII 41) (ASCII 42) (ASCII 43) (ASCII 44) (ASCII 45) (ASCII 46) (ASCII 47)(ASCII 58)(ASCII 60)(ASCII 61)(ASCII 62) (ASCII 63) (ASCII 64) (ASCII 65 .. 90)(ASCII 95) [Underscore](ASCII 96)

Page 36: Leica TPS800 Series - SCCS...Leica TPS800-4.0.1en 4 Validity of this manual Description General This manual applies to all TPS800 Series inst ruments. Where there are differences between

Measuring Preparation / Setting up

Displays the coordinates and the job of the selected point.For manual input of coordinates.Confirm selected point.To select a different job.

36Leica TPS800-4.0.1en

PointsearchPointsearch is a global function used by applications to e.g. find internally saved measured or fixed points.It is possible for the user to limit the point search to a particular job or to search the whole storage.The search procedure always finds fixed points before measured points that fulfill the same search criteria. If several points meet the search criteria, then the points are listed according to their age. The instrument finds the most current (youngest) fixed point first.Direct searchBy entering an actual point number (e.g. "P13") all points with the corresponding point number are found.



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Leica TPS800-4.0.1en

of any length with a "1" as the second are found (e.g.: A1, B12, A1C).of any length with an "A" as the first and a "1" as the third character are .: AB1, AA100, AS15).

37Measuring Preparation / Setting

Wildcard searchThe Wildcard search is indicated by a "*". The asterisk is a place holder for any following sequence of characters.Wildcards are always used if the point number is not fully known, or if a batch of points is to be searched for.

Starts point search.Examples:* All points of any length are found.A All points with exactly the point number "A" are

found.A* All points of any length starting with "A" are

found (e.g.: A9, A15, ABCD).

*1 All points character

A*1 All points character found. (e.g

Job : PROJ_3PtID : A*1


Page 38: Leica TPS800 Series - SCCS...Leica TPS800-4.0.1en 4 Validity of this manual Description General This manual applies to all TPS800 Series inst ruments. Where there are differences between

Measuring Preparation / Setting up

possible measuring display:

Calling up the assigned function.



98250.0000 g66.6667 g67.903 m3.987 m


38Leica TPS800-4.0.1en

MeasuringAfter switching on and setting up correctly, the total station is immediately ready for measuring.In the measurement display it is possible to call up fixed keys and function keys, as well as trigger keys and their functions.

All shown displays are examples. It is possible that local software versions are different to the basic version.

Example of a

PtID : Hz : V : : :


Page 39: Leica TPS800 Series - SCCS...Leica TPS800-4.0.1en 4 Validity of this manual Description General This manual applies to all TPS800 Series inst ruments. Where there are differences between

Leica TPS800-4.0.1en

easurements with prisms.easurements without prisms.

rmation in chapter "EDM Settings".

terr off the visible laser beam for illumi-et point. The new settings are bout one second and then saved.

g" to select a code from a codelist or de. Same functionality like softkey


urrent distance and angle unit and ibility to change these.

39FNC Key

FNC KeyUnder [FNC] several functions can be called up. Their applications are described below.

Functions can also be started directly from the different applications.

Each function from the FNC menu can be assigned to the [USER]-key (see chapter "Settings").

Light On /OffSwitches display light on / off.

Level/PlummetThis function enables the electronic bubble and the range of intensity settings of the laser plummet.

IR/ RL ToggleChange between the two EDM types IR (on Reflec-tors) and RL (Reflectorless). New setting is displayed for about one second.

IR: Distance mRL: Distance mFind more info

Laser PoinSwitches on onating the targdisplayed for a

Free-CodinStarts "Codingenter a new cobutton [CODE

UnitsDisplays the cgives the poss

Page 40: Leica TPS800 Series - SCCS...Leica TPS800-4.0.1en 4 Validity of this manual Description General This manual applies to all TPS800 Series inst ruments. Where there are differences between


istance measurements are required tion.

ssages valid measurements!

nnot be calculated as there exist less easurements.


40Leica TPS800-4.0.1en

Delete Last RecordThis function deletes the last recorded data block. This can be either a measurement block or a code block.

Deleting the last record is not reversible !Only records can be deleted which were

recorded in "Surveying" or in "Measuring".

Lock with PINThis function is used to prevent unauthorized use of the instrument. It enables you to lock the instru-ment from any application by pressing [FNC] > [Lock with PIN] without switching off the instrument. After that the instrument will prompt for a PIN code entry.The function is available when the PIN protection is activated under [MENU] > [PIN].

Check TieCalculation and display of the slope and horizontal distance, height difference, azimuth, grade, and co-ordinate differences between the last two measured

points. Valid dfor the calcula

Important MeLess than twoMeaningThe values cathan 2 valid m



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Leica TPS800-4.0.1en

etible to set up the reflector directly, or

ible to aim the target point directly, the length, cross and/or height offset) can e values for the angle and distances

directly for the target point.

rement point point




L_Off+T_Off -


41FNC Key

TrackingSwitches on or off the tracking measurement mode. The new setting is displayed for approx. one second and then set. The function can only be activated from within the same EDM type and prism type.

The following options are available:

The last active measurement mode remains set when the instrument is switched off.

Target OffsIf it is not possif it is not possoffset values (be entered. Thare calculated

MP: MeasuOP: Offset

EDM Type Tracking measurement modeOff <=> On

IR IR-Fine <=> IR_Track / IR-Fast <=> IR-TrackRL RL-Short <=> RL-Track



Page 42: Leica TPS800 Series - SCCS...Leica TPS800-4.0.1en 4 Validity of this manual Description General This manual applies to all TPS800 Series inst ruments. Where there are differences between


as started. The corrected angle and are displayed as soon as a valid easurement has been triggered or

applicability can be set as follows:

fset values are always reset to 0 when is quit.

et subapplicationR] to determine the coordinates of the f cylindrical objects and their radius. orizontal angle to a point on the left ht side of the object as well as the object.

C The offset values are reset to 0 after the point is saved.

The offset values are applied to all further measurements.

42Leica TPS800-4.0.1en

T_Off: Length offsetL_Off: Cross offsetHeight Offset +: Offset point is higher than measure-ment

Procedure:1. Enter the offset values (length, cross and/or

height) as per the sketch.2. Define the period for which the offset is to apply.3. [RESET]: Sets eccentricity to zero.4. [SET]: calculates the corrected values and

jumps to the application from which the offset

function wdistances distance mexists.

The period of

The ofthe application

Cylinder OffsUse [CYLNDEcentre point oMeasure the hand on the rigdistance to the


Enter offset values!

Trav. Offset: 0.600 mLength Offset: 0.800 mHeight Offset: 0.500 mMode : Reset after REC

Reset after RE


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Leica TPS800-4.0.1en

prism offset. This is the distance he centre of the prism and the surface ct to be measured. If the EDM mode value is set to zero automatically.rtical hair, aim at the left side of the n press [HzLeft].rtical hair, aim at the right side of the n press [HzRight]. instrument accordingly such that the deviation angle, is zero.


LINDRICAL OFFSET : 120.4361 g : 141.4435 g : 99.4658 g : 15.398 m : 0.0000 gset: 0.030 m

43FNC Key

HZL: Horizontal angle to a point on the left side of the object

HZR: Horizontal angle to a point on the right side of the object

d: Distance to the object in the middle between HZL and HZR


1 Enter the between tof the objeis RL, the

2 Use the veobject, the

3 Use the veobject, the

4 Rotate the Hz, the



HzLα d




CYHz Left Hz RightV Hz PrismOff

Page 44: Leica TPS800 Series - SCCS...Leica TPS800-4.0.1en 4 Validity of this manual Description General This manual applies to all TPS800 Series inst ruments. Where there are differences between



123tetermines the height of the instru-

asurements to a maximum of 5 target own heights, in two faces.

44Leica TPS800-4.0.1en

5 [ALL] Completes the measurement and displays the results. That is the coordinates of the centre point of the cylindrical object and its radius.

Main SettingsEnables you to change the most important settings.

Height TraExample:

1) Reflector 2) Reflector 3) Reflector 4) InstrumenThis function dment from mepoints, with kn


CYLINDRICAL OFFSETPtID : 5Description: -----North : 638073,456 mEast : 436102,123 mHeight : 168,789 mRadius : 44,350 m


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Leica TPS800-4.0.1en


Hidden Pointth1-R2

llows measurements to a point that is ible, using a special hidden-point rod.




45FNC Key

With measurements to several targets, the improve-ment is indicated in the "delta" value.Procedure:1. Select known point and input reflector height.2. After triggering the measurement with [ALL], the

calculated height H0 is displayed.[AddPt] Add another height of a known

point.[FACE] Measure to the same target in

second face.3. [SET] Save the changes and set the


Hidden PoExample:

1) E, N, H of2) Rod Leng3) Distance R

The program anot directly vis

Page 46: Leica TPS800 Series - SCCS...Leica TPS800-4.0.1en 4 Validity of this manual Description General This manual applies to all TPS800 Series inst ruments. Where there are differences between


Starts measurement and proceeds to the Result dialog.


Returns to step 1.Returns to calling application.


: 12

: GR

: 110.871 m

: 99.991 m

: 102.884 m


46Leica TPS800-4.0.1en

Procedure:1. Measure to first prism (P1).

[All] Starts measurement and proceeds to step 2.

[ROD] Allows you to define the rod and the EDM-Settings.

Rod LengthTotal length of hidden-point rod.Dist. R1-R2Spacing between the centers of prism R1 and prism R2.Meas. TolLimit for the difference between the given and measured spacing of the prisms. If the tolerance value is exceeded, the program will issue a warning.EDM-ModeChanges the EDM-Mode.Prism typeChanges the prism type.Prism ConstDisplays the prism constant.

2. [All]

3. Result is d









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Leica TPS800-4.0.1en

rther information about individual ms on the subsequent pages!

ed in JOBS, like directories. Jobs rement data of different types (e.g.

s, codes, fixed points, stations,...) and y manageable and can be readout, ted separately.eating a new job.tting the job and back to start-up

ograms.sequent recorded data is stored in ry.b was defined and an application was "Meas & Rec" [ALL] or [REC] was trig-e system automatically creates a new s it "DEFAULT".



Application pre-settingsThese are programs that precede the application programs and are used to set up and organize data collection. They are displayed after selecting an application. The user can select the start programs individually.

[• ] Settings made.[ ] Settings not made.

Find fustart-up progra

Setting jobAll data is savcontain measumeasurementare individualledited or dele[NEW] Cr[SET] Se

prAll sub

this job/directoIf no jo

started or if in gered, then thjob and name F1 F2 F3 F4

[ ] F1 Set Job

[ ] F2 Set Station

[ ] F3 Set Orientation

F4 Start


Page 48: Leica TPS800 Series - SCCS...Leica TPS800-4.0.1en 4 Validity of this manual Description General This manual applies to all TPS800 Series inst ruments. Where there are differences between


tID stored in internal memory.ument height.

Sets the station.

Calls up manual point input dialogue.

and coordinates.Saves station coordinates. Continues to the input of the instru-ment height.Sets the station.

tation was set and no application in "Meas & Rec" [ALL] or [REC] was the last station is set as the current

48Leica TPS800-4.0.1en

Setting StationEach coordinate computation relates to the currently set station.At least plan coordinates (E, N) are required for the station. The station height can be entered if required. The coordinates can be entered either manually or read from the internal memory.

Known Point1. Select a P2. Input instr


Set manually1. [ENH]

2. Input PtID3. [SAVE]

4. [OK]If no s

started and if activated, thenstation.


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Leica TPS800-4.0.1en

th coordinatesthe orientation, a target with known n also be used.

As orientation with coordinates.e orientation point number and to the point found.nd confirm the reflector height.g the orientation a maximum of 5 ith known coordinates can be used.



OrientationWith the orientation, Hz-direction can be input manually or points with known coordinates can be set.

Method 1: Manual input 1. To input a random Hz-orientation.

2. Input of Hz-direction, reflector height and PtID.3. [ALL] Triggers measurement and sets

orientation.[REC] Records Hz-direction and sets


Method 2: WiTo determine coordinates ca1.2. Input of th

determine3. To input aFor determinintarget points w

1) 1. Target 2) 2. Target 3) 3. Target


Page 50: Leica TPS800 Series - SCCS...Leica TPS800-4.0.1en 4 Validity of this manual Description General This manual applies to all TPS800 Series inst ruments. Where there are differences between


he first measurement the finding of target points (or the same point when ing the telescope position) is easier ting the indicated angle difference o 0°00'00" by turning the instrument.nce between horizontal distance to

point computed from coordinates and asured distance.

puted orientation

mputed Hz-orientation.


2 200 123°00'23" ± 0°00'08"


50Leica TPS800-4.0.1en

Orientation coordinates can be either obtained from the internal memory or entered manually.

After each measurement you are asked wether to proceed or not. Answering with yes brings you back to the Measurement dialog, to take an additional measurement. Answering with no brings you to the Result dialog.1/I Status indication; shows that first point was

measured in telescope position I.1/I II First point measured in telescope position I

and II.

Hz: After tother changby setnear t

: Differetargetthe me

Display of com

[OK] Set co



PtID : 201 hr : 1.300 mBsBrg: 236°56'14" Hz : 51°12'23" : 0.569 m




NoPts. :Station :HzCor :StDev :


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Leica TPS800-4.0.1en

ight correctionrrection of the horizontal distancerrection of Hz-angle.


If more than one target point is measured then the orientation is computed using the "least squares method".

Displaying residuals[RESID] Display of residuals.

1) Actual2) Design

H: He: Co

Hz: Co



BsPt : ABC1 Hz : -0°00'23" : -0.045 m H : 0.075 mHzCor: 123°00'23"


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52Leica TPS800-4.0.1en

Useful information• If the orientation is only measured in telescope

position II, then the Hz-orientation is based on telescope position II. If measured only in tele-scope position I or mixed, then the Hz-orienta-tion is based on telescope position I.

• The prism height may not be changed during measurements in the first and second telescope position.

• If a target point is measured several times in the same telescope position, then the last valid measurement is used for the computation.

If no orientation was set and an application was started resp. if in "Meas & Rec" [ALL] or [REC] was triggered, then the current Hz-direction and V-angle are set as orientation.

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Leica TPS800-4.0.1en

. Press the [MENU] fixed key.

. Selecting the "Program" option.

. Calling up applications and acti-vating start programs.[PAGE] Scroll to next page.


ApplicationsIntroductionApplications are predefined programs, that cover a wide spectrum of surveying duties and facilitate daily work in the field.The following applications are available:• Surveying• Stake Out• Tie Distance• Area & Volume• Free Station• Reference Line/Arc• Remote Height• Construction• Cogo• Reference Plane• Roadworks 3D (optional)• TraversePRO (optional)

[MENU] 1



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methods are available:ding = remark:de/remark in the relevant field. This ed with the corresponding measur-

[ALL]. The code is not related to a is just a simple remark. A codelist on ent is not necessary.

coding with codelist: [CODE] softkey. The code that was arched for within the code list and it is add attributes to the code.

ing:[Q-Code] softkey and enter the the code. The code is selected and rement starts. are always stored as free codes t means that codes are not directly t. Point codes(WI71-79) are not avail-

54Leica TPS800-4.0.1en

SurveyingWith the program Surveying the measurement of an unlimited number of points is supported. It is compa-rable to "Meas & Rec", but includes stationing, orien-tation and quick coding.

Procedure:1. Input PtID, codes and the reflector height if

desired.2. [ALL] Triggers and records measure-

ments.[IndivPt] Switches between individual and

current point number.

Three coding1. Simple co

Input a cotext is storment withcodelist, itthe instrum

2. ExpandedPress the input is sepossible to

3. Quick codPress the shortcut tothe measu

Codes(WI41-49), thalinked to a poinable.


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Leica TPS800-4.0.1en

uttion of polar stake out offsets.

stake outgle offset: positive if point to be set-t is to the right of the actual direction.ngitudinal offset: positive if point to be

ake out is further away.ight offset: positive if point to be

ake out is higher than measured point.



Stake outThis program calculates the required elements to stakeout points from coordinates or manually entered angles, horizontal distances and heights. Stake out differences can be displayed continu-ously.Stake out coordinates from memoryProcedure:

Select the point.[DIST] Starts measurement and calculation of

the stake-out elements.[REC] Saves the displayed values.[B&D] Input direction and Hz-distance of stake

out point.[MANUAL] Enables simplified input of a point

without PtID and without the possibility of storing the data of the point.

Polar Stake oNormal indica

1) Actual2) Point to be

Hz: Anou

: Lost

: Hest


Page 56: Leica TPS800 Series - SCCS...Leica TPS800-4.0.1en 4 Validity of this manual Description General This manual applies to all TPS800 Series inst ruments. Where there are differences between


ke outased on a coordinate system and the d into a north and east element.

stake outg offset between stake out and actual

ng offset between stake out and point.

56Leica TPS800-4.0.1en

Orthogonal Stake outThe position offset between measured point and stake out point is indicated in a longitudinal and transversal element.

1) Actual2) Point to be stake out

L: Longitudinal offset: positive if nominal point further away.

T: Transversal offset, perpendicular to line-of-sight: positive if nominal point is to the right of measured point.

Cartesian StaStake out is boffset is divide

1) Actual2) Point to be

E Eastinpoint.

N Northiactual



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Leica TPS800-4.0.1en

measurements sequences to are possible:-angles only (resection)nd Hz- and V-angle (3 point

-angles to some point(s) and Hz- and lus distance to other point(s).uted results are Easting, Northing

the present instrument station, nstruments Hz-circle orientation. ations and residuals for accuracy are provided.tion of the station, measured target

re-measured, disabled and again


Free Station The application "Free Station" is used to determine the instrument position from measurements to a minimum of two known points and a maximum of 10 known points.

The followingtarget points1. Hz- and V2. Distance a

resection)3. Hz- and V

V-angle pThe final compand Height of including the iStandard deviassessments For the calculapoints can be enabled.


Page 58: Leica TPS800 Series - SCCS...Leica TPS800-4.0.1en 4 Validity of this manual Description General This manual applies to all TPS800 Series inst ruments. Where there are differences between


rocedureg procedure automatically determines evaluation, e.g. resection, 3 point

e minimum required measurements , the processing routine uses a least tment to determine the plan position orientation and heights.al averaged face I and face II ents enter the computation process.

rements are treated with the same whether these are measured in single e.d northing is determined by the least squares, including standard and improvements for Hz-direction ntal distances.eight (H) is computed from averaged

erences based on the original ents.cle orientation is computed with the eraged face I and face II measure- the final computed plan position.

58Leica TPS800-4.0.1en

Measuring facilitiesSingle face I or II or dual face I + II measurements are always possible. No specific point sequence or specific face sequences are required.Gross errors checks are made for dual face measurements to ensure the same point(s) are sighted with the other face.

If a target point is measured several times in the same telescope position the last valid measure-ment is used for computation.Measurement restrictions:• 2 face measurements

When measuring the same target in both faces, the reflector height may not be altered when changing the telescope position.

• Target points with 0.000 heightTarget points with 0.000 height are discarded for height processing. If target points have a valid height of 0.000 m, use 0.001 m to enable it for height processing.

Computation pThe measurinthe method ofresection, etc.If more than thare performedsquares adjusand averages1. The origin

measurem2. All measu

accuracy,or dual fac

3. Easting anmethod ofdeviation and horizo

4. The final hheight diffmeasurem

5. The Hz-ciroriginal avments and

Page 59: Leica TPS800 Series - SCCS...Leica TPS800-4.0.1en 4 Validity of this manual Description General This manual applies to all TPS800 Series inst ruments. Where there are differences between

Leica TPS800-4.0.1en

enter a limit for the standard deviation computed deviation exceeds the limit og appears, where you can decide eed or not.e name of the station and the height of

ent.e target PtID and the reflector height.

Triggers angle and distance measurement (3 point resection).Saves Hz-direction and V-angle (resection).



982 1.500 m

68.4132 g98.4760 g123.760 m





Enables you to define an accuracy limit.

Here you can values. If youra warning dialwether to proc1. Input of th

the instrum2. Input of th



[ ] F1 Set Job

F2 Set accuracy limit

F4 Start


ACCURACY SETTINGEnter accuracy limit!


Status : onSt.dev.East : 0.005 mSt.dev.North : 0.005 mSt.dev.Height: 0.010 mSt.dev.Angle : 0.0020 g


PtID : hr : Hz : V : :

Page 60: Leica TPS800 Series - SCCS...Leica TPS800-4.0.1en 4 Validity of this manual Description General This manual applies to all TPS800 Series inst ruments. Where there are differences between


ulated station coordinates:

Switches to measurement display, to measure additional points.Displays residuals.Displays standard deviation.Sets the displayed coordinates and instrument height as new station.

nstrument height was set to 0.000 in en, then the station height refers to ion axis.



: 100 : 1.500 : 100.506 : 100.040 : 99.999

60Leica TPS800-4.0.1en

[AddPt] Input another backsight point.[COMPUTE] Calculates and displays the station

coordinates, if at least 2 points and a distance were measured.

3/I Indicates that the third point in tele-scope position I was measured.

3/I II Indicates that the third point in tele-scope positions I and II.

ResultsDisplays calc



If the ithe setup screheight of trunn



Station hi EO NO HO

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Leica TPS800-4.0.1en

Switches to measurement display, to measure additional points.Remeasures the displayed point.Always sets the displayed coordi-nates and instrument height as new station.

Re-Meas OK


: 300 : -0.0096 g : -0.019 g : 0.001 g


Displays standard deviations:

Std.Dev E0, N0, H0 Standard deviation of the station coordinates

Std.Dev Ang Standard deviation of the orien-tation

This dialog shows the computed residuals:Residual = Calculated value - Measured value





Std.Dev.EO : 0.027 Std.Dev.NO : 0.013 Std.Dev.HO : 0.000 Std.Dev.Ang: +0.0121




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62Leica TPS800-4.0.1en

[Disable]/[Enable]Excludes/includes the displayed point from/in the calculations. Recalculates the free station and displays the station standard devia-tion. Press [PREV] to display the new station coordinates.

[StdDev] Displays standard deviation.With the function keys, scroll between the residuals of the indi-vidual backsight points.

Page 63: Leica TPS800 Series - SCCS...Leica TPS800-4.0.1en 4 Validity of this manual Description General This manual applies to all TPS800 Series inst ruments. Where there are differences between

Leica TPS800-4.0.1en


ed target point has no easting or northing

asured and another point is selected. The points.

final station coordinates (Eastings, North-

or insufficient measurements are available

d does not allow further storage.

asured in one face and the measurement an 180° ±0.9° for the horizontal angle.

asured in one face and the measurement an 360° - V ±0.9° for the vertical angle.

d to be able to compute a position. Either or not enough distances measured.


Warnings / Messages

Important messages M

Selected point has no valid data! This message occurs if the selectcoordinate.

Max 10 points supported! If 10 points have already been mesystem supports a maximum of 10

Invalid data - no position computed! The measurements may not allowings) to be computed.

Invalid data - no height computed! Either the target height are invalid to compute a final station height.

Insufficient space in job! The present selected job is full an

Hz (I - II) > 0.9 deg, measure point again! This error occurs if a point was mein the other face differs by more th

V (I - II) > 0.9 deg, measure point again! This error occurs if a point was mein the other face differs by more th

More points or distance required! There is insufficient data measurethere are not enough points used

Page 64: Leica TPS800 Series - SCCS...Leica TPS800-4.0.1en 4 Validity of this manual Description General This manual applies to all TPS800 Series inst ruments. Where there are differences between


g base points: and measure base points with [ALL] / [REC].ts with coordinates:Starts to search for the PtID entered.Manually input coordinates.Displays the list of available points.

edure for the second base point.


64Leica TPS800-4.0.1en

Reference Line/ArcThis program facilitates the easy stake out or checking of lines/arcs for buildings, sections of road, simple excavations, etc.

Reference LineA reference line can be defined by referencing a known base line. The reference line can be offset either longitudinally, in parallel or vertically to the base line, or be rotated around the first base point as required. Furthermore the reference height can be selected as first point, second point or interpolated along the reference line.


1. Definition of the Base line:The base line is fixed by two base points that can be defined in three ways:• Measured points• Enter coordinates using keypad• Select point from memory.

a) MeasurinInput PtIDor [DIST]

b) Base poin[FIND]


Analogue proc

1) 1st base p2) 2nd base


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Leica TPS800-4.0.1en

nce pointnce line

el offsetudinal offseton parameterarameters:e navigation keys to select the

g and rotation parameters of the refer-ine.


3) Base line4) Reference line

2. Shifting/Rotating the Base lineThe base line can be offset longitudinally, parallel and vertically or rotated. This new line is called the reference line. All measured data refers to the refer-ence line.

BP: Base pointBL: Base line

RP: RefereRL: RefereOff: ParallL: LongitR: RotatiInput of the p

Use thshiftinence l









Page 66: Leica TPS800 Series - SCCS...Leica TPS800-4.0.1en 4 Validity of this manual Description General This manual applies to all TPS800 Series inst ruments. Where there are differences between


Height differences are computed relative to the height of the first refer-ence point.Height differences are computed relative to the height of the second reference point.Height differences are computed along the reference line.Height differences are not computed and shown.


. LINE/ARC - 2/2

: 01: 02: 14.872 might Reference!: Interpolated

66Leica TPS800-4.0.1en

The following entries are possible:Offset+: Parallel offset of the reference line

to the right, referred to the direction of the base line (BP1-BP2).

Line+: Longitudinal offset of the start point (=reference point) of the reference line in the direction of base point BP2.

Rotate+: Rotation of the reference line clock-wise around the reference point.

Height+: Height offset; the reference line is higher than the selected reference height.

Ref.Hgt:Point 1

Point 2


No Height


REFERENCE LINE - MAIN 1/2 Length : 14.872 mEnter values to shift line:Offset : 1.000 mLine : 0.500 mHeight : 0.900 mRotate : 25.0000 m



Point 1 Point 2 Length Select HeRef.Hgt

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Leica TPS800-4.0.1en

erence pointred pointnce line

udinal offsetel offsetction calculates from measurements longitudinal, cross and height differ-rget point relative to the reference







3. Selecting the subapplication[MEASURE] Starts the subapplication to

measure Line & Offset (see issue 4).

[STAKE] Starts the subapplication to stake out (see issue 5).

[GRID] Starts the subapplication to stake out a grid relative to the reference line (see issue 6).

[SEGMENT] Starts the subapplication to subdi-vide a reference line into a definable number of segments and stake out the new points on the line (see issue 7).

4. "Line & Offset" subapplicationThe "Line & Offset" subapplication calculates from measurements or coordinates longitudinal, parallel offsets and height differences of the target point relative to the reference line.

1RP: 1st refMP: MeasuRL: Refere

L: LongitOff: Parall

The [L&O] funor coordinatesences of the taline.


Page 68: Leica TPS800 Series - SCCS...Leica TPS800-4.0.1en 4 Validity of this manual Description General This manual applies to all TPS800 Series inst ruments. Where there are differences between


ative to first reference point"

erence pointse pointnce height

t difference between reference and oint

t difference from reference height




68Leica TPS800-4.0.1en

The calculated height difference is relative to the selected reference height ( ).

Example "rel

1RP: 1st ref1BP: 1st baRH: RefereHd: Heigh

base pH: Heigh



PtID : 140 hr : 1.500 m Offset: 0.208 m Line : 0.349 m : 1.203 m





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Leica TPS800-4.0.1en

hogonal Stake out"

erence pointred point

out pointnce line

udinal offsetel offset







5. "Stake out" subapplicationYou can enter longitudinal, transverse and height offsets for the target points to be set-out relative to the reference line. The program calculates the differ-ence between a measured point and the calculated point. The program displays the orthogonal ( Line,

Offset, ) and the polar ( Hz, , ) differences.

Procedure:1. Input the orthogonal stake out elements.2. [OK] Confirm entry and start calculation.

Example "ort

1RP: 1st refMP: MeasuSP: StakeRL: Refere

L: LongitOff: Parall


Page 70: Leica TPS800 Series - SCCS...Leica TPS800-4.0.1en 4 Validity of this manual Description General This manual applies to all TPS800 Series inst ruments. Where there are differences between


e stake out point is further away than e point measured.e stake out point is higher than the

easured point.

pplication the chainage to begin with and the rid points in length and cross direction e line. The program calculates and ake out elements for the points on the z, , ) orthogonal

ine, ).fined without boundaries. It can be the first and second base point of the .

eginning grid and the values for incre- and line offset.

Confirm entry and start staking out.

70Leica TPS800-4.0.1en

Display in "Stake out" measure mode:

The signs for the distance and angle differences are correction values (required minus actual).+ Hz Turn telescope clockwise to the stake

out point.

+ Thth

+ Thm

6. "Grid" subaYou can enterincrement of gof the referencdisplays the stgrid: polar ( H( Offset, LThe grid is deextended overreference line

Procedure:1. Input the b

mentation2. [OK]



PtID : 15 hr : 1.500 m Hz : +0.200 g : 2.368 m : 0.260 m



Offset: 2.040 m Line : 1.203 m : 0.260 m

Page 71: Leica TPS800 Series - SCCS...Leica TPS800-4.0.1en 4 Validity of this manual Description General This manual applies to all TPS800 Series inst ruments. Where there are differences between

Leica TPS800-4.0.1en

rid Stake out" measure mode:

he distance and angle differences are es (required minus actual).rn telescope clockwise to the stake t point.e stake out point is in the direction m the first to the second reference int.e stake out point is to the right of the ference line.


AKE OUT GRID 1/2 : 201 : 1.500 m : 0.000>: 0.000 : -0.0000 g : -0.434 m :--- ----.--- m




Example "Grid Stake out"

RP1: 1st reference pointRP2: 2nd reference pointRL Reference lined1 Begin gridOff+ Offset, positiveOff- Offset, negativeIncr+ Increment, positiveIncr- Increment, negative

Display in "G

The signs for tcorrection valu+ Hz Tu

ou+Line<-> Th


+Offset<-> Thre











STPtID hr Line <->Offset<- Hz

Page 72: Leica TPS800 Series - SCCS...Leica TPS800-4.0.1en 4 Validity of this manual Description General This manual applies to all TPS800 Series inst ruments. Where there are differences between


ation is limited to the reference line efined start and end point of the line.

equired segment length or the number ts and select the method of distribu-

Confirm entry and start staking out.

72Leica TPS800-4.0.1en

+ The stake out point is further away than the point measured.

+ The stake out point is higher than the measured point.

+ Line Difference in length direction. The prism has to be moved further away.

+ Offset The prism has to be moved to the right, perpendicular to the line of sight, looking from station to the target.

[ESC] Quits the STAKE OUT GRID panel and returns to the previous panel.

7. "Line Segmentation" subapplicationYou can either enter the length of segments or the number of segments and define how the length of a remaining segment is treated. This misclosure can be placed at the start, at the end or distributed evenly. The program calculates and displays the stake out elements for the points along the line: polar ( Hz, , ) and the orthogonal ( Line, Offset, ).

Line Segmentbetween the d

Procedure:1. Input the r

of segmention.

2. [OK]

Page 73: Leica TPS800 Series - SCCS...Leica TPS800-4.0.1en 4 Validity of this manual Description General This manual applies to all TPS800 Series inst ruments. Where there are differences between

Leica TPS800-4.0.1en

ine Segmentation Stake out" e:

he distance and angle differences are es (required minus actual).

The number of the calculated segments including the misclosure segment, if applicable.The sum of the segment lengths. Changes with the current number of segment.Turn telescope clockwise to the stake out point.


E OUT SEGMENT 1/2 : 203 : 1.500 mo: 1h: 50.000 : +0.0000 g : 191.421 m : --- ----.--- m




Example "Line Segmentation Stake out"

RP1: 1st reference pointRP2: 2nd reference pointRL Reference lined1 Segment lengthd2 Misclosure

Display in "Lmeasure mod

The signs for tcorrection valuSegment No:


+ Hz









STAKPtID hr SegmentNCumLengt Hz

Page 74: Leica TPS800 Series - SCCS...Leica TPS800-4.0.1en 4 Validity of this manual Description General This manual applies to all TPS800 Series inst ruments. Where there are differences between


n allows the user to define a Refer-hen measure or stake out with respect

oint of arcoint of arc point of circle

to stakes of circlece from start of arc, following curvendicular distance from arc



Off - EP


74Leica TPS800-4.0.1en

+ The stake out point is further away than the point measured.

+ The stake out point is higher than the measured point.

+ Line Difference in length direction. The prism has to be moved further away.

+ Offset The prism has to be moved to the right, perpendicular to the line of sight, looking from station to the target.

[ESC] Quits the STAKE OUT LSEG panel and returns to the previous panel.

Reference ArcThis applicatioence Arc and tto the arc.

SP: Start pEP: End pCP: CentreP: Point R: RadiuL: DistanOff: Perpe


Page 75: Leica TPS800 Series - SCCS...Leica TPS800-4.0.1en 4 Validity of this manual Description General This manual applies to all TPS800 Series inst ruments. Where there are differences between

Leica TPS800-4.0.1en

t" subapplication

oint of arcoint of arc point of circle

to stake outnred pointnce in horizontal anglence in distance measurement










All arcs are defined in clockwise direction.All calculations are made in two dimensions.

Procedure:1. Define the arc

When starting the application you were asked how to define the arc. You can define the arc by:a) Center Point & Start Pointb) Start Point, End Point, RadiusDepending from type you have chosen, you have to measure/select/enter the values to proceed to step 2.

2. Decide to Measure or to Stake Out[MEASURE] Starts the subapplication to

measure Line & Offset (See issue 3).

[STAKE] Starts the subapplication to stake out (See issue 4).

3. "Line & Offset" subapplicationHere you can measure or select points from memory and you will see Line and Offset refer-ring to the arc.

4. "Stake Ou

SP: Start pEP: End pCP: CentreP: Point ST: StatioMP: Measu

Hz: DiffereHD: Differe




Page 76: Leica TPS800 Series - SCCS...Leica TPS800-4.0.1en 4 Validity of this manual Description General This manual applies to all TPS800 Series inst ruments. Where there are differences between


red points of circle

ndicular distance from arc

t Arcs to stake out a series of equidistant ng the arc.

oint of arcoint of arc point of circle

s) to stake outngth






76Leica TPS800-4.0.1en

It is not possible to stake out a negative Line.The application supports four ways to stake out.

a) Stake Out PointThis allows to stake out a point by entering a line and an offset value.

SP: Start point of arcEP: End point of arcCP: Centre point of circleP: Point to stake out

MP: MeasuR: RadiuL: LineOff: Perpe

b) Stake OuThis allowpoints alo

SP: Start pEP: End pCP: CentreP: Point(AL: Arc le



Off- EPP



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Leica TPS800-4.0.1en

The misclosure will be equally distributed between all sections.

Enter the length of the arc-segment you want to stake out.Shows the line-value of the stake out point. This is calculated by the arc length and the selected misclo-sure distribution.Here you can enter the offset value.Sets the values to 0.Toggels through the calculated stake out points.Proceeds to Stake Out Measure dialog.


Display content:Misclosure: If the entered arc length is not an integer of the whole arc, there will be a misclosure. You have three options to distribute the misclosure:I) Start arc: All of the misclosure will be added to

the first arc-section.II) No distribution:All of the misclosure will be

added to the last arc-section.

III) Equal:

Arc Length:


Offset:[RESET][PT +][PT -]



PtID : 147

Misclosure : EQUAL

Arc Length : 7.853 m

Line : 15.711 m

Offset : 0.000 m


Page 78: Leica TPS800 Series - SCCS...Leica TPS800-4.0.1en 4 Validity of this manual Description General This manual applies to all TPS800 Series inst ruments. Where there are differences between


t Angles to stake out a series of points along fined by the angle substended at the e angle. The screen contents and the own, are the same as described in t Arc" section.






78Leica TPS800-4.0.1en

c) Stake Out ChordThis allows to stake out a series of equidistant chords along the arc. The screen contents and the buttons shown, are the same as described in "Stake Out Arc" section.

CL: Chord length

d) Stake OuThis allowthe arc decenter of thbuttons sh"Stake Ou

β: Angle







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Leica TPS800-4.0.1en


pointth methods are the same.s will be described.

e first target point.Starts measurement to the target point.Searches internal memory for point entered.





Tie DistanceThe application Tie Distance computes slope distance, horizontal distance, height difference and azimuth of two target points measured online, selected from the Memory or entered using the Keypad. The user can choose between two different methods:

Polygonal (A-B, B-C)Radial (A-B, A-C)

Polygonal Method:

Radial Metho

CP: CentreIn principal boAny differenceProcedure:1. Determin





Page 80: Leica TPS800 Series - SCCS...Leica TPS800-4.0.1en 4 Validity of this manual Description General This manual applies to all TPS800 Series inst ruments. Where there are differences between


dial method:Determine new central point.Determine new radial point.Switch to polygonal method.

80Leica TPS800-4.0.1en

2. Determine second target point.Proceed as with first target point.

3. Result is displayed.Brg Azimuth between point1 and point2.

Slope distance between point1 and point2.Horizontal distance between point1 and point2.Height difference between point1 and point2.

Grade Grade [%] between point1 and point2.

Softkeys - polygonal method:[NewPt 1] An additional missing line is

computed. Program starts again (at point 1).

[NewPt 2] Point 2 is set as starting point of a new missing line. New point (Pt 2) must be measured.

[RADIAL] Switches to radial method.

Softkeys - ra[NewPt 1][NewPt 2][POLY]

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Leica TPS800-4.0.1en

, polygonal length from start point to t measured point. area always closed to the start point ted onto the horizontal plane.

P3 Target pointt P4 Target pointint

P2 P3





Area & VolumeThe application program Area is used to compute online areas of max. 50 points connected by straights. The target points have to be measured, selected from memory or entered via keyboard in clockwise direction. The calculated area is projected onto the horizontal plane (2D) or projected onto the sloped reference plane defined by 3 points (3D). Furthermore a volume with constant height can be calculated in relation to the area (2D/3D)


a Perimeterthe curren

b CalculatedP1, projec

P0 StationP1 Start poinP2 Target po




Page 82: Leica TPS800 Series - SCCS...Leica TPS800-4.0.1en 4 Validity of this manual Description General This manual applies to all TPS800 Series inst ruments. Where there are differences between


To define the sloped reference plane by selecting or measuring three points.

] To calculate a volume with constant height. The height have to be entered or measured.

To display and record additional results (perimeter, volume).

eter and volume are updated if further e added.raphic shows always the area the horizontal plane.

82Leica TPS800-4.0.1en

1 Determine area points[ALL] Starts the measurement to the

point.[FIND] / Searches for point in internal[LIST] memory.[ENH] For manual input of the coordinates.[1PtBACK] Undo measurement or selection of

last point.The area (2D) is calculated and displayed

once three points have been measured or selected. The area (3D) is calculated once the sloped refer-ence plane is defined by three points.

2 Results[Def. 3D]



Perimarea points ar

The gprojected onto

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Leica TPS800-4.0.1en

nt which defines the sloped reference

nt which defines the sloped reference

nt which defines the sloped reference

intheight (3D), polygonal length from the start e current measured point of the area

, projected onto the sloped reference

D) = a x c (2D), polygonal length from the start e current measured point of the area

, projected onto the horizontal planeD) = f x a


P0 StationP1 Target poi

planeP2 Target poi

planeP3 Target poi

planeP4 Target poa Constant b Perimeter

point to th(3D)

c Area (3D)plane

d Volume (3e Perimeter

point to th(2D)

f Area (2D)g Volume (2








c db

f eg

Page 84: Leica TPS800 Series - SCCS...Leica TPS800-4.0.1en 4 Validity of this manual Description General This manual applies to all TPS800 Series inst ruments. Where there are differences between


and reflector heightStarts measurement to base point and continues to 2.Starts the program that determines an unknown reflector height.

ccessible height pointSaves the measured data.Input and measurement of a new base point.

84Leica TPS800-4.0.1en

Remote HeightPoints directly above the base prism can be deter-mined without a prism at the target point.

1) Remote point2) Height diff.3) Slope distance4) Base point

Procedure:1. Input PtID



2. Aim at ina[OK][Base]


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Leica TPS800-4.0.1en

Allows you to enter values for shifting the line.Switches to Layout-mode.

ve:t is in direction from line start - to line

itive:nt is right of line.itive:

nt height is above line start point’s


A111.500 m7.225 m

10.194 m-1.673 m



ConstructionThis application allows to define a construction site by combining set-up of the instrument along a construction line, measuring and stake out points in relation to the line.After selecting the application you have two options:a) Defining a new construction site

orb) Continue with previous site (skips set-up)Procedure:Defining new site:1. Measure line Start point [ALL], [DIST]+[REC]2. Measure second line point [ALL], [DIST]+[REC]

In case, you have entered coordinates by ENH and measured to known points a plausibility check informs you about the calculated line length, the actual length and the difference.As built check:This dialog shows you the Line, Offset and

Height of a measured point in relation to the line.



Line is positiMeasured poinend point.

Offset is posMeasured poi

Height is posMeasured poiheight.

PtID : hr : : Off: :


Page 86: Leica TPS800 Series - SCCS...Leica TPS800-4.0.1en 4 Validity of this manual Description General This manual applies to all TPS800 Series inst ruments. Where there are differences between


layed, combined with arrows to show

ve (arrow up): further away than the measured

itive (arrow right): right of the measured point.

itive (arrow up): higher than the measured point.eight of the line start point is always ference height!raphics are scaled to give a better refore it’s possible that the station the graphics.are that the line start point and the line measured in the previous coordinate staking out this points they appear in and appear as shifted. use of the application the previous d Station parameters will be replaced lculated ones.

86Leica TPS800-4.0.1en

The height of the line start point is always used as the reference height!LayoutHere you can search or enter points for staking out related to the measured line.

[ShiftLn] Allows you to enter values for shifting the line.

[AsBUILT] Switches to AsBuilt-mode.

The graphics show you the position of the prism related to the stake out point. Below, the exact

values are dispthe direction.

Line is positiTarget point ispoint.

Offset is posTarget point is

Height is posTarget point is

The hused as the re

The goverview. Thepoint moves in

Be awend point are system. Whenthe old system

DuringOrientation anby the new ca


PtID : A11hr : 1.500 m : 7.218 m Off: 10.192 m : -1.673 m

17.000 m 0.000 m 1.500 m


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Leica TPS800-4.0.1en

application program supports the res:

l alignments with the elements urve, spiral (entry and exit as well as

ignments with the elements straight, quadratic parabola horizontal and vertical alignments in gsi data format of Leica Road Line

view and deletion of alignments

design height of vertical alignment or entered heightation Checkation Stakeation Check Slopeation Stake Slope Format manager of LGO Tools

0 or higher


Roadworks 3D (optional)GeneralThe Roadworks 3D application program can be used to stake out points or for as built checks rela-tive to a road alignment including slopes.

The application can be started in total 15 times for trial. Afterwards you have to enter the license code.

OverviewRoadworks 3Dfollowing featu• Horizonta

straight, cpartial)

• Vertical alcurve and

• Upload ofwhich are Editor

• Creation, onboard

• Usage of manually

• Sub applic• Sub applic• Sub applic• Sub applic• Log file via

Version 5.

Page 88: Leica TPS800 Series - SCCS...Leica TPS800-4.0.1en 4 Validity of this manual Description General This manual applies to all TPS800 Series inst ruments. Where there are differences between


rfacel Alignmentlignment





a b c


88Leica TPS800-4.0.1en

Basic Terms - Elements of a Road ProjectRoad projects consist in general of a horizontal and a vertical alignment.

Any project point P1 has E, N and H coordinates in a determined coordinate system and has three posi-tions. P1 ' Position on natural surfaceP1 " Position on vertical alignmentP1 '" Position on horizontal alignment

With a second point P2 the alignment is defined.P1 ' P2 ' Projection of the alignment onto the

natural surfaceP1 '' P2 '' Vertical alignmentP1 ''' P2 ''' Horizontal alignmenta Grade, angle between the vertical and

horizontal alignment.

a Natural Sub Horizontac Vertical A



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Leica TPS800-4.0.1en

e has to be defined by:t (P1) and end point (P2) with known d northing coordinates)Clockwise (CW) or Anticlockwise

ointointsion clockwiseion anticlockwise







Basic Terms - Horizontal Geometry ElementsFor onboard input Roadworks 3D supports the following elements for horizontal alignments:

1. StraightA straight has to be defined by:• Start point (P1) and end point (P2) with known

easting and northing coordinates

P1 Start pointP2 End point

2. CurveA circular curv• Start poin

easting an• Radius (R• Direction:


P1 Start pP2 End pR RadiuCW DirectACW Direct





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l (Spiral in = A): Spiral with a radius of he start and a given radius at the end. (Spiral out = B): Spiral with a given he start and radius of infinity at the

oid spiral: A spiral with a given radius t and another given radius at the end.


99 A


90Leica TPS800-4.0.1en

3. Spiral/ClothoidA spiral is a transition curve whose radius changes along its length. A spiral has to be defined by:• Start point (P1) and end point (P2) with known

easting and northing coordinates• Radius at the start of the spiral (R)• Spiral parameter ( ) or length of the

spiral (L)• Direction: Clockwise or Anticlockwise• Spiral type: Spiral In or Spiral Out

P1 Start pointP2 End pointR RadiusL Length

Spiral types:• Entry spira

infinity at t• Exit spiral

radius at tend.

• Partial/Ovat the star

A Entry B Exit sp

A = L · R




L P1P2 TPS800_Z

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Leica TPS800-4.0.1en

Curvee has to be defined by:nage and Start Height of P1age and End Height of P2)vex (crest) or concave (sag)









Basic Terms - Vertical Geometry ElementsFor onboard input Roadworks 3D supports the following elements for vertical alignments:

1. StraightA straight has to be defined by:• Start Chainage and Start Height of P1• End Chainage and End Height of P2 or

Length (L) and Slope (%)

P1 Start pointP2 End pointL Length% Slope

2. TransitionA circular curv• Start Chai• End Chain• Radius (R• Type: con

P1 Start pP2 End pR Radiu











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92Leica TPS800-4.0.1en

3. Quadratic parabolaA quadratic parabola has the advantage that the rate of change of grade is constant thus resulting in a "smoother" curve. A quadratic parabola has to be defined by:• Start Chainage and Start Height of P1• End Chainage and End Height of P2• Parameter• or length (L), grade of entry straight (Grade In)

and grade of exit straight (Grade Out)

P1 Start pP2 End pL Length% Slope





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Leica TPS800-4.0.1en

inede horizontal and vertical alignment.

lignment (front view)

• Tangent point

∞ a6


Basic Terms - Horizontal and Vertical Geometry Elements combStart-/Endchainage and Tangent points can be different for th

a = Horizontal Alignment (top view)R1 Radius 1R2 Radius 2a1 Straighta2 Curve with R1a3 Partial Spiral with R1 and R2a4 Curve with R2a5 Spiral Out with R2 and R=a6 Straight

b = Vertical Ab1 Straightb2 Curveb3 Straightb4 Parabolab5 Straight







b1 b2


a bb4 b5


a3 a4 a5

Page 94: Leica TPS800 Series - SCCS...Leica TPS800-4.0.1en 4 Validity of this manual Description General This manual applies to all TPS800 Series inst ruments. Where there are differences between


f the slope elements:gnment at a defined chainage.s defined by entered Offset Left/Right fference.

r daylight point, indicates the point of tween the slope and the natural

the hinge point and the catch point lie

ce, is the undisturbed surface before ction.

94Leica TPS800-4.0.1en

Basic Terms - Slopes1. Slope elements

P1 Measured pointa Horizontal alignmentb Hinge pointc Sloped Catch pointe Natural surfacef Defined Offsetg Defined Height Differenceh Cut situation for defined slopei Offset to catch point

Explanation oHorizontal aliHinge point, iand Height DiSlope = ratio.Catch point, ointersection besurface. Both on the slope.Natural surfaproject constru











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Leica TPS800-4.0.1en


l alignmentt








2. Cut situation

a Horizontal alignmentb Hinge pointc Sloped Catch pointe Natural surface

3. Fill situat

a Horizontab Hinge poinc Sloped Catch poine Natural su









Page 96: Leica TPS800 Series - SCCS...Leica TPS800-4.0.1en 4 Validity of this manual Description General This manual applies to all TPS800 Series inst ruments. Where there are differences between


upload road alignmentsizontal and/or vertical alignment files.ke/check/slope parameteration Checkation Stakeation Check Slopeation Stake Slope

96Leica TPS800-4.0.1en

Workflow1 Create or 2 Select hor3 Define sta4a Sub applic4b Sub applic4c Sub applic4d Sub applic

















* ?!



















* ?!



4b 4c 4d4a




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Leica TPS800-4.0.1en

part of the memory is reserved for int and/or measurement) and road s. The number of free road alignments n the number of jobs and vice versa.


Important features:• The data of the alignment files has to be in the

data structure of Leica Road Line Editor as these gsi files have unique identifiers for each element which are used by the application program.

• The alignments must be continuous because geometrical gaps and chainage equations are not supported.

• The file name for horizontal alignment must have the prefix ALN, for vertical alignments PRF and can be 16 characters long, e.g. ALN_HZ_Axis_01.gsi and PRF_VT_Axis_01.gsi.

• The uploaded or created road alignments are permanent and stored even if the application is closed.

• Road alignments can be deleted onboard or via Data Exchange Manager in LGO Tools Version 5.0 or higher.

• Road alignments cannot be edited onboard. This needs to be done via Leica Road Line Editor of LGO Tools.

• The samejobs (fixpoalignmentdepends o

Page 98: Leica TPS800 Series - SCCS...Leica TPS800-4.0.1en 4 Validity of this manual Description General This manual applies to all TPS800 Series inst ruments. Where there are differences between


rizontal and/or vertical alignment

a horizontal alignment file is manda-

a vertical alignment file is not neces-vely, a height can be defined manu-


t Alignment Files !

n.: ALN_HZ_AXIS_01n.: PRF_VT_AXIS_01

98Leica TPS800-4.0.1en

1 Create or upload road alignmentsCreate horizontal and vertical road alignment files with Leica Road Line Editor and upload them onto the instrument using Data Exchange Manager of LGO Tools Version 5.0 or higher. Alternatively, horizontal and vertical road alignments can be created onboard.

2 Select hofiles.


Usingsary. Alternatially.



Horiz. AlVerti. Al

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Leica TPS800-4.0.1en




3 Define stake/check/slope parameter

A StraightB SpiralC CurveR Radius

a Offset Lefb Offset Rigc Incrementd Defined C









d = 112.000

d = 122.000

d = 132.000

d = 155.000

d = 102.000

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To start sub application Stake.To start sub application Check.To start sub application Stake Slope.To start sub application Check Slope.

Value by which 'Defined Chainage' can be incremented/decremented in sub application Stake and Stake Slope.Manual HeightHeight reference for height calcula-tions. If <Manual Height> is enabled this height is used for all sub applica-tions.Use Design HeightThe height reference for height calculations is the selected vertical alignment file.

100Leica TPS800-4.0.1en



Offs. Left Horizontal offset from the horizontal alignment to the left side.

Offs. Right Horizontal offset from the horizontal alignment to the right side.

Ht. Diff. Vertical offset from the horizontal alignment up or down.

Def. Chain Defined Chainage for stake out.

Define Stake/Check/Slope values


Offs. Left : 10.000 mOffs. Right : 15.000 mHt.Diff. : 2.000 mDef.Chain. : 102.000 mIncrement : 10.000 mHeight : Manual Height Manual Ht. : 100.000 m




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Leica TPS800-4.0.1en

intintl alignment

ositive on the right hand side of the . erence, is positive when target point is n the alignment.



c+ d+b

c- d-


4 Select sub application Check, Stake, Check Slope or Stake Slope:

4a Sub application CheckThe sub application Check is used for as-built checks. The points can be measured or selected from the memory. As result you will get Chainage and Offset values relative to an existing horizontal alignment and the Height difference relative to a vertical alignment or manually entered height.

Defined Chainage and Increment values will not be considered in the Check mode.

P1 Target poP2 Target poa Horizontab Chainagec Offset, is p

alignmentd Height diff

higher tha

PtID : A3hr : 1.500 MOffset : Left Chainage : 90.194 mOffset : 4.678 mHt.Diff. : 0.348 m



3D-Road CHECK 1/2




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ference positive when target point is on the side of the measured point.e, is positive when target point is ay than the measured point.s positive when target point is higher easured point.

: A3: 1.500 m: Center : 102.000 : 2.305 m: 1.367 m: 0.100 m




102Leica TPS800-4.0.1en

4b Sub application StakeThe sub application Stake is used to stake out points relative to an existing horizontal alignment.

P1 Target PointP2 Measured PointP3 Measured Pointa Horizontal alignment

b Defined Cc Offsetd Height Dife Offset, is

right handf Chainag

further awg Height, i

than the m


a de+ e-









PtID hr Offset Def.Ch. Chain Offset Height ALL


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Leica TPS800-4.0.1en

Pointl alignmentffseteight Differencet

perfaceinge pointlignment

ference to Hinge pointference to Alignment


4c Sub application Check SlopeThe sub application Check Slope is used for as-built checks and to get information about slopes in general, for example on natural surface. If the parameter Offset Left/Right and Height difference are not entered, the point on the horizontal align-ment is the Hinge point.

Defined Chainage and Increment values will not be considered in the Check mode.

P1 Measureda Horizontab Defined Oc Defined Hd Hinge poine Actual Slof Natural Sug Offset to Hh Offset to Ai Height Difj Height Dif










Page 104: Leica TPS800 Series - SCCS...Leica TPS800-4.0.1en 4 Validity of this manual Description General This manual applies to all TPS800 Series inst ruments. Where there are differences between


Slope distance to Hinge, the slope distance from the current measured point to the hinge point.Offset to Alignment, the current measured offset to horizontal align-ment excluding offset right and offset left.Height difference to alignment, the vertical offset between defined height at current chainage and current measured position excluding defined height difference.Slope distance to Alignment, slope distance from the current measured point to the alignment.Actual Slope, the current measured slope of the reflector position to the hinge point.Height value of the current measured point.

104Leica TPS800-4.0.1en

Description of fields

Chainage Current measured chainage.Offs. Hng Offset to Hinge, the current measured

offset to horizontal alignment including offset right and offset left.

H Hng Height difference to Hinge, the vertical offset between current defined height at current chainage and current measured position including defined height difference.

PtID : P5hr : 1.500 MOffset : Left Chainage : 92.000 mOffs.Hng : -24.298 m H Hng : 17.554 mAct. Slp : 1: 1.384 v:h





Offs. Aln

H Aln


Act. Slp


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Leica TPS800-4.0.1en

pe. The unit for slope grade is defined screen.

creates a downward plane extending to the left of the defined hinge point.creates a downward plane extending to the right of the defined hinge point.creates an upward plane extending to the left of the defined hinge point.creates an upward plane extending to the right of the defined hinge point.




Right up

Right down

Hinge Point


4d Sub application Stake SlopeThe sub application Stake Slope is used to stake out the catch point, that means the intersection point of a defined slope with the natural surface.The slope is always defined as starting from a hinge point. If the parameter Offset Right/Left and Height difference are not entered the point at Defined chainage on the horizontal alignment is the hinge point.

Define slope parameter

Slope Type

Slope GradeRatio of the sloin the Settings

Define Slope for Stake Out !


Offset : LeftDef.Chain. : 112.000 m

SlopeType : Left upSlopeGrade : 1.000: 2.000 v:h

Left down

Right down

Left up

Right up


Left u

Left d

Page 106: Leica TPS800 Series - SCCS...Leica TPS800-4.0.1en 4 Validity of this manual Description General This manual applies to all TPS800 Series inst ruments. Where there are differences between


Pointl alignmentffseteight Differencet

lopetrface Catch pointCatch pointinge pointlignment

ference to Hinge pointference to Alignment

106Leica TPS800-4.0.1en

P1 Measureda Horizontab Defined Oc Defined Hd Hinge poine Defined Sf Catch poing Natural Suh Offset toi Cut/Fill to j Offset to Hk Offset to Al Height Difm Height Dif











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Leica TPS800-4.0.1en

Actual Slope, the current measured slope of the reflector position to the hinge point.Offset to Hinge, the current measured offset to horizontal alignment including offset right and offset left.Height difference to Hinge, the vertical offset between current defined height at current chainage and current measured position including defined height difference.Slope distance to Hinge, the slope distance from the current measured point to the hinge point.Height value of the current measured point.Current measured chainage.Offset to Alignment, the current measured offset to horizontal align-ment excluding offset right and offset left.


Description of fields

Ch. Difference between defined chainage and current measured chainage.

Offs. Horizontal offset between catch point of defined slope and current measured position.

Cut/Fill Vertical offset between catch point of defined slope and current measured position. A cut is above the slope, a fill is below the slope.

PtID : P4hr : 1.500 MDef.Chain : 102.000 m Ch. : 10.000 m Offs. : 2.742 mCut : 2.742 mAct. Slp : 1: 1.502 v:h




Act. Slp

Offs. Hng

H Hng



Act. Ch.Offs. Aln

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108Leica TPS800-4.0.1en

H Aln Height difference to alignment, the vertical offset between defined height at current chainage and current measured position excluding defined height difference.

Aln Slope distance to Alignment, slope distance from the current measured point to the alignment.

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Leica TPS800-4.0.1en


l alignmentt

Catch point


l alignmentt

Catch point


Sign conventionCut situation

Fill situation

P1 MeasuredP2 Catch poina Horizontab Hinge poinc Cutd Offset to

P1 MeasuredP2 Catch poina Horizontab Hinge poinc Filld Offset to







TPS800_Z121b dc




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n pointown point

rom P1 to P2ance between P1 and P2l distance between P1 and P2erence between P1 and P2






110Leica TPS800-4.0.1en

COGOCOGO is an application program to perform coordi-nate geometry calculations such as:• coordinates of points• bearings between points• distances between pointsThe COGO calculation methods are:• Inverse & Traverse• Intersections• Offset• ExtensionSoftkeys:[MEAS] Jumps to the Measurement dialog to

measure the point.[Calc] Starts the calculation, when all required

data is entered.[STAKE] When the calculated point is displayed

you have the option to stake out this point directly.

Inverse & TraInverse

KnownP1 First knowP2 Second knUnknownα Direction fd1 Slope distd2 Horizontad3 Height diff


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Leica TPS800-4.0.1en


n pointown pointrom P1 to P3rom P2 to P3









KnownP1 Known pointα Direction from P1 to P2d1 Distance between P1 and P2d2 Positive offset to the rightd3 Negative offset to the leftUnknownP2 COGO point without offsetP3 COGO point with positive offsetP4 COGO point with negative offset

IntersectionsBearing - Bea

KnownP1 First knowP2 Second knα1 Direction fα2 Direction fUnknownP3 COGO po









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n pointown point defined by the distance from P1 to

defined by the distance from P2 to

O pointOGO point






112Leica TPS800-4.0.1en

Bearing - Distance

KnownP1 First known pointP2 Second known pointα Direction from P1 to P3 and P4r Radius, as defined by the distance from P2 to

P4 and P3UnknownP3 First COGO pointP4 Second COGO point

Distance - Di

KnownP1 First knowP2 Second knr1 Radius, as

P3 or P4r2 Radius, as

P3 or P4UnknownP3 First COGP4 Second C








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Leica TPS800-4.0.1en


tart pointnd pointint

in length/abzissa (HD)viation/ordinate (Offset)t








By Points

KnownP1 First known pointP2 Second known pointP3 Third known pointP4 Fourth known pointa Line from P1 to P2b Line from P3 to P4UnknownP5 COGO point

OffsetDistance - Of

KnownP1 Baseline sP2 Baseline eP3 Lateral poUnknownd1 Differenced2 Lateral deP4 Base poin










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ich defines planeich defines planeich defines plane










114Leica TPS800-4.0.1en

Set Point by ...

KnownP1 Baseline start pointP2 Baseline end pointa Difference in length/abzissa (HD)b Lateral deviation/ordinate (Offset)UnknownP3 Lateral point

Plane Offset

KnownP1 Point 1 whP2 Point 2 whP3 Point 3 whP4 Offset poiUnknownP5 COGO pod1 Offset







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Leica TPS800-4.0.1en

(optional)plication TraversePRO can be trialed

rwards it is necessary to enter the

RO application is used to establish ks whereby other survey operations raphic surveys or point stake outs can

RO methods include:rt transformationct 2D Helmert the traverse will be y a 2D Helmert transformation. Shift, nd Scale factor will be computed and the traverse.rulect Compass Rule the coordinate will be distributed with respect to the

he traverse legs. The Compass Rule that the biggest error comes from the verse observations. This method is


ExtensionThe "Extension" routine computes extend point from base line.

KnownP1 Baseline start pointP3 Baseline end point

L1 or L2 DistanceUnknownP2, P4 Extended point

TraversePROThe ap

15 times. Aftelicense code.

The TraversePcontrol networsuch as topogbe completed.

The TraverseP• 2D Helme

If you seleadjusted bRotation aapplied to

• Compass If you selemisclosurelength of tassumes longest tra








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e traverse, results are displayed and djustment can be calculated.

n point with known azimuthn point and optionally measure to ing point

5 Control PointsCheck PointTraverse PointsTopographic PointsNorth Direction









116Leica TPS800-4.0.1en

suitable when the precision of the angles and distances are approximately equal.

• Transit ruleIf you select Transit Rule the coordinate misclo-sure will be distributed with respect to the coor-dinate changes in Easting and Northing. Use this method if the angles were measured with a higher precision than the distances.

To begin a traverse you may:• Start a traverse without a known backsight• Start a traverse with a known backsight

If the coordinates of the start station are unknown, the Free Station application can be run before and by choosing "Start a traverse without a known back-sight" the system azimuth can be overtaken.If the start azimuth is unknown and a Helmert trans-formation is performed in the end, then also use "Start a traverse without a known backsight".

It is also possible to observe sideshots and check points during the traverse. However check points are not included in the traverse adjustment.

At the end of thoptionally an a

Start on knowStop on knowa known clos

C1, C2, C4, CC3P1...P3TP1...TP3N




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Leica TPS800-4.0.1en

verset recommended to start a traverse if almost full. Doing so, may mean the urements and results cannot be ingly, you will be informed by a s than 10% of the memory is free.

ables you to select a job. Only one verse per job is allowed. If an justed or finished traverse is already rt of the selected job, then select other job.


Set JobSet Tolerance



Start on known point without azimuthStop on known point

C1, C3 Control PointsC2 Check PointP1...P3 Traverse PointsTP1...TP3 Topographic Points


1. Starting TraIt is no

the memory istraverse meassaved. Accordmessage if les









F1 F2


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measured in face I immediately followed by face II. Other points are measured in alternating face order.B’F’: All points are measured in face I only.The number of sets is limited to 10.Important when measuring with face I and II. This checks if both measurements are within a defined limit. When exceeding the limit, a warning message is displayed.The limit that will be used for checking the face tolerance.Enables you to enter the station data.

tion datae must start on a known point.

118Leica TPS800-4.0.1en

Enables you to activate/deactivate the use of tolerances.You can enter a limit for horizontal direction (the difference between measured and calculated azimuth to the closing point), for distance (the distance between known and measured closing point), and for differences in Easting, Northing and Height.If the adjustment results or the deviation for a check point exceed these limits a warning dialog appears. You can then decide whether or not to proceed.Enables you to configure and start the traverse.

2. Configuring TraversePROThe following entries are possibleTraverse ID: The name of the new traverse.Method: B’F’F’’B’’: All points are measured in

face I, then measured in face II in reverse sequential order.B’B’’F’’F’: Backsight point is

Nr. of Sets:Use Face-Tol:

Face Tol.:


3. Entering staEvery Travers

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Leica TPS800-4.0.1en

e starting methodStarts the traverse without a known backsight. The measurements begin to a foresight point. See 6. Measuring a foresight point.Starts the traverse with a known backsight. See 5. Measuring a backsight point.

a backsight pointe of the station and the height of the the functions [FIND], [LIST] or [ENH] n 3. Entering station data.

To continue to the panel for measuring a backsight point.


Input the name of the station and the height of the instrument.[FIND] Starts point search. Exact PtIDs can

be entered or the * wildcard-criteria used.

[LIST] Displays the list of available points.[ENH] Opens the coordinate input mode.[OK] Enables you to select the traverse


4. Selecting th

5. Measuring Input the namreflector. Use as described i[OK]


Station ID : DEFAULThi : 1.400 mDescription: ------

MEASURE TRAVERSEEnter Station data!

Page 120: Leica TPS800 Series - SCCS...Leica TPS800-4.0.1en 4 Validity of this manual Description General This manual applies to all TPS800 Series inst ruments. Where there are differences between


oresight point.urement with [ALL] or [DIST] + [REC], the configured traverse method, t Foresight Point panel stays active

the foresight point in a second face or sight Point panel appears for backsight point is displayed.

oop for the number of setstween panels for the backsight and urements continues according to the

mber of sets.f sets and the face are indicated in the r of the panel. For example 1/I means

setQuits the backsight and foresight panel.


120Leica TPS800-4.0.1en

Measure the backsight point.After the measurement with [ALL] or [DIST] + [REC], depending on the configured traverse method, either the Sight Backsight Point panel stays active for measuring the backsight point in a second face or the Sight Foresight Point panel appears for measuring the foresight point.

6. Measuring a foresight pointA point ID for the foresight point is suggested but can be changed.

Measure the fAfter the measdepending oneither the Sighfor measuringthe Sight Backmeasuring the

7. Repetitive lAlternating beforesight measconfigured nuThe number otop right corneset 1 in face I.Interrupting a[ESC]

This panel is d


Sight Backsight! 1/lStat. ID : 1200BS ID : 1001hr : 1.500 mCode : ------Hz : 0.0000 gV : 0.0000 g : 0.0000 m



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Leica TPS800-4.0.1en

ber of defined sets is achievedof the set measurements is checked. e accepted or redone.l is displayed automatically.

asure a sideshot. See 7.1 Sideshot.nge to the next station. See 7.2 Next

n.asure a check point. See 7.3 Check

the TRAVERSE MAIN panel. Decide o do next:


vey Sideshot

e to next Station

sure Checkpoint


Redo the last measurement which can either be a backsight or a foresight point. The last measurement is not stored.Redo the whole station. The data from the last station is not stored.Exit the traverse. The traverse stays active and can be continued later. The data from the last station is lost.To return to the panel where [ESC] was pressed accidentally.

When the numThe accuracy The set can bThe next pane

To meTo chaStatioTo mePoint.

[ESC] Quits what t


F1 Redo last measurementF2 Redo whole stationF3 Exit TraverseF4 PREV F1 Sur

F2 Mov

F3 Mea

Page 122: Leica TPS800 Series - SCCS...Leica TPS800-4.0.1en 4 Validity of this manual Description General This manual applies to all TPS800 Series inst ruments. Where there are differences between


easurement of ordinary survey and ints. Measured points are stored with

O flag. If the traverse is finally e points will be updated.

Quits the Measure Sideshots dialog and returns to the TRAVERSE MAIN panel.

onext station. The instrument can either rned off.l for the next station is similar to the ring station data. The point ID of the of the last station is suggested as matically.

he loop of backsight and foresight s until the number of sets is reached.

122Leica TPS800-4.0.1en

[REDO] To redo the whole station. The data from the last station is not stored.

[QUIT] Goes to the Programs Menu. The traverse which was not finished can be continued or processed later by starting the program TraversePro again.

[BACK] To return to the TRAVERSE MAIN panel.

7.1 SideshotEnables the mtopographic poa TraversePRadjusted, thes[DONE]

7.2 Next StatiMove to the nbe left on or tuThe start paneone in 3. Enteforesight pointstation ID autoRun through tmeasurement

Redo Last Station?Measurements on this station

will be overwritten!


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Leica TPS800-4.0.1en

r closing a traverse are:hen you are setup on the closing , you know its coordinates and the nates of the closing point.t the data for both points.sure to the closing point. results are displayed.f you chose this method you are orced to do a distance measurement.

F2 F3 F4

nown Station


nown Closing Pointnown Closing Point

nown Station onlye open


7.3 Check PointA check point is excluded from the traverse

calculation and adjustment. However all measure-ment data and results observed from a check point are stored.

Input the name of the check point and the height of the reflector. Use the functions [FIND], [LIST] or [ENH] as described in 3. Entering station data.Press [OK] to go to the next panel.Measure the check point. The deltas in Easting, Northing and Height are displayed.

If the tolerances defined in the TraversePRO config-uration are exceeded, an information message is displayed.

8. Closing a traversePress [CLOSE] in the Sight Foresight Point panel before measuring a foresight point after a backsight point measurement.

The options foUse wstationcoordi1. Inpu2. Mea3. The



F1 At k


to kF2 To k

F3 At kF4 Leav

Page 124: Leica TPS800 Series - SCCS...Leica TPS800-4.0.1en 4 Validity of this manual Description General This manual applies to all TPS800 Series inst ruments. Where there are differences between


Accuracy in 1DAccuracy in 2DLength/distance errorAzimuth closure errorTo calculate an adjustment. Unavailable when traverse is left open.To end traverse without an adjust-ment.

tures are distributed equally.

ment parameters.For misclosure distribution either COMPASS or TRANSIT-rule can be chosen.The height error can be distributed equally, by distance or not at all.

124Leica TPS800-4.0.1en

Use when you are setup on an unknown station and only the coordinates of the closing point are known.1. Input the data for the point.2. Measure to the closing point.3. The results are displayed.Use when you are setup on the closing station and the coordinates for it are known.1. Input the data for the closing station.2. The results are displayed.Use when you would like to leave the traverse open. There is no last traverse station.1. The results are displayed.

If you started the traverse without a known backsight point and you selected the option or

, then, for calculating results, you have the option to use the system azimuth saved in the instru-ment from another program, for example if Free Station was used before TraversePRO.

9. Results1D Acc:2D Acc:L Err:A Err:[ADJUST]


10. AdjustmenAngle misclos

Set the adjustMisc.-Distr.:


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Leica TPS800-4.0.1en


Scale: ppm value defined by the calculated distance between start and end point divided by the distance measured.

Use Scale: Do you want to use the calculated ppm after finishing TraversePRO?

[OK] To proceed with the adjustment. Depending on the number of measured points this may take some time. A message is displayed during the calculation. Adjusted points are stored as fixpoints with an additional prefix, for example point BS-154.B is stored as CBS-154.B.After the adjustment the TraversePRO application is left and the system returns to the MAIN MENU.

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10% of the memory is free. It is not recom-emory is almost full. If you do so, it may measurements and the results cannot be

ed. You must select another job.

uit without closing a traverse. You can ation. You can leave the traverse unfin-erse and the old traverse data is over-

anel and decide again.

PRO completely or to go back to the ide again.

or go back to the previous panel and select

ns can be redone.

126Leica TPS800-4.0.1en

Warnings / Messages

Important messages M

Memory is almost full. Continue?This message occurs if less than mended to start a traverse if the mhappen in the end that the traversesaved.

Current job contains an adjusted traverse. Select a different job. Only one traverse per job is allow

Last traverse not yet finished or processed - continue?

The TraversePRO program was qcontinue the traverse on a new stished. Or you can start a new travwritten.

Do you really want to start a new traverse? All existing traverse data will be overwritten.

You can go back to the previous p

REDO last station? Measurements on this station will be overwritten.

Other options are to quit TraverseTRAVERSE MAIN panel and dec

QUIT Traverse Application? Current Station data will be lost.

You can either quit the application another option.

Tolerances exceeded. Accept? If you do not accept, the calculatio

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Leica TPS800-4.0.1en

splayed while the adjustment is calculated.



Traverse points are recalculated and newly stored. This is an information message di

Important messages M

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oint, origin of local coordinate systemd point

pointred point. This point is probably not

d on the plane.rint point of the perpendicular vector 4 to the defined plane. This point is ely located on the defined plane. of local coordinate system










128Leica TPS800-4.0.1en

Reference PlaneThe Reference Plane application is used to measure points relative to a reference plane. It can be used for the following tasks:• Measuring a point to calculate and store the

perpendicular offset to the plane.• Calculating the perpendicular distance from the

intersection point to the local X- and Z-axis. The intersection point is the footprint point of the perpendicular vector from the measured point through the defined plane.

• Viewing, storing and staking out the coordinates of the intersection point.

A reference plane is created by measuring three points on a plane. These three points define a local coordinate system:• The first point is the origin of a local coordinate

system.• The second point defines the direction of the

local Z-axis.• The third point defines the plane.

P1 First pP2 SeconP3 Third P4 Measu

locateP5 Footp

from Pdefinit

X X-axis





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Leica TPS800-4.0.1en

points defining the reference plane

e of the first point on the reference height of the reflector. Measure the

r the second and the third point on the e.

Starts point search. Exact PtIDs can be entered or the * wildcard-criteria used.Displays the list of available points.


PLANE 1/3 1st plane point ! : A1 : ----- : ----- : 1.500 m : -----.--- m : -----.--- m




Z Z-axis of local coordinate systemOff+ Perpendicular distance from P4 to the plane

X Perpendicular distance from P5 to the local Z-axis

Z Perpendicular distance from P5 to the local X-axis

The perpendicular distance to the plane can be posi-tive or negative:


1. Measuring

Input the namplane and thepoint.Repeat this foreference plan[FIND]








MeasurePoint 1 Point 2 Point 3 hr

Page 130: Leica TPS800 Series - SCCS...Leica TPS800-4.0.1en 4 Validity of this manual Description General This manual applies to all TPS800 Series inst ruments. Where there are differences between


Calculated perpendicular distance between target point and plane (intersection point).Perpendicular distance from the intersection point to the local Z-axis.Perpendicular distance from the intersection point to the local X-axis. The stake out point is higher than the origin of the coordinate system.Calculated perpendicular distance between target point and plane (intersection point).To measure a new target point.To display stake out values for inter-section the point.To define a new reference plane.Goes to the programs menu.

130Leica TPS800-4.0.1en

[ENH] Opens the coordinate input mode.

2. Measuring target pointMeasure a target point as you usually survey points.

3. Results

Int. PtID: Point ID of the intersection point, the perpendicular projection of the target point on the plane.






[New Plan][EXIT] NewTgt STAKE NewPlan EXIT


Int.PtID : 104Offset : 1.380 m X : 4.500 m Z : 2.000 m

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Leica TPS800-4.0.1en

The code is set. After a measure-ment with [ALL] the code is recorded.Adds the entered code to the codelist.

diting codeble code from code list.can be overwritten freely.

list editor of LGO a status can be e attributes.with "fixed status" (see LGO) are cted. They cannot be overwritten or

tes with status "Mandatory" an input mation is required.with status "Normal" can be edited


CodingCodes contain information about recorded points. With the help of coding, points can be assigned to a particular group simplifying later processing.More information on coding can be found under "Data management".GSI-codingCode: Code nameDesc.: Additional remarkInfo1: more, freely editable ... informationInfo8: lines

Codes are always stored as free codes (WI41-49), that means that codes are not directly linked to a point. They are stored before or after the measurement depending on the setting made. Point codes (WI71-79) are not available.Procedure:1 Select code from a codelist or enter new code.

[RECORD] The code is directly recorded without a measurement with [ALL].



Extending / e1. Call availa2. Attributes Exceptions:With the codeassigned to th• Attributes


• For attribuor a confir

• Attributes freely.

Page 132: Leica TPS800 Series - SCCS...Leica TPS800-4.0.1en 4 Validity of this manual Description General This manual applies to all TPS800 Series inst ruments. Where there are differences between


e selected code is displayed after the .

e must always be entered on the umeric keypad even if only a one digit igned in the Codelist Manager.4 -> enter 04.d Quick Coding press the [Q-Code]

132Leica TPS800-4.0.1en

Quick CodeUsing the quick code function, a predefined code can be called directly via the numeric keypad on the instrument. The code is selected by entering a two digit number, the measurement triggered and the measured data and code saved.A total of 100 codes can be assigned.Each code can be assigned a unique one or two digit number in the "Codelist Manager".

If no numbers are allocated to the codes in the "Codelist Manager", the code is selected in accor-dance with the order in which the codes were entered in the code list (01 -> first code in the code list ... 10 -> tenth code in the code list).

Procedure:1. Press the [Q-Code] button to activate Quick

coding.2. Enter a two digit number on the numeric keypad

-> code is selected, the measurement triggered and the measured data and code saved.

The name of thmeasurement

A two digit codinstrument's ncode was assFor example:

To enbutton again.

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Leica TPS800-4.0.1en


Warnings / Messages

Individually entered code blocks are not added to the code list.Leica Geo Office Tools (LGO-Tools)Codelists can be easily created and uploaded to the instrument using the supplied "LGO-Tools" Soft-ware.

Important Messages Meaning

Attrib. cannot be changed !

Attribute with fixed status cannot be changed.

No codelist available !No codelist in memory. Manual input for code and attributes are called automatically.

Entry required ! Code missing. Extend input.

Page 134: Leica TPS800 Series - SCCS...Leica TPS800-4.0.1en 4 Validity of this manual Description General This manual applies to all TPS800 Series inst ruments. Where there are differences between


ith=0°; Horizon=90°enith=90°; Horizon=0°=100%; Horizon=0° value increases rapidly. "--.--%"

e display above 300%".nlting compensation switched off.angles relate to the plumb line.angle refer to the plummet line and e Hz-directions are corrected by the anding axis tilt.

nt is used on an unstable base (e.g. rm, ship, etc.) the compensator should ff.e compensator drifting out of it's ge and interrupting the measuring icating an error.mpensator setting remains active

instrument is switched off.

134Leica TPS800-4.0.1en

SettingsThis menu enables extensive user-specific settings in order to adapt the instrument to their own require-ments.ContrastSetting the display contrast in 10% steps.Trigger keyConfiguration of the trigger key on side cover.Off Trigger key deactivated.ALL Trigger key with same function as

the [ALL]-key.DIST Trigger key with same function as

the [DIST]-key.USER KeyConfigure the USER Key with a function from the FNC-menu.V-SettingThe "0"- orientation of the vertical circle can be either selected for the zenith, the horizontal plane or in %.

• Zenith:Zen• Horizon: Z• V-(%): 45°

The %appears on thTilt CorrectioOff Ti1-axis V-2-axis V-


If the instrumeshaking platfobe switched oThis avoids thmeasuring ranprocess by ind

The coeven after the

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Leica TPS800-4.0.1en

(interrupted)t beep


Sector Beep Off Sector Beep switched offOn Sector Beep sounds at right angles (0°,

90°, 180°, 270° or 0, 100, 200, 300 gon)Example Sector Beep:From 95.0 to 99.5 gon (or from 105.0 to 100.5 gon) a "Fast beep" sounds whilst from 99.5 to 99.995 gon (or from 100.5 to 100.005 gon) a "Permanent beep" sounds.

1) No beep2) Fast beep3) Permanen


Page 136: Leica TPS800 Series - SCCS...Leica TPS800-4.0.1en 4 Validity of this manual Description General This manual applies to all TPS800 Series inst ruments. Where there are differences between


r automatically activated when the splay illumination is on and the instru-ent temperature is ≤ 5°C.

aded languages are shown.oicees are loaded onto the instrument a se the language can be shown directly on the instrument.e language dialog is shown as

artup dialog.e language dialog is not shown as

artup dialog.

ta is recorded via the serial interface. is setting in only required if an ternal storage device is connected d measurements are started at the S with DIST/REC or ALL. This setting

not required if the TPS is totally ntrolled by a datalogger.

136Leica TPS800-4.0.1en

BeepThe beep is an acoustic signal after each key stroke.Off Beep switched offNormal Normal volumeLoud Increased volumeHz IncrementationRight Set right Hz for "Clockwise direction

measurement".Left Set left Hz for "Counter-clockwise direc-

tion measurement". "Counter-clock-wise" directions are only displayed but saved as "Clockwise direction".

Reticle IlluminationThe reticle illumination is only switched on if the display illumination is on.Low Low illuminationMedium Medium illumination High High illumination

Display HeateOn Is


LanguageThe current loLanguage chIf two languagdialog to chooafter switchingOn Th

stOff Th

stData OutputRS232 Da

ThexanTPis co

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Leica TPS800-4.0.1en

n Collimation is switched ON. Collimation is switched OFF.

Collimation ON" is active, each -angle is corrected (depending on

eration the Hz-collimation remains

information on Hz-collimation can be djustments".

e instrument is switched off after 20 inutes without any action (= no key essed; V and Hz angle deviation ±3' / ±600cc). e instrument is switched on perma-ntly. Battery discharges quicker.onomy mode. Instrument is recov-

ed by any key stroke.


Intern All data is recorded in the internal memory.

GSI 8/16Select GSI output format.GSI 8: 81..00+12345678GSI 16: 81..00+1234567890123456Mask 1/2/3Select GSI output mask.Mask 1: PtID, Hz, V, SD, ppm+mm, hr, hiMask 2: PtID, Hz, V, SD, E, N, H, hrMask 3: StationID, E, N, H, hi (Station)

StationID, Ori, E, N, H, hi (Station Result)PtID, E, N, H (Control)PtID, Hz, V (Set Azimuth)PtID, Hz, V, SD, ppm+mm, hr, E, N, H (Measurement)

Hz CollimatioOn HzOff HzIf option "Hz measured HzV-angle). For normal opswitched on.

More found under "AAuto-OFFEnable Th


Disable Thne

Sleep Ecer

Page 138: Leica TPS800 Series - SCCS...Leica TPS800-4.0.1en 4 Validity of this manual Description General This manual applies to all TPS800 Series inst ruments. Where there are differences between


angle format can be selected in three

: / 0° 00' 05" / 0° 00' 10"re indicated.

0.001° / 0.0001°

n / 0.001 gon / 0.0001 gon

0.05 mil / 0.10 mil

teter-feet-Inch-1/16 inch-feet

ternational feet

138Leica TPS800-4.0.1en

Angle Unit° ' " (degree sexagesimal)

possible angle values: 0° to 359°59'59''

DD (degree decimal)possible angle values: 0° to 359.999°

gon possible angle values: 0 gon to 399.999 gon

mil possible angle values: 0 to 6399.99mil

The setting of the angle units can be changed at any time.The actual displayed values are converted according to the selected unit.

Min. ReadingThe displayedsteps.• For 360°'"

0° 00' 01"Always " a

• For 360°:0.0005° /

• For gon:0.0005 go

• For mil:0.01 mil /

Distance Unimeter Mft-in1/16 USUS-ft USINT-ft In

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Leica TPS800-4.0.1en

ly for stake out application)with up to four characters is added in e end of the point number of a point

nly for stake out application)ds the character entered for Identi-r in front of the original point number

the point to be staked.ds the characters entered for Identi-r at the end of the original point mber of the point to be staked.e staked point is stored with the same int number as the point to be staked.


Distance Decimals3 Displays distance with three decimals4 Displays distance with four decimalsTemperature°C Degree Celsius°F Degree FahrenheitPressurembar MillibarhPa Hecto PascalmmHg Millimeter mercury columninHg Inch mercury columnSlope Unith : v Horizontal : Vertical; for example 5 : 1v : h Vertical : Horizontal; for example 1 : 5% (v/h x 100), for example 20 %Face I DefinitionDefines the telescope face I in relation to the posi-tion of the Vdrive.Code RecordSets if the codeblock is saved before or after the measurement (see chapter "Coding").

Identifier (onThe identifier front of or at thto be stakedPre-/Suffix (oPrefix Ad


Suffix Adfienu

OFF Thpo

Page 140: Leica TPS800 Series - SCCS...Leica TPS800-4.0.1en 4 Validity of this manual Description General This manual applies to all TPS800 Series inst ruments. Where there are differences between

EDM Settings

ruments different settings for s with reflectorless (RL) and reflector M type are available. selected measuring mode the selec-s are different.

Fine measuring mode for high precision measurements with prisms(2mm + 2 ppm)

Quick measuring mode with higher measuring speed and reduced accuracy (5mm + 2 ppm)

Continuous distance measuring (5mm + 2 ppm)

Distance measurement using Retro targets(5mm + 2 ppm)

140Leica TPS800-4.0.1en

EDM SettingsThe EDM-settings contain a detailed menu with selection boxes.

EDM ModeWith TCR instmeasurementmode (IR) EDDepending ontion prism type





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Leica TPS800-4.0.1en




+34.4 Mini prism


--is set at "Prismconst" (-mm + 34.4; e.g.: mm = 14 -> input = -14 + 34.4 = 20.4)

+34.4 Reflectorless


141EDM Settings

With the RL-EDM each object in the beam is measured (possibly also branches, cars, etc.).Prism typeCalling the function in the EDM settings.

RL-StandardFor distance measurements without prisms (≤500m: 2mm + 2ppm>500m: 4mm + 2ppm)

RL-TrackContinuous distance measure-ment without prisms(5mm + 3 ppm)

RL-Prism For distance measurements with prisms

Leica Prisms


Standard prism (Round)GPH1 +GPR1


360° prism GRZ4

360° Mini prismGRZ101


JPMINIReflective targets



Leica Prisms

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EDM Settings

ed diode ellow diode: 5 - 150 m (15 -500 ft)

12 m (40 ft) at 100 m (330 ft)


6 m(20 ft)

6 m(20 ft)


m (



142Leica TPS800-4.0.1en

Prism ConstantCalling the function in the EDM settings.Entry of a user specific prism constant. Input can only be made in [mm].Limit value: -999.9 mm to +999.9 mmLaser PointerOff: Visible laser beam is switched off.On: Visible laser beam for visualising the target

point is switched on.Guide Light The person at the prism can be guided by the flashing lights directly to the line of sight. The light points are visible up to a distance of 150 meters. This is useful when stake out points.

1) Flashing r2) Flashing yOperat. rangeDivergence:


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Leica TPS800-4.0.1en

pheric parameters.

arameters (ppm):surement is influenced directly by the onditions of the air in which distance are taken.

e into consideration these influences urements are corrected using atmo-tion parameters.


SL : 500 mure: 16 °C : 952 hPaM : 21 PPM


143EDM Settings

[SCALE]Scale of projection.

Scale factor:Entering the scale of projection. Measured values and coordinates are corrected with the PPM param-eter.[PPM=0] Sets default parameters.[PPM]Input of individual scaling parameters.

[ATMOS]Input of atmos

Atmospheric PDistance meaatmospheric cmeasurement

In order to takdistance measspheric correc


Scale factor: 1.000060

Scale ppm : 60


Enter scale factor !


Ht. a. MTemperatPressureAtmos PP


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EDM Settings

144Leica TPS800-4.0.1en

• Ht. a. MSLHeight above sea level at instrument location.

• TemperatureAir temperature at instrument location.

• Pressure Air pressure at instrument location.

• Atmos PPM:Calculated and indicated atmospheric PPM.

• Refr.Coeff:Input of refraction coefficient for the atmospheric conditions.

Refraction correctionThe refraction correction is taken into account in the calculation of the height differences and the hori-zontal distance.Signal[SIGNAL] Displays EDM signal strength (reflection

strength) in steps of 1%. Permits optimal aiming at distant barely visible targets.

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Leica TPS800-4.0.1en

mary of data of different types, e.g. easurements, codes, results, etc.ion consists of the input of job name

e system generates time and date at ation.

Scrolling through jobs.

Deletes selected job.

Sets the selected job.

Starts new job.

145File Management

File ManagementThe File Manager contains all functions for entering, editing and for checking data in the field.

JobJobs are a sumfixed points, mThe job definitand user. Additionally, ththe time of creJob search:




F1 F2 F3 F4

F1 Job

F2 Fixpoints

F3 Measurements

F4 Codes


F1 Initialize Memory

F2 Memory Statistic


Page 146: Leica TPS800 Series - SCCS...Leica TPS800-4.0.1en 4 Validity of this manual Description General This manual applies to all TPS800 Series inst ruments. Where there are differences between

File Management

Save data.Starts search dialogue.Input of attributes.



Nr01 border line Nr. 123 12.54

146Leica TPS800-4.0.1en

FixpointsValid fixed points contain at least the PtID and the coordinates (E, N) or (H).[DELETE] Deletes selected fixed point.[FIND] Starts point search. Exact PtIDs can

be entered or the * wildcard-criteria used.

[NEW] Opens input for PtID and coordi-nates.

MeasurementsMeasurement data available in the internal memory can be searched and displayed or erased.[FIND] Starts point search dialogue.[VIEW] Displays all measurements.CodesTo each code a description and a maximum of 8 attributes with up to 16 characters can be assigned.



Code :Desc. :Info1 :Info2 :Info3 :

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Leica TPS800-4.0.1en

147File Management

Initialize MemoryDeletes jobs, single data areas of a job or alldata.[DELETE] Starts deleting process within the

selected area.[ALL] Deletes all data in memory. All data

will be lost!Deleting the memory cannot be undone.

After confirming the message all data is deleted permanently.Memory StatisticDisplays job specific memory information such as:• Number of stored fixpoints.• Number of recorded data blocks (measured

points, codes, etc.).• Number of free or not defined jobs.

Page 148: Leica TPS800 Series - SCCS...Leica TPS800-4.0.1en 4 Validity of this manual Description General This manual applies to all TPS800 Series inst ruments. Where there are differences between

Start-up sequence

g the dialogue of notification, the screen is displayed. A maximum of 16 presses are stored. The sequence is C]. If the start sequence is activated,

presses are executed automatically ument is switched on.tomatic start sequence has the same ing the keys manually. Certain instru-

can not be made in this way. "Relative s automatically setting "IR-FINE"

g on the instrument, are not possible.

148Leica TPS800-4.0.1en

Start-up sequenceSets the screen the instrument starts in when switched on. E.g. the electronic bubble can be displayed at every start.

[OK] Stores current settings.[RECORD] Defines the key presses that are

executed automatically upon start up.

Procedure:After confirmin"Meas & Rec" of the next keyended with [ESthe stored keywhen the instr

The aueffect as pressment settings entries" such aupon switchin


Press F1 to start recording

a new sequence

Start-Up: enabled


Page 149: Leica TPS800 Series - SCCS...Leica TPS800-4.0.1en 4 Validity of this manual Description General This manual applies to all TPS800 Series inst ruments. Where there are differences between

Leica TPS800-4.0.1en

errors should be determined before is used for the first time, before preci-after long periods of transport, before periods of work, and if the tempera-by more than 10°C (18°F).ore determining the instrument rs, level-up the instrument using the

ctronic bubble. The instrument should secure and firm, and should be direct sunlight in order to avoid sion on one side only. starting to work, the instrument has limatised to the ambient temperature. two minutes per °C of temperature storage to working environment but should be taken into account.

149Check & Adjust

Check & AdjustDetermining Line-of-sight error and V-IndexThe adjustment contains the determination of the following instrument errors:• Hz-collimation• V-index (simultaneously electronic level)For determining the Hz-collimation or the V-index it is necessary to measure in both telescope positions. The procedure can be started in any telescope posi-tion. The user is guided clearly through the procedure. A wrong determination of instrument error is thus elim-inated.The instruments are adjusted in the factory prior to shipping.Instrument errors can change with time and temper-ature.

Thesethe instrumentsion surveys, and after longture changes


protected fromthermal expan

Beforeto become accApproximatelydifference fromat least 15 min

Page 150: Leica TPS800 Series - SCCS...Leica TPS800-4.0.1en 4 Validity of this manual Description General This manual applies to all TPS800 Series inst ruments. Where there are differences between

Check & Adjust

ertical index error)

rcle should read exactly 90° (100 gon) of sight is horizontal. Any deviation e is termed vertical index error (i).g the vertical index error the electronic d automatically.

dures and conditions required to -sight and height index errors are the e procedure will only be described


150Leica TPS800-4.0.1en

Line-of-sight error (Hz-collimation)

The line-of-sight error or collimation error (C) is the deviation from the perpendicular between the tilting axis and the line of sight.The effect of the line-of-sight error to the Hz-angle increases with the vertical angle.For horizontal aimings the error of Hz equals the line-of-sight error.

V-Index (V

The vertical ciwhen the line from this figurBy determininlevel is adjuste

Procecorrect line-ofsame. Thus thonce.


Page 151: Leica TPS800 Series - SCCS...Leica TPS800-4.0.1en 4 Validity of this manual Description General This manual applies to all TPS800 Series inst ruments. Where there are differences between

Leica TPS800-4.0.1en

he horizontal aiming Hz and V are

rts measurementhe old and new calculated values.

Sets new adjustment data.Quits program without setting new adjustment data.

151Check & Adjust

Hz-collimationV-indexDisplay adjustment value: Summarizes saved values.

Procedure:1. Level instrument with electronic bubble. 2. Aim at a point approximately 100m from the

instrument which is within 5° of the horizontal.

3. [ALL]: Trigger measurement.4. Change telescope position and aim to the point


For checking tdisplayed.

5. [ALL]: Sta6. Displays t




Page 152: Leica TPS800 Series - SCCS...Leica TPS800-4.0.1en 4 Validity of this manual Description General This manual applies to all TPS800 Series inst ruments. Where there are differences between

Check & Adjust


im on the target point with an accuracy of in. 5 gon. The target point must be pproximately in the horizontal plane.onfirmation of the message required.

epeat measurements.onfirmation of the message required.

im on the target point with an accuracy of in. 5 gon. onfirmation of the message required.

epeat the process.onfirmation of the message required.

152Leica TPS800-4.0.1en

Warnings / Messages

Important Messages Meaning

V-Angle not suitable for adjustment (Check V-angle or face) !

Aiming tolerance not met or telescope posi-tion/face not changed.


Adjustment result out of tolerance. Previous values retained !

Computed values out of tolerance. Previous values retained.


Hz-Angle out of limit !Hz-angle in second face/telescope pos. deviates more than 5 gon from the target point.


Measurement Error. Try again.

Measurement error appeared (e.g. instable set up or period between measuring in tele-scope position I and II too long).


Page 153: Leica TPS800 Series - SCCS...Leica TPS800-4.0.1en 4 Validity of this manual Description General This manual applies to all TPS800 Series inst ruments. Where there are differences between

Leica TPS800-4.0.1en


strument in advance with the elec-e bubble must be centered. If it d the circle, use the Allen key

nter it by turning the adjustment

nt no screw must be loose.

153Check & Adjust


The connections between metal and timber compo-nents must always be firm and tight.• Tighten the Allen screws (2) moderately.• Tighten the articulated joints on the tripod head

(1) just enough to keep the tripod legs open when you lift it off the ground.

Circular leve

Level-up the intronic level. Thextends beyonsupplied to cescrews.After adjustme


Page 154: Leica TPS800 Series - SCCS...Leica TPS800-4.0.1en 4 Validity of this manual Description General This manual applies to all TPS800 Series inst ruments. Where there are differences between

Check & Adjust

etmet is integrated into the vertical axis

ent. Under normal circumstances aser plummet is not necessary. If an necessary due to external influences t has to be returned to any Leica ment.

turning the instrument by 360°:instrument on the tripod approx. 1.5 m und and level up. laser plummet and mark the centre of ot.ment slowly by 360° and observe the ot. laser plummet should be carried out ooth and horizontal surface (e.g. a

r). the laser dot makes a clearly circular if the centre of the point is moving n 3 mm from the first marked point an

possibly necessary. Call your nearest department.

154Leica TPS800-4.0.1en

Circular level on the tribrach

Level the instrument and then remove it from the tribrach. If the bubble is not centred, adjust it using the adjusting pin.Turning the adjustment screws:• to the left: the bubble approaches the screw • to the right: the bubble goes away from the

screw.After adjustment no screw must be loose.

Laser plummThe laser plumof the instrumsetting of the ladjustment is the instrumenservice depart

Checking by 1. Install the

above gro2. Switch on

the red sp3. Turn instru

red laser dInspecting theon a bright, smsheet of papeIf the centre ofmovement or away more thaadjustment is Leica service


Page 155: Leica TPS800 Series - SCCS...Leica TPS800-4.0.1en 4 Validity of this manual Description General This manual applies to all TPS800 Series inst ruments. Where there are differences between

Leica TPS800-4.0.1en

155Check & Adjust

Depending on brightness and surface the size of the laser dot can vary. At a distance of 1.5 m an average value of 2.5 mm diameter must be estimated.The maximum diameter of the circular movement described by the centre of the laser point should not exceed 3 mm at a distance of 1.5 m.


Page 156: Leica TPS800 Series - SCCS...Leica TPS800-4.0.1en 4 Validity of this manual Description General This manual applies to all TPS800 Series inst ruments. Where there are differences between

COMM Parameters

rriage return

. connections:

atterycted / inactive

ption (TH_RXD)fer (TH_TXD)





156Leica TPS800-4.0.1en

COMM ParametersFor data transfer between PC and instrument the communication parameters of the serial interface RS232 must be set.Leica Standard setting19200 Baud, 8 Databit, No Parity, 1 Stopbit, CR/LFBaudrateData transfer speed 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200 [bits / second]Databits7 Data transfer is realized with 7 databits. Is set

automatically if parity is "Even" or "Odd".8 Data transfer is realized with 8 databits. Is set

automatically if parity is "None".ParityEven Even parityOdd Odd parityNone No parity (if data bit is set to 8)EndmarkCRLF Carriage return; line feed

CR CaStopbitsFixed setting 1Interface plug

1) External b2) Not conne3) GND 4) Data rece5) Data trans

TH ... Theodo


Page 157: Leica TPS800 Series - SCCS...Leica TPS800-4.0.1en 4 Validity of this manual Description General This manual applies to all TPS800 Series inst ruments. Where there are differences between

Leica TPS800-4.0.1en

700eceiver is to slow in processing data be lost. With this type of data transfer t is not informed about the perfor-receiver (no protocol).

PtIDHorizontal directionVertical angleOrientationSlope distanceHorizontal distanceHeight differenceCodes and attributesppm [mm]Prism constants(E, N, H) Target point(E, N, H) Stand pointReflector heightInstrument height

157Data Transfer

Data TransferWith this special function measured data can be trans-fered via the serial interface to a receiver (e.g. a Laptop). Using this type of transfer the success of the transfer is not checked.Job: Selection of job from which data should

be transfered.Data: Select the data range to be transferred

(measurements, fixed points)Format: Select output format. Select Leica-GSI-

format, or your own format created in the "Format Manager" and transfer to the LGO.

[SEND] Starts the transmission.

Example:Within the "data" setting "MEASUREMENTS" a data set could be shown as follows:11....+00000D19 21..022+1664182622..022+09635023 31..00+0000664958..16+00000344 81..00+0000334282..00-00005736 83..00+00000091

87..10+00001If the r

the data couldthe instrumenmance of the GSI-ID’s1121222531323341-49515881-8384-868788

Page 158: Leica TPS800 Series - SCCS...Leica TPS800-4.0.1en 4 Validity of this manual Description General This manual applies to all TPS800 Series inst ruments. Where there are differences between

System Info

e software of the instrument is mposed of different software pack-es. Depending on the package,

fferent versions are possible.p-System: Operating Systemp.-SW: Applications, functions

and menuyout: User displays

158Leica TPS800-4.0.1en

System InfoDisplays helpful information and date / time are set.

• BatteryRemaining battery power (e.g. 40%).

• Instr.Temp.Measured instrument temperature.

• DateDisplays the current date.

• TimeDisplays current time.

[DATE] Change date and format.Format: There are three display formats:


Date: Input date[TIME] Set time.

[SW-Info] ThcoagdiOAp


Page 159: Leica TPS800 Series - SCCS...Leica TPS800-4.0.1en 4 Validity of this manual Description General This manual applies to all TPS800 Series inst ruments. Where there are differences between

Leica TPS800-4.0.1en

he instrument is protected against se. After switching on the instrument

entry is necessary. IN protection is activated you can

ck the instrument from any applica-g [FNC] > Lock with PIN without

he instrument.

159Instrument Protection with PIN

Instrument Protection with PINThe instrument can be protected by a Personal Identification Number. If the PIN protection is acti-vated, the instrument will always prompt for a PIN code entry after starting up. If a wrong PIN has been typed in five times, a Personal UnblocKing code is required which can be found on the instrument delivery papers. If the PUK code entered is correct then the old PIN code is set to default value "0" and the PIN protection is deactivated.Procedure: 1. [MENU] > [PIN]2. Activate PIN by setting <Use PIN Code>: On.3. Enter your desired personal PIN Code (max. 6

character numeric) and accept with [OK].

Now tunauthorized uthe PIN Code

If the Pfurthermore lotion by pressinswitching off t

Page 160: Leica TPS800 Series - SCCS...Leica TPS800-4.0.1en 4 Validity of this manual Description General This manual applies to all TPS800 Series inst ruments. Where there are differences between

Care and Transport

rting the product by rail, air or sea, complete original Leica Geosystems nsport container and cardboard box, nt, to protect against shock and vibra-

nsport of batteriesrting or shipping batteries, the person e product must ensure that the appli- and international rules and regula-rved. Before transportation or ship-our local passenger or freight trans-


entt inspect the field adjustment parame-is user manual before using the

160Leica TPS800-4.0.1en

Care and Transport

TransportTransport in the fieldWhen transporting the equipment in the field, always make sure that you• either carry the product

in its original transport container,

• or carry the tripod with its legs splayed across your shoulder, keeping the attached product upright.

Transport in a road vehicleNever carry the product loose in a road vehicle, as it can be affected by shock and vibration. Always carry the product in its transport container and secure it.

ShippingWhen transpoalways use thepackaging, traor its equivaletion.

Shipping, traWhen transpoin charge of thcable nationaltions are obseping, contact yport company

Field adjustmAfter transporters given in thproduct.


Page 161: Leica TPS800 Series - SCCS...Leica TPS800-4.0.1en 4 Validity of this manual Description General This manual applies to all TPS800 Series inst ruments. Where there are differences between

Leica TPS800-4.0.1en

echnical Data" for information about mperature range. temperature range of 0°C to +20°C /68°F in a dry environment is recom- minimize self-discharging of the

ommended storage temperature teries containing a 10% to 50% n be stored for up to one year. After e period the batteries must be .atteries from the product and the fore storing.ge recharge batteries before using.tteries from damp and wetness. Wet atteries must be dried before storing

161Care and Transport

StorageProductRespect the temperature limits when storing the equipment, particularly in summer if the equipment is inside a vehicle. Refer to "Technical Data" for information about temperature limits.

Field adjustmentAfter long periods of storage inspect the field adjust-ment parameters given in this user manual before using the product.

Batteries• Refer to "T

storage te• A storage

+32°F to +mended tobattery.

• At the recrange, batcharge cathis storagrecharged

• Remove bcharger be

• After stora• Protect ba

or damp bor use.

Page 162: Leica TPS800 Series - SCCS...Leica TPS800-4.0.1en 4 Validity of this manual Description General This manual applies to all TPS800 Series inst ruments. Where there are differences between

Care and Transport

rismss that are cooler than the ambient nd to fog. It is not enough simply to ep them for some time inside your vehicle to allow them to adjust to the


ctsct, the transport container, the foam accessories at a temperature not

0°C / 108°F and clean them. Do not erything is completely dry.

lugsan and dry. Blow away any dirt lugs of the connecting cables.

162Leica TPS800-4.0.1en

Cleaning and DryingObjective, eyepiece and prisms• Blow dust off lenses and prisms.• Never touch the glass with your fingers.• Use only a clean, soft, lint-free cloth for

cleaning. If necessary, moisten the cloth with water or pure alcohol.Do not use other liquids; these may attack the polymer components.

Fogging of pReflector prismtemperature tewipe them. Kejacket or in theambient temp

Damp produDry the produinserts and thegreater than 4repack until ev

Cables and pKeep plugs clelodged in the p


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Leica TPS800-4.0.1en

see horizontal and vertical angles. distances. measurements.g by means of software. the aiming direction and vertical

product without instruction.e of the intended limits.

safety systems.f hazard notices.

he product using tools, for example r, unless this is specifically permitted

functions.n or conversion of the product.


163Safety Directions

Safety DirectionsThe following directions should enable the person responsible for the product, and the person who actually uses the equipment, to anticipate and avoid operational hazards.

The person responsible for the product must ensure that all users understand these directions and adhere to them.

Intended UPermitted us• Measuring• Measuring• Recording• Computin• Visualizing


Adverse use• Use of the• Use outsid• Disabling • Removal o• Opening t

screwdrivefor certain

• Modificatio• Use after

Page 164: Leica TPS800 Series - SCCS...Leica TPS800-4.0.1en 4 Validity of this manual Description General This manual applies to all TPS800 Series inst ruments. Where there are differences between

Safety Directions


e in an atmosphere appropriate for man habitation: not suitable for use in explosive environments.

fety authorities and safety experts cted before working in hazardous se proximity to electrical installations tions by the person in charge of the

164Leica TPS800-4.0.1en

• Use of products with obviously recognizable damages or defects.

• Use with accessories from other manufacturers without the prior explicit approval of Leica Geosystems.

• Aiming directly into the sun.• Inadequate safeguards at the working site, for

example when measuring on roads.• Deliberate dazzling of third parties.• Controlling of machines, moving objects or

similar monitoring application without additional control- and safety installations.

� WarningAdverse use can lead to injury, malfunction

and damage.It is the task of the person responsible for the equip-ment to inform the user about hazards and how to counteract them. The product is not to be operated until the user has been instructed on how to work with it.

Limits of UEnvironmentSuitable for uspermanent huaggressive or

� DangerLocal sa

must be contaareas, or in cloor similar situaproduct.

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Leica TPS800-4.0.1en

rge of the product charge of the product has the s:tand the safety instructions on the d the instructions in the user manual.iliar with local regulations relating to accident prevention.Leica Geosystems immediately if the d the application becomes unsafe.

gson responsible for the product must s used in accordance with the instruc-son is also accountable for the e deployment of personnel who use d for the safety of the equipment in

165Safety Directions

ResponsibilitiesManufacturer of the productLeica Geosystems AG, CH-9435 Heerbrugg, here-inafter referred to as Leica Geosystems, is respon-sible for supplying the product, including the user manual and original accessories, in a completely safe condition.Manufacturers of non Leica Geosystems acces-soriesThe manufacturers of non Leica Geosystems acces-sories for the product are responsible for devel-oping, implementing and communicating safety concepts for their products, and are also responsible for the effectiveness of those safety concepts in combination with the Leica Geosystems product.

Person in chaThe person infollowing dutie• To unders

product an• To be fam

safety and• To inform

product an

� WarninThe per

ensure that it itions. This pertraining and ththe product anuse.

Page 166: Leica TPS800 Series - SCCS...Leica TPS800-4.0.1en 4 Validity of this manual Description General This manual applies to all TPS800 Series inst ruments. Where there are differences between

Safety Directions

bnormal use and before and after surements.

e of the risk of electrocution, it is very use poles and extensions in the trical installations such as power trical railways.

distance from electrical installations. If work in this environment, first contact orities responsible for the electrical d follow their instructions.

NGoduct is used with accessories, for s, staffs, poles, you may increase the truck by lightning.

product in a thunderstorm.

166Leica TPS800-4.0.1en

Hazards of use

� WarningThe absence of instruction, or the inadequate

imparting of instruction, can lead to incorrect or adverse use, and can give rise to accidents with far-reaching human, material, financial and environ-mental consequences.Precautions:All users must follow the safety directions given by the manufacturer and the directions of the person responsible for the product.

� CautionWatch out for erroneous measurement

results if the product has been dropped or has been misused, modified, stored for long periods or trans-ported.Precautions:Periodically carry out test measurements and perform the field adjustments indicated in the user manual, particularly after the product has been

subjected to aimportant mea

� DangerBecaus

dangerous to vicinity of eleccables or elecPrecautions:Keep at a safeit is essential tothe safety authinstallations an

� WARNIIf the pr

example mastrisk of being sPrecautions:Do not use the

Page 167: Leica TPS800 Series - SCCS...Leica TPS800-4.0.1en 4 Validity of this manual Description General This manual applies to all TPS800 Series inst ruments. Where there are differences between

Leica TPS800-4.0.1en

that the survey site is adequately re to the regulations governing safety revention and road traffic.

guters intended for use indoors are ld there is a danger of electric shock.

instructions given by the computer with regard to field use in conjunction osystems products.

cessories used with the product are cured and the product is subjected to ock, for example blows or falling, the e damaged or people may sustain

up the product, make sure that the re correctly adapted, fitted, secured,

167Safety Directions

� CautionBe careful when pointing the product towards

the sun, because the telescope functions as a magnifying glass and can injure your eyes and/or cause damage inside the product.Precautions:Do not point the product directly at the sun.

� WarningDuring dynamic applications, for example

stakeout procedures there is a danger of accidents occurring if the user does not pay attention to the environmental conditions around, for example obstacles, excavations or traffic.Precautions:The person responsible for the product must make all users fully aware of the existing dangers.

� WarningInadequate securing of the working site can

lead to dangerous situations, for example in traffic, on building sites, and at industrial installations.

Precautions:Always ensuresecured. Adheand accident p

� WarninIf comp

used in the fiePrecautions:Adhere to the manufacturer with Leica Ge

� CautionIf the ac

not properly semechanical shproduct may binjury.Precautions:When setting-accessories a

Page 168: Leica TPS800 Series - SCCS...Leica TPS800-4.0.1en 4 Validity of this manual Description General This manual applies to all TPS800 Series inst ruments. Where there are differences between

Safety Directions

gers recommended by Leica Geosys-e the batteries.

gchanical stress, high ambient

or immersion into fluids can cause or explosions of the batteries.

tteries from mechanical influences ient temperatures. Do not drop or ries into fluids.

grcuited battery terminals can overheat ry or fire, for example by storing or pockets if battery terminals come in welry, keys, metallized paper or other

t the battery terminals do not come ith metallic objects.

168Leica TPS800-4.0.1en

and locked in position. Avoid subjecting the product to mechanical stress.

� CautionDuring the transport, shipping or disposal of

batteries it is possible for inappropriate mechanical influences to constitute a fire hazard.Precautions:Before shipping the product or disposing of it, discharge the batteries by running the product until they are flat.When transporting or shipping batteries, the person in charge of the product must ensure that the appli-cable national and international rules and regula-tions are observed. Before transportation or ship-ping contact your local passenger or freight trans-port company.

� WarningUsing a battery charger not recommended by

Leica Geosystems can destroy the batteries. This can cause fire or explosions.

Precautions:Only use chartems to charg

� WarninHigh me

temperatures leackage, fire Precautions:Protect the baand high ambimmerse batte

� WarninShort ci

and cause injutransporting incontact with jemetals.Precautions:Make sure thainto contact w

Page 169: Leica TPS800 Series - SCCS...Leica TPS800-4.0.1en 4 Validity of this manual Description General This manual applies to all TPS800 Series inst ruments. Where there are differences between

Leica TPS800-4.0.1en

fic treatment and waste management n be downloaded from the Leica ome page at http://www.leica-om/treatment or received from your tems dealer.

gica Geosystems authorized service entitled to repair these products.

169Safety Directions

� WARNINGIf the product is improperly disposed of, the

following can happen:• If polymer parts are burnt, poisonous gases are

produced which may impair health.• If batteries are damaged or are heated strongly,

they can explode and cause poisoning, burning, corrosion or environmental contamination.

• By disposing of the product irresponsibly you may enable unauthorized persons to use it in contravention of the regulations, exposing them-selves and third parties to the risk of severe injury and rendering the environment liable to contamination.

• Improper disposal of silicone oil may cause environmental contamination.

Precautions:The product must not be disposed with household waste. Dispose of the product appropriately in accordance with the national regulations in force in your

country. Always prevent access to the product by unauthorized personnel.

Product speciinformation caGeosystems hgeosystems.cLeica Geosys

� WarninOnly Le

workshops are

Page 170: Leica TPS800 Series - SCCS...Leica TPS800-4.0.1en 4 Validity of this manual Description General This manual applies to all TPS800 Series inst ruments. Where there are differences between

Safety Directions

erated as defined in this user manual eye hazard level.cts classified as laser class 2 or class dazzle, flash blindness and afterim-rly under low ambient light conditions.

easurements with Reflectors (IR

ule built into this product produces a eam which emerges from the tele-e.

uct described in this section is classi-lass 1 in accordance with:825-1 (2007-03): "Safety of laser


products are safe under reasonably nditions of operation and are not

eyes provided that the products are tained in accordance with this user

170Leica TPS800-4.0.1en

Laser Classification

GeneralThe following directions (in accordance with the state of the art - international standard IEC 60825-1 (2007-03) and IEC TR 60825-14 (2004-02)) provide instruction and training information to the person responsible for the product and the person who actually uses the equipment, to anticipate and avoid operational hazards.

The person responsible for the product must ensure that all users understand these directions and adhere to them.

Products classified as laser class 1, class 2 and class 3R do not require:

• laser safety officer involvement,• protective clothes and eye wear,• special warning signs in the laser working


if used and opdue to the low

Produ3R may causeages, particula

Distancer, Mmode)The EDM modvisible laser bscope objectiv

The laser prodfied as laser c

• IEC 60produ

Class 1 laser foreseeable coharmful to theused and mainmanual.

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Leica TPS800-4.0.1en

171Safety Directions

Description ValueMaximum average radiant power 0.33 mWPulse duration 800 psPulse repetition frequency 100 MHz - 150 MHzWavelength 650 nm - 690 nm

Page 172: Leica TPS800 Series - SCCS...Leica TPS800-4.0.1en 4 Validity of this manual Description General This manual applies to all TPS800 Series inst ruments. Where there are differences between

Safety Directions

Class 1 Laser Product

according to IEC 60825-1( 2007 - 03 )

172Leica TPS800-4.0.1en


a) Laser beam

Type: TC.... Art.No.: ......Power: 12V/6V ---, 1A maxLeica Geosystems AGCH-9435 HeerbruggManufactured: 2003 S.No.: ......Complies with 21 CFR 1040.10 and 1040.11 except for deviations pursuant to Laser Notice No.50, dated July 26,2001.This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harm-ful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including inter-ference that may cause undesired operation.


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Leica TPS800-4.0.1en

ersion behaviour for exposure to t for the case of visible radiation.

gsafety perspective class 3R laser ld be treated as potentially hazardous.

eye exposure to the beam. Do not m at other people.

Value (R400/R1000)age radiant power 5.00 mW

800 ps frequency 100 MHz - 150 MHz

650 nm - 690 nmce 0.2 mrad x 0.3 mradl Ocular Hazard

25s 80 m / 262 ft

173Safety Directions

Distancer, Measurements without Reflectors (RL mode)The EDM module built into the product produces a visible laser beam which emerges from the tele-scope objective.

The laser product described in this section, is classi-fied as laser class 3R in accordance with:

• IEC 60825-1 (2007-03): "Safety of laser products"

Class 3R laser products:Direct intrabeam viewing may be hazardous (low-level eye hazard), in particular for deliberate ocular exposure. The risk of injury for laser class 3R prod-ucts is limited because of:a) unintentional exposure would rarely reflect

worst case conditions of (e.g.) beam alignment with the pupil, worst case accommodation,

b) inherent safety margin in the maximum permis-sible exposure to laser radiation (MPE),

c) natural avbright ligh

� WarninFrom a

products shouPrecautions:Prevent directdirect the bea

DescriptionMaximum averPulse durationPulse repetitionWavelengthBeam divergenNOHD (NominaDistance) @ 0.

Page 174: Leica TPS800 Series - SCCS...Leica TPS800-4.0.1en 4 Validity of this manual Description General This manual applies to all TPS800 Series inst ruments. Where there are differences between

Safety Directions

174Leica TPS800-4.0.1en

� WarningPotential hazards are not only related to direct

beams but also to reflected beams aimed at reflecting surfaces such as prisms, windows, mirrors, metallic surfaces etc.Precautions:Do not aim at areas that are essentially reflective, such as a mirror, or which could emit unwanted reflections.Do not look through or beside the optical sight at prisms or reflecting objects when the laser is switched on, in laser pointer or distance measure-ment mode. Aiming at prisms is only permitted when looking through the telescope.

Page 175: Leica TPS800 Series - SCCS...Leica TPS800-4.0.1en 4 Validity of this manual Description General This manual applies to all TPS800 Series inst ruments. Where there are differences between

Leica TPS800-4.0.1en

Laser RadiationAvoid direct eye exposure Class 3R Laser Product

according to IEC 60825-1( 2007 - 03 )

Po ≤ 5.00 mWλ = 650 - 690 nm

Laser Aperture

175Safety Directions


a) Laser beam


Page 176: Leica TPS800 Series - SCCS...Leica TPS800-4.0.1en 4 Validity of this manual Description General This manual applies to all TPS800 Series inst ruments. Where there are differences between

Safety Directions

uide Light EGL Electronic Guide Light produces a am from the front side of the tele-ding on the type of telescope the EGL ed differently.

roduct described in this section, is the scope of IEC 60825-1 (2007-03): r products".scribed in this section, is classified as

in accordance with IEC 62471 (2006-ot pose any hazard provided that the

d and maintained in accordance with al.

176Leica TPS800-4.0.1en

Electronic GThe integratedvisible LED bescope. Depenmay be design

The pexcluded from"Safety of laseThe product deexempt group07) and does nproduct is usethis user manu


Type: TC.... Art.No.: ......Power: 12V/6V ---, 1A maxLeica Geosystems AGCH-9435 HeerbruggManufactured: 2003 S.No.: ......Complies with 21 CFR 1040.10 and 1040.11 except for deviations pursuant to Laser Notice No.50, dated July 26,2001.This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harm-ful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including inter-ference that may cause undesired operation.

Page 177: Leica TPS800 Series - SCCS...Leica TPS800-4.0.1en 4 Validity of this manual Description General This manual applies to all TPS800 Series inst ruments. Where there are differences between

Leica TPS800-4.0.1en

etmet built into the product produces a

er beam which emerges from the product.

uct described in this section, is classi-lass 2 in accordance with:825-1 (2007-03): "Safety of laser


products:ts are safe for momentary exposures ardous for deliberate staring into the

Valueage radiant power 1.00 mW

c.w. frequency c.w.

620 nm - 690 nm

177Safety Directions


1) LED beam red2) LED beam yellow

Laser plummThe laser plumvisible red lasbottom of the

The laser prodfied as laser c

• IEC 60produ

Class 2 laser These producbut can be hazbeam.

DescriptionMaximum averPulse durationPulse repetitionWavelength

Page 178: Leica TPS800 Series - SCCS...Leica TPS800-4.0.1en 4 Validity of this manual Description General This manual applies to all TPS800 Series inst ruments. Where there are differences between

Safety Directions

178Leica TPS800-4.0.1en

� WarningFrom a safety perspective class 2 laser prod-

ucts are not inherently safe for the eyes.Precautions:Avoid staring into the beam or pointing the beam at other people.

Page 179: Leica TPS800 Series - SCCS...Leica TPS800-4.0.1en 4 Validity of this manual Description General This manual applies to all TPS800 Series inst ruments. Where there are differences between

Leica TPS800-4.0.1en

Art.No.: ......1A max AGg3 S.No.: ...... 1040.10 and 1040.11 pursuant to Laser Notice

,2001. with part 15 of the FCC ubject to the following two evice may not cause harm- (2) this device must accept eived, including inter-se undesired operation.

Laser RadiationDo not stare into beamClass 2 Laser Productcording to IEC 60825-1

( 2007-03 )P0 ≤ 1.00 mW

λ = 620 - 690 nm

179Safety Directions


a) Will be replaced by a Class 3R warning label if applicable



Type: TC.... Power: 12V/6V ---, Leica GeosystemsCH-9435 HeerbrugManufactured: 200 Complies with 21 CFRexcept for deviationsNo.50, dated July 26This device compliesRules. Operation is sconditions: (1) This dful interference, andany interference recference that may cau


Page 180: Leica TPS800 Series - SCCS...Leica TPS800-4.0.1en 4 Validity of this manual Description General This manual applies to all TPS800 Series inst ruments. Where there are differences between

Safety Directions

gnetic Compatibility EMCtromagnetic Compatibility is taken to ability of the product to function environment where electromagnetic

electrostatic discharges are present, using electromagnetic disturbances


gagnetic radiation can cause distur-

r equipment.

roduct meets the strict regulations which are in force in this respect,

tems cannot completely exclude the other equipment may be disturbed.

a risk that disturbances may be r equipment if the product is used in

ith accessories from other manufac-

180Leica TPS800-4.0.1en

1) Exit for laser beam2) Laser beam

ElectromaThe term Elecmean the capsmoothly in anradiation and and without cato other equip

� WarninElectrom

bances in othe

Although the pand standardsLeica Geosyspossibility that

� CautionThere is

caused in otheconjunction w


Page 181: Leica TPS800 Series - SCCS...Leica TPS800-4.0.1en 4 Validity of this manual Description General This manual applies to all TPS800 Series inst ruments. Where there are differences between

Leica TPS800-4.0.1en

usibility of results obtained under ns.

goduct is operated with connecting d at only one of their two ends, for nal supply cables, interface cables, evel of electromagnetic radiation may nd the correct functioning of other be impaired.

uct is in use, connecting cables, for uct to external battery, product to st be connected at both ends.

181Safety Directions

turers, for example field computers, personal computers, two-way radios, non-standard cables or external batteries.Precautions:Use only the equipment and accessories recom-mended by Leica Geosystems. When combined with the product, they meet the strict requirements stipulated by the guidelines and standards. When using computers and two-way radios, pay attention to the information about electromagnetic compati-bility provided by the manufacturer.

� CautionDisturbances caused by electromagnetic

radiation can result in erroneous measurements.Although the product meets the strict regulations and standards which are in force in this respect, Leica Geosystems cannot completely exclude the possibility that the product may be disturbed by very intense electromagnetic radiation, for example, near radio transmitters, two-way radios or diesel genera-tors.

Precautions:Check the plathese conditio

� WarninIf the pr

cables attacheexample exterthe permitted lbe exceeded aproducts may Precautions:While the prodexample prodcomputer, mu

Page 182: Leica TPS800 Series - SCCS...Leica TPS800-4.0.1en 4 Validity of this manual Description General This manual applies to all TPS800 Series inst ruments. Where there are differences between

Safety Directions

he separation between the equipment er.e equipment into an outlet on a circuit om that to which the receiver is .e dealer or an experienced radio/TV for help.

g s or modifications not expressly eica Geosystems for compliance user's authority to operate the equip-

182Leica TPS800-4.0.1en

FCC Statement, Applicable in U.S.

� WarningThis equipment has been tested and found to

comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC rules.These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residen-tial installation.This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communication.However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation.

If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be deter-mined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:• Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.

• Increase tand receiv

• Connect thdifferent frconnected

• Consult thtechnician

� WarninChange

approved by Lcould void thement.

Page 183: Leica TPS800 Series - SCCS...Leica TPS800-4.0.1en 4 Validity of this manual Description General This manual applies to all TPS800 Series inst ruments. Where there are differences between

Leica TPS800-4.0.1en

183Safety Directions



........ ..............

. . . . . . . .

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harm-ful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including inter-ference that may cause undesired operation.

Page 184: Leica TPS800 Series - SCCS...Leica TPS800-4.0.1en 4 Validity of this manual Description General This manual applies to all TPS800 Series inst ruments. Where there are differences between

Technical Data

solution............................................... 0.0001............................................... 0.0001.......................................................1"................................................... 0.01 ity

vel: ...................................... 6'/2 mmrcompensatornge ............................. ±4' (0.07 gon)curacy .............................................................................. 0.5" (0.2 mgon)................................... 1" (0.3 mgon)................................ 1.5" (0.5 mgon)et.............in vertical axis of instrument.....................visible red laser class 2ve: ...................................... 635 nm..................................Deviation from .............................plumbline 1.5 mm

184Leica TPS800-4.0.1en

Technical DataTelescope• Transit fully• Magnification:............................................. 30x• Image: ................................................... upright• Free Objective aperture: ....................... 40 mm• Focusing: ..................... 1.7 m (5.6 ft) to infinity• Field of view: ..............................1°30' (1.7gon)• Field of view at 100m.............................. 2.6 mAngle measurement• absolute, continuous, • Updates each 0.3 seconds• Units selectable

360° sexagesimal, 400gon, 360° decimal, 6400 mil, V%, ±V

• Accuracy standard deviation Hz, V(acc. to ISO 17123-3)TC(R)802 ................................... 2" (0.6 mgon)TC(R)803 ................................... 3" (1.0 mgon)TC(R)805 ................................... 5" (1.5 mgon)

• Display regon.........360d.......360s .......mil ..........

Level sensitiv• Circular leCompensato• 2-axis-oil • Setting ra• Setting ac


Laser plumm• Location: .• Type: ......• Carrier wa• Accuracy:


Page 185: Leica TPS800 Series - SCCS...Leica TPS800-4.0.1en 4 Validity of this manual Description General This manual applies to all TPS800 Series inst ruments. Where there are differences between

Leica TPS800-4.0.1en

t: .......................................................cluding tribrach and carrying handle):ach GDF111.................................................................... 360 mm ± 5 mm............................................ 207 mm............................................. 150 mm.............................. 468x254x355mm............................................ (LxBxH)

ery and tribrach)ch GDF111............................. 5,2 kgeightbrach ................................... 196 mmch GDF111............. 240 mm ± 5 mm

B111: ......................................NiMh .....................................................6V.........................................2100 mAhB121: ......................................NiMh


.........................................4200 mAh

185Technical Data

............................................ (2 sigma) at 1.5 m

............................................. instrument height• Diameter of laser point:............ 2.5 mm / 1.5 mKeyboard• Tilt angle: ....................................................70°• optional 2nd keyboardDisplay• Backlit• Heatable................................... (Temp. < -5°C)• LCD:........................................ 280 x 160 Pixel• 8 lines with 31 characters eachType of tribrach• Tribrach removable GDF111

Thread diam.:.............................................5/8" .........................................(DIN 18720 / BS 84)

Dimensions• Instrumen

Height (in- with tribr................Width:......Length: ...

• Case: .....................

Weight(including batt• with tribraTilting axis h• without tri• with tribraPower supply• Battery GE

Voltage:...Capacity: .

• Battery GEVoltage:...Capacity: .

Page 186: Leica TPS800 Series - SCCS...Leica TPS800-4.0.1en 4 Validity of this manual Description General This manual applies to all TPS800 Series inst ruments. Where there are differences between

Technical Data

rrectionsht error ......................................Yesdex error.....................................Yesature ..........................................Yes..................................................Yes

tion .............................................Yes

erface .........................................Yesemory ........................................Yescity....................................... 768 KB.............. ≈ 12500 measurements or............................ ≈ 18000 fixpoints

186Leica TPS800-4.0.1en

• External supply(via serial interface)............................. If an external cable is used,........................ then the voltage range must lie ..................................between 11.5V and 14V.

No. of measurements (angle + distance)• GEB111: ..................................... approx. 4000• GEB121: ..................................... approx. 9000Temperature range:

Automatic co• Line-of-sig• Vertical-in• Earth curv• Refraction• Tilt correc

Recording• RS232 int• Internal M

Total capa................................

Type Operating temperature

Storage temperature

TPS800 -20°C to +50°C / -4°F to +122°F

-40°C to +70°C / -40°F to +158°F

Battery internal -20°C to +50°C / -4°F to +131°F

-40°C to +55°C / -40°F to +131°F

Page 187: Leica TPS800 Series - SCCS...Leica TPS800-4.0.1en 4 Validity of this manual Description General This manual applies to all TPS800 Series inst ruments. Where there are differences between

Leica TPS800-4.0.1en

, visibility 5km; or strong sunlight, severe ervisibility about 20km; or moderate sunlight, himmero haze, visibility about 40km; no heat

ormal and rapid measurement)

isms H3)

360° reflector

Tape 60mm x 60mm

Mini prism

360° Mini prism

0 m00 ft)

800 m (2600 ft)

150 m (500 ft)

450 m (1500 ft)

450 m (1500 ft)

0 m00 ft)

1500 m (5000 ft)

250 m (800 ft)

800 m (2600 ft)

800 m (2600 ft)

0 m00 ft)

2000 m (7000 ft)

250 m (800 ft)

1000 m (3500 ft)

1000 m (3500 ft)

187Technical Data

Distance measurement (IR: Reflector mode):

* Beam interruptions, severe heat shimmer and moving objects within the beam path can result in deviations of the specified accuracy.

1) Strong hazeheat shimm

2) Light haze, slight heat s

3) Overcast, nshimmer

Principle: Phase measurementType: Coaxial, visible red laser

Class 1Carrier wave: 658 nmMeasuring system: System analyser basis

100 MHz - 150 MHz

EDM measuring program

Accuracy*(Standard deviation acc. to ISO 17123-4)

Time per measure-

mentIR_Fine 2 mm + 2 ppm typ. 2.4 s

IR_Fast 5 mm + 2 ppm typ. 0.8 s

Tracking 5 mm + 2 ppm typ. < 0.15 s

IR Tape 5 mm + 2 ppm typ. 2.4 s

Range: (n

Standard prism

3 pr(GP

1 1800 m (6000 ft)


2 3000 m (10000 ft)


3 3500 m (12000 ft)


Page 188: Leica TPS800 Series - SCCS...Leica TPS800-4.0.1en 4 Validity of this manual Description General This manual applies to all TPS800 Series inst ruments. Where there are differences between

Technical Data

surement RL-Prism (with reflector)measurement: .......... from 1000m upambiguous: ....................... to 12 km

ze, visibility 5km; or strong sunlight, at shimmer, visibility about 20km; or moderate light heat shimmer no haze, visibility about 40km; no mer

ower: Range (with reflector)Standard-

prismReflector tape

60 x 602200 m (7200 ft) 600 m (2000 ft)7500 m (24600 ft) 1000 m (3300 ft)

> 10000 m (33000 ft) 1300 m (4200 ft)

188Leica TPS800-4.0.1en

Distance measurement (RL: Reflectorless mode) Distance mea• Range of • Display un

1) Strong hasevere he

2) Light hazesunlight, s

3) Overcast,heat shim

Measuring system: System analyser basis 100 MHz - 150 MHz

Type: Coaxial, visible red laser Class 3R

Carrier wave: 658 nmUltra&P

Atmospheric conditions


Page 189: Leica TPS800 Series - SCCS...Leica TPS800-4.0.1en 4 Validity of this manual Description General This manual applies to all TPS800 Series inst ruments. Where there are differences between

Leica TPS800-4.0.1en

y Card used with exposure meter for ighttrong sunlight, severe heat shimmerhade, or sky overcast and twilight

viation acc. to ISO 17123-4; beam severe heat shimmer and moving the beam path can result in deviations d accuracy.nd measure time depend on atmo-ions, target object and observation

Accuracy Time per measurement

2 mm + 2 ppm typ. 3 - 6 smax. 12 s4 mm + 2 ppm

5 mm + 3 ppm typ. 0.25 s

189Technical Data

Distance measurement (without reflector)• Range of measurement:

Power.....................................1.5 m to >400 mUltra .....................................1.5 m to >1000 m

• Display unambiguous:........................ to 760 m• Prism constant (additive constant):.+ 34.4 mm

* Kodak Grereflected l

4) Object in s5) Object in s6) Day, night

** Standard deinterruptions, objects within of the specifie*** Accuracy aspheric conditsituation.

Power: Range (without reflector)Atmospheric conditions

No reflector (white target)*

No reflector (grey, albedo 0.25)

4 200 m (660 ft) 100 m (330 ft)5 300 m (990 ft) 150 m (430 ft)6 >400 m (>1310 ft) >200 m (>660 ft)

Ultra: Range (without reflector)Atmospheric conditions

No reflector (white target)*

No reflector (grey, albedo 0.25)

4 600 m (1970 ft) 300 m (990 ft)5 800 m (2630 ft) 400 m (1310 ft)

6 >1000 m (>3280 ft) >500 m (>1640 ft)

EDM measuringprogramStandard**0 - 500 m> 500 m


Page 190: Leica TPS800 Series - SCCS...Leica TPS800-4.0.1en 4 Validity of this manual Description General This manual applies to all TPS800 Series inst ruments. Where there are differences between

Technical Data

190Leica TPS800-4.0.1en

Atmospheric correctionThe distance displayed is correct only if the scale correction in ppm (mm/km) which has been entered corresponds to the atmospheric conditions prevailing at the time of the measurement.

The atmospheric correction takes air pressure and air temperature into account.For utmost precision in distance measurements, atmospheric correction must be determined with 1 ppm accuracy, air temperature to 1°C and air pres-sure to 3mb accuracy.

Page 191: Leica TPS800 Series - SCCS...Leica TPS800-4.0.1en 4 Validity of this manual Description General This manual applies to all TPS800 Series inst ruments. Where there are differences between

Leica TPS800-4.0.1en

ative humidity



















900 950 1000 1050 mb

900 950 1000 1050 mb

1000 500 0 m

191Technical Data

Atmospheric correction in ppm with °C, mb, H (metres) at 60% rel






















550 mb

5000 m 4500

600 650 700 750 800 850

550 mb 600 650 700 750 800 850

4000 3500 3000 2500 2000 1500

Page 192: Leica TPS800 Series - SCCS...Leica TPS800-4.0.1en 4 Validity of this manual Description General This manual applies to all TPS800 Series inst ruments. Where there are differences between

Technical Data

lative humidity

















27 28 29 30 31 32 inch Hg

27 28 29 30 31 32 inch Hg






o f















192Leica TPS800-4.0.1en

Atmospheric correction in ppm with °F, inch Hg, H (feet) at 60% re



















[ ft ]

17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26

16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26








































Page 193: Leica TPS800 Series - SCCS...Leica TPS800-4.0.1en 4 Validity of this manual Description General This manual applies to all TPS800 Series inst ruments. Where there are differences between

Leica TPS800-4.0.1en

t calculates slope distance, horizontal eight difference in accordance with

ormula. Earth curvature and mean fficient (k = 0.13) are taken into atically. The calculated horizontal s to the station height, not to the t.

splayed slope distance [m]corrected distance [m]ale correction [mm/km]ism constant [mm]

rizontal distance [m]ight difference [m]

= D0 · (1 + ppm · 10-6) + mm

= Y - A * X * Y

= X + B * Y2

193Technical Data

Reduction formulae

Height measurement1) Mean sea level2) Instrument3) Reflector

The instrumendistance and hthe following frefraction coeaccount automdistance relatereflector heigh

= diD0 = unppm = scmm = pr

= ho= he


Page 194: Leica TPS800 Series - SCCS...Leica TPS800-4.0.1en 4 Validity of this manual Description General This manual applies to all TPS800 Series inst ruments. Where there are differences between

Technical Data

194Leica TPS800-4.0.1en

Y = · |sin ζ |X = · cos ζζ = vertical-circle reading

A = = 1.47 · 10-7 [m-1]

B = = 6.83 · 10-8 [m-1]

k = 0.13R = 6.37 · 106 m

Page 195: Leica TPS800 Series - SCCS...Leica TPS800-4.0.1en 4 Validity of this manual Description General This manual applies to all TPS800 Series inst ruments. Where there are differences between

Leica TPS800-4.0.1en

icense Agreement

icense Agreementontains software that is preinstalled t, or that is supplied to you on a data , or that can be downloaded by you t to prior authorization from Leica

Such software is protected by copy-r laws and its use is defined and regu-ica Geosystems Software License

hich covers aspects such as, but not pe of the License, Warranty, Intellec-ights, Limitation of Liability, Exclusion ances, Governing Law and Place of lease make sure, that at any time you ith the terms and conditions of the tems Software License Agreement.

nt is provided together with all prod-lso be referred to and downloaded at systems home page at http://

195International Limited Warranty,

International Limited Warranty, Software L

International Limited WarrantyThis product is subject to the terms and conditions set out in the International Limited Warranty which you can download from the Leica Geosystems home page at http://www.leica-geosystems.com/internationalwarranty or collect from your Leica Geosystems distributor.

The foregoing warranty is exclusive and is in lieu of all other warranties, terms or conditions, express or implied, either in fact or by operation of law, statutory or otherwise, including warranties, terms or condi-tions of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, satisfactory quality and non-infringement, all of which are expressly disclaimed.

Software LThis product con the produccarrier mediumonline pursuanGeosystems. right and othelated by the LeAgreement, wlimited to, Scotual Property Rof other AssurJurisdiction. Pfully comply wLeica Geosys

Such agreemeucts and can athe Leica Geo

Page 196: Leica TPS800 Series - SCCS...Leica TPS800-4.0.1en 4 Validity of this manual Description General This manual applies to all TPS800 Series inst ruments. Where there are differences between

International Limited Warranty,

196Leica TPS800-4.0.1en

www.leica-geosystems.com/swlicense or collected from your Leica Geosystems distributor.

You must not install or use the software unless you have read and accepted the terms and conditions of the Leica Geosystems Software License Agree-ment. Installation or use of the software or any part thereof, is deemed to be an acceptance of all the terms and conditions of such license agreement. If you do not agree to all or some of the terms of such license agreement, you may not download, install or use the software and you must return the unused software together with its accompanying documen-tation and the purchase receipt to the dealer from whom you purchased the product within ten (10) days of purchase to obtain a full refund of the purchase price.

Page 197: Leica TPS800 Series - SCCS...Leica TPS800-4.0.1en 4 Validity of this manual Description General This manual applies to all TPS800 Series inst ruments. Where there are differences between

Leica TPS800-4.0.1en

..................................................... 136...................................................... 80

sport .......................................... 160ke out ............................................ 56....................................................... 30...................................................... 35st ................................................. 149raversePRO ............................... 116....................................................... 40.................................................... 153Drying ......................................... 162.................................................... 139

..................................................... 146ger ............................................... 16.............................................. 53, 110is .................................................. 12n parameters ............................. 156.............................................. 24, 183rocedure ...................................... 58

....................................................... 53


IndexAAbbreviations ...................................................... 12Additional characters .......................................... 35Adverse uses .................................................... 163Alphanumeric keys ............................................. 18Angle measurement ......................................... 183Angle Unit ......................................................... 138Application default settings ................................. 47Applications ........................................................ 53Area .................................................................... 81ATMOS ............................................................. 143Atmospheric correction ..................................... 189Automatic corrections ....................................... 185Auto-OFF .......................................................... 137Azimuth .............................................................. 80

BBase Line ..................................................... 64, 65Battery .............................................................. 158Battery capacity .................................................. 24Baudrate ........................................................... 156

Beep ............Brg ................

CCare and TranCartesian StaCentring .......Character set Check & Adjucheck point, TCheck Tie ....Circular level Cleaning and Code Record Codelist .......Codelist ManaCOGO ..........Collimation axCommunicatioCompensator Computation pConstruction

Page 198: Leica TPS800 Series - SCCS...Leica TPS800-4.0.1en 4 Validity of this manual Description General This manual applies to all TPS800 Series inst ruments. Where there are differences between


tic Compatibility EMC ................. 179de Light EGL .............................. 176n ................................................. 176l ............................................. 31, 32.................................................... 156cters ............................................. 34....................................................... 19iting code ................................... 131

on ............................................... 139nt ................................................ 181ent ............................................. 145...................................................... 19..................................................... 146................................................. 19, 39...................................................... 57...................................................... 39 ..................................................... 18

.................................................... 137mat ............................................. 137sk .............................................. 137.................................................... 131

198Leica TPS800-4.0.1en

Construction application ..................................... 85Contrast ............................................................ 134Coordinate Editor ............................................... 16Cylinder Offset .................................................... 42

DData Exchange Manager .................................... 16Data Output ...................................................... 136Data Transfer ................................................... 157Databits ............................................................ 156Date .................................................................. 158Delete Last Record ............................................. 40Dimensions ....................................................... 184Display .............................................................. 184Display Heater .................................................. 136Distance Decimals ............................................ 139Distance measurement .............. 20, 186, 187, 188Distance Unit .................................................... 138

EEdit mode ........................................................... 34EDM Mode ....................................................... 140EDM Settings ................................................... 140EDM type ............................................................ 24EGL .................................................................. 142

ElectromagneElectronic Gui

DescriptioElectronic leveEndmark .......Erasing charaESC .............Extending / ed

FFace I DefinitiFCC StatemeFile ManagemFixed keys ....Fixpoints ......FNC .............Free Station ..Free-Coding .Function keys

GGSI 8/16 .......GSI output forGSI output maGSI-coding ...

Page 199: Leica TPS800 Series - SCCS...Leica TPS800-4.0.1en 4 Validity of this manual Description General This manual applies to all TPS800 Series inst ruments. Where there are differences between

Leica TPS800-4.0.1en

Distance .................................... 112.................................................... 111.................................................... 110...................................................... 39 ..................................................... 39..................................................... 140..................................................... 140..................................................... 140..................................................... 140

..................................................... 145.................................................... 141

.................................................... 184

...................................................... 18....................................................... 48

..................................... 172, 178, 182ation .......................................... 170

Guide Light EGL ....................... 176met ........................................... 177

.................................................... 33


GSI-ID’s ............................................................ 157Guide Light ....................................................... 142

HHazards of use ................................................. 166Height transfer .................................................... 44Hidden Point ....................................................... 45Horizontal circle .................................................. 12Horizontal direction ............................................. 12Hz Collimation .................................................. 137Hz Incrementation ............................................ 136

IInitialize Memory .............................................. 147Input mode - method 1 ....................................... 34Inserting / Replacing Battery .............................. 27Inserting characters ............................................ 34Instr.Temp. ....................................................... 158Instrument Protection ....................................... 159Interface ........................................................... 156Interface plug connections ............................... 156Intersection

Bearing - Bearing ....................................... 111Bearing - Distance ..................................... 112By Points .................................................... 113

Distance -Intersections .Inverse .........IR ..................IR/ RL ToggleIR-Fast ........IR-Fine ........IR-Tape .......IR-Track ......

JJob ..............JPMINI .........

KKeyboard ......Keypad .........Known Point

LLabelling ......Laser Classific

ElectronicLaser Plum

Laser intensity

Page 200: Leica TPS800 Series - SCCS...Leica TPS800-4.0.1en 4 Validity of this manual Description General This manual applies to all TPS800 Series inst ruments. Where there are differences between


ys .................................................. 18ements ....................................... 185

Offset ........................................ 113.................................................... 115.................................................... 114by ... ........................................... 114...................................................... 49tout .............................................. 69ake out ......................................... 56

...................................................... 19

.................................................... 156s ................................................. 163............................................... 40, 159...................................................... 53.................................................... 114...................................................... 13...................................................... 36t ................................................... 55

thod .............................................. 79

200Leica TPS800-4.0.1en

Laser plummet .................................. 154, 177, 183Laser Pointer .................................................... 142Laserpointer ....................................................... 39Leica Geo Office Tools ............................... 15, 133Level ................................................................... 32Level sensitivity ................................................ 183Level/Plummet .................................................... 39Light On /Off ....................................................... 39Limits of use ..................................................... 164Line-of-sight ........................................................ 12Line-of-sight error ....................................... 13, 149

MMain Settings ...................................................... 44Manual

Validity of user manual ................................... 4Mask 1/2/3 ........................................................ 137Measurements ............................................ 57, 146Measuring ........................................................... 38Measuring facilities ............................................. 58Memory ............................................................ 147MENU ........................................................... 19, 25Menu tree ........................................................... 25Min. Reading .................................................... 138

NNavigation keNo. of measur


Distance -Extention Plane ......Set Point

Orientation ....Orthogonal SeOrthogonal St

PPAGE ...........Parity ............Permitted usePIN ..............Plane ............Plane Offset .Plumb line ....Pointsearch ..Polar Stake ouPolygonal Me

Page 201: Leica TPS800 Series - SCCS...Leica TPS800-4.0.1en 4 Validity of this manual Description General This manual applies to all TPS800 Series inst ruments. Where there are differences between

Leica TPS800-4.0.1en

s ................................................ 165....................................................... 13. .................................................. 136...................................................... 39..................................................... 141..................................................... 141..................................................... 141 .............................................. 53, 87

....................................................... 46

..................................................... 136

ns .............................................. 163.................................................... 143.................................................... 135...................................................... 48...................................................... 47 .................................................... 48.................................................... 134ersePRO ................................... 116.................................................... 144...................................................... 35...................................................... 23ad ................................................. 16...................................................... 55


Positioning .......................................................... 33Power supply .................................................... 184PPM .................................................................. 143Pressure ........................................................... 139Prism Constant ................................................. 142Prism type ........................................................ 141Programs ............................................................ 47PUK code ......................................................... 159

QQuick Code ....................................................... 132

RRadial Method .................................................... 79Range ............................................... 186, 187, 188Recording ......................................................... 185Reduction formulae .......................................... 192Reference Arc .................................................... 74Reference height ................................................ 64Reference Line ................................................... 64Reference Line/Arc ............................................. 64Reference Plane ......................................... 53, 128Reflective targets .............................................. 141Refraction correction ........................................ 144Remote Height ................................................... 84

ResponsibilitieReticle .........Reticle IlluminRL .................RL-Prism .....RL-Short ......RL-Track .....Roadworks 3DRod Length ..RS232 .........

SSafety DirectioSCALE .........Sector Beep .Set manually Setting job ....Setting StationSettings ........Sideshot, TravSignal ...........Signs ............Softkeys .......Software UploStake out ......

Page 202: Leica TPS800 Series - SCCS...Leica TPS800-4.0.1en 4 Validity of this manual Description General This manual applies to all TPS800 Series inst ruments. Where there are differences between


....................................................... 12ight ............................................. 184..................................................... 158....................................................... 41..................................................... 160............................................ 111, 115 ..................................................... 53............................................ 154, 184.............................................. 19, 134......................................... 29, 31, 153

....................................................... 39

....................................................... 19.................................................... 134

..................................................... 12...................................................... 12............................................... 13, 149................................................ 53, 81..................................................... 134

.................................................... 184

202Leica TPS800-4.0.1en

Stake Out Angle ................................................. 78Stake Out Arc ..................................................... 76Stake Out Chord ................................................. 78Stake Out Point .................................................. 76Standard prism ................................................. 141Standing axis ...................................................... 12Standing axis inclination ..................................... 13Start programs .................................................... 47Start-up sequence ............................................ 148Statistics ........................................................... 147Stopbits ............................................................ 156Storage ............................................................. 161Surveying ........................................................... 54Symbols .............................................................. 24System Info ...................................................... 158

TTarget Offset ...................................................... 41Technical Data ................................................. 183Technical terms .................................................. 12Telescope ......................................................... 183Temperature ..................................................... 139Temperature range ........................................... 185Tie Distance ....................................................... 79Tilt Correction ................................................... 134

Tilting axis ...Tilting axis heTime ............Tracking ......Transport .....Traverse .......TraversePROTribrach ........Trigger key ...Tripod ..........

UUnits ............USER ..........USER Key ....

VVertical angleVertical circle V-Index ........Volume .........V-Setting .....

WWeight ..........

Page 203: Leica TPS800 Series - SCCS...Leica TPS800-4.0.1en 4 Validity of this manual Description General This manual applies to all TPS800 Series inst ruments. Where there are differences between

Leica TPS800-4.0.1en


Wildcard search .................................................. 37

ZZenith ................................................................. 13Zenith angle ........................................................ 12

Page 204: Leica TPS800 Series - SCCS...Leica TPS800-4.0.1en 4 Validity of this manual Description General This manual applies to all TPS800 Series inst ruments. Where there are differences between

To tomer satisfaction.

Leica Geosystems AG, Heerbrugg, Switzerland, has been cer-tified as being equipped with a quality system which meets the International Standards of Quality Management and Quality Systems (ISO standard 9001) and Environmental

ystems (ISO standard 14001).

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