Legislative Department for College Students

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  • 7/23/2019 Legislative Department for College Students


  • 7/23/2019 Legislative Department for College Students





    Separation of Powers Checks and Balances

  • 7/23/2019 Legislative Department for College Students


    Article V

  • 7/23/2019 Legislative Department for College Students


    !"he legislative power shall #e vested in theCongress of the Philippines which shall

    consist of a Senateand a $ouse of

    %epresentatives& except to the extentreserved to the people #y the provision on

    initiative and referendu'( !

  • 7/23/2019 Legislative Department for College Students


    Legislative Power Authority to 'ake& alter or repeal laws

    Prescri#e general rules for the govern'ent ofsociety

    Laws )ritten enact'ents of the legislature

    *e+nes right and duties of a citi,en

    'poses taxes

    Appropriate funds -#udget deli#eration.

    *e+nes cri'e and its penalties

    Creates and a#olishes govern'ent o/ces

    %egulates hu'an conduct

  • 7/23/2019 Legislative Department for College Students


    "wo cha'#ers -Bica'eral. 0pper house Senate

    Lower house $ouse of %epresentatives

  • 7/23/2019 Legislative Department for College Students


    )hat are theadvantages1 )hat are thedisadvantages1

    Avoid hasty and ill2considered legislation

    Serves as trainingground for future leaders

    %epresentation for #othregional -$ouse. andnational -Senate.

    interests Less suscepti#le to

    #ri#ery and 'anipulation

    $as not worked out asan e3ective +scali,ing

    'achine 4o assurance of #etter

    deli#erated legislation

    *uplication of e3ortswhich delays the

    legislation process 5ore expensive

  • 7/23/2019 Legislative Department for College Students


    Classi+cation of Powers of the Congress 6eneral Legislative Power 7or the govern of relations a'ong individuals As long as not contrary to the Constitution

    Speci+c Powers Power provided #y the Constitution exclusively for the

    Congress E(g( Elect the president in case of a tie *eclare state of war

    'plied Powers

    4ecessary to the e3ective exercise of their powers E(g( nvestigation in aid of legislation

    nherent Powers Powers that are not speci+ed #y the Constitution #ut are

    re8uisites for the exercise of govern'ent sovereignty

  • 7/23/2019 Legislative Department for College Students


    "he Senate shall #e co'posed of twenty2four

    Senators who shall #e elected at large #ythe 8uali+ed voters of the Philippines& as

    'ay #e provided #y law(

    4o person shall #e a Senator unless he is anatural2#orn citi,en of the Philippines and&on the day of the election& is at least thirty2

    +ve years of age& a#le to read and write& aregistered voter& and a resident of thePhilippines for not less than two yearsi''ediately preceding the day of the


  • 7/23/2019 Legislative Department for College Students


    "he ter' of o/ce of the Senators shall #e sixyears and shall co''ence& unless otherwiseprovided #y law& at noon on the thirtieth day

    of Junenext following their election(

    4o Senator shall serve for 'ore than twoconsecutive ter's( Voluntary renunciation ofthe o/ce for any length of ti'e shall not #e

    considered as an interruption in thecontinuity of his service for the full ter' ofwhich he was elected(

  • 7/23/2019 Legislative Department for College Students


    9: Senators elected at large nitial ; years ter'

    Eligi#le for a one su#se8uent ; year ter'

    5ore than two successive ter's is prohi#ited

    years old

    A#le to read and write %egistered voter

    )hat are the 8uali+cations for voting1

    %esident of the Philippines for at least 9 years

  • 7/23/2019 Legislative Department for College Students


    -?. "he $ouse of %epresentatives shall #e co'posed of not 'ore than

    two hundred and +fty 'e'#ers& unless otherwise +xed #y law& whoshall #e elected fro' legislative districts apportioned a'ong theprovinces& cities& and the 5etropolitan 5anila area in accordancewith the nu'#er of their respective inha#itants& and on the #asis ofa unifor' and progressive ratio& and those who& as provided #y law&shall #e elected through a party2list syste' of registered national&regional& and sectoral parties or organi,ations(

    -9. "he party2list representatives shall constitute twenty per centu' ofthe total nu'#er of representativesincluding those under the partylist( 7or three consecutive ter's after the rati+cation of thisConstitution& one2half of the seats allocated to party2listrepresentatives shall #e +lled& as provided #y law& #y selection orelection fro' the la#or& peasant& ur#an poor& indigenous culturalco''unities& wo'en& youth& and such other sectors as 'ay #eprovided #y law& except the religious sector(

  • 7/23/2019 Legislative Department for College Students


    -=. Each legislative district shall co'prise& as faras practica#le& contiguous& co'pact& andad@acent territory( Each city with a populationof at least two hundred +fty thousand& or each

    province& shall have at least onerepresentative(

    -:. )ithin three years following the return of

    every census& the Congress shall 'ake areapportion'ent of legislative districts #asedon the standards provided in this section(

  • 7/23/2019 Legislative Department for College Students


    4o person shall #e a 5e'#er of the $ouse of %epresentativesunless he is a natural2#orn citi,en of the Philippines and& on

    the day of the election& is at least twenty2+ve years of age&a#le to read and write& and& except the party2listrepresentatives& a registered voter in the district in whichhe shall #e elected& and a resident thereof for a period ofnot less than one yeari''ediately preceding the day of

    the election(

    "he 5e'#ers of the $ouse of %epresentatives shall #eelected for a ter' of three years which shall #egin& unlessotherwise provided #y law& at noon on the thirtieth day of

    June next following their election( 4o 5e'#er of the $ouseof %epresentatives shall serve for 'ore than three

    consecutive ter's( Voluntary renunciation of the o/ce forany length of ti'e shall not #e considered as an

    interruption in the continuity of his service for the full ter'

    for which he was elected(

  • 7/23/2019 Legislative Department for College Students


    4ot 'ore than 9> 'e'#ers

    Congressional districts and sectoral representation

    7or every 9>& city population& ? representative

    5anila ; *istricts 7or provinces& ? representative regardless of


    nitial = years ter' Eligi#le for 9 'ore su#se8uent ter's

    5ore than three consecutive ter's is prohi#ited

    years consecutive service

  • 7/23/2019 Legislative Department for College Students


    years old

    *istrict %epresentative

    %egistered voter in thedistrict involved

    %esident of thatdistrict for at least ?year


    E'#odies the ideals

    pro'oted #y thesector #eingrepresented

    Pro2poor&representative should

    #e poor

  • 7/23/2019 Legislative Department for College Students


    Sectoral %epresentation "o attain the #roadest possi#le representation 5arginali,ed representation

    "o strike a #alance #etween varying interests

    9 percent of the total co'position of the$ouse of %epresentatives 9> representatives& > should #e fro' party2list

  • 7/23/2019 Legislative Department for College Students


    Election of registered parties& instead ofindividual candidates 4u'#er of representatives depends on the total

    no( of votes o#tained -proportionalrepresentation.

    5axi'u' of three seats per party E(g( )as a#le to o#tain ?D of the votes cast& party2

    list will also get ?D of the seats allotted for party2list

  • 7/23/2019 Legislative Department for College Students


    A 2? B 9> -9ndseat. -thseat. -?9thseat. C => -?stseat. -Fthseat. -??thseat. * 9 ->thseat. "otal Votes Cast GF&::> E ? 9 percent G ?: 7 : : percent G 9 6 ?;?-;thseat. ; percent G ::F

    $ > -=rdseat. -thseat. -?=thseat. = -:thseat. -?thseat.J 2 ?9>

  • 7/23/2019 Legislative Department for College Students


    Back2door Entrance to the Legislativedepart'ent *i/cult to win in *istrict %epresentation

    Party2list %epresentation is an option

    "raditional Politicians -"rapos.

    )here do they use their pork #arrel allot'ent1

    As of 9?& none of the #ills of nationali'portance 'ade #y party2list groups ever#eca'e a law -7er'in 9?.

  • 7/23/2019 Legislative Department for College Students


    !"he salariesof Senators and 5e'#ers of the$ouse of %epresentatives shall #e

    deter'ined #y law( 4o increase in saidco'pensation shall take e3ect until after

    the expiration of the full ter'of all the5e'#ers of the Senate and the $ouse of

    %epresentatives approving such increase(H

  • 7/23/2019 Legislative Department for College Students


    $ouse of %epresentatives


    :=& #asic 'onthly salary ->?;& per annu'.

    ?(= 5 for salaries of sta3 -?>(; 5 per annu'.

    9 5 Pork Barrel 7unds

    "ravel and other allowances

    9?;(??; 5illion Pesos

  • 7/23/2019 Legislative Department for College Students


    !A Senator or 5e'#er of the $ouse of%epresentatives shall& in all o3enses

    punisha#le #y not 'ore than six yearsi'prison'ent& #e privileged fro' arrest

    while the Congress is in session( 4o 5e'#ershall #e 8uestioned nor #e held lia#le in anyother place for any speech or de#ate in the

    Congress or in any co''ittee thereof( !

  • 7/23/2019 Legislative Department for College Students


    Entitled to i''unity fro' arrest while theCongress is in session

    )hether attending the session or not %egular

    "hree regular sessions


    "akes place when the president calls for session duringrecess to consider legislations the president 'aydesignate

    Executive Session

    As long as the session is not yet ad@ourned orin recess

  • 7/23/2019 Legislative Department for College Students


    f ever can #e arrested i'prison'ent should not #e 'ore than ; years

    Except for o3enses punisha#le with a'ini'u' of ; years i'prison'ent

    %eclusion Perpetua

    Life 'prison'ent "heft

    9 years Life i'prison'ent

  • 7/23/2019 Legislative Department for College Students


    f Congress is no longer in session

    f the o3ense co''itted is punisha#le with'ore than ; years of i'prison'ent

    f the representative waives this right

  • 7/23/2019 Legislative Department for College Students


    Entitled to i''unity fro' #eing 8uestionedand #e held lia#le to what they say


    Condition As long as the speech is relevant to the perfor'ance

    of his legislative duties


  • 7/23/2019 Legislative Department for College Students


    f the person is not acting as a 'e'#er ofthe Congress

    4o longer a representative

    Actions are not in relation to the perfor'ance of

    his legislative duties

    Eti8uette or #ehavior is #eing 8uestioned inthe Congress itself -Conduct 0n#eco'ing.

    Ethics Co''ittee

  • 7/23/2019 Legislative Department for College Students


    ''unity fro' Arrest

    Parlia'entary ''unity

  • 7/23/2019 Legislative Department for College Students


    Article V

  • 7/23/2019 Legislative Department for College Students


    -?. Every #ill passed #y the Congress shall e'#race only one su#@ect whichshall #e expressed in the title thereof(

    -9. 4o #ill passed #y either $ouse shall #eco'e a lawunless it has passed three readings on separate days&and printed copies thereof in its +nal for' have #eendistri#uted to its 5e'#ers three days #efore itspassage& except when the President certi+es to thenecessity of its i''ediate enact'ent to 'eet a pu#liccala'ity or e'ergency( 0pon the last reading of a #ill&no a'end'ent thereto shall #e allowed& and the vote

    thereon shall #e taken i''ediately thereafter& andthe yeasand naysentered in the Journal(

  • 7/23/2019 Legislative Department for College Students


    Bill *raft law su#'itted to the legislative #ody for its


    Proposed #y any 'e'#er of the legislative

  • 7/23/2019 Legislative Department for College Students


    7irst %eading %eferred to the appropriate co''ittee

    Co''ittee level $earings& consultations& de#ate

    Second %eading *e#ates at the Plenary Level

    Printing of +nal draft and distri#ution

    "hird %eading

    7inal %eading 4o 'ore a'end'ents and de#ates are allowed

    4o'inal Voting

    Ieas and nays

  • 7/23/2019 Legislative Department for College Students


    %eferred to the other house = readings take place

    7orwarded to the Joint Bica'eral Co''ittee

    Consolidation of the two versions of the two

    houses Co'pro'ise

    Su#'ission to the President

    upon trans'ittal to the President

    Sign the #ill into law Veto the #ill #ack to the Congress

    After = days without action

  • 7/23/2019 Legislative Department for College Students


    -?. Every #ill passed #y the Congress shall& #efore it#eco'es a law& #e presented to the President( f he

    approvesthe sa'e he shall sign it otherwise& he shallveto it and return the sa'e with his o#@ections to the$ouse where it originated& which shall enter theo#@ections at large in its Journal and proceed toreconsider it( f& after such reconsideration& two2thirds of

    all the 5e'#ers of such $ouse shall agree to pass the#ill& it shall #e sent& together with the o#@ections& to theother $ouse #y which it shall likewise #e reconsidered&and if approved #y two2thirds of all the 5e'#ers of that$ouse& it shall #eco'e a law( n all such cases& the votesof each $ouse shall #e deter'ined #y yeas or nays& andthe na'es of the 5e'#ers voting for or against shall #eentered in its Journal("he President shall co''unicatehis veto of any #ill to the $ouse where it originatedwithin thirty days after the date of receipt thereof&otherwise& it shall #eco'e a law as if he had signed it(

  • 7/23/2019 Legislative Department for College Students


    -9. "he Presidentshall have the power to vetoany particular ite' or ite'sin anappropriation& revenue& or tari3 #ill& #utthe veto shall not a3ect the ite' or ite's

    to which he does not o#@ect(

  • 7/23/2019 Legislative Department for College Students


    Bill is passed #y Congress signed #y thePresident

    Vetoed #ill override #y 9K= vote of #othhouses

    f the President failed to act on the passed#ill in = days

    7or cases of initiative and referendu'& signatureof the president is no longer re8uired

    Pocket Veto is not allowed Silence 'eans yes

  • 7/23/2019 Legislative Department for College Students


    Pocket Veto is not allowed

    Partial Veto is not allowed

    Except for appropriations #ill& revenue #ill& tari3
