Legislative Branch Update: Current Audits and Legislation of Interest Ivan Graff, P.E., CFM, PMP, CCE, LEED AP

Legislative Branch Update: Current Audits and Legislation of Interest Ivan Graff, P.E., CFM, PMP, CCE, LEED AP

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Legislative Branch Update: Current Audits and Legislation of Interest

Ivan Graff, P.E., CFM, PMP, CCE, LEED AP

Legislative Branch Update2

Focus on Current Engagements with the

GAO High Risk List 2013: Managing Federal Real Property

Engagement 542212: Real Property Cost Savings

Engagement 542214: Structures

Engagement 542216: Maintenance and Repair

May 20, 2013

Legislative Branch Update3

High Risk List 2013: Managing Real Property

May 20, 2013

Issues –1. Holding excess and

underutilized property

2. Relying on costly leasing practices

3. Securing real property

4. Lacking action on challenges that hamper reform, including:

Collecting accurate and useful data Legal requirements that discourage

disposition Balancing competing stakeholder

interestsOur 10 Year


(2003 – 2013)


Real Property Savings

May 20, 2013Legislative Branch Update

Background: Presidential memorandum (June 10, 2010)

Real Property Cost Savings and Innovation Plan (July 2010)

GAO’s Big Questions What cost savings have agencies achieved? How did agencies calculate savings?

What has happened so far – Entrance conference (01/2013) Follow up meeting (04/2013) Additional questions (05/2013)

GAO542212$580M Cost Avoidance



May 20, 2013Legislative Branch Update

Background: FRPP definition of structure differs from that used by

accountants GAO’s Big Questions

What do agencies have and who uses them? How do agencies use cost, value, and condition

information? Do agencies manage buildings and structures the same

way? What has happened so far –

Entrance conference (02/2013) GAO site visits scheduled (03/2013)

GAO5422147.5K Records

$43B Repl. Value


Facility Maintenance and Repair

May 20, 2013Legislative Branch Update

Background: GAO 09-10 last examined this maintenance and repair Nagging issues: maintaining inactive assets, disposing of assets in

good condition, decrepit assets in with perfect CI GAO’s Big Questions

Are agencies addressing deferred maintenance? Do agencies follow industry practices when addressing deferred

maintenance? Do agencies consider energy efficiency when prioritizing

maintenance projects? What has happened so far –

Entrance conference (03/2013) ECM candidates to GAO (04/2013) Additional questions (05/2013)


$1.4B Maintenance$4.3B Deferred

Legislative Branch Update7

Focus on 113th Congress: Legislation Introduced in the House and Senate

Manhattan Project National Historical Park

Real Property Disposition

Energy Efficiency


May 20, 2013

Manhattan Project National Historical Park Act

May 20, 2013Legislative Branch Update8

H.R. 1208

• Reported to House on 04/24/2013

• Read it here: http://1.usa.gov/18QD9v6

S. 507

• Reported to Senate on 05/16/2013

• Read it here: http://1.usa.gov/13BrXjI

Who supports this?

Manhattan Project National Historical Park Act

May 20, 2013Legislative Update9

ENERGY would provide: Safe access to certain Manhattan Project related buildings in

Oak Ridge, TN Los Alamos, NM Hanford, WA

Funds to operate and maintain these buildings as visitor attractions

INTERIOR would provide: All other facilities (new or obtained) and interpretative services to

comprise the visitor experience ENERGY and INTERIOR have:

One year to establish the National Park One year to state roles and responsibilities Three years to publish a management plan

13 Buildings + LANL Historic District

Manhattan Project National Historical Park Act

May 20, 2013Legislative Update10

Difference Senate House

May INTERIOR purchase property?

Yes, from willing sellers only


Who pays for historic preservation on ENERGY buildings?


Who leads on the management plan?

INTERIOR (ENERGY “consults”)

SHARED (INTERIOR and relevant ENERGY site offices; ENERGY HQ “concurs”)

“No Buffer Zone” clause? No Yes


Real Property Disposition Bills

May 20, 2013Legislative Branch Update

Civilian Property Realignment Act

• Introduced in the House on 02/14/2013

• Read it here: http://1.usa.gov/19FWZXN

Excess Federal Building and Property Disposal Act of


• Reported to House on 03/20/2013

• Read it here: http://1.usa.gov/107BzOT


Civilian Property Realignment Act

May 20, 2013Legislative Branch Update

Creates a commission to find cost savings

OMB, the President, and Congress would

have to approve recommendations

Sale proceeds would fund future

recommended actions

Certain regulations would not apply to recommendations

DOE would no longer have authority to write leases


Excess Federal Building and Property Disposal Act

May 20, 2013Legislative Branch Update

Creates a pilot disposal program for assets with high fair market value

Allows agencies to retain sale proceeds for disposals or maintenanceCodifies the Federal

Real Property Profile

Streamlines the review of excess

property for the homeless

Agencies would publish plans for their excess property



May 20, 2013Legislative Branch Update

Who gets the net proceeds?


House “Asset Proceeds and Space Management Fund” gets 100% of asset proceeds

Pilot: 98% Treasury, 2% homeless grants

Rest: 100% Agency

Senate -- --


Energy Efficiency Bills

May 20, 2013Legislative Branch Update

GSA to perform energy audits

Execute when 10 year pay back or better

Sets energy standards for leases

Reduce data centers, FY 2018 & 2023

Retain USEC savings Federal loans Metering plans Commissioning

Promoting Efficiency and Savings in Government Act

• Introduced in Senate• Read it here: http://1.usa.gov/19FWNHP

Federal Cost Reduction Act of 2013

• Introduced in House• Read it here: http://1.usa.gov/12hp2tK


Fleet Bills

May 20, 2013Legislative Branch Update

20% reduction of FY 2010 totals of: Vehicle number Vehicle purchase or

lease costs Applies FY 2013-2017

20% reduction of FY 2010 totals of: Vehicle number Vehicle purchase or

lease costs Applies FY 2013-2017

To reduce the number of nonessential vehicles

purchased . . .

• Introduced in Senate• Read it here: http://1.usa.gov/15TXEsk

Business and Government Operations Improvement

Act (Section 204)

• Introduced in House• Read it here: http://1.usa.gov/12HnYzK

17 May 20, 2013Legislative Branch Update


Ivan Graff(202) 586-8120

[email protected]


Property Management Virtual Workshop 2013May 20 – 23, 2013