LEGISLATURE OF NEBRASKA ONE HUNDRED SIXTH LEGISLATURE SECOND SESSION LEGISLATIVE BILL 1008 FINAL READING Introduced by Speaker Scheer, 19; at the request of the Governor. Read first time January 15, 2020 Committee: Appropriations A BILL FOR AN ACT relating to appropriations; to amend Laws 2019, LB294, 1 sections 24, 49, 50, 92, 98, 99, 100, 102, 105, 110, 130, 147, 165, 2 169, 170, 200, 207, 215, 216, 217, 237, and 244, Laws 2019, LB296, 3 section 7, and Laws 2019, LB297, sections 31, 43, and 45; to define 4 terms; to provide, change, and eliminate appropriations for 5 operation of state government, state aid, postsecondary education, 6 and capital construction; to provide for scholarships as prescribed; 7 to provide for transfers of funds; to require reports; to repeal the 8 original sections; and to declare an emergency. 9 Be it enacted by the people of the State of Nebraska, 10 LB1008 2020 LB1008 2020 -1-

LEGISLATIVE BILL 1008 · 14 broadband, workforce retraining, and child care. 15 If allowed by federal law, the State Treasurer shall transfer any 16 unallocated or unexpended money

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Page 1: LEGISLATIVE BILL 1008 · 14 broadband, workforce retraining, and child care. 15 If allowed by federal law, the State Treasurer shall transfer any 16 unallocated or unexpended money





Introduced by Speaker Scheer, 19; at the request of the Governor.

Read first time January 15, 2020

Committee: Appropriations

A BILL FOR AN ACT relating to appropriations; to amend Laws 2019, LB294,1

sections 24, 49, 50, 92, 98, 99, 100, 102, 105, 110, 130, 147, 165,2

169, 170, 200, 207, 215, 216, 217, 237, and 244, Laws 2019, LB296,3

section 7, and Laws 2019, LB297, sections 31, 43, and 45; to define4

terms; to provide, change, and eliminate appropriations for5

operation of state government, state aid, postsecondary education,6

and capital construction; to provide for scholarships as prescribed;7

to provide for transfers of funds; to require reports; to repeal the8

original sections; and to declare an emergency.9

Be it enacted by the people of the State of Nebraska,10




Page 2: LEGISLATIVE BILL 1008 · 14 broadband, workforce retraining, and child care. 15 If allowed by federal law, the State Treasurer shall transfer any 16 unallocated or unexpended money


For purposes of this act and any other legislative bill passed by2

the One Hundred Sixth Legislature, First or Second Session, which3

appropriates funds, FY2018-19 means the period July 1, 2018, through June4

30, 2019; FY2019-20 means the period July 1, 2019, through June 30, 2020;5

FY2020-21 means the period July 1, 2020, through June 30, 2021; FY2021-226

means the period July 1, 2021, through June 30, 2022; and FY2022-23 means7

the period July 1, 2022, through June 30, 2023.8


There are hereby appropriated, for FY2019-20 and FY2020-21, the sums10

set forth in this act to each agency for each program from the respective11

funds for the general operations of state government, postsecondary12

education, capital construction, and state aid, except as otherwise13



All General Fund appropriations existing on June 30, 2019, in excess16

of expended and certified encumbrance amounts are hereby lapsed unless17

otherwise provided. All Cash Fund and Revolving Fund appropriations18

existing on June 30, 2019, in excess of expended and certified19

encumbrance amounts are hereby lapsed unless otherwise expressly20

provided. All certified encumbrance amounts on June 30, 2019, and June21

30, 2020, are hereby reappropriated for FY2019-20 and FY2020-21,22

respectively, which amounts shall be in addition to the amounts shown in23

this act.24

Sec. 4. REAPPROPRIATION OF BALANCES, FY2019-20 to FY2020-21.25

In addition to the appropriations set forth in this act, there are26

hereby reappropriated all unexpended appropriation balances existing on27

June 30, 2020, for FY2020-21 to the respective agencies, programs, and28

funds listed in this act, except as otherwise provided in this act.29


The definitions contained in the Nebraska Accounting System Manual,31




Page 3: LEGISLATIVE BILL 1008 · 14 broadband, workforce retraining, and child care. 15 If allowed by federal law, the State Treasurer shall transfer any 16 unallocated or unexpended money

and any amendments thereto, on file with the Clerk of the Legislature are1

hereby adopted by the Legislature as the definitions for this act.2


The Director of Administrative Services shall draw warrants upon the4

proper fund in the state treasury for an amount not to exceed the5

appropriations set forth in this act upon presentation of proper6

documentation. The State Treasurer shall pay the warrants out of the7

appropriate funds.8


Any unallocated and unexpended Coronavirus Relief Funds identified10

as of November 15, 2020, shall be reoffered through a grant process to11

meet remaining unmet needs, including, but not limited to, rental12

assistance, food assistance, small business and livestock stabilization,13

broadband, workforce retraining, and child care.14

If allowed by federal law, the State Treasurer shall transfer any15

unallocated or unexpended money from the funds received pursuant to the16

Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act of 2020, section 5001,17

Coronavirus Relief Fund, to the Cash Reserve Fund on or before December18

30, 2020, as certified by the budget administrator of the budget division19

of the Department of Administrative Services.20

As required by section 84-612, any additional federal funds received21

by the State of Nebraska for undesignated general government purposes,22

federal revenue sharing, or general fiscal relief of the state shall be23

credited to the Cash Reserve Fund.24


Program No. 501 - Intergovernmental Cooperation26

27 FY2019-20 FY2020-21

GENERAL FUND28 -0- 57,000

PROGRAM TOTAL29 -0- 57,000


Program No. 420 - State Specialized Court Operations31




Page 4: LEGISLATIVE BILL 1008 · 14 broadband, workforce retraining, and child care. 15 If allowed by federal law, the State Treasurer shall transfer any 16 unallocated or unexpended money

1 FY2019-20 FY2020-21

GENERAL FUND2 -0- 1,095,675

PROGRAM TOTAL3 -0- 1,095,675

SALARY LIMIT4 -0- 720,851

There is included in the appropriation to this program for FY2020-215

(1) $637,788 General Funds to provide for a pilot program for problem-6

solving courts for mental health, and (2) $457,887 General Funds for7

problem-solving courts for young adults.8

There is included in the appropriation to this program for FY2020-219

$20,000 General Funds for evaluation of the problem-solving courts for10

mental health, which shall only be used for such purpose.11

It is the intent of the Legislature to appropriate (1) $657,788 from12

the General Fund for FY2021-22, and (2) $677,788 from the General Fund13

for FY2022-23, to provide for a pilot program for problem-solving courts14

for mental health. There is included in the appropriation for FY2021-2215

$40,000 General Funds for evaluation of the problem-solving courts for16

mental health, which shall only be used for such purpose. There is17

included in the appropriation for FY2022-23 $60,000 General Funds for18

evaluation of the problem-solving courts for mental health, which shall19

only be used for such purpose.20


Program No. 22 - Departmental Administration22

23 FY2019-20 FY2020-21

CASH FUND24 -0- 73,000

PROGRAM TOTAL25 -0- 73,000


Program No. 51 - Enforcement of Standards - Corporations27

28 FY2019-20 FY2020-21

CASH FUND29 -0- 51,000

PROGRAM TOTAL30 -0- 51,000





Page 5: LEGISLATIVE BILL 1008 · 14 broadband, workforce retraining, and child care. 15 If allowed by federal law, the State Treasurer shall transfer any 16 unallocated or unexpended money

Program No. 53 - Enforcement of Standards - Collection Agencies1

2 FY2019-20 FY2020-21

CASH FUND3 -0- 10,000

PROGRAM TOTAL4 -0- 10,000


Program No. 86 - Enforcement of Standards - Records Management6

7 FY2019-20 FY2020-21

CASH FUND8 -0- 662,380

PROGRAM TOTAL9 -0- 662,380


Program No. 89 - Uniform Commercial Code Central Filing11

12 FY2019-20 FY2020-21

CASH FUND13 -0- 35,000

PROGRAM TOTAL14 -0- 35,000


Program No. 161 - Education Innovation16

17 FY2019-20 FY2020-21

CASH FUND18 -0- 3,448,400

PROGRAM TOTAL19 -0- 3,448,400

There is included in the appropriation to this program for FY2020-2120

$3,448,400 Cash Funds for state aid, which shall only be used for such21



Program No. 108 - Homestead Exemption24

25 FY2019-20 FY2020-21

GENERAL FUND26 -0- 9,100,000

PROGRAM TOTAL27 -0- 9,100,000

There is included in the appropriation to this program for FY2020-2128

$9,100,000 General Funds for state aid, which shall only be used for such29

purpose. There is included in the appropriation to this program for30




Page 6: LEGISLATIVE BILL 1008 · 14 broadband, workforce retraining, and child care. 15 If allowed by federal law, the State Treasurer shall transfer any 16 unallocated or unexpended money

FY2020-21 $4,100,000 General Funds to be paid as soon as possible as a1

final payment of the tax loss certified to be reimbursed by the state for2



Program No. 78 - Department of Agriculture5

6 FY2019-20 FY2020-21

GENERAL FUND7 -0- 250,000

CASH FUND8 -0- 200,000

PROGRAM TOTAL9 -0- 450,000

There is included in the appropriation to this program for FY2019-2010

$-0- General Funds for state aid, which shall only be used for such11

purpose. There is included in the appropriation to this program for12

FY2020-21 $250,000 General Funds for state aid, which shall only be used13

for such purpose.14


Program No. 69 - Enforcement of Standards - Insurance16

17 FY2019-20 FY2020-21

FEDERAL FUND est.18 -0- 664,722

PROGRAM TOTAL19 -0- 664,722


Program No. 38 - Behavioral Health Aid21

22 FY2019-20 FY2020-21

GENERAL FUND23 -0- 211,073

PROGRAM TOTAL24 -0- 211,073

There is included in the appropriation to this program for FY2020-2125

$211,073 General Funds for state aid for competency restoration treatment26

provided in appropriate outpatient contract facilities or by appropriate27

providers pursuant to alternative treatment plans under subsection (5) of28

section 29-1823. Administrative costs are shown in Program 33 for the29

necessary related administrative purposes.30





Page 7: LEGISLATIVE BILL 1008 · 14 broadband, workforce retraining, and child care. 15 If allowed by federal law, the State Treasurer shall transfer any 16 unallocated or unexpended money

Program No. 178 - Professional Licensure1

2 FY2019-20 FY2020-21

CASH FUND3 -0- 3,500,000

PROGRAM TOTAL4 -0- 3,500,000



Program No. 350 - Child Abuse Prevention7

8 FY2019-20 FY2020-21

CASH FUND9 -0- 200,000

PROGRAM TOTAL10 -0- 200,000

There is included in the appropriation to this program for FY2020-2111

$200,000 Cash Funds for state aid, which shall only be used for such12



Program No. 365 - Mental Health Operations15

16 FY2019-20 FY2020-21

GENERAL FUND17 -0- 6,600,000

PROGRAM TOTAL18 -0- 6,600,000

SALARY LIMIT19 -0- -0-

There is included in the appropriation to this program for FY2020-2120

$1,600,000 General Funds for temporary staffing for the Lincoln Regional21

Center, which shall only be used for such purpose.22

There is included in the appropriation to this program for FY2020-2123

$5,000,000 General Funds for contracted staff for the Regional Centers,24

which shall only be used for such purpose.25


Program No. 424 - Developmental Disability Aid27

28 FY2019-20 FY2020-21

GENERAL FUND29 -0- 12,362,347

PROGRAM TOTAL30 -0- 12,362,347




Page 8: LEGISLATIVE BILL 1008 · 14 broadband, workforce retraining, and child care. 15 If allowed by federal law, the State Treasurer shall transfer any 16 unallocated or unexpended money

There is included in the appropriation to this program for FY2020-211

$3,730,149 General Funds to increase developmental disability provider2

rates to align with the rate model study conducted by the Division of3

Developmental Disabilities in 2018, which shall only be used for such4


There is included in the appropriation to this program for FY2020-216

$4,943,181 General Funds to support the current Community-Based Waivers7

for the Developmentally Disabled (DD Waivers) at the level as determined8

by the updated individual inventory for clients and agency planning9

assessments, which shall only be used for such purpose.10

There is included in the appropriation to this program for FY2020-2111

$3,689,017 General Funds for Community-Based Waivers for the12

Developmentally Disabled (DD Waivers) for those individuals that met the13

priority one eligibility status, which shall only be used for such14



Program No. 502 - Public Health Aid17

18 FY2019-20 FY2020-21

GENERAL FUND19 -0- 2,000,000

PROGRAM TOTAL20 -0- 2,000,000

There is included in the appropriation to this program for FY2020-2121

$2,000,000 General Funds for state aid, which shall only be used for such22


There is included in the amount shown as aid in this program for24

FY2020-21 $500,000 General Funds to be distributed to the community25

health centers funded through Federal Program 330, Public Law 104-299,26

the federal Health Centers Consolidation Act of 1996. Each center shall27

receive an amount to be distributed proportionally based on the previous28

fiscal year's number of uninsured clients as reported on the Uniform Data29

System Report provided to the United States Department of Health and30

Human Services Bureau of Primary Health Care. The distribution shall be31




Page 9: LEGISLATIVE BILL 1008 · 14 broadband, workforce retraining, and child care. 15 If allowed by federal law, the State Treasurer shall transfer any 16 unallocated or unexpended money

made to Charles Drew Health Center, One World Community Health Center,1

East Central District Health Department - Good Neighbor Health Center,2

Community Action Partnership of Western Nebraska Health Center, Midtown3

Community Health Center, Bluestem Health, and Heartland Health Center.4

There is included in the amount shown as aid in this program for5

FY2020-21 $1,500,000 General Funds. Such funds shall be provided for6

local health departments for critical health services aid to be7

distributed equally among the eighteen public health departments.8


Program No. 514 - Health Aid10

11 FY2019-20 FY2020-21

GENERAL FUND12 -0- 250,000

PROGRAM TOTAL13 -0- 250,000

There is included in the appropriation to this program for FY2020-2114

$250,000 General Funds for state aid, which shall only be used for such15


The amount appropriated to this program for FY2020-21 is to be used17

for tuition reimbursement for emergency medical responders' initial and18

ongoing training.19


Program No. 936 - Ligature Mitigation21

22 FY2019-20 FY2020-21 FUTURE

GENERAL FUND23 -0- 5,600,000 -0-

PROGRAM TOTAL24 -0- 5,600,000 -0-

The Department of Health and Human Services is hereby authorized to25

renovate Lincoln Regional Center buildings to address patient health and26

safety, including the mitigation of ligature risks identified by the27

Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations, with the28

appropriation to this program.29


Program No. 334 - Soil and Water Conservation31




Page 10: LEGISLATIVE BILL 1008 · 14 broadband, workforce retraining, and child care. 15 If allowed by federal law, the State Treasurer shall transfer any 16 unallocated or unexpended money

1 FY2019-20 FY2020-21

CASH FUND2 -0- 600,000

PROGRAM TOTAL3 -0- 600,000


Program No. 197 - Public Protection5

6 FY2019-20 FY2020-21

CASH FUND7 -0- 434,818

PROGRAM TOTAL8 -0- 434,818

SALARY LIMIT9 -0- 196,379


Program No. 191 - Governor's Emergency Program - COVID-1911

There is included in the reappropriated balance to this program for12

FY2020-21 $2,000,000 Cash Funds to be provided to public health13

departments for COVID-19 related expenses.14


Program No. 192 - Governor's Emergency Aid16

17 FY2019-20 FY2020-21

GENERAL FUND18 -0- 55,240,974

PROGRAM TOTAL19 -0- 55,240,974

There is no salary limitation for this program.20

There is included in the appropriation to this program for FY2020-2121

$46,000,000 General Funds for state aid.22

There is included in the appropriation to this program for FY2020-2123

$9,240,974 General Funds for additional state aid to counties which have24

a cost share for relief projects written for the March 2019 weather-25

related disasters totaling twenty percent or more of the county's 201826

taxes levied.27

Expenditures from this program shall not be restricted to state aid28

if other expenditures are necessary to fulfill the goals of the29

Governor's Emergency Program.30





Page 11: LEGISLATIVE BILL 1008 · 14 broadband, workforce retraining, and child care. 15 If allowed by federal law, the State Treasurer shall transfer any 16 unallocated or unexpended money

Program No. 336 - Wildlife Conservation1

2 FY2019-20 FY2020-21

GENERAL FUND3 -0- 340,102

CASH FUND4 -0- 232,327

PROGRAM TOTAL5 -0- 572,429

SALARY LIMIT6 -0- 246,180


Program No. 200 - Operations8

9 FY2019-20 FY2020-21

GENERAL FUND10 -0- 8,000,000

PROGRAM TOTAL11 -0- 8,000,000

SALARY LIMIT12 -0- 7,000,000


Program No. 213 - Corrections Workforce Recruitment and Development14

15 FY2019-20 FY2020-21

GENERAL FUND16 -0- 523,465

PROGRAM TOTAL17 -0- 523,465

It is the intent of the Legislature to appropriate (1) $748,465 from18

the General Fund for FY2021-22, and (2) $973,465 from the General Fund19

for FY2022-23, for this program.20


Program No. 214 - Vocational and Life Skills22

23 FY2019-20 FY2020-21

GENERAL FUND24 -0- 500,000

PROGRAM TOTAL25 -0- 500,000

There is included in the appropriation to this program for FY2020-2126

$500,000 General Funds for state aid, which shall only be used for such27


It is the intent of the Legislature that $500,000 of grants be29

awarded to organizations that provide paid preparatory training programs,30




Page 12: LEGISLATIVE BILL 1008 · 14 broadband, workforce retraining, and child care. 15 If allowed by federal law, the State Treasurer shall transfer any 16 unallocated or unexpended money

pre-apprenticeship programs, or other paid training that leads directly1

into a Federal Registered Apprenticeship Program and that the grants2

require a minimum one-to-one cash or in-kind matching contribution.3

Unallocated grant funds held by the department at the end of the fiscal4

year shall be reappropriated for the next fiscal year.5


Program No. 648 - Nebraska State Historical Society7

8 FY2019-20 FY2020-21

GENERAL FUND9 -0- 92,306

PROGRAM TOTAL10 -0- 92,306

SALARY LIMIT11 -0- 79,472


Program No. 959 - Chimney Rock Renovations13

14 FY2019-20 FY2020-21

CASH FUND15 -0- 200,000

PROGRAM TOTAL16 -0- 200,000


Program No. 100 - Public Protection18

19 FY2019-20 FY2020-21

GENERAL FUND20 -0- 250,000

PROGRAM TOTAL21 -0- 250,000

SALARY LIMIT22 -0- 114,005

There is included in the appropriation to this program for FY2020-2123

$250,000 General Funds to provide funding for timely processing of sexual24

assault forensic evidence in accordance with national best practices.25


Program No. 560 - State Building Division27

28 FY2019-20 FY2020-21

REVOLVING FUND29 -0- 2,800,000

PROGRAM TOTAL30 -0- 2,800,000




Page 13: LEGISLATIVE BILL 1008 · 14 broadband, workforce retraining, and child care. 15 If allowed by federal law, the State Treasurer shall transfer any 16 unallocated or unexpended money


Program No. 901 - State Capitol Improvements2

3 FY2019-20 FY2020-21

GENERAL FUND4 -0- 1,766,200

PROGRAM TOTAL5 -0- 1,766,200


Program No. 326 - Promotion and Development of the Arts7

8 FY2019-20 FY2020-21

GENERAL FUND9 -0- 5,990

PROGRAM TOTAL10 -0- 5,990

SALARY LIMIT11 -0- 90,539


Program No. 329 - Arts and Humanities Preservation13

14 FY2019-20 FY2020-21

SALARY LIMIT15 -0- 3,266


Program No. 584 - Indian Affairs17

18 FY2019-20 FY2020-21

CASH FUND19 -0- 20,000

PROGRAM TOTAL20 -0- 20,000



Program No. 220 - Community Corrections Division23

24 FY2019-20 FY2020-21

SALARY LIMIT25 -0- 42,613



Program No. 94 - Nebraska Political Accountability28

29 FY2019-20 FY2020-21

GENERAL FUND30 -0- 118,000




Page 14: LEGISLATIVE BILL 1008 · 14 broadband, workforce retraining, and child care. 15 If allowed by federal law, the State Treasurer shall transfer any 16 unallocated or unexpended money

PROGRAM TOTAL1 -0- 118,000

Sec. 45. The State Treasurer shall transfer one hundred fifty2

thousand dollars from the State Settlement Cash Fund to the Legal3

Education for Public Service and Rural Practice Loan Repayment Assistance4

Fund on or before August 20, 2020, on such dates and in such amounts as5

directed by the budget administrator of the budget division of the6

Department of Administrative Services. It is the intent of the7

Legislature that the transfers from the State Settlement Cash Fund to the8

Legal Education for Public Service and Rural Practice Loan Repayment9

Assistance Fund be ongoing as authorized by section 59-1608.04.10

Sec. 46. The State Treasurer shall transfer ten million dollars11

from the General Fund to the Rural Workforce Housing Investment Fund on12

or after July 1, 2020, but before June 30, 2021, on such dates and in13

such amounts as directed by the budget administrator of the budget14

division of the Department of Administrative Services.15

Sec. 47. Laws 2019, LB294, section 24, is amended to read:16


Program No. 437 - Juvenile Justice18

19 FY2019-20 FY2020-21

GENERAL FUND20 68,369,413 69,122,266

CASH FUND est.21 25,000 25,000

PROGRAM TOTAL22 68,394,413 69,147,266

SALARY LIMIT23 13,494,605 13,811,490

The unexpended General Fund appropriation balance existing on June24

30, 2019, is hereby reappropriated. The unexpended General Fund25

appropriation balance existing on June 30, 2020, less $10,000,000, is26

hereby reappropriated.27

Cash Fund expenditures for this program shall not be limited to the28

amounts shown.29

Sec. 48. Laws 2019, LB294, section 49, is amended to read:30





Page 15: LEGISLATIVE BILL 1008 · 14 broadband, workforce retraining, and child care. 15 If allowed by federal law, the State Treasurer shall transfer any 16 unallocated or unexpended money

Program No. 25 - Education, Administration, and Support1

2 FY2019-20 FY2020-21

GENERAL FUND3 16,182,434 16,702,960

GENERAL FUND4 16,182,434 16,390,315

CASH FUND5 1,554,251 1,564,993

FEDERAL FUND est.6 24,294,841 24,865,726

REVOLVING FUND7 500,000 1,983,980

PROGRAM TOTAL8 42,531,526 45,117,659

SALARY LIMIT9 15,001,413 15,533,522

FEDERAL FUND est.10 24,294,841 24,543,362

REVOLVING FUND11 500,000 500,000

PROGRAM TOTAL12 42,531,526 42,998,670

SALARY LIMIT13 15,001,413 15,335,026

The Department of Administrative Services shall monitor the14

appropriations and expenditures for this program according to the15

following program classifications:16

No. 25 - Commissioner's Office17

No. 403 - General Counsel and Legal Services18

No. 440 - Human Resources19

No. 441 - Teaching, Learning, and Assessment20

No. 442 - Public Information and Communications21

No. 443 - Technology Services22

No. 444 - Early Childhood23

No. 445 - Data, Research, and Evaluation24

No. 446 - Career and Adult Education25

No. 447 - Accountability, Accreditation, and Program Approval26

No. 448 - Special Education27

No. 449 - ESEA Programs School Support and Services28

No. 450 - Student Support and Services29

No. 451 - Finance and Administrative Services30

No. 452 - Budget and Grants Management31




Page 16: LEGISLATIVE BILL 1008 · 14 broadband, workforce retraining, and child care. 15 If allowed by federal law, the State Treasurer shall transfer any 16 unallocated or unexpended money

No. 453 - Information Systems and Services Project Management1

No. 454 - School and District Support2

There is included in the appropriation to this program for FY2019-203

$4,751,600 General Funds for statewide assessment and reporting, which4

shall only be used for such purpose. There is included in the5

appropriation to this program for FY2020-21 $4,751,600 General Funds for6

statewide assessment and reporting, which shall only be used for such7


There is included in the appropriation to this program for FY2019-209

$10,000 General Funds and FY2020-21 $10,000 General Funds for the10

Educational Opportunity for Military Children Program.11

There is included in the appropriation to this program for FY2019-2012

$300,000 General Funds for the Nebraska Technology Initiative, which13

shall only be used for such purpose. There is included in the14

appropriation to this program for FY2020-21 $300,000 General Funds for15

the Nebraska Technology Initiative, which shall only be used for such16


Sec. 49. Laws 2019, LB294, section 50, is amended to read:18


Program No. 158 - Education Aid20

21 FY2019-20 FY2020-21

GENERAL FUND22 1,292,913,588 1,281,781,018

GENERAL FUND23 1,292,913,588 1,302,081,857

CASH FUND24 3,790,938 3,790,938

FEDERAL FUND est.25 323,174,115 323,174,115

PROGRAM TOTAL26 1,619,878,641 1,608,746,071

PROGRAM TOTAL27 1,619,878,641 1,629,046,910

The unexpended General Fund appropriation balance existing on June28

30, 2020, less $319,400, is hereby reappropriated.29

There is included in the appropriation to this program for FY2019-2030

$1,292,913,588 General Funds, $3,790,938 Cash Funds, and $323,174,11531




Page 17: LEGISLATIVE BILL 1008 · 14 broadband, workforce retraining, and child care. 15 If allowed by federal law, the State Treasurer shall transfer any 16 unallocated or unexpended money

Federal Funds estimate for state aid, which shall only be used for such1

purpose. There is included in the appropriation to this program for2

FY2020-21 $1,281,781,018 $1,302,081,857 General Funds, $3,790,938 Cash3

Funds, and $323,174,115 Federal Funds estimate for state aid, which shall4

only be used for such purpose.5

There is included in the amount shown for FY2019-20 $1,036,237,7666

General Funds which are hereby appropriated to the Tax Equity and7

Educational Opportunities Fund, which fund is hereby appropriated to8

provide state aid to public school districts pursuant to the Tax Equity9

and Educational Opportunities Support Act. There is included in the10

amount shown for FY2020-21 $1,022,555,859 $1,042,856,698 General Funds11

which are hereby appropriated to the Tax Equity and Educational12

Opportunities Fund, which fund is hereby appropriated to provide state13

aid to public school districts pursuant to the Tax Equity and Educational14

Opportunities Support Act.15

There is included in the amount shown for this program $228,791,85116

General Funds provided as state aid for FY2019-20 for special education17

reimbursement. There is included in the amount shown for this program18

$231,079,770 General Funds provided as state aid for FY2020-21 for19

special education reimbursement.20

There is included in the amount shown for this program $465,50021

General Funds provided as state aid for FY2019-20 and $465,500 General22

Funds provided as state aid for FY2020-21 to carry out the provisions of23

subsection (2) of section 79-734.24

There is included in the amount shown for this program $9,962,19525

General Funds provided as state aid for FY2019-20 and $10,161,395 General26

Funds provided as state aid for FY2020-21 for core services for27

educational service units.28

There is included in the amount shown for this program $3,108,70929

General Funds provided as state aid for FY2019-20 and $3,170,927 General30

Funds provided as state aid for FY2020-21 for technology infrastructure31




Page 18: LEGISLATIVE BILL 1008 · 14 broadband, workforce retraining, and child care. 15 If allowed by federal law, the State Treasurer shall transfer any 16 unallocated or unexpended money

for educational service units.1

There is included in the amount shown for this program $281,6542

General Funds provided as state aid for FY2019-20 and $281,654 General3

Funds provided as state aid for FY2020-21 for distance education aid to4

educational service units.5

There is included in the amount shown for this program $617,8986

General Funds provided as state aid for FY2019-20 and $617,898 General7

Funds provided as state aid for FY2020-21 for the school breakfast8


There is included in the amount shown for this program $392,03210

General Funds provided as state aid for FY2019-20 and $392,032 General11

Funds provided as state aid for FY2020-21 for the school lunch program.12

There is included in the amount shown for this program $90,00013

General Funds provided as state aid for FY2019-20 and $90,000 General14

Funds provided as state aid for FY2020-21 for the Summer Food Service15


There is included in the amount shown for this program $214,66417

General Funds provided as state aid for FY2019-20 and $214,664 General18

Funds provided as state aid for FY2020-21 for adult basic education19


There is included in the amount shown for this program $750,00021

General Funds provided as state aid for FY2019-20 and $750,000 General22

Funds provided as state aid for FY2020-21 for aid to institutions23

offering high school equivalency programs.24

There is included in the amount shown for this program $3,619,35725

General Funds provided as state aid for FY2019-20 and $3,619,357 General26

Funds provided as state aid for FY2020-21 for early childhood education27


There is included in the amount shown for this program $5,000,00029

General Funds provided as state aid for FY2019-20 and $5,000,000 General30

Funds provided as state aid for FY2020-21 for the Early Childhood31




Page 19: LEGISLATIVE BILL 1008 · 14 broadband, workforce retraining, and child care. 15 If allowed by federal law, the State Treasurer shall transfer any 16 unallocated or unexpended money

Education Grant Program for at-risk children from birth to age three. It1

is the intent of the Legislature that a maximum of five percent of2

General Funds appropriated each fiscal year for the Early Childhood3

Education Grant Program for at-risk children from birth to age three may4

be used for evaluation and technical assistance.5

There is included in the amount shown for this program $100,0006

General Funds provided as state aid for FY2019-20 and $100,000 General7

Funds provided as state aid for FY2020-21 for scholarships for early8

childhood education providers.9

There is included in the amount shown for this program $69,00010

General Funds provided as state aid for FY2019-20 and $69,000 General11

Funds provided as state aid for FY2020-21 for incentive bonuses for12

providers of child care and early childhood education programs.13

There is included in the amount shown for this program $400,00014

General Funds provided as state aid for FY2019-20 and $400,000 General15

Funds provided as state aid for FY2020-21 for the Nurturing Healthy16

Behaviors program.17

There is included in the amount shown for this program $470,00018

General Funds provided as state aid for FY2019-20 and $470,000 General19

Funds provided as state aid for FY2020-21 for learning community aid.20

There is included in the amount shown for this program $2,342,96221

General Funds provided as state aid for FY2019-20 and $2,342,962 General22

Funds provided as state aid for FY2020-21 for programs for learners with23

high ability.24

Sec. 50. Laws 2019, LB294, section 92, is amended to read:25


Program No. 33 - Administration27

28 FY2019-20 FY2020-21

GENERAL FUND29 143,783,542 145,782,020

GENERAL FUND30 143,783,542 147,293,093

CASH FUND31 27,835,666 27,606,479




Page 20: LEGISLATIVE BILL 1008 · 14 broadband, workforce retraining, and child care. 15 If allowed by federal law, the State Treasurer shall transfer any 16 unallocated or unexpended money

FEDERAL FUND est.1 313,966,275 315,600,604

PROGRAM TOTAL2 485,585,483 488,989,103

SALARY LIMIT3 161,312,799 166,258,216

PROGRAM TOTAL4 485,585,483 490,500,176

SALARY LIMIT5 161,312,799 166,204,143

The unexpended General Fund appropriation balance existing on June6

30, 2020, less $1,600,000, is hereby reappropriated.7

(1) The Department of Administrative Services shall monitor the8

appropriations and expenditures for this program according to the9

following program classifications:10

No. 249 - Medicaid Expansion Administration11

No. 261 - General Operations12

No. 262 - Public Health Administration13

No. 263 - Medicaid and Long-Term Care Administration14

No. 264 - Children and Family Services Administration15

No. 265 - Protection and Safety16

No. 266 - Economic and Family Support17

No. 267 - Developmental Disabilities Service Coordination18

No. 268 - Behavioral Health Administration19

No. 269 - Developmental Disabilities Administration20

There is included in the appropriation to this program for FY2020-2121

$88,927 General Funds for the related administrative purposes for22

recruitment, training, and monitoring of outpatient facilities or23

individual providers who have contracts to provide alternative treatment24


(2) There is included in the appropriation to this program for26

FY2019-20 $13,688 Cash Funds for regulatory support for out-of-hospital27

emergency care providers licensing from the Nebraska Health Care Cash28

Fund. There is included in the appropriation to this program for29

FY2020-21 $13,688 Cash Funds for regulatory support for out-of-hospital30

emergency care providers licensing from the Nebraska Health Care Cash31




Page 21: LEGISLATIVE BILL 1008 · 14 broadband, workforce retraining, and child care. 15 If allowed by federal law, the State Treasurer shall transfer any 16 unallocated or unexpended money


(3) There is included in the appropriation to this program for2

FY2019-20 $26,000 Cash Funds from the Nebraska Health Care Cash Fund to3

continue the Parkinson's Disease Registry. There is included in the4

appropriation to this program for FY2020-21 $26,000 Cash Funds from the5

Nebraska Health Care Cash Fund to continue the Parkinson's Disease6


(4) There is included in the appropriation to this program $404,6438

Cash Funds for FY2019-20 and $404,643 Cash Funds for FY2020-21 from the9

Nebraska Health Care Cash Fund for respite services in each of the10

service areas designated by the Department of Health and Human Services11

and for administrative costs, including personnel costs, associated with12

the Nebraska Lifespan Respite Services Program.13

(5) There is included in the appropriation to this program for14

FY2019-20 $6,000 Cash Funds from the Nebraska Health Care Cash Fund for15

costs of smoking cessation covered by medicaid. There is included in the16

appropriation to this program for FY2020-21 $6,000 Cash Funds from the17

Nebraska Health Care Cash Fund for costs of smoking cessation covered by18


(6) There is included in the appropriation to this program for20

FY2019-20 $1,000,000 General Funds for the electronic records initiative,21

to be used only for this purpose. There is included in the appropriation22

to this program for FY2020-21 $1,000,000 General Funds for the electronic23

records initiative, to be used only for this purpose.24

(7) There is included in the appropriation to this program for25

FY2019-20 $220,000 Cash Funds to operate a satellite office of minority26

health in the second and third congressional districts to coordinate and27

administer state policy relating to minority health from the Nebraska28

Health Care Cash Fund. There is included in the appropriation to this29

program for FY2020-21 $220,000 Cash Funds to operate a satellite office30

of minority health in the second and third congressional districts to31




Page 22: LEGISLATIVE BILL 1008 · 14 broadband, workforce retraining, and child care. 15 If allowed by federal law, the State Treasurer shall transfer any 16 unallocated or unexpended money

coordinate and administer state policy relating to minority health from1

the Nebraska Health Care Cash Fund.2

(8) There is included in the appropriation to this program for3

FY2019-20 $100,000 Cash Funds for staff and operating expenses for public4

health from the Nebraska Health Care Cash Fund. There is included in the5

appropriation to this program for FY2020-21 $100,000 Cash Funds for staff6

and operating expenses for public health from the Nebraska Health Care7

Cash Fund.8

(9) There is included in the appropriation to this program for9

FY2019-20 $321,182 Cash Funds from the Nebraska Health Care Cash Fund to10

carry out the provisions of the Aging and Disability Resource Center Act.11

There is included in the appropriation to this program for FY2020-2112

$321,182 General Funds from the Nebraska Health Care Cash Fund to carry13

out the provisions of the Aging and Disability Resource Center Act.14

(10) There is included in the appropriation to this program for15

FY2019-20 $29,680 Cash Funds from the Nebraska Health Care Cash Fund to16

carry out provisions of the Assisted-Living Facility Act. There is17

included in the appropriation to this program for FY2020-21 $29,68018

General Funds from the Nebraska Health Care Cash Fund to carry out19

provisions of the Assisted-Living Facility Act.20

(11) It is the intent of the Legislature that the Department of21

Health and Human Services shall provide quarterly status reports22

electronically on the replacement and maintenance, including23

expenditures, of the Medicaid Medical Information System (MMIS).24

(12) The Legislature finds that underfunding of the medical25

assistance program under the Medical Assistance Act has resulted in a26

growing financial chasm between the amount of money a service provider is27

reimbursed under the program and the actual cost of providing care.28

Combined with workforce shortages, the continued ability of long-term29

care providers to serve beneficiaries of the medical assistance program30

is increasingly at risk. The Legislature also recognizes that aging31




Page 23: LEGISLATIVE BILL 1008 · 14 broadband, workforce retraining, and child care. 15 If allowed by federal law, the State Treasurer shall transfer any 16 unallocated or unexpended money

Nebraskans have made contributions throughout their lifetimes to the1

state and country and deserve to receive the care they need in2

recognition of this service.3

(13) If federal funding is approved under this section, on or before4

December 31, 2020, the department shall study and report to the5

Appropriations Committee of the Legislature on statewide access to long-6

term care. The department shall contract with an independent entity with7

proven expertise in (a) data analysis and projections of future trends,8

(b) community planning, (c) innovative practices and best practices in9

long-term care services, and (d) the development of a long-term care10

sustainability plan. The department and contracted entity shall study the11

needs of Nebraska's aging population for facility-based and home and12

community-based long-term care services in close proximity to familial13

and social support systems and shall make reasonable recommendations,14

supported by data, on changes to the policy and funding of long-term care15

services under the Medical Assistance Act.16

(14) The department and the contracted entity shall:17

(a) Review and summarize existing data sources;18

(b) Provide the committee with a detailed analysis and projection of19

Nebraska's demographic trends by age and availability of informal long-20

term care support systems;21

(c) Provide the committee with a detailed analysis of the current22

and projected future needs of aging Nebraskans and current gaps in23

facility-based and home and community-based long-term care services in24

all areas of the state and factors contributing to such gaps;25

(d) Provide the committee with a detailed analysis of state26

regulations and processes that impede the flexibility for nursing27

facilities to provide home and community-based long-term care services28

when there is an identified community need;29

(e) Provide the committee with a detailed analysis of the financial30

stability of long-term care providers that accept participants in the31




Page 24: LEGISLATIVE BILL 1008 · 14 broadband, workforce retraining, and child care. 15 If allowed by federal law, the State Treasurer shall transfer any 16 unallocated or unexpended money

medical assistance program, especially nursing facilities, and1

contributing factors;2

(f) Make recommendations to the committee for increased regulatory3

flexibility to allow a skilled nursing facility to provide home and4

community-based long-term care services to meet community needs and for5

strategic consolidation of facilities and services to use long-term care6

workforce resources more effectively;7

(g) Identify changes to reimbursement under the medical assistance8

program to sustain access to long-term care services across the state;9


(h) Create a financially sustainable five-year plan for ensuring11

that aging Nebraskans continue to have access to long-term care services12

they need in close proximity to their familial and social support13


(15) A status update on the report shall be delivered electronically15

to the Appropriations Committee of the Legislature by December 31, 2019.16

The final report shall be delivered electronically to the17

Appropriations Committee of the Legislature by December 1, 2020.18

(16) It is the intent of the Legislature that the Division of19

Medicaid and Long-Term Care of the Department of Health and Human20

Services shall request approval from the Secretary of the United States21

Department of Health and Human Services to use $87,500 of Nebraska's22

Nursing Facility Penalty Cash Fund under section 1919(h)(3)(C)(ii)(IV)23

(ff) of the federal Social Security Act as the federal match to carry out24

the study described in this section. Such funds shall be used to research25

demographic trends, project current and future service needs, and provide26

recommendations for continued statewide access to long-term care27

services, including nursing facility care, for medicaid recipients.28

There is included in the appropriation to this program the following29

amounts for Program 249:30

31 FY2019-20 FY2020-21




Page 25: LEGISLATIVE BILL 1008 · 14 broadband, workforce retraining, and child care. 15 If allowed by federal law, the State Treasurer shall transfer any 16 unallocated or unexpended money

GENERAL FUND1 5,979,812 5,772,769

FEDERAL FUND est.2 8,583,992 6,372,769

PROGRAM TOTAL3 14,563,804 12,145,538

SALARY LIMIT4 4,678,048 5,560,460

It is the intent of the Legislature that the department shall5

provide monthly status reports electronically to the Clerk of the6

Legislature and the Legislative Fiscal Analyst on Medicaid Expansion. The7

department shall include in the reports information on contracts,8

personnel, waiver applications, CMS decisions and directives, and9

implementation timelines.10

Sec. 51. Laws 2019, LB294, section 98, is amended to read:11


Program No. 344 - Children's Health Insurance13

14 FY2019-20 FY2020-21

GENERAL FUND15 14,317,097 23,778,754

GENERAL FUND16 14,317,097 25,527,244

CASH FUND17 7,085,700 7,085,700

FEDERAL FUND est.18 102,296,102 93,898,774

FEDERAL FUND est.19 102,296,102 93,333,162

PROGRAM TOTAL20 123,698,899 124,763,228

PROGRAM TOTAL21 123,698,899 125,946,106

The unexpended General Fund appropriation balance existing on June22

30, 2020, less $2,000,000, is hereby reappropriated.23

There is included in the appropriation to this program for FY2019-2024

$14,317,097 General Funds, $7,085,700 Cash Funds, and $102,296,10225

Federal Funds estimate for state aid, which shall only be used for such26

purpose. There is included in the appropriation to this program for27

FY2020-21 $23,778,754 $25,527,244 General Funds, $7,085,700 Cash Funds,28

and $93,898,774 $93,333,162 Federal Funds estimate for state aid, which29

shall only be used for such purpose.30

There is included in the appropriation to this program for FY2019-2031




Page 26: LEGISLATIVE BILL 1008 · 14 broadband, workforce retraining, and child care. 15 If allowed by federal law, the State Treasurer shall transfer any 16 unallocated or unexpended money

$6,835,700 Cash Funds for state aid from the Nebraska Health Care Cash1

Fund. There is included in the appropriation to this program for2

FY2020-21 $6,835,700 Cash Funds for state aid from the Nebraska Health3

Care Cash Fund.4

There is included in the appropriation to this program for FY2020-215

$251,510 General Funds and $565,612 Federal Funds estimate for rate6

increases paid to providers of mental health and behavioral health7

services prioritized for mental health and behavioral health services8

which were reimbursed at fifteen percent or more below such rates paid as9

of January 1, 2020, by the Division of Behavioral Health. Services10

include, but are not limited to, day rehabilitation services, mental11

health individual sessions, substance use disorder individual sessions,12

substance use disorder assessments, therapeutic community services, and13

psychiatric residential rehabilitation. It is the intent of the14

Legislature that funds appropriated for mental health and behavioral15

health rate increases be utilized solely for mental health and behavioral16

health rate increases in a proportional manner.17

There is included in the amount shown as aid for this program for18

FY2019-20 up to $250,000 Cash Funds and for FY2020-21 up to $250,000 Cash19

Funds from the Health and Human Services Cash Fund for the state match20

for utilization of the unused administrative cap as allowed under the21

Children's Health Insurance Program for payments to the Nebraska Regional22

Poison Center funded through the University of Nebraska Medical Center.23

The match is from Cash Funds transferred from the University of Nebraska24

Medical Center.25

It is the intent of the Legislature that phased-down state26

contributions to the federal government as defined and required by the27

federal Medicare Prescription Drug, Improvement, and Modernization Act of28

2003 may be made from appropriations to this program.29

Sec. 52. Laws 2019, LB294, section 99, is amended to read:30





Page 27: LEGISLATIVE BILL 1008 · 14 broadband, workforce retraining, and child care. 15 If allowed by federal law, the State Treasurer shall transfer any 16 unallocated or unexpended money

Program No. 347 - Public Assistance1

2 FY2019-20 FY2020-21

GENERAL FUND3 91,609,328 86,756,257

CASH FUND4 3,560,000 5,524,198

GENERAL FUND5 91,609,328 90,756,257

CASH FUND6 3,560,000 3,560,000

FEDERAL FUND est.7 112,235,004 112,235,004

PROGRAM TOTAL8 207,404,332 204,515,459

PROGRAM TOTAL9 207,404,332 206,551,261

The unexpended General Fund appropriation balance existing on June10

30, 2020, less $4,000,000, is hereby reappropriated.11

There is included in the appropriation to this program for FY2019-2012

$91,609,328 General Funds, $3,560,000 Cash Funds, and $112,235,00413

Federal Funds estimate for state aid, which shall only be used for such14

purpose. There is included in the appropriation to this program for15

FY2020-21 $86,756,257 $90,756,257 General Funds, $5,524,198 $3,560,00016

Cash Funds, and $112,235,004 Federal Funds estimate for state aid, which17

shall only be used for such purpose.18

There is included in the amount shown as aid for this program for19

FY2019-20 $810,000 Cash Funds from the Nebraska Health Care Cash Fund to20

aid in carrying out the Nebraska Lifespan Respite Services Program and to21

provide payment to caregivers to purchase services under the respite22

subsidy program. There is included in the amount shown as aid for this23

program for FY2020-21 $810,000 Cash Funds from the Nebraska Health Care24

Cash Fund to aid in carrying out the Nebraska Lifespan Respite Services25

Program and to provide payment to caregivers to purchase services under26

the respite subsidy program.27

There is included in the appropriation to this program a one-time28

increase of $1,964,198 Cash Funds for FY2020-21 for the Homeless Shelter29

Assistance Program because the balance in the Homeless Shelter Assistance30

Trust Fund is being depleted, and ongoing expenditures above the31




Page 28: LEGISLATIVE BILL 1008 · 14 broadband, workforce retraining, and child care. 15 If allowed by federal law, the State Treasurer shall transfer any 16 unallocated or unexpended money

estimated revenue amount of $2,900,000 are not sustainable beyond1


Sec. 53. Laws 2019, LB294, section 100, is amended to read:3


Program No. 348 - Medical Assistance5

6 FY2019-20 FY2020-21

GENERAL FUND7 860,304,131 921,250,222

GENERAL FUND8 860,304,131 917,144,136

CASH FUND9 46,851,581 46,851,581

FEDERAL FUND est.10 1,261,738,910 1,708,752,389

PROGRAM TOTAL11 2,168,894,622 2,676,854,192

FEDERAL FUND est.12 1,261,738,910 1,687,882,991

PROGRAM TOTAL13 2,168,894,622 2,651,878,708

The Department of Administrative Services shall monitor the14

appropriations and expenditures for this program according to the15

following program classification:16

No. 348 - Medical Assistance17

No. 349 - Medicaid Expansion Aid18

There is included in the appropriation to this program for FY2019-2019

$860,304,131 General Funds, $46,851,581 Cash Funds, and $1,261,738,91020

Federal Funds estimate for state aid, which shall only be used for such21

purpose. There is included in the appropriation to this program for22

FY2020-21 $921,250,222 $917,144,136 General Funds, $46,851,581 Cash23

Funds, and $1,708,752,389 $1,687,882,991 Federal Funds estimate for state24

aid, which shall only be used for such purpose.25

There is included in the amount shown as aid for this program for26

FY2019-20 $4,765,896 Cash Funds for the continuation of the behavioral27

health provider rate increase and behavioral health provider rate28

increase for managed care, inpatient services, and residential treatment29

services provided with funds from the Nebraska Health Care Cash Fund.30

There is included in the amount shown as aid for this program for31




Page 29: LEGISLATIVE BILL 1008 · 14 broadband, workforce retraining, and child care. 15 If allowed by federal law, the State Treasurer shall transfer any 16 unallocated or unexpended money

FY2020-21 $4,765,896 Cash Funds for the continuation of the behavioral1

health provider rate increase and behavioral health provider rate2

increase for managed care, inpatient services, and residential treatment3

services provided with funds from the Nebraska Health Care Cash Fund.4

There is included in the amount shown as aid for this program for5

FY2019-20 $450,000 Cash Funds from the Nebraska Health Care Cash Fund for6

a state plan amendment covering tobacco-use cessation in compliance with7

Title XIX of the federal Social Security Act. There is included in the8

amount shown as aid for this program for FY2020-21 $450,000 Cash Funds9

from the Nebraska Health Care Cash Fund for a state plan amendment10

covering tobacco-use cessation in compliance with Title XIX of the11

federal Social Security Act. The smoking cessation funding for FY2019-2012

and FY2020-21 is for the costs of tobacco-use cessation counseling and13

tobacco-use cessation pharmaceuticals approved by the federal Food and14

Drug Administration for such purpose.15

The chief executive officer of the Department of Health and Human16

Services shall certify to the budget administrator of the budget division17

of the Department of Administrative Services the portion of the FY2020-2118

General Fund appropriation available for transfer from Budget Program 34919

- Medicaid Expansion Aid to Budget Program 38 - Behavioral Health Aid20

within Agency 25 — Department of Health and Human Services. The transfer21

is authorized if any one of the following conditions are met: (1)22

Medicaid Expansion is delayed beyond the projected October 1, 2020,23

implementation date; (2) payment delays beyond the control of the24

Behavioral Health Regions would result in hardships meeting expenses25

incurred providing Medicaid-eligible services by the Behavioral Health26

Regions. Funding accessed under this condition shall be repaid once27

Medicaid payments are made in full to the Behavioral Health Regions for28

Medicaid-eligible services provided to Medicaid-eligible clients; and (3)29

enrollment of clients served by the Behavioral Health Regions is less30

than projected in the Medicaid Expansion budget calculations. The state31




Page 30: LEGISLATIVE BILL 1008 · 14 broadband, workforce retraining, and child care. 15 If allowed by federal law, the State Treasurer shall transfer any 16 unallocated or unexpended money

budget administrator of the budget division of the Department of1

Administrative Services shall administratively transfer during FY2020-212

the portion of the appropriation certified by the chief executive officer3

of the Department of Health and Human Services from Budget Program 349 -4

Medicaid Expansion Aid to Budget Program 38 - Behavioral Health Aid. The5

chief executive officer shall send a copy of the certification letter to6

the Legislative Fiscal Office at the same time it is presented to the7

state budget administrator. The state budget administrator shall notify8

the Legislative Fiscal Office of any transfers made under this section.9

The certification authority granted in this section expires on March10

1, 2021.11

There is included in the appropriation to this program in FY2020-2112

$217,347 General Funds and $276,624 Federal Funds estimate to bring rates13

for providers of halfway house services up to the rates paid by the14

Division of Behavioral Health.15

There is included in the appropriation to this program for FY2020-2116

$3,888,739 General Funds and $4,955,334 Federal Funds estimate for rate17

increases paid to providers of mental health and behavioral health18

services prioritized for mental health and behavioral health services19

which were reimbursed at fifteen percent or more below such rates paid as20

of January 1, 2020, by the Division of Behavioral Health. Services21

include, but are not limited to, day rehabilitation services, mental22

health individual sessions, substance use disorder individual sessions,23

substance use disorder assessments, therapeutic community services, and24

psychiatric residential rehabilitation. It is the intent of the25

Legislature that funds appropriated for mental health and behavioral26

health rate increases be utilized solely for mental health and behavioral27

health rate increases in a proportional manner.28

There is included in the appropriation to this program $336,349,73129

($154,081,812 General Funds and $182,267,919 Federal Funds) for nursing30

facilities in FY2019-20, which includes a one-time payment increase of31




Page 31: LEGISLATIVE BILL 1008 · 14 broadband, workforce retraining, and child care. 15 If allowed by federal law, the State Treasurer shall transfer any 16 unallocated or unexpended money

$7,400,000 ($3,389,940 General Funds and $4,010,060 Federal Funds) and1

$13,851,307 ($6,345,284 General Funds and $7,506,023 Federal Funds) for2

utilization changes and rate enhancement.3

There is included in the appropriation in this section $350,795,9524

($158,840,407 General Funds and $191,955,545 Federal Funds) for nursing5

facilities in FY2020-21 which includes $14,446,221 ($6,541,249 General6

Funds and $7,904,972 Federal Funds) for utilization changes and rate7

enhancement and this total amount shall be used in the FY2020-21 Medicaid8

nursing facility rate calculation.9

It is the intent of the Legislature that the total nursing facility10

appropriation amount, including utilization changes and rate enhancement11

shall be used in Step 2 directives of the Legislature of the Inflation12

Factor calculation process, as described in 471 NAC 12-011.08D5, in13

effect on January 1, 2019, for FY2019-20 and FY2020-21.14

The Department of Health and Human Services shall file a report with15

the Legislative Fiscal Office and the Clerk of the Legislature no later16

than August 1, 2019, on how the Inflation Factor was calculated for17

FY2019-20 rates and no later than August 1, 2020, on how the Inflation18

Factor was calculated for FY2020-21 rates.19

The Department of Health and Human Services shall file a report20

electronically with the Legislative Fiscal Analyst and the Clerk of the21

Legislature between December 15 and December 31, 2020, identifying the22

amount of any unspent remaining appropriation from the FY2019-2023

appropriations earmarked for nursing facility payments. The report shall24

include an identification of encumbrances and retroactive payments.25

It is the intent of the Legislature that phased-down state26

contributions to the federal government as defined and required by the27

federal Medicare Prescription Drug, Improvement, and Modernization Act of28

2003 may be made from appropriations to this program.29

The chief executive officer of the Department of Health and Human30

Services may certify to the budget administrator of the budget division31




Page 32: LEGISLATIVE BILL 1008 · 14 broadband, workforce retraining, and child care. 15 If allowed by federal law, the State Treasurer shall transfer any 16 unallocated or unexpended money

of the Department of Administrative Services FY2019-20 and FY2020-211

unexpended appropriation balances for Medical Assistance, Program No.2

348, available to transfer to Developmental Disabilities Aid, Program No.3

424, to be used only to maintain individuals with an intellectual or4

developmental disability in a medicaid program that best serves their5

needs at a cost that does not exceed the cost of services provided in an6

institution. The budget administrator of the budget division of the7

Department of Administrative Services shall administratively transfer8

during FY2019-20 and FY2020-21 available appropriations as certified by9

the chief executive officer of the Department of Health and Human10

Services from Medical Assistance, Program No. 348, to Developmental11

Disabilities Aid, Program No. 424.12

For informational purposes only, there is included in the13

appropriation to this program the following aid amounts for Program 349:14

15 FY2019-20 FY2020-21

GENERAL FUND16 -0- 43,863,305

FEDERAL FUND est.17 -0- 373,260,870

PROGRAM TOTAL18 -0- 417,124,175

It is the intent of the Legislature that the department shall19

provide monthly status reports electronically to the Clerk of the20

Legislature and the Legislative Fiscal Analyst on Medicaid Expansion. The21

department shall include in the report information on policy decisions on22

services, community engagement, wellness requirements, and rate setting.23

Sec. 54. Laws 2019, LB294, section 102, is amended to read:24


Program No. 354 - Child Welfare Aid26

27 FY2019-20 FY2020-21

GENERAL FUND28 197,032,479 172,174,830

GENERAL FUND29 197,032,479 198,924,830

CASH FUND30 2,734,444 2,734,444

FEDERAL FUND est.31 30,873,288 32,211,149




Page 33: LEGISLATIVE BILL 1008 · 14 broadband, workforce retraining, and child care. 15 If allowed by federal law, the State Treasurer shall transfer any 16 unallocated or unexpended money

PROGRAM TOTAL1 230,640,211 207,120,423

PROGRAM TOTAL2 230,640,211 233,870,423

Of the unexpended General Fund appropriation balance existing on3

June 30, 2020, $6,000,000 is hereby reappropriated to Agency No. 25,4

Program 33.5

There is included in the appropriation to this program for FY2019-206

$197,032,479 General Funds, $2,734,444 Cash Funds, and $30,873,2887

Federal Funds estimate for state aid, which shall only be used for such8

purpose. There is included in the appropriation to this program for9

FY2020-21 $172,174,830 $198,924,830 General Funds, $2,734,444 Cash Funds,10

and $32,211,149 Federal Funds estimate for state aid, which shall only be11

used for such purpose.12

There is included in the amount shown as aid for this program for13

FY2019-20 $2,734,444 Cash Funds from the Nebraska Health Care Cash Fund14

for the continuation of the behavioral health provider rate increase.15

There is included in the amount shown as aid for this program for16

FY2020-21 $2,734,444 Cash Funds from the Nebraska Health Care Cash Fund17

for the continuation of the behavioral health provider rate increase.18

Sec. 55. Laws 2019, LB294, section 105, is amended to read:19


Program No. 421 - Beatrice State Developmental Center21

22 FY2019-20 FY2020-21

GENERAL FUND23 14,936,566 13,363,473

GENERAL FUND24 14,936,566 14,363,473

CASH FUND25 2,711,509 2,711,509

FEDERAL FUND est.26 20,439,489 21,451,694

PROGRAM TOTAL27 38,087,564 37,526,676

PROGRAM TOTAL28 38,087,564 38,526,676

SALARY LIMIT29 22,275,288 22,525,383

The unexpended General Fund appropriation balance existing on June30

30, 2020, less $1,000,000, is hereby reappropriated.31




Page 34: LEGISLATIVE BILL 1008 · 14 broadband, workforce retraining, and child care. 15 If allowed by federal law, the State Treasurer shall transfer any 16 unallocated or unexpended money

The chief executive officer of the Department of Health and Human1

Services shall certify to the budget administrator of the budget division2

of the Department of Administrative Services the FY2019-20 and FY2020-213

unexpended appropriation balances for the Beatrice State Developmental4

Center, Program 421, which are available to transition and maintain5

persons transferred from the Beatrice State Developmental Center to6

community-based developmental disability or other services. The budget7

administrator of the budget division of the Department of Administrative8

Services shall administratively transfer during FY2019-20 and FY2020-219

available unexpended appropriation balances as certified by the chief10

executive officer of the Department of Health and Human Services from the11

Beatrice State Developmental Center, Program 421, to Developmental12

Disability Aid, Program 424, and Medical Assistance, Program 348.13

Sec. 56. Laws 2019, LB294, section 110, is amended to read:14


Program No. 571 - Community-Based Aging Services16

17 FY2019-20 FY2020-21

GENERAL FUND18 7,530,229 9,407,019

GENERAL FUND19 7,530,229 8,144,141

CASH FUND20 613,912 -0-

FEDERAL FUND est.21 9,469,241 9,469,241

PROGRAM TOTAL22 17,613,382 18,876,260

PROGRAM TOTAL23 17,613,382 17,613,382

There is included in the appropriation to this program for FY2019-2024

$7,530,229 General Funds, $613,912 Cash Funds, and $9,469,241 Federal25

Funds estimate for state aid, which shall only be used for such purpose.26

There is included in the appropriation to this program for FY2020-2127

$9,407,019 $8,144,141 General Funds and $9,469,241 Federal Funds estimate28

for state aid, which shall only be used for such purpose.29

There is included in the amount shown as aid for this program for30

FY2019-20 $613,912 Cash Funds from the Nebraska Health Care Cash Fund to31




Page 35: LEGISLATIVE BILL 1008 · 14 broadband, workforce retraining, and child care. 15 If allowed by federal law, the State Treasurer shall transfer any 16 unallocated or unexpended money

carry out the provisions of the Aging and Disability Resource Center Act.1

There is included in the amount shown as aid for this program for2

FY2020-21 $613,912 General Funds from the Nebraska Health Care Cash Fund3

to carry out the provisions of the Aging and Disability Resource Center4


The Department of Health and Human Services shall file6

electronically a report to the Clerk of the Legislature and the7

Legislative Fiscal Office on or before December 15, 2020, on the8

utilization of the funds appropriated in this section. The department9

shall also include in the report a plan for the sustainability of the10

funding at this level provided to the Area Agencies on Aging.11

Sec. 57. Laws 2019, LB294, section 130, is amended to read:12


Program No. 314 - Critical Infrastructure Facilities14

15 FY2019-20 FY2020-21

CASH FUND16 -0- 3,800,000

PROGRAM TOTAL17 -0- 3,800,000

The unexpended Cash Fund appropriation balance existing on June 30,18

2019, is hereby reappropriated. It is the intent of the Legislature that19

the funds be used by the Department of Natural Resources to provide a20

grant to a natural resources district to offset costs related to soil and21

water improvements intended to protect critical infrastructure facilities22

within the district which includes military installments, transportation23

routes, and wastewater treatment facilities.24

There is included in the appropriation to this program for FY2020-2125

$3,800,000 Cash Funds for state aid, which shall only be used for such26


It is the intent of the Legislature that the funds appropriated to28

this program shall be used by the Department of Natural Resources to29

provide a grant to an irrigation district to offset costs related to30

temporary main canal repair and tunnel repair which is part of an31




Page 36: LEGISLATIVE BILL 1008 · 14 broadband, workforce retraining, and child care. 15 If allowed by federal law, the State Treasurer shall transfer any 16 unallocated or unexpended money

interstate irrigation system which experienced a failure.1

It is the intent of the Legislature that an irrigation district2

receiving funds appropriated to this program shall no later than December3

31 of each year provide information to the Department of Natural4

Resources regarding the use of the funds.5

Sec. 58. Laws 2019, LB294, section 147, is amended to read:6


Program No. 617 - Engineering and Area Maintenance8

9 FY2019-20 FY2020-21

GENERAL FUND10 1,928,166 1,625,475

CASH FUND11 1,424,299 1,771,526

GENERAL FUND12 1,928,166 1,965,577

CASH FUND13 1,424,299 1,431,424

PROGRAM TOTAL14 3,352,465 3,397,001

PROGRAM TOTAL15 3,352,465 3,397,001

SALARY LIMIT16 1,817,086 1,847,075

Of the unexpended General Fund appropriation balance existing on17

June 30, 2020, $135,560 and $187,000 are hereby reappropriated to Agency18

No. 33, Program Nos. 336 - Wildlife Conservation and 979 - Cowboy Trail19

Emergency Repairs, respectively.20

Sec. 59. Laws 2019, LB294, section 165, is amended to read:21



Program No. 690 - Nebraska Opportunity Grant Program24

25 FY2019-20 FY2020-21

GENERAL FUND26 6,593,430 7,593,430

GENERAL FUND27 6,593,430 6,593,430

CASH FUND28 12,354,872 13,354,872

PROGRAM TOTAL29 18,948,302 20,948,302

PROGRAM TOTAL30 18,948,302 19,948,302

There are no personal services included in the appropriations in31




Page 37: LEGISLATIVE BILL 1008 · 14 broadband, workforce retraining, and child care. 15 If allowed by federal law, the State Treasurer shall transfer any 16 unallocated or unexpended money

this section.1

There is included in the appropriation to this program for FY2019-202

$6,593,430 General Funds and $12,354,872 Cash Funds for state aid, which3

shall only be used for such purpose. There is included in the4

appropriation to this program for FY2020-21 $7,593,430 $6,593,430 General5

Funds and $13,354,872 Cash Funds for state aid, which shall only be used6

for such purpose.7

It is intended that the extent to which Cash Fund appropriations to8

this program for FY2019-20 and FY2020-21 exceed the Cash Fund9

appropriation to this program for FY2018-19, such excess amounts do not10

constitute a permanent adjustment to the FY2018-19 base Cash Fund11

appropriation level for this program.12

Sec. 60. Laws 2019, LB294, section 169, is amended to read:13



Program No. 48 - Nebraska State Colleges - System Office16

17 FY2019-20 FY2020-21

GENERAL FUND18 53,548,946 56,527,357

GENERAL FUND19 53,548,946 55,527,357

CASH FUND est.20 39,009,170 39,009,170

FEDERAL FUND est.21 46,739,698 46,739,698

REVOLVING FUND est.22 9,428,071 9,428,071

PROGRAM TOTAL23 148,725,885 151,704,296

PROGRAM TOTAL24 148,725,885 150,704,296

(1) It is the intent of the Legislature that upon the approval of25

the Board of Trustees of the Nebraska State Colleges, the System Office26

of the Nebraska State Colleges may divide and distribute the funds27

appropriated to this program among Chadron State College, Peru State28

College, Wayne State College, and the System Office of the Nebraska State29


There is included in the appropriation to this program for FY2020-2131




Page 38: LEGISLATIVE BILL 1008 · 14 broadband, workforce retraining, and child care. 15 If allowed by federal law, the State Treasurer shall transfer any 16 unallocated or unexpended money

$1,000,000 General Funds for state aid for Nebraska Career Scholarships,1

which shall only be used for such purpose.2

(2) It is the intent of the Legislature that Cash Fund revenue from3

resident tuition, nonresident tuition, off-campus tuition, and fees4

separately assessed shall be individually accounted for on the Nebraska5

Information System.6

(3) The Legislature reaffirms its intent to utilize the Nebraska7

Educational Data System created by Laws 1978, LB 897, to support the8

appropriations and oversight process for postsecondary education. It is9

further the intent of the Legislature that all institutions provide the10

data in the precise formats required by the Coordinating Commission for11

Postsecondary Education.12

(4) The Legislature reaffirms its commitment to long-range and13

short-range computer planning by the Nebraska state colleges. It is the14

intent of the Legislature that comprehensive computer plans of the15

Nebraska state colleges be updated biennially and submitted to the16

Legislative Fiscal Analyst, the Department of Administrative Services,17

and the Coordinating Commission for Postsecondary Education on or before18

October 15 of each odd-numbered year. The plans required to be submitted19

to the Legislative Fiscal Analyst by this section shall be submitted20


(5) The Department of Administrative Services shall monitor the22

appropriations and expenditures of the Board of Trustees of the Nebraska23

State Colleges, Agency No. 50-0, and the Nebraska State Colleges, Agency24

Nos. 50-1, 50-3, and 50-4, according to NCHEMS-Program Classification25

Structure, Second Edition. Expenditure authority shall be limited to26

program appropriations.27

(6) It is intended that:28

(a) The Board of Trustees of the Nebraska State Colleges shall award29

scholarships that shall not exceed a maximum of ten thousand dollars per30

year to an eligible student who achieved a score on the ACT of 18 or31




Page 39: LEGISLATIVE BILL 1008 · 14 broadband, workforce retraining, and child care. 15 If allowed by federal law, the State Treasurer shall transfer any 16 unallocated or unexpended money

higher and enrolled in a program of study in rangeland management,1

industrial technology, criminal justice, business administration,2

education, communication, and computer information systems.3

(b) The Board of Trustees of the Nebraska State Colleges, acting as4

agents of the state, shall allocate Nebraska Career Scholarship funds5

between the campuses, determine eligibility of students, receive and6

process applications for awards to individual students, and disperse any7

award directly to eligible students during the fiscal year. Eligibility8

criteria shall include being a first-time freshman or a transfer student9

enrolled in an eligible program of study.10

(c) A scholarship recipient shall be automatically renewed if the11

student remains eligible. No student shall receive a scholarship after12

four years of participation in the program.13

(d) The Board of Trustees of the Nebraska State Colleges shall14

collect information on each scholarship recipient.15

(e) Nebraska Career Scholarship funds may be used for tuition, fees,16

required tools and equipment, room, and board. Each student who receives17

a Nebraska Career Scholarship shall register with the appropriate campus18

office to obtain a Nebraska-based internship, apprenticeship, clinical19

position, or major-related field of employment prior to completion of the20

program of study.21

(f) Every four years the Board of Trustees of the Nebraska State22

Colleges, in collaboration with the Department of Economic Development,23

shall evaluate which programs of study are needed to meet the workforce24

needs of the State of Nebraska.25

(g) The Board of Trustees of the Nebraska State Colleges shall26

report electronically to the Clerk of the Legislature and the Governor by27

December 1 each year the following information:28

(i) Total number of students enrolled in each eligible program of29

study in the prior school year and such program's enrollment as of30

September 30 each year thereafter;31




Page 40: LEGISLATIVE BILL 1008 · 14 broadband, workforce retraining, and child care. 15 If allowed by federal law, the State Treasurer shall transfer any 16 unallocated or unexpended money

(ii) The starting number of scholarship recipients in each program1

of study;2

(iii) The total number of students retained year-over-year in each3

program of study;4

(iv) A comparison of the retention rate of scholarship recipients5

and non-scholarship recipients;6

(v) The number of students in each program of study participating in7

an internship, apprenticeship, clinical position, or major-related field8

of employment during enrollment and comparing participation rates for9

scholarship and non-scholarship recipients;10

(vi) The total number of graduates in each program of study, stating11

the number of scholarship recipients and comparing the graduation rate12

versus non-scholarship students;13

(vii) The number of students in each program of study obtaining jobs14

in Nebraska within four months of graduation; and15

(viii) The average starting salary.16

Sec. 61. Laws 2019, LB294, section 170, is amended to read:17


Program No. 781 - University - Administration19

(1) There is hereby appropriated to the Board of Regents of the20

University of Nebraska for expenditure and distribution to the campuses21

by the University of Nebraska Central Administration the following sums22

of money.23

(2) There is included in the appropriation to this program for24

FY2020-21 $2,000,000 General Funds for state aid for Nebraska Career25

Scholarships, which shall only be used for such purpose.26

27 FY2019-20 FY2020-21

GENERAL FUND28 592,104,554 616,435,633

PROGRAM TOTAL29 592,104,554 616,435,633

GENERAL FUND30 592,104,554 613,935,633

PROGRAM TOTAL31 592,104,554 613,935,633




Page 41: LEGISLATIVE BILL 1008 · 14 broadband, workforce retraining, and child care. 15 If allowed by federal law, the State Treasurer shall transfer any 16 unallocated or unexpended money

(3) (2) It is intended that the University of Nebraska Central1

Administration, upon approval of the Board of Regents of the University2

of Nebraska, divide and distribute the funds appropriated in this section3

among all the campuses and the central administration, including the4

Nebraska College of Technical Agriculture at Curtis. At the direction of5

the board, these funds may be supplemented by Cash Funds, Federal Funds,6

Revolving Funds, and Trust Funds.7

(4) (3) There is included in the appropriation to this program for8

FY2019-20 an estimated $3,456,541 General Funds and for FY2020-21 an9

estimated $3,558,581 General Funds for the Nebraska College of Technical10

Agriculture at Curtis.11

There is included in the appropriation to this program for FY2019-2012

an estimated $2,804,862 General Funds and for FY2020-21 an estimated13

$2,804,862 General Funds for the Nebraska Forest Service Program.14

There is included in the appropriation to this program $1,800,00015

General Funds for FY2019-20 and $1,800,000 General Funds for FY2020-2116

for pediatric cancer of which $1,500,000 per year is for pediatric cancer17

research and $300,000 per year is for pediatric cancer specialists.18

There is included in the appropriation to this program $400,00019

General Funds for FY2019-20 and $400,000 General Funds for FY2020-21 for20

the University to partner with the Department of Correctional Services,21

the regional centers, or both to develop and offer programs for students22

studying to become behavioral health professionals. Such programs shall23

include clinical rotations at the Department of Correctional Services,24

the regional center, or both, clinical supervision, stipends, and student25

coordination and recruitment services. The University shall include a26

report on the outcomes of such recruitment efforts with its biennial27

budget request submitted in 2020 and 2022. The reports shall include28

information on whether the students that participated in the clinical29

rotations subsequently worked in Nebraska as behavioral health30





Page 42: LEGISLATIVE BILL 1008 · 14 broadband, workforce retraining, and child care. 15 If allowed by federal law, the State Treasurer shall transfer any 16 unallocated or unexpended money

There is included in the appropriation to this program for FY2020-211

$500,000 General Funds for the Robert B. Daugherty Water for Food Global2

Institute to support water and agricultural research and existing3

collaborative initiatives to implement best practices in water4


It is the intent of the Legislature that the Institute of6

Agriculture and Natural Resources and the Cooperative Extension Program7

are treated fairly in the University of Nebraska 2019-2021 biennial8

budget-setting process.9

(5)(a) (4)(a) There is included in the appropriation to this program10

for the Board of Regents of the University of Nebraska for FY2019-20 an11

estimated $11,719,478 General Funds and for FY2020-21 an estimated12

$11,719,478 General Funds, to be administered by Central Administration,13

for the purpose of targeted research activities at the University of14

Nebraska. It is intended that none of these funds be used for new capital15

construction or renovation, except that a small portion may be used for16

short-term cash flow. Further, it is intended that an estimated $315,29117

of the estimated $11,719,478 for FY2019-20 and an estimated $315,291 of18

the estimated $11,719,478 for FY2020-21 be used in conjunction with the19

Experimental Program to Stimulate Competitive Research (EPSCoR) which is20

expected to have an increased emphasis on applied research and technology21


(b) It is intended that faculty teams, research centers, or23

individual faculty from the various colleges and departments of all of24

the campuses of the University of Nebraska should present research25

proposals to the Research Fund Advisory Committee and Central26

Administration for the various targeted research areas after the27

FY2019-20 appropriation has been made but prior to August 15, 2019.28

Inherent in this process is the concept that the best proposals be29

selected regardless of the campus of origin and that selections be made30

on a competitive basis.31




Page 43: LEGISLATIVE BILL 1008 · 14 broadband, workforce retraining, and child care. 15 If allowed by federal law, the State Treasurer shall transfer any 16 unallocated or unexpended money

(c) It is intended for the EPSCoR Program that faculty teams,1

clusters, research centers, or individual faculty from the various2

colleges and departments of all of the campuses of the University of3

Nebraska and Creighton University should present to the EPSCoR Planning4

Committee research proposals to be funded by the EPSCoR Program. Inherent5

in this process is the concept that the best proposals be selected6

regardless of the campus of origin and that selections be made on a7

competitive basis. Emphasis shall be placed on technology transfer and8

the research needs of business and industry. It is intended that the9

EPSCoR Planning Committee shall continue to develop the Nebraska State10

Science and Technology Transfer Plan as part of the EPSCoR Program. It is11

further intended that the existing Research Fund Advisory Committee and12

the existing EPSCoR Planning Committee coordinate and integrate the13

planning and project evaluation criteria and procedures for both the14

Nebraska Research Initiative Program and the EPSCoR Program. Matching15

funds for any research grants to Creighton University shall be in the16

form of a contract in which specific services are identified and a time17

period is specified. Creighton University shall provide an appropriate18

share of any match.19

(6) (5) It is intended that:20

(a) The University of Nebraska shall report its expenditures on the21

Allotment Status Report and Regular Budget Status Report according to its22

internal operational and organizational structure, subject to approval by23

the Accounting Administrator and the budget administrator of the budget24

division of the Department of Administrative Services;25

(b) The University of Nebraska shall report its expenditures on the26

Program Classification Expenditure Report in the NCHEMS-Program27

Classification Structure, Second Edition, subject to approval by the28

Accounting Administrator and the budget administrator of the budget29

division of the Department of Administrative Services;30

(c) The University of Nebraska shall submit the budget request in31




Page 44: LEGISLATIVE BILL 1008 · 14 broadband, workforce retraining, and child care. 15 If allowed by federal law, the State Treasurer shall transfer any 16 unallocated or unexpended money

the NCHEMS-Program Classification Structure, Second Edition, for the1

University of Nebraska-Lincoln with an informational budget request for2

the Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources, University of3

Nebraska at Omaha, University of Nebraska Medical Center, University of4

Nebraska at Kearney, Nebraska College of Technical Agriculture at Curtis,5

and University of Nebraska Central Administration;6

(d) Comprehensive computer plans at the University of Nebraska shall7

be biennially updated and submitted to the Legislative Fiscal Analyst and8

to the budget division of the Department of Administrative Services on or9

before September 1 of odd-numbered years; and10

(e) The Nebraska Educational Data System created by Laws 1978, LB11

897, shall be utilized to support the appropriations and oversight12

process for postsecondary education. It is further the intent of the13

Legislature that all institutions shall provide the data in the precise14

formats required by the Coordinating Commission for Postsecondary15

Education and that any expenditure of General Funds on the development of16

new information systems, including any student information system, meet17

the requirements of the Nebraska Educational Data System as determined by18

the Coordinating Commission for Postsecondary Education.19

(7) It is intended that:20

(a) The Board of Regents of the University of Nebraska shall award21

scholarships to eligible students in a program of study of math,22

engineering, health care, or computer information systems in the23

following manner:24

(i) An amount that shall not exceed a maximum of twenty-five25

thousand dollars per year to an eligible student who achieved a score on26

the ACT of 28 or higher;27

(ii) An amount that shall not exceed a maximum of ten thousand28

dollars per year to an eligible student who is a qualified transfer29

student in a program of study; and30

(iii) An amount that shall not exceed a maximum of ten thousand31




Page 45: LEGISLATIVE BILL 1008 · 14 broadband, workforce retraining, and child care. 15 If allowed by federal law, the State Treasurer shall transfer any 16 unallocated or unexpended money

dollars per year to an eligible student who achieved a score on the ACT1

between 20 and 27.2

(b) The Board of Regents of the University of Nebraska, acting as3

agents of the state, shall allocate Nebraska Career Scholarship funds4

between the campuses, determine eligibility of students, receive and5

process applications for awards to individual students, and disperse any6

award directly to eligible students during the fiscal year. Eligibility7

criteria shall include being a first-time freshman or a transfer student8

enrolled in an eligible program of study.9

(c) A scholarship recipient shall be automatically renewed if the10

student remains eligible. No student shall receive a scholarship after11

four years of participation in the program.12

(d) The Board of Regents of the University of Nebraska shall collect13

information on each scholarship recipient.14

(e) Nebraska Career Scholarship funds may be used for tuition, fees,15

required tools and equipment, room, and board. Each student who receives16

a Nebraska Career Scholarship shall register with the appropriate campus17

office to obtain a Nebraska-based internship, apprenticeship, clinical18

position, or major-related field of employment prior to completion of the19

program of study.20

(f) Every four years the Board of Regents of the University of21

Nebraska, in collaboration with the Department of Economic Development,22

shall evaluate which programs of study are needed to meet the workforce23

needs of the State of Nebraska.24

(g) The Board of Regents of the University of Nebraska shall report25

electronically to the Clerk of the Legislature and the Governor by26

December 1 each year the following information:27

(i) Total number of students enrolled in each eligible program of28

study in the prior school year and such program's enrollment as of29

September 30 each year thereafter;30

(ii) The starting number of scholarship recipients in each program31




Page 46: LEGISLATIVE BILL 1008 · 14 broadband, workforce retraining, and child care. 15 If allowed by federal law, the State Treasurer shall transfer any 16 unallocated or unexpended money

of study;1

(iii) The total number of students retained year-over-year in each2

program of study;3

(iv) A comparison of the retention rate of scholarship recipients4

and non-scholarship recipients;5

(v) The number of students in each program of study participating in6

an internship, apprenticeship, clinical position, or major-related field7

of employment during enrollment and comparing participation rates for8

scholarship and non-scholarship recipients;9

(vi) The total number of graduates in each program of study, stating10

the number of scholarship recipients and comparing the graduation rate11

versus non-scholarship students;12

(vii) The number of students in each program of study obtaining jobs13

in Nebraska within four months of graduation; and14

(viii) The average starting salary.15

Sec. 62. Laws 2019, LB294, section 200, is amended to read:16


Program No. 591 - Tort Claims18

19 FY2019-20 FY2020-21

GENERAL FUND20 210,000 210,000

CASH FUND21 290,000 135,375

PROGRAM TOTAL22 500,000 345,375

CASH FUND23 290,000 50,000

PROGRAM TOTAL24 500,000 260,000

(1) The following amount is hereby transferred to the Tort Claims25

Fund from the respective agency fund balances:26

(a) $17,184 from the Department of Transportation; and27

(b) $664 from the Game and Parks Commission.28

Such sum shall be transferred to the risk management and state29

claims division no later than August 1, 2019, or in four equal payments30

on August 1, October 1, January 1, and April 1, at the discretion of the31




Page 47: LEGISLATIVE BILL 1008 · 14 broadband, workforce retraining, and child care. 15 If allowed by federal law, the State Treasurer shall transfer any 16 unallocated or unexpended money

Risk Manager.1

(2) The following amount is hereby transferred to the Tort Claims2

Fund from the respective agency fund balances:3

(a) $60,599 $17,184 from the Department of Transportation; and4

(b) $13,215 $664 from the Game and Parks Commission; and .5

(c) $61,561 from the state building division of the Department of6

Administrative Services.7

Such sum shall be transferred to the risk management and state8

claims division no later than August 1, 2020, or in four equal payments9

on August 1, October 1, January 1, and April 1, at the discretion of the10

Risk Manager.11

It is the intent of the Legislature that transfers specified in this12

section for FY2020-21 be adjusted by the One Hundred Sixth Legislature,13

Second Session, 2020, in accordance with information available after July14

1, 2019.15

Sec. 63. Laws 2019, LB294, section 207, is amended to read:16


Program No. 685 - Office of the Nebraska Capitol Commission18

19 FY2019-20 FY2020-21

GENERAL FUND20 4,117,708 4,159,634

CASH FUND21 37,787 40,243

REVOLVING FUND22 4,750 4,750

PROGRAM TOTAL23 4,160,245 4,204,627

SALARY LIMIT24 1,403,829 1,435,435

The unexpended General Fund appropriation balance existing on June25

30, 2019, is hereby reappropriated. It is the intent of the Legislature26

that any reappropriated balance be used for unexpected increases in27

utility expenses.28

The unexpended General Fund appropriation balance existing on June29

30, 2020, less $700,601, is hereby reappropriated.30

There is included in the appropriation to this program for FY2019-2031




Page 48: LEGISLATIVE BILL 1008 · 14 broadband, workforce retraining, and child care. 15 If allowed by federal law, the State Treasurer shall transfer any 16 unallocated or unexpended money

$104,677 General Funds for the Capitol Heating, Ventilating, and Air1

Conditioning Systems Replacement project manager. There is included in2

the appropriation to this program for FY2020-21 $104,677 General Funds3

for the Capitol Heating, Ventilating, and Air Conditioning Systems4

Replacement project manager.5

Of the unexpended Cash Fund appropriation balance existing on June6

30, 2019, $131,547 less any FY2018-19 Capitol Heating, Ventilating, and7

Air Conditioning Systems Replacement project manager expenses is hereby8


Sec. 64. Laws 2019, LB294, section 215, is amended to read:10


Program No. 601 - Community and Rural Development12

13 FY2019-20 FY2020-21

GENERAL FUND14 934,634 969,005

CASH FUND15 17,439,748 27,454,611

GENERAL FUND16 934,634 739,005

CASH FUND17 17,439,748 17,454,611

FEDERAL FUND est.18 23,771,859 23,796,328

PROGRAM TOTAL19 42,146,241 52,219,944

PROGRAM TOTAL20 42,146,241 41,989,944

SALARY LIMIT21 1,467,255 1,448,201

SALARY LIMIT22 1,467,255 1,498,201

There is included in the appropriation to this program for FY2019-2023

$670,000 General Funds, $16,563,965 Cash Funds, and $21,541,043 Federal24

Funds estimate for state aid, which shall only be used for such purpose.25

There is included in the appropriation to this program for FY2020-2126

$700,000 $470,000 General Funds, $26,563,965 $16,563,965 Cash Funds, and27

$21,541,043 Federal Funds estimate for state aid, which shall only be28

used for such purpose.29

There is included in the amount shown for FY2019-20 $670,000 General30

Funds to provide aid funding to development districts formed under31




Page 49: LEGISLATIVE BILL 1008 · 14 broadband, workforce retraining, and child care. 15 If allowed by federal law, the State Treasurer shall transfer any 16 unallocated or unexpended money

sections 13-1901 to 13-1907. There is included in the amount shown for1

FY2020-21 $700,000 $470,000 General Funds to provide aid funding to2

development districts formed under sections 13-1901 to 13-1907.3

Sec. 65. Laws 2019, LB294, section 216, is amended to read:4


Program No. 603 - Industrial Recruitment6

7 FY2019-20 FY2020-21

GENERAL FUND8 10,600,479 11,680,265

GENERAL FUND9 10,600,479 10,680,265

CASH FUND10 12,392,043 12,395,110

FEDERAL FUND est.11 496,971 496,971

PROGRAM TOTAL12 23,489,493 24,572,346

PROGRAM TOTAL13 23,489,493 23,572,346

SALARY LIMIT14 2,817,136 2,878,785

There is included in the appropriation to this program for FY2019-2015

$6,020,352 General Funds, $11,839,197 Cash Funds, and $249,341 Federal16

Funds estimate for state aid, which shall only be used for such purpose.17

There is included in the appropriation to this program for FY2020-2118

$6,020,352 General Funds, $11,839,197 Cash Funds, and $249,341 Federal19

Funds estimate for state aid, which shall only be used for such purpose.20

There is included in the appropriation to this program for FY2019-2021

$250,000 General Funds for the Nebraska Developing Youth Talent22

Initiative, which shall only be used for such purpose. There is included23

in the appropriation to this program for FY2020-21 $250,000 General Funds24

for the Nebraska Developing Youth Talent Initiative, which shall only be25

used for such purpose. The department shall establish a separate budget26

subprogram to account for the expenditure of funds appropriated for the27

Nebraska Developing Youth Talent Initiative. It is the intent of the28

Legislature that the Department of Economic Development shall select29

industry partners or industry consortiums each fiscal year from regional30

industries identified by the department to participate in the initiative,31




Page 50: LEGISLATIVE BILL 1008 · 14 broadband, workforce retraining, and child care. 15 If allowed by federal law, the State Treasurer shall transfer any 16 unallocated or unexpended money

which shall be in collaboration with public schools. The initiative shall1

be designed to reach students beginning in the seventh and eighth grades.2

An annual evaluation report detailing the outcomes of the initiative3

shall be provided to the Legislature electronically and to the Governor,4

not later than September 15th each year.5

There is included in the appropriations for this program for6

FY2020-21 $1,000,000 General Funds for state aid for Nebraska Career7

Scholarships, which shall only be used for such purpose.8

(1) The Department of Economic Development shall establish a9

separate budget subprogram to account for the expenditures of funds10

appropriated for the Nebraska Career Scholarships.11

(2) It is the intent of the Legislature that the Department of12

Economic Development, in collaboration with the community colleges, shall13

award Nebraska Career Scholarships that shall not exceed a maximum of14

five thousand dollars to an eligible student attending a Nebraska15

community college in a program of study in identified shortage areas or16

skill trades that meet the workforce needs of the State of Nebraska.17

(3) It is the intent of the Legislature that each community college,18

acting as an agent for the state, shall determine the eligibility of19

students, receive and process applications for awards to individual20

students, and disperse any award directly to recipients during the fiscal21

year. Eligibility criteria shall include being a first-time freshman22

enrolling in the community college or a student transferring into a23

program of study as referred to in subdivision (2) of this section.24

(4) It is the intent of the Legislature that a scholarship shall be25

automatically renewed if the student remains eligible. No student shall26

be eligible to receive a scholarship after three years of participation27

in the program of study.28

(5) It is the intent of the Legislature that Nebraska Career29

Scholarship funds may be used for tuition, fees, required tools and30

equipment, room, and board. Each student who receives a Nebraska Career31




Page 51: LEGISLATIVE BILL 1008 · 14 broadband, workforce retraining, and child care. 15 If allowed by federal law, the State Treasurer shall transfer any 16 unallocated or unexpended money

Scholarship shall register with the appropriate campus office to obtain a1

Nebraska-based internship, apprenticeship, clinical position, or major-2

related field of employment prior to completion of a community college3

program of study.4

(6) It is the intent of the Legislature that each community college5

shall collect information on each scholarship recipient and share such6

information with the Department of Economic Development.7

(7) The Department of Economic Development shall report8

electronically to the Clerk of the Legislature and the Governor by9

December 1 each year the following information:10

(a) Total number of students enrolled in each eligible program of11

study in the prior academic year and such program's enrollment as of12

census date each year thereafter;13

(b) The number of scholarship recipients in each program;14

(c) The total number of first-time freshman scholarship recipients15

retained in year two and a comparison of the retention rate of first-time16

freshman scholarship recipients to the overall retention rate for first-17

time freshmen;18

(d) The total number of first-time freshman scholarship recipient19

completers (certificates, diplomas, degrees) and a comparison of the on-20

time award completion rate of scholarship recipients to the overall on-21

time completion rate for all first-time freshman students;22

(e) The number of scholarship recipients obtaining jobs in Nebraska23

within five quarters of completing the program of study using Department24

of Labor data; and25

(f) The average salary of scholarship recipients, as determined by26

the Department of Labor, for the fifth quarter following program of study27


(8) The number of students in each program of study participating in29

an internship, apprenticeship, clinical position, or major-related field30

of employment during enrollment and comparing participation rates for31




Page 52: LEGISLATIVE BILL 1008 · 14 broadband, workforce retraining, and child care. 15 If allowed by federal law, the State Treasurer shall transfer any 16 unallocated or unexpended money

scholarship and non-scholarship recipients.1

Sec. 66. Laws 2019, LB294, section 217, is amended to read:2


Program No. 655 - Civic and Community Center Financing Fund4

5 FY2019-20 FY2020-21

CASH FUND6 5,502,472 5,503,289

PROGRAM TOTAL7 5,502,472 5,503,289

SALARY LIMIT8 21,436 71,929

SALARY LIMIT9 21,436 21,929

There is included in the appropriation to this program for FY2019-2010

$5,465,000 Cash Funds for state aid, which shall only be used for such11

purpose. There is included in the appropriation to this program for12

FY2020-21 $5,397,775 $5,465,000 Cash Funds for state aid, which shall13

only be used for such purpose.14

Sec. 67. Laws 2019, LB294, section 237, is amended to read:15


Program No. 151 - Aid to Community Colleges17

18 FY2019-20 FY2020-21

GENERAL FUND19 100,547,391 103,558,339

PROGRAM TOTAL20 100,547,391 103,558,339

GENERAL FUND21 100,547,391 102,558,339

PROGRAM TOTAL22 100,547,391 102,558,339

There is included in the appropriation to this program for FY2019-2023

$100,547,391 General Funds for state aid, which shall only be used for24

such purpose and which shall be distributed to Nebraska community college25

areas pursuant to the Community College Aid Act. There is included in the26

appropriation to this program for FY2020-21 $102,558,339 General Funds27

for state aid, which shall only be used for such purpose and which shall28

be distributed to Nebraska community college areas pursuant to the29

Community College Aid Act. There is also included in the appropriation to30

this program for FY2020-21 $1,000,000 General Funds for state aid which31




Page 53: LEGISLATIVE BILL 1008 · 14 broadband, workforce retraining, and child care. 15 If allowed by federal law, the State Treasurer shall transfer any 16 unallocated or unexpended money

shall only be used for such purpose and which shall be distributed to1

Nebraska community college areas in direct proportion to the most recent2

available three-year average full-time equivalent enrollment in dual3

credit courses delivered by the respective community college areas based4

upon dual enrollment credit hour enrollment data reported to the5

Coordinating Commission for Postsecondary Education by the respective6

community college areas. For purposes of this section, dual enrollment7

course means a course delivered to students for which credit may be8

applied toward high school graduation requirements or will be reported on9

the student's high school transcript and for which credit may be applied10

toward graduation at a postsecondary education institution. It is the11

intent of the Legislature that amounts distributed to each community12

college area in proportion to enrollment in dual credit courses be13

applied to support discounting of tuition assessed for enrollment in such14


Sec. 68. Laws 2019, LB294, section 244, is amended to read:16


Program No. 515 - Public Employees Retirement18

19 FY2019-20 FY2020-21

GENERAL FUND20 53,638,505 54,839,932

PROGRAM TOTAL21 53,638,505 54,839,932

GENERAL FUND22 53,638,505 54,709,000

PROGRAM TOTAL23 53,638,505 54,709,000

There is included in the appropriation to this program for FY2019-2024

$40,543,609 General Funds to provide additional funding to the School25

Employees Retirement System of the State of Nebraska, which shall only be26

used for such purpose. There is included in the appropriation to this27

program for FY2020-21 $41,860,351 $41,400,000 General Funds to provide28

additional funding to the School Employees Retirement System of the State29

of Nebraska, which shall only be used for such purpose.30

There is included in the appropriation to this program for FY2019-2031




Page 54: LEGISLATIVE BILL 1008 · 14 broadband, workforce retraining, and child care. 15 If allowed by federal law, the State Treasurer shall transfer any 16 unallocated or unexpended money

$8,668,599 General Funds to provide additional funding to the Class V1

School Employees Retirement System, which shall only be used for such2

purpose. There is included in the appropriation to this program for3

FY2020-21 $8,517,917 $8,600,000 General Funds to provide additional4

funding to the Class V School Employees Retirement System, which shall5

only be used for such purpose.6

There is included in the appropriation to this program for FY2019-207

$3,983,698 General Funds to provide additional funding to the Nebraska8

State Patrol Retirement System, which shall only be used for such9

purpose. There is included in the appropriation to this program for10

FY2020-21 $4,112,870 $4,200,000 General Funds to provide additional11

funding to the Nebraska State Patrol Retirement System, which shall only12

be used for such purpose.13

There is included in the appropriation to this program for FY2019-2014

$442,599 General Funds to provide additional funding to the Nebraska15

Judges Retirement System, which shall only be used for such purpose.16

There is included in the appropriation to this program for FY2020-2117

$348,794 $509,000 General Funds to provide additional funding to the18

Nebraska Judges Retirement System, which shall only be used for such19


Pursuant to section 84-1319.01, each state agency participating in21

the State Employees Retirement System of the State of Nebraska shall22

contribute an amount to the State Equal Retirement Benefit Fund to23

provide all similarly situated male and female members with equal24

benefits. It is the intent of the Legislature that the Public Employees25

Retirement Board notify each state agency of the amount to be paid to the26

fund for FY2019-20 and FY2020-21.27

Sec. 69. Laws 2019, LB296, section 7, is amended to read:28


Program No. 5 - Retired Judges' Salaries30

31 FY2019-20 FY2020-21




Page 55: LEGISLATIVE BILL 1008 · 14 broadband, workforce retraining, and child care. 15 If allowed by federal law, the State Treasurer shall transfer any 16 unallocated or unexpended money

GENERAL FUND1 72,436 72,436

PROGRAM TOTAL2 72,436 72,436

SALARY LIMIT3 69,832 69,832

The unexpended General Fund appropriation balance existing on June4

30, 2018, is hereby reappropriated.5

The unexpended General Fund appropriation balance existing on June6

30, 2019, is hereby reappropriated.7

The unexpended General Fund appropriation balance existing on June8

30, 2020, is hereby reappropriated.9

The budget division of the Department of Administrative Services10

shall administratively transfer General Fund appropriations or Salary11

Limits or both among Programs 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7 within Agency 5, upon12

written certification by the State Court Administrator that the Nebraska13

Supreme Court has determined that such transfer is necessary for the14

efficient functioning of statewide court operations and the proper15

administration of justice.16

Sec. 70. Laws 2019, LB297, section 31, is amended to read:17



Program No. 908 - Tower Lighting Project20

21 FY2019-20 FY2020-21 FUTURE

GENERAL FUND22 135,000 298,000 -0-

GENERAL FUND23 135,000 28,000 -0-


CONSTRUCTION FUND25 135,000 140,000 -0-

PROGRAM TOTAL26 270,000 438,000 -0-


CONSTRUCTION FUND28 135,000 140,000 -0-

PROGRAM TOTAL29 270,000 168,000 -0-

The Nebraska Educational Telecommunications Commission is hereby30

authorized to replace the tower lighting system at KTNE Alliance, and31




Page 56: LEGISLATIVE BILL 1008 · 14 broadband, workforce retraining, and child care. 15 If allowed by federal law, the State Treasurer shall transfer any 16 unallocated or unexpended money

KUON Ithaca, and KMNE Bassett.1

Sec. 71. Laws 2019, LB297, section 43, is amended to read:2


Program No. 922 - Capitol Heating, Ventilating, and Air Conditioning4

Systems Replacement5

6 FY2019-20 FY2020-21 FUTURE

GENERAL FUND7 16,391,811 11,589,861 37,874,174

PROGRAM TOTAL8 16,391,811 11,589,861 37,874,174

GENERAL FUND9 16,391,811 8,089,861 41,374,174

PROGRAM TOTAL10 16,391,811 8,089,861 41,374,174

The Legislature hereby acknowledges and reaffirms the directive made11

by Laws 2014, LB905, which authorizes the Office of the Nebraska Capitol12

Commission to continue planning for and undertake replacement of the13

existing heating, ventilating, and air conditioning systems serving the14

Nebraska State Capitol as well as associated infrastructure, fire15

protection, life safety, and architectural improvements identified in the16

Nebraska State Capitol HVAC Master Plan Amendment, dated September 20,17

2013. The Legislature hereby acknowledges and reaffirms its intent to18

appropriate future amounts from the General Fund for completion of the19

project as follows: $13,088,828 $14,500,000 for FY2021-22; $11,090,96020

$11,500,000 for FY2022-23; $6,110,896 $11,300,000 for FY2023-24; and21

$7,583,490 $4,074,174 for FY2024-25. The total project cost, including22

the appropriation in Program number 685 for the Capitol Heating,23

Ventilating, and Air Conditioning Systems Replacement project manager,24

shall not exceed $106,008,106.25

Sec. 72. Laws 2019, LB297, section 45, is amended to read:26


Program No. 984 - Planning Funds for Office/Parking Structure at28

Geothermal Well Field Site29

30 FY2019-20 FY2020-21 FUTURE

REVOLVING FUND31 4,000,000 -0- -0-




Page 57: LEGISLATIVE BILL 1008 · 14 broadband, workforce retraining, and child care. 15 If allowed by federal law, the State Treasurer shall transfer any 16 unallocated or unexpended money

PROGRAM TOTAL1 4,000,000 -0- -0-

There is included in the appropriation to this program $4,000,0002

from the State Building Revolving Fund for FY2019-20 to aid in carrying3

out the provisions of this section. The Department of Administrative4

Services is authorized to undertake and complete all phases of project5

planning for construction of a structure at the City of Lincoln block6

bounded by 17th, 18th, K, and L Streets to accommodate state offices as7

well as vehicle parking. The Director of Administrative Services shall8

notify the Chairperson of the Appropriations Committee of the Legislature9

upon completion of the schematic design phase of project planning for the10

structure. Upon such notification, the chairperson shall schedule a11

hearing of the Appropriations Committee at which the director shall12

appear and provide a summary of the contents of the schematic design13

planning document for the project, a timeline for subsequent planning14

phases for the project, a timeline for construction of the structure, and15

an update with respect to plans for financing construction and other16

costs as may be associated with completion of the proposed project. The17

department shall not proceed beyond the schematic design planning phase18

for the project prior to the hearing as provided for in this section.19

In consideration that the Director of Administrative Services20

appeared before the Appropriations Committee of the Legislature on21

January 30, 2020, to address matters related to project planning and22

financing associated with construction of the referenced structure, the23

Department of Administrative Services is authorized to continue with24

associated planning through the design development phase of project25

planning. Upon completion of the design development phase of project26

planning, the department shall appear before the Appropriations Committee27

at a hearing scheduled by its chairperson. At such hearing, the Director28

of Administrative Services shall provide a comprehensive update with29

respect to project planning through the design development phase, plans30

for completion of the construction document phase of project planning,31




Page 58: LEGISLATIVE BILL 1008 · 14 broadband, workforce retraining, and child care. 15 If allowed by federal law, the State Treasurer shall transfer any 16 unallocated or unexpended money

and plans for financing construction and other costs as may be associated1

with completion of the proposed project. It is the intent of the2

Legislature that the department shall proceed to contract for3

construction and financing of the structure only upon approval of the4

Governor and, subsequently, upon approval by the Appropriations5


Sec. 73. Original Laws 2019, LB294, sections 24, 49, 50, 92, 98,7

99, 100, 102, 105, 110, 130, 147, 165, 169, 170, 200, 207, 215, 216, 217,8

237, and 244, Laws 2019, LB296, section 7, and Laws 2019, LB297, sections9

31, 43, and 45, are repealed.10

Sec. 74. Since an emergency exists, this act takes effect when11

passed and approved according to law.12


