Legally India - Complete Report on Nalsar Hyderabad

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JUSTICE SYED SHAH MOHAMMED QUADRIFormer Judge, Supreme Court of India Former Chairman, Aut ority for Advance Rul ings (Income-tax), (Customs, Central Excrse & Service Tax) and Central Sales Tax Appellate Authority Government of India

'It : (040) 23562.580 (040) 23563494

Dear Chief Justice l < > .t Apropos your order under Sec."7(3) of the National Academy of Legal Studies and Research University Act, 1998, appointing this Committee for causing inspection of buildings, libraries, equipments and also of the examinations, teaching and other work conducted by the University and to cause enqui1 to be made in respect of the aforesaid y matters, the Committee hereby forwards its report for your perusal and further action under Sub Sec.4 of Sec.7 of the said Act. The report is based on the primary data and secondary data. The primary data consists of response of the various stakehol ders - the Registrar, the faculty, the students, non-teaching staff and the medical Doctors. However, to maintain anonymity, we did not refer to any name in the report. The committee members also collected secondary data on various subjects from the office of the Registrar of NALSAR and other sources. We thanl< the Hon'ble Chancellor for reposing confidence in the Committee for the purpose of inspection and report under Sec.7(3) of the Act. Yours Sincerely, Hyderabad, 12.09.201- . 1





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To Justice Nisar Ahmad Kakru, Chief Justice, High Court of A.P., Hyderabad.Residence : 8-1-346/10, Sabza Colony, Toli Chowki, Hyderabad-500 008.

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) ))BY THE COMMITTEE O F 1). Hon'ble Sri Justice Syed Shah Mohammed Supreme Court of India - Chairman; 2). Hon'ble Sri Justice V.V.S.Rao, Judge, High Court of A.P.- Member; 3). Hon' ble Sri Justice Ramesh Ranganathan, Judge, High Court of A. P .- Member; 4). Sri S. Ravi Kumar, District & Sessions Judge, presently Member Secretary of A. P. State Legal Services Authority - Member-cum- Secretary of the Committee. Quadri, Former Judge,

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INDEX TO REPORT CHAPTER I.. .. . . ..... . . .. . . . . ... . . . ..... . .... . INTRODUCTION CHAPTER II . . . . ..... . . . . .... . ..... . .. . .. . .. . ADMINISTRATION AND GOVERNANCE STRUCTUREa) . C en tralization of au thority ........ b) Exp en diture ................ ................ c) Sp ecialized positions in A d ministration in clu din g that of Registrar ........... d) Discharge of fun ction s of Dep uty Reg istrar e) Attendance Register ..................f)





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9 1112 14 15


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Leave Records ....... ................. .

g) C onsolidated set of Rules . ........... h) Award of Gold M e d a ls.................. i) Leakage of Final Semester Exa min atio n Q uestio n p a p ers j) O ccup ation of q u arters w itho u t pa y ment of r e n t .............................



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k) Vehicles 1) Favou ritism

2526 33

)) ))) III.

m) T ru st deficit

CHAPTER III ACADEMIC ISSUESa) R ecruitm ent of Faculty .................... . b) Faculty Dev elop ment ..................... c) Execution of Projects d) R esearch


4243 43


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) )f)


e) C ou rse cu rricu lu m & d esig n ......... Credit system

44 4647


g) A ltem ate method s of teaching ....... . h) Evaluation of p roject rep orts an d answ er scrip ts i) Exa min atio n p ap er settin g and evalu atio n j) C urriculum an d p erforman ce review

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48 48

)k) Academic and other Intemal Committees

4950 54


I) Evaluation of the Faculty by S tu d en ts m) C la ss stre n gth & tutoria ls ........... n) Marks for A tten d an ce .............. o) P la g ia r is m p) Foreign Languages IV .






CH.APTER I V ............... ..... ........ FINANCIAL MANAGEMENTa) Boo ks of accounts b) A ccountant general au dit c) Project a c co u nts...................... d) Foreign travel e) Advertisement exp enses .................f)



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8890 91

Advances given to faculty me mb ers ..... ......

g) NALSAR proximate educatio n ........ . .. .. . h) Diplo ma course offered in collaboration with CDI i) M asters in B u sin ess Laws an d A d min istratio nj)


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Collateral b enefits to faculty memb ers






I) )k) H ono rariu m from IAAM 1) Rented building


104 105 10811 4 11 5 118


0() :)

m) Commo n Law Ad mission Test (CIAT) ............ n) Endo w m ent funds o) Convocatio n expenses p) C onstru ction of a u d ito riu m ................. ..


q) O th er co ntra cts .............................. r) F ines s) Finance co mmittee meetings ........... ..

121 122 12 3



0 0)) )))

CHAPTERV LIBRARY CHAPTER VI ................ . .................. STUDENTS WELFARE/GRIEVANCESa) Placement program me ......... .......... .. b) Moot co urts c) Medical fa cilities........................... d) Cleanlin ess of ho stels ...................... e) Erratic power su p p ly ......................f)

124 126

126 130 131 134 134 136 137 138

Sp o rts & e x t r a - cu rricular activities .. ...... Counseling



h) Official e-mail ad dress

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CHAPTER VII . .... ... .. . .. ... . ... . ... . ... . ..... SUGGESTIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONSa) A d ministration an d go vernance stru ctu re


139142 14 8


b) Academic issu es c)d)

Fin ancial management ....................Lib ra r y

155 156 159

) ))V III.


Stu dent w elfare/grievances ..............


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In exercise of the po wers, conferred by Sectio n 7(3) of the Act, the Chief Ju stic e, High C ourt of A.P. an d th e C hancellor, NALSAR U niversity co nstituted a co m m ittee co nsisting of1). H o n'b le S ri Justice Syed S h ah M oha m m ed Q ua dri, For m er Jud ge, S u pre m e C ourt of I n d ia - C h a ir m a n ;

2). H o n'ble Sri Ju stic e V.V.S. Rao, Ju d g e, High C ourt of A.P. - Member; 3). Hon'ble Sri Justic e R a m e sh R an ga na tha n, J u d g e , High C ourt of A. P. - Member; 4) . Sri S. Ravi Ku m ar , D istrict & S essions Jud ge, p rese n tly M e m b er S ecretary of A.P. S tate Legal Services Authority - Me mber-cumSecre tary of the Com mittee so c o nstitu ted;


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for the p u rp oses of in spection / inq uiry in resp ect of the ar ea s sp elt o u t in Section 7 (3 ) of the Act, a n d s u b m it its rep o rt a n d r eco mmend a tions The Hon'ble Chief Ju stic e of A n d h ra P ra d esh is the


C hancellor of NALSAR un der Sectio n 7(1) of the National Academy of Legal Studies an d R esearch U niversity A ct, 19 9 8 (the Act). Sectio n 7(3) of the Act empo wers the Chancello r to ca use a n in sp e ctio n lo be made by a p e rs o n


or p erso n s a s he m ay direct an d cau se enq uiry to be made







)in resp ect of the ad m in istration an d of the the finances its of



Insp ection


bu ildin gs,

lib raries, lan d, eq uip m ent, a nd of any in stitutio n as a lso of

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ex a m in a tio ns, teach in g a n d o th er work condu cted or do ne by the Univ ersity, fa lls w ithin its scope. T h is r ep o rt is in Sev en chap ters. The Intro du c tion to the R ep ort is in C h a p t e r l. A d min istration an d C h a p t e r II d e a l s with the Academic G o v e rn a nce Stru cture.

Issu e s a re in C h ap ter III. Financial M anag ement, which)J

o ccu p ies a m a jor p o rtio n of this rep ort , an d oth er related ad min istrative/ acad em ic issu es are in Cha pter IV. Issu e s


relating to the "Lib rary" is in C h apter V. "S tu d e n ts welfare an d griev a n c es " a n d "S u g g estio ns and reco m m en d ations"


a re in C h ap ters VI a n d VII respectively. "C on clusions" a r e in C hap ter IX. The C o m m ittee first met on 7 .3 .2 0 1 1 at th e

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r esid en ce of its C h a ir m a n. T hereafte r the C o m m ittee met on 26 occasions b etween April and m e mb ers of the co m mittee first A ugu st, 20 11. T h e vi sited NALSAR on

1 3 .3 .20 11 . They insp ected all the blocks of the Univ ersity in c lu d in g all h o stel b u ildings in detail. They interacte d


with ea ch m e mb er of the NALSAR faculty on 11 occasio ns, h eard the grievances of st u d en ts on thr:ee o c ca sio n s, a n d))

also met the non -teach ing staff of NALSAR.

M e mbers of








)) the co mmittee either collectiv ely, o r individ ually, ex amined the books of a c co u nts of NALSAR on 17 different da ys.


They in v ited , a n d rec eiv e d , w ritten rep resenta tion s a n d


s u g g e s t io n s from


teach ing faculty, stu d ents

an d

Alu m n i of NALSAR. As this C o m m ittee h a d assured the co m p la ina ntsjrep res en tatio n ists, and the faculty me mb ers with whom they had interacted individu ally , of anon ymity their co mp laints /v ie w s a n d a few of their sug g estio ns h a ve been incorp orated after co n sid eration as p art of th is r eport witho u t identifying the a utho rs of those sugg estion s. T his C o m m ittee p la ces on record its deep sense of ap preciation for all tho se sugg estion s which are a d o p ted a s p a rt of this rep ort.






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')The Univ ersity is mainly concerned with four core



na mely,


ad mission

prog ram m e,



a c a d e m ic p r o g r a m m e , the

ev aluation p ro g ra m m e an d

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acco m m o dation for faculty a nd stu d en ts. Other areas of ad ministratio n are an cillary an d incid ental to these core a c t iv it ie s . The ob jects of the U niversity! and function s2 , are my riad and many. in the its po w ers an d


But one ob ject which econo mic

sta n d s o u t is the req uirem en t to p ro m ote legal aw aren ess co m m unity for achieving social and

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justice. the

As all po wers an d fun ctions of the Univ ersity a re enlargement cannot be of the ob jects, in this the

to be exercised an d discharg ed in a ma n n e r co n du cive Lo achievem en t or asp ect

fu n da m e ntal


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a d m in istratio n a n d governan ce of NALSAR . The G eneral Council3, the Executive C oun cil4, the Finance Com mittees and the Plannin g Board6 are conferredSection 4 o f the NALSAR Act Section 5 J Sections 9 and I 0 4 Sections I I and 12 5 Section 15 6 Section 15A1





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)) with wide ran ging po wers ex ercised in the area s a ssign ed to the m. The manag em ent of academic affairs of the


University, organization of the faculty an d assign ment of

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su bjects to faculty me mb ers, makin g arrangements instru ction, pro m otin g research ,


evolving ad mission

progra m m es an d policy, co ndu ct of ex a m ina tio ns an d oth er a ca d e m ic m a tter s are en tru sted to the A ca dem ic C oun ciF u n d e r the ov erall supervision of the Executive C oun cil. The G eneral Council is the plenary au thority of th e University. Its p rim ary co n cern is to fo rm u late and rev iew broad po licies/p rogra m m es of the U niversity an d devise m ea s u r es for imp rovem en t an d dev elop m ent of the

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University. It h a s all the po w ers as en u m er ated in Sectio n 5 of the Act un less a n y su ch power is specifically given to any oth er a u tho rities of the Univ ersity. Even th e n it is the G en era l C o un c il w h ich h a s the power of veto. As, u n d er

Section 10(2)(i), the G eneral C o un cil mee ts on ce a year a ll d ecisio n s of all the aut ho rities, na mely, the Executive

Council, the Academic Cou ncil, the Fin ance Com mittee a n d the Planning B oard shou ld be broug ht to the notice of, a n d be discu ssed by, the G eneral Council. The Executive C oun cil is en tru sted with all such po w ers as are n e cessary to a d m in ister the Univ ersity. It is a lso e mpowered to mak e7

Sections 13 and 14


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R eg ulations for the p u rp ose of ad m in i stratio n. fu nctio n sub ject to the)

I t has to

provisions of the Act a n d th e

S tatu t es. However S ta tu te s/ R eg ulations are not in place in m a n y areas. University To estab lish a transp arent system driv en management, the cover first all step a r ea s is and to make a sp e cts

S tat u te s / Regulatio n s to

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._immedia telY; This would ensu re prop er gu idance to all officers of the U niv ersity, and keep the decision ma k ers w ithin the b o u n d s of law. NALSAR is exp ected to prog ressiv e ly b eco m e a selffina ncin g an d self- su stainin g in stitutio n of h igh er learnin g.


While the p rim ary r eason for its esta b lish m en t is to offer a five year un dergra d u ate co urse in law its fo cus, of la te , h a s shifted to distan ce ed u cation . While these d ista n ce


ed ucatio n co urses, no d oub t, sup p le m ent the rev en u es wh ich NALSAR gets by way of fees for the un d er g ra d u ate an d p o stgra d u ate co u rses offered by it, a n d may h elp it sho re up its fin a n ce s, NALSAR h a s, by sp rea din g itself wide a n d thin , created a m o n g it s stu d e n ts a n d faculty of the m a n n er in which the in stitutio n 1s


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a d m in is tered. The p r esent ad min ist r ativ e stru ctu re, w hich is no t

b uilt on any discernible p attern or p rn cip le, is grossly ) inad eq u a te to ca ter to the future need s or the Universi ty. Il






))is imperative, therefore, that a d d r esse d at the earlies t. Micro manage m ent by the a u thorities co ncern ed, issu es of g o v ern a n ce ar e


with a s ub sta n tia l p a rt of the time of the head of th e institution b ein g sp en t on stu d en ts discip lin e an d gra nting p erm iss io n for ab sen ce or leave, h a s r esulted in lack of focus an d clarity in framing and im p lem enting policies which would enable this Premier Law School to rea ch



greater h eig hts b o th a s an a ca d e m ic a n d as a res ea rch institution. W ithout receivin g app roval from the Office of the Vice C hancellor, no ad m inistrative, acade mic, financial, hosp itality or oth er d ecisions are tak en . T he existin g




s y st e m n e ed s o v e r h a u l , a n d NALSAR would do well to orga n ize its ad m in istration on more so u n d , system atic a n d

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efficient lin es. An exp ert body need s to stu d y the present system s an d, if necessary, reco m m en d a m o re effective model of ad ministration a n d ma nag em en t of NALSAR.(a)


D iscretion ary power,

conferred on an y a u thority,

m u st be stru ctu red an d co n fin ed withirt limits. Unb ridled discr etio na ry p o w e rs a re, more often !.han no t, ab used . While the Vice C hancellor is in ch arge of the fun ction ing of the U niv ersity, an d the role of the C h ancellor or !.he G en eral Council in these matters is limited, it is a m a tter of







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u rg en cy tha t n e cessa ry statutes and reg ulations are put in place to safeg uard ag ain st ab use of discretion ary power by tho se in the manag em ent of NALSAR. W astage of scarce financial resources, the teaching faculty being divided into grou p s, and the atm o sph ere of u ncertainty prevailing in the ca mp us, d o es not au g ur well for the futu re of this

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premier in s tit utio n. We have received co mplaints both from the faculty,

) ) ))a n d the stu d en ts, tha t the power lo mak e decisions is disp rop ortion ately con cen trated in the office of the ViceC hancellor: from granting fund s for vario us co ntests to g r a n tin g p e r m is sio n to leave ca m p u s, from allowing


organization of a natio nal d eb ate to p erm itting stud ents to open the recreation room a n d u se the d r u m kit therein . The co m plain t is th a t, a s it is no t possible for the ViceC hancellor to be acq u ain ted with every stu d en t on the ca m p u s, req u ests by students kn o wn to him ar e often viewed more favou ra b ly than tho se unkno w n to him. G ra n tin g of acade mic leave, where the p erso nal beliefs of the Vice-Chancellor play a role in what activity is seen to be w orth p articipating in, is cited a s a n illu stra tion of the




la c k of any gu iding p rin cip le as to w hat mand ates th e sanc tion in g of acad em ic leave. As a result the merit of a n app licatio n do es not m a tt er a s m u c h a s the p erso n who


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) ))w o u ld lay a u thorit y.


th a t a p p lica tio n m fro nt of the

co n cern ed

)")T h ere is co mp lete lack of involvement of the faculty in the in stitutio na l m a n a g em en t. The faculty n e ed s to be


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assign ed mo re respo nsib ilities in the a d m in istration of th e University. ad min istrative a u t h o r it y m Involvement of the faculty, by rotatio n, in affairs the w o uld of would policy red uce the con centration of T he



U niversity management faculty before taking

do well to co n s u lt the d ecision s or in startin g

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imp ortan t p ro g ra m m es. The C h an cellor, or his no min ee, shou ld p eriodically ex am ine the d e cisio n s tak en by the V ice-C ha n cellor on acad em ic, faculty I stud en t rela t ed , a n d fina n cial is su e s.(b) EXPENDITURE LIMITS


T he Fina n ce R egu latio ns of NALSAR stip u la te th a t


the f u n d s of NALSAR sh all be sp en t only for the purpose of ach ieving the ob jectiv es an d fulfilling the fu nctio ns of the U niversity; C ap ital ex p enditu re shall not be in cu r r ed

w it h o u t the previou s san ction of the Executive C oun cil; th e Vice C h an cello r sh all have the a ut h o rity to sp en d or in c u r ex p en d iture of a n em er g e n t n a tu re, not provided for in th e


b u d get, not ex ce ed in g R s.1 5,0 0 0/- d u rin g a mo nth for th e p u rp o s e of the U niv ersity sub ject, h o w ev e r, th at the total


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))) am ount so sp en t


d u rin g one


do es not

ex ceed

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R s.50 ,000 f-;

the ex p enditure so in c urred sh a ll be got

ratified by the Executive Council in its ea rliest meetin g following the p eriod du ring which su ch ex p en diture w as in c u rre d; the Un iversity s ha ll maintain a sto ck reg ister i n w hich it sh a ll be en tered all pieces of fu rn itu re a n d fixtu res a n d o th er a rtic les o w n ed by it; the sa i d r egister shall be m a intain ed up to date by the A ccounts Officer; a n d the A ccounts Officer sh all be respo nsible for th eir up k eep a n d a cco u n ting. All ex p en diture of NALSAR, ex ce pt d u rin g h is




ab sen ce, is su b jec t to the app rov al of the Vice-C han cellor. While ap prov al for the a n n u a l b u d g et an d the a n n u a l a cco u nts is ob tain ed from the Executive Council, no su ch

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ap p ro v a l ha s eith er been soug ht or ob tain ed for ind ivid ua l it em s of ex p enditure even if it had exceeded R s.l5 0 0 0 Iper m o nth or R s.5 0 ,0 0 0 /per year, let a lo n e su ch expenditure b eing ratified by the Executive Council in th e n ex t m e etin g follo w in g su ch ex p en d itu re b eing in cu rred . Failure to ob tain su ch sa nctio n/ ap p ro va l is in violation of the Finance R eg ulations of NALSAR. Exp end iture limits

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m u s t not only be p u t in place but mu st also be reviewed p eriodically.


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)) ) No stock register, containin g d etails of furn itur e a n d fixtu res an d oth er articles owned R egulations. by the U niversity, is Fin an ce of

m aintain ed tho ugh it is mand ated un d er the pu rch a se of furn itu re from Prof.

The cap ital ex p en ditu re incu rred, in the Vijender Ku mar


R s.3 2,0 0 0/ -, is also w ithout pn or app roval / su b seq u ent ratification by the Executive C oun cil, and thu s falls foul of the Finance R egulations.(c) SPECIALIZED POSITIONS INCLUDING THAT OF REGISTRAR





Under Section 16(2) of the Act, the Registrar is a n officer of the Univ ersity. Section 18(1) of the Act prescrib es the proced ure for ap poin tm ent of the Registrar. Sectio n

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18(2) stip u la t es th a t the R eg istrar shall be a n ex-officio m e mb er secretary of all au thorities, co m m ittees an d oth er bod ies of the U n iv ersity an d also the C onven er of a ll

meetings. The NALSAR Act does not confine ap point m en t to the post of R eg istrar only from amon g the faculty of th e University. T ho ugh the NALSAR Act do es not so r eq uire, the


U niv ersity has, sin ce its inception, opted for a Professor of the University to also ad m inistrative an d fu n ct io n a s its R eg istrar. As the the

m a nag erial respo nsibilities of

po sitio n h as increased mu lti-fold , the p o sitio n of R eg istrar)

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should be mad e available for outsid e p rofessio nals or o n d e p u ta tio n for senior level ad min istrators from eith er th e S tate or C entral go vern ments. T h ere is a need to create sp ecialized p ositio ns in the ad min istratio n which can complement the teach in g an d research activities of the faculty. A post of Jo int Regis tra r with different A ssistant R eg istrars h and ling exam inat io ns , placem en ts, b uilding s an d mainten a n ce etc., sho uld b e created. W hilst the Dean of Stu d ent Welfare or the Proctor sho uld be from the warden s, stu d en ts, co nstrain ts.(d) DISCHARGE OF FUNCTIONS OF DEPUTY REGISTRAR


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faculty, appointment the

of full time issues of


to oversee can be

r esid ence related subject to

co n sid ered



By proceed ings of the previous Vice Chancello r da ted 25.7.200 7 Dr. Vijender Kumar, (the t h en C onv en er of the Exa mination Com mittee), was ask ed to sup erv ise the work of the office of the Vice C hancell or since the Assis ta n t R egistrar had p roceeded on ext ra-o rdina ry leave withou t pay for two mo nths. The said order req uired Dr. Vijend er Kumar to be paid R s.400 0 f - per m o n th a s rem un d eration.


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On the g ro u n d that the office of the Dy. Registrar was vaca nt the p resent Vice Chancellor, by his ord er dated




) )13

).--) )3 0 .8 .2 0 0 8 , a sk ed Dr. V ijen d er K u mar, (lhen a n Associate Professor), to look after day to day a d m inistrativ e work like con du ctin g of University body meetings; preparation of ag en d a, min utes etc; atten d on visito rs in the ca m p u s; an d the work of the office of the Vice; Chancellor, in



coordination with the A ssistant R eg istrar. The said order req uired D r.V en d er K u mar to be paid R s.4 0 0 0 / - p er F r o m J u ly m o n th a s re m u n e rat io n for the ex tr a w o rk.

20 07 till O ctob er 20 09, and ther eafter from July 2 0 10 till date, Prof.V ijen d er K u mar has been co n tinuo usly p aid


R s.4 0 0 0 /- per mo nth for th ese services. In ad dition he is being p aid R s.400 0 I- per mo nth as Pro ctor. The 8.8 .2 008, Executive Council, ap p rov ed the in its m e etin g held on



E mp lo yees Se rvice R eg ulations

which categorized vario us po sts; p rescrib ed their scales of pay etc. The said R eg ulations req uire ap poin tme n t to th e post of Dy. R egistrar to be in the pay sca le of Rs .8 4 0 0 R s.16,5 25. The q ualification s p rescrib ed for the said p o st

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is a d egree fro m a recog n ized U niv ersity, with a t le a st 1 5 years exp erience of having worked in a Univers ity, or in a n ed u cation al in stitutio n of na tio n a l st a n dard . The selection co m m ittee, for selectio n of the Dy. R eg istrar, is lhe Vice C hancellor, the R egistrar, one Professor of the Univ ersit y no minated by the Vice C hancellor, and o ne outsid e ex pert




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)) no minated by the Vice Chancellor. Cu riou sly, even a fter


the new Regulations were made on 8.8 .20 0 8 creating the p ost of Dy. R eg istrar, Dr. Vijender Ku mar is being ask ed to d isc ha rg e the fun ctio n s of a Dy. R eg istrar. T his Com mittee h a s not b een info rmed why, instead of ap p ointin g a reg ula r Dy. Registra r , NALSAR con tinu es to utilize the services of Dr. V ijen der K u mar, a senior faculty mem ber, to disch arge the fu n ctio ns of a Dy. R egistrar.(e)


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No atten d an ce register is ma intain ed for the faculty of NALSAR nor is their time of en try and ex it, from th e NALSAR Shameerp et ca mp us, recorded even at th e

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en tran ce.

O u r d iscu ssio n s with the facu lty sho w tha t ,

while cla sses a re co n d u cted from 9 .0 0 a.m . to 1.4 0 p.m., the time set ap ar t b etwe en 1.4 0 p. m. to 4.0 0 p.m. for s tu d e n t s in ter a c tio n with the facul ty is seld o m utilized ex cep t during sub missio n of project rep o rts. We learn t ha t sev era l faculty m e mb ers of NALSAR leave the ca m p u s after 1.4 0 p.m. ev en without obta inin g p ermission of the ViceC hancellor. Prop er system s sho uld be in trodu ced to record a t tend an ce of facu lty m emb ers, the time of th eir e ntry a n d exit from NALSAR S ha m eerp et ca m p u s, a n d ma inten a nce of p ro per lea v e/ p ermission registers w h e rein either their leave of ab sen ce, or permission to leave ea rly , is record ed.

) ))










While pa rt B(l) of the Leave Rules req uire faculty m e mb ers to obtain san ction of the Vice-ch an cellor for , availing "on duty leave", this Rule h a s been ob served more in b rea ch tha n in p ractice. The en tries in the Leave Register

are sk etch y, a n d the Leave record need p rop er an d up to)I

d ate maintena nce. T h ere is no system in p lace to en sure that leave a pp lications are sub m itted by the R eg istrar an d oth er faculty m e mb ers; of leave being sanction ed; for san ctio n of leave to be intim ated to the A d min istratio n D ep artm en t; an d for recordin g su ch leave in the Leave Register. I t is

) )

) ) ))





ap plication

is kept

forwarded in the



A d min istration

departm en t, is

ind ividual

faculty me mb er's file, a nd enter ed in the Leave reg ister, is the leave availed being accounted for. T her e is no system in place to en su re th a t every faculty me mbe r intimates m w riting an d seeks p ermission for a bsta inin g from duty. E x ce p t for a ca su al leave file, t)1ere is no record m aintain ed with resp ect to any oth er leave havin g been


tak en by th e Vice Chancellor. The p ersonal file of the Vice C hancellor does not contain any leave applicatio n. The casu al leave file maintain ed each year does not reflect a ny su ch leave having been availed by the Vice C hancellor. The



) ))

)) 16



latest trip of the Vice Chancellor to C a na da in Ju n e, 2 0 1 1 is a lso not sho w n a s leave of any sort ei th er in the ca su al leave file or in the p ersonal file or in the Leave register, tho u gh he h a s been paid his m o nth ly rem u n era tio n du rin g this period of ab sen ce. From the inceptio n of the University till da te, no p ermission seems to have b een sou g ht or Vice C ha n cellor an d the the Executive R egistrar of or the

)) )

ob tain ed by the NALSAR from

eith er



C hancellor for av ailing earn leave, du ly leave, etc. When the ea rn leave reg ister was p artly in sp ected on 2 7 .07.2 01 1,


the d uty leave sh eet of Professor M. Sridh aracharyulu w as up d ated only till 28.09 .20 05. However the insp ectio n on 2 8 .07 .2 0 1 1 rev ealed a few additional entries having been

))) )

m a d e th e r e in .(g) CONSOLIDATED SET OF RULES

A consolid ated set of rules shouLd be periodically ma d e av ailable to stu d en ts, say on ce each year. T his would not only en su re greater clarity an d tran sp aren cy b ut w o uld also help in h oldin g stu d ents acco untab le for violation of the ru les. A co mp rehensive code s a n c tio n s flowing from a breach of con d u ct, an d the thereo f, shou ld be


form ulated esp ecially for is su e s s u c h a s use m e a n s in exa m s, p lagiarism etc.

of un fair










The reg ulations fram ed by NALSA R, for the a w ard of gold med als, p rescr ibe t hat the selection therefo r shall be m a d e o n the b asis of the r eco m men dation s m ad e by a C o m m ittee, an d ap prov e d by th e Vice C h ancellor; the Com mittee is to be ap po inted by the Vice Chancello r fro m time to time; it is to co mprise of five me m bers no minated by the Vice C hancellor; in resp ect of med als to be aw ard ed , for performance in an y p articular sub ject as in d icated b y the D on or, the p erform a n ce of the stu dent o b tain in g the high est grad e, a nd the hig hest mark, is to be aw ard ed th e medal; in resp e ct of gold medal to be a w ard ed to th e fir st position in the a n n u al ex amin a tion / best s tu d en t for ov erall ex celle n ce/best w o man stud ent for overci.ll ex cellen ce/ first ra n k in the final exam ination final year

) ))


) )

)) )

I best all round stud ent of

I b est all ro u n d boy s tu d en t a n d b est all ro u n d

girl stu d en t, a list of top five stud en ts a m o ng th e eligible


ca nd id a tes who hav e sec u red the hig h est CGPA shall be fu r n is h ed to th e co m m ittee; from o u t of the short listed five stu d ents, th e co m m ittee shall collectively reco m m en d th e b est stu d e n t who deserv es the aw ard of the concern ed gold medal; the decision of the Vice C h an cellor shall be final; a n d the n or m s on which the selection is fin ally mad e is to be d eter m in ed by the co m mittee itse lf.




) )





reg ulatio ns



of gold

m edals

w as

") ))

a p p ro v ed by the Executive Council in its m eetin g held o n 1 7 .0 9 .2 00 3. The Ex ecu tive C o un cil a lso ap p rov ed th e reco m m en datio ns of the Academic Council for in stitut io n of a gold medal to be n a m ed a s "University Gold Medal for RhodesScholar" to be aw a rd ed for the recipient of the

Rhodes to the


S ch o la rsh ip at the A nn ua l C o nv o cation starting from the C o n v o c a tio n to be held in 200 7. C o ntrary

R eg ulations the th e n Vice Chancellor by his circu la r da ted 2 6 .0 8 .2 0 04, while co n stitutin g the gold medal co m mittee, info r m ed th e m th at the two gold medals for the b est

) )

s tu d e n t (i.e., one boy a n d one girl) would be decided by h im . A similar circu lar, co n ferring power on himself lo


decide the two gold rpedals for best stu d e n ts (one boy and one girl), was issu ed by the Vice-Chancellor on 1 5.0 6 .20 0 5. T h o u g h the r egulations req uired lhe Vice-Chancellor to co n stitute a co m m ittee co m p risin g of five m e m b e r s, a

)) )

co m mittee of only

four me mb ers was




circu lar d ated 2 6 .0 8 .20 0 4 ; a co m m ittee of three m e mb ers by office order d ated 2 0 .06.2 00 8; an d a co m m ittee of four m e mb ers by office order dated 28 .07 .2 00 9 .











q uestion

p ap ers,



fin al

sem ester O ur

ex am ination held on 26th and 27th April 2 0 1 1 , w ere leaked, r es u ltin g in the said exam inations being p o stp on ed.


en q uiries rev eal that there were 3 to 4 s ets of keys of the ex am ination room which were available in the offices of th e Vice C hancellor, R eg istrar, the ex am ination section in ch a r g e a n d the cleaning staff. The exam in a tio n room used to be op en ed an d clea n ed every morning even before the staff arriv ed . The driv er-cu m -attend er of NALSAR was a lso e ntru sted w it h a key of the examination section roo m. He was being mo n etarily assisted by the stu d en ts. One of them ob tain ed the key from the said d r iv e r a n d m a d e a d u p lica te key which was used to op en the exam ination section roo m. T his student entered the room , hack ed into the co mp uter, loaded the q u estion pap ers into his flash





drive, made copies thereof, an d distrib uted th e m to oth er stu d e n ts for monetary consid eration s. A co mplaint was lodged Police S tatio n by the to the SHO, S ha m e erpe t6 .6 .2 0 1 1

Registrar, NALSAR on

informing him tha t the Vice C hance ll or had con st ituted a n enq uiry co m m ittee consisting of (1) Prof. V. R a m akrishna, Former Professor (History), University of H yderab ad , (2)






Prof. Suk hb ir Sin gh, Fo rmer P rofessor (Eng lish ), O sm ania


U n iv ersity, H yd e rabad an d

(3) Prof.

Vijend er

Ku mar,


Professor of Law, NALSAR University of aw, H yderabad to en quire into the examination paper leakage; the enqu iry rep o rt was sub mitted on 3.5 .2 011; the matter was placed before the Executive C oun cil; thereafte r a seco nd sho w cau se notice was issu ed to the em p loyees an d stu de n ts;


))) ))

a n d , p ursu a nt to the directions of the Executive C oun cil on 12 .5 .20 11 , a co mp laint was being lodged. The Executive Council, in its meeting held on

12.5 .2 0 01 , after noting Lhat the examin a tion pap er rela t ing to law an d poverty had been replaced with a new p ap er im m ed iately before the examina tion on 27 .4 .2 01 1, decided to cancel the following ex a min a tion s an d resolved that the examination should be held afresh du ring the4th

) ))

week of

J u n e , 2 01 1."FIRST YEAR SECOND YEAR THI RD YEAR FOURTH YEAR 2 . 1 Law of Con tr ac ts -I 2.2 Sociology - I 4.1 C riminal Law - II 6.1 Jurisp r ud e nc e II 6.2 Cons titutio n a l Law - II 8.1 Ban k in g a nd Finan ce 8.2 T a xation La w - II"



All this rev eals co mple te lack of security in en suring secrecy of the q u estion p ap ers for the final sem ester

exa m inations. Cu riou sly it was only the office a ssista nt

) )




) ))


cu m d riv e r who was dis missed from service. Four stu d e n ts , involved in this u nsa v ory ep iso d e, were ex p elled fro m th e University. The pay of the Sr. A ssistant (E xa min ation ) w as

) ))

red u ced by f o u r a n n u a l in c re m e n ts, a n d th e Jr. A s sista n t in the ex a m inatio n section was warned. Excep t for

rec o n stitutio n of the ex a mination co m m ittee, no n e of th e

) ))

faculty were faulted for such s erio u s l a p se s in leakage of th e fin a l s em e ster ex a m in atio n q u estio n p a p ers. N eith er th e ex a m inatio n co m m ittee, nor an y on e else in up p er ech elon s of a d m in istratio n , were held acco u ntable, let


alo n e an y action b ein g tak en ag ain st th e m. We were in fo r m e d tha t the rec en t p ap er lea k s, d u r in g th e fin al se m ester exa m in atio n of 20 1 0 -2 0 1 1 , is not a n isolated in stan ce b u t h a s b een p reced ed by s ev e ra l s u ch lea ks in th e p rev io u s b atch es also. No actio n . was ta k en a n d th e co m p la in ts were b ru sh e d a sid e a s m er e ru m o u r m ongenng. T h is co m m itte e h a s not b een inform ed of a n y syste ms ha vin g b een intro d uced th ereafter to e n s u r e th a t s u c h




in c id e nts of p ap er lea kage do not rec u r in futu r e.




) )





)On his hith erto p u r c ha sin g a flat at T iru m a lg herry, Dr . fore- noon of Vijend er Ku mar vacated Quarter No.A- 1, w hich he w as occu p yin g, with effect fro m the

1.6 .2 0 0 9. The very nex t day i.e., on 2.6 .2 0 0 9 he informed tha t, sin ce he was also servin g the U niversity as a Proctor he needed to sta y on th e ca mp us so m eU m es, for w hich h e sh o u ld be a llo tted a room in the facult y resid ential a rea witho ut forfeitin g h is entitlem en t for HRA. ) The th en Registra r, vide proceedin gs d ated 2.6 .20 09 , p ermitted him to occupy one bed room in Q u arter No.A.1 (the very sa m e q uar ters w hich Dr. Vijend er Kumar was occup ying till jus t a day before). The M emb er Secretary of lhis C o m m ittee


) ))

insp ected Q uarter No.A- 1 in the after-noo n of 08 .0 9 .2 0 1 1. On in sp ectio n he fou n d that, while officially Dr. Vijender K u m a r h a s b ee n allo tte d jus t one roo m, A.1 q ua rters co n sists of t hree bed roo m s, one kitch en an d one hall; the sa id Q u arters h a s only one door a l the entran ce; oth er tha n th is en tra n c e th er e is no oth er way for entry or ex it from the sa id Q u arters; there is no sep a ra te en tran ce or exit for any p ar ticular room th erein; the fur nitu re


p u rch a sed by NALSAR from Dr. Vijender Ku mar, vid e V ouch er N o.530 dated 23 .7.2 009, for Rs .3 2 ,0 00 / -, when he shifted from Q u arter No.A-1 to h is own fla t a t





) ))


S ecun d erab ad , (i.e., Iron Cot -2 Nos, Wooden C o t - 2 Nos, Dining Table with 6 ch a irs, C a n e Sofa do ub le s e a t e r - 1 no, single seater - 4 no s, can e diw an - 1 no. sofa tab les - 2 no s, refrigerato r (whirlpool) 190 ltrs, W indow A/ c (LG) 1.5 ton, T.V. (Onida) with T.V. stan d a n d power inverter), were still there in Q u arter No.A-1. T hat Q uarter No.A-1 h a s again been provided to Dr. Vijender Kumar, from the very next day of his vacating the said q u arters, m e an s th at th e f u r n itu r e p u r c h a s e d from him is still being made av ailable for his ex clu siv e use at Q uarter No.A-1; a n d he h a s n eith er paid rent nor h a s he foregone his HRA for su ch o ccu p ation . Our enq uiries rev eal that on w eek-ends Dr. Vijender K u ma r stays in the said q u arters alon g with his family


))) )

) ) )

m e m b e r s. The Vice Chancello r, by his letter dated 1 9 .8.2 0 11 ,


ha s certified th at faculty m e mb ers, who are allotted faculty q u a rt e r s , do not get HRA a n d no rent is charg ed fro m th e m ; so m etim es a few faculty me mb ers are req ui-red to

))) )

s t a y on the ca m p u s on special occasions i.e., for evening cultura l function s, anti-rag ging , insp ectio n of hostels, work conn ected with conferen ces and sem in a r s etc; they are

allowed to u se one room in one of the vacant faculty h o u ses; all the faculty memb ers make their own provision for food; Dr. V ijen der Ku mar, as a Proctor, is so metimes







)) req uired to stay ov ernig ht to co-ordinate the work of


w a rd en s in the hostels; insp ection of hoste ls; a n d to en su re m a intenan ce of discip line du ring various.cultu ral events in the evening; he was allowed to us e one roo m on su ch occasio ns in the vacant faculty ho use No.A.1 for which no r e n t was charged; food. and he ma k es his own provision for



By his letter dated 2 1 .8.20 11, the Vice-chancellor were

has certified that, un d er the sa m e arra n g e m ent, so metimes Prof. B alakista Reddy a n d Dr. Vidyullatha Reddy ask ed to stay in the vacant faculty Q uarter No.A-3 on


various occasions; when NALSAR is closed for sem ester b reaks w ard ens, who stay in the ho stel w ard en ro o m s, are shifted to the fa c u lty q ua rters tem p o ra rily as w ater a n d power supp ly in ho stels is cut off du rin g the said breaks; an d no record is maintained for stay in the vacant faculty Q u a rters a s NALSAR does not c harg e any ren t for su ch temporary occup ation when faculty memb ers are called for sp ecial du ties. While the letter dated 2 1.8.2011 refers to





the occup ation for some p eriod of Q uarter No.A-3, no referen ce is mad e therein to Q uarter No.A-1 in which on e room is sa id to have been provided lo Dr. Vijen der Ku mar. As Dr. Vijender Ku mar had ceased lo be the Chief Warden from 12 .8.2 0 08, after a w ritten co m p la int was made ag ainst him by stu d en ts of the 20 05 -2 0 1 0 b atch o n

8.8 .2 0 0 8 , it d efies rea son as to how he co ntinu es to co-







o rdin ate the work of w arden s, let alon e be p r o v id e d a res id en tia l q u a rters for t h is p u rp ose. Our en q uiries also rev ea l tha t no oth er fa cu l ty me mb er has b een permitted lo

) ))

u s e Q u a rt e r No.A- 1 even

durin g the p eriod it is n o t

occu p ied by Dr. V ijen der K u mar.




NALSAR h a s so far p u rc ha sed nin e v ehicles of which o ne A m b assad or car was au ctio n ed in the y ea r 2 0 1 0 .

While the S waraj M azda Mini b u s is used to tran sp o rt staff;

) )

the Toyota Q ualis vehicle is u s ed for official p u rp o s es; a n d the M aru ti O m n i v ehicle i s used as an am b ulan ce . T wo ca rs, i.e., H yundai A ccent a nd H ond a Civil, are in th e


ex clu siv e control of


Vice C h an cellor w h ereas


M ah indra Logan and Ta ta In dig o cars w ere, hitherto , u n d er the co ntrol of the th en Regist ra r . bo oks of th ese v eh icles is sh ab b y. M ainten an ce of the log Even from the sk etch y


d e ta ils, a s a re a v a ilable th ere in , it is clear that v ehicles have been mad e av ailab le to Dr. Vijen d er K u mar an d Prof. K.V.S. S ar m a (wh en he was the Regis tra r ) for th eir p rivate


u s e w itho ut th eir b e in g a sk e d to pay for the ex p en d iture in c urred by NALSAR in this reg ard; a nd v e hicle Nos.AP 2 8 BN 3 6 5 7 (Indigo); AP 28 BK 85 0 1 (Logan ) a n d AP 13 H 2 7 2 7 (Qualis) were main ly u sed by the erstw hile Regis tr a r Dr. K . V .S. S ar ma an d Dr. Vijender Ku mar to co m m ute from




) ) )



))NALSAR S ha m e erp et ca mp u s to their resid en ce a n d back. D u rin g the p erio d 1.6 .2 01 0 till 3 0 .6.2 0 1 1 Dr.K.V.S. S ar ma h as utiliz ed the said vehicles of NALSAR for h is p erso n a l u se tra v elin g a n ex tent of 43 0 0 KM (ap p rox) . D u ring th e


) ) .)

period from the year 2 0 0 7 till 20 11 Dr. Vijend er Ku mar h a s utilized different v ehicles of NALSAR for his p riva te u se traveling 78 52 KM (approx) . Both these officers hav e not paid a sin g le rup ee for su ch travel tho ug h they are not en titled to u tilize Na lsa r vehicles for th eir p er so n a l u s e.(1) FAVOURITISM


) )

Allegations of favouritism are

easter m ad e,

th a n

estab lish ed , ag ain st perso n s on w h o m r esp o n sib ility is conferre d , by tho se who seek s u ch privileges. The

.) ))) )

a uth o ritie s in charg e of ad m in istratio n ca n n ot be fau lted for en tru stin g s u ch r esp o n s ibilities on p e rso n s who a r e capable, an d are w o rthy of tru st. N e c e ssa r y ca r e a n d cau tion should, ho wev er, be exercised to e n su r e t h at su c h co nferment of resp on sib ilities, an d the p o w er asso ciated th ere w ith, is not a b use d . A sub stan tial sectio n, both a m on g L fa c ulty a n d th e he


stu d en ts, have levelled allegations again st a s e n io r member of the faculty. We were initially relu c ta n t to p la ce thesen allegatio ns on record a s it co u ld m a r the rep utatio n of the


in d iv id ua l, b u t a few ind isp utable facts an d recurren ce of


)) )

) ) )




)such alleg atio ns over the p ast few y e a r s h a v e m a d e u s reco nsid er. We, ho wever, make it clear th a t these co mp laints are p laced on record for the info rmation of th e C h an cellor, a nd any further enq uiry Jin v estigation into the


m atter would be for the C hancellor to co n sider. We may not be un d erstoo d as having , co n clusively, s a tisfied


ou rselv es on the tr u th or o therwise of all the allegation s. We have referred only to those ins tan ces w h ich are reflected in the record s of NALSAR or form p a rt of written official co mp laint made against him. We have refrained



from referring to sev eral other startlin g a llega tion s leve lled ag a in st the said faculty me mb er in the a b sen ce of any oral or do cu m entary eviden ce in sup p ort th ereof.



Interaction with each ind ivid ua l faculty mem b er of NALSAR, a n d with un d er-g rad u a t e s tud e nts, reveals a

w id e -sp read belief a m o ng th e m that Prof. Vijen d er Ku mar , P ro cto r a n d P r o f es so r of NALSAR, h as b een accorded fa vo ured treatm e nt by the V ice-ch an cellor. T ha t th is belief


is not w itho u t su b s tan ce is reflected from the following insta n ces:i) When Prof. V ijen der Ku m ar sh ifted h is residen ce from NALSAR Sh a m e e rp et cam pu s to Se cun d era b ad, certain ite m s of fu rniture w ere



pu rch ased

fro m him

by NALSAR, and paym en t w as m ade vid e No ot h e r insta n c e

V ou cher N o.53 0 dated 2 3.7.2 00 9 for Rs.3 2 ,0 0 0 /-.

of NALSAR h av in g purch ased secon d h an d fu rn itu re from an y of t he






other faculty me mbers of NALSAR was brou ght to the notice of this



Though the Finance Regulations prohibit the ViceExecutive Council, furniture belonging to Prof.

Chancellor from incurring capital expenditure, -without the previous sanction of the Vijender Ku mar was purchased without the prior sanction of the

)) )

Executive Council though such expendi lu r e.

purchase of fu rnitu re is capital

ii) The Vice Chancellor, vide proceedings dated 24.9.2009, accorded approval for sanction of duty leave to Prof. Vijender Ku mar for six m on ths from October 1st 2009, and he was paid full salary and allowances for the said period a s per the University Ru les, as advised by the Joi nt Secret ar y, UGC in his letter dated 20.7.2009. During hi s


C h ristmas holidays from December, 2009 to Janu ary 2010, when Prof. Vijender Ku mar was "on du(J!" leave in the United Kingdom on a Commonwealth Fellowship programme, he was asked to come from Kings College to NALSAR. The ostensible purpose of his being called was for rendering assistance for the following:a) Final editing and finalization of NALSAR Annunl reports from 19 99 to 2008 for publication; b) Designing and finalizing the NALSAR prosp ectus for the year 2010; c) Review and updatin g of reading material in Family Law; d) Designing and finalizing the NALSAR calendar 2010 for printing; and e) designing and finalizing CLAT 2010 information brochure write-u p on NALSAR




Prof. Vijender Ku mar was paid flight charges, for his travel from London to Hyderabad and back, by NALSAR. Rs.55,494/- was paid to M /s International Travel House, Hyderabad in this regard vide Cheque No.900488 dated 31.12.2009. could not have It is not a s if th ese matters been entru sted to any other faculty me mber of

NALSAR. No other in stan ce of such ben efits bei ng extended to any of the other faculty me mbers of NALSAR was brou gh t to the notice of this committee. )








) ) '}(iii).


For the efforts of the staff of NALSAR, in condu ctin g CLAT Oth er than the Vice-Chancellor and paid

)) ))))

200 9, h on orariu m was paid.

the R egistrar, the only other facu lty of NALSAR who was

ho n orariu m in this regard of R s.5 0,0 00/ - was Prof. Vijender Ku mar. iv) Prof.Vijender Ku mar has, ever sin ce 200 7, been c on tinu ou sly paid R s.4 00 0 /- per month for disch argin g the duties of a De puty R egistrar. In addition he is bein g paid Rs.4000 I - per month as P roclor. C u ri ously, even after the new Regulations were made on 8.8.2 00 8 creatin g the post of Dy. Registrar, Dr. VU er Ku m ar, a S en i o r end Faculty me mber, is still asked to disc harge the functions of a Depu ty Registrar. v) By proceedings dated 2.6.2009, Dr. Vijendra Kumar was permi t ted to oc c u p y a bed room in Q uarters No.A. l (Lhe very sa m e qu arter s w hich Dr. Vijender Ku m a r had vacated ju st a day before). While officially Dr. Vijender Ku m ar has been allot ted ju sl one room he is, in

) ) ")

)) ))

fa ct, occu pyin g the en tire A.l quarte r s wh ich co n si st s of three bed r ooms. In spection by the Me m ber Secretary of this Com mittee on

8.9.201 1 revealed that Q uarter No.A.l h as only one door at the e ntran ce; an d th ere is no separate entran ce or exit for any particu la r room therein. Our enqui ries reveal th at every week end Dr. Vijende r Ku m ar stays in the said qu arter s, along with his family mem bers; and he has n eith er paid rent n or he forego ne hi s HRA for suc h occupation.

)vi) D uri ng the period from the year 200 7 till 201 1 Dr. Vijender Ku mar


has utilized diffe ren t veh icles of NALSAR for hi s pri vate use traveling 78 52 KM (approx). He h as not paid a sin gle r u pee for such travel

thou gh he is not entitled to utilize Nalsar vehi cle s for his personal u se.







) ')


vii) As noted at (i) above, Vijender Ku mar, vide

NALSAR purchased fu rniture from Dr. No.530 dated 23.7.2009, for



R s.32,000 1- when he sh ifted from Q uarter No.A-1 to his own flat at S ecun derabad . Th at Q uarters No.A-1 has again been provided for his u s e , from the very next day of his vacatin g the said quarlers, mean s th at the furnitu re purchased from him is still being made available for his exclusive use at Quarter No.A-1. (viii) In addition to being the Proctor, and disch arging the duties of a D e put y R egistrar, Prof. Vijender Ku mar is also a con ven er/ me mber of the following com mittees con stituted by NALSAR (1) Library committee; (2) P.G di ploma academic committee; (3) S cholarship /fee concession committee; (4) Proctoral Board; (5) Convenor of the Moot

) ))


Court co mmittee; and (6) IT committee. He is the Chief Editor of NALSAR Law Review, and is in the Edilorial Board of all othe r NALSAR publications Uourn al s). No other me mber of the facul ty is a me mber of so many committees.(ix) Except for the year 2010, Prof. Vijender Ku mar has continued L o

) ))

be a mem b er of the commi ttee, to finalise the award of gold med als L o

))) ))

stud e nts, from the 3rd batch of stu d e nts in 2005 onw ards till the present batch. (x) Though the question paper set by Prof.Vijencler Ku mar is also s aid to have been leaked earlier, he was the only faculty me mber of NALSAR to be app oin ted a s a me mber of the enquiry co mmittee con stituted to enquire into the examin ation paper leal

(cr ed it) were ad justed in the bo oks of accounts of NALSAR d u rin g the finan cial year 2 01 0 -2 0 1 1. The special audit report, of M/ s. Rayasa m & Co. dated 30.06.20 09, expenditure Details of such records the amoun t of income and for which no inform ation was available. unkno wn expend ilure are:-



) )


) )


a). As per Ban k reconciliation statem e nt:i). Miscellaneou s expen ses a s per pass book (Dr)ii). Miscellaneous expenditure as per cash book (Cr)(b) .

24,01,573 2,15,624

T h is w a s a d ju s te d in th e a / c s of 2 0 0 8 -0 9 a s u n d e r :i). Miscellaneou s expenditure a s per pass book (Dr)

23,55,178 1,84,761

ii). Miscellaneous expen diture as per cash book



T h e b a la n ce w a s a d ju s te d in th e a / c s of 2 0 1 0 -11 a s:-

) )

i). Miscellaneou s expendi tu re as per pa ss book (Dr) ii). Miscellaneous expenditure a s per cash book (Cr)

46,395 30,863

)) ) ))>


All th ese e xp e nse s inc urr e d du ring the fina n cial yea r s 2 0 0 2 -20 0 3 to 2 0 06 -2 0 07 , the par tic ula r s of w hich were n eith e r k n o w n nor available, were rec ord e d and

ad j u ste d a s m isce llan e o u s e x p e n d itu r e in the boo ks of acc ou n ts. In s u b stan c e, no informatio n is availa ble regarding th e n a tu r e of e xp enditure, for the en t ries reflected in the p a ssb oo k,


a m ou n tin g


R s.24 ,0 1 ,5 7 3 / -; for the e ntrie s

an d


m iscellane ous

exp end i ture,



in the c ash book, a mo u nting to Rs.2, 1 5 ,6 2 4 / -.



)) )



)) )>


These deficiencies, in the m ainte na nc e of accou nts w er e neither b r o ug ht to the notice of the Finance C om m ittee of NALSAR, n o r wa s the Ge nera l Cou n cil infor med of these


')) ) ) )) )>

discrep ancies. In the General Council meeti ng held on 22 .03 .2 0 09 ,

J u s t i c e P. V enkata Rami Reddi raised q uer ies on certaiJ.1 ite m s of revenu e a nd expend itu re sho w n in Audited A cco unts for the year 20 07 -20 08 . The m inu tes of th e s a id m eeting recor ds that U1e exp lanator y note on th ese

q ueries was circulate d to the m em b ers of the General C o u nc il at the meeting; the sa m e was acce pted ; a nd Lhe V ice- C ha nc ell or assu re d the m em b ers th a t he would

e nsure strict c o m plia nc e with nor m s of fiscal p r u d e nce.


In the

14th meeting of the

G eneral Cou ncil held


) )

27 .0 3 .2 0 1 0 , J u stice Sr i P. V en kataram i Reddy pointed ou t th a t th er e was a disp rop ortit?n a te in crease m

m iscellane ou s exp enditure from

1 l .94 la k h s to 3 4 .8 8


la kh s; a nd the detail s of this hu ge increase was no t know n. The reply given by NALSAR thereto was vague. The

Ge neral Council was me rely in for m e d th a t, d u ring the ye ar s 200 1- 2 00 2 to 200 6 -20 07 , so m e of the receip ts a nd p a ym e nts were not ta ke n in the books of a cc o u n ts; a fter reco nciliation necessar y entr ies were p assed in the year 2 0 08 -2 0 0 9 a s per the au dit rep ort; an d, due to thi s, the








} }m isc ellan eo u s e xpen se s h a d in cre a se d in th e ye ar 2 0 0 82 0 0 9 a s c o m p ar e d to the year 20 07 -2 0 08 .>



W hat the General Council was not in for m ed is th at no infor mation was available u nder regarding the by the nature of

) )

e xp e nd iture expenditure",

adj u sted

he ad


allegedl y incu rred

NA LSAR, exceedi ng

R s.2 6 la k h s a n d all e xp e n ses, for which no in for m ation


was available, were cla s sified un der the hea d " miscellaneous expenditure" a nd a dju ste d in the books of accounts NALSAR du ring the years 20 08 -2 0 0 9 and 2 0 1 0 -2 0 1 1 . > T houg h nearly two year s have e lap sed thereafte r, prop er acc ou nting s yste m s are yet to be intro d u c ed. T he re is no sup ervisor y control syste m str u ct u r e d perio dical an in place. data yet to be in T here is rep or ting, no and of



fina ncial

in te r n a l a u d it s ys t e m is the ha d Finance a dvised

in trod uce d, i ts sec on d of th e

thoug h m eeting,

Co m mittee, th at the

acc ou n ts


U niversity be au d ite d once in a q u arte r .ACCOUNTANT GENERAL AUDIT


b o oks

of a cc o u n ts a u d it by

of NALSAR ha ve the Accountant


been As

sub jecte d to


illustrative of the several violations poin ted ou t therei n, a few of the ob serv ations of the Accou n ta nt G en er a l a re n o ted he re u n der:-



) )





P u r s u a n t to th e AG au d it , c on d u c t ed for t h e fin an ci al yea r 2 0 0 0 -2 0 0 1 , th e A cc ou n t a n t G e n e r al r e c o r d s i n h i s r e p or t th a t: I n the execu tion of works of NALSAR, instead of calling for tend ers by open notification through newsp ape rs, tend er s were invited from selected firms; the basis for selectio n of the firms was not made available to audit; even amon g the selected firms, instead of accepting lh e lowest tender of R s.l9 2.4 7 lakh s, NALSAR had accepted the highest tender of R s.2 46.42 lakh s in respect of "Co n stru cti on of H ostel B lo ck, R esid en tia l u n its a n d a llied wo rks" The same meth od had been E lectri ca l Worlcs". Though the by one of the pre-identified firms work was awarded to the high est adopt ed for "Inte rn al low est tend er sub mitted was Rs.27.40 lakh s, the tend er of R s.3 0.6 lakh s.



}) ) )


Si milarly for "External Electrical works", while the lowest tender was for Rs.31.56 lakh s, the work was aw ard ed to the highest bidder for R s.3 4.7 0 lakh s. In the case of "Intern al a nd Extern al plu mbing works" only two fir ms had sub mitted their quotation s, out of which one had withdrawn subsequently. The other fir m was awarded the co ntract, in stead of invi ting tend ers afresh. M easure ment boo.ks had not been maintained by NALSAR for the works executed. S c h e d u l e of quantities, qu antities of works actuall y executed, the date of award, the date of completion, and a m o u n t s paid to the contract ors could not be verified by them in the absence of such books being made available for verification. )>


Pay ment of fees to consu l tants, for execution of works in respect of "C on stru ction of H ostel B loc k, Re sid en tia l







Units", had exceed ed Rs.27 ,4 1,3 7 2 /-.


con tract



) )

The Original contract agree ments had not been produced before the Audit party. Ph otostat copies of U1 e agree ments produ ced did not contain complete infor mation with regards the value of th e con tr act, th e d ate of award of work, the d ate of execution of the agree ment, the schedule of qu antities etc. W ork-wise records and registers were not maintain ed.


P u r s u a nt fina n cial year




a u d it, co nd u ct ed the A cco untant



2 0 01 -2 0 0 2 ,

G en era l


ob served:Works costing R s.3,73,11,581/- were taken u p in th e first phase, and subsequ ently works for R s.9,67,72 ,5 6 4 / were taken up. While the consu lt an t s had provided a ssistan c e for works relatin g to the first phase, there w as no evidence on record of any a ssista n ce given by Lhe c on su ltants for the seco nd pha se. The d ata, for preparation of the est imat e s for the works, were not provided by the con su ltant s. It was not kn own how the mtes, for different items, were deter min ed by the co nsu ltant s. M easure ment books, or recordin g measu rements, quality and qu antities of the works execu ted by the contr act or, were not maintained eithe r by the con su ltan ts or by t he technical personn el of NALSAR. The bills of the contractors were pmcessed by the Projec t Engineer, for payment, without verifi cation. Even after completion of the phase-! works, phase II works were entru sted to the sa me contractor with out calling for tend ers, and with out preparation of basic da t a and esti m ates, despi te which NALSAR continued to pay con sultancy charges with out any services being rend ered


) ))) )

) )







by the consult ants. There w as no evidence of prepar a tion of revised esti mates by the con sultants.}>



R s.27,89,160 / - was paid to the co nsultants of which only R s.2,33,1 97/- was legitimate payment. Thu s, an excess of Rs.25,55,9 6 3 / - was paid to the con sultants. The reply of NALSAR, to the aud it queries, were unacceptable as evidence of preparin g estimates, an d the data relatin g there to, was not there on record. The excess expenditure incurred on execu tion of works, because of works not bein g awarded to the lowest tenderer, was R s.l8.81 lak hs . Though NALSAR had invited tenders, for cons tru ction of the Hostel Blocks and Residen ti al Units, at an estimated cost of Rs. l ,83,4 9,79 6/-, the bid of M /s. Ramky Engg. which was the lowest ten derer @ 1.17% excess over the esti mated cost was not accepted , and the work was awarded to M /s. Asia Engg. Compan y, Secunderabad for R s.2,00,1 1,075/ - @ 9.05 % excess over the estimat ed value. The reason s, for n ot accepting the bid of M / s. Engg., was not available on record. R s.2,6 0, 29,98 3/ - was incu rred on the works, were revised work esti ma t es and completion prepared by NALSAR nor was sanction obtained extra qu antities. Ramky While ne ith er reports for the








NALSAR would h ave saved R s.l8,80 ,9 38 / - if the work had been en tru sted to M / s. Ramky Engg,. Works were entru sted on nomination ba sis, wi th out calling for tend ers, for Rs.5 3.18 lak h s. Purch ases effected from various parties were on a si ngle tend er basis. E ven for these purchases there were no docu ments availabl e, other than in voices a n d payment vou chers.



) )

)) )





discrep ancies


repo rted



A ccoun tant G en eral in th eir au dit rep orts for the years 2 0 0 2 -2 0 0 3 an d 2 0 0 3-20 04 ; and for the y ears 2 0 0 4 -2 0 0 5


an d 2 0 0 5 -2 0 0 6 . 20 0 4 -2 0 05 an d

In the latter rep ort, covering the years 20 0 5 -2 0 06 , the A ccountant Gen e ra l


observed tha t:)>

No inspection had been conducted under Section 7(3) of the Act; and no st at u tes h ad been made in terms of Section lO(ii) of the Act. The General Council the shou ld have mad e of st atu tes NALSAR


) ))



adm i nis tra t ive


including prescribin g the procedures to be followed by th e auth orities, and the officers of NALSAR, in the discharge of thei r fun ctions. The statutes rela tin g to ad ministrative procedures, and fun ctions of officers of NALSAR, should be made, and approval of the General Cou ncil obtained.}>



) ) )))

Receipts and paymen ts accoun ts fo r the years 2004 -200 5 and .2005-200 6 were not from prepa red; one ban k fu nds were to of temporarily transferred were accou nt books

another which


depicted in


acc ounts; de tails of fixed deposits were not enclosed to the balance sheet; details of amou nts ad vanced to staff, contract ors, othe r advances, loan s e tc., were also not e nclosed .)>

They also observed th at the following record s were not maintained.1. Register of Deposits 2. Register of Fixed Assets 3. Register of Investments


' )






4. Register of Advances Recoverable 5. Stock Registers of Consumables 6. Purch ase Files 7. Service Postage Account 8. Register of maintenance of Quarters 9. Register of stip en ds 10. Budget control Register 11. DCB Register for fees and Mess Charges

In its Audit rep ort for the p eriod 2 006 -07 & 2 0 07 -0 8 the Acco u n ta n t G en eral , am o ng other asp ects, ob served:)>

At the time of furnishing utilization certificate to the UGC some e x p e n d it u re , which was booked und e r S tate Go vernment


fu nd s, was shown in the Utilisation Certificate furn ish ed to the UGC. NALSAR had s hown the sa me expe nditure for two different grants i.e, UGC and State Govern men t .>

) ) ))

NALSAR h ad not followed the prescribed procedu re for calling of tend ers; all the works were en tru ste d to M/ s Asia

Engineering, Secunderabad on i nvi ting item rate tenders from selected contractor s at an esti mated cost of Rs.923.56 lalchs; and the en tire work "Cons t ru ction of the Teachers Convention Centre" con sis tin g of Groun d Floor, First Floor & T errace Floor at a cost of R s.3,73,7 7, 177/- was e ntru sted on nomin ation basis to M/ s Asia En gineering, Secundera bad.>


NALSAR h ad replied

th at, as


lhe instructions of the


Executi ve Council, the wo rks were award ed to M /s. A sia E n gin ee rin g a s it was one of the lead ing const ru ction companies i n India, and it slood as the lowest tende re r.









The reply of NALSAR was found not acceptable by the A.G. Audit a s NALSAR had not shown detai ls of the tenders called for, and other tender procedures followed by them.


Though Rs.SO.OO lakh s was received from M.K. Nambyar S aarc Law Ch aritable Tru st in March, 2007, it was invested in a Fixed


deposit only on 25. 6.2007, and interest was being received from Jul y, 20 07. NALSAR had FD. th u s lost R s . l,l2 ,500 / received (Interest@ 9% p.m. "' 37500 @ 3 months) owing to the delay in investing the proceeds in an NALSAR had

R s.6 1 .0 0 l a kh s t o w a r d s a r r a n g e m e n t of end ow m ent guest lectures. Out of which only one lecture was arran ged in 2006 07 and no guest lectures were arranged durin g 2007-08. Fu rth er the program mes, under the M.K. Nambya.r Trust, were started only in the year 2009-10 thou gh fun ds were received in 2006-07. When reasons for non arrangement of guest lect ures in 2006-07 and 2007-08, and for issue of lesser nu mber of aw ard s/gold m ed als/sch olarshi ps than the nu mber of


) ) )) )) ))>

endowments received, were called for, NALSAR had st ated th at the reasons for non conduct of end ow ment guest lectu res durin g 2007-08 was medals I scholarships. The audit report records th at the following records/infor m a tion were not made available:(a) Agreement conclud ed with the firm (b) Detailed estimates of the works (c) Work order placed with the firm (d) RA bills sub m itted by the fi rm. du e to ad mini strative and academic reasons. It was silent about the short fall in the issu e of gold







NALSAR replied that, during shiftin g of the room, some of the record s were misplaced and, after tracing the record s, the same will be sub mitted to aud it.



The A.G. Audit obser ved that NALSAR bad short recovered m ess du es a moun tin g to Rs ..10, 15,2 0 8 / - from the stu d en ts a s again st the actual expenditure incurred durin g the period 20 06 -07 & 20 07 -08.



NALSAR replied that the dues were collected but accounted for in the sub seq uen t years of acc ounts, and a ssu red to produce

) )>

details to the next audit. During the period 2006-07 & 2007 -08, NALSAR had sh ort collected tuition fees amou ntin g to Rs.60,83,077 /fr o m out of

) ))>

B.A.LL.B & LL.M stu d e nts. NALSAR replied that, R s.60.83 lakh s, tuition fees of Rs.43.86 lakh 2006-07 & 2007 -08 was collected in the year 2008-09.

for the years


The A.G. audit obser ved th at NALSAR had not fu rni shed the following record s for the years 2006 -07 &. 200 7-08 1. Register of deposits 2. Register of fixed assets 3. Register of in vest ments 4. Stock registers of con su mables 5. Purchase file s 6. Register of maintenan ce of qu arter s 7 . DCB register for fees and mess charges 8. Register of stores, stock & fu rniture 9 . U.D.P. register 10. Budget control register 11. TA, TIA, LTC bills register

))) )

) ) )


) )

) )



12. Construction record s such as Tender files, M.Books, Esti mates etc., for the year 2004-05> NALSAR replied th at the records were not upd ated and, af ter

upd ating, the sam e would be shown to next audit.

T h e AG rep o rts, h er ein ab o v e referre d , refle cts th e d is m al stat e of affairs in the m a int en a n ce of a c co u n ts, a n d ad h ere n c e to ac cep ted ac co u n tin g p ro c ed u r es, by NALSAR. None of th e A.G . A u d it r ep o rts w er e p la ce d b efo re th e

) )

G e n e ra l C o u n cil of NALSAR for th e ir in fo r m a tio n a n d n ec es sa r y a c tio n .(c) >




From its incep tio n till date, NALSAR h a s u n de rtak en 2 6 p r oje c t s e n tr u sted to it by the Govern ment of India, the G overn m ent of A nd hra T;'radesh, the Ford F o un dalion,


Inte r na tion al Labou r O rga nizat ion a nd ot he r s. O ut of th ese 26 projects, 19 p r ojects have been


co m p lete d, a nd the ot her 7 are in progres s. The a cc o u n ts of these projects are m aintai ne dby

NALSAR. The fu n ds received from project is credited in exp en ditu re

the sp o n so r s of the

NALSAR's b a nk acc ou n t, a nd the project is paidby

inc urred to wards the

NALSAR from ou t of these fun ds.




)) ) )





D etails of the p roject e xp e nditure are not reflected in the a n n u al fin a n cial state m en t s of NALSAR, nor de tails b r o ug h t to the notice of either the are su c h Fin an ce

C o m m ittee or the G eneral C ou ncil of NALSAR.>


b ala nc e she et of NALSAR merely reflects the o u tstan din g a gainst the projects i.e.,

total the

am ount

o u tstan din g a m o u n t yet to be sp e n t, from

o u t of the the

a mo unts receive d un der eac h p roject, is sho w n in sch ed ule to the b ala nc e she et , a nd the

c um ulative

o u tstan din g a m o u n t, of all the projects to gether, sho w n on the liabilities side of the Balance sh e et.>



a ctu al e xp e n d itur e inc urr e d, m relation to eac h

pr oject, is not reflected in the inco m e a nd e xp e nd iture a cc ou n t of NALSAR.>

))\ /

Like NALSAR A cc ou nts, m aintena nce of p r o jec t a cc o u n ts is also tar d y, no n-tra nsp aren t a nd de ficient.


T h oug h utilizatio n certificates h ave b e en sen t to the concer ne d Ministr y I sp o nsor of the project for the


following five proje cts, details of the e xp e nd itu re incu rre d in relation to each project, has neither b een recor de d m the p r oject a cc ou nts of NALSAR, nor are th e bills of

e xp e nd iture in relation to these pr ojects available.






)Na me of th e Project: E xp en d itu re for w h ich no in f or m a tio n is a v a ilab le


1. Ministry of Environ mental and infrastructure facilities

R s.7,6 6,69 8 Rs.1,56,557 Rs.6,39,7 87 R s.3,47,330 Rs.4, 16,090

2. International La bou r Organizatio n 3. Judicial Process Review Project 4. Ministry of HRD copy rights\


5. Centre for Good Governan ce

Th ou gh utilization ce rtifi cat es have been se nt on completion of certain projects, to the concerned M inistry/ sponsor, t he accoun t s of these projects have not yet been finalised on the ground th at bills, and other details regardin g payments m ade, have not yet been made available to t he Accounts Department by the Co-



ordin at or s of these projects. Details of these projects are: 1) Centre for Good Governance Legal Frame work for effec tive R edressal 2) Preparation of new Rent Control Law)>

)) )


60,0 00

Rs. 2,81,2 00 expend iture in cu rred towards the Faculty


From paid


of the

a for e sai d proj ect s the h onorariu m and s h are of profit to the Vice-Chancellor, Regist r a rs and me m bers of NALSAR are a s un der:


) )






) )P rojec twise brea kup of H onora riu m a n d Sha re o f p r o fit g iv e n to fa cu lty in a d d itio n t o th eir sa la riesP ro . S l. P r o f. R a n bi La ks h m i n a No Na me of t h e p r o j e c t r Singh th M i ni str y of E n vi r o n m e nt al a nd 2 5000 30000 1. " n f r a st r u c t u r e a c i li ti e s n te r n a tio na l uabo ur 30000 2. p r ga ni zati o n l!'_roject !Ce n t r e fo r G o o d 3. 82000 157000 !G o v e r na n c e o tal 137000 187000 P r o f. Sr idha r A c h ary ul u D r. N. Va s a n t hi







750 0


In additio n to the salar y, an d othe r pe rq uisi tes, pa id to them by NALSAR, so me of the teac hi ng facul ty of NALS AR have b een p aid ho n orariu m from project fu n d s. Exce p t for


P r o f. K a lp a n a Ka n n a bira n , w h ose hon orarium

from th e


p r oject w as adj u sted tow ar ds her mon thly salary, the h o n o rariu m paid to ot her facult y mem b e rs of NALSAR, includin g the Vice-Chancellors and Regis tra r s, from these pr oject s is in additio n to their m o nthly re m u ne ra tio n.>



The ti m e spe nt by t he facu lty on th ese p roje c ts o u tside the c a m p u s on wor king da ys, or d u ring w orki ng ho urs, is tr e a te d a s 'on du ty'. As a resu l t t hey receive thei r s alary a n d o th er p e rq u isite s from NA LSAR for a m ajo r part of th e time sp e n t by the m on th ese projec ts.


In additio n to the honora riu m received from the projects , the project coordina tor, (who is eithe r the Vice -c ha n cellor, Regis t r ar or a fac ulty m e mber of NALSAR), is p e r m itted lo


)) )j


) )


retain the b alance re maining m the project fun ds, after incurring p roject exp On the gr o un d were that NALS AR, m an d research its fa cult y p roje cts,

m e m b ers,


trainin g progra m mes a nd con su lta n c y wo rks, it was proposed to give the m the benefit involved in th ese activities, a nd to di strib ute the de d u cting all e x p e n se s as un d e r: net sav in gs afte r


Univers ity S h ar e




Research Projects Trainin g Progra m m e s C on sulta nc y a) Ins titution al b) Individu a l

40% 40%

S h ar e for Person(s ) involved 60 %60%

40% 30 %

60% 70%


The said a m o u nt wa s to l>e given to e ntitled pe rson s i.e., the p er son, b e cause of whose efforts, projec t / t r ainin g progra m m e, consulta nc y ha d com e to the institutio n ; a s also the person who, a s a fa culty m e mb e r, h ad got


individual c onsu lta n c y during lhe c ourse of e m p loym e n t.

) )/






T his p rop osal was accep te d by the E xecutive C ou ncil in its m e eti ng held on 0 8 .0 3.2 0 0 8 . R esolutio n read s a s u n der: The Execu tive Council

Item N o.13 D istrib utio n of a m o u nt re c eived in co nsu lta ncy I re searc h pr o jec ts/ tra inin g prog ra m m e s e tc ."The Executive Council after discussion decided to approve the same as mentioned in the agenda. However, they were of he opinion that it may be reviewed after one year." >>

Prior to th e resolu tion of the 8 .3.2 0 08 , th e Vice

Exec utive C o u ncil da te d Facult y


C ha ncellor, R egistrar and

m e m be r s of NALSA R we re taking away the e n ti r e s u r p lu s in the se pr oje cts, w itho ut shari ng i t with NALSAR. While




resolu tion

of the

E xecuti ve C o u ncil date d

08 .03.2 0 0 8 req u ir es th e m at ter to be revie w ed after one

)) ))>

year , no su c h e xe rcise of review h a s been un de rta ke n till d a te. While the u tilization certificates su b m i tte d by NALSAR to the concer n ed Min istr y /sp o n so r of th e p rojec t merely

reflects t he total ho norariu m paid u n d e r the p roject, the b r eak u p of the h o n o r ari u m /ex ce ss of income over project e xp e nditu r e p aid to the pr oj ec t D ir ecto r/ Co-ord in ato r

(either the Vice C ha ncellor, R egistrar or facu lty m em be r of NALSAR) is not sho w n in s u ch T his i nfor m ation is also not Cou ncil of NALSAR. u t ilization cer tifica te s. th e G en eral

placed before








We were in for m e d that neither ho no r ariu m , nor excess of inco m e over e xp e nd itur e, has b ee n paid to th e project-coordinator w it h regards the seven on-going projects till d a t e.


From o u t of the c o m p leted 19 p rojects no info r m a tion is a v a ila b le for six of the co m p leted th e h o n o ra riu m / ex ce ss of pr ojects w ith reg ar d s over project



mco me

e xp e nd iture p aid to the cor:cerned project D irector. T h oug h the a m ou n t san ction e d fo r Lhe six projects below m ention ed has b een rece ived by NALSAR, in its en tirety, ) no project exp end iture details are a va ilab le for th ese projects:


)) ) )

1. Ministry of E n vir o n m en tal In fra st ru ctu ral facilities

2. International Labour Organisation P r o j ec t 3. En viron mental sensitization 4. Judicial process review pr o j e c t 5. Ministry of HRD copy ri gh t s

2 ,4 3 ,4 4 3 1 ,8 0 ,0 0 0 2 ,1 9 ,8 3 5 2 ,3 0 ,6 7 0 2 ,4 2 ,4 6 7


6. Centre for good g o ve r n a n c e>

D etail s of the h o n orariu m p aid, a n d sha re of profit given, to the Project Co-ordinator for the r e m a in in g 1 3 p ro jec ls a r e a s u n d e r:






Prof. Ranbir Singh (Form er Y..C.) Prof. Veer Sin gh V .C ) Prof.Gh ansh yam Singh, (Former Registrar) Prof.K.V.S. Sarma, (Former Registrar) Prof. M. Sridh ar Acharyulu (P re sen t Registrar) Dr. K.V.K. S a n th y Dr. V a san th i (P resent

2 7 ,6 6 ,5 8 7 8 0 ,0 0 0 2 ,77 ,0 0 0 2 2 ,0 3 ,8 2 1 3 5 ,0 0 0 1 ,99 ,3 8 2 4 0,0 0 0 2 1 ,9 0 0 1 ,31,9 9 0 1 ,27 ,9 9 0 5 0 ,0 0 0 7 0 ,0 0 0 1,50 ,0 0 0 1 3 ,5 2 ,0 0 0


Prof.Vijender Ku mar Prof.Vidyu lath a Reddy

) )

Ms. G.O.K. S a n d h y a R u hi P au l Nalin B h arti Un iversity S h a re

) )

The Vice-Chancellor, in h is note sub m itted to th is C o m m itt e e d a te d 2 9 .7 .2 0 1 1 , in f o r m ed tha t the fundin g ag en cies gra nt research p rojects Lo Lhe fac ulty m e mb ers


an d th eir resea rch tea m; the concerned org anization would)

gra nt fu n d s a cco rd in g to the bu dg et es tim a tes sub m itted by the co ordinator for the research p roje cts; th e

coordin ator

would co mp lete the

p roject an d sub m it th e

ex p enditu re state m en t, an d utiliza tion certificate, to the






concerned org an ization thro ugh NALSAR; after in currin g all ex p enditu re on ex ecution and co mp letion of the project, if a n y su rp lu s is left, the sa m e shall be sh ared by NALSAR and the research tea m in the proportion of 40 :60; in case)

any ind ividu al teach er gets

any consultancy offer, the

sh a r es of the consultant a nd NALSAR in the su r p lu s is to be in the ratio of 7 0 :3 0 a s per the Executive Cou ncil resolution dated 8.3 .20 08; the r esearch p roject grant is not


NALSAR rev en u e; and the University does not sp en d any of its own money on the research projects. While the faculty memb er may well have secured th e project, NALSAR ha s co ntrib ut ed both in term s of time a nd money for the research work u n d ertak en by the faculty m e m b e r . The p eriod sp ent, du ring University work ing h o u rs, by the said faculty on project work is treated asuo11


)I )

duty", an d he is paid full pay and allowances by NALSAR. This also ea ts into the time set ap art betw e en 1.4 0 p.m. to 4.0 0 p. m. for stud ents intera c tion with the faculty. We a r e infor m ed that the p ractice prevalen t is for the Vice


C hancellor to decide which of the faculty me mb ers would get a s h a r e of the profits. If it is on ly the person who gets the project who is entitled to a sha re of the pro fits, there is no justification in oth ers being given a s h a r e a n d , inst ead, su ch p ay m ent mad e to oth ers can a s well be cred ited to the








in stitutio n.

T his p rob le m ca n be ob viated if the project

co o rd in a to r is id e ntified at the o u ts et, a n d the p ercentag e w h ich the faculty memb er would be entitled to as sh ar e o f the p ro fits is stip u la ted even b efore co m m en cement of th e p roject research w o rk.




W hen the))

erstw hile Vice C hance llor Prof.

R anbir

S ing h w ent ab ro a d on six o c ca sio n s, d u rin g the period 2 0 0 3 -0 4 to 2 0 0 7 -0 8 , to co un tries like United Kingdo m, C an ada, Sin g ap ore, E g ypt, Mala s ia a n d C h in a , his flight ch arg es an d p erd ie m ch arg es was p aid by NALSAR. Except


for the trip to Sin g ap o re an d C ana d a, for which he was paid by the Ford F o u n d ation, the tota l a m o u nt in cu rr ed by


NALSAR for his foreign trips are :a) Fligh t ch a rge s (oth er th an c ha rge s b orn e by Ford F'oun dalion) b) Visa c h arge s c) o th er e xp en ditu re (not in clu d in g e xp en se s b orn e By Ford Fou n d ation ) d) P erd ie m ch arges Total R s.7 ,4 0 ,0 8 1



1 3,3 65

Rs. 1 ,9 6 ,68 0 R s.2 ,83 ,3 0 5 Rs. l2 ,3 3 ,4 3 1

The p resent V ice-C han cellor Prof. Veer Singh w ent ab ro a d on fo ur o cca sw n s, d u rin g the ye ars 2 0 0 9 - 10 to)

)I )






2 0 1 1 - 2 0 1 2 , to C ana d a, Italy, and the United Kin gdom.

For his foreign travel, he was paid NALSAR.

perdiu m allo wance b y

In ad ditio n, he took foreig n ex ch ang e adva n ce

from NALSAR which was later r et urn ed by him. However))

the loss in cu rred by NALSAR, on a cco u nt of fluctuation s in foreign ex ch ange, for the ad van ce tak en by Prof. Veer Sin gh ha s not been recov ered from him till d a le. The exp enditu re in c u rr e d by NALSAR to ward s the foreign travel expenses of Prof. Veer Sing h is a s u n d er:Visa charges Perdiu m charges Loss borne by NALSAR because of fluct uations In foreign exch an ge Rs. 7012 -00 Rs. L,38,294-00 Rs. 8 ,5 59 -00




R s.l,5 3, 86 5-00


NALSAR claim s to be following the daily a llo wan ce rates ap p lica b le to C en tral G overn ment officers with go

reg ard s p a y m ent of daily allo wan ce for tho se who a b r o a d to attend co nferences etc.


The q u estio n is not wh ether the Vice-Chancellor of NALSAR h a s been paid excessively for his inter n atio na l trav el but w heth er th ere are any sys tem s in p lace to decide w h eth er or not the foreign travel of the Vice-Cha ncellor is in the in t erests of NALSAR; w hether he sh o u ld travel

ab roa d; if so who sho u ld gra n t per miss ion ; a n d , if he is so







p ermitted, wh ether it is NALSAR or the Vice-C han cellor himself who shou ld bear the entire ex p endi t ure. The Leave Regulations, for tea ch ers of NALSAR, was approv ed by the Executive Council of NALSAR in its



meeting held on 1 3 .11.1 999.

Reg ulation 4 of the s aid

Leave R eg ulations prescribes "duty leave" a n d , u n d er s u bregu lation (1) thereof, "duty leave" may be granted for

) )

attend in g con f erences, co ngresses, symp osia an d sem ina r s on behalf of the University, or with t he p ermission of th e University. Under sub -reg ula tion (ii) , the du ra tio n of this leave sh ou ld be su ch a s may be considered necessary by ) the san ction i ng au tho rity on each o ccasion . Part 13 of the Leave Regulations specifies the authorities co mp eten t to


sanctio n leave a n d , un der clau se (3) thereof, the Executive C oun cil is the au thority co mp etent to sa n ctio n any type of leave oth er tha n ca su al leave/ sp ecial leave to the Vicech ancellor an d the Registra r. C lau se (4) en ab les the Vicechan cellor to avail casu al l.eave or specia l ca su al leav e u n d er intim atio n to the C hancellor. As " duty leave" is a


leave, oth er t h an casual leave/ sp ecial casual leave, the erst w h ile a n d the present Vice-chan cellors cou ld have

travelled a broad on duty leave only a fter ob tainin g p n o r sanctio n of the Executive C ou ncil. The word 'san ction' can only mean p rio r ap p roval, a n d not su b seq u ent ratification.



) ))




In an y ev en t both the erstwhile and Executive Cou ncil nor has the

the present ViceExecutive Cou ncil

) ))

C h a n cello rs ha ve neith er o b ta in ed pr ior san ct ion from th e subseq uently ratified their foreign trips . The period of the Vice-Chancellor's absence fro m


d u t y , d u r in g the period of his foreign Lravel, is tr ea le d a s"on duty" leave a n d , for the said period, NALSAR p ays him


sa la ry a n d oth er p erq uisiles a s if he is on duty.


w ritten p ermission or app rova l of eithe r the C h