\ LEGAL N(KriC£S. LEGAL NOTICES. et a I, Defundani In pursuance ol‘ a Judgment and decree of foreclosure and sale duly granted by tills Court, and entered In the Erie Conn cay of I'Vntu- referee, dv.lv a. ty Clerk's Chi c ary, ULl, l, the uudeysignt d appointed in this action for such purpose tviil expose for sale' and sell at public auc- tion to the hi .best bidder therefor, at the Buffalo Kwal 10s til to Exchange Koi m, No, 210 Pearl Hirert, In tho City of Bnifalo, County of lOrie and State of New York, on the lOth DAY OP A l'tliL , 1001, at 10 o'clock In the forenoon <>f that day, •the real i state and morift ajp>d premises directed in ami by said judgment to be sold, and therein described as follows, or so much thereof a.s will bo sutllcbnt to upon said judgment, nay tin? am amt due lo wit : All that tract or pareel of land, situate In the town of To na Wan da, being a part of lot number IS, township 12, range s of the Holland Lind Company’s land an sur- veyed by said company and described a.s follows: Reglnn.ng* at a point In the easterly line of sail! let number 15, nine (9) chains, twelve (12) links, southerly of the north- east corner thereof and rumfiug thence south SI) deffrece winyhes we-1 slxty- olght (tv '?) ch Jirt, slxijf-two (*X) links to the line of the Now York SH jrc Reserva- tlon; thonco south 1 detfTO-e, 10 minutes west live (5) chair.*, sixty-e:~vhL links; thence north M ) decree©. £9 minutes oast sixty-ci;.;iu (59) chalks, eighty-five (35) links to the easterly lino c f mid lot 46; thence no-'h 1 degree, 10 minutes west on said easterly line of live (.1) chains, sixty- eight (83) links to tho place* of beginning. Containing thirty-nine and four one- bund.-Qdihs (A*> *4-10®) acres. Also nil that ,ple-o© or parcel of land, situate in said town, county and State aforesaid, bounded and dehertbed as fol- lows: Being a part of Vot 46, township 12, range S of tho Holland Land Company's survey, iM^mulng at the northeast cor- ner of s.aiff lot 46; and running thence south SD deg Nos, 51 minutes, west fifty- nine CO) chains, etghty-tive (8>) links to tho line <f thtv Nov York State ltesorva- tion; thtn.ee south 58 decrees, h) minutes, west ten (10) chains, forty-five (D links; one clC/gree, 10 minutes, west (I'is. tv/enty-slx (2 ’>) links thence south tl'rce (0) elm thence north sixty-eight 1 links to tb thence non on the rah ntne (8) <•! place of b acres of la Dated. B CLARK 1! h corncy. Of. 75fi El licet: The sale of ’son is hereby of A p r i l , 191/1. Dated, fill if: CM.' ! CLARK tornoy, 1 degrees, 60 minutes, east .•bains, sixty-two (02). / line of said lot 46;, -cs. 10 minutes, west due of said lot 4''., c (12) linus to the urtaining sixty (GO) Y.. Pel). L ’Gth. 1001. L. DEAN. Ue force. R,\!AK, Plaint iff1* At- :•< ' P. O Address. No. •, . •*. Buffalo. N. Y. : • above described prom- I’M ' urnfd to the 2lth day it ;ke some hour and place. i\ .. N. Y., April U). 1901. >? i .Kg I,. DEAN, Referee, it TiM lOrt.MAN, Plaintiff’s At- OlTiec ar.d P. O. Address, No. V B \,V YORK-COUNTY flQUliT).KRlE -H County, lltnry \Y. Box and Mantel O' Day, plaintiffs, vs. Anna, Slmniska, du- fi-iidar, t. In pursuance of a judgment of fore- closure ami stile duly granted by this Com!, and entiled in tho Erie County Ch rk's Office on tho 10th day of May, I'i'i, I. the umUuvdg'ihMf referee duly ap- pointed In this action for such purpose, will <xpose for sale and se at public auction, to tho highest bidder therefor, at Cue Buffalo Coal E-.-tnU* Exchange RoOm, No 2U) Pearl .Street, in the City of But- tali), Couiuy of Erie and State of New Ymk, on the 2>,n MAY Ml*' JUNE, 1901, tit 10 o’clock In the forenoon of that day, the ifoal estate and mortgaged premises directed in and by slid judgment to be soal and therein described as follows, or so much thereof as will be sufficient to pay the amount due upon said Judgment, to wit: \I1 that tract or parcel o-f land situate in the Town of CheekiOWHga, County of Eric and State of Ntw York, being part of farm lot fifteen (15), Tow tush Ip eleven (II), Range seven (7), of the Holland Land Company's survey, and upon a certain subdivision map of a part of said lot Id. ceil (15), lite.il in the K'rlo County Cl. rk’s Off loo under Cover No. 401, is known a.s subdivision lots Nos. one (1), two (2), three (3), four (l), live (5), six (6), .‘■even (7), one hundred I'm ty-three (153), ttnd the westerly one-third of lot one hun - ch'd tifty-two (152), immediately adjoining tho southerly end of lot one hundred fifty-three (1'53), a ini' making said lot one hundred fifty-three, thirty (35) feet great - er in depth, Block “A.” Dated, Buffalo, N. Y., May 10, 1991. WM. 11. PEABODY, Referee. VAN PELT &, SELKIRK, Plaintiff's At- torneys, 869 IGllicott Square, Buffalo, N. Y. Seneca Street. V low YORK—‘C'Ol’NTY COURT, ll Ccunty.-rtFrank Raynor and one, tlrt Dote In .1 against nd mts. pursuance Loren IV . Boies and ERIE Piatn- others, of a judgment of fore- closure and sale duly granted by tills Court and entered in the Erie County Clerk's office on the 9th. day of May, 1901: l, the undersigned ref’ rce, duly appointed in tills action for such purpose, will ex- pose for sale and sell at public auction, to the highest bidder therefor, at tho Buf- falo Real Estate Exchange Room, No. 2M ) Pearl Street, in the City of Buffalo, County of Erk? and State of New York, on the 1st DAY OE ,1ITT,Y, 1901, at 10 o’clock, in the forenoon of that day, ihe real estate and mortgaged premises directed in and by said judgment to be m. UI, and therein deseiibod as follows, or no much thereof as will be sunicienl to pay the amount duo upon said judgment, to wit: All that tract or parcel of land situate in the City of Buffalo, County of Erie aid State of New York, beginning at the point of intersect ion of the southwesterly line of Seneca Street with the norlh- \vi sterly line of lot 37 of the village tract, Square, Buffalo. N. Y. (he above described premise s rtlier adiourned to the loth 1IKM , at the same hour and 766 L’flicott The sab of Is hereby ft: day of May, place. Mated, Buffalo. April 2i, UKH . t 'iIARl.ES L. L'lOAN. Referee. CLARK If TIMER-MAN, Plaintiff’s At- to r n e \. Office and 1' O Address, No. 756 1 llicott Square. Buffalo. N, Y. The sale of the above described prem- ises Is hereby further adjourned to the Cith day of May, 1901, at the same hour kr.d place. Dated, Buffalo, N. Y„ May 10, 1901. CHARLES L. MEAN, Referee. CLARK H. TIMERMAN, Plaintiff’s At- torney. Oft’ico and P. O. Address, No. 756 IGllicott Square, Buffalo, N.« Y. The v ile of the above described premises Is he11 by further adjourned to the 14th day of June, 1901, at the same hour and place. Dated. Bufrilo, N. Y„ May 21. 1901. CHARI ES L. DEAN. Referee. CLARK II. T1MERMAN, Plaintiff’s At- •torne; Office and P. O. Address, No. 756 EMleotl Square, Buffalo, N. Y. The sale of tho above described prem- ises is hereby further adjourned to the 30th d ty of July, 1001, at the same hour nnd place. Dated, Buffalo, N. Y., June H, 1901. CHARGES I,. DEAN. Referee. CLARK ft. TTM.EIKIMA.N, Plaintiff’s At- torney. Otilco and P. O. Address, No. T56 Rillcott Square, Buffalo, N. Y. Property in Tonnwancla. C OUNTY COlfllT, ERIE COUNTY.— Adelbert. J. Harvey, as Trustee of the Buffalo and Troy Land Mortgage Syndi- cate, plaintiff, against James II. Bostvick, et al., defendants. In pursuance of a Judgment and decree of foreclosure and sale duly granted oy this Court, and entered in the Erie County Clerk’s ollles on the I4th day of February, 1901, I, the undersigned referee, duly ap- pointed in this action for such purpose, will expose for sale and sell at public auc- tion, to the hik'd eat bidder therefor, at the Buffalo Real Estate Exchange Room, No. 210 Pearl Street, in the City of Buffalo, County of Erie arid State of Now Y'ork, on the 29TU DAY OE MARCH, 1901, at 10 o’clock in the forenoon of that day, the real estate and mortgaged premises directed In any by said judgment to be sold, and therein described as follows, or mo much thereof as will bo sutllclent to pay the amount duo upon said Judgment, to-wit: All that tract or parcel of in the Town of Tonawanda, southwest part of lot number 12, Range 5 of the Holland panv’s survey, bounded and follows: Beginning at a point on the Mile Line, so called, distant eleven (11) chains north, 64 degrees cast from the intersection of tho south litu: of said lot number 43 with fiald Milo Line; thence north 5i degrees east along said- Mile or State Reservation Line, twi nly-lhr*e (23) chains, nlncty-lour (9-1) links: thence due last parallel with the south lino of said lot number 45, thirty-live (35) chains, eighty-eight (88) Links to a stake; thence south eight (3) chains, thirty (30) llpks to a stake; thonco parallel with the douth line of -said lot dumber 15, six (6) chains, thirty (30) links to the et nter of tho Two Mile Creek Road to Tonawanda: thence south 35 degrees west along tho middle of raid road to a point therein distant seven (7) chains northeast! riv from the intersection of the south liim of lot 45 with the middle of said road: thoitce west parallel with the south line of lot 15. forty-seven (47) chains and sixteen (If.) links to the State Reservation Line ut the place of beginning. Contain- ing fifty-live and eleven one-hundredths (55 11-100) acres of land. Dated, Buffalo, N. Y., February 11th, 1901. CHARLES L. DEAN. Referee. CLARK H TIM HUMAN, Plaintiff’s At- • tornoy. Office and P. O. Address, No. 756 IGllicott Square, Buffalo. N. Y. The sale of tho above described prem- ises Is hereby adjourned to the 10th day of May, 1901, at the same hour and place. Dated, Buffalo, N. Y., March 29, 1901. CHARLES L. DEAN, Referee. CLARK 11. TIM ERMAN, Plaintiff's At- torney, Office and P. (). Address, No. 766 ElUeott Square, Buffalo, N. Y, The silo of the above described prem- ises is hereby further ;vd,i ti. i.* *. 241>i day of May, 1901, at the samo hour un.d place. Dated, Buffalo. N. Y„ May 1!), 1901. CHARLES L. DEAN, Referee. CLARK II. TIMERMAN, Plaintiff's At- torney. Office and P. O. Address, No. 756 IGllicott Square, Buffalo, N. Y. The sale of (he above described premises j is hereby further adjourned to the Hth I day of June. 1901, at the same hour and place. Dated, Buffalo. N. Y., Mav 21. 1901. #’U AR LUS L. MEAN. Referee. CLARK It TIMER-MAN. Plaintiffs At- forne,v Otilco and P. o. Address, No. 756 F lli. ott Suuare. Buffalo, N. Y. The sale of the above d< rerihed prem- dses Is hereby further adjourned to Hie 29th day of July, 1901, at tin? sum hour nnd place. Mated, Buffalo. N. Y., June 14, 1901, CHA BUG’S L. MIG,AN, Referee. CLARK 11. TI.M Elt'Al AN. Plaintiffs At- torniy. office and B. (). Address. No. T54 EDieott Square, Buffalo, N. Y. ao-callud, running thcr.c-e southwesterly 37 one thonco Street y par- on the northwest line of said lot hundred' and sixty (1(0) loot; southeasterly parallel with Seneca eighty (80) feet; Uunce northeaster] a!kl with the first described lino one hun- dred and sixty (130) feet to tho said lino of Seneca Street; and tin nee r.ortlnvestei - ly on said lino of Seneca Street eighty (SO) feet to the place of beginning.- Mated, Buffalo. N. Y., June 7, 1901. NILES C. BARTiH'OLiO'MKAV. Re,force. UIRMSIGY M . JACKSON, Plaintiffs’ At- torney, Buffalo, N. Y. G COURT, ERIE McLeod against COUNTY.— Caroline L. land, situate being in the 15. Township Land Conn described as OUNTY George Wiles. In pursuance of a judgment of ford1 closure and salo duly granted by this Court, and entered in the Erio County Clerk’s Office on the 6th day of May, 1901, 1, tho undersigned referee duly ap- pointed in this action for such purpose, will expose for sale and sell at public auction, to the highest bidder therefor, at the Buffalo Real Estate Exchange Room, No. 219 Pearl Street, in the City of Buf- falo, County of Erie and State of New York, on tho 29T1I DAY OE MAY, .1901, at 10 o’clock in the forenoon of that day, the real estate and mortgaged premises directed in and by said judgment to be sold, and therein described as follows, or so much thereof as will bo sufficient to pay the amount due upon said judgment, to-wit; All that tract or parcel of land situate in the City of Buffalo, County of Erie and State of New York, known and dis- tinguished as subdivision lot nuiffbor two (2), according to a subdivision map and survey of a part of lot number fifty-two (52), township ten (19), range seven (7), made by 10. Sp mdenberg, and tiled in Erie County Clerk’s Office under cover number live hundred and forty-eight (548), and more particularly bounded and de- scribed as follows: Beginning at a point In southeasterly line of Kingston Place at the distance of one hundred and sixty (160) feet south- wosti rly from the intersection of said line of Kingston Place with the south- westerly line of Seneca Street; running thonco southeasterly and parallel to said line of Seneca Street ninety-nine and 88-100 (99 88-100) feed; thence southwesterly and parallel to said lino of Kingston Place forty (10) feet; thence northwesterly and parallel to said line of Seneca Street ninety-nine and 88-100 (99 88-100) feet to said line of Kingston Place, and thence northeasterly and along said line of Kingston Place forty (10) feet to the place of beginning. Dated. Buffalo, N. Y., May 6, 1901. HERMAN J. ARNiSON, Referee. AUGUST BECKER, Plaintiff’s Attorney, No. 210 Pearl St., Buffalo, N. Y. Tho sale of the above described prem- ises is hereby adjourn*! to the 5th day of June, 1901, at the same hour and pl^ce. Dated. Buffalo, N. Y., May 29th. 1901. HERMAN J. ARN’SON, Referee. AUGUST BECKER, Plaintiff's Attorney, No. 210 Pearl Street. Buffalo. N. Y. The sale of tho above described prom- ises is hereby further .adjourned to the 12th day of June, 1901, at tho same hour and place. Dated, Buffalo, N. Y., June 5, .1901. HERMAN J. ARN-SON, Refereo. AUGUST BECKER. Plaintiff’s Attorney, No. 210 Pearl St., Buffalo. N. Y. The sale cf the a'bove described prom- ises Is heroiby further adjourned to the 191h day of June, 1201, a>t the same hour and place. Dated. Buffalo. N. Y., June 12. 1901. HERMAN J. ARNISON, Referee. AUGUST BECKER, Plaintiff’s Attorney, No. 210 Pearl St., Buffalo, N. Y. Property in Tonapvnnila. OUNTY COURT, ERIE COUNTY.**. Arthur \V. Pert’lval, Plaintiff, against i he Ktnmore and Englewood Avenue Lund Company and one, Defendants. In pursuance of a judgment and decree of fo.-telosure and sale duiy granted by this Court, and entered in the Brie Coun- ty Clerk's Office on the 10th day of April, UOl, I, tlm undersigned referee duly ap- pointed in this action for such purpose, .will expose for sale and sell at public auction, to the highest bidder therol'or, at tHo Buffalo lUul Estate Exchange Room, No. 210 Pearl Street, in tho City of Buf- falo, County of Erie and State of Now York, on the 23d DAY OE MAY. 1901, at 10 o’clock in the forenoor of that day, tho real estate and mortgaged promises directed in and by- said judgment to bo sold, and therein described as follows, or So much thereof ak \yul be sufficient to pay the amount due upon said judgment, to wit: All that tract or parcel of land, situate in the Town of Tonawanda, COunty of Erie and State of New- York, being part of Lot 22, Township 12, Range 8 of tho Holland Land Company’s survey, and known on the Englewood Land Com- pany's map of said premises, made by William J. White, surveyor, and Hied in Erie County Clerk's office under cover 431, as subdivision Block number Three (3) and bounded as follows: Commencing at a point in a line drawn parallel to and distant twenty-one hun - dred ninety-seven and twelve one- hundredlhs (219(.12) foet, easterly tit right angles from the west line of said lot 22 and eight hundred six ana forty-eight one- himdredths (806.48) feet north front the south line of said Lot 22, which point Is at the intersection of tho center line Of Essex Street with tho center line of Wen- del Avenue, as laid out on said company's map. 'Phence westerly at right angles with said parallel line and along the oeti* ter lino of Essex Street, three hundred ten (3i0) teet to its intersection with tho center line of Claremount Avenue. Thence southerly at -right angles and along the center line of Claremount Avenue, eight huntfreo amt five and two one-hundredths (800.02) feet to lho south line of said Lot 22. Thence easterly along said last men- tioned line, three hundred ten (J19) foot to its Intersection witn tho confer line of Wendel Avenue. Thence northerly along the center lino of W-eiidel Avenue eight hundred six and fortv-nlne hundredths (S0l>.49) foot, to the placo of beginning. Ex- cepting therefrom a certain part of said premites, being thirty-two (32) feet front on. Claremount Avenue, by ono hundred twenty-live (125) feet deep: being situat- ed on tno east side of said Avenue, one hundred thirty-eight and sixteen hun- dredths (138.16) foet north of Kenmoro Avenue; being subdivision Lot No. 51 and the northerly two feet of subdivision Lot No. 52. on a subdivision map of block 3 of Lot No. 22. Township twelve (12) Range eight (8) as laid out on map filed in Erio County Clerk’s Office, under cover 43t. Dated, Buffalo, N. Y.. April 11th, 1901. EDGAR J. WHOIiF, Referee. BUSCH & HAllVEx, Plaintiff’s Attor- neys. Aouress, .617 Mooney Bldg., Buf- falo. N. Y. The sale of the above described prem- ises is hereby adjourned to the 81st day of May, .1901, at the same hour and placo. Dated, Buffalo,N. Y., May 23, 1901. EDGAR J. WHOltE, Referee.' BUSCH & HARVEY, Plaintiff’s Attor- neys, Address, 617 Mooney Bldg., Buf- falo, N. Y. The sale of the above described prem- ises is hereby further adjourned to tho 21th day of June, 1901, -at the same hour and place. Dated, Buffalo, N. Y., May 31, 1901. EDGAR J. WHORE, Referee. BUSCH & HAltVEY, Plaintiff’s Attor- neys, Address, 617 Mooney Bldg., Buf- falo, N. Y. Weiss I5eex* NW COUP' ■ill or Vs. iT, ERIE iCl/.bietn MEW YORK—CO iCounty.—Deane Cieslelska. In pursuance of|r# judgment of fore- closure and sale duly granted by this Court, uml entered*.,bi the Erie County Clerk’s Office on the, 22d day 1901, I, the undersigned referee, duly ap- pointed in this action (for such purpose, will expose for and sell at public auction, to tho highest bidder therefor, at tho Buffalo ltea-l Estate Exchange Room. No. 210 Pearl StreOti hit the City of Buf- falo, County of Efteq and State of New York, on the 8th lM Y (>E JUDY, 1901, at 10 o’clock in the Iforfenoon of that day, the real estate and- [mortgaged, premises directed in and by said1 judgment to be sold, and therein described as follows, or ao much thereof as will be sufficient to pay the amount due upon said* judgment, to-wit: All that tract or parcel o-f land, situate in the City Of Buffalo, County of Erie and State of New York, situate, lying and being In tho City of Buffalo, County of Erie and State of New York, and being part of lot No. eight (8) of Ixiyejoy’a and Emslie’s survey of land usually called the Buffalo Creek 'Reservation, and being dis- tinguished as subdivision lot forty-three (43) on a map- made of a part of said lot 8* by Henry L, Lyon, -surveyor, and filed September 27, 1803, in Erio County Clerk’-s Office in map covers No. 619, and bounded and described as follows: Beginning at a point in tho westerly lino of Weiss Streot’ninety (9D) -feet south - erly of its intersection wAtl\ the south- erly lino of Boer Street; thence southerly aiong tho westerly lino of Weiss Street thirty (39) feet; thorite westerly and on a line drawn parallel with Ifceer Street one hundred (199) foet; thence- northerly and on a line drawn parallel with Weiss Street thirty (30) -feet; thence easterly and on a lino- dr&iwn parMlot w ith ’Beer iStreet one hundred* (190) feot to Weiss-Street, the place of beginning. Dated’ , (Buffalo, N. Y., Juno 3, 1901, EDWARD M. SICARD, Referee. A. C. SPANN, (Plaintiffs Attorney, 298 Main St., Buffalo, N. Y. Weiss St., N. of Beer St. ATK’W YOR K-r-C041NTY IN C o u n t y . —C h a r l e s G. C Notice to Cx’cditox’s. IUCK, CHARLES. Pursuant to an order A . oi H ii-.. Louis \\ Ma reus, Surrogate of Erie County, New York, notii-e is here - by given to all persons having claims or demands against Charles Pick, late of Buffalo, that they are required to exhibit same with vouchers thereof u> Katharine fiomrau, executrix of said deceased's will, at the office of Hammond & Hammond.’ in Bnffahj October, I Dated. March 29, 1901. KATHARINE SIOMKAI HAM.Mi >,\ | > HAMMOND, Executrix-. 85 \V. Eagle St.. Buffalo. Buffalo Loan, Trust nnd Safe posit Co. or. or before the lirst day of Executrix. Attorneys for N. Y. j De- ! The annual meeting of the B’ .oek lioid- the Buffalo Loan. 'Trust ?Gifo Deposit Company, for tin* purpojo ’ of Meeting 17 trustees and three inspectors M flection, will bo held at the office of laid company, 'Tuesday. July nth, 199J. foils open from 10 a. in. to 12 in. Secretary. CHARLES J2. CLARK. Gvicler St., S. of W arwick Avo. n OUNTY COURT, IGRHG TOIINTY.- Agnes B. Earl vs. The Buffalo Building Nr Investment Company, et al. In pursuance of a judgment off fero- olosure and sale, . duly granted by this Court, and tutored in the Erio County Clerk’s Office on the 13th day of June, 1901, I, the undersigned referee, duly ap- pointed in this action for such purpose, will expose for sale and sell at public auction, to the highest bidder therefor, at the Buffalo Real Estate Exchange Room, No. 210 Pearl Street, in the City of Buf- falo, Ni w York, on the 8th DAY O'E JULY, 1901, Ihe i olio wing described premi-ses: Ail that tract or parcel of land, situate at Kensington in tho City of Buffalo, County of Erie and State of Now York, known as subdivision lot (No. 1) number one in Block "C,” according to a survey and map of the land known as the Mc- Arthur's farm, made in May, 1887, by Georgo E. Mann, C. E., which map Is filed In Erie County Clerk’s Office under cover No. 274, said lot being bounded and described as follows: Beginning at a point In the cast line of Grider Street (35) thirty-live feet south of the intersecting south line of War- wick Avenue with the east line of Grider Street; tin nee northerly along tho east lino of Grider Street (33) thlrty-dlve feet; thence easterly along the south line of Warwick Avenue 1132 85-100) one hundred thirty-two and 85-10 feet; thence south - erly (35) thirty-live feet to a point (133 67-lofi) one hundred thirty-two and 67-1C l) feet easterly from the place of be- ginning; thence westerly parallel with Wat wick Avenue (132 67-100) one hundred thirty-two and 67-1(8) feet to the place o-f beginning. Mated, Buffalo. N. Y., June 13, 1901. WILLIAM E. SMITH, Referee. TITUS Nr LAMM, Attorneys for Plaintiff, 3'76 Mooik y-Brisbane Bldg., Buffalo, N.Y Notice to Creditors. j 61811, ANDREW J.—Pursuant to an or- 1 dcr of Hon. Louis W. Marcus, Surro- gate of Erie County, N.' Y., notice is here- by given to all persons having claims or demands against Andrew J. Irish, late of tlie City of Buffalo, in said county, de- ceased, that they are required to exhibit tlie same with vouchers thereof to the undersigned John A. Irish, the executor of the last will and testament of the said deceased, at tho office of Eisher, Coutsworth N: Wendo, attorneys for said executor, No. 438 Main Street, In the City of Buffalo, in said county, on or before the 25th day of September, 1901. Dated, tho 18lh day of March, 1901. JOHN A. HUSH, Executor. FISHER, COATS WORTH St WENDIG, Attorneys for Executor, 438 Main Street, Buffalo. N. Y. C OUNTY COURT, ERIE COUNTY.— Patrick H. Cochrane, plaintiff, against John Freeman, John O’Brian and others, defendants. In pursuance of a judgment of fore- closure and sale duly granted by this Court, and entered in the Erie County Clerk’s Office on the 31st day of May, 1901, I, tho undersigned refereo duly ap- pointed in this action for such purpose, will expose for sale and sell at public auction, to tho highest bidder therefor, at the Buffalo Real Estate Exchange Room, No. 210 Pearl ‘Street, in the City of Buf- falo, County of Erio and State of New York, on tlie 25th MAY OE JUNE, 1901, at 10 o’clock in the forenoon of that day, the real estate and mortgaged premises directed in and by said judgment to be sold, and therein described as .follows, or so much thereof as will be sufficient to pay the amount due upon said judgment, to wit: AJl'that tract or parcel of land, situate in the City of Buffalo, County of Erie and Stale of New York, being part of lot number forty-two (42), Township eleven (11), Range seven (7) of tho Hol- land Land Company’s survey, bounded and described as follows: Commencing at a point in the westerly line of Brinkman Avenue, where It is Intersected by the southerly line of Doat Street; running thence southerly along the westerly lino of Brinkman Avenue, one hundred and twenty-two.and twenty- live hundredths (122 25-160) feet; thence westerly at right angles one hundred and twenty (.120) feet; tnenc® northerly and parallel with Brinkman Avenue one hun- dred tind twenty-one and twenty-eight hundredths (T21 28-100) foet, more or less, to the southerly line of Doat 'Street; thence easterly along said 'southerly line of Doat Street, ono hundred aiid twenty (120) feet to Brinkman Avenue, the place of be- ginning, being lots numbers 5, 6 and 7, and the easterly eighteen (18) feet throughout of lot number four (4) in Block “A,” as laid down on a map made for the Met- ropolitan Land Association, and Hied In Erie County Clerk’s Office under Cover No. 262. Excepting, however tion thereof that was lien of said mortgage, of release in writing, 1897, recorded in Erie lice in Liber 840 of COURT, ERIE Miller vs. A. Frank Gprskl, et al. In pursuance of a judgment of fore- closure and salo duly granted by this Court, and entered In tne Erie County Clerk’s Office on tb© 22d day of May, 1901, I, the undersigned reforee, duly ap- pointed in this action for such purpose, will expose for «alo^and sell at public auction, to tho highest bidder therefor, at the 'Buffalo Real Estate Exchange Room, No. 210 Pearl Street, in* the,City of Buf- falo, County of Erie and State of New York, on tho 10th DAY OE JULY, 1901, at 10 o’clock in the forenoon of that day, tho real estate and mortgaged premises directed In and by said judgment to bo sold, and therein described as follows, or so much thereof aw will be sufficient to pay the amount due upon said judgment, to-wit: All that tract or parcel of land, situate in the City of Buffalo, County o<f Erie and Stato of New York, situate, lying and being ini the City of 'Buffalo, County of Erie and .State of "New York, and being a part of lot number eight (8) of Love- joy’s and1Emslie’s survey of land usually called tho Buffalo Creek Reservation, and being distinguished as subdivision lot number thirty-two on a maip made of a part of said lot eight (8) by Henry L. Lyon, surveyor, and Hied September 27th, 1893, in Erie County Clerk//» Office in map covers No. 619, said, subdivision lot num- ber thirty-two, being bounded and de- scribed as follows: Commencing at a point in. tho westerly line of Weiss Street two hundred and ten (210) feet northerly of its intersection with the northerly line of Beer Street; thence northerly and along'the westerly line of Weiss .Street thirty ,(30) feet; thence west- erly and on a lino drawn parallel with Beer Street, one hundred (100) feet; thence southerly and on a lino drawn parallel with Weiss Street thirty (30) feet, and thence easterly and on a lin© drawn par- allel with Beer iStreot one' hundred (100) feot to the westerly line of Weiss Street at tho place o*f beginning. Dated, Buffalo, N. Y., Juno 3, 1901. JOHN* 0. COLLINS,Referee. A. C. SPANN, Plaintiff’s Attorney, 298 Main St., Buffalo, N. Y. Property in ChcektowaKa. XT E'W YORK COUNTY COURT, ERIE it County,—Charles G. Miller vs. Walter Tate Cody, et al. In pursuance of a judgment of fore- closure and sale duly granted by this Court, and entered in the Elio County Clerk’s Office on the 17th day of May, 1901, i, the undersigned referee duly ap- pointed in this action for such purpose, will expose lor salo and cell rft public auction, to the highest bidder therefor, at tho Buffalo Real Estate Exchange Room, No. 210 Pearl Street, in the City of Buf- falo, County of Erie and Stato of New York, on the 3rd DAY OF JULY, J901, at 10 o’clock in the forenoon of that* day, tho real estate and mortgaged premises directed in and by said •judgment to be sold, and therein describee! as follows, or so much thereof as will bo sufficient to pay tho amount duo upon said judgment, to wit: AJI that tract or parcel of land situate in tlie Town of Cheektowaga, County of Erio and State of Ne\V* York, being part of lot number tiUrty-two (32), I’ownehip eleven (11), Range seven (7) of tho Hol- land Land Company’s survey, and de- scribed iir a certain subdivision map of the Miller Estate Land Company, so called, Hied in tho Erio County Clerk’s Office on tho 28th day ot‘ May, 1888, under cover number 298, as subdivision lots numbers thiftywfour (34). thirty-five (35) and thirty-six (38) in Block “1C,” and mofo particuiarly bounded and described (is follows: Boginnfttg at a point in tho northerly lino.of Reiman Street distant thirty (30) feet westerly from the pobvt of Intersec- tion of suid lino with th© wosbeHy line of Wag nor Avenue; thence running north erly and parallel with Wafchejr. Avenue, one huh^red and twenty (|2D)! thence westerly and parallel with Reiman Street eighty-eight (88) feet to the Hue between tho ’ City of Buffalo and tl\o Town . of Cheektownga; thence southerly and along said last mentioned line one lvuq#red and twenty (120) feot to tho northerly lino of Reimart Street; thence easterly and along (ho northerly line of Reiman Street eighty-eight (88) feet to tho place of be- ginning. Dated,, Buffalo, N. Y,, May, 17, 1901. # PETER MAUL, Bfcferee. ALBERT C. SPANN, Plaintiff^ Attorney, 298 Main St., Buffalo, N. Y. S. of Fulton St. ERIE COUNTY.- f t Con hlivan, et al., de- Chlcngo tvt,., f OUNTY COURT, \J J>ake View Brewing Company, plain* therefrom, a por- released from the by an Instrument dated August 19, County Clerk’s Of- Dcods’at page 156, bounded -and described as follows: Commencing at a point in the south- erly line of Doat Street ninety (90) feet westerly from the intersection of tho westerly line of Brinkman Avenue with the southerly line of Doat Street; run- ning -thence southerly parallel w'lth wild line of Brinkman Avenue ninety-two (92) feet; thence westerly parallel with said line of Doat Street thirty (30) foet; thence northerly about parallel with said line of Brinkman Avenue ninety-two (92) feet to the southerly line 'of Doat Street, and thence easterly on said lino of Doat Street, thirty (30) l’eet to the place of be- ginning. Also excepting therefrom another por- tion thereof that was released from the lien of said mortgage by an instrument of release in writing dated December 29, 1897, recorded In Erie County Clerk’s Office In Liber 833 of Deeds at page 10S, bounded and described as follows: Commencing at a. point in the southerly line of Doat Street at a distance of sixty (00) feet westerly from the west lino of Brinkman Avenue, running thence south at right angles to Doat -Street ninety-two (02) feet; thence west on a line *parallel with Moat Street thirty (30) feet; thence northerly at right angles ninety-two (92) feet to the south line of Doat Street; thence easerly along said south line of Doat Street thirty (30) feet to tho place of beginning. Dated, Buffalo, N. Y., May 31, 1901. CHARLES K. ROBINSON, Referee. P. W. LAWLER, Plaintiff’s Attorneys, 408 Mooney-Brisbano Bldg., Buffalo, N.Y. Person St., N. of jFasliley St. COUNTY.— Kruszka, et C OUNTY COURT, ERIE Grace E. Bird vs. Anton al. In pursuance of a judgment and decree of foreclosure and.1 sale duly granted by this Court, and entered in the Erie County Clerk’s Office, -on the 10th day of June, 1901, I, the undersigned refereo duly ap- pointed in this action for such purpose, will ex-poso for sa'lo and sell at public auc - tion, to the highest bidder therefor, at the Buffalo Real Estate Exchange Room, No. 210 Pearl Street, In the 'City of Buf- falo, County of Erie and State of New York, on the 2d DAY OF JULY, 1901, at 10 -o’clock in the forenoon of that day, tho real estate and mortgaged premise# directed in and by sald'ijudgment to be sold, and therein describe® as follows, of so much thereof as will be sufficient to pay th© amount due upon said judgment, to wit: All that tract or parcel of jand, si-tuato in tii© City o-f Buffalo, County of Erie and State of New York, boing subdiivskm lot number twelve (12), in block number three (3), according- to a map or survey of tho northeast part of lot number on© (l), Township eleven (11) and Range eight (8) of the Holland Land Company’s survey, and Hied in tlie Erie County Clerk's office under cover number 298, January Hh, 1881, and bounded and de- scribed as follows: Beginning at a point In the easterly lino of Person Street one hundred and forty (146) feet northerly from its intersection with tho northerly line o'f Ashley Street, according to said map; running thence easterly at right angles to Person -Street, one hundred and thirty*-two (132) feet; thence northerly and parallel with Per- son Street thirty (30) feet; thence westerly at right angles one hundred aiKl thirty- two (13-2) feet to Person Street; and thenee southerly along the easterly- line of Per - son Street thirty (30) feet to the place of beginning. Dated, Buffalo, N. V., .Tune 10, 1901. WILLIAM B. DICKINSON, Referee, CLINTON & CLARK, Plaintiff’s Attor- neys. Address, 1012 Prudential Build- ing, Buffalo, N. Y. Beard Av„ S. W. of Woodbridg© Av. of foreclos- this 'Court, f OUNTY COURT, ERIE COUNTY— V Buffalo Cement Company, -Limited, vs. Charlotte Gordon. In pursuance of a Judgment lire and sale duly granted by and entered! In the Erie 'County Clerk”s ofHee on the Hth day of June, 1601; I, the undersigned refereo duly appointed for such purpose will sell at public auction at the 'Buffalo Real Estate Exchange Room. No. 210 Pearl Street, hi the City of Buffalo, County of Erio and State.of New York, on the 10th DAY OE JULY, 1901, at 10 o’clock in the forenoon of that day, the real estate and mortgaged premises directed in and l>y quid! judgment to be sold ami therein, dk: scribed as follows: All that tract or parcel of land situate in the City of Buffalo, -County of Erie and State of New York, known as lot No. 8 No. 3 of tho lands of the Buffalo Company, as shown by a sub- map thereof, lying in farm lots ami 69, township 11, range 8 of iml Land- Company’s survey, and office of the Clerk of tlm t ’oun- No. 456, and in Block Cement division Nos. 68 the Hull tiled in the t y 11 f 1G r ie under map cover l\u*k’ indicated thereon as “Central (Bennett-Pierce Tract), ami bounded' by street, rear and side lines thereon Indi- cated, said lot being further describee! as follows: Situate on tho southeast line of Beard Avenue* sixty-three* (63) feet southwest from the southwest line of Wood,bridge Aveam and having fifty-six (56) feet front. (1 fty-isIx (56) foet rear, one huiuAreel seventy-live (175) feet northeast line, one himd'reet s< venty-tive (-175) feet southwest line. Mated, June 15, 1901. EDWIN P. 'I’ll IA Y10 R, Referee. TUTTLE l& OALLAN, Plaintiff’s Attor- neys. Address, 90-7 I). S„ M’organ Bldg., Buffalo, N. Y. C OUNTY COURT, ERIE COUNTY.— Ivory II. Hawkins, plaintiff, against Christopher Eaton, et ah, defendants. In pursuance of a judgment ol’ this Court, duly granted and entered In the office of the Clerk of the County of Erie, New York, on tho 17th day of April, 1901,' I, the undersigned referee duly appointed in tiffs action for such purpose, will ex- pose for sale and* sell at public auction, to the highest bidder therefor, at the Buf- falo Real Estate Exchange Room, No. 210 Pearl Street, Buffalo, Erie County, Now York, on the 18th DAY OE JULY, 1991, at 10 o’clock in tho forenoon of said day, tho real estate and mortgaged premises directed in and by said judgment to bo ‘sold, and therein described as follows, or so much thereof iasi^vlll be sufficient to {my tho amount ituenupon «ald judgment, to wit: ,-i All that tract or paricel of land, situate in the Town of JSvluls, County of Brie and State of New .York, being part of lot number fo-rty-five in the eighth town - ship and ninth .rajjigto of tho Holland Land Company’s survey, bounded as fol- lows: ) ji i North by the north Bine of said lot 58 chains 20 links; w’^st’ , by the west lino of said lot 25 chdlnp 57 links] /south by a line parallel1with the north one of said lot 58 chains and 38 links; eakt by tho ea-st line of said lot 25 chains 68 links, con- taining 150 acres. Also another parcel rtf land, being a part of the above mentioned lo( 45, bounded east by a lino parallel to the east lino of said lot, at the. distance of 12 chains 61 links west therefrom, 31 eljlaiivs 71 links; south by lot numbcivB, 14 chains 33 links; wert by land deeded to Patrick Car-rail 31 chains 64 links, ami north by land deed- ed to Edmund D. Southwlek, 14 chains 10 links, containing 45 acres, be tho same more or less. Excepting, however, from the above de- scribed premises a piece of land deeded by Elijah Pratt to George Harper by died da,ted June 24th, 1844, recorded in Erie County Clerk’s Office In Liber 91 of deeds, page 65, July 16th, 1847, situated in tlie northeast corner of said lot 45, con- taining 20 acres. Also excepting from said premise* an- other piece of land containing fifty acres, deeded by Warren C. Russell and Jenlffo hts wife to Mary M. Stoinfoldt by deed dated April 2, 1888, recorded in Libor 552, of deeds at pngo 462, June 25th, 1888, Also excepting from tho above premises an- other piece of land containing 10 acres deeded by Warren C. Russell and Jennie Ills wife, to Parniella Anna Bickloy, by deed dated October 1st, 18S9, recorded In PUBLIC NOTICE of an Application to 1 the Comtyttesioneirs of the lyOJid Of- fice for a Grunt of Laud* finder Water, TAKE NOTICE, That pursuant to a resolution adopted by the Board of Al- dermen of the City of Buffalo, N. Y., on tho 4th day of March, 1901, duly -concurred in and by tho Board of CoundHmen of said1 City on the 6th day of Marph, 1901. and duly* 'approved by the Mayor of said City on tho 16th day of- March, 1901, the undersigned' will file -with the Commis- sioners of tho Land- Office on the 30th day of July, 1901, an application for a grant of lands? under water, hereinafter described, In perpetuity-; and by resolu - tion of said Commissioners, any* person deeming himself liable to injury by said grunt, should file, before said date, with said Commissioners, at the CapltpJ at Al- bany, a remonstrance stating hl» reasons for opposing said grant. The land under water above mentioned is boundied, and described as follows, to- wit: All that certain piece or parcel Of land lying and being under the waters Of Lake Erie and Black Rock iH'arbor in tho City of Buffalo, County of Brie and; dtate of New York, being part of lots numbers one hundred andi fi'Iteen. (116), one hundred' and sixteen (Ui6), and on© hundred and thirty- three (183) of the New York 'State Reser- vation. and. being mofe 'particularly de- scribed as follows: Beginning at the. point-of intersection of tho southerly line of Jersey Street as a four rod street, and the easterly shore of Lake Erie, thence northerly alopg the shore of Lake Erie to tho northerly lino of 'Connecticut Street extended westerly as a four rod street; thenco .westerly on tho northerly line of Connecticut Street extended .westerly to a point on© thou- sand nine hundred and ninety '(1,©&>) feet westerly from the westerly line of Front Avenue, measured on sa’ld northerly line of Connecticut street extended, said point being int tho harbor lino as adopted! by the United States Government', October 12, l’SOO ; thence southerly on an inclina- tion to the west fifteen hundred- and ten n feet to the point of intersection io center line of Jersey 'Street ex- tended westerly, said point being two thousand five hundred! (2,500) feot more or less, westerly fromi tne westerly line of Front Afveirue measured' on. said center line of Jersey Street extended; thenee southerly on an inclination- to the east and on said 'Harbor Line to tho southerly line of Jersey Street as a four rod! street extended westerly; thence easterly on thq southerly line of Jersey Street extended to the easterly shore of Lake Erie and to tho place of beginning, containing fifteen and four-tenths (15.4) acres, more or less. The soundings- taken ono in eivety fifty (50) feet along the whole exterior water line of said, proposed) grant are as (follows, viz.: On the northerly line, beginning at the shoro line, where the depth is naught (0) feet; four-tenths (.4) feet; two and three- tenths (2.3) feet. On the westerly line, being the fflarbor Line, beginning at the intersection1 of said line with .the northerly lino afore- said, and fifty (50) feet distant ther*from, three (3) f-tet; two an-d two-tenth® (i2.2) feet; tw,o arid'£our-tent-hs (2.4') feet; two and six-tentr,:s (2.6) feet; two and' two- tenths (2,2) feet; two and three-tenths (2.3) feet; two and six-tenths (2,6) feot; two and live-tenths (2.5) feet; three and one-tenth '(3.1) feet; four and eight-tenths (1.8) feet; dour and eight-tenths (4.8) feet; four and one*tanth (4.1) feet; three .and threcMenths (3.3) feet; four and six- tenths (4.6) feet; five and one-tenths (5.1.) feet; nine and) three-tenths (9.3) feet; nine and. nine-tenths (9.0) feet; eight and nine- tenths (8,0) feet; seven, andi six-tenths (7.6) feet; seven and five-denths (7.5) feet; Seven and six-tenths (7.6) foet; seven, and three-tenths (7.3) feet; seven (7) feet;,sev- en and one-tenth (7.1) feet; seven and one-tenth (7.19 feet; seven (7) feet;’ six and nine-tenths (6.9) feet; seven- (Tj).rfeet; seven and: one-tenth (7.19 feet; seven and two-tenths (7.2) feet; seven and three- tenths (7.3) feet. On tho southerly line, beginning at the shore line where tho water is naught (0) feet; four and nine-tenths (4.0) foot; five and two-tenths (5.2) feet; five and; nine- tenths (5.9) lect; five and six-tenths (5.6) feet; six and one-tenth (6.1) feet; fiv© and eight-tenths (5.8) feet; ' six (6) feet; five and soven-tentbs (5.7) feet; six -and eight- tenths (6.8) feet; five and five tenths (5.5) feet; six and three-tenths (6.3) feet; five and nine-tenths (5.9) *feet; six and 1 six- tenths (6.6) feet; six and nine-tenths (6.9) feet: 'six and eight-tenths (6.8) feet; seven (7) feet; seven and four-tenths (7.4) feet; seven and two-tenths '(7.2) feet. Tho upland's of the City of Buffalo, ap- plicant, adjacent to tho abovo described parcel of lands applied, for, are bounded on \ the north side by tho land of tlie tState of N©w York, on tne oast by the Erie Canal, on the south by the lands of Michael Nellany and on tho west by Lake Erie; and said) upland are actually occu- pied by tho applicant for park purposes. It Ls the intention of tho applicant, the City of Buffalo, to appropriate tho lands described t'o tho beneficial enjoyment of said City and the public for park pur- poses, by filling In, grading and orna- menting tho same. ■Dated June 15, 1901. (TTY C>F BUFFALO, by 'WliLLIAIM H. OU DDE BACK, Corporation Counsel, 'OHlce and) P. O, Address, 'No. 31 City and County dlall, Buffalo, IN. Y. tiff, against fendants. C 1 In pursuance of a judgment and decree of foreclosure and sale duly granted by tiffs Court, and entered in the Erie County Clerk’s Office on the 28th day of May, J901, 1, tho undersigned referee, duly ap- pointed in this notion for such purpose will expose for sale uml sell at public auction, to the highest bidder therefor, ut the Buffalo Real Estate Exchange Room, No. 210 Pearl Street, in the City of Buf- falo, County of Erie and State of New York, on the 19th DAY OF JUNE, 1901. at 10 o’clock in the forenoon of that day, the real estate and mortgaged premises directed in ami by said judgment to bo sold, and therein described as follows, or so much thereof as will be sufficient to pay the amount due upon said' judgment, to wit: Ail that tract or parcel of land, situate in the City of Buffalo, County of Erie an-d State of New York, being p«j*t of outer lot No. 71, and more particularly described as follows: Beginning ut a point in the westerly line of Chicago Street at the distance of twenty-©ight (28) feet southerly from the intersection of the said westerly lino of Chicago Street with the southerly line of Fulton Street; runairtg thence westerly parallel with Puiton Street, one hundred (100) feet; thenoe southerly and parallel with Chicago Street, twenty-nine (29) feet; thence easterly and parallel with PuRon Street, one hundred (100) feet to tho west- erly line o f‘Chicago Street, and thence northerly along tho eald westerly line of Chiefs© Street, twenty-nine (29) feet to the filAce 6f beginning. Being tho same premises conveyed by Elizabeth W. Green- wood, individually as trustee, etc., to Martin Quinlivan, by deed dated Novem- ber 12th, 1890, and recorded in Brio County Clerk’s Office in Liber 577 of Deeds at page 73. Da/ted, Buffalo, N. Y„ May 28, 1901. JOHN F. PATTERSON, Referee. BRENDEL & STAND ART, Plaintiff’s At- torneys, 706 Mutual Xfffe Bldg., Buf- falo, N. Y. • LEGAL NOTIOKS. Ontario St. N. K. ox Sklll«i>. C OUNTY COURT, uim: couivvy William JI. Daniels, an TroHsurc. Erl o County, against Dunslon Bark Company, oi al. In pursuance of a judgment and . j . of foreclosure ami sale duly .gj \> 1 ills Court, and entered in the Brie roue ty Clerk’s Office on tlie 16th day of May. firtl; I the undersigned reform* duly ay pointed In this action for such purport*, will expose for sale and sed at ptffffj, auction, to the highest bidder the/vfoi, at the Buffalo Real Estate. IGx.-b.ing* Room, No. 210 Pearl Street, in the City of Buffalo, County of Erie and Stale of Nev. York, on the 10th DAY OF JUNE, 19ftl, at 10 o’clock in the forenoon of. dhat da y, the real estate and mortgaged pre-mln directed in and by said judgment lo b< sold, and therein doscrirVed as follows, or bo much thereof as will bo sufficient t.«» Best St., Cor. Guilford St. N ew york - county court , coun - ty of Erie.—Carrie Houck against John p. Zenner, et al. In pursuance of a judgment of fore- closure and sale duly granted by this Court, and entered in the Erie County Clerk's Office on the 29th day of May, 1901, J, the undersigned -referee, duly ap-> pointed in this action for such purpose, will expose for sale and sell at public auction, to the highest biddor therefor, at the Buffalo Real Estate Exchange Room, No. 210 Pearl Street, in the City of Buf- falo, County of Erie and State of New York, on the 24th DAT OF JUNE, 1901, at 10 o’clock in the forenoon of that day, the real estate and mortgaged promises directed in and by said judgment to be Sold, and therein described as follows, or so much thereof as will be sufficient to pay the amount due upon said Judgment, to -wit: All that tract or pareel of land, situate in the City of Buffalo, County of Erie and State of New York, being part of farm lot number twenty, in Township eleven and Range eight, of the Holland Land Company’s survey, and bounded as follows: Beginning at the point of intersection of the southerly lino of Best Street, with the easterly line of Guilford Street, and running thence southerly along said lino of Guilford Street one hundred and thirty- eight and 27-100 (138.27) feet; thence east - erly at right angles with said lino of Guilford Street, ninetfc-four (94) feet; thence northerly parallel with said first mentioned* boundary, one hundred and thirty-six (136) feet to said line of Best Street; thence westerly along said line of Best Street, ninety-four (94) feet to the place of beginning. Being further desig- nated as subdivision lots numbers one (1), two (2), three (3) arid four (4), as the same are laid down on a map of the northwest part of said farm lot number twenty, filed in Erie County Clerk's Office in map cover No. 283. Dated, Buffalo, N. Y., May 29, 1901. HARRY N. KRAFT, Referee. JACOB J. STEIN, Plaintiff’s Attorney, No. 537 and 538 Mooney-Brisbane Bldg., Buffalo, N. Y. Glint oil St.. (1 OUNTY COURT, Cor. Smith St. ERIE C John Walter, an infant, by COUNTY.— John H. Brogan, his guardian ad ltterri, vs. Chris- tina Rohauer, et al. In pursuance o'f a Judgment in the above entitled action of partition- entered in the office of the Clerk of Erie County on the 13th day of June, 1991, I, t'he undersigned referee, in and by said judgment for that purpose appointed, will sell at public auc- tion at tho Buffalo Real Estate Exchange Room, 210 Pearl 'Street/in the City of Buf- falo, N. Y. . on the 5th DAT OF JULY, 1901, at 10 o’clock a. m., the lands and premises in said judgment directed to bo sold and therein described a®.follows: All that tract or parcel of land situate in the City of 'Buffalo, County of Erie and Slate of New York, known and dis- tinguished on a map called Mann’s Plan of Farm Lots Nos. 13 and 17, as subdivis- ion lot No. 1, in block No. 14 of farm lot No. 13 and more particularly bounded and described as follows: . Beginning at the intersection of t'he southerly line of 'Clinton Street with the easterly lino Of 'Smith Street; thence east- erly along said line of Clinton Street fifty- three and thirty-eight one-hundredths (53.38) feet; thence isouther-ly at rlg'ht an - gles to said last mentioned line one hun- dred fifteen and eighteen one-hundredths (115.18) feet; thence at right angles wester-' ly and parallel to said line of Clinton Street twenty-six and sixty-nine one-hun - dredths (26.09) feet to the easterly line of Smith 'Street; thence northerly along the easterly line of Smith Street one hundred eighteen and twenty-four one-hundredths (118^19 feet to the place of beginning, be the/sam© more or less. Subject to the lease of a portion cf said premise® held by William Slmorn Dated, June 13th, 1901. EDWARD C. HAIND'WERK, Referee. WILBUR B. GRANDISON, Plaintiff’s Attorney, 108, 109, 109*^ Erie Co. Bank Bldg., Buffalo, N. Y_ pay the amount duo upon said judgment to wit: All that tract or pareel of land situate in tho City of Buffalo, County of i ; u* and State of New York, being a part <»i R>ts one (1) and three (3) of the ".foin-i- Tract” so called, hounded and .described as follows: Beginning at a point in Un northwesterly line Oi Ontairlo Street two hundred and ten feet northeaot«rly from the northeasterly line of SktUen Street; running thendo northeasterly aiong Un* northwesterly line Of OntaTio Street ii - hundred and twenty-seven and ninety four hundredth© (627.94) feet; thence northwesterly parallel with JSkillen Street two "hundred aufi twettiyvfour (224) feet; thbnce nortfhea/sterly parasol with Onto rio Street to n<*rtnwester1y line of lot. one (1) and to land formerly .owned by- Paul Fritz; thenco southwesterly alon* the northwesterly line of lots one (1) ami three (3) a^out eignt hundred and sixty eight and two hundredths (888.02) feet in a point in said line which will uo inter- sected by a line drawn parallel with Skil- len Street and two hundred and ihirty- six (236) feet northeasterly therefrom; thence sotitheaeferly along aaiu line drawn parallel wRu Sklllen Street ami two hundred and thirty-six (236) f< ot northeasterly therefrom, about tlire-i hundred and twenty-five and thirty-one ono hundredtiis V325.S1) feet to a point two hundred and seventy-four (274) f««R measured on a line parallel wltn SkJHen Street from Ontario Street; thence south- westerly parallel with Ontario street two hundred and thirty-six (236) feot to the northeasterly line of Skilleri Street; thence southeasterly along said line or Sklllen Street fifty (60) feet to a point- two hundred and twenty-four (224) fed northwesterly measured on said Him from Ontario Street; thence northeaster- ly and parallel With Ontario Street two hundred and tdn (—0) feet; thence south- easterly parallel with Sklllen Street two hundred and twenty-four (22- l feot 1.o the l orthwestorly line of Ontario Street «t tlie place or boginning. Containing nix acres and 896-1000 of an acre, be the same more or lesj. Also that certain other piece or parcel of land, situate in the City of Buffalo, County or Erie and State of Now York, known and described as lot forty one (41) of Allen's subdivision of lot on© hundred and three (103) of the New York State Reserve and the north part of “Jones Tract,” bound- ed and described as follows: Beginnlm at a point in tho northeasterly line of Sklllen Street where the same is Inter- sected by tfie southerly line of Allen's subdivision; thence northwesterly along said line of Sklllen Street four hundred and elghtv-nine and thlrty-nino hun- dredths (4S9.39) feet to the northwesterly corner of said lot forty-one (41); thum-.o northeasterly parallel with O’Neil Street and along the northwesterly line of lot forty-ono (4f) about twelve bundled and fifteen and fifty-three hundredths (1215,53) feet to the New York State Reserve line; thence southeasterly along said Reserva- tion line about seven hundred and ninety- eight and fourteen hundredths (798.14) feet to a point at which said Reservation line is intersected by the south line of Allen’s subdivision, said point being also tho southeast corner of said lot forty-om>. (41); thence southwesterly along the south line of .Allen’s subdivision about eleven hundred and seventy-nine and eight-tenths (1179.8) feet to Bkillen Street: at the place of beginning. Containing seventeen and four hundred and ninety five thousandths (17,495) acres, be thu same mo-re or less. The property above described Is the samo parcel of land described on a map or survey of lots one (1) and three (3) of “Jones Tract” and lot forty-ono (41) of Allen’s plot made by William J, White, surveyor, and filed in Erie County Clerk*: Office in cover No. 372 on the 24th day of June, 1890. Excepting from both parcels of land above described, subdivision lots mim bars 5, 6, 8, 12, 13, 14, 15 and 21 in block “A” ; the southwesterly 23.14 feet of lot nine in block “D” ; lots numbers 22, 23, 29, 31, 35. 42, 43, 60, 61, 62, -54, 66, 59, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67 and 70 in block “K” ; and lots numbers 37, 39, 45, 46, 48, 6Q , 69, 62, 64, 66, 68, 69, 70 and 71'in block “1‘ , as shown on a' subdivision map of said premises made by William J. White, surveyor, and filed in Erie County Clerk s Office In cover 372 June 24th, 1890. Dated. Buffalo, N. Y., May 16, 1901. WALTER S. JENKINS, Referee. FRED GREINER, Plaintiff’s Attorney, Address, 338 Mooney and Brisbane Bldg., Buffalo, N. Y. The sale of the above described prem- ises is hereby adjourned to the 24-th day ot June, 1901, at the same hour and place. WALTER'S. JENKINS, Referee. FRED GREINER, Plaintiff’s Attorney, 338 Mooney-Briwbane Bldg., Buffalo, N.Y, Cor. Delaware Ave. and Cary St;' UPltEME COURT, ERIE COUNTY, S Elmwood Ave., N. of Potomac Ave. EW YORK, COUNTY COURT, ERIE against fi Jber 674 of deeds at page 632, Oct. 28, 1889. Daited, June 5th, 1901. CHARLES C. SEVERANCE. Referee. 'RANK BRET THORN, Plaintiff’s At- tomsvr fls EM© County Savings Bank Bids N. Y. »»« 'Notice to Creditors.' l>OSE, MARGARJGTHA.— -Pursuant to an XI order of Hon. Louis W, Marcus, Sur- rogate of Erie County, New York, notice is hereby given to all persons having claims or demands against Margarotha Rose, late of the City of Buffalo, In laid county, deceased, that they are required to exhibit tho same with tho vouchers thereof to the undersigned the executor of tile last will and testament of the said deceased, at the office of Frank F. Wil- liams, his attorney, No. 118 Erio County Savings Bank Building, in the City of Buffalo, in said county, on or before tlie seventh day of August, 1901, Dated the 5th day of February, 1901. GEORGE SCHMITT, Executor of tho will of Margarotha Rose, deceased. Notiee to Creditors. OCJIAEFEK, JOHN-Pursuant to an or- kj del* of Hull, Louis \V. Marcus, Surro- gate of Erio County, N. Y., notice Is here- by given to all persons having claims or demands against John Schaefer, late of tho City of Buffalo, in said county, deceased, that they are required to exhibit the sumo with tlie vouchers thereof to the under- signed, the executors of the estate of the said deceased, at the office of the attor- ney of tlie said executors, Joseph P. Schattner, No. 360 Main Street, In tho City of Buffalo, in said county, on or before the 10th day of August, 1901. Dated, the 4th day of February, 1901. JOHN B. SCHAEFER and FRANK H GERW1TZ, Executors. JOSEPH P SCHATTNER. A Hornby for Executors, 360 Main St., Buffalo, N. Y. Subscrlbs for THE BMffAL) ftEVIE County.—Amos W. Morgan Wllllajn R. Peftrco, et al. In pursuance of a Judgment of foreclos- ure and sale duly granted by this Court, and entered )n the Erie County Clerk’s Office on th-e 3d day of June, 1901, I, the .undersigned referee, duly appointed in this action for such purpose, .Will expose for sale and sell at public auction, to the highest bidder therefor, at the Buffalo Real Estate Exchange Room, No. 210 Pearl Street, in the City of Buffalo, County of Erie and State of New York, on the 26th DAY OF o UNE, 1901, at 10 o’clock In the forenoon of that day, the real estate and mortgaged premises directed.in and by said judgment to bo sold, and therein described as follows, or so much thereof as will be sufficient to pay *the amount due upon said judgment, to wit: All that tract or marcel of land, situate in the City of Buffalo County of Erie and State of New York, described as fol- lows: ) . Beginning at a point in the westerly line of Elmwood Avenue distant 160 feot northerly from tho northerly line or Po- tomac Avenue, running thence westerly and parallel with Potomac Avenue 150 feel; thence northerly and parallel with Elmwood Avenuo about 100 reet to I-ands now or formerly owned by Tellco John- son; thence easterly and along the south- erly line of said Johnson’s land about 150 feet to tho westerly line of Elmwood Avenue, and thence southerly along the westerly line of Elmwood Avenue 159 6-10 feet to tho place of beginning. Dated. Buffalo, N. Y., Juno 3, 1901. IRVIN C. MCDOWELL, Referee. THOMAS A. STONE, Plaintiff’s Attorney, No. 916 Kllicott Square, Buffalo, N. Y. T llli UNDERSIGNED* HEREBY CER- 1 tify that the co-partnership heretofore existing among George Parks, Joseph J. Parks and Nelson O. Parks of Buffalo, N. Y., doing u general contracting and pile-driving business under the firm name of George Parks & Sens, havs been dis- solved by the withdrawal of George Parks from said firm. Tho undersigned will continue the busi- ness under the same firm name. Tlie only persons dealing under Said firm name of George Parks & Sons, with their places of abode, ate as follows: Joseph J. Parks, 352 Rhode Island St., Buffalo, N. Y. * / Nelson O. Parks, 582 Uliea St., Buffalo, N. Y. The principal place of business o-f said co-partnership is Buffalo, N. Y. JOS. J. PARKS, NELSON (). PARKS. State of Now York, County of Erie, City of Buffalo: On the 6th day of June, 1901, before me, the subscribed, personally appeared Joseph J. Parks and Nelson O. Parks to me per- sonally known to bo the same person© de- scribed in and who executed th« forego- ing instrument, and they severally* ac- knowledged to ma that they executed the HU __ W. ELY, Commiafcion«r oi Buffalo, N, Y. Alida B, Warren v». Henry F, Bomd- man, et al, In pursuffhee of a Judgment in the above entitled action of partition, entered In Iho office of the Clerk of Die County of Erie on the 28th day of May, 1901, the under- signed referee duly appointed in said Judgment for such purpose, will expose for sale and sell at public auction, toth>‘- highest bidder therefor, at the Buffalo Real Estate Exchange Room, Number 210 Pearl Street, in the City of Buffalo, Coun- ty of Erie, New York, on the 2Jst# DAY OF JUNE, 1901, at ten o’clock in the ftfrenoon of that day, • the real estate, lands and premises direct- ed in and by said jjudgmeifl. to be sojd, and therein described as follows: All that tract or parcel of land, situate in the City of Buffalo, County oi I i and State of New Yqrk, being part • of inner Lot Number one hundred and sev- enty-one (171) and bounded and described as follows, to wit: Commencing at the intersection of tho westerly line of Delaware Street with the northerly line of Cafy Street, thence northerly on said westerly lino of Delaware Street, thirty-six (36) feel to the land now owned and oc- cupied by the Estate of William L:»v- erack, deceased; thence westerly on tho southerly line of land of said Laverack Estate and parallel with Cary Street aforesaid ono hundred and fifteen (llf>) feet; thence northerly at rtferht angles to the last named line twelve (12) fe/-t; thence westerly at right angles and par- allel with Cary Street and along the southerly line of lands of said Laverack Estate forty-two (42) feet to an alley four (4) feet wide, thence southerly along the easterly line of said alloy forty-eight (4X) feet to the northerly line of Cary Street aforesaid; . theace easterly along the northerly line of Cary Street one hundred and fifty-seven (157) feet to the westerly line pf Delaware Street niore^aid at tlie point of beginning, be’ the same more or less. Also all tho rights and Interest of the said parties of the first part in and to the aforesaid alley on the westerly end of said premises. Dated, May 2Sth, 1901. HARRY L. TAYI/OR, Referee. EDWARD M. SICARD. Attorney for Plaintiff, 544 IGllicott Square, Buffalo, N. Y, GEORGE B. BAItRELL, Attorney for various Defendants. ALEXANDER DAVIDSON, Guardian ad litem. M Notice to Creditor*. ASTERSON, MARY E.—Pursuant to an order of Hon. Louis W. Marcus, Surrogate of Erio County, Now York, notice is hereby given to all persons hav- ing claims or demands against Mary E. Masterson, late of the City of Buffalo, in said county, deceased, that they are required to exhibit tho samo with tho | vouchers thereof tb tho undersigned, the administratrix of the estate of the said deceased, a l No. 157 Chemung trout; Waverly, Tioga County, Now York, on or before the 20th day of August, 1901. Dated the 11th day of February, 1901. ADDIE R. DOUGLASS. Ad mlnlstratrlx. Notiee to Creditors. WEBSTER, ELI ii A BETH.- Pursuant P I t an orclor of Hon. Ia> uI* \Y. -\lareun Surrogate of Erie County, N. Y., notice is hereby given to all persons having claims or demands against LclLab n« Webster, late of tho OUy of Buffalo, in said county, deceased, that they are re- quired to exhibit tho stun® with t|)t» vouchors thereof U the undersigned, tiiu executor ol the Inst will and testament 61 th4 said deceased, at Ut* office of the h executor, at No. 45 North Division tUrirtt, In tho City of Buffalo, lit said county, ojs or before the 6th day of August, *9t)l. Dated, the 5th day of January. itK1!, CHARLES H. WLUdVEK TSxevn Ru EDW ARD A\ 1 1 1 ' ' > , .Lv.mtl R ] tcUUv, Untitled Document Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 www.fultonhistory.com Untitled Document Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 www.fultonhistory.com

LEGAL N(KriC£S. LEGAL NOTICES. 24/Buffalo NY... · LEGAL N(KriC£S. LEGAL NOTICES. et a I, Defundani In pursuance ol‘ a Judgment and decree of foreclosure and sale duly granted

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Page 1: LEGAL N(KriC£S. LEGAL NOTICES. 24/Buffalo NY... · LEGAL N(KriC£S. LEGAL NOTICES. et a I, Defundani In pursuance ol‘ a Judgment and decree of foreclosure and sale duly granted



et a I, Defundani In pursuance ol‘ a Judgment and decree

of foreclosure and sale duly granted by tills Court, and entered In the Erie Conn

c a y of I'Vntu-referee, dv.lv a.

ty Clerk's Chi c ary, ULl, l, the uudeysignt d appointed in this action for such purpose tviil expose for sale' and sell at public auc­tion to the hi .best bidder therefor, at the Buffalo Kwal 10s til to Exchange Koi m, No, 210 Pearl Hirert, In tho City of Bnifalo, County of lOrie and State of New York, on the

lOth DAY OP A l'tliL , 1001, at 10 o'clock In the forenoon <>f that day, •the real i state and morift ajp>d premises directed in ami by said judgment to be sold, and therein described as follows, orso much thereof a.s will bo sutllcbnt to

upon said judgment,nay tin? am amt due lo wit :All that tract or pareel of land, situate In the town of To na Wan da, being a part of lot number IS, township 12, range s of the Holland Lind Company’s land an sur­veyed by said company and described a.s follows:

Reglnn.ng* at a point In the easterly line of sail! let number 15, nine (9) chains, twelve (12) links, southerly of the north­east corner thereof and rumfiug thence south SI) deffrece winyhes we-1 slxty- olght (tv'?) ch Jirt, slxijf-two (*X) links to the line of the Now York SHjrc Reserva- tlon; thonco south 1 detfTO-e, 10 minutes west live (5) chair.*, sixty-e:~vhL links;thence north M) decree©. £9 minutes oast sixty-ci;.;iu (59) chalks, eighty-five (35) links to the easterly lino c f mid lot 46; thence no-'h 1 degree, 10 minutes west on said easterly line of live (.1) chains, sixty- eight (83) links to tho place* of beginning. Containing thirty-nine and four one- bund.-Qdihs (A*> *4-10®) acres.

Also nil that ,ple-o© or parcel of land, situate in said town, county and State aforesaid, bounded and dehertbed as fol­lows:

Being a part of Vot 46, township 12, range S of tho Holland Land Company's survey, iM^mulng at the northeast cor­ner of s.aiff lot 46; and running thence south SD deg Nos, 51 minutes, west fifty- nine CO) chains, etghty-tive (8>) links to tho line < f thtv Nov York State ltesorva- tion; thtn.ee south 58 decrees, h) minutes, west ten (10) chains, forty-five (D links;

one clC/gree, 10 minutes, west (I'is. tv /enty-s lx (2’>) linksthence south tl'rce (0) elm

thence north sixty-eight 1 links to tb thence non on the rah ntne (8) <•! place of b acres of la

Dated. BC L A R K 1! h

corncy. Of. 75fi El licet: The sale of

’son is hereby of April , 191/1.

Dated, fill if: CM.' !

CLARK tornoy,

1 degrees, 60 minutes, east .•bains, sixty-two (02).

/ line of said lot 46;, -cs. 10 minutes, west

due of said lot 4''.,■ c (12) linus to the urtaining sixty (GO)

Y.. Pel). L’Gth. 1001.L. DEAN. Ue force.

R,\!AK, Plaint iff1* At- :•<' P. O Address. No.

•, . •*. Buffalo. N. Y.: • above described prom- ■ I’M' urnfd to the 2lth day

it ;ke some hour and place. i\ .. N. Y., April U). 1901.>? i .Kg I,. DEAN, Referee,

it TiM lOrt.M AN, Plaintiff’s At- OlTiec ar.d P. O. Address, No.

V B \,V YORK-COUNTY flQUliT) .KRlE -H County, lltnry \Y. Box and Mantel O' Day, plaintiffs, vs. Anna, Slmniska, du- fi-iidar, t.

In pursuance of a judgment of fore­closure ami stile duly granted by this Com!, and entiled in tho Erie County Ch rk's Office on tho 10th day of May, I'i'i, I. the umUuvdg'ihMf referee duly ap­pointed In this action for such purpose, will < xpose for sale and se at public auction, to tho highest bidder therefor, at Cue Buffalo Coal E-.-tnU* Exchange RoOm, No 2U) Pearl .Street, in the City of But- tali), Couiuy of Erie and State of New Ymk, on the

2>,n MAY Ml*' JUNE, 1901, tit 10 o’clock In the forenoon of that day, the ifoal estate and mortgaged premises directed in and by slid judgment to be soal and therein described as follows, or so much thereof as will be sufficient to pay the amount due upon said Judgment, to wit:

\I1 that tract or parcel o-f land situate in the Town of CheekiOWHga, County of Eric and State of Ntw York, being part of farm lot fifteen (15), Tow tush Ip eleven (II), Range seven (7), of the Holland Land Company's survey, and upon a certain subdivision map of a part of said lot Id. ceil (15), lite.il in the K'rlo County Cl. rk’s Off loo under Cover No. 401, is known a.s subdivision lots Nos. one (1), two (2), three (3), four (l), live (5), six (6), .‘■even (7), one hundred I'm ty-three (153), ttnd the westerly one-third of lot one hun­ch'd tifty-two (152), immediately adjoining tho southerly end of lot one hundred fifty-three (1'53), a ini' making said lot one hundred fifty-three, thirty (35) feet great­er in depth, Block “A.”

Dated, Buffalo, N. Y., May 10, 1991.WM. 11. PEABODY, Referee.

VAN PELT &, SELKIRK, Plaintiff's At­torneys, 869 IGllicott Square, Buffalo, N. Y.

S en eca S tre e t .V low YORK—‘C'Ol’NTY COURT, ll Ccunty.-rtFrank Raynor and one,tlrtDote


against nd mts. pursuance

Loren IV. Boies andE R I EPiatn-

others,of a judgment of fore­

closure and sale duly granted by tills Court and entered in the Erie County Clerk's office on the 9th. day of May, 1901:l, the undersigned ref’ rce, duly appointed in tills action for such purpose, will ex­pose for sale and sell at public auction, to the highest bidder therefor, at tho Buf­falo Real Estate Exchange Room, No. 2M) Pearl Street, in the City of Buffalo, County of Erk? and State of New York, on the

1st DAY OE ,1 ITT,Y, 1901, at 10 o’clock, in the forenoon of that day, ihe real estate and mortgaged premises directed in and by said judgment to bem. UI, and therein deseiibod as follows, or no much thereof as will be sunicienl to pay the amount duo upon said judgment, to wit:

All that tract or parcel of land situate in the City of Buffalo, County of Erie aid State of New York, beginning at the point of intersect ion of the southwesterly line of Seneca Street with the norlh- \vi sterly line of lot 37 of the village tract,

Square, Buffalo. N. Y.(he above described premise s rtlier adiourned to the loth 1IKM, at the same hour and

766 L’flicott The sab of

Is hereby ft: day of May, place.

Mated, Buffalo. April 2i, UKH.t 'iIARl.ES L. L'lOAN. Referee.

CLARK If TIMER-MAN, Plaintiff’s At- to rn e \. Office and 1' O Address, No. 756 1 llicott Square. Buffalo. N, Y.The sale of the above described prem­

ises Is hereby further adjourned to the Cith day of May, 1901, at the same hour kr.d place.

Dated, Buffalo, N. Y„ May 10, 1901.CHARLES L. MEAN, Referee.

CLARK H. TIMERMAN, Plaintiff’s At- torney. Oft’ico and P. O. Address, No. 756 IGllicott Square, Buffalo, N.« Y.The v ile of the above described premises

Is he11 by further adjourned to the 14th day of June, 1901, at the same hour and place.

Dated. Bufrilo, N. Y„ May 21. 1901.CHARI ES L. DEAN. Referee.

CLARK II. T1MERMAN, Plaintiff’s At- •torne; Office and P. O. Address, No. 756 EMleotl Square, Buffalo, N. Y.The sale of tho above described prem­

ises is hereby further adjourned to the 30th d ty of July, 1001, at the same hour nnd place.

Dated, Buffalo, N. Y., June H, 1901.CHARGES I,. DEAN. Referee.

CLARK ft. TTM.EIKIMA.N, Plaintiff’s At­torney. Otilco and P. O. Address, No. T56 Rillcott Square, Buffalo, N. Y.

P ro p e r ty in T onnw ancla .COUNTY COlfllT, ERIE COUNTY.—

Adelbert. J. Harvey, as Trustee of the Buffalo and Troy Land Mortgage Syndi­cate, plaintiff, against James II. Bostvick, et al., defendants.

In pursuance of a Judgment and decree of foreclosure and sale duly granted oy this Court, and entered in the Erie County Clerk’s ollles on the I4th day of February, 1901, I, the undersigned referee, duly ap­pointed in this action for such purpose, will expose for sale and sell at public auc­tion, to the hik'd eat bidder therefor, at the Buffalo Real Estate Exchange Room, No. 210 Pearl Street, in the City of Buffalo, County of Erie arid State of Now Y'ork, on the

29TU DAY OE MARCH, 1901, at 10 o’clock in the forenoon of that day, the real estate and mortgaged premises directed In any by said judgment to be sold, and therein described as follows, or mo much thereof as will bo sutllclent to pay the amount duo upon said Judgment, to-w it:

All that tract or parcel of in the Town of Tonawanda, southwest part of lot number 12, Range 5 of the Holland panv’s survey, bounded and follows:

Beginning at a point on the Mile Line, so called, distant eleven (11) chains north, 64 degrees cast from the intersection of tho south litu: of said lot number 43 with fiald Milo Line; thence north 5i degrees east along said- Mile or State Reservation Line, twi nly-lhr*e (23) chains, nlncty-lour (9-1) links: thence due last parallel with the south lino of said lot number 45, thirty-live (35) chains, eighty-eight (88) Links to a stake; thence south eight (3) chains, thirty (30) llpks to a stake; thonco parallel with the douth line of -said lot dumber 15, six (6) chains, thirty (30) links to the et nter of tho Two Mile Creek Road to Tonawanda: thence south 35 degrees west along tho middle of raid road to a point therein distant seven (7) chains northeast! riv from the intersection of the south liim of lot 45 with the middle of said road: thoitce west parallel with the south line of lot 15. forty-seven (47) chains and sixteen (If.) links to the State Reservation Line ut the place of beginning. Contain­ing fifty-live and eleven one-hundredths (55 11-100) acres of land.Dated, Buffalo, N. Y., February 11th, 1901.

CHARLES L. DEAN. Referee. CLARK H TIM HUMAN, Plaintiff’s At-

• tornoy. Office and P. O. Address, No. 756 IGllicott Square, Buffalo. N. Y.The sale of tho above described prem­

ises Is hereby adjourned to the 10th day of May, 1901, at the same hour and place.

Dated, Buffalo, N. Y., March 29, 1901.CHARLES L. DEAN, Referee.

CLARK 11. TIM ERMAN, Plaintiff's At­torney, Office and P. (). Address, No. 766 ElUeott Square, Buffalo, N. Y,The silo of the above described prem­

ises is hereby further ;vd,i ti. i.* * .241>i day of May, 1901, at the samo hour un.d place.

Dated, Buffalo. N. Y„ May 1!), 1901.CHARLES L. DEAN, Referee.

CLARK II. TIMERMAN, Plaintiff's At­torney. Office and P. O. Address, No. 756 IGllicott Square, Buffalo, N. Y.The sale of (he above described premises j

is hereby further adjourned to the Hth I day of June. 1901, at the same hour and place.

Dated, Buffalo. N. Y., Mav 21. 1901.#’U A R LUS L. MEAN. Referee.

CLARK It TIMER-MAN. Plaintiffs At- forne,v Otilco and P. o. Address, No.756 F lli. ott Suuare. Buffalo, N. Y.The sale of the above d< rerihed prem­

dses Is hereby further adjourned to Hie 29th day of July, 1901, at tin? sum hour nnd place.

Mated, Buffalo. N. Y., June 14, 1901,CHA BUG’S L. MIG,AN, Referee.

CLARK 11. TI.M Elt'Al AN. Plaintiffs At- torniy. office and B. (). Address. No. T54 EDieott Square, Buffalo, N. Y.

ao-callud, running thcr.c-e southwesterly37 one thonco Street y par-

on the northwest line of said lot hundred' and sixty (1 (0) loot; southeasterly parallel with Seneca eighty (80) feet; Uunce northeaster] a!kl with the first described lino one hun­dred and sixty (130) feet to tho said lino of Seneca Street; and tin nee r.ortlnvestei - ly on said lino of Seneca Street eighty (SO) feet to the place of beginning.-

Mated, Buffalo. N. Y., June 7, 1901. NILES C. BARTiH'OLiO'MKAV. Re,force.

UIRMSIGY M. JACKSON, Plaintiffs’ At­torney, Buffalo, N. Y.

G COURT, ERIE McLeod against

C O U N T Y . — C a r o l in e L.

land, situate being in the 15. Township Land Conn

described as


Wiles.In pursuance of a judgment of ford1

closure and salo duly granted by this Court, and entered in the Erio County Clerk’s Office on the 6th day of May, 1901, 1, tho undersigned referee duly ap­pointed in this action for such purpose, will expose for sale and sell at public auction, to the highest bidder therefor, at the Buffalo Real Estate Exchange Room, No. 219 Pearl Street, in the City of Buf­falo, County of Erie and State of New York, on tho

29T1I DAY OE MAY, .1901, at 10 o’clock in the forenoon of that day, the real estate and mortgaged premises directed in and by said judgment to be sold, and therein described as follows, or so much thereof as will bo sufficient to pay the amount due upon said judgment, to-wit;

All that tract or parcel of land situate in the City of Buffalo, County of Erie and State of New York, known and dis­tinguished as subdivision lot nuiffbor two (2), according to a subdivision map and survey of a part of lot number fifty-two (52), township ten (19), range seven (7), made by 10. Sp mdenberg, and tiled in Erie County Clerk’s Office under cover number live hundred and forty-eight (548), and more particularly bounded and de­scribed as follows:

Beginning at a point In southeasterly line of Kingston Place at the distance of one hundred and sixty (160) feet south- wosti rly from the intersection of said line of Kingston Place with the south­westerly line of Seneca Street; running thonco southeasterly and parallel to said line of Seneca Street ninety-nine and 88-100 (99 88-100) feed; thence southwesterly and parallel to said lino of Kingston Place forty (10) feet; thence northwesterly and parallel to said line of Seneca Street ninety-nine and 88-100 (99 88-100) feet to said line of Kingston Place, and thence northeasterly and along said line of Kingston Place forty (10) feet to the place of beginning.

Dated. Buffalo, N. Y., May 6, 1901.HERMAN J. ARNiSON, Referee.

AUGUST BECKER, Plaintiff’s Attorney,No. 210 Pearl St., Buffalo, N. Y.Tho sale of the above described prem­

ises is hereby adjourn*! to the 5th day of June, 1901, at the same hour and pl^ce.

Dated. Buffalo, N. Y., May 29th. 1901.HERMAN J. ARN’SON, Referee.

AUGUST BECKER, Plaintiff's Attorney,No. 210 Pearl Street. Buffalo. N. Y.The sale of tho above described prom­

ises is hereby further .adjourned to the 12th day of June, 1901, at tho same hour and place.

Dated, Buffalo, N. Y., June 5, .1901.HERMAN J. ARN-SON, Refereo.

AUGUST BECKER. Plaintiff’s Attorney,No. 210 Pearl St., Buffalo. N. Y.The sale cf the a'bove described prom­

ises Is heroiby further adjourned to the 191 h day of June, 1201, a>t the same hour and place.

Dated. Buffalo. N. Y., June 12. 1901.HERMAN J. ARNISON, Referee.

AUGUST BECKER, Plaintiff’s Attorney,No. 210 Pearl St., Buffalo, N. Y.

P r o p e r ty in Tonapvnnila.OUNTY COURT, ERIE COUNTY.**. Arthur \V. Pert’lval, Plaintiff, against

i he Ktnmore and Englewood Avenue Lund Company and one, Defendants.

In pursuance of a judgment and decree of fo.-telosure and sale duiy granted by this Court, and entered in the Brie Coun­ty Clerk's Office on the 10th day of April, UOl, I, tlm undersigned referee duly ap­pointed in this action for such purpose, .will expose for sale and sell at public auction, to the highest bidder therol'or, at tHo Buffalo lUul Estate Exchange Room, No. 210 Pearl Street, in tho City of Buf­falo, County of Erie and State of Now York, on the

23d DAY OE MAY. 1901, at 10 o’clock in the forenoor of that day, tho real estate and mortgaged promises directed in and by- said judgment to bo sold, and therein described as follows, or So much thereof ak \yul be sufficient to pay the amount due upon said judgment, to wit:

All that tract or parcel of land, situate in the Town of Tonawanda, COunty of Erie and State of New- York, being part of Lot 22, Township 12, Range 8 of tho Holland Land Company’s survey, and known on the Englewood Land Com­pany's map of said premises, made by William J. White, surveyor, and Hied in Erie County Clerk's office under cover 431, as subdivision Block number Three (3) and bounded as follows:

Commencing at a point in a line drawn parallel to and distant twenty-one hun­dred ninety-seven and twelve one- hundredlhs (219(.12) foet, easterly tit right angles from the west line of said lot 22 and eight hundred six ana forty-eight one- himdredths (806.48) feet north front the south line of said Lot 22, which point Is at the intersection of tho center line Of Essex Street with tho center line of Wen- del Avenue, as laid out on said company's map. 'Phence westerly at right angles with said parallel line and along the oeti* ter lino of Essex Street, three hundred ten (3i0) teet to its intersection with tho center line of Claremount Avenue. Thence southerly at -right angles and along the center line of Claremount Avenue, eight huntfreo amt five and two one-hundredths (800.02) feet to lho south line of said Lot 22. Thence easterly along said last men­tioned line, three hundred ten (J19) foot to its Intersection witn tho confer line of Wendel Avenue. Thence northerly along the center lino of W-eiidel Avenue eight hundred six and fortv-nlne hundredths (S0l>.49) foot, to the placo of beginning. Ex­cepting therefrom a certain part of said premites, being thirty-two (32) feet front on. Claremount Avenue, by ono hundred twenty-live (125) feet deep: being situat­ed on tno east side of said Avenue, one hundred thirty-eight and sixteen hun­dredths (138.16) foet north of Kenmoro Avenue; being subdivision Lot No. 51 and the northerly two feet of subdivision Lot No. 52. on a subdivision map of block 3 of Lot No. 22. Township twelve (12) Range eight (8) as laid out on map filed in Erio County Clerk’s Office, under cover 43t.

Dated, Buffalo, N. Y.. April 11th, 1901.EDGAR J. WHOIiF, Referee.

BUSCH & HAllVEx, Plaintiff’s Attor­neys. Aouress, .617 Mooney Bldg., Buf­falo. N. Y.The sale of the above described prem­

ises is hereby adjourned to the 81st day of May, .1901, at the same hour and placo.

Dated, Buffalo,N. Y., May 23, 1901.EDGAR J. WHOltE, Referee.'

BUSCH & HARVEY, Plaintiff’s Attor­neys, Address, 617 Mooney Bldg., Buf­falo, N. Y.The sale of the above described prem­

ises is hereby further adjourned to tho 21th day of June, 1901, -at the same hour and place.

Dated, Buffalo, N. Y., May 31, 1901.EDGAR J. WHORE, Referee.

BUSCH & HAltVEY, Plaintiff’s A ttor­neys, Address, 617 Mooney Bldg., Buf­falo, N. Y.

W eiss I5eex*N W COUP'

■ill or Vs.iT, ERIE

iCl/.bietnMEW YORK—CO

iCounty.—Deane Cieslelska.

In pursuance of|r# judgment of fore­closure and sale duly granted by this Court, uml entered*.,bi the Erie County Clerk’s Office on the, 22d day 1901, I, the undersigned referee, duly ap­pointed in this action ( for such purpose, will expose for and sell at publicauction, to tho highest bidder therefor, at tho Buffalo ltea-l Estate Exchange Room. No. 210 Pearl StreOti hit the City of Buf­falo, County of Efteq and State of New York, on the

8th lM Y (>E JUDY, 1901, at 10 o’clock in the Iforfenoon of that day, the real estate and- [mortgaged, premises directed in and by said1 judgment to be sold, and therein described as follows, or ao much thereof as will be sufficient to pay the amount due upon said* judgment, to-wit:

All that tract or parcel o-f land, situate in the City Of Buffalo, County of Erie and State of New York, situate, lying and being In tho City of Buffalo, County of Erie and State of New York, and being part of lot No. eight (8) of Ixiyejoy’a and Emslie’s survey of land usually called the Buffalo Creek 'Reservation, and being dis­tinguished as subdivision lot forty-three (43) on a map- made of a part of said lot 8* by Henry L, Lyon, -surveyor, and filed September 27, 1803, in Erio County Clerk’-s Office in map covers No. 619, and bounded and described as follows:

Beginning at a point in tho westerly lino of Weiss Streot’ninety (9D) -feet south­erly of its intersection wAtl\ the south­erly lino of Boer Street; thence southerly aiong tho westerly lino of Weiss Street thirty (39) feet; thorite westerly and on a line drawn parallel with Ifceer Street one hundred (199) foet; thence- northerly and on a line drawn parallel with Weiss Street thirty (30) -feet; thence easterly and on a lino- dr&iwn parMlot w ith ’Beer iStreet one hundred* (190) feot to Weiss-Street, the place of beginning.

Dated’, (Buffalo, N. Y., Juno 3, 1901,EDWARD M. SICARD, Referee.

A. C. SPANN, (Plaintiffs Attorney, 298 Main St., Buffalo, N. Y.

W eiss St., N. of B eer St.

ATK’W YO R K-r-C 041NTY IN C oun ty .—C har les G.


N otice to Cx’cditox’s.IUCK, CHARLES. Pursuant to an order A. oi H ii-.. Louis \\ M a reus, Surrogate of Erie County, New York, notii-e is here­by given to all persons having claims or demands against Charles Pick, late of Buffalo, that they are required to exhibit same with vouchers thereof u> Katharine fiomrau, executrix of said deceased's will, at the office of Hammond & Hammond.’ in Bnffahj October, I

Dated. March 29, 1901.KATHARINE SIOMKAI HAM.Mi >,\ | > HAMMOND,

Executrix-. 85 \V. Eagle St.. Buffalo.

B u ffa lo L o an , T ru s t nnd S afep o s it Co.

or. or before the lirst day of

Executrix. Attorneys for

N. Y. j D e- !

The annual meeting of the B’.oek lioid- the Buffalo Loan. 'Trust ?Gifo

Deposit Company, for tin* purpojo ’ of Meeting 17 trustees and three inspectors M flection, will bo held at the office of laid company, 'Tuesday. July nth, 199J.

fo ils open from 10 a. in. to 12 in.Secretary.


Gvicler S t., S. of W a rw ic k Avo.n OUNTY COURT, IGRHG TOIINTY.-

Agnes B. Earl vs. The Buffalo Building Nr Investment Company, et al.

In pursuance of a judgment off fero- olosure and sale, . duly granted by this Court, and tutored in the Erio County Clerk’s Office on the 13th day of June, 1901, I, the undersigned referee, duly ap­pointed in this action for such purpose, will expose for sale and sell at public auction, to the highest bidder therefor, at the Buffalo Real Estate Exchange Room, No. 210 Pearl Street, in the City of Buf­falo, Ni w York, on the

8th DAY O'E JULY, 1901,Ihe i olio wing described premi-ses:

Ail that tract or parcel of land, situate at Kensington in tho City of Buffalo, County of Erie and State of Now York, known as subdivision lot (No. 1) number one in Block "C,” according to a survey and map of the land known as the Mc­Arthur's farm, made in May, 1887, by Georgo E. Mann, C. E., which map Is filed In Erie County Clerk’s Office under cover No. 274, said lot being bounded and described as follows:

Beginning at a point In the cast line of Grider Street (35) thirty-live feet south of the intersecting south line of War­wick Avenue with the east line of Grider Street; tin nee northerly along tho east lino of Grider Street (33) thlrty-dlve feet; thence easterly along the south line of Warwick Avenue 1132 85-100) one hundred thirty-two and 85-10 feet; thence south­erly (35) thirty-live feet to a point (133 67-lofi) one hundred thirty-two and 67-1 Cl) feet easterly from the place of be­ginning; thence westerly parallel with W at wick Avenue (132 67-100) one hundred thirty-two and 67-1(8) feet to the place o-f beginning.

Mated, Buffalo. N. Y., June 13, 1901.WILLIAM E. SMITH, Referee.

TITUS Nr LAMM, Attorneys for Plaintiff, 3'76 Mooik y -Brisbane Bldg., Buffalo, N.Y

Notice to Creditors.j 61811, ANDREW J.—Pursuant to an or- 1 dcr of Hon. Louis W. Marcus, Surro­gate of Erie County, N.' Y., notice is here­by given to all persons having claims or demands against Andrew J. Irish, late of tlie City of Buffalo, in said county, de­ceased, that they are required to exhibit tlie same with vouchers thereof to the undersigned John A. Irish, the executor of the last will and testament of the said deceased, at tho office of Eisher, Coutsworth N: Wendo, attorneys for said executor, No. 438 Main Street, In the City of Buffalo, in said county, on or before the 25th day of September, 1901.

Dated, tho 18lh day of March, 1901.JOHN A. HUSH, Executor.

FISHER, COATS WORTH St WENDIG, Attorneys for Executor, 438 Main Street, Buffalo. N. Y.

COUNTY COURT, ERIE COUNTY.— Patrick H. Cochrane, plaintiff, against

John Freeman, John O’Brian and others, defendants.

In pursuance of a judgment of fore­closure and sale duly granted by this Court, and entered in the Erie County Clerk’s Office on the 31st day of May, 1901, I, tho undersigned refereo duly ap­pointed in this action for such purpose, will expose for sale and sell at public auction, to tho highest bidder therefor, a t the Buffalo Real Estate Exchange Room, No. 210 Pearl ‘Street, in the City of Buf­falo, County of Erio and State of New York, on tlie

25th MAY OE JUNE, 1901, at 10 o’clock in the forenoon of that day, the real estate and mortgaged premises directed in and by said judgment to be sold, and therein described as .follows, or so much thereof as will be sufficient to pay the amount due upon said judgment, to wit:

A Jl'that tract or parcel of land, situate in the City of Buffalo, County of Erie and Stale of New York, being part of lot number forty-two (42), Township eleven (11), Range seven (7) of tho Hol­land Land Company’s survey, bounded and described as follows:

Commencing at a point in the westerly line of Brinkman Avenue, where It is Intersected by the southerly line of Doat Street; running thence southerly along the westerly lino of Brinkman Avenue, one hundred and twenty-two.and twenty- live hundredths (122 25-160) feet; thence westerly at right angles one hundred and twenty (.120) feet; tnenc® northerly and parallel with Brinkman Avenue one hun­dred tind twenty-one and twenty-eight hundredths (T21 28-100) foet, more or less, to the southerly line of Doat 'Street; thence easterly along said 'southerly line of Doat Street, ono hundred aiid twenty (120) feet to Brinkman Avenue, the place of be­ginning, being lots numbers 5, 6 and 7, and the easterly eighteen (18) feet throughout of lot number four (4) in Block “A,” as laid down on a map made for the Met­ropolitan Land Association, and Hied In Erie County Clerk’s Office under Cover No. 262.

Excepting, however tion thereof that was lien of said mortgage, of release in writing,1897, recorded in Erie lice in Liber 840 of

COURT, ERIE M iller vs. A.

Frank Gprskl, et al.In pursuance of a judgment of fore­

closure and salo duly granted by this Court, and entered In tne Erie County Clerk’s Office on tb© 22d day of May, 1901, I, the undersigned reforee, duly ap­pointed in this action for such purpose, will expose for «alo^and sell at public auction, to tho highest bidder therefor, at the 'Buffalo Real Estate Exchange Room, No. 210 Pearl Street, in* the,City of Buf­falo, County of Erie and State of New York, on tho

10th DAY OE JULY, 1901, at 10 o’clock in the forenoon of that day, tho real estate and mortgaged premises directed In and by said judgment to bo sold, and therein described as follows, or so much thereof aw will be sufficient to pay the amount due upon said judgment, to-wit:

All that tract or parcel of land, situate in the City of Buffalo, County o<f Erie and Stato of New York, situate, lying and being ini the City of 'Buffalo, County of Erie and .State of "New York, and being a part of lot number eight (8) of Love- joy’s and1 Emslie’s survey of land usually called tho Buffalo Creek Reservation, and being distinguished as subdivision lot number thirty-two on a maip made of a part of said lot eight (8) by Henry L. Lyon, surveyor, and Hied September 27th, 1893, in Erie County Clerk//» Office in map covers No. 619, said, subdivision lot num­ber thirty-two, being bounded and de­scribed as follows:

Commencing at a point in. tho westerly line of Weiss Street two hundred and ten (210) feet northerly of its intersection with the northerly line of Beer Street; thence northerly and along'the westerly line of Weiss .Street thirty ,(30) feet; thence west­erly and on a lino drawn parallel with Beer Street, one hundred (100) feet; thence southerly and on a lino drawn parallel with Weiss Street thirty (30) feet, and thence easterly and on a lin© drawn par­allel with Beer iStreot one' hundred (100) feot to the westerly line of Weiss Street at tho place o*f beginning.

Dated, Buffalo, N. Y., Juno 3, 1901.JOHN* 0. COLLINS,Referee.

A. C. SPANN, Plaintiff’s Attorney, 298Main St., Buffalo, N. Y.

P ro p e r ty in C hcek tow aK a.XT E'W YORK COUNTY COURT, ERIE it County,—Charles G. Miller vs. Walter Tate Cody, et al.

In pursuance of a judgment of fore­closure and sale duly granted by this Court, and entered in the Elio County Clerk’s Office on the 17th day of May, 1901, i, the undersigned referee duly ap­pointed in this action for such purpose, will expose lor salo and cell rft public auction, to the highest bidder therefor, at tho Buffalo Real Estate Exchange Room, No. 210 Pearl Street, in the City of Buf­falo, County of Erie and Stato of New York, on the

3rd DAY OF JULY, J901, at 10 o’clock in the forenoon of that* day, tho real estate and mortgaged premises directed in and by said • judgment to be sold, and therein describee! as follows, or so much thereof as will bo sufficient to pay tho amount duo upon said judgment, to wit:

AJI that tract or parcel of land situate in tlie Town of Cheektowaga, County of Erio and State of Ne\V* York, being part of lot number tiUrty-two (32), I ’ownehip eleven (11), Range seven (7) of tho Hol­land Land Company’s survey, and de­scribed iir a certain subdivision map of the Miller Estate Land Company, so called, Hied in tho Erio County Clerk’s Office on tho 28th day ot‘ May, 1888, under cover number 298, as subdivision lots numbers thiftywfour (34). thirty-five (35) and thirty-six (38) in Block “1C,” and mofo particuiarly bounded and described (is follows:

Boginnfttg at a point in tho northerly lino.of Reiman Street distant thirty (30) feet westerly from the pobvt of Intersec­tion of suid lino with th© wosbeHy line of Wag nor Avenue; thence running north erly and parallel with Wafchejr. Avenue, one huh^red and twenty (|2D)! thence westerly and parallel with Reiman Street eighty-eight (88) feet to th e Hue between tho ’ City of Buffalo and tl\o Town . of Cheektownga; thence southerly and along said last mentioned line one lvuq#red and twenty (120) feot to tho northerly lino of Reimart Street; thence easterly and along (ho northerly line of Reiman Street eighty-eight (88) feet to tho place of be­ginning.

Dated,, Buffalo, N. Y,, May, 17, 1901. # PETER MAUL, Bfcferee.

ALBERT C. SPANN, Plaintiff^ Attorney, 298 Main St., Buffalo, N. Y.

S. o f F u l to n S t.ERIE COUNTY.-ft Conhlivan, et al., de-

C h lcngo tvt,.,f OUNTY COURT,\J J>ake View Brewing Company, plain*

therefrom, a por- released from the by an Instrument dated August 19,

County Clerk’s Of- Dcods’ at page 156,

bounded -and described as follows: Commencing at a point in the south­

erly line of Doat Street ninety (90) feet westerly from the intersection of tho westerly line of Brinkman Avenue with the southerly line of Doat Street; run­ning -thence southerly parallel w'lth wild line of Brinkman Avenue ninety-two (92) feet; thence westerly parallel with said line of Doat Street thirty (30) foet; thence northerly about parallel with said line of Brinkman Avenue ninety-two (92) feet to the southerly line 'of Doat Street, and thence easterly on said lino of Doat Street, thirty (30) l’eet to the place of be­ginning.

Also excepting therefrom another por­tion thereof that was released from the lien of said mortgage by an instrument of release in writing dated December 29, 1897, recorded In Erie County Clerk’s Office In Liber 833 of Deeds at page 10S, bounded and described as follows:

Commencing at a. point in the southerly line of Doat Street at a distance of sixty (00) feet westerly from the west lino of Brinkman Avenue, running thence south at right angles to Doat -Street ninety-two (02) feet; thence west on a line * parallel with Moat Street thirty (30) feet; thence northerly at right angles ninety-two (92) feet to the south line of Doat Street; thence easerly along said south line of Doat Street thirty (30) feet to tho place of beginning.

Dated, Buffalo, N. Y., May 31, 1901.CHARLES K. ROBINSON, Referee.

P. W. LAWLER, Plaintiff’s Attorneys, 408 Mooney-Brisbano Bldg., Buffalo, N.Y.

Person St., N. o f jFasliley St.


Grace E. Bird vs. Anton al.

In pursuance of a judgment and decree of foreclosure and.1 sale duly granted by this Court, and entered in the Erie County Clerk’s Office, -on the 10th day of June, 1901, I, the undersigned refereo duly ap­pointed in this action for such purpose, will ex-poso for sa'lo and sell a t public auc­tion, to the highest bidder therefor, at the Buffalo Real Estate Exchange Room, No. 210 Pearl Street, In the 'City of Buf­falo, County of Erie and State of New York, on the

2d DAY OF JULY, 1901, at 10 -o’clock in the forenoon of that day, tho real estate and mortgaged premise# directed in and by sald'ijudgment to be sold, and therein describe® as follows, of so much thereof as will be sufficient to pay th© amount due upon said judgment, to wit:

All that tract or parcel of jand, si-tuato in tii© City o-f Buffalo, County of Erie and State of New York, boing subdiivskm lot number twelve (12), in block number three (3), according- to a map or survey of tho northeast part of lot number on© (l), Township eleven (11) and Range eight (8) of the Holland Land Company’s survey, and Hied in tlie Erie County Clerk's office under cover number 298, January Hh, 1881, and bounded and de­scribed as follows:

Beginning at a point In the easterly lino of Person Street one hundred and forty (146) feet northerly from its intersection with tho northerly line o'f Ashley Street, according to said map; running thence easterly at right angles to Person -Street, one hundred and thirty*-two (132) feet; thence northerly and parallel with P er­son Street thirty (30) feet; thence westerly at right angles one hundred aiKl thirty- two (13-2) feet to Person Street; and thenee southerly along the easterly- line of Per­son Street thirty (30) feet to the place of beginning.

Dated, Buffalo, N. V., .Tune 10, 1901. WILLIAM B. DICKINSON, Referee,

CLINTON & CLARK, Plaintiff’s A ttor­neys. Address, 1012 Prudential Build­ing, Buffalo, N. Y.

B e a rd A v„ S. W . o f W oodbridg© A v.

of foreclos- this 'Court,

f OUNTY COURT, ERIE COUNTY— V Buffalo Cement Company, -Limited, vs. Charlotte Gordon.

In pursuance of a Judgment lire and sale duly granted by and entered! In the Erie 'County Clerk”s ofHee on the Hth day of June, 1601; I, the undersigned refereo duly appointed for such purpose will sell at public auction at the 'Buffalo Real Estate Exchange Room. No. 210 Pearl Street, hi the City of Buffalo, County of Erio and State.of New York, on the

10th DAY OE JULY, 1901, at 10 o’clock in the forenoon of that day, the real estate and mortgaged premises directed in and l>y quid! judgment to be sold ami therein, dk: scribed as follows:

All that tract or parcel of land situate in the City of Buffalo, -County of Erie and State of New York, known as lot No. 8

No. 3 of tho lands of the Buffalo Company, as shown by a sub­

map thereof, lying in farm lots ami 69, township 11, range 8 of iml Land- Company’s survey, and

office of the Clerk of tlm t ’oun-No. 456, and

in Block Cement division Nos. 68 the Hull tiled in the t y 11 f 1G r i e under map cover l\u*k’indicated thereon as “Central (Bennett-Pierce Tract), ami bounded' by street, rear and side lines thereon Indi­cated, said lot being further describee! as follows:

Situate on tho southeast line of Beard Avenue* sixty-three* (63) feet southwest from the southwest line of Wood,bridge Aveam and having fifty-six (56) feet front. (1 fty-isIx (56) foet rear, one huiuAreel seventy-live (175) feet northeast line, one himd'reet s< venty-tive (-175) feet southwest line.

Mated, June 15, 1901.EDWIN P. 'I’ll IA Y 10 R, Referee.

TUTTLE l& OALLAN, Plaintiff’s Attor­neys. Address, 90-7 I). S„ M’organ Bldg., Buffalo, N. Y.

COUNTY COURT, ERIE COUNTY.— Ivory II. Hawkins, plaintiff, against

Christopher Eaton, et ah, defendants.In pursuance of a judgment ol’ this

Court, duly granted and entered In the office of the Clerk of the County of Erie, New York, on tho 17th day of April, 1901,' I, the undersigned referee duly appointed in tiffs action for such purpose, will ex­pose for sale and* sell at public auction, to the highest bidder therefor, a t the Buf­falo Real Estate Exchange Room, No. 210 Pearl Street, Buffalo, Erie County, Now York, on the

18th DAY OE JULY, 1991, at 10 o’clock in tho forenoon of said day, tho real estate and mortgaged premises directed in and by said judgment to bo ‘sold, and therein described as follows, or so much thereof iasi^vlll be sufficient to {my tho amount ituenupon «ald judgment, to wit: ,-i

All that tract or paricel of land, situate in the Town of JSvluls, County of Brie and State of New .York, being part of lot number fo-rty-five in the eighth town­ship and ninth .rajjigto of tho Holland Land Company’s survey, bounded as fol­lows: ■) ji i

North by the north Bine of said lot 58 chains 20 links; w’̂ st’, by the west lino of said lot 25 chdlnp 57 links] /south by a line parallel1 with the north one of said lot 58 chains and 38 links; eakt by tho ea-st line of said lot 25 chains 68 links, con­taining 150 acres.

Also another parcel rtf land, being a part of the above mentioned lo( 45, bounded east by a lino parallel to the east lino of said lot, at the. distance of 12 chains 61 links west therefrom, 31 eljlaiivs 71 links; south by lot numbcivB, 14 chains 33 links; wert by land deeded to Patrick Car-rail 31 chains 64 links, ami north by land deed­ed to Edmund D. Southwlek, 14 chains 10 links, containing 45 acres, be tho same more or less.

Excepting, however, from the above de­scribed premises a piece of land deeded by Elijah P ratt to George Harper by died da,ted June 24th, 1844, recorded in Erie County Clerk’s Office In Liber 91 of deeds, page 65, July 16th, 1847, situated in tlie northeast corner of said lot 45, con­taining 20 acres.

Also excepting from said premise* an­other piece of land containing fifty acres, deeded by Warren C. Russell and Jenlffo hts wife to Mary M. Stoinfoldt by deed dated April 2, 1888, recorded in Libor 552, of deeds at pngo 462, June 25th, 1888, Also excepting from tho above premises an­other piece of land containing 10 acres deeded by Warren C. Russell and Jennie Ills wife, to Parniella Anna Bickloy, by deed dated October 1st, 18S9, recorded In

PUBLIC NOTICE of an Application to 1 the Comtyttesioneirs of the lyOJid Of­fice for a Grunt of Laud* finder Water,

TAKE NOTICE, That pursuant to a resolution adopted by the Board of Al­dermen of the City of Buffalo, N. Y., on tho 4th day of March, 1901, duly -concurred in and by tho Board of CoundHmen of said1 City on the 6th day of Marph, 1901. and duly* 'approved by the Mayor of said City on tho 16th day of- March, 1901, the undersigned' will file -with the Commis­sioners of tho Land- Office on the 30th day of July, 1901, an application for a grant of lands? under water, hereinafter described, In perpetuity-; and by resolu­tion of said Commissioners, any* person deeming himself liable to injury by said grunt, should file, before said date, with said Commissioners, a t the CapltpJ at Al­bany, a remonstrance stating hl» reasons for opposing said grant.

The land under water above mentioned is boundied, and described as follows, to- wit:

All that certain piece or parcel Of land lying and being under the waters Of Lake Erie and Black Rock iH'arbor in tho City of Buffalo, County of Brie and; d ta te of New York, being part of lots numbers one hundred andi fi'Iteen. (116), one hundred' and sixteen (Ui6), and on© hundred and thirty- three (183) of the New York 'State Reser­vation. and. being mofe 'particularly de­scribed as follows:

Beginning a t the. point-of intersection of tho southerly line of Jersey Street as a four rod street, and the easterly shore of Lake Erie, thence northerly alopg the shore of Lake Erie to tho northerly lino of 'Connecticut Street extended westerly as a four rod street; thenco .westerly on tho northerly line of Connecticut Street extended .westerly to a point on© thou­sand nine hundred and ninety '(1,©&>) feet westerly from the westerly line of Front Avenue, measured on sa’ld northerly line of Connecticut street extended, said point being int tho harbor lino as adopted! by the United States Government', October 12, l’SOO; thence southerly on an inclina­tion to the west fifteen hundred- and tenn feet to the point of intersection

io center line of Jersey 'Street ex­tended westerly, said point being two thousand five hundred! (2,500) feot more or less, westerly fromi tne westerly line of Front Afveirue measured' on. said center line of Jersey Street extended; thenee southerly on an inclination- to the east and on said 'Harbor Line to tho southerly line of Jersey Street as a four rod! street extended westerly; thence easterly on thq southerly line of Jersey Street extended to the easterly shore of Lake Erie and to tho place of beginning, containing fifteen and four-tenths (15.4) acres, more or less. The soundings- taken ono in eivety fifty (50) feet along the whole exterior water line of said, proposed) g ran t are as (follows, viz.:

On the northerly line, beginning a t the shoro line, where the depth is naught (0) feet; four-tenths (.4) feet; two and three- tenths (2.3) feet.

On the westerly line, being the fflarbor Line, beginning at the intersection1 of said line with .the northerly lino afore­said, and fifty (50) feet distant ther*from, three (3) f-tet; two an-d two-tenth® (i2.2) feet; tw,o arid'£our-tent-hs (2.4') feet; two and six-tentr,:s (2.6) feet; two and' two- tenths (2,2) feet; two and three-tenths (2.3) feet; two and six-tenths (2,6) feot; two and live-tenths (2.5) feet; three and one-tenth '(3.1) feet; four and eight-tenths (1.8) feet; dour and eight-tenths (4.8) feet; four and one*tanth (4.1) feet; three .and threcMenths (3.3) feet; four and six- tenths (4.6) feet; five and one-tenths (5.1.) feet; nine and) three-tenths (9.3) feet; nine and. nine-tenths (9.0) feet; eight and nine- tenths (8,0) feet; seven, andi six-tenths (7.6) feet; seven and five-denths (7.5) feet; Seven and six-tenths (7.6) foet; seven, and three-tenths (7.3) feet; seven (7) fe e t; ,sev­en and one-tenth (7.1) feet; seven and one-tenth (7.19 feet; seven (7) feet;’ six and nine-tenths (6.9) feet; seven- (Tj).rfeet; seven and: one-tenth (7.19 feet; seven and two-tenths (7.2) feet; seven and three- tenths (7.3) feet.

On tho southerly line, beginning a t the shore line where tho water is naught (0) feet; four and nine-tenths (4.0) foot; five and two-tenths (5.2) feet; five and; nine- tenths (5.9) lect; five and six-tenths (5.6) feet; six and one-tenth (6.1) feet; fiv© and eight-tenths (5.8) feet; ' six (6) feet; five and soven-tentbs (5.7) feet; six -and eight- tenths (6.8) feet; five and five tenths (5.5) feet; six and three-tenths (6.3) feet; five and nine-tenths (5.9) *feet; six and 1 six- tenths (6.6) feet; six and nine-tenths (6.9) feet: 'six and eight-tenths (6.8) feet; seven (7) feet; seven and four-tenths (7.4) feet; seven and two-tenths '(7.2) feet.

Tho upland's of the City of Buffalo, ap­plicant, adjacent to tho abovo described parcel of lands applied, for, are bounded on \ the north side by tho land of tlie tState of N©w York, on tne oast by the Erie Canal, on the south by the lands of Michael Nellany and on tho west by Lake Erie; and said) upland are actually occu­pied by tho applicant for park purposes.

I t Ls the intention of tho applicant, the City of Buffalo, to appropriate tho lands described t'o tho beneficial enjoyment of said City and the public for park pur­poses, by filling In, grading and orna­menting tho same.

■Dated June 15, 1901.(TTY C>F BUFFALO, by

'WliLLIAIM H. OU DDE BACK, Corporation Counsel,

'OHlce and) P. O, Address, 'No. 31 City and County dlall, Buffalo, IN. Y.

tiff, against fendants. C 1

In pursuance of a judgment and decree of foreclosure and sale duly granted by tiffs Court, and entered in the Erie County Clerk’s Office on the 28th day of May, J901, 1, tho undersigned referee, duly ap­pointed in this notion for such purpose will expose for sale uml sell at public auction, to the highest bidder therefor, ut the Buffalo Real Estate Exchange Room, No. 210 Pearl Street, in the City of Buf­falo, County of Erie and State of New York, on the

19th DAY OF JUNE, 1901. at 10 o’clock in the forenoon of that day, the real estate and mortgaged premises directed in ami by said judgment to bo sold, and therein described as follows, or so much thereof as will be sufficient to pay the amount due upon said' judgment, to wit:

Ail that tract or parcel of land, situate in the City of Buffalo, County of Erie an-d State of New York, being p«j*t of outer lot No. 71, and more particularly described as follows:

Beginning ut a point in the westerly line of Chicago Street at the distance of twenty-©ight (28) feet southerly from the intersection of the said westerly lino of Chicago Street with the southerly line of Fulton Street; runairtg thence westerly parallel with Puiton Street, one hundred (100) feet; thenoe southerly and parallel with Chicago Street, twenty-nine (29) feet; thence easterly and parallel with PuRon Street, one hundred (100) feet to tho west­erly line o f ‘Chicago Street, and thence northerly along tho eald westerly line of Chiefs© Street, twenty-nine (29) feet to the filAce 6f beginning. Being tho same premises conveyed by Elizabeth W. Green­wood, individually as trustee, etc., to Martin Quinlivan, by deed dated Novem­ber 12th, 1890, and recorded in Brio County Clerk’s Office in Liber 577 of Deeds a t page 73.

Da/ted, Buffalo, N. Y„ May 28, 1901.JOHN F. PATTERSON, Referee.

BRENDEL & STAND ART, Plaintiff’s At­torneys, 706 Mutual Xfffe Bldg., Buf­falo, N. Y. •


Ontario St. N. K. ox Sklll«i>.

C OUNTY COURT, u i m : c o u i v v y Wil l iam JI. Daniels, an TroHsurc.

Erlo County, against Dunslon Bark Company, oi al.

In pursuance of a judgment and . j . of foreclosure ami sale duly .gj \>1 ills Court, and entered in the Brie roue ty Clerk’s Office on tlie 16th day of May. firtl; I the undersigned reform* duly ay pointed In this action for such purport*, will expose for sale and sed at ptffffj, auction, to the highest bidder the/vfoi, at the Buffalo Real Estate. IGx.-b.ing* Room, No. 210 Pearl Street, in the City of Buffalo, County of Erie and Stale of Nev. York, on the

10th DAY OF JUNE, 19ftl, at 10 o’clock in the forenoon of. dhat da y, the real estate and mortgaged pre-mln directed in and by said judgment lo b< sold, and therein doscrirVed as follows, or bo much thereof as will bo sufficient t.«»

B e s t S t., C or. G u ilfo rd S t.

N e w y o r k - c o u n t y c o u r t , c o u n -ty o f E r ie .—C arrie H o u c k a g a in s t

John p. Zenner, et al.In pursuance of a judgment of fore­

closure and sale duly granted by this Court, and entered in the Erie County Clerk's Office on the 29th day of May, 1901, J, the undersigned -referee, duly ap-> pointed in this action for such purpose, will expose for sale and sell at public auction, to the highest biddor therefor, at the Buffalo Real Estate Exchange Room, No. 210 Pearl Street, in the City of Buf­falo, County of Erie and State of New York, on the

24th DAT OF JUNE, 1901, at 10 o’clock in the forenoon of that day, the real estate and mortgaged promises directed in and by said judgment to be Sold, and therein described as follows, or so much thereof as will be sufficient to pay the amount due upon said Judgment, to -wit:

All that tract or pareel of land, situate in the City of Buffalo, County of Erie and State of New York, being part of farm lot number twenty, in Township eleven and Range eight, of the Holland Land Company’s survey, and bounded as follows:

Beginning a t the point of intersection of the southerly lino of Best Street, with the easterly line of Guilford Street, and running thence southerly along said lino of Guilford Street one hundred and thirty- eight and 27-100 (138.27) feet; thence east­erly at right angles with said lino of Guilford Street, ninetfc-four (94) feet; thence northerly parallel with said first mentioned* boundary, one hundred and thirty-six (136) feet to said line of Best Street; thence westerly along said line of Best Street, ninety-four (94) feet to the place of beginning. Being further desig­nated as subdivision lots numbers one (1), two (2), three (3) arid four (4), as the same are laid down on a map of the northwest part of said farm lot number twenty, filed in Erie County Clerk's Office in map cover No. 283.

Dated, Buffalo, N. Y., May 29, 1901.HARRY N. KRAFT, Referee.

JACOB J. STEIN, Plaintiff’s Attorney, No. 537 and 538 Mooney-Brisbane Bldg., Buffalo, N. Y.

G lin t oil S t..(1 OUNTY COURT,

C o r. S m ith S t.ERIEC John Walter, an infant, by

COUNTY.— John H.

Brogan, his guardian ad ltterri, vs. Chris­tina Rohauer, et al.

In pursuance o'f a Judgment in the above entitled action of partition- entered in the office of the Clerk of Erie County on the 13th day of June, 1991, I, t'he undersigned referee, in and by said judgment for that purpose appointed, will sell at public auc­tion at tho Buffalo Real Estate Exchange Room, 210 Pearl 'Street/in the City of Buf­falo, N. Y. . on the

5th DAT OF JULY, 1901, at 10 o’clock a. m., the lands and premises in said judgment directed to bo sold and therein described a®.follows:

All that tract or parcel of land situate in the City of 'Buffalo, County of Erie and S late of New York, known and dis­tinguished on a map called Mann’s Plan of Farm Lots Nos. 13 and 17, as subdivis­ion lot No. 1, in block No. 14 of farm lot No. 13 and more particularly bounded and described as follows: .

Beginning at the intersection of t'he southerly line of 'Clinton Street with the easterly lino Of 'Smith Street; thence east­erly along said line of Clinton Street fifty- three and thirty-eight one-hundredths (53.38) feet; thence isouther-ly at rlg'ht a n ­gles to said last mentioned line one hun­dred fifteen and eighteen one-hundredths (115.18) feet; thence at right angles wester-' ly and parallel to said line of Clinton Street twenty-six and sixty-nine one-hun­dredths (26.09) feet to the easterly line of Smith 'Street; thence northerly along the easterly line of Smith Street one hundred eighteen and twenty-four one-hundredths (118̂ 19 feet to the place of beginning, be the/sam© more or less. Subject to the lease of a portion cf said premise® held by William Slmorn

Dated, June 13th, 1901.EDWARD C. HAIND'WERK, Referee.

WILBUR B. GRANDISON, Plaintiff’s Attorney, 108, 109, 109*̂ Erie Co. Bank Bldg., Buffalo, N. Y_

pay the amount duo upon said judgment to wit:

All that tract or pareel of land situate in tho City of Buffalo, County of i ; u* and State of New York, being a part <»i R>ts one (1) and three (3) of the ".foin-i- T ract” so called, hounded and .described as follows: Beginning at a point in Un northwesterly line Oi Ontairlo Street two hundred and ten feet northeaot«rly from the northeasterly line of SktUen S treet; running thendo northeasterly aiong Un* northwesterly line Of OntaTio Street ii - hundred and twenty-seven and ninety four hundredth© (627.94) feet; thence northwesterly parallel with JSkillen Street two "hundred aufi twettiyvfour (224) feet; thbnce nortfhea/sterly parasol with Onto rio Street to n<*rtnwester1y line of lot. one (1) and to land formerly .owned by- Paul Fritz; thenco southwesterly alon* the northwesterly line of lots one (1) ami three (3) a^out eignt hundred and sixty eight and two hundredths (888.02) feet in a point in said line which will uo in ter­sected by a line drawn parallel with Skil- len Street and two hundred and ihirty- six (236) feet northeasterly therefrom ; thence sotitheaeferly along aaiu line drawn parallel wRu Sklllen Street ami two hundred and thirty-six (236) f< ot northeasterly therefrom, about tlire-i hundred and twenty-five and thirty-one ono hundredtiis V325.S1) feet to a point two hundred and seventy-four (274) f««Rmeasured on a line parallel wltn SkJHen Street from Ontario Street; thence south- westerly parallel with Ontario street two hundred and thirty-six (236) feot to the northeasterly line of Skilleri Street; thence southeasterly along said line or Sklllen Street fifty (60) feet to a point- two hundred and twenty-four (224) fed northwesterly measured on said Him from Ontario Street; thence northeaster­ly and parallel With Ontario Street two hundred and tdn (—0) feet; thence south­easterly parallel with Sklllen Street two hundred and twenty-four (22-l feot 1.o the l orthwestorly line of Ontario Street «t tlie place or boginning. Containing nix acres and 896-1000 of an acre, be the same more or lesj.

Also that certain other piece or parcel of land, situate in the City of Buffalo, County or Erie and State of Now York, known and described as lot forty one (41) of Allen's subdivision of lot on© hundred and three (103) of the New York State Reserve and the north part of “Jones Tract,” bound­ed and described as follows: Beginnlm at a point in tho northeasterly line of Sklllen Street where the same is Inter­sected by tfie southerly line of Allen's subdivision; thence northwesterly along said line of Sklllen Street four hundred and elghtv-nine and thlrty-nino hun­dredths (4S9.39) feet to the northwesterly corner of said lot forty-one (41); thum-.o northeasterly parallel with O’Neil Street and along the northwesterly line of lot forty-ono (4f) about twelve bundled and fifteen and fifty-three hundredths (1215,53) feet to the New York State Reserve line; thence southeasterly along said Reserva­tion line about seven hundred and ninety- eight and fourteen hundredths (798.14) feet to a point a t which said Reservation line is intersected by the south line of Allen’s subdivision, said point being also tho southeast corner of said lot forty-om>. (41); thence southwesterly along the south line of .Allen’s subdivision about eleven hundred and seventy-nine and eight-tenths (1179.8) feet to Bkillen Street: at the place of beginning. Containing seventeen and four hundred and ninety five thousandths (17,495) acres, be thu same mo-re or less.

The property above described Is the samo parcel of land described on a map or survey of lots one (1) and three (3) of “Jones Tract” and lot forty-ono (41) of Allen’s plot made by William J, White, surveyor, and filed in Erie County Clerk*: Office in cover No. 372 on the 24th day of June, 1890.

Excepting from both parcels of land above described, subdivision lots mim bars 5, 6, 8, 12, 13, 14, 15 and 21 in block “A” ; the southwesterly 23.14 feet of lot nine in block “D” ; lots numbers 22, 23, 29, 31, 35. 42, 43, 60, 61, 62, -54, 66, 59, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67 and 70 in block “K” ; and lots numbers 37, 39, 45, 46, 48, 6Q, 69, 62, 64, 66, 68, 69, 70 and 71'in block “1‘ , as shown on a' subdivision map of said premises made by William J. White, surveyor, and filed in Erie County Clerk s Office In cover 372 June 24th, 1890.

Dated. Buffalo, N. Y., May 16, 1901.WALTER S. JENKINS, Referee.

FRED GREINER, Plaintiff’s Attorney, Address, 338 Mooney and Brisbane Bldg., Buffalo, N. Y.The sale of the above described prem­

ises is hereby adjourned to the 24-th day ot June, 1901, at the same hour and place.

WALTER'S. JENKINS, Referee. FRED GREINER, Plaintiff’s Attorney,

338 Mooney-Briwbane Bldg., Buffalo, N.Y,

Cor. D e la w a re A v e . a n d C a ry St;'UPltEME COURT, ERIE COUNTY,S

E lm w ood Ave., N. o f P o to m a c Ave.EW YORK, COUNTY COURT, ERIE

againstf i

Jber 674 of deeds at page 632, Oct. 28, 1889. Daited, June 5th, 1901.

CHARLES C. SEVERANCE. Referee. 'RANK BRET THORN, Plaintiff’s At- tomsvr fls EM© County Savings Bank Bids N. Y.


'N o tic e to C r e d i to r s . 'l>OSE, MARGARJGTHA.—-Pursuant to an XI order of Hon. Louis W, Marcus, Sur­rogate of Erie County, New York, notice is hereby given to all persons having claims or demands against Margarotha Rose, late of the City of Buffalo, In laid county, deceased, that they are required to exhibit tho same with tho vouchers thereof to the undersigned the executor of tile last will and testament of the said deceased, at the office of Frank F. Wil­liams, his attorney, No. 118 Erio County Savings Bank Building, in the City of Buffalo, in said county, on or before tlie seventh day of August, 1901,

Dated the 5th day of February, 1901.GEORGE SCHMITT,

Executor of tho will of Margarotha Rose, deceased.

N o tiee to C re d ito rs .OCJIAEFEK, JO H N -Pursuant to an or- kj del* of Hull, Louis \V. Marcus, Surro­gate of Erio County, N. Y., notice Is here­by given to all persons having claims or demands against John Schaefer, late of tho City of Buffalo, in said county, deceased, that they are required to exhibit the sumo with tlie vouchers thereof to the under­signed, the executors of the estate of the said deceased, at the office of the attor­ney of tlie said executors, Joseph P. Schattner, No. 360 Main Street, In tho City of Buffalo, in said county, on or before the 10th day of August, 1901.

Dated, the 4th day of February, 1901. JOHN B. SCHAEFER and FRANK H GERW1TZ, Executors.JOSEPH P SCHATTNER. A Hornby for

Executors, 360 Main St., Buffalo, N. Y.

Subscrlbs for THE BMffAL) ftEVIE

County.—Amos W. Morgan Wllllajn R. Peftrco, et al.

In pursuance of a Judgment of foreclos­ure and sale duly granted by this Court, and entered )n the Erie County Clerk’s Office on th-e 3d day of June, 1901, I, the .undersigned referee, duly appointed in this action for such purpose, .Will expose for sale and sell at public auction, to the highest bidder therefor, a t the Buffalo Real Estate Exchange Room, No. 210 Pearl Street, in the City of Buffalo, County of Erie and State of New York, on the

26th DAY OF o UNE, 1901, at 10 o’clock In the forenoon of that day, the real estate and mortgaged premises directed.in and by said judgment to bo sold, and therein described as follows, or so much thereof as will be sufficient to pay *the amount due upon said judgment, to wit:All that tract or marcel of land, situate in the City of Buffalo County of Erie and State of New York, described as fol­lows: ). Beginning at a point in the westerly line of Elmwood Avenue distant 160 feot northerly from tho northerly line or Po­tomac Avenue, running thence westerly and parallel with Potomac Avenue 150 feel; thence northerly and parallel with Elmwood Avenuo about 100 reet to I-ands now or formerly owned by Tellco John­son; thence easterly and along the south­erly line of said Johnson’s land about 150 feet to tho westerly line of Elmwood Avenue, and thence southerly along the westerly line of Elmwood Avenue 159 6-10 feet to tho place of beginning.

Dated. Buffalo, N. Y., Juno 3, 1901.IRVIN C. MCDOWELL, Referee.

THOMAS A. STONE, Plaintiff’s Attorney,No. 916 Kllicott Square, Buffalo, N. Y.

T l l l i UNDERSIGNED* HEREBY CER- 1 tify that the co-partnership heretofore existing among George Parks, Joseph J. Parks and Nelson O. Parks of Buffalo, N. Y., doing u general contracting and pile-driving business under the firm name of George Parks & Sens, havs been dis­solved by the withdrawal of George Parks from said firm.

Tho undersigned will continue the busi­ness under the same firm name.

Tlie only persons dealing under Said firm name of George Parks & Sons, with their places of abode, ate as follows:

Joseph J. Parks, 352 Rhode Island St., Buffalo, N. Y. * /

Nelson O. Parks, 582 Uliea St., Buffalo, N. Y.

The principal place of business o-f said co-partnership is Buffalo, N. Y.


State of Now York, County of Erie, City of Buffalo:On the 6th day of June, 1901, before me,

the subscribed, personally appeared Joseph J. Parks and Nelson O. Parks to me per­sonally known to bo the same person© de­scribed in and who executed th« forego­ing instrument, and they severally* ac­knowledged to ma tha t they executed the HU__

W. ELY, Commiafcion«r oiBuffalo, N, Y.

Alida B, Warren v». Henry F, Bomd- man, et al,

In pursuffhee of a Judgment in the above entitled action of partition, entered In Iho office of the Clerk of Die County of Erie on the 28th day of May, 1901, the under­signed referee duly appointed in said Judgment for such purpose, will expose for sale and sell a t public auction, toth>‘- highest bidder therefor, at the Buffalo Real Estate Exchange Room, Number 210 Pearl Street, in the City of Buffalo, Coun­ty of Erie, New York, on the

2Jst# DAY OF JUNE, 1901, at ten o’clock in the ftfrenoon of that day, • the real estate, lands and premises direct­ed in and by said jjudgmeifl. to be sojd, and therein described as follows:

All that tract or parcel of land, situate in the City of Buffalo, County oi I i and State of New Yqrk, being part • of inner Lot Number one hundred and sev­enty-one (171) and bounded and described as follows, to wit:

Commencing at the intersection of tho westerly line of Delaware Street with the northerly line of Cafy Street, thence northerly on said westerly lino of Delaware Street, thirty-six (36) feel to the land now owned and oc­cupied by the Estate of William L:»v- erack, deceased; thence westerly on tho southerly line of land of said Laverack Estate and parallel with Cary Street aforesaid ono hundred and fifteen (llf>) feet; thence northerly at rtferht angles to the last named line twelve (12) fe/-t; thence westerly at right angles and p ar­allel with Cary Street and along the southerly line of lands of said Laverack Estate forty-two (42) feet to an alley four (4) feet wide, thence southerly along the easterly line of said alloy forty-eight (4X) feet to the northerly line of Cary Street aforesaid; . theace easterly along the northerly line of Cary Street one hundred and fifty-seven (157) feet to the westerly line pf Delaware Street niore^aid at tlie point of beginning, be’ the same more or less. Also all tho rights and Interest of the said parties of the first part in and to the aforesaid alley on the westerly end of said premises.

Dated, May 2Sth, 1901.HARRY L. TAYI/OR, Referee.

EDWARD M. SICARD. Attorney for Plaintiff, 544 IGllicott Square, Buffalo, N. Y,

GEORGE B. BAItRELL, Attorney for various Defendants.

ALEXANDER DAVIDSON, Guardian ad litem.

MN o tice to C red ito r* .

ASTERSON, MARY E.—Pursuant to an order of Hon. Louis W. Marcus,

Surrogate of Erio County, Now York, notice is hereby given to all persons hav­ing claims or demands against Mary E. Masterson, late of the City of Buffalo, in said county, deceased, that they are required to exhibit tho samo with tho

| vouchers thereof tb tho undersigned, the administratrix of the estate of the said deceased, a l No. 157 Chemung trout; Waverly, Tioga County, Now York, on or before the 20th day of August, 1901.

Dated the 11th day of February, 1901.ADDIE R. DOUGLASS.

Ad mlnlstratrlx.

N otiee to C reditors.W EBSTER, ELI ii A BETH.- Pursuant P I t an orclor of Hon. Ia>uI* \Y. -\lareun Surrogate of Erie County, N. Y., notice is hereby given to all persons having claims or demands against LclLab n« Webster, late of tho OUy of Buffalo, in said county, deceased, that they are re­quired to exhibit tho stun® with t|)t» vouchors thereof U the undersigned, tiiu executor ol the Inst will and testament 61 th4 said deceased, a t Ut* office of the h executor, at No. 45 North Division tUrirtt, In tho City of Buffalo, lit said county, ojs or before the 6th day of August, *9t)l.

Dated, the 5th day of January. itK1!, CHARLES H. W LUdVEK

TSxevn RuEDW ARD A\ 1 1 1 ' ' >, .Lv.mtl R ] tcUUv,

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