Legal Medicine Midterms Notes

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Midterms Notes on Legal Medicine (as per pointers) under Atty. Capule, 2nd Sem 2014-15

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  • Legal Medicine (Atty. Capule) Midterm Notes (As per pointers)



    Is it unlawful to demand a deposit?

    NO. It becomes unlawful when the deposit/advance

    payment is demanded as a prerequisite for

    confinement or medical treatment of a patient in

    such hospital or medical clinic or to refuse to

    administer medical treatment and support as

    dictated by good practice of medicine to prevent

    death or permanent disability

    Is refusal unlawful?

    NO. If there is strict compliance with the procedure

    on transfer, it is not construed as refusal.

    Procedure / Requisites for valid transfer:

    1. there is inadequacy of medical capabilities of the hospital

    2. the patient or his next of kin consents to the transfer, provided that if the patient is

    unconscious, incapable of giving consent

    and/or unaccompanied, the physician can

    transfer the patient even without his consent

    3. The receiving hospital or medical clinic agrees to the transfer

    4. such transfer shall be done only after necessary emergency treatment and support

    have been administered to stabilize the


    5. that it has been established that such transfer entails less risks than the patient's continued


    No hospital or clinic, after being informed of the

    medical indications for such transfer, shall

    refuse to receive the patient nor demand from

    the patient or his next of kin any deposit or

    advance payment

    Transfer of Patients

    After the hospital or medical clinic mentioned

    above shall have administered medical treatment

    and support, it may cause the transfer of the patient

    to an appropriate hospital consistent with the needs

    of the patient, preferably to a government hospital,

    especially in the case of poor or indigent patients

    (Sec. 3, RA 8344)

    Item 3 of IRR of RA 8344 provides:

    1. The transferring and receiving hospital, shall be as much as practicable, be within ten (10)

    kilometer radius of each other.

    2. The transfer of patients contemplated under this Act shall at all times be properly


    3. Hospitals may require a deposit or advance payment when the patient is no longer under

    the state of emergency and he/she refuses to

    be transferred.

    When are hospitals required to extend medical


    Hospitals are required to render immediate medical

    assistance and provide facilities and medicine

    within its capabilities on emergency cases, where

    patients are in danger of dying and/or suffering

    serious physical injuries, (Sec. 1, RA 6615)

    Note: Doctrine of Reasonable Reliance Hospital without emergency services allowed; Provided, that

    there is an announcement to the community that

    such hospital has no emergency services, so the

    people in the community will not rely on the

    hospital for such emergency services.


    (NOTE: The provisions of RA 9439 is NOT

    APPLICABLE to patients who stayed in private


    Is it unlawful to detain patients for non-payment

    of hospital bills/medical expenses?

    YES. Sec. 1 provides that it shall be unlawful for

    any hospital or medical clinic in the country to

    detain or to otherwise cause, directly or

    indirectly, the detention of patients who have fully

    or partially recovered or have been adequately

    attended to, or who may have died, for reasons of

  • Legal Medicine (Atty. Capule) Midterm Notes (As per pointers)


    non-payment in part or in full of hospital bills or

    medical expense.

    Rights of patients that have fully or partially

    recovered, and already wish to leave the hospital or

    medical clinic, BUT financially incapable to settle

    medical expenses

    1. right to leave the hospital or medical clinic 2. right to demand the issuance of the

    corresponding medical certificate and other

    pertinent papers required for the release of

    the patient from the hospital or medical

    clinic upon the execution of a promissory

    note covering the unpaid obligation

    3. In case of a deceased patient, any surviving relative has the right to demand the

    corresponding death certificate and other

    documents required for interment and other

    purposes. (Also, under PD 651, hospitals

    are required to issue a death certificate even

    if hospital bills are not yet paid)

    Execution of promissory note is required

    The rights of the patients can only be exercised after

    executing and securing a promissory note, either by

    a mortgage or by a guarantee of a co-maker, who

    will be jointly and severally liable with the patient

    for the unpaid obligation.

    The hospital can choose the guarantor or the co-

    maker. It has the right to make sure that the co-

    maker is capable of paying or fulfilling the


    Case: Manila Doctors v. Chua and Ty

    Ruling: The operation of private pay hospitals and

    medical clinics is impressed with public interest and

    imbued with a heavy social responsibility. But the

    hospital is also a business, and, as a business, it has

    a right to institute all measures of efficiency

    commensurate to the ends for which it is designed,

    especially to ensure its economic viability and

    survival. And in the legitimate pursuit of economic

    considerations, the extent to which the public may

    be served and cured is expanded, the pulse and life

    of the medical sector quickens, and the regeneration

    of the people as a whole becomes more visibly

    attainable. In the institution of cost-cutting

    measures, the hospital has a right to reduce the

    facilities and services that are deemed to be non-

    essential, such that their reduction or removal would

    not be detrimental to the medical condition of the


    For the moment, the question to be considered is

    whether the subject facilities are indeed non-

    essential - the air-conditioner, telephone, television,

    and refrigerator the removal of which would cause the adverse health effects and emotional trauma the

    respondents so claimed. Corollary to this question is

    whether the petitioner observed the diligence of a

    good father of the family in the course of

    ascertaining the possible repercussions of the

    removal of the facilities prior to the removal itself

    and for a reasonable time thereafter, with a view to

    prevent damage.

    After an extensive analysis of the record, it becomes

    rather worrisome to this Court that the courts a quo

    unreservedly drew their conclusions from the self-

    serving and uncorroborated testimonies of the

    respondents the probative value of which is highly

    questionable. We hold that the respondents failed to

    prove the damages so claimed.

    The evidence in the record firmly establishes that

    the staff of the petitioner took proactive steps to

    inform the relatives of respondent Chua of the

    removal of facilities prior thereto, and to carry out

    the necessary precautionary measures to ensure that

    her health and well-being would not be adversely


    A patient cannot be detained in a hospital for non-

    payment of the hospital bill The form of restraint

    must be total; movement must be restrained in all

    directions. If restraint is partial, e.g., in a particular

    direction with freedom to proceed in another, the

    restraint on the person's liberty is not total.

    However, the hospital may legally detain a

    patient against his will when he is a detained or

    convicted prisoner, or when the patient is

  • Legal Medicine (Atty. Capule) Midterm Notes (As per pointers)


    suffering from a very contagious disease where

    his release will be prejudicial to public health, or

    when the patient is mentally ill such that his

    release will endanger public safety, or in other

    exigent cases as may be provided by law.

    Authorities are of the view that, ordinarily, a

    hospital, especially if it is a private pay hospital, is

    entitled to be compensated for its services, by either

    an express or an implied contract, and if no express

    contract exists, there is generally an implied

    agreement that the patient will pay the reasonable

    value of the services rendered; when a hospital

    treats a patient's injuries, it has an enforceable claim

    for full payment for its services, regardless of the

    patient's financial status.


    Powers, Functions, and Responsibilities of the

    Commission (Sec. 7)

    PRC upon recommendation of the PR Board

    concerned has power to approve the registration

    and authorize issuance of certificate or license of

    registration and professional ID card

    To supervise foreign nations who are authorized by

    existing laws to practice their professions either as

    holders of a certificate of registration and a

    professional identification card or a temporary

    special permit in the Philippines;

    To supervise professionals who were former

    citizens of the Philippines and who had been

    registered and issued a certificate of registration and

    a professional identification card prior to their

    naturalization as foreign citizens, who may, while in

    the country on a visit, sojourn or permanent

    residence, practice their profession:

    Provided, that prior to the practice of their

    profession they shall have first been issued a

    special permit and updated professional

    identification card by the Board concerned

    subject to approval by the Commission and

    upon payment of the permit and annual

    registration fees


    The registration or issuance of license of a foreigner

    professional rests in the PRC. The requirements for

    registration or licensing, however, must be

    substantially the same as those required and

    contemplated by the laws of the Philippines. It is

    further required that the laws of the foreign start

    allow the citizens of the Philippines to practice their

    profession on the same basis, grant, and privileges

    as those enjoyed by the citizens of the foreign


    Case: Board of Medicine v. Ota

    Facts: Ota is a Japanese national, married to a

    Filipina, has been residing in the PH for more than

    10 years, and graduated Doctor of Medicine. He

    filed an application to take the board exams. PRC

    requires him to submit affidavit stating that if he

    passes the boards, he cannot practice medicine until

    he submits proof that reciprocity exists between

    Japan and the Philippines in admitting foreigners

    into the practice of medicine. Ota submitted a duly

    notarized English translation of the Medical

    Practitioners Law of Japan duly authenticated by

    the Consul General of the Philippine Embassy to

    Japan. He was allowed to take the boards and he

    passed. In spite of all these, the Board of Medicine

    denied Otas request for a license to practice medicine in the Philippines on the ground that no

    genuine reciprocity can be found in the law of

    Japan, as there is no Filipino or foreigner who can

    possibly practice there. Ota filed petition before the

    RTC. RTC ruled in favor of Ota stating that there is

    adequate proof that there exists a principle of

    reciprocity and ordering PRC to issue the license.

    PRC appealed to CA. CA affirmed RTC Ruling.

    Issue: Whether or not the principle of reciprocity


    Held: Yes. The contention of the PRC that the

    requirements to practice medicine in Japan are

    practically impossible for a Filipino to comply with,

    there are also ambiguities in the Medical

    Practitioners Law of Japan, and there had not been a

  • Legal Medicine (Atty. Capule) Midterm Notes (As per pointers)


    single Filipino who was issued a license to practice

    medicine by the Japanese Government is untenable.

    What the law requires is for the foreigner to

    show proof that a Filipino can practice in his

    foreign country. It is enough that the laws in the

    foreign country permit a Filipino to get license and

    practice therein. Requiring respondent to prove first

    that a Filipino has already been granted license and

    is actually practicing therein unduly expands the

    requirements provided for under R.A. No. 2382 and

    P.D. No. 223.


    Sec. 24, RRE. Disqualification by reason of

    privileged communication. The following persons cannot testify as to matters learned in

    confidence in the following cases:


    (c) A surgeon authorized to practice medicine,

    surgery or obstetrics cannot in a civil case, without

    the consent of the patient, be examined as to any

    advice or treatment given by him or any

    information which he may have acquired in

    attending such patient in a professional capacity,

    which information was necessary to enable him to

    act in that capacity, and which would blacken the

    reputation of the patient

    Case: Lim v. CA

    Facts: Petitioner Nelly Lim and Respondent Juan

    Lim are lawfully married to each other. Juan filed a

    petition for annulment of marriage in the ground

    that Nelly has been suffering from schizophrenia

    before, during, and even after their marriage.

    He presented three witnesses, one of which is the

    Chief of the Female Services of National Mental

    Hospital, Dr. Acampado. The counsel for Juan

    orally applied for the issuance of subpoena ad

    testificandum, the counsel for Nelly opposed the

    motion on the ground that the testimony sought to

    be elicited from the witness is privileged since the

    latter had examined the petitioner in a professional

    capacity and had diagnosed her to be suffering from

    schizophrenia. Nevertheless, the subpoena was

    issued. Counsel for Nelly filed an urgent motion to

    quash the subpoena. Respondents counsel claimed that the witness will testify as an expert witness and

    would not testify on any information acquired while

    attending to the petitioner in a professional capacity.

    Lower Court ruled in favor of Juan. CA also ruled

    in favor of Juan stating that Nelly failed to establish

    the confidential nature of the testimony given by

    Dr. Acampado.

    Issue: Whether or not there is breach of

    confidentiality clause

    Held: No. In order that the privilege may be

    successfully claimed, the following requisites must


    1. the privilege is claimed in a civil case;

    2. the person against whom the privilege is claimed is one duly authorized to practice

    medicine, surgery or obstetrics;

    3. such person acquired the information while he was attending to the patient in

    his professional capacity;

    4. the information was necessary to enable him to act in that capacity; and

    5. the information was confidential, and, if disclosed, would blacken the reputation

    (formerly character) of the patient.

    These requisites conform with the four (4)

    fundamental conditions necessary for the

    establishment of a privilege against the

    disclosure of certain communications, to wit:

    1. The communications must originate in a confidence that they will not be disclosed.

    2. This element of confidentiality must be essential to the full and satisfactory

    maintenance of the relation between the


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    3. The relation must be one which in the opinion of the community ought to be

    sedulously fostered

    4. The injury that would inure to the relation by the disclosure of the

    communications must be greater than the

    benefit thereby gained for the correct

    disposal of litigation.

    The physician may be considered to be acting in his

    professional capacity when he attends to the patient

    for curative, preventive, or palliative treatment.

    Thus, only disclosures which would have been

    made to the physician to enable him "safely and

    efficaciously to treat his patient" are covered by the


    It is to be emphasized that "it is the tenor only of the

    communication that is privileged. The mere fact of

    making a communication, as well as the date of a

    consultation and the number of consultations, are

    therefore not privileged from disclosure, so long as

    the subject communicated is not stated. One who

    claims this privilege must prove the presence of

    these aforementioned requisites. Petitioner failed to

    discharge that burden. Dr. Acampado was presented

    and qualified as an expert witness. She did not

    disclose anything obtained in the course of her

    examination, interview and treatment of the

    petitioner; moreover, the facts and conditions

    alleged in the hypothetical problem did not refer to

    and had no bearing on whatever information or

    findings the doctor obtained while attending to the


    The statutory physician-patient privilege, though

    duly claimed, is not violated by permitting a

    physician to give expert opinion testimony in

    response to a strictly hypothetical question in a

    lawsuit involving the physical mental condition of a

    patient whom he has attended professionally, where

    his opinion is based strictly upon the hypothetical

    facts stated, excluding and disregarding any

    personal professional knowledge he may have

    concerning such patient.

    Case: Krohn v. CA

    Facts: A confidential psychiatric evaluation report

    is being presented in evidence before the trial court

    in a petition for annulment of marriage grounded on

    psychological incapacity. The witness testifying on

    the report is the husband who initiated the

    annulment proceedings, not the physician who

    prepared the report. The subject of the evaluation

    report is the wife, who invokes the rule on

    privileged communication between physician and

    patient, and seeks to enjoin her husband from

    disclosing the contents of the report. RTC allowed

    the admission of the psychiatric evaluation report as

    evidence because it is material to the case and

    because there was no objection on the part of the

    wife during the time it was referred to in the

    complaint. CA affirmed.

    Issue: Whether or not the presentation of the report

    is a breach of the privileged communication rule

    Held: No. It does not fall under the requisites laid

    down in the case of Lim v. CA. Moreover, the

    person against whom the privilege is claimed is not

    one duly authorized to practice medicine, surgery or

    obstetrics. He is simply the patient's husband who

    wishes to testify on a document executed by

    medical practitioners. Plainly and clearly, this does

    not fall within the claimed prohibition. Neither can

    his testimony be considered a circumvention of the

    prohibition because his testimony cannot have the

    force and effect of the testimony of the physician

    who examined the patient and executed the report.


    and other related provisions and concepts


    Branch of medicine that deals with the application

    of medical knowledge to the purposes of law and in

    the administration of justice.


    Deals with the aspect of law and legal concepts in

    relation with the practice of medicine

  • Legal Medicine (Atty. Capule) Midterm Notes (As per pointers)



    - Licensure and regulatory laws; - Physician-patient-hospital relationship

    together with the other paramedical

    personnel, their rights, duties and


    - Liabilities for non-compliance with the law.


    - To protect the public from charlatans; - To promote professionalism and foster

    professional interrelationship;

    - To develop awareness of the rights, duties and obligations of the patient, physician, and

    the hospital;

    - To control the increasing number of medical malpractice suits against physicians;

    - To explain the purpose and procedure of certain legislation;

    - To study the need to amend, repeal our health care laws in harmony with the recent

    scientific and social development.


    - Philippine courts is a court litigation where there is competition of inconsistent version

    of facts and theories in law during trial;

    - Each party to the contest is given equal opportunity to investigate the case, gather

    and present all proofs in support of his

    allegation, and give argument that his

    contention is correct;

    - Ultimate purpose is for a just solution. - it often undermines the pursuit of truth as

    the opposing parties seek to win at all cost

    without the obligation to reveal the facts

    which may be detrimental to their case. The

    lawyer aims to win the fight not to help the

    court discover facts or establish the truth.

    SOURCES OF LAW - Constitution - Laws enacted by the legislative body - Decrees, Orders, Proclamation, Letters, CA,

    BP, RA

    - Administrative acts, orders, Rules and Regulation

    - Local customs - Generally accepted principles of

    International law


    The State must maintain high standard of practice

    by setting up rules and regulations with regards to

    qualifications and procedure for the admission to

    the profession. These are legal safeguards to

    guarantee the safety of the patient and impose

    liability to the practitioner who through his act or

    omission causes damage or injury to the health and

    welfare of the patient.

    The right to regulate the practice of medicine is

    based on the police power of the state.




    Primarily concerned with the standardization and

    regulation of medical education.


    Chairman - Secretary of Education


    1. Secretary of Health 2. Director, Bureau of Private Schools 3. Chairman, Board of Medicine 4. Representative, PMA 5. Council of Deans, APMC 6. Dean, UP-College of Medicine


    1. To determine and prescribe the requirements for admission into a recognized college of


    2. To determine and prescribe requirements for the minimum physical facilities;

  • Legal Medicine (Atty. Capule) Midterm Notes (As per pointers)


    3. To determine and prescribe the minimum number and qualifications of teaching


    4. To determine and prescribe the minimum required curriculum;

    5. To authorize the implementation of experimental curriculum;

    6. To accept applications for admission to a medical school;

    7. To select, determine and approve hospitals for training;

    8. To promulgate, prescribe and enforce the necessary rules and regulations.



    To have general supervision and regulation of all

    professions requiring examinations which includes

    the practice of medicine.



    Two Associate Commissioner


    Exercise general administrative, executive and

    policy-making functions for the whole agency.


    Its primary duties are to give examinations for the

    registration of physicians and supervision, control

    and regulation of the practice of medicine.


    Six members appointed by the president from a list

    submitted by the Executive Council of the PMA.


    - Natural-born citizen; - Duly registered physician; - In the practice of medicine for at least 10


    - Of good moral character and of recognized standing in the medical profession as

    certified by PMA;

    - Not a member of any faculty of any medical school (including any pecuniary interest)

    Powers, Functions and Responsibilities:

    1. To determine and prepare the contents of the licensure examinations;

    2. To promulgate such rules and regulations for the proper conduct of the examinations,

    correction and registration;

    3. To administer oath; 4. To study the conditions affecting the

    practice of medicine;

    5. To investigate violations, issue summons, subpoena and subpoena duces tecum;

    6. To conduct hearings or investigations of administrative cases filed before them;

    7. To promulgate decisions on such administrative cases subject to the review of

    the Commission;

    8. To issue certificate of registration; 9. To suspend, revoke or reissue certificate of

    registration for causes provided by law or by

    the rules and regulations promulgated;

    10. To promulgate, with the approval of PRC, rules and regulations in harmony with the

    provisions of the Medical Act of 1959 and

    necessary for the proper practice of





    1. Minimum age requirement

    - at least 21 years of age

    2. Proper Educational Background

    - -Requirements for Admission in the College of Medicine

    - -Holder of a Bachelors degree; - -Not convicted of any crime involving moral


  • Legal Medicine (Atty. Capule) Midterm Notes (As per pointers)


    - -Certificate of Eligibility from the Board of Medical Education;

    - -Good moral character

    3. Examination Requirements

    - must have passed the corresponding Board Examination

    - Preliminary Examination - -At least 19 years of age; - -Of good moral character; - -Have completed the first two years of the

    medical course;

    - -Final or Complete Examination - -Citizen of the Philippines or of any country

    who has submitted competent and


    - Documentary evidence confirmed by the DFA showing that his countrys existing laws permit citizens of the Philippines to

    practice medicine under the same rules and

    regulations governing citizens thereof


    4. Holder of certificate of registration

    No issuance to any candidate who has been:

    - -Convicted by a court of competent jurisdiction of any crime involving moral


    - -Found guilty of immoral or dishonorable conduct after investigation by the Board of


    - -Declared to be of unsound mind.

    Scope of Examination:

    Preliminary - Anatomy and Histology

    Physiology Biochemistry

    Microbiology and Parasitology

    Final - Pharmacology and Therapeutics

    Pathology Medicine

    Obstetrics and Gynecology

    Pediatrics and Nutrition

    Surgery and Ophthalmology,


    Preventive Medicine and Public Health

    Legal Medicine, Ethics and Medical



    What is the practice of medicine?

    It is a privilege or franchise granted by the State to

    any person to perform medical acts upon

    compliance with law, that is, the Medical Act of

    1959 as amended which has been promulgated by

    the State in the exercise of police power to protect

    its citizenry from unqualified practitioners of


    It is diagnosing and applying and the usage of

    medicine and drugs for curing, mitigating, or

    relieving bodily disease or conditions.


    MEDICINE (pursuant to Sec.10, Art. III of the

    Medical Act of 1959 as amended):

    1. who shall for compensation, fee, reward in any form paid to him directly or through

    another, or even without the same,

    physically examine any person, and

    diagnose, treat, operate or prescribe any

    remedy for human disease, injury,

    deformity, physical, mental, psychical

    condition or any ailment, real or imaginary,

    regardless of the nature of the remedy or

    treatment administered, prescribed or


    2. who shall by means of signs, cards, advertisement, written or printed matter, or

    through the radio, television or any other

    means of communication, either offer or

    undertake by any means or method to

    diagnose, treat, operate, or prescribe any

    remedy for human disease, injury,

    deformity, physical, mental or psychical


  • Legal Medicine (Atty. Capule) Midterm Notes (As per pointers)


    3. who shall falsely use the title of M.D. after his name, shall be considered as engaged in

    the practice of medicine.

    By DECISIONS OF COURTS, the following are

    not considered to constitute practice of medicine:

    1. One who takes BP reading; 2. Application of medicated massage; 3. Hospital; 4. Nurse anesthetist


    By PROVISIONS OF LAW, the following are not

    considered to constitute practice of medicine

    (Sec.11, Art. III, Medical Act of 1959 as amended):

    1. Any medical student duly enrolled in an approved medical college;

    2. dentist; 3. physiotherapist; 4. optometrist; 5. Any person who renders any service

    gratuitously in cases of emergency or in

    places where the services of a physician,

    nurse or midwife are not available;

    6. Any person who administers or recommends any household remedy as per classification

    of existing Pharmacy Laws;

    7. Clinical psychologist with the prescription and direct supervision of a physician;

    8. Prosthetist

    Note: Faith Healing

    There is nothing in the Medical Act of 1959

    exempting it from the definition of the acts which

    constitute practice of medicine;

    Related to constitutional guarantee to religious

    freedom (freedom to believe and freedom to act in

    accordance with ones belief);

    Acted in pursuance of his religious belief and with

    the tenets of his church he professes, not deemed to

    be a practice of medicine but part of his religious



    Practice of medicine by any person not qualified

    and not duly-admitted to perform medical acts in

    compliance with law.


    Pursuant to Sec.28, Art. IV, Medical Act of 1959

    as amended Any person found guilty of illegal practice shall be punished by a fine of not less than one thousand pesos or more than ten thousand pesos

    with subsidiary imprisonment in case of insolvency

    or by imprisonment of not less than one year no

    more than five years, or by both such fine and

    imprisonment, in the discretion of the court.

    Qualified to practice medicine in the Philippines

    1. Those who have complied with the prerequisites to the practice of medicine in accordance with

    Sec. 8, Art. III, Medical Act of 1959 as


    2. Those who can have limited practice without any certificate of registration in accordance with

    Sec.12, Art. III, Medical Act of 1959 as


    - Exclusive consultation in specific and definite cases;

    - Attached to international bodies to perform certain definite work in the Philippines;

    - Commissioned medical officers stationed in the Philippines in their own territorial


    - Exchange professors in special branches of medicine;

    - Medical students who have completed the first four years of medical course, graduates

    of medicine and registered nurses who may

    be given limited and special authorization by

    the DOH;

    3. Balikbayan Physicians pursuant to PD 541, Allowing Former Filipino Professionals to

    Practice Their Respective Professions in the

    Philippines, proviso:

  • Legal Medicine (Atty. Capule) Midterm Notes (As per pointers)


    - Of good standing prior to their departure and in their adopted country;

    - Have registered with PRC and paid their professional fee;

    - Pay the corresponding income tax;

    4. Foreign physicians qualified to practice by Reciprocity Rule or by endorsement;

    5. Medical Students pursuant to Sec.11(a) and Sec.12(d), Art.III, Medical Act of 1959 as


    6. Limited practitioners of medicine - Those that are governed by specific

    licensure laws

    Rationale why artificial persons cannot practice


    - Cannot be subjected to licensure examinations as required by law;

    - Practice of medicine may be employed and controlled by unqualified physicians;

    - Professional relationship between the patient and the physician will be impaired;

    - Deprivation of free choice of physicians.



    He is a person who after completing his secondary

    education follows a prescribed course of medicine

    at a recognized university or medical school, at the

    successful completion of which, is legally licensed

    to practice medicine by the responsible authorities

    and is capable of undertaking the prevention,

    diagnosis, and treatment of human illness by the

    exercising independent judgment and without

    supervision. (WHO)



    - to choose patients (except in emergency cases)

    - to limit practice of medicine

    - to determine appropriate management procedures

    - to avail of hospital services


    - right of way while responding to emergency - right of exemption from execution of

    instruments and

    - Library to hold certain public/private offices to perform certain services to compensation

    right to membership in medical societies



    - Pursuant to the provisions of Art. III, bill of rights, Philippine Constitution 1987


    - Right to give consent to diagnostic and treatment procedures

    - Right to religious belief - Right of privacy - Right to disclosure of information - Right to confidential information - Right to choose his physician - Right of treatment - Right to refuse necessary treatments

    Basis of Consent

    1. The physician-patient relationship is fiduciary in nature.

    2. Patients right to self-determination. 3. Contractual relationship.


    1. To protect the patient from unnecessary/unwarranted procedure applied

    to him without knowledge

    2. To protect the physician from any consequences for failure to comply with

    legal requirements

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    Instances When Consent Is Not Necessary

    1. In cases of emergency, there is an implied consent or the physician is privilege because he is reasonably entitled to assume


    2. When the law made it compulsory for everyone to submit to the procedure


    Failure of a physician to properly perform the duty

    which devolves upon him in his professional

    relation to his patient which results to injury.

    It may be defined as bad or unskillful practice of

    medicine resulting to injury of the patient or failure

    on the part of the physician to exercise the degree of

    care, skill and diligence, as to treatment in a manner

    contrary to accepted standards of medicine resulting

    to injury to the patient.

    Elements of Medical Malpractice

    1. The physician has a duty to the patient; 2. The physician failed to perform such duty

    to his patient;

    3. As a consequence of the failure, injury was sustained by the patient;

    4. The failure of the physician is the proximate cause of the injury sustained

    by the patient.

    Criminal medical malpractice, the act or omission

    complained of must be punishable by law at the

    time of commission or omission.

    Proximate Cause

    that cause, which, in natural continuous sequence,

    unbroken by an efficient intervening cause,

    produces the injury and without which the result

    would not have occurred.

    1. There must be a direct physical connection between the wrongful act of the physician

    and the injury sustained by the patient.

    2. The cause or the wrongful act of the physician must be efficient and must not be

    too remote from the development of the

    injury suffered by the patient.

    3. The result must be the natural continuous and probable consequences.



    In the causal connection between the negligence of

    the physician and the injury sustained by the

    patient, there may be an efficient intervening cause

    which is the proximate cause of the injury.


    Doctrine of Imputed Negligence/Command


    Vicarious liability means the responsibility of a

    person, who is not negligent, for the wrongful

    conduct or negligence of another.


    This doctrine innunciates liability of the surgeon not

    only for the wrongful acts of those who are under

    his physical control but also those wherein he has

    extension of control.


    The thing speaks for itself; nature of the wrongful act or injury is suggestive of negligence.

    General rule: expert testimony is necessary to prove

    that a physician has done a negligent act or that has

    deviated from the standard of medical practice.

    Requisites of Res Ipsa Loquitur Doctrine:

    1. The accident must be of a kind which ordinarily does not occur in the absence of

    someones negligence; 2. It must be caused by an agency or

    instrumentality within the exclusive control

    of the defendant;

    3. It must not have been due to any voluntary action or contribution on the part of the


  • Legal Medicine (Atty. Capule) Midterm Notes (As per pointers)


    Some cases wherein the Doctrine of Res Ipsa

    Loquitor has been applied:

    1. Objects left in the patients body at the time of caesarian section;

    2. Injury to a healthy part of the body; 3. Removal of a wrong part of the body when

    another part wad intended;

    4. Infection resulting from unsterilized instruments;

    5. Failure to take radiographs to diagnose a possible fracture;

    Instances where the Doctrine of Res Ipsa

    Loquitor does not apply:

    1. Where the Doctrine of Calculated Risk is applicable;

    2. When an accepted method of medical treatment involves hazards which may

    produce injurious results regardless of

    the care exercised by the physician.

    3. Bad Result Rule; 4. Honest Errors of judgment as to

    Appropriate Procedure;

    5. Mistake in the Diagnosis

    In most medical malpractice suits, there is a

    necessity for a physician to give his expert medical

    opinion to prove whether acts or omissions

    constitute medical negligence. This doctrine has

    been regarded as rule of sympathy to counteract the

    conspiracy of silence