LEGAL AND TECHNICAL Requirements for the food information regulations 2013 These general Labelling regulations come into force after 13th December 2014, the essence of the regulations are:- All pre-packed foods must be labelled and the wording must include:- Name of the Food, An ingredient list, Information on allergens or intolerances used in the food or that were used in its manufacture or preparation, The quantity of certain ingredients (QUID), The net quantity of the food, A date mark, Special storage conditions e.g. Keep frozen, store at -18OC or below. Name of the business and address, Country of origin or provenance. The sources of allergens must be highlighted in print or underlined in the ingredient list. These allergens are Cereals containing gluten, crustaceans, fish, eggs, peanuts, soya beans, milk, nuts (almond, hazelnut, walnut cashew, pecan, brazil pistachio, macadamia and Queensland), celery, mustard, sesame seeds, sulphur dioxide and sulphites (at levels above 10 mg/kg or 10 mg/l expressed as SO2), molluscs and lupins. For example the ingredient list before the regulations might look like this:- Milk, Sugar, Skimmed Milk Powder, Emulsifier: Lecithin; Nuts. And after December should look like this:- Milk, Sugar, Skimmed Milk Powder, Emulsifier: Lecithin (Soya); Nuts (Walnut). Any product packed with the old style labels before December 2014 will be allowed to run out through the normal sales outlet. Any old style labels you have left over after December 2014, you must contact your local Trading Standards Office to determine whether they may or may not be used. Allergen information should also be made available in cafes, mobiles, kiosks etc. this can be printed on menus, tickets, chalk boards, signs or word of mouth from staff. If the information is to be given by staff a sign should be placed were the customer can easily view it stating that “If you require any Allergen information, please ask a member of staff”. Allergen and Nutritional information provided by ingredients suppliers must also be correct and up to date to give the manufacturers the right information to pass on to the customer. Nutritional labelling is voluntary at the moment but becomes compulsory after 13th December 2016. If you do put it on your label it has to be in the required format, which are:- Energy kcal/kJ, Fat & Saturates, Carbohydrate & Sugars, Protein, Salt. These should be expressed in grams per 100 grams or 100mls. The information given on labels and to customers must be accurate and up to date, there is no excuse not to know. For full allergen table please contact Head Office “If you require any Allergen information, please ask a member of staff”. By Philip Pearman MIFST, FRSPH OUR PRODUCT ALLERGEN RECORD SHEET PRODUCT ALLERGENS Cereals Gluten Milk Egg Nuts Soya Celery Mustard Sesame Sulphite Molluscs Fish/ Shell fish Lupin USEFUL WEBSITE Allergy UK http://www.alleryuk.org Allergen Leaflet for Caterers http://www.food.gov.uk/multimedia/ pdfs/publication/loosefoodsleaflet.pdf Food allergen guidance http://food.gov.uk/science/allergy-intolerance/label/

LEGAL AND TECHNICAL Requirements for the food information ... · for the food information regulations 2013 • These general Labelling regulations come into force after 13th December

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Page 1: LEGAL AND TECHNICAL Requirements for the food information ... · for the food information regulations 2013 • These general Labelling regulations come into force after 13th December


Requirements for the food information regulations 2013• ThesegeneralLabellingregulations comeintoforceafter13th December 2014,theessenceoftheregulations are:-

• Allpre-packedfoodsmustbelabelled andthewordingmustinclude:- NameoftheFood, Aningredientlist, Informationonallergensor intolerancesusedinthefoodor thatwereusedinitsmanufactureor preparation, Thequantityofcertain ingredients(QUID), Thenetquantityofthefood, Adatemark, Specialstorageconditionse.g.Keep frozen,storeat-18OCorbelow. Nameofthebusinessandaddress, Countryoforiginorprovenance.

• Thesourcesofallergensmustbe highlightedinprintorunderlinedin theingredientlist.

• TheseallergensareCerealscontaining gluten,crustaceans,fish,eggs, peanuts,soyabeans,milk,nuts (almond,hazelnut,walnutcashew, pecan,brazilpistachio,macadamia andQueensland),celery,mustard,

sesameseeds,sulphurdioxideand sulphites(atlevelsabove10mg/kgor 10mg/lexpressedasSO2),molluscs andlupins.

• Forexampletheingredientlistbefore theregulationsmightlooklikethis:- Milk,Sugar,SkimmedMilkPowder, Emulsifier:Lecithin;Nuts. AndafterDecembershould looklikethis:- Milk,Sugar,SkimmedMilkPowder, Emulsifier:Lecithin(Soya);Nuts (Walnut).

• Anyproductpackedwiththeold stylelabelsbeforeDecember2014will beallowedtorunoutthroughthe normalsalesoutlet.

• Anyoldstylelabelsyouhaveleftover afterDecember2014,youmust contactyourlocalTradingStandards Officetodeterminewhethertheymay ormaynotbeused.

• Allergeninformationshouldalsobe madeavailableincafes,mobiles, kiosksetc.thiscanbeprintedon menus,tickets,chalkboards,signsor wordofmouthfromstaff.• Iftheinformationistobegivenbystaff

asignshouldbeplacedwerethe customercaneasilyviewitstatingthat “IfyourequireanyAllergen information,pleaseaskamemberof staff”.

• AllergenandNutritionalinformation providedbyingredientssuppliersmust alsobecorrectanduptodatetogive themanufacturerstheright informationtopassontothe customer.

• Nutritionallabellingisvoluntaryatthe momentbutbecomescompulsory after13thDecember2016.

• Ifyoudoputitonyourlabelithasto beintherequiredformat,whichare:- Energykcal/kJ,Fat&Saturates, Carbohydrate&Sugars,Protein,Salt.

• Theseshouldbeexpressedingrams per100gramsor100mls.

• Theinformationgivenonlabelsand tocustomersmustbeaccurateandup todate,thereisnoexcusenotto know.

For full allergen table please contact Head Office

“If you require any Allergen information, please ask a member of staff”.

By Philip Pearman MIFST, FRSPH



Cereals Gluten Milk Egg Nuts Soya Celery Mustard Sesame Sulphite MolluscsFish/Shellfish Lupin

USEFUL WEbSiTEAllergy UKhttp://www.alleryuk.org

Allergen Leaflet for Caterershttp://www.food.gov.uk/multimedia/ pdfs/publication/loosefoodsleaflet.pdf

Food allergen guidancehttp://food.gov.uk/science/allergy-intolerance/label/