A gift that will last

Legacy Project Booklet & inserts

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A gift that will last

Will making guide Your friends and family are the most important people in your life so when it comes to writing your Will they are naturally top of your list. Making a Will ensures your nearest and dearest are cared for and your wishes are fulfilled even when you’ve gone. Many people also like to leave a gift to a charity that is dear to them, such as The Air Ambulance Service.

We know how daunting writing your Will can be but it is essential. To try to make it easier for you we’ve put together a step-by-step guide for you which includes all the information you need when writing your Will. Whether you’re starting from scratch or simply updating it, it needn’t be difficult. We’re here to help you every step of the way to make it as simple and stress-free as possible.

When writing your Will we thoroughly recommend that you seek sound professional advice from a solicitor

to ensure that your Will is legal and exactly how you want it.

If you have already made a WillIf you have already made a Will and have decided to leave a gift to The Air Ambulance Service you can do so by making a simple addition called a Codicil. Advise your solicitor of your wishes and they will do the necessary paperwork.We’re extremely grateful to you for choosing to support us.

If you have not made a WillIf you do not have a Will at the moment, it is advisable to see a solicitor. Before doing so it is a good idea to make a list of your assets and to check the value of your estate. You can then determine how you wish your estate to be divided. We’ve put together a straightforward ‘How-to’ guide to help you break down everything you own and gather all the relevant information together to make writing your Will as easy as possible.

Writing your Will

Why do I need a Will? The main reason for leaving a Will is to feel safe in the knowledge that loved ones are cared for and your final wishes are granted. Without a Will many complications can occur for your families at a time that is already very upsetting and difficult for them. Writing a Will ensures all the special people in your life are looked after as well as any charities you hold close to your heart, if you so wish.

Planning your WillHere are all the things you need to consider before writing your Will:

n Firstly, put together a list of all your assets to give you a good idea of your overall estate – you can use our simple Will Checklist to help you.

n Make a list of everything you owe such as any outstanding mortgage, bills or loans, as well as a list of anything you are owed.

n Decide who will be your Executors – these are trusted named people in your Will that promise to carry out your exact wishes.

n Draw up a list of all the people you want to remember in your Will so you can make sure your loved ones are taken care of. You may also like to include a list of charities that you would like to leave a gift to.

n Find a professional to check through all the legal formalities to make sure your Will is legitimate.

n Finally, once your Will is written up and finalised you must keep it safe. Only your original Will is valid – copies are not legally accepted, so be sure to keep your Will safe. You can ask your bank, solicitor or Will writer if they can store it for you (this will come at a cost); alternatively the Probate Registry in London can safeguard it for you.

Writing a Will ensures all the special people in your life are looked after as well as any charities you hold close to your

heart, if you so wish.

Why leave a gift to The Air Ambulance Service? Many people choose to leave a gift in their Will to a charity that is dear to them; it’s a way to reaffirm your support even when you’ve gone. We’re so very grateful that you are thinking about leaving us a gift in your Will. Relying entirely on voluntary donations from members of the public, The Air Ambulance Service can only provide its quality lifesaving service with your support. We save over 2,000 people every year from road traffic accidents to heart attacks, industrial accidents to sport injuries – with your gift we can continue to save and change many more lives.

What are the different types of Gifts in Wills?

Pecuniary gift - give a fixed amount gift, e.g. ‘I wish to leave £1,000 to The Air Ambulance Service’.

Residuary gift - leave a share, or the whole of an estate once you

have provided for your loved ones or any other commitments you wish to make i.e. ‘I wish to leave 50% of the remainder of my estate to The Air Ambulance Service’.

Specific gift – you can leave a specific gift such as a piece of jewellery, antique or the contents of your house. You will need to describe the item in detail so the executors can easily identify the item you have chosen to leave.

Tell your solicitor which type of legacy you wish to leave and he/she will advise you of the correct wording.

Can I leave a gift for something specific such as a particular piece of medical equipment?

We would be very grateful if your gifts were made unconditionally so that we can use your gift as best we see fit. This way we can use your gift to go towards items we really need.

Leaving a gift in your Will

Your gift, no matter how big or small, can make a huge difference, we promise to use your gift in the very best way

for the benefit of our patients. We can assure you that we will treat you and your loved ones with the greatest of respect

and sensitivity.

Richard’s story“They gave me the chance to see my grandchildren grow up”

Mechanic Richard Simmonds was repairing a lorry when it slipped on him, crushing him and pinning him to the ground. Here he explains the role that The Air Ambulance Service (TAAS) played on this day and why he will always be grateful to them:

“I didn’t know this at the time but I’d suffered life threatening, time critical injuries. I’d broken my back and almost all of my ribs, punctured a lung, severely injured my leg and I was suffering from internal injuries.

After my leg had been splinted I was strapped onto a spinal board to prevent any further injury, I was given pain relief and then airlifted to University Hospitals Coventry and Warwickshire.

The reassurance the paramedic gave me on the journey is something that will stay with me for the rest of my life. It is thanks to their treatment on the scene and the incredible speed in which they got me to a major trauma centre that I’m here today. I will be forever in their debt.”

Your gift can be the difference between life and death. If it wasn’t for the generous gifts in Wills and voluntary donations made by people like you we might not have been able to save the lives of people like Richard and Mark.

The people you can help

The people you can help

Mark’s storyMark Chamberlain knows more than most just how valuable the work is that TAAS do.

On 6th October 2011, Mark’s life was left hanging in the balance after he was in a head on car crash on the A426 near Rugby.

Mark recalls: “It started off as just a typical day, but around 16:00 my life was changed when my Peugeot collided with a Ford Mondeo. Unfortunately the Mondeo won and I was left with life threatening injuries.

I was in a bad way. I’d suffered a collapsed lung, a broken back, had damaged an arm and a knee, and most seriously of all I had a bleed to my brain and internal stomach injuries.”

Before TAAS could fly Mark to hospital, they had to treat his life threatening injuries. Thanks to the equipment they had on board, they

were able to re-inflate his collapsed lung using a chest drain kit, apply a pelvic splint to prevent further damage, and immobilised him onto a scoop stretcher.

Because of the serious nature of Mark’s injuries, it was vital that he was taken to a hospital that was specially equipped to deal with trauma injuries so he was flown to University Hospitals Coventry and Warwickshire.

Thankfully Mark has gone on to make a good recovery, but he knows it could have been different:

“I received such great care from everyone in hospital, but I truly believe that if it was not for the quick response and professional care that I received from the Air Ambulance, I would not be here today.

It’s been a long journey for me but I am on the road to recovery. Every time I see an Air Ambulance fly over I get quite emotional.

I never thought that I would need the help of an Air Ambulance, but I am so happy that the help was there when I needed it.”

How your gift can help

£1400 can pay for a


£200 could buy 2

vacuum splints and a pump

Here are some examples of how your gift could be used:

£2500 could pay for a

mini defibrillator

£8500 can pay for a day of rescue


Want to leave us a gift in your Will?Thank you so much for deciding to leave a gift in your Will to us – we’re very grateful. Once you have decided on the gift you wish to make all you need to do is advise your solicitor of the following important facts:

n The name of the charity is The Air Ambulance Service

n The registered charity number is 1098874

n The registered address is Hazell House, Burnthurst Lane, Princethorpe, CV23 9QA.

Please leave your gift for ‘general charitable purposes’ as this will allow us to use your gift in the most appropriate manner.

TaxA gift to a registered charity such as The Air Ambulance Service is ALWAYS free from inheritance tax so if you decide to leave us a gift in your Will this will reduce any tax you have to pay.

Most gifts made during your lifetime are tax-free, as long as you make them at least seven years before your death. If you do not, inheritance tax may be taken from all that you own above the current threshold amount.

About us

The Air Ambulance Service prides itself on its forward thinking ethos and provides the highest quality service. Our main aim is to prevent loss of life and help the sick and injured.

TAAS is the umbrella organisation for The Children’s Air Ambulance; a national transfer service for seriously ill babies and children, and two Helicopter Emergency Medical Services (HEMS); Warwickshire &

Northamptonshire Air Ambulance (WNAA) and Derbyshire, Leicestershire & Rutland Air Ambulance (DLRAA).

We receive no Government or National Lottery support – we rely entirely on our incredible supporters who give us donations and leave gifts in their Wills. Without their help we wouldn’t have a service and many lives would be lost.

Please contact one of our team who can help and guide you with any questions you may have

Call us on 08454 130999 Write to us at The Air Ambulance Service, Hazell House, Burnthurst Lane, Princethorpe, CV23 9QAVisit our website www.theairambulanceservice.org.uk

The Air Ambulance ServiceHazell House Burnthurst LanePrincethorpeCV23 9QA

Registered Company No. 4845905 Charity No. 1098874

Administrator Someone to arrange a person’s affairs if they haven’t left a Will.

BeneficiaryA person or charity/organisation who receives a gift in a Will.

Chattels All ‘moveable’ items in your possession such as vehicles and furniture.

CodicilA legal addition or alteration document to your existing Will.

EstateThe entire value of everything your own at the time of your death.

Executor (male) or executrix (female)Nominated people you have chosen to carry out your instructions in your Will when you have gone.

GuardianSomeone you choose to have custody of your children.

IntestateIf you die without a Will.

IntestacyRules on how the estate should be divided if you are intestate.

LegacyA gift left to a person or charity/organisation in your Will.

Life interest A two-stage legacy where you can assign one beneficiary to use a particular asset of yours until they die – then the asset will go to a second beneficiary.

Don’t get bamboozled by legal terminology – use our easy glossary to find out the facts in layman’s terms:


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?The Air Ambulance Service, Hazell House, Burnthurst Lane, Princethorpe, CV23 9QA Tel: 08454 130999



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Pecuniary legacy A fixed amount of money gift.

ProbateGives your executor the power to deal with your estate and confirms your Will is legally valid.

ResidueWhat remains after all your debts, gifts and charges are deducted.

Residuary LegacyA gift of all or part of the residue of your estate – a popular choice for charity giving.

Specific legacyLeaving a specific item, such as a clock to someone.

Testator (male) or testatrix (female)The person making the Will.

TrusteeA person who is in charge of any part of your estate left in a trust.

WitnessesTwo independent people who witness you sign your Will and then must sign it in your presence to confirm they have witnessed your signature. This must be carried out correctly – if incorrect your Will could be invalid.

The Air Ambulance ServiceRegistered Company No: 4845905Registered Charity No: 1098874

The Air Ambulance Service, Hazell House, Burnthurst Lane, Princethorpe, CV23 9QA Tel: 08454 130999


Can I make a small change to my Will without having to get it completely re-written?

Yes, this is called a Codicil – an additional document with an amendment or an addition such as a gift to The Air Ambulance Service. This is a very simple way to update your Will - speak to a Solicitor about getting one drawn up. The Codicil must be kept with your original Will at all times.

Can I change my mind about leaving a Gift in my Will to The Air Ambulance Service?

Yes, you are free to change your mind at any time. You simply need to update your Will with this amend.

Can I write my own Will?

We advise you to seek professional advice from a Solicitor who specialises in Will writing and will ensure your Will is accurate and legal. Just one mistake in your Will can invalidate it.

How much does it cost to write a Will?

On average, it costs approximately £100 – this can differ slightly depending on your area or solicitor fees. A small price to pay to ensure you have a legitimate Will.

Here are some of the most popular questions and answers – if we haven’t answered one of your queries please get in touch and we’ll be happy to help.

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?The Air Ambulance Service, Hazell House, Burnthurst Lane, Princethorpe, CV23 9QA Tel: 08454 130999


Q &


?The Air Ambulance Service, Hazell House, Burnthurst Lane, Princethorpe, CV23 9QA Tel: 08454 130999


When should I write my Will?

As soon as possible! Most people tend to write or update their will when they buy property, have children, get married, divorce, cohabit or receive a large sum of money such as an inheritance. Without a Will you cannot guarantee your loved ones will be cared for as you would have wished. It’s important you keep your Will up-to-date to ensure its validity. Will The Air Ambulance Service be informed if I leave them a gift in my Will?

We will only be informed if you contact us to let us know. We would love you to get in touch if you kindly decide to leave us a gift in your Will so we can thank you personally.

The Air Ambulance ServiceRegistered Company No: 4845905Registered Charity No: 1098874





If you have decided to remember The Air Ambulance Service in your Will, it is important to get the wording right. Make sure you include our full name, our registered charity number and our registered address:

The Air Ambulance ServiceHazell HouseBurnthurst LanePrincethorpeWarwickshire CV23 9QA

The Air Ambulance Service is registered in England and Wales as a limited company by guarantee. Registered Company No. 4845905. Registered Charity No. 1098874

Writing your Will

The Air Ambulance Service, Hazell House, Burnthurst Lane, Princethorpe, CV23 9QA Tel: 08454 130999






Residuary bequest (a share of your estate)

I give (%) of the residue of my real and personal estate to The Air Ambulance Service (Registered Charity No. 1098874) of Hazell House, Burnthurst Lane, Princethorpe, Warwickshire, CV23 9QA and the receipt of the Company Secretary of The Air Ambulance Service shall be a complete discharge to my executors.

Pecuniary bequest (a set sum)

I give the sum of [...] pounds to The Air Ambulance Service (Registered Charity No. 1098874) of Hazell House, Burnthurst Lane, Princethorpe, Warwickshire, CV23 9QA and the receipt of the Company Secretary of The Air Ambulance Service shall be a complete discharge to my executors.

Specific legacy bequest (a named item)

I, give to The Air Ambulance Service (Registered Charity No. 1098874) of Hazell House, Burnthurst Lane, Princethorpe, Warwickshire, CV23 9QA absolutely, my (name and description of item).

Reversionary legacies/Life interest trusts

My trustees shall hold [...] on trust for [...] during his lifetime and, following his death, hold the capital and income for The Air Ambulance Service (Registered Charity No. 1098874) of Hazell House, Burnthurst Lane, Princethorpe, Warwickshire, CV23 9QA and the receipt of the Company Secretary of The Air Ambulance Service shall be a complete discharge to my trustees [...].

The Air Ambulance Service, Hazell House, Burnthurst Lane, Princethorpe, CV23 9QA Tel: 08454 130999





t Once you’ve decided to write your Will fill out this easy Will Checklist to give you an idea of the value of your estate and who you want to include in your Will.

Estate value

My Assets (everything I own)

House £ ..............................................................................................................

House Contents (all furniture, antiques etc.) £ ..................................................

Jewellery £ ..........................................................................................................

Vehicle £ .............................................................................................................

Bank Accounts £ ................................................................................................

Savings / premium bonds £ ...............................................................................

Stocks and shares £ ..........................................................................................

Life Assurance £ .................................................................................................

Other £ ...............................................................................................................


My Liabilities (everything I owe)

Mortgage – outstanding balance £ .....................................................................

Credit card debts £ .............................................................................................

Bank loans £ .......................................................................................................

Overdrafts £ .......................................................................................................

Other £ ..............................................................................................................


The Air Ambulance Service, Hazell House, Burnthurst Lane, Princethorpe, CV23 9QA Tel: 08454 130999


TOTAL ASSETS £ .........................................................................................

MINUS TOTAL LIABILITIES £ .....................................................................

TOTAL ESTATE VALUE £ ...........................................................................

I’m also owed: £ .................................................................................................

By whom: Who I want to include in my Will: Family: Friends: Charities/ organisations:

Other important information:

My Executors:

Legal Guardian(s) (for my children under the age of 18):

Funeral instructions:






The Air Ambulance Service, Hazell House, Burnthurst Lane, Princethorpe, CV23 9QA Tel: 08454 130999


The Air Ambulance ServiceRegistered Company No: 4845905Registered Charity No: 1098874