Lecture-Intro to Fea

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  • 8/9/2019 Lecture-Intro to Fea


    330:155g Finite ElementAnalysis

    Nageswara Rao Posinasetti

    2January 16, 2008 Rao, P.N.

    1. Introduction

    Finite element analysis is a computer-based numerical technique that is used tosolve stress analysis, heat transfer, fluidflow and other types of engineeringproblems.

    Real power is in its ability to solveproblems that do not fit any standardformula.

    3January 16, 2008 Rao, P.N.

    Before FEA

    Tested till failure before the availability of


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    4January 16, 2008 Rao, P.N.

    5January 16, 2008 Rao, P.N.

    6January 16, 2008 Rao, P.N.

    Before FEA

    Problems are simplified using certain

    approximations before the availability ofFEM.

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    7January 16, 2008 Rao, P.N.


    8January 16, 2008 Rao, P.N.


    9January 16, 2008 Rao, P.N.


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    10January 16, 2008 Rao, P.N.

    X1 2 3 4 5



    11January 16, 2008 Rao, P.N.

    1. Introduction

    It involves partitioning of a structure into afinite number of elements Divide and Conquer

    Elements are connected to one another atthe corner points These corner points are called nodes or nodal


    Each element is a simple geometric shape Triangle, Quadrilateral, etc.

    12January 16, 2008 Rao, P.N.

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    13January 16, 2008 Rao, P.N.

    1. Introduction

    In order to completely define a finite

    element model Nodal points




    Element related data

    14January 16, 2008 Rao, P.N.

    1. Introduction

    FEA program formulates the equations forsolutions

    A nodal point can have upto 6 degrees of freedom

    3 translational (x, y, z) and 3 rotational

    An equilibrium equation for each degree of freedom

    Equations are solved for displacement at eachnodal point

    Displacements are then used to evaluate thestresses

    15January 16, 2008 Rao, P.N.

    1. Introduction

    For the model to accurately represent the

    physical part, the number of elementsshould be large.

    Type of element should be correctlychosen

    Boundary conditions should be correctly


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    16January 16, 2008 Rao, P.N.

    X1 2 3 4 5



    17January 16, 2008 Rao, P.N.

    X1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

    18January 16, 2008 Rao, P.N.

    1. Introduction

    Process of data preparation is tedious and


    It is called pre-processing

    Results obtained are also voluminous

    It is called post-processing

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    19January 16, 2008 Rao, P.N.

    20January 16, 2008 Rao, P.N.

    Steps in finite element analysisprocess


    Define the model

    Discretize the part defining nodal points andelements

    Define element properties, material propertiessuch as density, modulus elasticity, etc.

    Specify the boundary conditions

    Specify the loads

    21January 16, 2008 Rao, P.N.

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    22January 16, 2008 Rao, P.N.


    Modelling of the geometry

    Generating the finite element mesh by making asuitable approximation to the geometry

    Calculates the nodes and elemental properties

    Allows for the specification of the supportcondition and loading conditions for theindividual element positions.

    Allows the material properties to be specified.

    23January 16, 2008 Rao, P.N.

    24January 16, 2008 Rao, P.N.

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    25January 16, 2008 Rao, P.N.

    26January 16, 2008 Rao, P.N.

    27January 16, 2008 Rao, P.N.

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    28January 16, 2008 Rao, P.N.


    Formulates the equations that describe

    each elements stiffness and assembles allof the equations so that they form a set ofsimultaneous equations

    Solves the system of equations for thedisplacement at each nodal point

    Uses the nodal point displacements tosolve for stress within each element

    29January 16, 2008 Rao, P.N.


    Results generated from the analysis arevoluminous depending upon the number ofelements considered.

    For proper understanding one has to gothrough all the data tables.

    30January 16, 2008 Rao, P.N.


    Post processing involves the ability to go

    through a large amount of data generatedduring the solving process and convert it

    into an easily understood form for thedesign purpose.

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    31January 16, 2008 Rao, P.N.

    32January 16, 2008 Rao, P.N.

    33January 16, 2008 Rao, P.N.

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    34January 16, 2008 Rao, P.N.

    1.2 Library of Element Types

    Depending upon the part geometry and

    the type of analysis required a number ofdifferent types of elements are available inFEA

    35January 16, 2008 Rao, P.N.

    2-node linear3-node quadratic

    3-node linear 6-node quadratic 4 -n od e li ne ar 8- no de q ua dr at ic

    4-node linear 10-node quadratic

    a) one dimensional

    b) Two dimensional

    c) Three dimensional

    Triangular Quadrilateral


    36January 16, 2008 Rao, P.N.

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    37January 16, 2008 Rao, P.N.

    1.3 Advantages of using FEA

    Irregular shaped parts

    Parts made from different materialsIrregularly placed loads

    Large number of supports

    Provides results throughout the part (allpoints)

    Easy to change the model

    38January 16, 2008 Rao, P.N.

    Why Use FEA?Provides a non-destructivemeans of testing products.

    Faster prototyping for what

    if scenarios.

    Design optimization.

    Speed up time to market byshortening the design cycle.

    Courtesy Algor Inc,Pittsburgh

    39January 16, 2008 Rao, P.N.

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    40January 16, 2008 Rao, P.N.

    Best Practices

    FEA requires engineering judgment.

    In the best case, you should know theapproximate answer before you begin.

    Proper selection of elements, materials,loads, constraints and analysis parameterscomes from experience.

    Courtesy Algor Inc,Pittsburgh

    41January 16, 2008 Rao, P.N.

    Best Practices

    Understand that the computer modelnever matches reality (its only anapproximation).

    The surest route to failure in FEA is tounderestimate the complexity of the


    Courtesy Algor Inc,Pittsburgh

    42January 16, 2008 Rao, P.N.

    Aerospace Industry

    Orbital Technologies Corporation The above illustration shows how engineers

    analyzed a Biomass Production System toconduct biotechnology plant research.

    FEA in Different Industries

    Courtesy Algor Inc,Pittsburgh

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    43January 16, 2008 Rao, P.N.

    FEA in Different Industries

    Automotive Industry

    Danly Engineering Services, Division of Enprotech

    Mechanical Services, Inc.

    The above illustration shows how engineers analyzed a

    power press with additional cutouts.Courtesy Algor Inc,


    44January 16, 2008 Rao, P.N.

    FEA in Different Industries

    Biomedical Industry

    Ophthalmic Consultants of Boston and theTufts University School of Medicine

    The above illustration shows stresses on an eye as itunderwent a 30saccadic eye movement. This was

    modeled to help understand why retinal detachments occur.Courtesy Algor Inc,Pittsburgh

    45January 16, 2008 Rao, P.N.

    FEA in Different Industries

    Power/Utility Industry

    Cronulla Sewage Treatment Plant

    The above illustration shows how engineers modeled a pipingsystem to verify that the number of bellows could safely bereduced by using lightweight, spiral-wound stainless steel. Thisallowed them to keep a $90 million sewage treatment plantupgrade on budget.

    Courtesy Algor Inc,Pittsburgh

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    46January 16, 2008 Rao, P.N.

    1.4 Historical Development

    Concept first appeared in 1956

    Name Finite Element is used in 1960 byClough

    1970s large programs running inmainframe computers

    1980s moved to personal computers andwidespread use

    47January 16, 2008 Rao, P.N.

    CAD to FEA

    There are many approaches for integratingCAD systems to FEA

    48January 16, 2008 Rao, P.N.

    CAD System




    FE Mesh

    FullFEM model


    FE Pre-Processor

    FE PostProcessor

    Inventor to Algor

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    49January 16, 2008 Rao, P.N.




    FE Pre-


    FE Post


    Integrated FEA System, e.g. Algor

    50January 16, 2008 Rao, P.N.

    Design problem

    Select a round bar to be constructed from an AISI 1020cold-drawn steel to support the 300-pound ball. Assumea safety factor of 2, and determine the deflection for thesize selected

    Yield stress = 61,000 psi

    51January 16, 2008 Rao, P.N.

    Design problem

    Cantilever beam

    Max bending moment = 300 x 36

    = 10,800 in-lb

    Stress in the beam, S = M/ZS = 10,800 x 32 / ( d3)

    Allowable stress = 61,000 / 2 = 30,500 psi

    Equating the above two, and solving

    d = 1.533 in = 1.625 in (preferred size)

    Deflection = -FL3/ (3EI) = 0.455 in

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    52January 16, 2008 Rao, P.N.

    Problem using FEA

    Start with 2 in dia; Max stress = 13,751 lower thanthe allowable 30,500 psi

    53January 16, 2008 Rao, P.N.

    Problem using FEA (contd..)

    Next try 1.5 in dia; Max stress = 32,599 higherthan the allowable 30,500 psi

    54January 16, 2008 Rao, P.N.

    Problem using FEA (contd..)

    Next try 1.625 in dia; Max stress = 25,635 lowerthan the allowable 30,500 psi - Acceptable

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    55January 16, 2008 Rao, P.N.

    Problem using FEA (contd..)

    For 1.625 in dia; Max displacement = 0.47 inCompare this to analytical solution of 0.455 in, a3% error

    56January 16, 2008 Rao, P.N.

    Analytical Problem Solving Process

    Establish clearly defined goal

    Compile and qualify the inputs

    Solve the problem with the mostappropriate means

    Verify and document the results

    57January 16, 2008 Rao, P.N.

    What is the goal of the Analysis?

    The decisions to be made

    How important is the exact solution to theproblem? This will help in identifying the precision of the

    inputs to the problem.

    What information from the analysis willhelp in taking the engineering decision When can you stop analyzing?

    Which shortcuts are allowed?

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    58January 16, 2008 Rao, P.N.

    Common Misconceptions

    Meshing is everything Current preprocessor are efficient and generally give

    good meshes. But that is not the end since it is onlyan input.

    Boundary conditions and forces are added by theuser. The accuracy of the results depend to a greatextent on them.

    FEA replaces testing Depends on the confidence in the analytical methods


    There is no guarantee that the results are accurate.

    59January 16, 2008 Rao, P.N.

    Common Misconceptions

    Finite element analysis is easy

    Dont underestimate the complexity of theproblem.

    Dont jump to conclusions too quickly.

    Some little experiments may be required togauge the forces and reactions in the part.

    Interpreting the results is also an importanttask.

    60January 16, 2008 Rao, P.N.

    Common Misconceptions

    Finite element analysis is hard

    It is estimated that 20% creativity and 80%hard work and patience.

    Learned through more practice

    Learning the interface equals learning FEA

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    Questions orComments?

    62January 16, 2008 Rao, P.N.


    Define the terms: nodal point, element and degree of freedom

    What does the term discretization mean in the finite elementmethod?

    List three different material properties that must be defined for each

    of the element.

    Explain why the computer is necessary in the use of the finiteelement method.

    Explain why computer graphic techniques are used during the postprocessing phase of a finite element analysis. What is the alternative

    to using these graphical displays?

    What advantage would a company derive by performing a finiteelement analysis of an existing part, which can be strain gauged and

    tested in a lab?