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Lecture H - Inheritance. Unit H1 - Introduction to Inheritance. Inheritance. Inheritance allows us to derive a new class from an existing one The existing class is called the superclass or base-class. derived class is called the subclass or derived-class . - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Lecture H - InheritanceUnit H1 - Introduction to Inheritance

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• Inheritance allows us to derive a new class from an existing one

• The existing class is called the superclass or base-class.• derived class is called the subclass or derived-class.• Instances of the derived class inherit all the properties and

functionality that is defined in the base class. • Usually, the derived class adds more functionality and


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AlarmClock AnalogClock




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The is a relationship

• Inheritance creates an is-a relationship. AnalogClock is a Clock, AlarmClock is a Clock.

• Everything that can be done with a Clock object can also be done with an AlarmClock object.

• An AnalogClock is a special kind of Clock. It has all the functionality of a clock and some more.

• The subclass instances are more specific than the instances of the superclass.

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What is inherited and why

• Properties of the super-class Fields, methods Advantage: code reuse “white-box” reuse has more power than “black-box” reuse

• Obligations of the super-class Its interface Advantage: polymorphism – other code can treat objects from the

subclass as though they belong to the super-class

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moveForwards(float size)turnLeft(float teta)turnRight(float teta)tailUp()...

drawPolygon(int n, float size)drawSquare(float size)

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IntelligentTurtle/** * A logo turtle that knows how to draw composite * figures such as polygons. */public class IntelligentTurtle extends Turtle {

/** * Draws a perfect polygon. * @param n The number of edges * @param edgeSize The size of each edge */ public void drawPolygon(int n, double edgeSize) { double teta = 360.0 / n; for (int i=0; i<n; i++) { moveForwards(edgeSize); turnLeft(teta); } }}

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Using IntelligentTurtle

class PerfectPolygon {

static final double EDGE_SIZE = 100.0; static final int NUM_EDGES = 10;

public static void main(String[] args) { IntelligentTurtle t = new IntelligentTurtle(); t.tailDown(); t.drawPolygon(n, EDGE_SIZE); }}

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When to derive a subclass?

• Derived class should normally extend the functionality of the super-class

• In certain cases, a derived class would change some of the functionality of the super-class

• Don’t use inheritance when black-box use is sufficient• Thumb Rule: Subclass only when it is reasonable from

the point of view of the abstractions!

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Lecture H - InheritanceUnit H2 - What is inherited?

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What is Inherited?

• When you derive a class from a given base class: The subclass inherits all the fields of the base class It inherits all the methods of the base class

• You have to declare the constructors of the subclass from scratch

• Public fields and methods of the super-class can be used just like the fields and methods of the subclass

• Private fields and methods are inherited but cannot be accessed directly from the code of the subclass

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Switch(boolean) boolean isOn() setOn(boolean)

Switch Example

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Switch Code/** * An electronic switch that can be on/off. */public class Switch {

// Records the state of the switch private boolean isOn;

public Switch(boolean isOn){ this.isOn = isOn; }

public boolean isOn() { return isOn; } public void setOn(boolean state) { isOn = state; }}

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Switch vs. Adjustable Switch

on off

pressing the adjustable switchturns it on/off

an adjustable switch has a “level of current” dial

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Inheriting AdjustableSwitch from Switch



Switch(boolean) isOn() setOn(boolean)

AdjustableSwitch(float) setLevel(float) getLevel()

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AdjustableSwitchpublic class AdjustableSwitch extends Switch {

private float level;

public AdjustableSwitch(float level) { super(level != 0); this.level = level; }

public void setLevel(float level) { this.level = level; } public float getLevel() { return isOn() ? level : 0; }}

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setOn(boolean) isOn() AdjustableSwitch(float) setLevel(float) getLevel()

AdjustableSwitch Example


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Private Fields - Inherited but not Accessible

• Notice that an AdjustableSwitch object has a state variable isOn

• This variable is inherited from Switch• However, it cannot be accessed directly from the code of AdjustableSwitch because it is defined as private in Switch - i.e., it is encapsulated

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Constructors Must Be Redefined

• Constructors are not inherited• They must be redefined in the subclass• The constructor of the sub-class will normally need to use

the constructor of the super-class• This is done using the super keyword

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Calling super(...)

• The constructor of a derived class MUST first initialize the state of the object from the point of view of its parent class.

• Thus the first line in the constructor must be either: a call to a constructor of the super-class using super(...). A call to another constructor of the subclass using this(…).

• If you do not call super(...) or this(..) in the first line of the constructor, the compiler automatically places a call to the empty constructor of the super-class.

• If there is no empty constructor in the super-classthe code will not compile!

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Automatic Default Construction

• If we do not declare any constructor in a class then the compiler automatically adds an empty (default) constructor to it.

• In addition, the compiler puts in the first line of the empty constructor a call to the empty constructor of the super-class.

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Automatic Default Construction// Assume we didn’t include any constructors previously…

// ...in class Switch (automatically added)

public Switch() {


//and in class AdjustableSwitch(automatically added)

public AdjustableSwitch() { super();}

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Inheritance: a Basis for Code Reusability

• Fast implementation - we need not write the implementation of AdjustableSwitch from scratch, we just implement the additional functionality.

• Ease of use - If someone is already familiar with the base class, then the derived class will be easy to understand.

• Less debugging - debugging is restricted to the additional functionality.

• Ease of maintenance - if we need to correct/improve the implementation of Switch, AdjustableSwitch is automatically corrected as well.

• Compactness - our code is more compact and is easier to understand.

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Lecture H - InheritanceUnit H3 - Overriding Methods

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File(String name) isOpen() open() close() getName()

RestrictedFile(String name, long key) isLocked() lock() unlock(long key)


• In certain case, when we derive a class, we want to change some of the functionality defined in the super-class.

• Example: We want clients to be able to open a protected file only if it is unlocked

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File// Part of a File implementation public class File { private String name; private boolean isOpen;

public File(String name) { this.name = name; // … do something } public String getName() { return name; }

public boolean isOpen() { return isOpen; }

public void open() { isOpen = true; // … } public void close() {isOpen = false; // … }

// other methods/variables...}

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RestrictedFilepublic class RestrictedFile extends File { private long key; private boolean isLocked;

public RestrictedFile(String name, long key) { super(name); this.key = key; isLocked = true; } public boolean isLocked() { return isLocked; } public void lock() { isLocked = true;}

public void unlock(long key) { if (this.key == key) isLocked = false; } // redefine open()!!!}

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RestrictedFile – redefining open()

/** * Open the file. The file will be opened only if it * is unlocked. */public void open() { if (!isLocked) { super.open(); }}

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Overriding in RestrictedFile

• RestrictedFile inherits the interface of File, but changes the functionality of the method open().

• We say that RestrictedFile overrides the method open().

• Notice the call to super.open() - we invoke the method open() of the super-class on this object.

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Rules of Overriding

• When you derive a class B from a class A, the interface of class B will be a superset of that of class A (except for constructors)

• You cannot remove a method from the interface by sub-classing

• However, class B can override some of the methods that it inherits and thus change their functionality.

• The over-ridden methods of the super-class are no longer accessible from a variable of the sub-class type.

• They can be invoked from within the sub-class definition using the super.method(…) syntax.

• The contract of a method states what is expected from an overriding implementation of the method.

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Lecture H - InheritanceUnit H4 - The Object class

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The Object Class

• Java defines the class java.lang.Object that is defined as a superclass for all classes.

• If a class doesn’t specify explicitly which class it is derived from, then it will be implicitly derived from class Object.

• So, in the previous example, RestrictedFile was derived from File which in turn was derived from Object.

• We can depict the relationship between this classes in the following diagram, that is called class hierarchy diagram.

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Hierarchy Diagram

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The Object Class

• The Object class defines a set of methods that are inherited by all classes.

• One of these is the toString() method that is used whenever we want to get a String representation of an object.

• When you define a new class, you can override the toString() method in order to have a suitable representation of the new type of objects as Strings.

• The contract of the toString() method says that you are expected to return a String that represents your object

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Point /** * Represents a point on a grid. */public class Point { // The coordinates of the point private int x,y;

/** * Constructs a new point. * @param x,y The coordinates of the point. */ public Point(int x, int y) { this.x = x; this.y = y; }

public String toString() { return “(“ + x + ”,” + y + ”)”; }}

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Point: Example of Overriding toString()

The output of the program will be:

// Example of overriding the toString() method class PrintingPointExample { public static void main(String[] args) { Point p = new Point(2,3); System.out.println(p); //System.out.println(p.toString()); }}


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Other methods defined in Object

• boolean equals(Object other) Tests whether this object is equal to the other object

• Object clone() Creates and returns a clone (copy) of this object

• void finalize() Called by the garbage collector before the object is collected

• Various synchronization primitives • A few more

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Lecture H - InheritanceUnit H5 - Widening and Narrowing

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Sub-classes as sub-types

• Recall the is-a relationship induced by inheritance: A RestrictedFile is a File which is an Object.

• We can view a RestrictedFile object from 3 different points of views: As a RestrictedFile. This is the most narrow point of view (the

most specific). This point of view ‘sees’ the full functionality of the object.

As a File. This is a wider point of view (a less specific one). We forget about the special characteristics the object has as a RestrictedFile (we can only open and close the file).

As a plain Object.

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Variables can reference subclass values

• We view an object by using an object reference.• A variable of type ‘reference to File’ can only refer to any

object which is a File.

• But a RestrictedFile is also a File, so f can also refer to a RestrictedFile object.

• The type of the reference we use determines the point of view we will have on the object.

File f = new RestrictedFile(“visa.dat”);

File f = new RestrictedFile(“story.txt”);

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RestrictedFile point of view

• If we refer to a RestrictedFile object using a RestrictedFile reference we have the RestrictedFile point of view - we see all the methods that are defined in RestrictedFile and up the hierarchy tree.

RestrictedFile f = new RestrictedFile(“visa.dat”, 12345);f.close();f.lock();f.unlock(12345);String s = f.toString();

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File point of view

• If we refer to a RestrictedFile object using a File reference we have the File point of view - which lets us use only methods that are defined in class File and up the hierarchy tree.

File f = new RestricredFile(“visa.dat”, 12345);f.close();f.lock();f.unlock(12345);String s = f.toString();

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Object point of view

• If we refer to a RestrictedFile object using an Object reference we have the Object point of view - which let us see only methods that are defined in class Object.

Object f = new RestrictedFile(“visa.dat”, 12345);f.close();f.lock();f.unlock(12345);String s = f.toString();

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Points of View


... isOpen isLocked key

toString() ... isOpen() open() close() lock() unlock(key) isLocked()

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Compile time-type vs. run-time type

• A variable of a reference type has a declared type that is known in compile time and never changes. File f;

• A reference variable may hold values of any subclass of its declared type

• The type of the values held may change during the running of the algorithm and is not known during compile time

• The run-time type is always some subclass of the compile-time type.

f = new RestrictedFile(“visa.dat”,12345);

f = new File(“visa.dat”);

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RestrictedFile referenceRestrictedFile point of view

File referenceFile point of view



• Changing our point of view of an object, to a wider one (a less specific one) is called widening.File file;file = new RestrictedFile(“visa.dat”, 1234);

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Point -- distanceFrom/** * A point on a grid. */public class Point { // ... The same implementation as before

/** * Computes the distance from another point * @param p The given point. */ public double distanceFrom(Point p) { int dx = x-p.x; int dy = y-p.y; return Math.sqrt(dx*dx+dy*dy); }

// ... more methods}

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Pixel/** * Represents a pixel on a graphical area. */public class Pixel extends Point { // The color of the pixel private Color color;

/** * Constructs a new pixel. * @param x,y The coordinates of the pixel. * @param color The color of the pixel. */ public Pixel(int x, int y, Color color) { super(x,y); this.color = color; } // ... more methods}

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Widening parameters

• In the following example, the method distanceFrom() expects a ‘reference to Point’ and gets ‘a reference to Pixel’, we are thus widening our point of view of the Pixel object.

Point p1;Pixel p2;p1 = new Point(2, 3);p2 = new Pixel(5, 6, Color.red);double d = p1.distanceFrom(p2);

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Compile-time vs. run-time: method invokation

• When we invoke a method on an object we always do it through a reference

• The implementation of the method which is most specific will be chosen.

• Java methods are virtual, i.e. the method which will be invoked is determined by the run-time type of object and not on the compile-time type of reference.

• The identity of the invoked method is determined at runtime.

• There are languages that use different mechanisms for method invocation.

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Type of Method is Determined at Runtime

Will the file be opened if the number tossed is less than 0.5 ?? - NO!

File file;

if (Math.random() >= 0.5) file = new File(“visa.dat”);else file = new RestrictedFile(“visa.dat”, 76543); file.open();

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Virtual methodspublic class X { public int getVal() { return 1; }}

public class Y extends X { public int getVal() { return 2; }}

public class Test { public static void main(String[] args) { X x; x = new Y(); System.out.println(x.getVal()); // Will print 2!! }}

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• Widening: super-class variable subclass expression• Narrowing: subclass-variable super-class expression• Narrowing only works if the run-time type of the super-

class expression is indeed from the subclass• In Java, narrowing requires explicit casting

Point p1;Pixel p2;p2 = new Pixel(2, 3, Color.red);p1 = p2 ; // wideningp2 = (Pixel) p1 ; // narrowing

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• If the run-time type of the narrowed expression is not of the subclass that the value is assigned to, an exception is thrown.

• It is possible to check what the run-time type is using the instanceOf operator

File file;if (Math.random() >= 0.5) file = new File(“visa.dat”);else file = new RestrictedFile(“visa.dat”, 76543);if (file instanceOf restricetdFile){ r = (RestrictedFile) file; r.unlock(76543);}file.open();

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Lecture H - InheritanceUnit H6 - Visibility rules

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• Java lets us group our classes into packages• When we define classes we often define them as part of a

package of related classes• To group several classes into a package we must:

Specify in each of the source files of the class that the class belongs to the package

Put all class files under a directory with the name of the package. The directory that contains this directory should be in our CLASSPATH.

• Only classes that are declared public can be used from other packages

• To use a class from a different package we must either Import the other package Use the full name of the class: package.class

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Example: paint-brush program organization





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package paintbrush;

import java.awt.*;

public class PaintBrushPicture() { // …

PaintBrushCanvas x = new PaintBrushCanvas();

figures.Rectangle r = new figures.Rectangle();

Button b = new Button(); // java.awt.Button()

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Package hierarchies

• Packages may have hierarchical names java.security.acl

• Packages for public use should have names according to a standard naming scheme: reverse of the URL of the company org.omg.CORBA.portable (the organization’s URL is www.omg

.org)• The directory structure should mirror the name hierarchy


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Visibility Modifiers for members

• Any class member (variable, method or constructor) can be declared with one of the 4 visibility modifiers: private – accessible only in the same class in which the

member is defined (none) - default visibility – accessible in any class in the same

package as the class in which the member is defined protected -accessible in any subclass of the class in which the

member was defined or in the same package as the class in which the member is defined

public – accessible in any class that can access the class of that member

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The protected Modifier

• We declare variables as protected if they will be used often by someone deriving our class, but we still want to hide them from a user of our class

• Avoid defining too many protected variables, we usually want our object to be as encapsulated as possible

• A protected member is included in the API of our class. You should provide documentation comments to it

• protected methods are usually useful for customizing the behavior of our class by sub-classing

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Point/** * Represents a point on a grid. */public class Point { /** * The coordinates of the point. */ protected int x,y;

/** * Constructs a new point. * @param x,y The coordinates of the point. */ public Point(int x, int y) { this.x = x; this.y = y; } // ...}

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Pixelpublic class Pixel extends Point { // The color of the pixel private Color color;

public Pixel(int x, int y, Color color) { super(x,y); this.color = color; } public String toString() { return color.toString () + “ “ + super.toString(); } public void draw() { //this method will need to refer to x,y //and it will be cumbersome to do this //through access methods }}

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The final modifier• The final modifier can be used for classes, methods and

variables, in each case it has a different meaning.• A final class can not have derived classes• A final method cannot be overriden• A final variable can be initialized only once.

If the variable is static you must specify its value in the declaration and it becomes a constant.

If it is a state variable, you should either specify a value in the declaration or in the constructor, but only there and only once.

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