Lecture 6 Form classes or parts of speech

Lecture 6 Form classes or parts of speech. Objectives: To teach the parts of speech. Learning outcomes: The students will be able to learn &use : Form

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Page 1: Lecture 6 Form classes or parts of speech. Objectives: To teach the parts of speech. Learning outcomes: The students will be able to learn &use : Form

Lecture 6Form classes or parts of


Page 2: Lecture 6 Form classes or parts of speech. Objectives: To teach the parts of speech. Learning outcomes: The students will be able to learn &use : Form

•Objectives:To teach the parts of speech.

Learning outcomes :The students will be able to learn &use : Form classes.

Page 3: Lecture 6 Form classes or parts of speech. Objectives: To teach the parts of speech. Learning outcomes: The students will be able to learn &use : Form

How do you know class membership of the form of a


Page 4: Lecture 6 Form classes or parts of speech. Objectives: To teach the parts of speech. Learning outcomes: The students will be able to learn &use : Form

Form classes are large and open; they readily admit new members, that is new words coming into the language from other languages, as well as new words formed within English, such as minibus

Page 5: Lecture 6 Form classes or parts of speech. Objectives: To teach the parts of speech. Learning outcomes: The students will be able to learn &use : Form

Nouns •How are nouns identified?

•By two aspects:- by inflectional morphemes like the

plural(-s pl) ‘s’& possessive ‘s’(-s ps)•- by noun forming derivational

morphemes added to verbs, adjectives, nouns,adverbs .

Page 6: Lecture 6 Form classes or parts of speech. Objectives: To teach the parts of speech. Learning outcomes: The students will be able to learn &use : Form

Activity 1.Give examples of nouns with inflectional morphemes

S pl1................2..................3..............4............

Possessive SSing. 1...........................pl.1..................

Page 7: Lecture 6 Form classes or parts of speech. Objectives: To teach the parts of speech. Learning outcomes: The students will be able to learn &use : Form

EX 12-1 Underline the words that are nouns according to inflectional


1.Our president has a new plan.2.The janitors has not seen the

umberlla.3.The counselor may plan a different

approach. Home work 5,6

Page 8: Lecture 6 Form classes or parts of speech. Objectives: To teach the parts of speech. Learning outcomes: The students will be able to learn &use : Form

•Nouns can also be formed by derivational suffixes added to verbs, adjectives, nouns, adverbs. Give examples(on the board)

•examples:•Accept achieve

•Advise• examples of nouns on P 168

Page 9: Lecture 6 Form classes or parts of speech. Objectives: To teach the parts of speech. Learning outcomes: The students will be able to learn &use : Form

Source adjectives Derived nounsKind kindnessPure purity

-source derived nounAsia Asian

Page 10: Lecture 6 Form classes or parts of speech. Objectives: To teach the parts of speech. Learning outcomes: The students will be able to learn &use : Form

Activity 2 Form/make nouns





Page 11: Lecture 6 Form classes or parts of speech. Objectives: To teach the parts of speech. Learning outcomes: The students will be able to learn &use : Form

Verbs •Verbs have a maximum of five different

forms:Base, 3rdperson singular, present

participle ,past tense, past participleFor example:-ride- rides-rode- riding, ridden.Ex 12-4 p170

Page 12: Lecture 6 Form classes or parts of speech. Objectives: To teach the parts of speech. Learning outcomes: The students will be able to learn &use : Form

Give examples of five forms of verbs

1.Base : buy 2.3rd person singular.........................3.present participle ........................... 4.past tense ...................................

5 .past participle....................................

Page 13: Lecture 6 Form classes or parts of speech. Objectives: To teach the parts of speech. Learning outcomes: The students will be able to learn &use : Form

P 171 examples

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According to derivational suffixes:An adjective is a word that is inflected with er or est and that it is capable of forming adverbs with ly or nouns with ness

Page 15: Lecture 6 Form classes or parts of speech. Objectives: To teach the parts of speech. Learning outcomes: The students will be able to learn &use : Form

Give examples of adjectives

Page 16: Lecture 6 Form classes or parts of speech. Objectives: To teach the parts of speech. Learning outcomes: The students will be able to learn &use : Form

Adverbs The adverb has four suffixes:

Ly , wise, ward, and s –and the free form like:Examples:

1.Source adjective derived adverb-fortunate fortunately

2.Source noun derived adverbClock clock wise

Page 17: Lecture 6 Form classes or parts of speech. Objectives: To teach the parts of speech. Learning outcomes: The students will be able to learn &use : Form

3. Source noun derived adverb-north northward

4.. Source noun derived adverb night nights

The s is used for words denoting a time period:

-He works days.-He is busy mealtimes.

-She plays golf Saturdays.

Page 18: Lecture 6 Form classes or parts of speech. Objectives: To teach the parts of speech. Learning outcomes: The students will be able to learn &use : Form

-likeSource noun derived adverb

student student like

Source noun derived adverb casual casual-like

Page 19: Lecture 6 Form classes or parts of speech. Objectives: To teach the parts of speech. Learning outcomes: The students will be able to learn &use : Form

non-suffixing forms:

However, there remains a number of words that do not have (not allow) an inflectional or derivational suffixes; these are non-suffixing forms:

Page 20: Lecture 6 Form classes or parts of speech. Objectives: To teach the parts of speech. Learning outcomes: The students will be able to learn &use : Form

1.Words that are traditionally called nouns

:advice, tennis.2.Words that are traditionally called

adverbs: often, never3 .2.Words that are traditionally known

as adjectives: only 4.most of the words in the structure

classes: the, from, since

Page 21: Lecture 6 Form classes or parts of speech. Objectives: To teach the parts of speech. Learning outcomes: The students will be able to learn &use : Form

EX 12-8 176 HomeworkClassify words according to the form class to which they belong. Av(adverb) or Aj(adjective).

Mid –Term ExamThe end

Page 22: Lecture 6 Form classes or parts of speech. Objectives: To teach the parts of speech. Learning outcomes: The students will be able to learn &use : Form


Structure classes don not belong to the classes that have affixes identifying their parts of speech.

Page 23: Lecture 6 Form classes or parts of speech. Objectives: To teach the parts of speech. Learning outcomes: The students will be able to learn &use : Form

Structure classes characteristics

Members are recognized by position. a structure class is small, the larger one

prepositions having only about fifty membersa structure class has a stable membership, and is a closed class, that

is ,it rarely admit new members .

Page 24: Lecture 6 Form classes or parts of speech. Objectives: To teach the parts of speech. Learning outcomes: The students will be able to learn &use : Form

•Because structure classes are small, stable and ,closed we get to know their membership individually. These are: qualifiers,prepositions,determiners,auxiliaries,pronouns

Page 25: Lecture 6 Form classes or parts of speech. Objectives: To teach the parts of speech. Learning outcomes: The students will be able to learn &use : Form


•Qualifiers occurs before adjectival or adverbial .Examples of qualifiers very, rather. Their function is to modify the head. Examples:

•-the dinner was ……….. good.•-she performed ……..skillfully.

Page 26: Lecture 6 Form classes or parts of speech. Objectives: To teach the parts of speech. Learning outcomes: The students will be able to learn &use : Form

Ex 13-1

Underline the qualifier and indicate whether the qualifier modifies an adjectives or an adverb:

-that is very kind of you-you played quite acceptably in

the second half.

Page 27: Lecture 6 Form classes or parts of speech. Objectives: To teach the parts of speech. Learning outcomes: The students will be able to learn &use : Form

Ex 13-2

-1.you are too kind.2.Are you completely happy with

your courses?3.This water is freezing cold.

HOMEORK 6-10Examples of qualifiers on page 181.

Page 28: Lecture 6 Form classes or parts of speech. Objectives: To teach the parts of speech. Learning outcomes: The students will be able to learn &use : Form

Prepositions•Prepositions are words that are

usually followed by a noun, noun phrase, personal pronoun ,or noun substitutes, which are called objects of prepositions. English has a small group of prepositions.

Page 29: Lecture 6 Form classes or parts of speech. Objectives: To teach the parts of speech. Learning outcomes: The students will be able to learn &use : Form

Ex 13-4Underline the preposition and the object of preposition twice.

1 .the car stopped at the station.

2.we walk under the tree.3-10 homework

Page 30: Lecture 6 Form classes or parts of speech. Objectives: To teach the parts of speech. Learning outcomes: The students will be able to learn &use : Form

Compound prepositions•Examples: p 184

• Two parts: Instead of, due to, because of…

•With noun: in spite of, in front of, in addition to…

Page 31: Lecture 6 Form classes or parts of speech. Objectives: To teach the parts of speech. Learning outcomes: The students will be able to learn &use : Form

Ex 13-7

Underline the compound prepositions:

1.we arrived a head of time.2.in case of accident ,call your

insurance agent.

Page 32: Lecture 6 Form classes or parts of speech. Objectives: To teach the parts of speech. Learning outcomes: The students will be able to learn &use : Form

SOME preposition come at the end as in,Relative clause

PassiveInfinitiveExclamationQW questions

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a determiner is a word that preceds a noun and serve as a signal that a noun is soon to follow. These are:

Articles: a,an,and thePossessive pronouns:my,your,his,her…

Demonstratives:this,that,these,thosePossessive proper noun

Page 34: Lecture 6 Form classes or parts of speech. Objectives: To teach the parts of speech. Learning outcomes: The students will be able to learn &use : Form

Auxiliaries •Auxiliaries are associated with

the verb and are of three kinds:•A.Modal auxiliaries, can, may,

shall, will,could…•The present form of modal

auxiliaries does not take s in the thrd person singular .

Page 35: Lecture 6 Form classes or parts of speech. Objectives: To teach the parts of speech. Learning outcomes: The students will be able to learn &use : Form

B.the two primary auxiliaries be, havehave be stem

has/have am, is,are Present tense

having being Present participle

Was/were Past tense

had been Past participle

Page 36: Lecture 6 Form classes or parts of speech. Objectives: To teach the parts of speech. Learning outcomes: The students will be able to learn &use : Form
