Occupied France and the Battle of Britain 1. Recap: The War from Poland to Paris 2. Collaboration in Europe: The Birth of Vichy France - - - Marshal Philippe Pétain – Patriot or Traitor? - - - Pétain’s National Revolution - - - The Jewish Statutes (October 1940) - - - Vichy and the War Effort 3. The British Empire Stands Alone - - - The Plan: Operation Eagle and Operation Sea Lion - - - The Battle of Britain and the Blitz

Lecture 5 - Occupied France and Battle of Britain

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Page 1: Lecture 5 - Occupied France and Battle of Britain

Occupied France and the Battle of Britain

1. Recap: The War from Poland to Paris

2. Collaboration in Europe: The Birth of Vichy France

- - - Marshal Philippe Pétain – Patriot or Traitor?

- - - Pétain’s National Revolution

- - - The Jewish Statutes (October 1940)

- - - Vichy and the War Effort

3. The British Empire Stands Alone

- - - The Plan: Operation Eagle and Operation Sea Lion

- - - The Battle of Britain and the Blitz

- - - The Civilian Experience

- - - The Survival of Great Britain and its Implications

4. Hitler and his Ideological goals in the East

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German Troops March in Poland, September, 1939

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Iconic Image of Defeat: Watching the Nazis Enter Paris

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Hitler dances the jig?

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Marshal Philippe Pétain

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Hitler enters the same train car in which Germany had accepted defeat in 1918, in order to present the French with an armistice.

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The division of France following the armistice

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General (and future President) Charles de Gaulle fled to Great Britain, to lead the Free French Forces against the Germans

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Pétain and Hitler shake hands

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Vichy Propaganda Poster for the National Revolution

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Newspaper announcing the Jewish Statutes, October 1940

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Caricature mocking Petain as a traitor and Nazi puppet

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Members of the Vichy Militia (the Milice) arrest members of the resistance

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British Prime Minister Winston Churchill in 1940

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Plans for Operation Sea Lion, the amphibious invasion of Britain, to be undertaken once the Luftwaffe had control of the skies…

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A German bomber over London, 1940

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Damage following the first bombing of Berlin, August 1940

Luftwaffe Chief Herman Goering

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Seeking shelter in a London subway station during the Blitz

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London ablaze during “The Blitz”

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A London home during the Blitz..

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A downed German plane during the Battle of Britain

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Mussolini and the War in the Mediterranean1. Mussolini’s Foreign Policy

- - The Invasion of Ethiopia, 1935

- - The Rome-Berlin Axis and The Pact of Steel

2. Italy at Enters the War

- - The Invasion of France, June 1940

3. The War in North Africa

- - The Italian invasion of Egypt, September 9, 1940

- - Rommel, the Afrika Corps, & Germany to the Rescue

- - - - General Montgomery and Allied Recovery

4. The War in the Balkans (1940/1941)

- - Italian Invasion of Greece and the German Bail-Out

- - The Invasion of Crete & Nazi Dominance in Europe

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A New Roman Empire?

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Ethiopian Emperor Haile Selassie during the war with Italy, 1935

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Protesters in New York draw attention to Italian atrocities

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Ethiopian troops preparing to defend their homeland, 1935

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Mussolini and Hitler’s emerging alliance: “The Rome-Berlin Axis” in November 1936;

and “The Pact of Steel”, May 22, 1939

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Mussolini and Churchill

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Mussolini declares war on France, June 10, 1940

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French alpine infantry trying to keep the Italians back…

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The Italians attack British-held Egypt from neighboring Libya, September 9, 1940, hoping to capture the Suez Canal

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Generals Rudolfo Graziani and Archibald Wavell

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Italian tanks drive into Egypt

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Italian forces move only 80 km into Egypt, and stop at Sidi Barrani

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British forces pound the Italians at Sidi Barrani during “Operation Compass”, December 1940

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The British push the Italian troops off of Egyptian soil, from Sidi Barrani all the way back to

El Agheila (far left)

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Italian POWs in Libya, 1941

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Field Marshall Erwin Rommel, known as the “Desert Fox”, is sent by Hitler to lead the “Afrika Corps” and bail out the Italians

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Afrika Corps tanks, providing mobility and speed in the desert

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A German tank crew surrender in the desert dust

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A British tank approaches a burning German tank during Operation Crusader, 1941/42

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An Italian soldier surrenders to a British Indian Army soldier

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Rommel’s Match: General Bernard Montgomery

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Hitler didn’t want trouble in the Balkan region (south-eastern Europe) before launching his attack on the Soviet Union

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The Italian invasion of Greece from Albania, to begin October 28, 1940

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Stiff resistance being offered up by Greek artillery

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German artillery during the fight for Greece, April 1941

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Members of the Yugoslavian infantry surrender to German troops, April 1941

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Hitler moves to secure Crete in Operation Mercury, beginning May 20, 1941

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German paratroopers over Crete

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A dead German paratrooper

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Executed civilians in Crete, 1941

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Nazi-dominated Europe, May 1941