By: Mr Hashem Alaidaros MIS 101

Lecture 2 Title: Computer Software

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By: Mr Hashem Alaidaros MIS 101. Lecture 2 Title: Computer Software. Objective. To know what are the computer software types To be familiar with virus, hacker, spyware . Software Types. Software: Consists of a series of instructions that tells the computer what to do. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Page 1: Lecture 2 Title: Computer Software

By: Mr Hashem AlaidarosMIS 101

Page 2: Lecture 2 Title: Computer Software

Main Topics• Computer software types• 32 bit vs. 64 bit• Malware

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Software TypesSoftware: It is a group of programs that tells the computer

hardware what to do.Programs: is a group of commands written in a specific

programming language to solve a specific problem.Programming Language: is a group of instructions and rules

that perform operations on data processingSince computer doesn’t understand human language,

programming language is inventedHigh level language (understandable by human): Java, C++Low level language (understandably by computer

hardware): Assembly language

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Example of Java Language

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Software TermsOpen Source Software: It is software that its

programming language is able to be read and customized.More flexible

Freeware Software: It is a copywrited software, available to use for free forever.Close Source

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Types of SoftwareThere are three main types of

software:1. System software (Operating System)2. Utility software 3. Application software

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1. System SoftwareSystem Software: It is software that controls and

manages the operations that deal directly to the computer hardwareOperating System (OS)

Operating System (OS) functions: 1. Allow users to run application software2. Manages the computer processes3. Functioning as interface that connects the user, the

application and the hardware. How?

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System Software Examples Basic Input / Output System (BIOS) Disk Operating System (DOS) Windows (Microsoft product) Most targeted by hackers and Malwares iOS (Apple product) More suitable for graphics design Linux: (Unix family) Open source Android (Google product) Designed for smart phones

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MultitaskingThe execution of two

or more programs by one user concurrently on the same computer with one central processor

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2. Utility SoftwareUtility Programs allow the user to perform maintenance-type

tasks usually related to managing a computer, its devices or its programs

• Types of utility softwareo Disk imageo Disk optimization o Encrypt datao File and data recovery o Text protecto Preventative security o Spywareo Uninstaller

-Msconfig -Restore -Page file

-Task Manager -System log

-Control Panel -Remote Acces

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3. Application Software• Application software are programs that perform specific

tasks for users (It is the reason that one wants to buy a computer).

• Types of application softwareo Bowsero Communicationo Data managemento E-mailo Presentation graphicso Programmingo Spreadsheeto Word processing

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Application SoftwareIncludes many executable files and data files:

Installer program (eg: setup.exe)Uninstaller program (why important?)Main executable file (eg: winword.exe)Support modules (eg: .dll files)

Called by the PROGRAM, not by the userData modules (eg: MS Word


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Application SoftwareTwo types of Application software:

1. Prewritten application software2. Custom application software

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1. Pre-written• Pre-written application: It is ready application that is designed and

developed for public use.

• For this type of application: Users only need to install (with a little modification if need) the software on their hardware

• Available on the hand

• Examples of pre-written software may include:• MS Word• Skype• Second Live

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2. CustomCustom Software: It is software that is designed for specific purpose

and to meet organization’s needs.

In these cases, the business may have its own programmers to create a software to meet their needs

Programmer: Someone who develops application or system software

Examples of custom application software may include: Payroll Accounting Project Management

What are the differences between pro-written and custom software?

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32 bit vs. 64 bitCPU, OS, and Software can be 32 bit or 64 bitCPU-32 bit

CPU processes 32 bit of data per one cycleCPU-64 bit

CPU processes 64 bits of data per one cycleWhich one has better speed? Why?OS- 32 bit

Support up to 4 GB of RAMOS-64 bits

Support more than 4 GB of RAM With CPU-32 bit, only OS-32 bit with Software-32 bit is supported In CPU-64 bit, OS-32 bit with Software-32 can be supported OS-32 bit only supports Software-32 bit

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MalwareMalware or MALicious softWARE: is a program that is written to

attack or harm systems and files.

Malware can:• Delete files• Slow down computer and network• Send emails automatically• Control the computer remotely or open backdoor on the

victim computer

Malware main types: Virus Worms Trojan horse

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Malware• Virus: is a program that repeat itself into files and systems.

• It has to attach itself to a program or a file (exe files)• It has to be clicked to activate the virus

• Worm: is type of virus that spread itself into other computers via networks.• It doesn’t attach itself to a program or a file• It activate itself with human intervention

Trojan horse: is type of malware that attach itself to a program or a file and open backdoor on the victim computer Used for spying and controlling the victim computer

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Spyware• Spyware is a small computer program that

monitors what you are doing with your computer resources.

• Mostly come from advertisement pop-up

• Auntispyware software: adware, microsoft antispyware

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Software Updates• Operating system and application software must

be always up to date (update)

• How often should be updated?

• Benefits of updates:• Security• Efficiency