Yoash Levron Juri Belikov The Andrew and Erna Viterbi Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Technion—Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa 3200003, Israel Department of Software Science, Tallinn Uni- versity of Technology, Akadeemia tee 15a, 12618 Tallinn, Estonia [email protected] [email protected] Lecture 2: The Direct-Quadrature-Zero (DQ0) Transformation In the previous lecture we discussed the concept of time-varying phasor models (quasi- static models). We have seen that such models map sinusoidal signals to constants, and thus considerably simply the analysis of AC power systems. Nevertheless, time-varying phasors are an approximation, and can only be used if variations in amplitudes and phases are relatively slow. This lecture introduces the dq0 transformation, and shows how to use it to analyze linear networks. Similar to phasors, the dq0 transformation maps sinusoidal signals to constants, and therefore results in relatively simple dynamic models. However this mapping is accu- rate, and does not rely on any approximations. Therefore dq0 models may be viewed as a natural extension of time-varying phasor models, and are used extensively for modeling and analysis of fast transient phenomena in power systems. Table 1: The relative advantages of different dynamic models equilibrium small- fast nonsymmetric points signal transients networks abc X X X X time-varying X X X X phasors dq0 X X X see text Basic definitions The dq0 transformation and its inverse are defined as follows: T θ = 2 3 cos (θ) cos ( θ - 2π 3 ) cos ( θ + 2π 3 ) - sin (θ) - sin ( θ - 2π 3 ) - sin ( θ + 2π 3 ) 1 2 1 2 1 2 , (1) T -1 θ = cos (θ) - sin (θ) 1 cos ( θ - 2π 3 ) - sin ( θ - 2π 3 ) 1 cos ( θ + 2π 3 ) - sin ( θ + 2π 3 ) 1 , (2) where the angle θ is the reference angle or the reference phase. Direct multiplication of these matrices reveals that T θ T -1 θ = T -1 θ T θ = I 3×3 . Note that several variations of (1) are available in the literature. Series of lectures on power system dynamics. The lectures are freely available on https://a-lab.ee/projects/dq0-dynamics

Lecture 2: The Direct-Quadrature-Zero (DQ0) Transformation · Lecture 2: The Direct-Quadrature-Zero (DQ0) Transformation In the previous lecture we discussed the concept of time-varying

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Page 1: Lecture 2: The Direct-Quadrature-Zero (DQ0) Transformation · Lecture 2: The Direct-Quadrature-Zero (DQ0) Transformation In the previous lecture we discussed the concept of time-varying

Yoash Levron Juri Belikov½ The Andrew and Erna Viterbi Faculty of ElectricalEngineering, Technion—Israel Institute of Technology,Haifa 3200003, Israel

½ Department of Software Science, Tallinn Uni-versity of Technology, Akadeemia tee 15a, 12618Tallinn, Estonia

R [email protected] R [email protected]

Lecture 2: The Direct-Quadrature-Zero (DQ0) Transformation

In the previous lecture we discussed the concept of time-varying phasor models (quasi-static models). We have seen that such models map sinusoidal signals to constants, andthus considerably simply the analysis of AC power systems. Nevertheless, time-varyingphasors are an approximation, and can only be used if variations in amplitudes and phasesare relatively slow.This lecture introduces the dq0 transformation, and shows how to use it to analyze linearnetworks. Similar to phasors, the dq0 transformation maps sinusoidal signals to constants,and therefore results in relatively simple dynamic models. However this mapping is accu-rate, and does not rely on any approximations. Therefore dq0 models may be viewed asa natural extension of time-varying phasor models, and are used extensively for modelingand analysis of fast transient phenomena in power systems.

Table 1: The relative advantages of different dynamic models

equilibrium small- fast nonsymmetricpoints signal transients networks

abc X X X X

time-varying X X X Xphasors

dq0 X X X see text

Basic definitions

The dq0 transformation and its inverse are defined as follows:

Tθ =2


cos (θ) cos(θ − 2π


)cos(θ + 2π


)− sin (θ) − sin

(θ − 2π


)− sin

(θ + 2π





, (1)

T−1θ =

cos (θ) − sin (θ) 1cos(θ − 2π


)− sin

(θ − 2π



cos(θ + 2π


)− sin

(θ + 2π



, (2)

where the angle θ is the reference angle or the reference phase. Direct multiplication of thesematrices reveals that TθT−1

θ = T−1θ Tθ = I3×3. Note that several variations of (1) are available

in the literature.

Series of lectures on power system dynamics. The lectures are freely available onhttps://a-lab.ee/projects/dq0-dynamics

Page 2: Lecture 2: The Direct-Quadrature-Zero (DQ0) Transformation · Lecture 2: The Direct-Quadrature-Zero (DQ0) Transformation In the previous lecture we discussed the concept of time-varying

Lecture 2: The Direct-Quadrature-Zero (DQ0) Transformation 2

The dq0 transformation maps three-phase signals in the abc reference frame to new quantitiesin a rotating dq0 reference frame. Denote xabc = [xa, xb, xc]

T and xdq0 = [xd, xq, x0]T, then

xdq0 = Tθxabc,

xabc = T−1θ xdq0,


where the subscripts d, q, and 0 represent the direct, quadrature and zero components.The reference angle θ is typically selected as follows:

3 If there is an infinite bus in the system a typical choice is θ = ωst, where ωs is thefrequency of the infinite bus.

3 If there is no infinite bus in the system, θ is usually fixed to the rotor angle of one ofthe synchronous machines.

Different selections of the reference angle will be discussed in the following lectures.A fundamental property of the dq0 transformation is that it maps balanced three-phase sig-nals to constants. For instance, consider a three-phase voltage source modeled as

va = A cos (ωst) ,

vb = A cos




vc = A cos





Applying the inverse transformation T−1θ with θ = ωst leads tovavb



cos (ωst) − sin (ωst) 1cos(ωst− 2π


)− sin

(ωst− 2π



cos(ωst+ 2π


)− sin

(ωst+ 2π




, (5)

and therefore vd = A, vq = 0, v0 = 0. The sinusoidal signals in the abc reference frame aremapped to constant signals in the dq0 reference frame (see Fig. 1).

0 10 20 30 40 50-1











0 10 20 30 40 50

Time [ms]









Figure 1: Mapping of sinusoidal abc signals to constant dq0 signals.

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Lecture 2: The Direct-Quadrature-Zero (DQ0) Transformation 3

Modeling resistors, inductors, and capacitors

This section presents basic dq0 models of linear passive components. We will use the follow-ing definitions:

3 Balanced three-phase signals are sinusoidal signals with equal magnitudes, phase shiftsof ±120◦, and a sum of zero.

3 A power network is balanced or symmetrically configured if balanced three-phase volt-ages at its ports result in balanced three-phase currents, and vice-versa. Two examplesare shown in Fig. 2.




(a) Symmetrically configured network




(b) Network with a non-symmetric configu-ration

Figure 2: Example of symmetric and nonsymmetric configurations.

In this text we will use the term balanced when referring to signals, and symmetrically config-ured when referring to three-phase networks or circuits.Assume a symmetrically configured three-phase resistor R, which is modeled asvavb


= R


. (6)

Multiplying both sides of the equation by the dq0 transformation Tθ (from the left) yieldsvdvqv0

= R


. (7)

This is the dq0 model of a symmetrically configured three-phase resistor.Now assume a symmetrically configured three-phase inductor L, which is modeled asvavb


= Ld



. (8)

The identity [ia, ib, ic]T = T−1

θ [id, iq, i0]T leads tovavb


= Ld




, (9)

and the derivative product rule yieldsvavbvc

= L




+ LT−1θ




. (10)

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Lecture 2: The Direct-Quadrature-Zero (DQ0) Transformation 4

By direct computation it can be verified that


dtT−1θ = −T−1

θ W (11)


W =

0 ddtθ 0

− ddtθ 0 0

0 0 0

. (12)

Substituting these expressions in (10) yieldsvavbvc

= −LT−1θ W


+ LT−1θ




, (13)

and by multiplying both sides of the equation from the left by Tθ we havevdvqv0

= −LW


+ Ld



, (14)

which is equivalent to









. (15)

This is the dq0 model of a symmetrically configured inductor. The explicit expressions are


dtid =

dtiq +




dtiq = −dθ

dtid +




dti0 =




Note that id affects the dynamics of iq and vice-versa. Similarly, the dynamic model of asymmetrically configured capacitor C is









. (17)

Power and energy in terms of dq0 quantities

Consider a general three-phase unit as described in Fig. 3.The instantaneous power flowing from the unit into the network at time t is

p3φ(t) = va(t)ia(t) + vb(t)ib(t) + vc(t)ic(t). (18)

Rewrite this equation as

p3φ =[va vb vc

] iaibic







=[vd vq v0

] (T−1θ




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Lecture 2: The Direct-Quadrature-Zero (DQ0) Transformation 5


ia(t) va(t)

ib(t) vb(t)

ic(t) vc(t)Network

Figure 3: Three-phase unit connected to the network.

and use (T−1θ

)TT−1θ =



1 0 00 1 00 0 2


to obtain

p3φ =3


[vd vq v0

] 1 0 00 1 00 0 2



2(vdid + vqiq + 2v0i0) . (21)

This expression defines the three-phase instantaneous power in terms of dq0 quantities.Similarly, assume a symmetrically configured three-phase inductor, with currents ia, ib, ic asshown in Fig. 4.

vc,1ic L


vb,1ib L


va,1ia L


Figure 4: Symmetrically configured three-phase inductor.

The total energy stored in the inductor is

E =1

2L(i2a + i2b + i2c

), (22)

which may be written as

E =1

2L[ia ib ic

] iaibic











2L[id iq i0

] (T−1θ




Again use the identity (T−1θ

)TT−1θ =



1 0 00 1 00 0 2


to obtain

E =3

4L[id iq i0

] 1 0 00 1 00 0 2


, (25)

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Lecture 2: The Direct-Quadrature-Zero (DQ0) Transformation 6

which leads toE =


4L(i2d + i2q + 2i20

). (26)

Similarly, the energy stored in a symmetrically configured three-phase capacitor C is

E =3

4C(v2d + v2q + 2v20

). (27)

The following analysis shows that the energy derivative with respect to time is power, asexpected. Consider the circuit in Fig. 4. Application of the chain rule yields


dtE =





+ iqdiqdt

+ 2i0di0dt

), (28)

and based on the dynamic model of the inductor in (16) we have


dtE =





dtiq +


L(vd,1 − vd,2)


+ iq


dtid +


L(vq,1 − vq,2)

)+ 2i0


L(v0,1 − v0,2)

)]. (29)

This expression can be simplified as


dtE =


2(vd,1id + vq,1iq + 2v0,1i0)−


2(vd,2id + vq,2iq + 2v0,2i0) , (30)

which is identical tod

dtE = p1 − p2. (31)

The change in stored energy is equal to the sum of powers flowing into the inductor.

Modeling linear circuits

We will now extend the discussion in the previous section and show how to construct dq0models of general three-phase circuits.Consider a three-phase circuit composed of inductors, capacitor, resistors, voltage sourcesand current sources. Let x represent the state vector of this circuit in the abc reference frame,and use the compact notation xabc = [xa,1, xb,1, xc,1, . . . , xa,m, xb,m, xc,m]T. The circuit dynamicsmay be expressed as


dtxabc = Axabc +Bu. (32)

Define the composite dq0 transformation and its inverse as

Λθ =

Tθ 0. . .

0 Tθ

, Λ−1θ =

T−1θ 0

. . .0 T−1


, (33)

such that xdq0 = Λθxabc and xabc = Λ−1θ xdq0. Substitute these definitions into (32) to get



(Λ−1θ xdq0

)= AΛ−1

θ xdq0 +Bu, (34)

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Lecture 2: The Direct-Quadrature-Zero (DQ0) Transformation 7




)xdq0 + Λ−1



dtxdq0 = AΛ−1

θ xdq0 +Bu. (35)

It can be verified by direct calculations that ddt

(Λ−1θ ) = −Λ−1

θ Wc, where

Wc =

W 0. . .

0 W

, W =

0 ddtθ 0

− ddtθ 0 0

0 0 0

. (36)

Substitute the expression for ddt

(Λ−1θ ) into (35) to obtain

− Λ−1θ Wcxdq0 + Λ−1



dtxdq0 = AΛ−1

θ xdq0 +Bu, (37)

and multiply from the left by Λθ to get


dtxdq0 =


θ +Wc

)xdq0 + ΛθBu. (38)

This equation describes the circuit dynamics based on dq0 quantities. In general this modeldepends on θ(t) and therefore it is not time-invariant. However, for the special case of sym-metrically configured networks, it is typically true that ΛθA = AΛθ, so equation (38) takesthe form


dtxdq0 = (A+Wc)xdq0 + ΛθBu, (39)

which often results in a linear and time-invariant model.As an example, consider the circuit in Fig. 5.

vc,1L R vc,2

vb,1L R vb,2

va,1L R va,2

Figure 5: Example—symmetrically configured RL transmission line.

The dynamic model in the abc reference frame is




= −RL

1 0 00 1 00 0 1




va,1 − va,2vb,1 − vb,2vc,1 − vc,2

. (40)

In this example Λθ = Tθ, and therefore Wc = W . In addition it may be verified that TθA =ATθ. Based on (39) the dynamic model in the dq0 reference frame is


dtidq0 = (A+W)idq0 + TθBu, (41)

which yields




= (A+W)


+ TθB

va,1 − va,2vb,1 − vb,2vc,1 − vc,2

, (42)

or equivalently






1 0 00 1 00 0 1


0 ddtθ 0

− ddtθ 0 0

0 0 0




va,1 − va,2vb,1 − vb,2vc,1 − vc,2

. (43)

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Lecture 2: The Direct-Quadrature-Zero (DQ0) Transformation 8

This last equation may be written more compactly as






ddtθ 0

− ddtθ −R


0 0 −RL




vd,1 − vd,2vq,1 − vq,2v0,1 − v0,2

. (44)

In addition, if the reference angle is θ = ωst then






ωs 0−ωs −R


0 0 −RL




vd,1 − vd,2vq,1 − vq,2v0,1 − v0,2

. (45)

The resulting model is linear and time-invariant.

How does this model change if the circuit is not symmetrically configured?Consider a modified circuit in which the inductances are L, L, and 2L. In this case theequality ΛθA = AΛθ no longer holds, and therefore the dynamic model is nonlinear andtime-varying, since the term ΛθAΛ−1

θ varies with θ(t). In this example the dq0 transformationdoes not offer any obvious advantage in comparison to direct analysis in the abc referenceframe.

As another example consider the circuit in Fig. 6. The voltage sources on the left representthe secondary side of a transformer, and the voltage sources on the right represent the pri-mary side of another transformer. The objective here is to study the effects of Rg,1 and Rg,2

on the system dynamics.







ia L R

ib L R

ic L R







Figure 6: Example — a linear three-phase circuit.

The model in the abc reference frame is


dtia = −Ria − (Rg,1 +Rg,2)(ia + ib + ic) + (va,1 − va,2),


dtib = −Rib − (Rg,1 +Rg,2)(ia + ib + ic) + (vb,1 − vb,2),


dtic = −Ric − (Rg,1 +Rg,2)(ia + ib + ic) + (vc,1 − vc,2),


and direct computations yield

ΛθAΛ−1θ =


0 00 −R


0 0 −R+3(Rg,1+Rg,2)


. (47)

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Lecture 2: The Direct-Quadrature-Zero (DQ0) Transformation 9

Based on (38) and assuming dθ/dt = ωs the resulting dq0 model is


dtid = −R

Lid + ωsiq +


L(vd,1 − vd,2),


dtiq = −ωsid −


Liq +


L(vq,1 − vq,2),


dti0 = − 1

L(R + 3(Rg,1 +Rg,2))i0 +


L(v0,1 − v0,2).


Note that in this example ΛθA 6= AΛθ, but nevertheless the dq0 model is linear and time-invariant.The expressions for id, iq are exactly identical to the ones in (45), and are unaffected by theresistors Rg,1 and Rg,2. These resistors affect only the zero component, which according to(1) represents the average current i0 = 1

3(ia+ib+ic). Note that ifRg,1+Rg,2 →∞ then i0 → 0,

but id, iq are unaffected. This example may explain how transformers are used to eliminateundesired average currents in a power system.

Comparison of phasors and dq0 quantities

This section discusses the relations between dq0 models and time-varying phasor models.First we will define the link between phasors and dq0 quantities. Consider the balancedthree-phase voltage signals

va(t) = A(t) cos (ωst+ ψ(t)) ,

vb(t) = A(t) cos

(ωst+ ψ(t)− 2π



vc(t) = A(t) cos

(ωst+ ψ(t) +




Based on the dq0 transformation in (2) with θ(t) = ωst, and using the trigonometric identitycos(α + β) = cos(α) cos(β)− sin(α) sin(β) we havevdvq


= Tωst


= Tωst

A(t) cos (ωst+ ψ(t))A(t) cos

(ωst+ ψ(t)− 2π


)A(t) cos

(ωst+ ψ(t) + 2π



= Tωst

cos (ωst) − sin (ωst) 1cos(ωst− 2π


)− sin

(ωst− 2π



cos(ωst+ 2π


)− sin

(ωst+ 2π



A(t) cos (ψ(t))A(t) sin (ψ(t))


= TωstT


A(t) cos (ψ(t))A(t) sin (ψ(t))



A(t) cos (ψ(t))A(t) sin (ψ(t))



and thereforevd(t) = A(t) cos(ψ(t)),

vq(t) = A(t) sin(ψ(t))

v0(t) = 0.


In addition, assuming that variations in the magnitude A(t) and phase ψ(t) are “slow” (seedefinition below) in comparison to the nominal system frequency ωs, the voltages abovemay be represented by the time-varying phasor

V (t) =A(t)√

2ejψ(t). (52)

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Lecture 2: The Direct-Quadrature-Zero (DQ0) Transformation 10

Following (51) and (52) the phasor V (t) may be expressed in terms of dq0 quantities as

V (t) =A(t)√

2ejψ(t) =


(cos(ψ(t)) + j sin(ψ(t)))


(vd(t) + jvq(t)) ,


or alternatively,

vd(t) =√

2 Re{V (t)}, vq(t) =√

2 Im{V (t)} v0(t) = 0. (54)

Note that since v0(t) = 0 this definition holds only for balanced three-phase signals.Similarly the active power, reactive power, amplitude and phase may be defined with re-spect to the dq components as follows:

P (t) = Re {V (t)I∗(t)} =1

2(vd(t)id(t) + vq(t)iq(t)) ,

Q(t) = Im {V (t)I∗(t)} =1

2(vq(t)id(t)− vd(t)iq(t)) ,

|V (t)|2 = Re {V (t)}2 + Im {V (t)}2 =1


(v2d(t) + v2q (t)


∠V (t) = atan2(vq, vd).


We will now examine the similarities and differences between dq0 models and time-varyingphasor models. Consider the symmetrically configured inductor, which dynamic model isgiven in (16). Assuming θ = ωst and v0 = 0 this model may be written as

vd(t) = −ωsLiq(t) + Ld


vq(t) = ωsLid(t) + Ld



Using time-varying phasors the inductor impedance is jωsL, and therefore

I(t) =1

jωsLV (t), (57)

where V (t) and I(t) are the phasors representing the inductor voltage and current. The realand imaginary parts of this last equation are

Re{I(t)} =1

ωsLIm{V (t)},

Im{I(t)} = − 1

ωsLRe{V (t)},


and based on the relations between dq signals and phasors in (54) an equivalent model is

id(t) =1


iq(t) = − 1



orvd(t) = −ωsLiq(t),vq(t) = ωsLid(t).


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Lecture 2: The Direct-Quadrature-Zero (DQ0) Transformation 11

Direct comparison of (56) and (60) reveals that both models are similar, except for the timederivatives in the dq0 model. These derivatives describe the main difference between thetwo models. While the dq0 model is general and accurate, the time-varying phasor model isan approximation, which only holds for slow variations. If variations in the dq componentsare indeed slow such that ∣∣∣∣ d


∣∣∣∣ << ωs |iq(t)| ,∣∣∣∣ d


∣∣∣∣ << ωs |id(t)| ,(61)

then (56) and (60) are almost identical, and therefore time-varying phasors may be usedinstead of dq0 quantities. This result is extended in [1] and [2], which formulate the relationsbetween dq0 models and time varying phasor models for general three-phase networks.Remark (Equilibrium points): for balanced systems, since at equilibrium the time deriva-tives are equal to zero, the dq0 model is identical to the time-varying phasor model. For thisreason equilibrium points may be calculated based on phasors. This is typically done bysolving the system’s power flow equations, as described in Lecture 1.

Power expressions for phasors and for dq0 quantities

In this section we will briefly recall the power definitions we developed so far, and examinehow they relate to each other.Equation (21) defines the instantaneous three-phase power:

p3φ(t) = va(t)ia(t) + vb(t)ib(t) + vc(t)ic(t) =3

2(vd(t)id(t) + vq(t)iq(t) + 2v0(t)i0(t)) . (62)

In addition, in the context of time-varying phasor models we discussed the active power:

P (t) =1


∫ t+T/2

t−T/2va(τ)ia(τ)dτ =



∫ t+T/2

t−T/2vb(τ)ib(τ)dτ =



∫ t+T/2

t−T/2vc(τ)ic(τ)dτ. (63)

Here vaia, vbib, vcic are the instantaneous single-phase powers, and T is the period of the ACsignals. The active power is the average power over a cycle, for a single phase. We have alsoseen in (55) that under the approximation of time varying phasors

P (t) = Re {V (t)I∗(t)} =1

2(vd(t)id(t) + vq(t)iq(t)) ,

Q(t) = Im {V (t)I∗(t)} =1

2(vq(t)id(t)− vd(t)iq(t)) .


Based on (62) and (64) and assuming that in a balanced power system v0 = 0 we have

p3φ(t) = 3P (t), (65)

which means that the total instantaneous power is equal to three times the active power.Moreover, the approximation of time-varying phasors dictates that variations in P (t) duringa single cycle are small. Therefore, based on (65), the total instantaneous power p3φ(t) mustbe almost constant during a cycle. This fact is one of the greatest advantages of balancedthree-phase systems. While a single-phase system provides alternating power, a balancedthree-phase system provides almost constant power. As a result, three-phase devices do notneed to store significant energy, and can be made small and efficient. This idea is illustratedin Fig. 7.

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Lecture 2: The Direct-Quadrature-Zero (DQ0) Transformation 12

vaia vbib vcic

vaia + vbib + vcic = 3P

Figure 7: While a single-phase system provides alternating power, a balanced three-phase systemprovides nearly constant power.

Example — modeling a network based on dq0 quantities

Consider the linear three-phase network described in Fig. 8. The network includes an idealpower source which is connected to an infinite bus (a voltage source with constant ampli-tude and frequency).






2 1

id, iq

Figure 8: Ideal power source connected to an infinite bus (single-phase diagram).

It is assumed that

3 The network and the sources within it are symmetrically configured;

3 the reference angle for the dq0 transformation is θ = ωst, where ωs is the frequency ofthe infinite bus.

3 The power source is modeled as


2(vd,1id + vq,1iq) = P,


2(vq,1id − vd,1iq) = 0,

v0,1 = 0.


3 The infinite bus is modeled asvd,2 =


vq,2 = 0,

v0,2 = 0.


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Lecture 2: The Direct-Quadrature-Zero (DQ0) Transformation 13

Time-varying phasor model

Here it is assumed that the network may be described based on time-varying phasors. Thevoltage of the infinite bus is

V2 = Vg, (68)

and the power source is characterized by

P1 = P,

Q1 = 0,(69)

where Vg and P are given constants.We define the inductor current as I , and the voltage on the power source as V1 (these arephasors). The system equations are

P = V1I∗,

V1 − Vg = (jωsL+R)I,(70)

which lead toP = (Vg + (jωsL+R)I) I∗

= VgI∗ + (jωsL+R)|I|2.


This last equation may be solved to find the current I .It can be seen that the time-varying phasor model has no dynamic states, and is character-ized by a set of algebraic equations. The solution, if it exists, is constant in time.

DQ0 model

We will now develop the dq0 model of the network above assuming that R = 0.According to (16) with θ = ωst the inductor model is


dtid = ωsiq +


L(vd,1 − vd,2),


dtiq = −ωsid +


L(vq,1 − vq,2).


The power source is modeled as in (66), which may be written as[vd,1vq,1



i2d + i2q


]. (73)

Combination of (67), (72) and (73) yields the (nonlinear) state-space model


dtid = ωsiq +



idi2d + i2q





dtiq = −ωsid +



iqi2d + i2q



which Jacobian at an equilibrium point (id, iq) is

A =





2 ωs − 4PL




−ωs − 4PL








. (75)

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The poles are found by computing the roots of the characteristic polynomial, which is givenfor a second-order system by

s2 − Tr(A)s+ det(A) = 0, (76)

where Tr(A) is the trace of A, and det(A) is the determinant of A. It is easy to verify that inour example Tr(A) = 0, and therefore the poles are s1,2 = ±

√det(A). Consider the following

two cases:

3 If det(A) > 0 there is a pole in the right half of the complex plane, and the system isunstable.

3 If det(A) ≤ 0 there is a complex conjugate pair of poles on the imaginary axis, andadditional analysis in simulation reveals that the system is unstable.

Based on these results we can conclude that the dq0 model is unstable.

Can we use the approximation of time-varying phasors in this example? We have seen that

3 The time-varying phasor model has no dynamic states, and therefore provides no in-formation regarding the system stability.

3 With R = 0 the dq0 model is unstable.

The time-varying phasor model may be used to find the equilibrium point(s). However, incase R = 0, the dq0 model reveals that these equilibrium points are unstable, and do notrepresent physical solutions.Work [3] considers the same example with an additional capacitor which is connected inparallel to the power source. This additional capacitor acts as an energy storage device, andmay help to stabilize the system.

Appendix: useful dq0 identities

Here are several useful identities related to the dq0 transformation.

Tθ =2


cos (θ) cos(θ − 2π


)cos(θ + 2π


)− sin (θ) − sin

(θ − 2π


)− sin

(θ + 2π





, (77)

T−1θ =

cos (θ) − sin (θ) 1cos(θ − 2π


)− sin

(θ − 2π



cos(θ + 2π


)− sin

(θ + 2π



, (78)

TθT−1θ = T−1

θ Tθ = I3×3, (79)


)TT−1θ =



1 0 00 1 00 0 2

, (80)

Tθ (Tθ)T =



1 0 00 1 00 0 1


, (81)



cos(θa − θb) sin(θa − θb) 0− sin(θa − θb) cos(θa − θb) 0

0 0 1

, (82)

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dtT−1θ = −T−1

θ W ,


dtTθ =WTθ,



W =

0 ddtθ 0

− ddtθ 0 0

0 0 0

. (84)

All these identities can be proved by straight-forward algebraic calculations.


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