Lecture 13 - Report Writing and Research Rationales

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  • 8/2/2019 Lecture 13 - Report Writing and Research Rationales


    118PY: Research and ProfessionalDevelopment

    Lecture 13: Report Writing and

    Research Rationales

  • 8/2/2019 Lecture 13 - Report Writing and Research Rationales


    Announcements Workshop this week: Figures and plagiarism

    Next week (w/c 21st of November 2011)

    Wednesday Lecture (GEG31)

    Friday Lecture (CSG2)

    Workshop SPSS class test t-tests (open book)

    Mandatorybut does not form the basis of your endof year mark

    Assignment 1 (humour and psychology) dueMonday 21st of November 2011

    Turnitin by 11:59pm (latest) email AndyJohnson at that time (attaching your assignment)

    if there are problems with the Moodle/Turnitin

  • 8/2/2019 Lecture 13 - Report Writing and Research Rationales


    Key Terms From Last Lecture

    Exploring/summarising data



    Frequency histograms Stem and leaf display/plots

    Box plots/Box and whisker plots


    Bar chart

    Line chart/ interaction line chart

  • 8/2/2019 Lecture 13 - Report Writing and Research Rationales


    Report Writing and Research

    Rationale: Contents

    The eel and the anus

    Revision of key concepts acquired this term

    Coursework check

    General pointers


    Content Referencing

  • 8/2/2019 Lecture 13 - Report Writing and Research Rationales


  • 8/2/2019 Lecture 13 - Report Writing and Research Rationales


    A Cautionary Scientific Tale

    Lo, S.F., Wong, S.H., Leung L.S., Law, I.C., and Yip, A.W.C. (2004).Traumatic rectal perforation by eel. Surgery, 135(1), 110-111.

    CASE REPORT -A 50-year-old man was seen at the Accident andEmergency Department because of abdominal pain. Physicalexamination revealed peritonitis. A shadow of an eel was noticedon the abdominal radiograph. On further questioning, the patientadmitted an eel was inserted into the rectum in an attempt torelieve constipation.Emergency laparotomy found a 50 cm-long

    eel biting the splenic flexure of the colon, and a 3-cm perforationwas found over the anterior wall of the rectum. The rectum wasdivided at the site of perforation, and the proximal end wasbrought out as colostomy. The postoperative course wasuneventful. The patient was discharged home on day 7.

  • 8/2/2019 Lecture 13 - Report Writing and Research Rationales


    Here it is

    The eel is 50cm (i.e.more than a quarterof my height)

  • 8/2/2019 Lecture 13 - Report Writing and Research Rationales


    The Scientific Method

    (1) Identify the problem and highlight ahypothetical suggestion

    Based on the patient self-report, we have arationale to examine the following proposition...

    Does insertion of an eel alleviate the symptomsof constipation?

    Null hypothesis (H0): ???

    Experimental hypothesis (H1): ???


  • 8/2/2019 Lecture 13 - Report Writing and Research Rationales


    The Scientific Method

    Does insertion of an eel alleviate the symptomsof constipation?

    We begin with the null hypothesis

    If there is sufficient statistical support we mayreject our null hypothesis and adopt our

    alternative/experimental hypothesis

  • 8/2/2019 Lecture 13 - Report Writing and Research Rationales


    The Scientific Method

    (2) Design the study

    Two groups both with an equivalent level of

    constipation (controlled) One group inserts eel, one groups does not

    Design =between-participants

    Measure effect on constipation

    Independent variable (IV) = eel (yes or no)

    Dependent variable (DV) = level of constipation

  • 8/2/2019 Lecture 13 - Report Writing and Research Rationales


    The Scientific Method

    (2) Design the study

    What are the disadvantages of such a design?

    What design could we have instead?

    Limitations of this?

    Within-participants but order effects

  • 8/2/2019 Lecture 13 - Report Writing and Research Rationales


    The Scientific Method

    (2) Design the study

    Type of study?

    Quasi experimental or experimental?

    What do we need for an experimental design?

    Control over IV

    Random allocation to IV levels

  • 8/2/2019 Lecture 13 - Report Writing and Research Rationales


    The Scientific Method

    (3) Conduct study

    We will cover ethics in another session; butsuffice to say, this is not acceptable conduct

    Good luck getting participants!


  • 8/2/2019 Lecture 13 - Report Writing and Research Rationales


    The Scientific Method

    (4) Evaluate the study by analysing data from thestudy

    Compare constipation scores between 2 groups











    Eel No Eel





    Figure 1: Mean constipation scores

    for the eel and no eel groups

    Labels of x and y axis

    Axis starts at 0 notmisleading




  • 8/2/2019 Lecture 13 - Report Writing and Research Rationales


    The Scientific Method

    (4) Evaluate the study by analysing data from thestudy

    Compare constipation scores between 2 groups




    Eel group No eel group

    Mean 57.32 89.45


    12.85 15.39

    Table 1: Mean constipation scores and standarddeviations for the eel and no eel groupsAppropriate


    Groups clearly


  • 8/2/2019 Lecture 13 - Report Writing and Research Rationales


    The Scientific Method

    (4) Evaluate the study by analysing data from thestudy

    Compare constipation scores between 2 groups

    Parametric tests

    Assumptions: Independence


    Normal distribution

    Homogeneity of variance

    What type of test would be appropriate?

    Unrelated t-test

  • 8/2/2019 Lecture 13 - Report Writing and Research Rationales


    The Scientific Method

    (4) Evaluate the study by analysing data from thestudy

    Compare constipation scores between 2 groups

    T-test results

    An unrelated t-test was conducted and foundsignificantly higher levels of constipation in theeel group compared to the no eel group,t(37)=6.74, p

  • 8/2/2019 Lecture 13 - Report Writing and Research Rationales


    The Scientific Method(4) Evaluate the study by analysing data from the

    study Compare constipation scores between 2 groups

    Purpose of t-test is to assess the number of

    standard errors our score is from the nullhypothesis that there is no difference (this is t)

    We use standard deviation to estimate thestandard error

    We then divided the obtained difference by theestimate of the standard error = t

    Once we have tand the dfwe can assess theprobability of getting that value by chance (t

    distribution Gosset)

  • 8/2/2019 Lecture 13 - Report Writing and Research Rationales


    The Scientific Method

    (4) Evaluate the study by analysing data from the study Compare constipation scores between 2 groups

    Using a non-directional (2-tailed) approach

    Falls within5%, therefore


    Looks extremedifference but outsidethe 5% critical area;

    therefore, cannotreject the null


    But if we have a critical area at both tails each area can only be 2.5%

    (to equal 5% in total) this score then ceases to be significant

    Falls outside 5%,therefore non-


  • 8/2/2019 Lecture 13 - Report Writing and Research Rationales


    The Scientific Method

    (5) Communicate the results

    Right up an account of your experiment (to be

    discussed) Why bother?

    Can inform people of your findings increaseknowledge/people may be able to benefit from yourfindings

    If people do not believe your findings, they can followyour reported methodology and see if they canreplicate your findings

  • 8/2/2019 Lecture 13 - Report Writing and Research Rationales


    The Scientific Method

    (5) Communication/interpretation of the results

    Another variable.

    What if eel group has a significant reductionThe role of slime

    This is called a..

    Confounding variable

  • 8/2/2019 Lecture 13 - Report Writing and Research Rationales


    Insertion of a live animal into the rectumcausing rectal perforation has never beenreported. This may be related to a bizarre

    healthcare belief, inadvertent sexual behaviour,or criminal assault. However, the true reasonmay never be known. (Lo et al., 2004, p. 111)

  • 8/2/2019 Lecture 13 - Report Writing and Research Rationales


    Humour and Psychology Practical

    Due 21st November 2011

    General Points of Advice

    Avoid informal language Avoid abbreviations

    Avoid unsubstantiated comments (cite)

    Keep language concise and scientific

    Follow the prescribed structure Check it over

  • 8/2/2019 Lecture 13 - Report Writing and Research Rationales


    Humour and Psychology Practical

    Due 21st November 2011

    General Points of Advice

    The Golden Thread you are telling a story andthere should be common link association betweenall things you are writing and your study aim

    Signpost these links to the reader otherwise

    some things may look out of context

  • 8/2/2019 Lecture 13 - Report Writing and Research Rationales


    Humour and Psychology Practical


    You need to devise your own title

    Should contain, in some respect, the IV and theDV

    Keep it concise avoid unnecessary wording

    Do not try and make it funny/quirky etc

  • 8/2/2019 Lecture 13 - Report Writing and Research Rationales


    Humour and Psychology Practical

    Introduction The inverted triangle

    A brief introduction to the notion of expectancy (canbe from a different area of psychology)

    A brief introduction on humour (factors that influenceit)

    Wimer and Beins (2008): how they used expectancy toinvestigate the effects on humour, what they found

    Rationale (do not jump from description of studies towhat you predict) for your study (why are you doingthis can be linked to summary of what you read)

    Briefly what you are going to do

    Prediction plus justification for such

  • 8/2/2019 Lecture 13 - Report Writing and Research Rationales


    Humour and Psychology Practical

    Method Design

    IV, DV, type of design, and any controls


    How many, how many male/female, mean age,who were they, and recruited from where


    Key materials used - describe in some detail anddo not rely uniquely on an appendix


    Chronological account of your study

  • 8/2/2019 Lecture 13 - Report Writing and Research Rationales


    Humour and Psychology Practical

    Results(1) Descriptives (table or graph) means and

    standard deviations

    Ensure that all tables and figures are labelled

    appropriatelyInclude an additional line describing pattern ofmeans and SDs

    (2)Inferential statistics (t-test)

    Sentence describing the type of test, thegroups/conditions under comparison, thedirection of any effects, and then the stats, e.g.t(8)=9.47, p

  • 8/2/2019 Lecture 13 - Report Writing and Research Rationales


    Humour and Psychology Practical


    Keep concise

    Avoid making any evaluative judgments

    An objective reporting of the results Do not refer to hypothesis or what it means

    It will not be many words so do not worry if it is


  • 8/2/2019 Lecture 13 - Report Writing and Research Rationales


    Humour and Psychology Practical

    Discussion(1) Briefly summarise the results (without the stats)

    (2) How do the results relate to previous studiesmentioned in the introduction (consistent or

    inconsistent with them?)(3) How might we explain the findings? What is the

    theory/mechanism (relate back to the introduction andany explanations in Wimer and Beins. 2008)

    (4) Any limitations to the study which may invoke analternative explanation how could these be overcomein future, i.e. Suggest methodological improvements

    (5) Practical application

    (6) Future research ideas where next....

  • 8/2/2019 Lecture 13 - Report Writing and Research Rationales


    Humour and Psychology Practical

    Referencing in the text Citing in the text: Wimer and Beins (2008)


    Consistently cite if any ambiguity about who you are

    talking about in a passage cite them again If three or more authors: for the first citation you must

    write Martin, Carlson and Buskist (2007:35) arguedthat... and then after that you can refer to them as...

    Martin et al. (2007:23) argued... Quotes: e.g. Hills (2007:34) stated that the effect wastransient and difficult to replicate.

  • 8/2/2019 Lecture 13 - Report Writing and Research Rationales


    Humour and Psychology Practical

    Referencing in the text

    Primary source you read the study that you are citing

    (e.g. Wimer and Beins, 2008) Secondary sources if you read about astudy/argument/theory in another text

    Smith (2004, cited in Martin, Carlson and Buskist,2007) argued that....

  • 8/2/2019 Lecture 13 - Report Writing and Research Rationales


    Humour and Psychology Practical

    The Reference Section

    Alphabetical order

    Books: Martin, G.N., Carlson, N.R., and Buskist, W.

    (2007).Psychology. Harlow, Pearson EducationLimited, pages 304-312

    Journal articles: Wimer, D.J. and Beins, B.C. (2008).Expectations and Perceived Humour.Humour, 21(3),


  • 8/2/2019 Lecture 13 - Report Writing and Research Rationales



    Chapter 24: Planning your practicaland writing your report [Coolican, H.

    (2009). Research Methods andStatistics in Psychology (5th Edition).London: Hodder and Stoughton]