Lecture 13 Mobile Programming Google Maps Android API

Lecture 13 Mobile Programming Google Maps Android API

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Lecture 13Mobile


Google Maps Android API


• Generating SHA1 Fingerprint

• Signing up for API Key (as developer)

• Permissions

• MapFragment and GoogleMap object

• Layers

• MyLocation

Google Maps API Key

• In order to use the Google Maps API, you first need to obtain an API key and configure your app

• GoogleMap API v1 is obsolete!!

• Now, you better use GoogleMap API v2.o https://


o Please read page 863 – 970 in your textbook!

Getting the SHA1 Fingerprint

• To register for a Maps API Key, you need to provide an SHA1 fingerprint of the certificate that you will use to sign your application

• Navigate to C:\Documents and Settings\<User>\.android

• Run the following commandkeytool -list –v –keystore debug.keystore -alias androiddebugkey -storepass android -keypass android

• Copy the text that comes after Certificate fingerprint (SHA1):

• Go Google API Console and sign up for the Android Maps API

• Save the generated API key, you will use it in your app.

Use (Support) WebFragment

• In the layout file:• You need define a <fragment>

• Give it an id, so you can access it in source code.

• Class=“com.google.android.gms.maps.MapFragment” or SupportMapFragment depending on the version of your phone.

Use (Support) WebFragment

• In the java file:• SupportMapFragment mapFrag = (SupportMapFragment)


• GoogleMap map = mapGrag.getMap();

• CameraUpdate center = CameraUpdateFactory.newLatLng(new LatLng(x, y), where x and y are double/float.

• map.moveCamera(center)

• CameraUpdate zoom = CameraUpdateFactory.zoomTo(15).

• map.animateCamera(zoom)

Add Marker or OverlayItem

• Create Marker object • MarkerOptions mo = new


• Add a marker to the map object.• Map.addMarker(mo);

Customized Info Window

• Create a new class that implements InfoWindowAdapter

• Class PopupAdapter implements InfoWindowAdapter{

LayoutInflater inflater;

PopupAdapter(LayoutInflater inflater){

this.inflater = inflater;



public View getInfoContents(Marker marker){


Customized Info Window

• @Override

public View getInfoContents(Marker marker){

View popup = inflater.inflate(R.layout.popup, null);

TextView tv = (TextView) popup.findViewById();


return popup;



Public View getInfoWindow(Marker marker){ return null;}

Customized Info Window

• In java file:

• map.setInfoWindowAdapter(new PopuoAdapter(getLayoutInflater()));

Find My Location

• In java file:• map.setMyLocationEnabled(true);

• You must call map.setOnMyLocationChangeListener(Listener)

• The listener must override the method:

• Public void onMyLocationChange(Location lastKnownLocation)

Map Listeners

• setOnCameraChangeListener(this)o implement OnCameraChangeListenero Override public void onCameraChange(CameraPosition position)

• setMyLocationChangeListener(this):o implement OnMyLocationChangeListenero Override public void onMyLocationChange(Location lastKnownLocation)

• If you set marker.draggable(true)o Implement OnMarkerDragListenero Override three methods:

onMarkerDrag(Marker maker) onMarkerDragEnd(Marker marker) onMarkerDragStart(Marker marker)


• The user can change zoom level either by + and - buttons or via “pinch-to zoom” gestures

• The user can change the center of the map via simple swipe gestures

• The user can change the camera tilt via two-finger vertical swipes, so instead of a traditional top-down perspective, the user can see things on an angle

• The user can change the orientation of the map via a two-finger rotating swipe, to change the typical “north is to the top of the map” to some other orientation


• You can enable and disable those gestures by:o setRotateGesturesEnabled()o setScrollGesturesEnabled() (for panning the map)o setTiltGesturesEnabled()o setZoomControlsEnabled() (for the + and - buttons)o setZoomGesturesEnabled() (for pinch-to-zoom)o SetCompassEnable()

JSON Values

• "title" : "IT Business Analyst Intern"

• "organization" : "Medtronic"

• "city" : "Brooklyn Park"

JSON Arrays

"details" : [ "bla bla bla" , "drank some soda" , "hit manager in face with pie"]

JSON Objects


"title" : "IT Business Analyst Intern" ,

"organization" : "Medtronic" ,

"city" : "Brooklyn Park" ,

"state" : "MN" ,

"start_date" : "05/10" ,

"end_date" : "07/10" ,

"details" : [ "bla bla bla" , "drank some soda" , "hit manager in face with pie"]


Parsing JSON

JSONObject json = new JSONObject(raw);

final String moviePlot = "" + json.getString("Plot");

mTextMoviePlot.post(new Runnable() {


public void run() {




Parsing JSON

JSONObject json = new JSONObject(raw);

final String moviePlot = "" + json.getString("Plot");

mTextMoviePlot.post(new Runnable() {


public void run() {




JSONObject is a set of name/value mappings, can represent a JSON document

Parsing JSON

JSONObject json = new JSONObject(raw);

final String moviePlot = "" + json.getString("Plot");

mTextMoviePlot.post(new Runnable() {


public void run() {




Retrieve the plot of the movie

Parsing JSON

Parsing JSON is not always this simple however, but it's usually straightforward once you understand JSON

A JSONObject may consist of more JSONObjects, JSONArrays, Strings, Booleans, Integers, etc

Parsing JSON


"title" : "IT Business Analyst Intern" ,

"organization" : "Medtronic" ,

"city" : "Brooklyn Park" ,

"state" : "MN" ,

"start_date" : "05/10" ,

"end_date" : "07/11" ,

"details" : [ "bla bla bla" , "drank some soda" , "hit manager in face with pie"]


Parsing JSON


"title" : "IT Business Analyst Intern" ,

"organization" : "Medtronic" ,

"city" : "Brooklyn Park" ,

"state" : "MN" ,

"start_date" : "05/10" ,

"end_date" : "07/11" ,

"details" : [ "bla bla bla" , "drank some soda" , "hit manager in face with pie"]


This is a JSONObject

Parsing JSON


"title" : "IT Business Analyst Intern" ,

"organization" : "Medtronic" ,

"city" : "Brooklyn Park" ,

"state" : "MN" ,

"start_date" : "05/10" ,

"end_date" : "07/11" ,

"details" : [ "bla bla bla" , "drank some soda" , "hit manager in face with pie"]


You can get title by calling getString("title") on the JSONObject

Parsing JSON


"title" : "IT Business Analyst Intern" ,

"organization" : "Medtronic" ,

"city" : "Brooklyn Park" ,

"state" : "MN" ,

"start_date" : "05/10" ,

"end_date" : "07/11" ,

"details" : [ "bla bla bla" , "drank some soda" , "hit manager in face with pie"]


You can get organization by calling getString("organization") on the JSONObject

Parsing JSON


"title" : "IT Business Analyst Intern" ,

"organization" : "Medtronic" ,

"city" : "Brooklyn Park" ,

"state" : "MN" ,

"start_date" : "05/10" ,

"end_date" : "07/11" ,

"details" : [ "bla bla bla" , "drank some soda" , "hit manager in face with pie"]


Etcetera, etcetera ...

Parsing JSON


"title" : "IT Business Analyst Intern" ,

"organization" : "Medtronic" ,

"city" : "Brooklyn Park" ,

"state" : "MN" ,

"start_date" : "05/10" ,

"end_date" : "07/11" ,

"details" : [ "bla bla bla" , "drank some soda" , "hit manager in face with pie"]

} This however, is not a String, but an array. Get this by calling getJSONArray() on the JSONObject

Parsing JSON


"title" : "IT Business Analyst Intern" ,

"organization" : "Medtronic" ,

"city" : "Brooklyn Park" ,

"state" : "MN" ,

"start_date" : "05/10" ,

"end_date" : "07/11" ,

"details" : [ "bla bla bla" , "drank some soda" , "hit manager in face with pie"]

} After which you can use the getters on the JSONArray to get the desired data

Parsing JSON

How would you represent this data using XML?


"title" : "IT Business Analyst Intern" ,

"organization" : "Medtronic" ,

"city" : "Brooklyn Park" ,

"state" : "MN" ,

"start_date" : "05/10" ,

"end_date" : "07/11" ,

"details" : [ "bla bla bla" , "drank some soda" , "hit manager in face with pie"]


Parsing JSON

See HttpGetJsonExample.tar


See FacebookApiExample.tar

See FacebookHello.tar


• The Busy Coder's Guide to Android Development - Mark Murphy

• Android Developers

• The Mobile Lab at Florida State University