Lecture 13 Mobile Data Services in Wireless Environments Wireless and Mobile Systems Design

Lecture 13 Mobile Data Services in Wireless Environments Wireless and Mobile Systems Design

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Page 1: Lecture 13 Mobile Data Services in Wireless Environments Wireless and Mobile Systems Design

Lecture 13Mobile Data Services inWireless Environments

Wireless and Mobile Systems Design

Page 2: Lecture 13 Mobile Data Services in Wireless Environments Wireless and Mobile Systems Design

Mobile Data Services in Wireless Environments 2

Lecture Objectives

● Understand data management issues of providing data services to mobile applications in wireless networks

■ Data access model: on-demand vs. broadcast■ Scalability issue■ Power conservation

○ Response time vs. tuning time ■ Caching on mobile devices and invalidation protocols■ Mobile transactions

● Understand how to implement broadcast-based data service applications in wireless client-server environments

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Mobile Data Services in Wireless Environments 3


● E. Pitoura and P. K. Chrysanthis, “Multiversion data broadcast”, IEEE Trans. Computers, Oct. 2002, pp. 1224-1230.

● V. C. S. Lee, K. W. Lam, S. H. Son and E. Y. M. Chan, “On transaction processing with partial validation and timestamp ordering in mobile broadcast environments,’’ IEEE Trans. Computers, Oct. 2002, pp. 1196-1211.

● K. L. Tan, J. Cai and B. C. Ooi, “An evaluation of cache invalidation strategies in wireless environments,” IEEE Trans. Parallel and Distributed Systems, Aug, 2001, pp. 789-807.

● S. Acharya, R. Alonso, M. J. Franklin and S. Zdonik, “Broadcast disk: data management for asymmetric communications environments,” ACM SIGMOD International Conf. On Management of Data, 1995, pp. 199-210 (downloadable from http://citeseer.nj.nec.com/45388.html).

● M. S. Chen, K. L. Wu and P. S. Yu, “Indexed sequential data broadcasting in a wireless computing environment,’’ 7th IEEE International Conf. on Distributed Computing Systems, 1997, pp. 124-131.

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● Approaches of providing database services to mobile applications

● Broadcast-based data services■ Server broadcast program: flat versus broadcast disk■ Indexing in air■ Caching and cache invalidation strategies■ Support for transaction executions

○ Transactional semantics○ Support for read-only transactions○ Support for update transactions

● Example code for client-server data services in MS Visual Studio .NET C++ and EVC++

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Mobile Data Services in Wireless Environments 5

Database Services to Mobile Applications

● On-demand database services■ A mobile client sends a query to the server■ The server processes the query and returns a response to

the mobile client■ Not scalable to a large number of mobile devices since the

communication channel/server would be overloaded

● Broadcast-based database services ■ Data are broadcast on a public wireless channel■ When a mobile device receives a query from its user, it

“tunes” into the broadcast channel and “filters” out the data requested by the query

■ Updates are still sent to the server on-demand ■ Scalable

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Performance Metrics in Data Services: Response Time vs. Tuning Time

● Response time (access time): Average time elapsed from the moment a client requests for a data item to the receipt of the value of the data item

● Tuning time: The amount of time the mobile device is powered-on

■ For broadcast-based data services, this is the amount of “connection time” spent by the mobile device listening to the broadcast channel and retrieving the data item

■ When the server’s broadcast structure (e.g., indexing in air) is known to mobile devices, it is possible for a mobile device to go to “doze” mode and then only “wake-up” at the right time to retrieve the data item requested by the user

● Response time = Tuning time if the mobile device is always on● Minimizing the tuning time is important for conserving the

battery life of mobile devices

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Server Broadcast Program

● Flat: broadcast one data item at a time sequentially

● Broadcast disk organization:■ Items of the broadcast are

divided in ranges of similar access probability

■ Each of these ranges is placed on a separate disk

■ Disks are split into smaller equal-sized units called chunks, s.t. the number of chunks per disk is inversely proportional to the access probability of the disk

■ Each broadcast cycle is generated by broadcasting one chunk from each disk and cycling through all the chunks sequentially over all disks

■ A minor cycle is a subcycle that consists of one chunk from each disk

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

hot cold

1 2 3 4

5 6 7 8 9 10

Disk 1 Disk 2

1 2 3 4

5 6 7 8 9 10

Chunk 1 Chunk 2b Chunk 2cChunk 2a

1 2 3 41 2 3 41 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

1 112a 2b 2c

minor cycle

Broadcast cycle

access probability ratio of hot to cold is 3:1

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Server Broadcast Program (cont.)

● Average access time

■ Flat:

(3/4)*(10/2) +

(1/4)*(10/2) = 5


■ Broadcast Disk:

(3/4)*(6/2) +

(1/4)*(18/2) = 18/4 = 4.5

1 2 3 41 2 3 41 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

minor cycle

Broadcast cycle

Access probability ratio of hot to cold is 3:1

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

hot cold

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


Broadcast cycle

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Mobile Data Services in Wireless Environments 9

Indexing in Air

● Air indexing is used to save battery power of mobile devices

● The server builds an index tree based on access probabilities of broadcasting data items such that a data item with a high access prob. is at a shallow level

● The server interleaves index information with data items on the broadcast channel

● By searching the index, a mobile client can predict the desired data’s arrival time, stay in doze mode and tune in when the requested data arrives

● Tuning time can be limited to the number of index probes + data


a2a1 a3

R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R7 R8 R9

An index tree with fanout of 3 holding nodes with equal access probabilities

I a1 R1 R2 R3 a2 R4 R5 R6 a3 R7 R8 R9

Index probing scenario to data item R5 for which the number of index probes = 2

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Indexing in Air: Another Example

I R1 R2 a1 R3 a2 R4 R5 R6 a3 R7 R8 R9

A corresponding data broadcast sequence

Index tree is built based onHuffman code witha specified fanout

The index tree on the right has afanout of 3




a3R1 R2














0.09 0.06 0.05

An index tree with fanout d=3

number of indexprobes = 1 for R1, R2

number of indexprobes = 2 for R3

number of indexprobes = 3 for R4 – R9

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Algorithm CF for Constructing a Huffman Index Tree with Constant Fanout d

An index tree with d=4




R1 R2
















● Initially, we have a forest of n subtrees, each of which contains a single node with an access probability

● Attach the d subtrees with the smallest access probabilities to a new node

● Label the resulting subtree with the sum of all access probabilities from its d subtrees

● Continue the tree merging process until there is only a single tree

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Goal of Building Index Tree with Fixed Fanout: Minimizing Number of Index

Probes● Algorithm CF is

guaranteed to construct an index tree (given a constant fanout) that would minimize the average number of index probes, computed as:

28.14302.0202.02205.0214.0 probeN

An index tree with d=4




R1 R2



















iiprobe RNRN

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Mobile Data Services in Wireless Environments 13

Performance Metric: Number of Index Probes vs. Index Probing Cost




iiprobe adRC


fanout of aj

● Number of index probes■ may not properly account for the index probing cost

because it assumes the cost of visiting each index node is the same

Note that we can always construct a two-level tree with all data nodes located at the bottom level

– The number of index probes would be only 1

● Index Probing Cost■ Let the cost of visiting an index node be proportional to the

fan-out d of that index node

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Index Probing Cost

An index tree with d=4




R1 R2
























iiprobe adRC


Check it yourself:For the index treewith d=3, the index probing cost is 4.05

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Algorithm VF for Constructing an Index Tree with Variable Fan-outs

● Use index probing cost as performance metric ● NP complete problem

■ Use greedy heuristics








R1 R2



Initially, all nodes are sorted in descending orderIn access probability

Split at the node at which the cost gained is maximized

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Data Caching

● Data is cached at the mobile client● When the client receives a query, the mobile first

searches its cache■ If there is a “valid” copy, the mobile client returns an answer■ If not, the mobile client obtains a copy through on-demand

or from broadcast

● Caching is particularly important in mobile environments

■ Save power■ Improve access latency■ Improve data availability in case of disconnection

● Cache consistency: the server sends invalidation reports to mobile clients

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Cache Invalidation Design in Mobile Database Applications

● Stateful-based: The server knows the data items cached by the mobile clients and will send invalidation messages to the affected clients when there is any update to the database

■ Not scalable

● Stateless-based: the server broadcasts information on objects that are most recently updated and the clients listen and use the reports to invalidate their caches

■ Scalable■ Asynchronous: once a data item is updated, the server

broadcasts immediately – not useful for clients who may be disconnected for a period of time

■ Synchronous: periodic broadcasting of invalidation reports

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Mobile Data Services in Wireless Environments 18

Dual-Report Strategies for Periodic Broadcasting of Invalidation Reports

● The server broadcasts in every L time units a pair of invalidation reports, i.e., an object invalidation report (OIR) and a group invalidation report (GIR):

■ OIR is used to invalidate individual objects■ The content of OIR is a list (oid, tid), where oid is the object id and tid

is the timestamp at which the object was updated during [T- L,T]■ GIR is used to invalidate the remaining objects whose group has

been updated during [T-WL,T], W > ■ The content of GIR is a list (Gid, Tid), where Gid is the group identifier

and Tid is the most recent timestamp at which the group is valid■ GIR excludes objects already reported in OIR


[T- L,T]



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Dual-Report Strategies: Example

● Example: T = 34, L =4, = 2, W = 6● Suppose objects are initially split into 4 groups: G1{o1, o2, o3, o4},

G2{o5, o6, o7, o8}, G3{o9, o10, o11, o12}, G4{o13, o14, o15, o16)● At time T=34, the server broadcasts

■ OIR = { (o7, 26), (o8, 32), (o12, 30), (o16, 28) }■ GIR = { (G1, 24), (G2, 22), (G3, 20), (G4, 12) }

● Suppose the mobile client disconnects at time 23 and reconnects at T=34, and the timestamp of the last valid report is at time 22

● Suppose the query is Q = {o1, o2, o6, o7, o9, o12, o14}■ From OIR, o7 and o12 are invalidated■ From GIR, G1 is invalidated, so o1 and o2 (members of G1) are also


[T- L,T]



2610Disconnectedat time= 23

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“Selective” Dual-Report Strategiesfor Power Saving

● Selective Dual-Report is designed to minimize the tuning time● GIR is broadcast before OIR in the form of (group-id, time-stamp, ptr),

where “ptr” is a pointer to point to the starting position of the objects within this group in OIR

● For each group queried, the client first selectively tunes to the GIR● The timestamp of the last valid report Tc is compared against the

timestamp of the group Tid, if Tc < Tid, all objects in that group are invalidated

● For the remaining objects in the query, the mobile client selectively tunes to the respective position in the OIR

● The pair (oid,tid) of the queried object is retrieved and the timestamp Tc is compared against tid, if Tc < tid, the object is invalidated; otherwise the cached object is valid

(G2,22,Ptr)(G1,24,NUL) (o12, 30)


Tc=22, so G1 is invalidated; G2 is not invalidated but after following the pointers, o7 and o8 within G2 are invalidated

(o7, 26) (o8, 32)(G3,20,Ptr)

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Mobile Data Services in Wireless Environments 21

Transaction Processing: Background

● A transaction consists of a sequence of read/write operations followed by a commit operation, e.g., a mobile e-commerce transaction

● The (generally accepted) transactional semantics requires that ■ All operations in a transaction be executed “atomically”

○ Meaning all operations are executed as if they are one indivisible operation

■ Results generated by concurrent transactions be “serializable”○ Meaning the result of concurrent transactions would be the

same as that generated from executing concurrent transactions one at a time in some serial order

● In the following example, T1 and T2 will both be allowed to commit as T1 and T2 both read the same x value and T1 commits before T2

■ T1: Read(x) ……… commit■ T2: …….Read(x) ……... Write(x) …… commit■ The serialization order is T1 followed by T2, i.e., T1;T2

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Transaction Processing: Background (2)

● In the following example, T1 and T2 both read the same x value but T2 changes the value of x and commits (at the server) before T1 commits:

■ T1: Read(x) …………………................……… commit■ T2: …….Read(x) ….. Write(x) …… commit

● Should we abort or commit T1?■ When the commit time must follow chronological time order

○ The only action can be taken is to abort T1 when we process T1’s commit because if we allow T1 to commit after T2 commits, that is, T2; T1, then T1 should read the new x value updated by T2 to satisfy the serializability requirement

■ When the commit time does not have to follow chronological time order

○ One possibility is to commit T1 but make T1’s commit time before T2’s commit time, i.e., the serialization order is T1; T2 to satisfy the “serializability” requirement

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Read-Only Transaction Processing in Data Broadcast Environments

● Architecture for supporting read-only transactions

■ All updates are performed at the server who broadcasts data items in the database periodically

○ A transaction may read data items over several broadcast cycles

■ Versioning: Data items are broadcast along with their time-stamps or versions

■ Invalidation: Optionally an invalidation report (IR) can also be broadcast by the server at the beginning of each broadcast cycle

○ The invalidation report lists data items that have been updated since the last invalidation report was broadcasted

● Correctness requirement is serializability: The set of data item values that have been read by a transaction must form a consistent state

Updates areperformed atthe server

Invalidation reportsand data itemsare broadcastperiodically


IR+ Data IR+ Data


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Versioning Method

● With versioning, a version number is broadcast along with the value of each data item

● The version number corresponds to the broadcast cycle at the beginning of which the item had the value

● Let Vo be the broadcast cycle at which the transaction performs its first read.

● For each subsequent read (of another item), if the item read has version number larger than Vo then the transaction is aborted.

A transaction in the Versioning method reads values that correspond to the database state at the beginning of the broadcast cycle at which the transaction performs its first read

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Invalidation Report Method

● With the invalidation report method, an invalidation report is broadcast at the beginning of each broadcast cycle

■ Listing data items that have been updated since the previous invalidation report was broadcast

● At the client end, a read set (RS) is maintained for each transaction to include all data items read so far

■ A read-only transaction is aborted if an item in RS that has been read is invalidated in the invalidation report

Read x Read yTime

A transaction in the Invalidation Report method reads values that correspond to the database state at the beginning of the broadcast cycle at which the transaction commits

If y is invalidated then abort

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Multiversion Data Broadcast

● With multiversioning, the server maintains and broadcasts multiple versions for each data item

■ Versions correspond to different data item values at the beginning of each broadcast cycle

■ Version numbers correspond to the broadcast cycle numbers

■ Let Vo be the broadcast cycle at which the transaction performs its first read at which it reads the largest version of the data item

■ In subsequent cycles, for each item the transaction must read the version with the largest version number Vc smaller than or equal to Vo

○ If such a version exists in the multiversion broadcast data, the transaction proceeds; otherwise, it is aborted.

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Multiversion + Invalidation Report

● With multiversioning + invalidation report, the server broadcasts multiple versions of each data item in each broadcast cycle along with an invalidation report at the beginning of each broadcast cycle

■ Let Vi be the broadcast cycle at which the transaction is invalidated for the first time, i.e., a value that the transaction has read is updated

■ After Vi, the transaction attempts to read the version with the largest version number Vc such that Vc is smaller than Vi

○ If such a version exists in the multiversion broadcast data, the transaction proceeds; otherwise, it is aborted.

A transaction in the multiversion + Invalidation Report method reads values that correspond to the database state at the beginning of the broadcast cycle of its first invalidation Vi

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Read/Write Transaction Processing in Data Broadcast Environments

● Consider a mobile transaction running on a handheld can also possibly update items which it has read

● Invalidation report based: if a data item read or written by the mobile transaction is subsequently invalidated in an invalidation report, then abort the transaction

● Timestamp ordering based: adjusting the serialization order of update transactions such that the “commit time” of a mobile update transaction is moved up to a time point prior to the current time if doing so will not violate the transactional semantics

■ Partial validation performed at the client side■ Final validation performed at the server side

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Timestamp Ordering for Transaction Processing in Broadcast Environments

● Each transaction maintains a timestamp interval TI with an upper bound TIub and a lower bound TIlb

■ Initialliy TIlb =0 and TIub = , i.e., [0, )● On processing a read operation on a data item x at the mobile

client, TIlb is adjusted to the commit time of the last committed transaction who updated x

● On processing a write operation on a data item x at the mobile client, TIlb is adjusted to the commit time of the last committed transaction who read x

● On learning write-by-committed-transaction (x) from broadcast on a data item x previously read, TIub is adjusted to the commit time of the last committed transaction who updated x

● On learning read-by-committed-transaction (x) from broadcast on a data item x previously written, TIlb is adjusted to the commit time of the last committed transaction who read x

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Timestamp Ordering for Transaction Processing in Broadcast Environments (2)● A mobile transaction will be aborted when:

■ It receives write-by-committed-transaction (x) from broadcast on a data item x it has previously written, or

■ Its timestamp interval TI shuts out

● In these cases, serializability through time-stamp ordering is not possible

ORTI shut-out cases:

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Timestamp Ordering for Transaction Processing: Example 1

● Revisiting the following example: T1 and T2 both read the same x value but T2 changes the value of x and commits (at the server) before T1 commits:

■ T1: Read(x) …………………................…………… c1■ T2: …….Read(x) ….. Write(x) …… c2

● Consider T1 the mobile read-only transaction and T2 the server-side update transaction

IR broadcast time instant at whichx is invalidated in the IRand T2 is the last transactionwho updated x

Serialization order: T1; T2


TI of T2:

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Timestamp Ordering for Transaction Processing: Example 2

● Example 2: Consider T3 is the mobile transaction and T1, T2 are server-side transactions

Serialization order: T1; T3; T2












TI of T2:

IR broadcast time at whichx is invalidated in the IRand T2 is the last transactionwho updated x

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Timestamp Ordering for Transaction Processing: Example 3

● Example 3: Consider T3 is the mobile transaction and T1, T2 are server-side transactions

TI of T3 shuts out and no serialization is possible: T3 is aborted.













TI of T3:

due to w3(x)

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Example: Server-Side VS C++ Code for On-Demand Data Services

// On-demand data services through XML Web services as in L4[SoapRpcService]public class StockQuoter:System.Web.Services.WebService{

…. [WebMethod]public double getQuote(string symbol){ if (symbol.Length!=4 || (symbol[0]!='C' && symbol[0]!='c') )

return -1; try {

int id = System.Int32.Parse(symbol.Substring(1,3));return (id % 80)*(1 + new System.Random().Next(-10,10)/100.0);

} catch (Exception) { return -1; }

} }

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Example: Client-Side eVC++ Code for On-Demand Data Services

● A user runs a loop of sending queries to the web service and receiving responses for 5 seconds using PocketSOAP as in lab 4, in a routine called “query_thread”

● Part of the code in “query_thread” looks as follows:DWORD start = GetTickCount();

while (GetTickCount() - start < 5000){

t1 = GetTickCount();

SendRequest(); // through SOAP

GetResponse(); // through SOAP

total_time += GetTickCount() - t1; // total_time holds the sum of RT

TotalRequests ++; // TotalRequests holds the number of queries


average[thread_index] = total_time/TotalRequests; // Avg. Response time

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Example: Client-Side eVC++ Code for On-Demand Data Services (2)

● To test the scalability, multi-threading has been used to simulate multiple users requesting data simultaneously with the objective of measuring response timefor (i = 0; i<N; i++)

CreateThread(query_thread); // Simulate a user by a concurrent thread

Sleep(10000); // Wait until all threads end

// Calculate the “grand” average response time

// Here average[i] holds the average response time from user i

for ( i = 0; i<N; i++) sumResponseTime += average[i];

CListBox * resList = (CListBox *)GetDlgItem(ListBox_Label) ;


// display in a ListBox the average response time per user per request

resList->InsertString(0, CString(buf));

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Example: Server-Side VS C++ Code for Broadcast-Based Data Services

● Broadcast-based data services through UDPstruct sockaddr_in broadcast_addr;…SOCKET sock = socket(AF_INET,SOCK_DGRAM,IPPROTO_UDP); // Create a UDP Socket // set broadcast option

BOOL fBroadcast = TRUE; setsockopt ( sock, SOL_SOCKET, SO_BROADCAST, &fBroadcast, sizeof ( BOOL ));broadcast_addr.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl ( INADDR_BROADCAST ); //…broadcast_addr.sin_port = htons(PORT); // PORT=8888

// prepare a packet containing 100 data items and broadcast it outint index = 0; char buf[80]; char packet[1024]; while (TRUE){

strcpy(packet, "");for (int i = 0; i<100; i++) { // put 100 data items into each packet in order sprintf( buf, "C%03d\t%2.1f|",index, (index % 80) *(1 + (rand() % 20 -10)/100.0)); strcat(packet, buf); index = ++index % 1000; }sendto(sock,packet, (int)strlen(packet),0,&broadcast_addr, sizeof (broadcast_addr));sleep(100); } // sleep time is based on the specification so as not to flood the channel


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Example: Client-Side eVC++ Code for Broadcast-Based Data Services

while(GetTickCount()-starter < 5000){ // Simulate N users to access data round by round for 5 seconds

for (int i = 0;i<N;i++) { // simulate N queries for N users in each round

s[i]= GetTickCount();sprintf(symbols[i],"C%03d", rand() % 1000);


// Code to answer query from listening to broadcast data // and calculate the response time per user in this round }

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Example: Client-Side eVC++ Code for Broadcast-Based Data Services (2) // In each round

ntemp = N; sumResponseTimeOneRound = 0;while ((bytes = recvfrom(sock,buf,sizeof(buf),0,

(sockaddr *)&peer_addr,&addr_len)) > 0) { buf[bytes] = '\0';

for (int i = 0;i<N;i++) // index i stands for user iif(symbols[i][0]!=0 && strstr(buf,symbols[i]) !=NULL) // found

{ sumResponseTimeOneRound += GetTickCount() - s[i] ; symbols[i][0]='\0'; if (--ntemp==0) break; }if (ntemp==0) { // all user requests are satisfied

sumResponseTime += sumResponseTimeOneRound;numberOfRounds++;break; // from the while loop

} … sprintf(buf,“Average response time (when N=%d) = %f",N,(float)sumResponseTime/(numberOfRounds*N));