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  • 7/27/2019 lec5_1020_sjuh



    Lec 5 Prof Sarah Higdon 1


    Lec 5 Prof Sarah Higdon 2


    Reminder - Website:

    Not the National

    Geographicphoto of the year

    - remember tobe skeptical!

    Lec 5 Prof Sarah Higdon 3

    Attend the astronomy seminar

    at 12:30 tomorrow Weds Jan

    30th in this room (MP 3001)Sign up on the day and give me

    a hand written 1 paragraph

    summary on Thursday in class

    Bonus Quiz

    Lec 5 Prof Sarah Higdon 4

    Previously Telescopes - Part I1) Telescopes have two primary functions: 1)To collect and concentrate weak signals from

    space. (i.e., optical photons, X-ray photons, radio photons etc.)2) Allow us to see structure in astronomical objects

    3) Refracting telescopes use lenses to bring light to a focus.

    4) Reflecting telescopes use mirrors to bring light to a focus.

    5) Chromatic aberration is the inability of a lens to bring light of different colors to a singlefocus.

    6) Nearly all modern telescopes used by astronomers are reflectors.Advantages of Reflectors:

    Very large mirrors can be built and supported with no distortion. Segmented Mirrors Build big mirrors out of many smaller mirrors fewer light losses no chromatic aberration

    Lec 5 Prof Sarah Higdon 5

    Telescopes - part II7. Lightgathering power is proportional to the collecting area (mirror/lens diameter)2

    8. The Angular Resolution (AR) is the smallest feature that can be distinguished on an image,

    measured in arcseconds. AR = 0.00025 !nm / dm

    9. The earths atmosphere limits AR to ~1 in the optical for most observatories.

    10. Adaptive optics (AO) is a technique that tries to correct for the loss of AR due to turbulence in

    the atmosphere by rapidly deforming a flexible mirror.

    11. AO works best in the infrared (easier) and generally works over small regions of sky.

    12. Better yet is to put your telescope above the atmosphere, but it is very expensive!

    13. The eye is of very limited use in astronomy:

    - not designed for faint light levels - cannot integrate a signal

    - limited wavelength coverage - the eye can be fooled!

    14. Photographic plates were a big improvement over the eye:

    - can integrate for hours to build up a faint image - image large region of sky

    - not very efficient (only ~2% of photons are captured). - narrow wavelength range.

    15. Photographic plates have been largely replaced by CCDs

    - very efficient (~70% of photons are captured) - wide wavelength range

    - easy to put into computers - limit to small regions of sky

    Lec 5 Prof Sarah Higdon 6

    Table 5-1

    Astronomy at Many Wavelengths

  • 7/27/2019 lec5_1020_sjuh



    Lec 5 Prof Sarah Higdon 7

    Hubble before and after



    Hubble Mirror: A Successful Failure


    Lec 5 Prof Sarah Higdon 8

    1) What powers the Sun?

    2) A Model of The Constant Sun

    3) A Dynamic & Active Star

    Today - Our Nearest Star: The Sun

    Lec 5 Prof Sarah Higdon 9 Lec 5 Prof Sarah Higdon 10

    Jupiter 11 times Earth diameter

    Lec 5 Prof Sarah Higdon 11

    Sun 109 x Earth diameter

    Lec 5 Prof Sarah Higdon 12

    Earth vs. the Sun

    Radius: 6400 km 696,000 km ( 110x Earths)

    Mass: 6.0 x 1024 kg 1.9 x 1030 kg ( 330,000x Earths)

    Density: 5.5 g/cm3 1.4 g/cm3 ( 26% Earths)

    Vesc 11.1 km/s 618 km/s

    Axis Tilt: 23.4 degrees 7.3 degrees

    Temp: 300 K 5780 K (at surface)

    Luminosity: 2.0 x 1017 W 3.9 x 1026 W (2.0x109 x Earths)

    Rotation: 24-hours 25-36 days

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    Lec 5 Prof Sarah Higdon 13

    What Powers The Sun?

    The Sun generates a large amount of energy: L! = 3.9 x 1026 Watts.

    At a distance of 150-million km from the Sun (i.e., 1 A.U.), each square meter

    of space receives 1400 J of energy each second

    equivalent to 14 100-Watt bulbs.

    Fact: Studies of the fossil record of life on Earth indicates that the Suns

    energy output has remained nearly constant for at least 3-billion yrs.

    - if the Sun were grew significantly hotter/colder, Earths climate

    would be drastically different, leading to large scale

    permanent extermination.

    Note food 1 calorie = 1kC = 4 kJAmount of energy required to raise the temperature of 1 kg of water by 1 degree

    Lec 5 Prof Sarah Higdon 14

    Gravitational Collapse?

    Kelvin-Helmholtz Contraction

    - huge weight of Suns outer layers

    causes Sun to contract and heat up

    i.e compress gas -> Temperature


    e.g. pumping up a bicycle tire

    Problem: only last for 25 million


    Lec 5 Prof Sarah Higdon 15

    Chemical Burning?Ordinary burning involves chemical reactions that re-

    arrange the outer electrons of the atom, but do not effect

    the atoms nuclei.

    Not much energy released per atom ~ 10-19 J per atom. Is

    this sufficient to power the Sun?

    Luminosity of Sun = 3.9 x 1026 J/s

    How many atoms per second need to be burned?

    The mass of the sun is 2 x 1030 kg assume it is made

    entirely of Hydrogen (mass Hydrogen atom =1.7x10-27kg)

    How many atoms are there?

    How long would this energy supply last ?Lec 5 Prof Sarah Higdon 16

    Chemical Burning?How many atoms per second need to be burned?

    Luminosity of Sun = 3.9 x 1026 J/s

    Burn Hydrogen: energy release ~ 10-19 J /atom

    How many atoms are there?

    The mass of the sun is 2 x 1030 kg assume it is made entirely of

    Hydrogen (mass Hydrogen atom =1.7x10-27kg)

    How long would the energy supply last?

    = 3.9 x 1026 J/s = 3.9 x1045atoms/s10-19 J/atom

    Number of atoms = 2 x 1030kg = 1057 atoms

    1.7x10-27 kg/atom

    1057 atoms = 3 x 1011 seconds = 104 years !

    3.9 x1045atoms/s


    Lec 5 Prof Sarah Higdon 17

    Energy Generation in StarsThe high pressure & temperature at the Suns center mean that particles

    will be colliding very violently (i.e., high speed).

    This realization provided the main clue to what powers the Stars.

    Like-charges (2 protons) repel each other.

    At low speeds (i.e., low temperature) they

    will never get very close to each other.

    The temperature in the Suns core is such

    that a sizable fraction of protons are moving

    fast enough to get close enough for the

    Strong Nuclear Force to come into play.

    The Strong Nuclear Force is the force that

    binds atomic nuclei together. It is a very

    short range force.

    Lec 5 Prof Sarah Higdon 18

    Energy Generation in the SunIn the centers of stars, protons collide

    with sufficient speed to get close enough

    for the Strong Nuclear Force to fuse

    them into a single nucleus.

    This fusion reaction can be written:

    1H + 1H ! 2H + ! + e+

    1H = proton2H = proton + neutron

    "! = neutrinoe+= positron (i.e., anti-electron)

    This is the first step in a series of fusion

    reactions that take place in stars like

    the Sun. It is called the

    Proton-Proton Chain

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    Lec 5 Prof Sarah Higdon 19

    Fusing Hydrogen to Helium:

    The Proton-Proton Chain

    Step 1 (twice)1H + 1H " 2H + " + e+; e+ + e-" 2 high-energy photonsStep 2 (twice) 2H(deuteron) + 1H " 3He + high-energy photon

    Step 3 3He + 3He " 4He + 1H + 1HNet Reaction: 4( 1H)"4He + photons (energy) +2 neutrinos(escape)

    Lec 5 Prof Sarah Higdon 20

    Nuclear FusionAlbert Einstein 1905 Special Relativity (see

    later in course)

    E = mc2

    E = energy in joules

    m = mass in kg

    c = The speed of light = 3 x 108 m/s

    Coupled with Arthur Eddingtons theory that

    the center of the sun is very hot and Robert

    Atkinson suggestion that under these

    extremely hot and dense conditions

    Hydrogen could fuse to Helium.

    Lec 5 Prof Sarah Higdon 21

    Hydrogen Fusion

    4 x1H -> 4He + neutrinos + gamma-rays

    Difference in Mass:

    4 hydrogen atoms = 6.693 x 10-27 kg

    -1 Helium atom = 6.645 x 10-27 kg

    Mass lost = 0.048 x 10-27 kg = 0.7%

    E = mc2 = 4.8x10-29kg x (3x108 m/s)2

    = 4.3 x 10-12 J

    Lec 5 Prof Sarah Higdon 22

    How Many Tonnes of Hydrogen

    are fused to Helium per second?

    For every kg of Hydrogen 0.7% of this

    mass is converted into energy during

    the fusion to Helium.

    E = mc2 =0.007 kg x (3 x 108 m/s)2

    = 6.3 x 1014 J

    Amount of H = 3.9 x 1026 J/s

    6.3 x 1014 J/kg

    = 6 x 1011 kg/s = 600 million metric tonnes of

    hydrogen fused to helium every second!

    Lec 5 Prof Sarah Higdon 23

    How Long could The Sun

    Fuse Hydrogen at this rate?

    Fuses 6 x 1011 kg/s

    Mass Sun = 2 x 1030 kg

    Could fuse hydrogen for ?? yrs

    Lec 5 Prof Sarah Higdon 24

    Applying The Scientific

    Method To The Sun

    Can not send a probe so need toconstruct a model

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    Lec 5 Prof Sarah Higdon 25

    The Sun is ConstantThe Suns diameter has not changed appreciably over the ~400 years

    weve been observing it with telescopes.

    Records of solar eclipses goes back ~4,000 years (Egypt, Sumer,China, Greece, Meso-America). This implies that the Sun has had the

    same angular size as the Moon (1/2 degree) during this time.

    The fossil record shows that over very longer timescales the solar

    radiation has been roughly constant

    The Sun is in a state of

    Hydrostatic Equilibrium -

    at every point gravity is

    balanced by the outward

    pressure of the hot gases.

    Lec 5 Prof Sarah Higdon 26

    Hydrostatic Equilibrium

    Fish float.

    How do you


    Sun is not undergoing any drastic

    changes (Fossil Record).

    This means the sun is in both

    hydrostatic and thermal equilbrium

    Lec 5 Prof Sarah Higdon 27

    Thermal Equilibrium

    Sun is hot and gaseous.

    Gas more compressed at greater depth soDensity & temperature increases with


    Thermal Equilibrium: Temperature at eachdepth approx constant

    Energy generated by fusion at core must

    be transported to the surface to maintain

    equilibrium e.g too little and core

    temperature will rise, too much and core

    will cool - both bad news for us!Lec 5 Prof Sarah Higdon 28

    The Sun Is A controlled fusion reactor - built in thermostat.

    If the core temperature suddenly

    drops. The Suns pressure drops as the rate of fusion

    reactions decreases. The Sun contracts.

    As the Sun contracts it gets hotter again. This increases

    the fusion reactions until pressure and gravity are in

    balance again. "Hydrostatic Equilibrium.

    Lec 5 Prof Sarah Higdon 29

    Energy Transport

    Given the basic properties of the Suns composition, Hydrostatic Equilibrium

    produces detailed temperature distribution within the Sun.

    In all stars, temperature increases with

    depth, peaking in the very center.

    For stars like the Sun, the peak temp. is

    T ~ 15-million degrees.

    Temperature falls off gradually with

    radius, reaching T ~ 6000 K at the

    surface for stars like the Sun.

    Lec 5 Prof Sarah Higdon 30

    Radiative Zone: Core - 0.7 Rsun

    Radiative diffusion

    Convective Zone T ~ 2 x 106K

    hydrogen recombination i.e

    hydrogen atoms - efficient

    absorbers of photons so

    medium becomes opaque.

    Energy transport now viaconvection

    Slow progress: radiative zone 6.96x105km takes 170,000 Yrs


    Sun-> Earth 150 million km takes 8 minutes! 1014cm/hr

    Journey of a photon to Earth

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    Lec 5 Prof Sarah Higdon 31

    Solar Model

    Using the equations from hydrostatic and thermal equilibrium and

    energy transport we construct a scientific model.

    Core density 160,000kg/m3 (14 x Lead)

    Core Temperature 10 million KCore Pressure 3.4 x 1011 atm (~1 atm in the class room)

    Lec 5 Prof Sarah Higdon 32

    Solar Interior: Helioseismology1960 Robert Leighton

    Caltech high-precision

    Doppler shift measurementsof solar surface: patches rise/fall 10 m every 5 mins

    Sun can oscillate in millionsof ways.

    Strongest tone .003hertz13 octaves below our audible


    Observations used to setlimits on amount of He in

    the Sun and determine thethickness of the transition

    region between radiativeand convective zones

    Computer simulation of sound wave

    resonating in Sun. red inward, blue outwardmotion

    Note: It is thought that the Suns magnetic

    field originates in thin layer between theconvective and radiative zones

    Lec 5 Prof Sarah Higdon 33

    Solar Neutrinos - direct evidence

    of fusion1038 neutrinos per second leave the Sun

    ~ 1012 pass through your head every second!

    Hard to detect no charge and very low mass - can pass

    through the Earth without interacting with matter, but

    occasionally they do interact and can be detected.

    Three types of neutrinos (electron, muon and tau) - Sun

    only produces one type (electron) but the neutrinos can

    undergo a neutrino oscillation and change type before

    arriving at Earth!

    For more information see:

    http://www.hep.upenn.edu/SNO/intro.htmlLec 5 Prof Sarah Higdon 34

    The Sun is very Active

    Weve shown that the Suns luminosity has been fairly

    constant over the last few billion years.

    Now we will look at the outer layers of the Sun, which

    are far from constant!




    Lec 5 Prof Sarah Higdon 35

    The Photosphere - sphere of lightSuns visible light originates in this hot, thin & opaque layer of gas

    ~ 400 km. Temperature profile - hot at bottom, cooler at top.Evidence:

    Absorption lines: Lower layer ~ 5800 K cooler upper layer 4400 K

    Limb Darkening: line of sight through limb only sees cooler

    (dimmer) upper layer

    Granules: convection cells the size of Texas & Oklahoma (1000

    km) - again due to hotter lower layer

    Lec 5 Prof Sarah Higdon 36

    SupergranulesLower contrast than

    granules - hard to see

    Doppler Image showssupergranules

    giant convection cells

    ~ 35,000 km (few hundred


    Churns at 0.4 km/s (1/10

    speed in granules) lasts


    They carry magnetic field

    bundles to cell edges

    where they form the

    chromospheric network


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    Lec 5 Prof Sarah Higdon 37

    The Chromosphere- sphere of color

    Normally invisible - seen hereduring an eclipse which blocks

    the light from the photosphere.

    The red gas is Halpha emission

    from the tenuous gas (density is10-4 that of photosphere; 10-8

    that of our atmosphere.

    2000 km thick and temperature

    RISES bottom is 4400 K

    top is 25,000 K !

    Note can see chromosphere at

    any time, not just eclipse, if usea narrow Halpha filter.

    Lec 5 Prof Sarah Higdon 38


    Jets of rising gas

    lasts 15mins

    rises few 103 km

    Spicules found above edgesof Supergranules

    Spicules rising gas - at

    supergranule boundary gas

    is cool and falling.

    Not thermal motion - gases

    pulled by Suns magnetic


    Lec 5 Prof Sarah Higdon 39

    Solar Corona

    -``crownHot thin gas

    10-6 x as bright as photosphereextends for few 106 km

    T ~ 2 x 106 K (see [FeXIV] emission line)

    But compare densities

    corona 1011 atoms/m3

    photosphere 1023

    Our atmosphere 1025

    Energy density in photosphere muchhigher than in the Corona

    Lec 5 Prof Sarah Higdon 40

    Solar WindCoronas high temperature translates to high speeds

    ~ 106 km/hr

    Some of the gas can escape the Suns gravitational

    pull. Composed mainly of electrons, hydrogen and

    helium nuclei some heavier ions. Winds stream outthrough coronal holes(gas thinner)

    Million tonnes (109 kg) every second

    is lost as wind. Is this a lot?

    Given the Suns mass = 2 x 1030 kg

    And it will fuse hydrogen for 1010 yrs

    What percentage of its mass will be lost as wind?

    False color UV image

    Lec 5 Prof Sarah Higdon 41

    AuroraElectrons and ions

    from solar wind

    enter Earths Upperatmosphere - spiral

    down magnetic field

    lines near poles.

    Collisionally exciteatoms in ouratmosphere

    (remember the photonfiring range and the

    emission line spectra!)

    Lec 5 Prof Sarah Higdon 42

    SunspotsLower temperature region in

    photosphere - huge Earth and

    Jupiter sized spots!

    Appear darker as lower flux


    Flux from umbra = (4300 K)4 =0.3

    Flux from photosphere (5800 K)4

    30% of the light comparedto same size patch of


    Groups of spots like bar magnets.

    leading group have

    SAME magnetic polarity

    to that of the nearest pole

    i.e. N if closest to N pole, following group have

    OPPOSITE magnetic polarity as nearest pole

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    Lec 5 Prof Sarah Higdon 43

    11 Year Sunspot Cycle

    Butterfly diagram - at beginning of 11 year cycle spots found

    near latitudes 30 N & S end of cycle nearer to equator

    Remember leading spots in a group have the same polarity (N

    or S) as the suns magnetic pole in that hemisphere.

    Lec 5 Prof Sarah Higdon 44

    Magnetic Dynamo model

    Differential rotation (measured by observing sun spots) causes magnetic field

    lines to be wrapped and concentrated near equator. Convection creates tangles& kinks. Sunspots appear where kinks protrude through surface of photosphere

    Differential rotation eventually undoes the kinks. The leading/proceeding spotsmigrate to the equator - polarity cancels as meets another proceeding group

    from the other hemisphere The following spots in the group migrate to the poles.They have the opposite polarity of the pole and first cancel andeventually

    reverse the polarity.

    Lec 5 Prof Sarah Higdon 45

    Sunspots Produced by 22 Year

    Cycle in Suns magnetic FieldIt is thought that the Suns magnetic field originates in thin layer

    between the convective and radiative zones. The magnetic dynamomodel successfully predicts

    ! Polarity of preceding and following spots. Preceding spots in a grouphave the same polarity (N or S) as the Suns magnetic pole in that


    ! Reversal of polarity of Suns magnetic field! Formation of greater numbers of sunspots initially at high latitudesand at the end of the cycle in greater numbers closer to the equator

    Suns magnetic poles reverse every 11 years so whole cycle repeats

    every 22 years

    Lec 5 Prof Sarah Higdon 46

    Filaments appear dark - cooler

    parts of chromosphere pulled

    upwards along magnetic field

    lines. Seen side-on they arecalled prominences can last for

    mere hours or months - most

    energetic erupt as flares

    Left:H-alpha image of chromosphere

    during sunspot maximum. Bright plages

    (beaches) appear just prior to newgroups of sunspots.

    Prominences, Flares and Coronal Mass


    SOHO UV image

    [HeII] filter

    Lec 5 Prof Sarah Higdon 47

    Solar Flares

    1030 J = 1014 one megaton nuclear weapons

    Brief eruption of hot ionized gas from a sunspot group

    Hazardous to astronauts and satellites

    Lec 5 Prof Sarah Higdon 48

    Coronal Mass Ejection:

    huge magnetic bubble of plasma ejected from the SunCoronal Mass Ejection is much

    much larger than a solar flare!

    1012 kg - a billion tonnes of high

    temperature coronal gas ejected

    into space at 100s km/s in the

    space of a few hrs

    Caused by magnetic reconnection.

    See Fig 16 25b in book

    Left - TRACE false-color UV image.

    Showing glowing gas trapped alongmagnetic field lines.

    Above SOHO X-ray image of coronal

    mass ejection (Suns image is UV) Takesa few days to reach Earth - thank

    goodness for our magnetosphere!

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    Lec 5 Prof Sarah Higdon 49

    The active Sun:




    Video Of Solar Activity


    http://sohowww.nascom.nasa.gov/gallery/movies.htmlHubble before and after



    Hubble Mirror: A Successful Failure


    Lec 5 Prof Sarah Higdon 50




    Can Earths Magnetic Poles Reverse?

    Lec 5 Prof Sarah Higdon 51

    Summary: Our Nearest Star

    Write your summary here -