Lec 7 - Spread Spectrum

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  • 7/24/2019 Lec 7 - Spread Spectrum


    Background of Wireless


    StudentPresentations andProjects

    Wireless Communication


    Wireless Networking and

    Mobile IP

    Wireless Local Area


    Wireless Communication

    Spread SpectrumSpread Spectrum

  • 7/24/2019 Lec 7 - Spread Spectrum


    Chapter 7

  • 7/24/2019 Lec 7 - Spread Spectrum


    Spread Spectrum

    Input is fed into a channel encoder

    Produces analog signal with narrow bandwidth

    Signal is further modulated using sequence of digits Spreading code or spreading sequence

    Generated by pseudonoise, or pseudo-random number


    ffect of modulation is to increase bandwidth ofsignal to be transmitted

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    Spread Spectrum

    !n recei"ing end, digit sequence is used to

    demodulate the spread spectrum signal

    Signal is fed into a channel decoder to reco"er data

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    Spread Spectrum

  • 7/24/2019 Lec 7 - Spread Spectrum


    Spread Spectrum

    What can be gained from apparent waste of


    Immunity from "arious $inds of noise and

    multipath distortion

    Can be used for hiding and encrypting signals

    Se"eral users can independently use the same

    higher bandwidth with "ery little interference

  • 7/24/2019 Lec 7 - Spread Spectrum


    %requency &oping Spread Spectrum

    '%&SS( Signal is broadcast o"er seemingly random series of

    radio frequencies ) number of channels allocated for the %& signal

    Width of each channel corresponds to bandwidth of inputsignal

    Signal hops from frequency to frequency at fi*edinter"als +ransmitter operates in one channel at a time its are transmitted using some encoding scheme

    )t each successi"e inter"al, a new carrier frequency isselected

  • 7/24/2019 Lec 7 - Spread Spectrum


    %requency &oping Spread Spectrum

    Channel sequence dictated by spreading code

    ecei"er, hopping between frequencies in

    synchroni.ation with transmitter, pic$s up message


    a"esdroppers hear only unintelligible blips

    )ttempts to /am signal on one frequency succeed only at

    $noc$ing out a few bits

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    %requency &oping Spread Spectrum

  • 7/24/2019 Lec 7 - Spread Spectrum


    %&SS 0sing 1%S2

    1%S2 signal is translated to a new frequency e"ery

    Tcseconds by modulating the 1%S2 signal with the

    %&SS carrier signal

    %or data rate ofR:

    duration of a bit3 T 4 56Rseconds

    duration of signal element3 Ts4LT seconds

    TcTs- slow-frequency-hop spread spectrum

    Tc Ts- fast-frequency-hop spread spectrum

  • 7/24/2019 Lec 7 - Spread Spectrum


    %&SS Performance Considerations

    8arge number of frequencies used

    esults in a system that is quite resistant to /amming

    9ammer must /am all frequencies With fi*ed power, this reduces the /amming power

    in any one frequency band

  • 7/24/2019 Lec 7 - Spread Spectrum


    :irect Sequence Spread Spectrum ':SSS(

    ach bit in original signal is represented by multiple

    bits in the transmitted signal

    Spreading code spreads signal across a wider

    frequency band

    Spread is in direct proportion to number of bits used

    !ne technique combines digital information stream

    with the spreading code bit stream using e*clusi"e-! '%igure 7;

  • 7/24/2019 Lec 7 - Spread Spectrum


    :irect Sequence Spread Spectrum ':SSS(

  • 7/24/2019 Lec 7 - Spread Spectrum


    :SSS 0sing PS2

    1ultiply PS2 signal,

    sd't( 4A d't( cos'=fct(

    by c't(>ta$es "alues ?5, -5@ to gets't( 4A d't(c't( cos'=fct( A 4 amplitude of signal

    fc4 carrier frequency

    d't( 4 discrete function >?5, -5@

    )t recei"er, incoming signal multiplied by c't(

    Since, c't( * c't(=5, incoming signal is reco"ered

  • 7/24/2019 Lec 7 - Spread Spectrum


    :SSS 0sing PS2

  • 7/24/2019 Lec 7 - Spread Spectrum


    Code-:i"ision 1ultiple )ccess 'C:1)(

    asic Principles of C:1)

    D4 rate of data signal

    rea$ each bit into kchips Chips are a user-specific fi*ed pattern

    Chip data rate of new channel 4 kD

  • 7/24/2019 Lec 7 - Spread Spectrum


    C:1) *ample

    If k4< and code is a sequence of 5s and -5s %or a A5B bit, ) sends code as chip pattern

    c5, c=, c, cD, cE, c

  • 7/24/2019 Lec 7 - Spread Spectrum


    C:1) *ample

    0ser ) code 4 5, H5, H5, 5, H5, 5F +o send a 5 bit 4 5, H5, H5, 5, H5, 5F

    +o send a bit 4 H5, 5, 5, H5, 5, H5F

    0ser code 4 5, 5, H5, H 5, 5, 5F +o send a 5 bit 4 5, 5, H5, H5, 5, 5F

    ecei"er recei"ing with )Bs code

    ')Bs code( * 'recei"ed chip pattern(

    0ser ) A5B bit3 < -F 50ser ) AB bit3 -< -F

    0ser A5B bit3 -F unwanted signal ignored

  • 7/24/2019 Lec 7 - Spread Spectrum


    C:1) for :irect Sequence Spread


  • 7/24/2019 Lec 7 - Spread Spectrum


    Categories of Spreading Sequences

    Spreading Sequence Categories P sequences

    !rthogonal codes

    %or %&SS systems P sequences most common

    %or :SSS systems not employing C:1) P sequences most common

    %or :SSS C:1) systems P sequences

    !rthogonal codes

  • 7/24/2019 Lec 7 - Spread Spectrum


    P Sequences

    P generator produces periodic sequence thatappears to be random

    P Sequences Generated by an algorithm using initial seed

    Sequence isnBt statistically random but will pass many testof randomness

    Sequences referred to as pseudorandom numbers or

    pseudonoise sequences 0nless algorithm and seed are $nown, the sequence is

    impractical to predict

  • 7/24/2019 Lec 7 - Spread Spectrum


    Important P Properties


    0niform distribution

    alance property un property


    Correlation property


  • 7/24/2019 Lec 7 - Spread Spectrum


    8inear %eedbac$ Shift egister


  • 7/24/2019 Lec 7 - Spread Spectrum


    Properties of 1-Sequences

    Property 53 &as =n-5 ones and =n-5-5 .eros

    Property =3 %or a window of length nslid along output forN'4=n-5(

    shifts, each n-tuple appears once, e*cept for the all .erossequence

    Property 3 Sequence contains one run of ones, length n

    !ne run of .eros, length n-5

    !ne run of ones and one run of .eros, length n-=

    +wo runs of ones and two runs of .eros, length n-

    =n-runs of ones and =n- runs of .eros, length 5

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    Properties of 1-Sequences

    Property D3

    +he periodic autocorrelation of a J5 m-

    sequence is

    ( )otherwise


    55 =




  • 7/24/2019 Lec 7 - Spread Spectrum



    Correlation +he concept of determining how much similarity one set of

    data has with another

    ange between H5 and 5 5 +he second sequence matches the first sequence

    +here is no relation at all between the two sequences

    -5 +he two sequences are mirror images

    Cross correlation +he comparison between two sequences from different

    sources rather than a shifted copy of a sequence with itself

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    )d"antages of Cross Correlation

    +he cross correlation between an m-sequence and

    noise is low

    +his property is useful to the recei"er in filtering out noise

    +he cross correlation between two different m-

    sequences is low

    +his property is useful for C:1) applications

    nables a recei"er to discriminate among spread spectrumsignals generated by different m-sequences

  • 7/24/2019 Lec 7 - Spread Spectrum


    Gold Sequences

    Gold sequences constructed by the K! of two m-sequences with the same cloc$ing

    Codes ha"e well-defined cross correlation properties

    !nly simple circuitry needed to generate largenumber of unique codes

    In following e*ample '%igure 7;5

  • 7/24/2019 Lec 7 - Spread Spectrum


    Gold Sequences

  • 7/24/2019 Lec 7 - Spread Spectrum


    !rthogonal Codes

    !rthogonal codes )ll pairwise cross correlations are .ero

    %i*ed- and "ariable-length codes used in C:1) systems

    %or C:1) application, each mobile user uses onesequence in the set as a spreading code Pro"ides .ero cross correlation among all users


    Welsh codes Lariable-8ength !rthogonal codes

  • 7/24/2019 Lec 7 - Spread Spectrum


    Walsh Codes

    Set of Walsh codes of length n consists of the n

    rows of an n M n Walsh matri*3

    W54 '(

    n4 dimension of the matri*

    "ery row is orthogonal to e"ery other row and tothe logical not of e"ery other row

    equires tight synchroni.ation

    Cross correlation between different shifts of Walsh

    sequences is not .ero

    = nnnn

    nWWWWW ==

  • 7/24/2019 Lec 7 - Spread Spectrum


    +ypical 1ultiple Spreading )pproach

    Spread data rate by an orthogonal code

    'channeli.ation code(

    Pro"ides mutual orthogonality among all users in

    the same cell

    %urther spread result by a P sequence 'scrambling


    Pro"ides mutual randomness 'low crosscorrelation( between users in different cells

  • 7/24/2019 Lec 7 - Spread Spectrum


