Leber Congenital Amaurosis Caused by Mutations in GUCY2D Shannon E. Boye Department of Ophthalmology and Department of Molecular Genetics and Microbiology, University of Florida College of Medicine, Gainesville, Florida 32610 Correspondence: [email protected]fl.edu Leber congenital amaurosis (LCA) is a clinically and genetically heterogeneous group of diseases that account for the most severe form of early-onset retinal dystrophy. Mutations in retinal guanylate cyclase-1 (GUCY2D) are associated with LCA1, a prevalent form. GUCY2D encodes guanylate cyclase-1 (GC1), a protein expressed in rod and cone photoreceptors that regulates cGMP and Ca 2þ levels within these cells. LCA1 patients present with severely impaired vision, reduced, or ablated electroretinogram and nystagmus. Despite a high degree of visual disturbance, LCA1 patients retain normal photoreceptor laminar architec- ture, except for foveal cone outer segment abnormalities and, in some patients, foveal cone loss. This article will summarize clinical characterization of patients and proof of concept gene replacement studies in several animal models of GC1 deficiency, both of which have laid the groundwork for clinical application of a gene therapy for treatment of LCA1. L eber congenital amaurosis (LCA) is a clin- ically and genetically heterogeneous group of early-onset blinding diseases (den Hollander et al. 2008). There are currently 18 genes known to be associated with LCA, each of which encodes a retinal protein with unique function. Gua- nylate cyclase-1 (GUCY2D) was the first gene found to be associated with the disease and was thus assigned the LCA1 locus (Perrault et al. 1996). Mutations in this gene are a leading cause of LCA, accounting for 10%–20% of all cases (Perrault et al. 2000). GUCY2D encodes guany- late cyclase-1 (GC1), a protein expressed exclu- sively in the outer segments of photoreceptors (predominantly cones) in the vertebrate retina (Fig. 1) (Dizhoor et al. 1994; Liu et al. 1994). To understand why mutations in GUCY2D lead to disease, one must first understand how GC1 normally contributes to the ability to see. The process of vision begins with absorption of a photon of light by a visual pigment, rhodopsin or cone opsin, in the outer segments of rod and cone photoreceptors, respectively. This interac- tion initiates a biochemical cascade referred to as “phototransduction.” On light stimulation, cyclic guanosine monophosphate (cGMP) is hydrolyzed by cGMP phophodiesterase, lead- ing to closure of cGMP-gated channels, reduc- tion of intracellular Ca 2þ and hyperpolarization of the photoreceptor. It is this reduction of in- tracellular calcium/hyperpolarization that sig- nals the “recovery phase” of phototransduction Editors: Eric A. Pierce, Richard H. Masland, and Joan W. Miller Additional Perspectives on Retinal Disorders: Genetic Approachesto Diagnosis and Treatment available at www.perspectivesinmedicine.org Copyright # 2015 Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press; all rights reserved; doi: 101101/cshperspect.a017350 Cite this article as Cold Spring Harb Perspect Med 2015;5:a017350 1 www.perspectivesinmedicine.org Press on February 13, 2021 - Published by Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory http://perspectivesinmedicine.cshlp.org/ Downloaded from

Leber Congenital Amaurosis Caused by Mutations in GUCY2Dperspectivesinmedicine.cshlp.org/content/5/1/a017350.full.pdfLeber Congenital Amaurosis Caused by Mutations in GUCY2D Shannon

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Page 1: Leber Congenital Amaurosis Caused by Mutations in GUCY2Dperspectivesinmedicine.cshlp.org/content/5/1/a017350.full.pdfLeber Congenital Amaurosis Caused by Mutations in GUCY2D Shannon

Leber Congenital Amaurosis Causedby Mutations in GUCY2D

Shannon E. Boye

Department of Ophthalmology and Department of Molecular Genetics and Microbiology, Universityof Florida College of Medicine, Gainesville, Florida 32610

Correspondence: [email protected]

Leber congenital amaurosis (LCA) is a clinically and genetically heterogeneous group ofdiseases that account for the most severe form of early-onset retinal dystrophy. Mutations inretinal guanylate cyclase-1 (GUCY2D) are associated with LCA1, a prevalent form. GUCY2Dencodes guanylate cyclase-1 (GC1), a protein expressed in rod and cone photoreceptors thatregulates cGMP and Ca2þ levels within these cells. LCA1 patients present with severelyimpaired vision, reduced, or ablated electroretinogram and nystagmus. Despite a highdegree of visual disturbance, LCA1 patients retain normal photoreceptor laminar architec-ture, except for foveal cone outer segment abnormalities and, in some patients, foveal coneloss. This article will summarize clinical characterization of patients and proof of conceptgene replacement studies in several animal models of GC1 deficiency, both of which havelaid the groundwork for clinical application of a gene therapy for treatment of LCA1.

Leber congenital amaurosis (LCA) is a clin-ically and genetically heterogeneous group

of early-onset blinding diseases (den Hollanderet al. 2008). There are currently 18 genes knownto be associated with LCA, each of which encodesa retinal protein with unique function. Gua-nylate cyclase-1 (GUCY2D) was the first genefound to be associated with the disease and wasthus assigned the LCA1 locus (Perrault et al.1996). Mutations in this gene are a leading causeof LCA, accounting for 10%–20% of all cases(Perrault et al. 2000). GUCY2D encodes guany-late cyclase-1 (GC1), a protein expressed exclu-sively in the outer segments of photoreceptors(predominantly cones) in the vertebrate retina(Fig. 1) (Dizhoor et al. 1994; Liu et al. 1994).

To understand why mutations in GUCY2Dlead to disease, one must first understand howGC1 normally contributes to the ability to see.The process of vision begins with absorption ofa photon of light by a visual pigment, rhodopsinor cone opsin, in the outer segments of rod andcone photoreceptors, respectively. This interac-tion initiates a biochemical cascade referred toas “phototransduction.” On light stimulation,cyclic guanosine monophosphate (cGMP) ishydrolyzed by cGMP phophodiesterase, lead-ing to closure of cGMP-gated channels, reduc-tion of intracellular Ca2þ and hyperpolarizationof the photoreceptor. It is this reduction of in-tracellular calcium/hyperpolarization that sig-nals the “recovery phase” of phototransduction

Editors: Eric A. Pierce, Richard H. Masland, and Joan W. Miller

Additional Perspectives on Retinal Disorders: Genetic Approaches to Diagnosis and Treatment available at


Copyright # 2015 Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press; all rights reserved; doi: 101101/cshperspect.a017350

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and resets the sensitivity of photoreceptors.Photoreceptors of vertebrate species possesstwo guanylate cyclases (GC1 and GC2) (Lowe etal. 1995) and two guanylate cyclase activatingproteins (GCAPs), GCAP1 and GCAP2 (Diz-hoor et al. 1995; Gorczyca et al. 1995). GCAPsfunction as Ca2þ sensors that regulate activityof the guanylate cyclases. In the dark-adaptedphotoreceptor, Ca2þ binds GCAP1 and GCAP2,which collectively inhibit the activity of retinalGC1 and GC2. On light stimulation/hyperpo-larization, Ca2þ-free GCAPs stimulate the activ-ity of GCs, resulting in an increase in cGMP,reopening of the cGMP-gated channels, influxof Ca2þ, and return of the photoreceptor to itsdepolarized dark-state (Burns and Arshavsky2005; Arshavsky and Burns 2012). In vivo,GC1 is the preferred target of GCAP1 (Olshev-skaya et al. 2012). In vitro, however, GCAP1 andGCAP2 can activate both GCs, albeit withslightly different affinities and sensitivity toCa2þ (Hwang et al. 2003; Peshenko and Diz-hoor 2004; Peshenko et al. 2011). Mutationsthat reduce or abolish the ability of GC1 to re-plenish cGMP in photoreceptors are thought to

lead to the biochemical equivalent of chroniclight exposure in these cells. There are no re-ported cases of human disease involving muta-tions in GUCY2F (the gene encoding GC2).Deletion of GC2 from the rodent retina has littleeffect on retinal function (Baehr et al. 2007).


LCA1 patients present within the first year of lifeand are routinely described as having reducedvisual acuity, reduced or nonrecordable electro-retinogram (ERG) responses, nystagmus, dig-ito-ocular signs, and apparently normal fun-dus (Perrault et al. 1999; Chung and Traboulsi2009). Reports on the extent of photoreceptordegeneration associated with this disease havebeen conflicting. Histopathological analysis oftwo postmortem retinas (a 26-wk-old pretermabortus and a 12-yr-old donor) revealed signsof photoreceptor degeneration in both rods andcones (Milam et al. 2003; Porto et al. 2003).Later studies using state of the art, in-life imag-ing (i.e., optical coherence tomography) re-vealed no obvious degeneration in patients asold as 53 years of age (Simonelli et al. 2007;Pasadhika et al. 2010).

The most recent and thorough clinical char-acterization of LCA1 to date involved a cohortof patients ranging in age from 6 mo to 37 yrwith different GUCY2D mutations, and hasshed new light on the effects of GC1 deficiencyon retinal structure and function (Jacobsonet al. 2013). In agreement with previous imag-ing studies (Simonelli et al. 2007; Pasadhikaet al. 2010), Jacobson et al. (2013) report thatLCA1 patients retain normal photoreceptorlaminar architecture aside from foveal cone out-er segment abnormalities and, in a few patients,foveal cone loss. Outer nuclear layer and pho-toreceptor outer segment thickness measure-ments in the rod-dominant retina (i.e., outsidethe fovea) were normal in all patients evaluated.Contrary to previous ERG findings, Jacobsonet al. report that substantial rod function canbe retained in LCA1. Under dark-adapted con-ditions, rod sensitivity thresholds in the major-ity of patients were approximately 0.5 to 5 logunits below that of normal. Full-field stimulus






Figure 1. GC1 expression (red) in photoreceptoroutersegments of a nonhuman primate retina. Frozen ret-inal cross sections were stained for GC1 and counter-stained with DAPI. RPE, retinal pigment epithelium;OS, outer segments; IS, inner segments; ONL, outernuclear layer; INL, innernuclear layer.Scalebar,7 mm.

S.E. Boye

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testing using blue stimuli to isolate rod responsesrevealed that substantial rod function remained.There was no relationship between patient ageand presence of rod function. Patients with re-tained rod function successfully avoided obsta-cles in a dimly lit mobility course, revealing thatrod function translates to useful vision in thesecases. In contrast to the findings for the rods,ERG analysis revealed that cone function wasundetectable in all LCA1 patients evaluated.Psychophysical tests revealed that the majorityof patients lacked cone-mediated vision. Thiscorrelated with severely reduced visual acuityand a lack of color perception. Full-field stim-ulus testing, microperimetry and mobility testsrevealed that a small subset of patients (four outof 11) had detectable but reduced cone func-tion, with central fixation and some color per-ception.

To understand why residual, yet abnormal,cone function remained in only a subset of LCA1patients, an elegant biochemical analysis of GCactivity was performed. Human embryonic kid-ney (HEK293) cells were transfected with eitherwild-type or patient-specific GC1 mutants. Ac-tivity assays were performed by supplying cellswith GCAPs under ionic conditions best suitedfor GC1 activity (Jacobson et al. 2013). Theamount of cGMP produced by each mutantwas quantified and compared relative to thatproduced by wild-type GC1. Not surprisingly,mutants showing biochemical evidence of cat-alytic activity in vitro were those expressedby patients with measurable cone function. Ofthese mutants, some had reduced catalytic ac-tivity (four- to fivefold lower than wild-type),whereas others demonstrated no loss-of-func-tion in vitro. These mutations might cause de-fective folding, altered expression or impairedtrafficking to the proper compartment of theliving photoreceptor, the outer segment. How-ever, definitive conclusions cannot be drawn un-til in vivo studies are performed. As expected“null” mutations that rendered GC1 biochemi-cally inactive corresponded to patients with pro-found loss of cone function (Jacobson et al.2013).

Taken together, it is now apparent thatGUCY2D-LCA1 is unique from other forms of

LCA studied in detail to date (Jacobson et al.1998, 2003, 2005, 2007a,b, 2009, 2011; Cide-ciyan et al. 2007). The hallmark retinal preser-vation observed suggests that LCA1 is an attrac-tive target for gene augmentation therapy andthat patient retinas may better withstand thesurgical manipulation of a subretinal injection.The profound visual impairment, stemmingpredominantly from a loss of cone function,points to the fovea as the target for treatment.In the minority of patients lacking foveal cones,the parafoveal or perifoveal retina may be target-ed in the hopes that eccentric fixation will occur,as was seen in some patients in LCA2 clinicaltrials (Cideciyan et al. 2009). Careful consider-ation must be given to outcome measures whentreating patients with such profound visual im-pairment. Tests, which control for nystagmus,such as microperimetry, can be used to assesscone-mediated central vision (Cideciyan et al.2012), along with standard visual acuity mea-surements. Full-field stimulus testing, an assayfor which the limits of variability have been de-fined in LCA patients, can be used to identify anylocalized improvements in rod function. Opti-cal coherence tomography can be used both tomonitor the safety of subfoveal injection and tolook for any improvements in cone outer seg-ment morphology following treatment.


Work to characterize multiple animal models ofGC1 deficiency began in the 1980s. Thirty-fouryears later, all models have been successfullyused to evaluate proof of concept for gene re-placement to treat GUCY2D-LCA1. Below is asummary of findings for each model.

GUCY1�B Chicken

The retinal degeneration (rd) chicken, also re-ferred to as the GUCY1�B chicken, was the firstanimal model of GC1 deficiency to be described(Cheng et al. 1980; Ulshafer et al. 1984; Ulshaferand Allen 1985a,b). This naturally occurring,cone-dominant, avian model carries a dele-tion/insertion mutation in the gene encoding

Gene Therapy for GUCY2D LCA1

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GC1. Exons 4–7 of the gene are replaced by an81 bp fragment with 89% sequence identity toa portion of exon 9, in reverse orientation (Table1). Although its reading frame is not disrupted,the mutant protein is predicted to lack a mem-brane spanning domain, the region essentialfor proper folding and enzyme activity (Polanset al. 1996). Antibodies raised against epitopesoutside this deletion failed to detect any mutantprotein expression in GUCY1�B chickens, sug-gesting that the protein is rapidly degraded. Itis therefore considered to be a null allele (Sem-ple-Rowland et al. 1998). Cyclic GMP levels inphotoreceptors of posthatch day 1 GUCY1�Bchickens are only �10%–20% of those ob-served in age-matched, wild-type controls. Af-

fected chickens are blind at hatch, lacking anysigns of reflexive or volitional behavior, andhave nonrecordable ERG responses (Ulshaferet al. 1984). The reduction in cGMP and lackof visual behavior/retinal function are evidentbefore loss of photoreceptors, which do not be-gin degenerating until 1 wk posthatch (Chenget al. 1980; Ulshafer et al. 1984). Photoreceptorloss proceeds from the central to the peripheralretina (Ulshafer and Allen 1985a). Cones, whichdegenerate first, are completely lost by �3.5 mo.Rod loss follows, with all photoreceptors lost by�8 mo (Ulshafer and Allen 1985a,b).

With the goal of providing therapy as earlyas possible, an in ovo treatment paradigm wasdeveloped to treat the GUCY1�B chicken. For itsability to stably transduce retinal progenitorcells (Miyoshi et al. 1997), HIV-1-based lenti-virus was used to deliver a cDNA encodingbovine GC1 to the neural tube of embryonicday 2 chickens via a small, 5 mm opening in theeggshell and membrane overlying the embryo(Williams et al. 2006; Semple-Rowland andBerry 2013). The therapeutic vector was bicis-tronic, with GC1 expression mediated by theubiquitous elongation factor 1a promoter andenhanced green fluorescent protein (GFP) ex-pression coupled to a poliovirus internal ribo-some entry site (Williams et al. 2006). Enhancedgreen fluorescent protein was included in thevector because GC1 expression cannot be reli-ably detected in the chicken retina. The activi-ty of bovine GC1 in the presence of chickenGCAPs was verified in vitro before treatment(Williams et al. 2006). Posthatch chicks weresubjected to behavioral analyses and ERG, andtheir tissues were subsequently collected for his-tological and molecular analyses.

Treated GUCY1�B chickens were tested forthe presence of an optokinetic reflex (Wallmanand Velez 1985) and volitional visual behaviorbeginning at 3–7 d posthatch and every fewdays thereafter until �5 wk of age (Williamset al. 2006). Results were compared with thoseseen in untreated GUCY1�B and wild-typecontrols. Six of the seven treated chickensshowed some degree of sight during the courseof the study, and five of these six showed opto-kinetic reflexes and volitional visual behavior

Table 1. Genetic bases for disease in animal modelsof LCA1


Effects on GC1



Naturally occurringdeletion/insertion: Exons4–7 replaced byan 81 bp fragmentwith homologywith sequence inexon 9, in reverseorientation

No functionalenzymeproduced,null


Engineered:Disruption ofexon 5(transmembranedomain region)with neomycinresistance cassette

No functionalenzymeproduced,null


Mouse engineered:Disruption ofexon 2(containingtranslation startcodon andpeptide leadersequence) withneomycinresistancecassette. Micethen crossed toGC1KO

No functionalenzymeproduced,null alsono functionalGC2

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up to the end of the study; in the sixth, visualfunction decreased during the last week ofthe study. ERG analyses revealed that the fivetreated chickens that showed sighted behaviorat the end of the study displayed modest in-creases in a- and b-wave amplitudes (to 6% ofwild-type) under both dark- and light-adaptedconditions. Quantitative genomic PCR revealedthe presence of integrated transgenes in all sixretinas from the treated birds that had shownsight, and that the transcript number was cor-related with the degree of treatment effect. Im-munohistochemical analysis of GFP expressionin treated retinas revealed spotty expressionof transgene throughout the photoreceptorcell bodies and possibly inner and outer seg-ments. Histological analysis of treated, untreat-ed, and wild-type retinas revealed that lentivi-ral-mediated GC1 expression slowed but didnot prevent photoreceptor degeneration in af-fected chickens.

Results of this GUCY1�B chicken study wereexciting proof of concept, albeit in a nonmam-malian model, that gene replacement could beeffective for treatment of LCA1. However, res-cue effects noted in this and a more recent studyincorporating a modified, bicistronic lentiviralvector were transient, with data only reportedout to 5 wk posthatch (Williams et al. 2006;Verrier et al. 2011). Indeed, the therapeutic ef-fect observed by Williams et al. was transient,with behavioral responses disappearing in treat-ed GUCY1�B chickens beyond the time pointsdiscussed in that study (unpublished findings).Furthermore, results in the chicken studies wereobtained following embryonic vector delivery,a currently untenable task in patients. Neuraltube delivery did not allow for evaluation ofan internal, untreated control because both ret-inas were transduced. Last, lentiviral vectors,although useful for transduction of retinal pre-cursors, have demonstrated little to no abilityto transduce the disease target in LCA1-post-mitotic photoreceptors (Miyoshi et al. 1997;Bainbridge et al. 2001; Pang et al. 2006). Takentogether, this highlighted the need for a moretranslatable animal model and gene replace-ment strategy with which to address a treatmentfor this disease.

GC1KO Mouse

In 1999, the Garbers laboratory publishednatural history data on the first engineered,mammalian model of GC1 deficiency, theGucy2etm1Gar mouse, which is commonly re-ferred to as the GC1 knockout (GC1KO) mouse(Yang et al. 1999). Insertion of a neomycin resis-tance cassette into exon 5 of Gucy2e (the murinehomolog of GUCY2D) truncates GC1, render-ing it null (Table 1). Western blot analysis con-firmed the absence of GC1 protein and that levelsof GC2 remained unchanged. Cone photore-ceptors in the GC1KO mouse degenerate rapidlybeginning at 4–5 wk, at a rate comparable to thatseen in the GUCY1�B chicken. Loss of cone func-tion precedes cone degeneration; cone-medi-ated ERG responses are barely detectable at thisage. Rods do not degenerate, however, and con-tinue to respond to light, albeit with variable andreducedamplitudes(30%–50% ofwild-type). Itis now known that this residual rod function isattributed to the presence of GC2 in these cells(Baehr et al. 2007). Subsequent immunohisto-chemical analyses of this mouse model revealedthat both GCAP1 and GCAP2 are down-regu-lated in 4-wk-old GC1KO retinas, and GCAP1expression is undetectable in photoreceptorouter segments of frozen retinal sections (Cole-man et al. 2004). Additionally, it was found thatcone arrestin translocation, a biochemical cor-relate of functionality, is disrupted in GC1KOcones, further supporting the notion that thesecells are unable to reset their light signaling cas-cade (Coleman and Semple-Rowland 2005).

For its proven ability to transduce postmi-totic rodent photoreceptors following sub-retinal injection (Yang et al. 2002), a serotype5 adeno-associated virus (AAV5) was chosen todeliver therapeutic cDNA to the GC1KO mouse.Initial experiments, conducted by some of thesame investigators working on the chickenmodel, also incorporated a bovine GC1 cDNA(Haire et al. 2006). Cell-specific (mouse opsin)and ubiquitous (smCBA, a truncated versionof the CBA promoter, which is a fusion of thechicken b-actin promoter and the CMV imme-diate-early cytomegalovirus enhancer) promot-ers were selected to drive transgene expression

Gene Therapy for GUCY2D LCA1

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(Haire et al. 2006). Treatment by subretinal in-jection at postnatal day (P) 21 with either AAV5-MOP-bGucy2d or AAV5-smCBA-bGucy2d(�1 � 109 vg delivered) failed to restore rodor cone function to treated GC1KO mice, asassessed by full-field ERG (Haire et al. 2006).The only therapeutic effect observed in thisinitial experiment was a restoration of light-driven arrestin translocation in cone photore-ceptors expressing AAV-mediated bGC1 (Haireet al. 2006).

In subsequent experiments, Boye et al. ex-plored whether the lack of robust rescue notedabove was owing to the species nonspecific na-ture of the delivered transgene. Indeed, sub-retinal delivery of murine Gucy2e with AAV5containing either the smCBA or photorecep-tor-specific, human rhodopsin kinase (hGRK1)promoter (Khani et al. 2007) led to robust res-cue of the GC1KO phenotype (AAV5-smCBA-Gucy2e, 4 � 1010 vg delivered; AAV5-hGRK1-Gucy2e, 4 � 1010 vg delivered; [Boye et al.2010]). AAV-mediated GC1 expression wasfound exclusively in rods and cones of treatedmice, and cone photoreceptors were preservedduring the course of the 3-mo study. Cone-me-diated ERG was stably restored to �45% ofwild-type. Treated mice also showed cone-me-diated visual behavior (optokinetic reflex) thatwas identical to that seen in wild-type mice.Rod-mediated behavior was not evaluated be-cause of the residual function of this cell type inthis model. This was the first demonstration ofgene-based restoration of visual function/visu-ally guided behavior and cone preservation in amammalian model of LCA1, and thus it laid thegroundwork for development of an AAV-basedgene therapy for treatment of this disease.

Two follow-up studies conducted by Mihe-lec et al. and Boye et al. evaluated whether AAV-mediated gene replacement was therapeutic inthe GC1KO mouse for .3 mo (Boye et al. 2011;Mihelec et al. 2011). Mihelec et al. demonstrat-ed that an AAV8 vector containing the hGRK1promoter and human GUCY2D cDNA effec-tively rescued the GC1KO mouse phenotypefollowing subretinal injection at P10 (Mihelecet al. 2011). Two vector doses were used: a lowdose of 2.1 � 108 vg delivered and a high dose

of 1.2 � 1010 vg delivered. Rescue effects wereassayed during the course of 6 mo. GC1 expres-sion was found exclusively in rod/cone outersegments (Mihelec et al. 2011). Cone transdu-cin a expression was increased, its localizationto outer segments was restored, and cone pho-toreceptors were preserved in treated eyes for atleast 6 mo (Mihelec et al. 2011). Cone function(as measured by ERG) was restored to �20% or�65% of wild-type following injection withlow and high doses of vector, respectively. Rodfunction was not improved following treatmentwith the low dose, but was restored to 65%–100% of wild-type following injection with thehigh dose of vector (Mihelec et al. 2011). Incor-poration of murine Gucy2e cDNA into AAV8-hGRK1 led to similar improvements in rod- andcone-mediated function at the high dose. Cone-mediated visual behavior (optokinetic reflex)was also significantly improved in mice treatedwith the high dose of vector. It is importantto note, given the translational potential ofthis project, that these robust therapeutic effectswere achieved following delivery of the humanGUCY2D cDNA (Mihelec et al. 2011).

In the longest follow up reported to date,Boye et al. showed that subretinal delivery ofAAV5-smCBA-Gucy2e (4 � 109 vg delivered),AAV5-hGRK1-Gucy2e (4 � 1010 vg delivered)and AAV8(Y733F)-hGRK1-Gucy2e (1 � 1010

vg delivered) in GC1KO mice (P14–P25) re-stored retinal function and preserved conephotoreceptors for at least 1 yr after treatment(Boye et al. 2011). The tyrosine capsid mutantAAV8(Y733F) was chosen for its improved per-formance relative to standard AAV8 or AAV5in other mouse models of inherited retinal dis-ease (Pang et al. 2011). Cones were preservedand cone-mediated ERGs were stably restoredto �45% of wild-type following treatment.AAV8(Y733F) mediated more robust ERG im-provements than did either AAV5-based vector(Boye et al. 2011). Reasons for this could in-clude the ability of AAV8-based vectors tospread beyond the injection bleb (i.e., a greaterpercentage of retina was transduced with thisserotype) (Stieger et al. 2008), or the relativespeed of transgene expression mediated by thisserotype (i.e., faster onset of GC1 expression-

S.E. Boye

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enhanced rescue) (Petrs-Silva et al. 2009; Panget al. 2011). Between 7 mo and 1 yr posttreat-ment, optic nerves and brains were analyzedfor the presence of AAV5 or AAV8(Y733F) vec-tor genomes. Whereas GC1 expression was re-stricted to photoreceptor outer segments, bothAAV5 and AAV8(Y733F) genomes were detectedin optic nerves and, in one case, the brains oftreated mice. AAV8(Y733F) genomes were moreabundant in the optic nerve, a result likely owedto the increased affinity of this serotype for ret-inal ganglion cells relative to AAV5 (Surace andAuricchio 2008; Petrs-Silva et al. 2009). Someexposure of vector to ganglion cells is expectedas the syringe transverses the inner retina dur-ing subretinal injection and also because the ra-tio of injection volume to total eye size is high inthe mouse.

One notable difference between the Boyeet al. 2011 and Mihelec et al. studies was the levelof functional rescue achieved. Cone-mediatedERG responses were 45% versus 65% of normal,respectively (Boye et al. 2011; Mihelec et al.2011). In addition, only Mihelec et al. reportedany significant improvements in rod function(Mihelec et al. 2011). These differences are likelyattributed to the age at which therapeutic vectorwas delivered. Boye et al. administered vector toP14–P25 mice, after their eyes had opened nat-urally. Mihelec et al. administered vector at P10,before eye opening. Earlier intervention waslikely more effective at combating the effects ofchronic hyperpolarization that GC1KO photo-receptors endure on light stimulation. Regard-less of differences in ERG improvements, treat-ment of GC1KO mice at all time points, with allserotypes and cDNAs tested, resulted in restora-tion of useful cone-mediated vision in bothstudies (Boye et al. 2011; Mihelec et al. 2011).Taken together, these long term studies stronglysupport further development of an AAV-basedgene replacement therapy for LCA1.

GC1/GC2 Double Knockout(GCDKO) Mouse

The GCDKO mouse was engineered by Baehret al. to analyze the individual contributionsof GC1 and GC2 to phototransduction, and

its preliminary natural history was publishedin 2007 (Table 1) (Baehr et al. 2007). Proofthat GC2 supports 30%–50% of rod functionand prevents rod degeneration in the GC1KOmouse was found via this model, as deletionof both GC1 and GC2 in the GCDKO micerenders both rod and cone photoreceptorsnonfunctional (unrecordable ERG) and degen-erative. Both GCAP1 and GCAP2 are down-reg-ulated and mislocalized, and all subunits ofcGMP phophodiesterase 6 are absent fromGCDKO rods (Baehr et al. 2007). Cones lackcone transducin, cone cGMP phophodiesterase,and GRK1, and opsins are down-regulated andmislocalized. Down-regulation of phototrans-duction proteins was shown to be posttransla-tional, suggesting a role for GCs in the stabilityand/or transport of these proteins. Cone outersegments are unstable and begin to “disinte-grate” (extracellular particles immunopositivefor cone proteins appear adjacent to the reti-nal pigment epithelium) at two months of age.Overall outer segment lengths are reduced by30%–50% in 2-mo-old mice. Appreciable thin-ning of the outer nuclear layer does not occuruntil about 3.5 to 4 mo (Boye et al. 2013). By 6mo, only four to six nuclei remain in the outernuclear layer (Boye et al. 2013).

The GCDKO mouse is an attractive mod-el in which to evaluate GC1 gene replacementfor two reasons. First, before its 2013 clinicalcharacterization (Jacobson et al. 2013), multi-ple reports described that both cone/rod struc-ture and cone/rod function were compromisedin LCA1 (Milam et al. 2003; Porto et al. 2003),suggesting that the best model of this diseasewas one in which both photoreceptor subclasseswere nonfunctional/degenerative. Although theGC1KO mouse is useful for evaluating thera-peutic benefit to cones (Boye et al. 2010, 2011;Mihelec et al. 2011), residual rod function andpreservation of rod structure in this model com-plicates the ability to evaluate rod therapy. TheGCDKO mouse affords the opportunity to eval-uate therapeutic effects on both photorecep-tor subclasses. More importantly, because theGCDKO mouse lacks all retinal GC activity, itallows for testing the functional efficiency ofAAV-delivered GC1. GC activity assays per-

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formed on retinal tissue cannot discriminatebetween cGMP produced by GC1 versus GC2.Therefore, isolating the functional efficiencyof exogenous GC1 requires delivery to photore-ceptors that lack endogenous GC1 and GC2.Such analysis in the GCDKO mouse would beuseful as a bioassay for evaluating relative po-tency of clinical vectors.

Boye et al. subretinally delivered AAV(Y733F) containing the hGRK1 promoter andGucy2e cDNA to GCDKO mice of various ages,ranging from P18–P108 (Boye et al. 2013).Cone-mediated ERG responses were restoredto between 29%–42% of wild-type followinglate (P108) versus early (P18) treatment, respec-tively. The level of cone function achieved fol-lowing early treatment is comparable to thatachieved in the GC1KO mouse (Boye et al.2010, 2011, 2013). Rod-mediated ERGs were re-stored to between 29%–44% of wild-type fol-lowing late (P108) versus early (P18) treatment,respectively (Boye et al. 2013). This result ex-tends the Mihelec et al. findings (Mihelec et al.2011) by demonstrating that restoration of rodfunction is achievable in a model with physio-logically “silent” rods. Both cone and rod re-sponses were stable during the course of thelong term study (1 yr posttreatment). Optoki-netic reflex and Morris water maze tests wereused to assay the presence of subcortically andcortically driven visual behavior, respectively, inGCDKO mice treated between P18 and P49. Op-tokinetic testing showed no significant diffe-rence in cone-mediated spatial frequencyorcon-trast sensitivity between 1-yr-old treatedGCDKO mice and age-matched wild-type con-trols (Boye et al. 2013). Morris water maze test-ing revealed no significant difference in cone-and rod- mediated behavior between 1-yr-oldtreated GCDKO mice and age-matched wild-type controls. Taken together, these tests showthat postnatal AAV-Gucy2e treatment restoresuseful cone and rod-mediated vision in thismodel of LCA1. As in the GC1KO mouse,wild-type-like behavior was achieved in GCDKOmice that showed only partial ERG recovery. Op-tical coherence tomography was used to monitorthe rate of photoreceptor degeneration in treatedand untreated GCDKO and age-matched wild-

type controls over time. By 7–12 mo posttreat-ment, significant structural preservation wasseen in all treatment groups, barring the oldest(P108) cohort. Although the difference was notsignificant following late treatment, outer nucle-ar layer thickness in this group was still greaterthan that seen in untreated GCDKO mice. Therate of photoreceptor cell loss in GCDKO micetreated as late as P49 was comparable to the nat-ural rate of loss in age-matched wild-type con-trols. As before, histological analyses confirmedthat GC1 was restricted to photoreceptor outersegments and that cone photoreceptor mor-phology and density were preserved during thelong term. Wild-type-like levels of GCAP1 andGCAP2 expression were observed in a P40-treat-ed GCDKO mouse killed at one year of age, withexpression predominantly restricted to photore-ceptor outer segments. S-opsin and M-opsinwere present in cones of treated mice whereasthey were absent from untreated controls.

To determine the functional efficiency ofthe AAV-delivered GC1 enzyme, GC activity as-says were performed using GCDKO retinastreated at P30–P60 with either AAV8(Y733F)-Gucy2e or control AAV-GFP, untreated GCDKOretinas and age-matched wild-type control ret-inas (Boye et al. 2013). Because GC2 is lackingfrom GCDKO samples, GC activity solely rep-resents the activity of AAV-delivered GC1. Max-imal GC activity in treated mice was restoredto �63% of normal (Boye et al. 2013). If theknown contribution of GC2 to total GC activityin wild-type mice—20%–28% (Peshenko et al.2011)—is subtracted from this value, levels ofGC1 activity in treated GCDKO mice approach�90% of normal. Because the area of AAV-me-diated transgene expression in treated retinas isknown to correspond to the area of retinal de-tachment (Timmers et al. 2001; Cideciyan et al.2008), and because a “good” subretinal injec-tion typically detaches 80%–90% of the retina,this level of GC1 activity suggests near-completerestoration for the area exposed to vector. Nor-malization of the maximal GC activity in wild-type and AAV-Gucy2e-treated GCDKO micerevealed that the calcium sensitivities for endog-enous and exogenous GC were identical (Boyeet al. 2013). The functional efficiency of the

S.E. Boye

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AAV-delivered GC1 enzyme was therefore nor-mal. This assay will likely be used in future ex-periments to evaluate the functional efficiencyof GC1 encoded by human GUCY2D and toestablish dose-response relationships in theGCDKO mouse.


Several decisions must be made as we movebeyond the aforementioned proof-of-conceptstudies and into the clinic. Which AAV sero-type-promoter combination should be used?Which is the preferred injection route? Whatis the safest and most effective dose?

The answers to the first two questions areinextricably linked. Viral serotype choice isdependent on the route of administration, astransduction profiles vary greatly dependingon where the vector is placed within the eye(Dalkara et al. 2009; Vandenberghe and Auric-chio 2012). The route of administration is ide-ally dictated by the structural integrity of theretina, with subretinal injections considered“safer” under relatively less degenerated tissuethat is able to withstand the impact of surgi-cal detachment. The notable retinal preserva-tion reported by Jacobson et al. (2013) suggeststhat LCA1 patients are good candidates forsubretinal injection. The AAV serotypes usedin proof-of-concept LCA1 studies, AAV5 andAAV8, have proven utility following subreti-nal injection in various mouse and dog modelsof photoreceptor-mediated disease (Min et al.2005; Alexander et al. 2007; Boye et al. 2010,2013; Gorbatyuk et al. 2010; Komaromy et al.2010; Mao et al. 2011; Pang et al. 2011, 2012; Yaoet al. 2011; Beltran et al. 2012). Because trans-duction can vary across species, it is essential toevaluate vectors in a species as closely related toman as possible. Toward this end, the transduc-tion profiles of AAV5 and AAV8 have recentlybeen described in nonhuman primates. Keepingin mind that the primary target in LCA1 is thecentral, cone-rich retina, focus must be placedon each serotype’s ability to transduce conephotoreceptors. Only partial cone transductionwas achieved following subretinal delivery ofelevated doses of AAV8-CMV-GFP (1011 vg de-

livered) in nonhuman primates (Vandenbergheet al. 2011, 2013). At a lower dose (1010 vg de-livered), this serotype failed to transduce foveal,parafoveal, or perifoveal cones (Vandenbergheet al. 2011). In contrast, foveal, parafoveal, peri-foveal, and peripheral cones of nonhuman pri-mates were all effectively transduced followingsubretinal delivery of AAV5-hGRK1-GFP (1010

vg delivered) (Boye et al. 2012). As in rodentretinas (Khani et al. 2007; Tan et al. 2009;Boye et al. 2010, 2011; Pawlyk et al. 2010; Sunet al. 2010), hGRK1 has exclusive activity incones and rods of nonhuman primates (Boyeet al. 2012). Taken together, these results sup-port the use of a subretinally delivered AAV5vector containing the hGRK1 promoter for de-livering GUCY2D in a clinical setting.

Several major differences exist betweenGUCY2D-LCA1 and the form of this diseasecurrently being treated in clinic (RPE65-LCA2). First, a large animal model only existsfor the latter. The availability of the RPE65-de-ficient dog model allowed for correlations to bemade between vector dose, efficacy, toxicity, andbiodistribution (spread of vector genomes be-yond the subretinal space) in an organism rela-tively similar in size (Jacobson et al. 2006a). Thisformed the framework for safety studies per-formed in normal nonhuman primates in whichrelationships between vector dose and toxicity/biodistribution were evaluated (Jacobson et al.2006b). For LCA1, correlations between vectordose and efficacy are currently limited to theGC1KO and/or GCDKO mouse models. As inLCA2, relationships between vector dose andtoxicity/biodistribution must be determinedin nonhuman primates.

Another major difference between LCA1and LCA2 is the disease target. LCA2 arisesfrom defects in a protein expressed exclusivelyin the retinal pigment epithelium (RPE65). Ofthe proteins encoded by genes known to be as-sociated with LCA—18 to date (den Hollanderet al. 2008; Wang et al. 2009; Estrada-Cuzcanoet al. 2011; Sergouniotis et al. 2011)—only aminority (four) are specific to the retinal pig-ment epithelium. The majority of LCAs (13 outof 18) are caused by defects in genes that encodephotoreceptor specific proteins. More broadly,

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the majority of inherited retinal diseases arecaused by defects in proteins expressed in pho-toreceptors (Wright et al. 2010), a cell type yet tobe targeted in a clinical setting. Thus, develop-ing a treatment for GUCY2D-LCA1 will serve asa framework for other photoreceptor-targetedgene replacement strategies.

The primary functional deficit in LCA1(cone-mediated vision) differs from that ofLCA2 (rod-mediated vision). The majority ofLCA1 patients lack cone function and show se-vere loss of visual acuity, despite retaining fovealarchitecture. It is unclear how amblyopia (theinability of the retina to send visual informationto the brain) in both eyes will affect patients’responses to GUCY2D gene replacement. It ispossible that gene therapy will restore the cones’ability to reset their sensitivity (return to thedark state)/depolarize, but that this informa-tion will not be properly relayed to visual pro-cessing centers of the brain. Understanding howbrains of LCA1 patients, the majority of whomhave functionally silent cones, will accommo-date GUCY2D gene replacement will only beaccomplished through a clinical trial.


I would like to thank Sanford L. Boye, M.S. forhis thoughtful critique of this collection articleand Jim Peterson, Ph.D., RN for his assistancewith immunohistochemical analysis of the pri-mate retina.


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September 25, 20142015; doi: 10.1101/cshperspect.a017350 originally published onlineCold Spring Harb Perspect Med 

 Shannon E. Boye 

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