Leave the phone alone while driving campaign May/June 2012 Kingston, Ontario Kingston: Partners for a Safe Community ©2012 Kingston: Partners for a Safe Community

Leave the phone alone while driving campaign May/June 2012 Kingston, Ontario Kingston: Partners for a Safe Community © 2012 Kingston: Partners for a Safe

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Page 1: Leave the phone alone while driving campaign May/June 2012 Kingston, Ontario Kingston: Partners for a Safe Community © 2012 Kingston: Partners for a Safe

Leave the phone alone while driving campaignMay/June 2012

Kingston, Ontario

Kingston: Partners for a Safe Community

©2012 Kingston: Partners for a Safe Community

Page 2: Leave the phone alone while driving campaign May/June 2012 Kingston, Ontario Kingston: Partners for a Safe Community © 2012 Kingston: Partners for a Safe

Some of those preventable deaths and injuries were caused by distracted drivers talking on their cellular phone or sending

text messages.

Leave the phone alone while


6 people die on Canada’s roads every day.

Many more are seriously hurt or injured for life.

©2012 Kingston: Partners for a Safe Community

Page 3: Leave the phone alone while driving campaign May/June 2012 Kingston, Ontario Kingston: Partners for a Safe Community © 2012 Kingston: Partners for a Safe

Driving while using a cell phone reduces the amount of brain activity by 37%. (Carnegi Mellon)

Using a cell phone while driving - whether hand-held or hands-free delays a driver's reactions as much as having a blood alcohol concentration at the legal limit of .08 percent. (University of Utah)

At highway speed, a driver sending a simple text message travels the length of a football field without looking at the road. (Ministry of Transportation Ontario)

Text messaging creates a crash risk 23 times worse than driving while not distracted. (VTTI)

Most drivers who said that they are willing to answer a call or text while driving also said that they would feel unsafe as a passenger in a car if the driver was sending or receiving text messages.

Leave the phone alone while driving!

©2012 Kingston: Partners for a Safe Community

Page 4: Leave the phone alone while driving campaign May/June 2012 Kingston, Ontario Kingston: Partners for a Safe Community © 2012 Kingston: Partners for a Safe

Sending or receiving text messages requires visual, manual, and cognitive attention from the driver. It is by far the most alarming distraction!

Here is how a simple text or a simple phone call has changed everything for some people…

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mjc_0JBlRgE&feature=relmfu (90sec)

www.youtube.com/watch?v=mZSV7shj5B8 (4min)


= (2 ½ min)

Leave the phone alone while driving!

©2012 Kingston: Partners for a Safe Community

Page 5: Leave the phone alone while driving campaign May/June 2012 Kingston, Ontario Kingston: Partners for a Safe Community © 2012 Kingston: Partners for a Safe

***Fines start at $155

Drivers who endanger others because of any distraction, including hand-held and hands-free devices, may also be charged with careless driving.

Those charged will automatically receive six demerit points, fines up to $2,000 and/or a jail term up to six months.

In some cases, the license may be suspended for up to two years. Drivers may even be charged with dangerous driving (a criminal offence).

Rick Mercer you-tube video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cHXtXY-EtMI (30 sec)

Since September 1, 2011, all Canadian provinces have banned the use of hand-

held devices while driving.

©2012 Kingston: Partners for a Safe Community

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But we still do it…“I” can do it safely…”It only happens to others!”..

©2012 Kingston: Partners for a Safe Community

We need to change this trend and together we can save lives. Last year in Canada alone, it was estimated that one life was saved every day…

Too many have already lost their life or worse the life of others thinking this way…

Page 7: Leave the phone alone while driving campaign May/June 2012 Kingston, Ontario Kingston: Partners for a Safe Community © 2012 Kingston: Partners for a Safe

Increase awareness of the danger associated with distracted driving in order to change road user behaviors

Increase enforcement Build safer vehicles Use new technology Improve our roads Introduce new policies !!!

Indeed, many employers are taking the lead in reducing the number of collisions caused by distracted driving by enforcing cell phone policies within their organizations.

©2012 Kingston: Partners for a Safe Community

Here is how we can keep doing that and more…

Page 8: Leave the phone alone while driving campaign May/June 2012 Kingston, Ontario Kingston: Partners for a Safe Community © 2012 Kingston: Partners for a Safe

The business impact of texting and driving

Companies incur significant expenses when one of their employees are involved in a crash. According to NHTSA, a workplace crash costs an employer more than $24,000 and increases to $125,000 if the crash involves an injury.

Liability, insurance, productivity and absenteeism costs are minimum compared to possible court settlements for employees who were involved in car crashes while using their cell phones.

It’s a real threat to businesses. Could texting and driving destroy your business?

It sure can.

©2012 Kingston: Partners for a Safe Community

Page 9: Leave the phone alone while driving campaign May/June 2012 Kingston, Ontario Kingston: Partners for a Safe Community © 2012 Kingston: Partners for a Safe

This short video (1:54min) from The National Safety Council discusses how to develop your own policy.


Elements of effective cell phone policies

Complete series (13 videos, 29:03 min) http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL337F74DED367FDE7

©2012 Kingston: Partners for a Safe Community

Page 10: Leave the phone alone while driving campaign May/June 2012 Kingston, Ontario Kingston: Partners for a Safe Community © 2012 Kingston: Partners for a Safe

The National Safety Council wants to help.

This free cell phone policy kit will assist organizations in building senior management support for creating and implementing a policy and gaining employee buy-in. Kit materials are designed to educate employees year-round and reinforce a company-wide policy.


Free Cell Phone Policy Kit

©2012 Kingston: Partners for a Safe Community

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Developing and enforcing strict driving policies is how businesses and organizations can help!

As an individual, taking the pledge to leave the phone alone while driving will also help to make our roads safer!

©2012 Kingston: Partners for a Safe Community

Page 12: Leave the phone alone while driving campaign May/June 2012 Kingston, Ontario Kingston: Partners for a Safe Community © 2012 Kingston: Partners for a Safe

Take the pledge today!


Challenge your friends, your family and your co-workers to do the same

because no text is worth dying for!

©2012 Kingston: Partners for a Safe Community

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• 47 year old woman who ran a red light while texting and driving -struck an SUV carrying a family of four (killing two people, a 4 year old girl and her 35 year old mother).

• a 19 year old who was texting and driving and caused another car to spin out of

control (killing two men, 38 and 50 years old). 

Don’t become a statistic !

Shocking Awareness video on “distracted driving”: (4min)http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5T34EVBcrqQ

Stop the Texts. Stop the Wrecks. Video Infographic (1.min 55)http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dGUea4fcagc&context=C4539f32ADvjVQa1PpcFPRtn4D4PHD1jhhd88uwquCE4pfjxr9nrw=

Pay Attention or pay the price (41 sec.)http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pLspVYXY5zY&feature=related

©2012 Kingston: Partners for a Safe Community

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Crash victim's boyfriend releases final texts Quebec man says he hopes messages show dangers of texting while driving -The Canadian Press Posted: Mar 14, 2012 10:15 AM ET

Mathieu Fortin posted this screenshot on Facebook of his last text conversation with his girlfriend. (Facebook)

(It’s perfect babe)

(I love you Miss Brochu)

(I adore you as well and I will try to make you as happy as I can Mr. Fortin)

(Me too babe)

©2012 Kingston: Partners for a Safe Community

OPP latest video: “Don't tempt fate...that text can wait! “http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_O_PWgMugzE (6 min 08)

Page 15: Leave the phone alone while driving campaign May/June 2012 Kingston, Ontario Kingston: Partners for a Safe Community © 2012 Kingston: Partners for a Safe

Kingston: Partners for a Safe Community would like to thank you in advance for sharing this

presentation with as many people as possible and for taking the pledge to help make a


Presentation available on our website at www.kpsc.ca

Kingston, Ontario613-546-9814 x22

©2012 Kingston: Partners for a Safe Community