Leasing ACF Present

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  • 7/28/2019 Leasing ACF Present



    Marini 807899Wang Fei 808652

  • 7/28/2019 Leasing ACF Present


    Key Concepts and Skills

    Understand the different types of leases.

    Understand how to apply NPV to the lease

    vs. buy decision.

    Understand the importance of tax rates in

    determining the benefit of leasing.

  • 7/28/2019 Leasing ACF Present


    Types of Leases

    The BasicsA lease is a contractual agreement between a

    lessee and lessor.

    The lessor owns the asset and for a fee

    allows the lessee to use the asset.

  • 7/28/2019 Leasing ACF Present


    Buying versus LeasingBuy Lease

    Firm U buys asset and uses asset;financed by debt and equity. Lessor buys asset, FirmUleases it.


    of asset



    Firm U1. Uses asset

    2. Owns asset



    of asset

    Lessor1. Owns asset

    2. Does not use asset


    shareholders Creditors

    Lessee (Firm U)1. Uses asset

    2. Does not own asset

  • 7/28/2019 Leasing ACF Present


    Operating Leases

    Usually not fully amortized

    Usually require the lessor to maintain and

    insure the asset

    Lessee enjoys a cancellation option

  • 7/28/2019 Leasing ACF Present


    Financial Leases

    The exact opposite of an operating


    Do not provide for maintenance or serviceby the lessor.

    2. Financial leases are fully amortized.

    3. The lessee usually has a right to renew the

    lease at expiry.

    4. Generally, financial leases cannot be


  • 7/28/2019 Leasing ACF Present


    Sale and Lease-Back

    A particular type of financial lease

    Occurs when a company sells an

    asset it already owns to another firmand immediately leases it from them.

    Two sets of cash flows occur: The lessee receives cash today from the sale.

    The lessee agrees to make periodic leasepayments, thereby retaining the use of theasset.

  • 7/28/2019 Leasing ACF Present


    Leveraged Leases

    A leveraged lease is another type offinancial lease.

    A three-sided arrangement between the

    lessee, the lessor, and lenders: The lessor owns the asset and for a fee allows

    the lessee to use the asset.

    The lessor borrows to partially finance the asset.

    The lenders typically use a nonrecourse loan.This means that the lessor is not obligated to thelender in case of a default by the lessee.

  • 7/28/2019 Leasing ACF Present


    Leveraged Leases

    Lessor buys asset, Firm Uleases it.


    of asset

    Lessor1. Owns asset

    2. Does not use asset


    shareholders Creditors

    Lessee (Firm U)1. Uses asset

    2. Does not own asset

    The lenders typically use a

    nonrecourse loan. This

    means that the lessor is notobligated to the lender in

    case of a default by the


    Lessor borrows from lender to

    partially finance purchase

    In the event of a default by

    the lessor, the lender has afirst lien on the asset. Also,

    the lease payments are

    made directly to the lender

    after a default.

  • 7/28/2019 Leasing ACF Present


    Leveraged Leases

    In the old days, leases led to off-balance-sheet financing.

    Today, leases are either classified ascapital leases or operating leases.

    Operating leases do not appear on thebalance sheet.

    Capital leases appear on the balancesheetthe present value of the leasepayments appears on both sides.

  • 7/28/2019 Leasing ACF Present


    Taxes, the IRS, and Leases

    The principal benefit of long-term leasing

    is tax reduction.

    Leasing allows the transfer of tax benefits

    from those who need equipment but

    cannot take full advantage of the tax

    benefits of ownership to a party who can.

    Naturally, the IRS seeks to limit this,

    especially if the lease appears to be set up

    solely to avoid taxes.

  • 7/28/2019 Leasing ACF Present


    Taxes, the IRS, and Leases

    The lessee can deduct lease payments if thelease is qualifiedby the IRS.

    1. The term must be less than 30 years.

    2. There can be no bargain purchase option.

    3. The lease should not have a schedule of paymentsthat is very high at the start of the lease and lowthereafter.

    4. The lease payments must provide the lessor with a

    fair market rate of return.5. The lease should not limit the lessees right to issue

    debt or pay dividends.

    6. Renewal options must be reasonable and reflect fair

    market value of the asset.

  • 7/28/2019 Leasing ACF Present


    A Detour on Discounting and Debt

    Capacity with Corporate Taxes

    Present Value of Riskless Cash Flows In a world with corporate taxes, firms should

    discount riskless cash flows at the after tax

    riskless rate of interest.

    Optimal Debt Level and Riskless Cash

    Flows In a world with corporate taxes, one determines

    the increase in the firms optimal debt level by

    discounting a future guaranteed after tax inflow at

    the after tax riskless interest rate.

  • 7/28/2019 Leasing ACF Present


    Operating and Capital Leases

    Firms often choose to lease long-term assets rather

    than buy them for a variety of reasons - the tax

    benefits are greater to the lessor than the lessees,

    leases offer more flexibility in terms of adjusting tochanges in technology and capacity needs.

    If a firm is allowed to lease a significant portion of its

    assets and keep it off its financial statements, a

    perusal of the statements will give a very misleadingview of the company's financial strength

  • 7/28/2019 Leasing ACF Present


    Operating and Capital Leases

    Two ways of accounting for leases:

    In an operating lease, the lessor (or owner) transfers

    only the right to use the property to the lessee. At the

    end of the lease period, the lessee returns the property

    to the lessor.

    Since the lessee does not assume the risk of

    ownership, the lease expense is treated as anoperating expense in the income

  • 7/28/2019 Leasing ACF Present


    Operating and Capital Leases

    Financial Accounting Standards Board has ruled that a

    lease should be treated as an capital lease if it meets

    any one of the following four conditions:

    (a) if the lease life exceeds 75% of the life of the asset

    (b) if there is a transfer of ownership to the lessee at

    the end of the lease term

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    (c) if there is an option to purchase the asset at a

    "bargain price" at the end of the lease term.

    (d) if the present value of the lease payments,

    discounted at an appropriate discount rate, exceeds

    90% of the fair market value of the asset.

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  • 7/28/2019 Leasing ACF Present


    Operating versus Capital Leases

    The lessor uses the same criteria for determining

    whether the lease is a capital or operating lease and

    accounts for it accordingly:

    If it is a capital lease, the lessor records thepresent value of future cash flows as revenue

    and recognizes expenses. The lease receivable

    is also shown as an asset on the balance sheet,

    and the interest revenue is recognized over theterm of the lease,

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    In practical terms, however, reclassifying operating

    leases as capital leases can increase the debt shown

    on the balance sheet substantially especially for firms

    in sectors which have significant operating leases;airlines and retailing come to mind

    The fact that the lessee may not take ownership of the

    asset at the end of the lease period, which seems to be

    the crux on which the operating/capital lease choice ismade, should not be a significant factor in whether

    the commitments are treated as the equivalent of debt.

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    As an approximation, using the firms current pre-tax

    cost of debt as the discount rate yields a good

    estimate of the value of operating leases. Note that

    capital leases are accounted for similarly in financialstatements, but the significant difference is that the

    present value of capital lease payments is computed

    using the cost of debt at the time of the capital lease

    commitment, and is not adjusted as market rateschange.

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