Learning Professionals Program

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  • 7/31/2019 Learning Professionals Program


    ProfessionalsA Complete Technical Human ResourceTraining and Development Program.

    Global Operational Technical Intelligence

    Development Proposal

  • 7/31/2019 Learning Professionals Program


    ProfessionalsA Complete Technical Human ResourceTraining and Development Program.

    Global Operational Technical IntelligenceDevelopment Proposal

    A free electronic version of this proposal is available through www.freaquer.comThis project is being funded with support from the Collaboration of Freaquer Corporation & OTI Foundation.This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any

    use which may be made of the information contained therein

  • 7/31/2019 Learning Professionals Program


    Proposal for Global Talent Development ProgramFor Independent Contractors



    The Objective

    To idenfy what we know about contracng with external Human Resource providers, we

    conducted a thorough literature review on contracng for whole-college Human Resource

    management and charter authorizing and interviewed researchers and praconers across the

    country who are familiar with or have been directly involved in contracng. Because contracng as

    an intervenon strategy has been used so rarely, research-based evaluaons of its eecveness are

    limited. Our literature review therefore also included research about schools eecve contracng

    strategies for non-Human Resource services and evidence about contracng outside of HumanResource. We also reviewed cross-industry research comparing high-performing start-up leaders to

    average ones and similar research about top principals in exisng schools.

    1: improve response time for developing new technologies for HR System. ` 2: improve upon weaknesses in upsell/cross-sell volumes. 3: rapid training for new generation Human resource on operational technical basis.

  • 7/31/2019 Learning Professionals Program


    The Opportunity

    The Solution

    The Freaquer learners network idened the introducon and orientaon phase for new students as a

    crical stage with high relevance for creavity and which applies to all higher Human Resource

    instuons. While the diversity of students is an important precondion per se for fostering creavity, it

    also presents a challenge for the instuon. Students, in most cases, enter higher Human Resource with

    very diverse levels of preparaon in terms of Human Resource, personal maturity, independence and

    widely diering expectaons.

  • 7/31/2019 Learning Professionals Program


    New students are also

    dierently prepared for the

    respecve roles of students

    and teachers in higher

    educaon. While these

    roles tend to be fairly xed

    in other educaonal

    environments, they are and

    should be - variable in

    higher educaon. As the

    network report points out,

    in some instances the

    teacher will play thetradional role of organizer

    and provider of knowledge;

    in other instances the

    teachers role will be that of

    facilitator, instructor or

    mediator, and the learners

    will take on the roles of

    researchers and organizers

    of their own and others

    learning processes


    Market opportunities

    Alignment with mission





    Present status of available


    Leadership Opportunity


    Development of Intellectual


  • 7/31/2019 Learning Professionals Program


  • 7/31/2019 Learning Professionals Program


  • 7/31/2019 Learning Professionals Program


    53, Sudarshan Nagar, Serilingampalli,Hyderabad, Andhra PradeshIndia Pin 500019Phone : +918 712 984951

    +918 004 794196Website: www.freaquer.comEmail: [email protected]

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