Learning Mathematics is a Must

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  • 8/2/2019 Learning Mathematics is a Must


    Learning Mathematics is a Must

    Most students and their parents really dislike maths. They always complain about

    difficult,unsolvable examples, also adding that they will never use it at all in their whole

    lives. In their opinion higher mathematics does not benefit average peoples life. They arenot right; there is mathematics in every tiny piece of the universe. More exactly, it is

    surprisingly hard to find a field where you do not encounter it. Without mathematical

    thinking we cannot maintain, let alone improve our present life. Understanding the world

    around us needs analysing mathematical skills. No success can be made without hard work.

    The knowledge must be passed on, the world is desperately in need of highly educated

    people, who can deeply understand and even resolve ever-rising enigmas.

    Take History for example; normally you do not expect any contact between these two

    disciplines. But nowadays, as mankind understands more and more about the processes of

    the big picture, a fine shape takes form: civilizations were born and destroyed one after

    another, but not without any regularity. Eye-catching similarities can be observed in the

    collected data. Namely the prosperity intervals and poverty intervals following each other in

    the life of a given empire give a characteristic function. And the graphic is the same when we

    plot the existence (appearance, development and disappearance) of empires as a function of

    time. This regularity has a name: fractal, which is examined within a separate branch of

    mathematics. Fractals can be found in stock-exchange diagrams, coastlines of continents,

    meteorological phenomena, snowflakes and God knows what else.

    Maths-teaching is the big test, through which we can select the heirs of the future, the

    possessors of the Knowledge out of the rest. In other words, teaching mathematics is a may-

    day signal, because next generations are supposed to resolve our present problems. That is

    why we are putting so huge emphasis on the handing-on of the Knowledge. The only way to

    pass on the Knowledge is to spread it generously to everyone, and wait until the seeds of

    knowledge sprout in some of the souls, and accept that where the seeds miss to strike root,

    all of our efforts were in vain. We cannot tell at early stages which child is worth the struggle

    and which one is not.It is natural that sometimes maths seems incomprehensible even to

    the clever ones. We were not born with it, it must be mastered. Everybody sweats and loses

    many battles against the Queen of Sciences, while achieving spectacular feats in the end.

    Moreover, as we gain insight to the world further and further, our curiosity grows even

    bigger and we want to see as far as we can. Maths gives us the key to the enigmatic, so far

    undiscovered countries. Without maths we could hardly go on.

    Imagine what would happen if nobody, or just a very few children was forced to struggle

    with maths. The resulting that not a single soul would have the option to become the

    engineer, architect, astronomer, or computer programmer of the future. No one would be

    able to discover the secret laws of nature and we could hardly maintain the high-tech level

  • 8/2/2019 Learning Mathematics is a Must


    of our everyday life without persons who are educated enough to create gizmos and


    Let me present you a few examples comparable to learning maths. Take into consideration

    how hard it is to master the ability of walking. Yet we never discourage our children in

    gaining this skill, saying: Try it down on all fours instead. Thats much easier. Learning to

    swim also requires quite much pool-water drinking while eventually we manage to do the

    butterfly stroke, but then a whole other new world dawns upon us. The same applies to

    reading, driving a car, writing bestsellers, using foreign languages delicately: they all require

    a considerable effort to learn, yet most people still acquire them during their life, and then it

    never feels the same for them again.

    Untalented ones know it for sure that maths was created by the Devil himself. Every now

    and then it can be heard that maths should be taught only to those who are interested in it.

    However, this cannot be done because who on earth can tell who is interested in maths, if

    students never have the chance to realize what math really is? While a person does not

    possess a certain special skill will not realize how important it is. But as he or she gets a

    detailed insight it becomes very clear that nothing is as simple as formerly was thought.

    In a word, learning mathematics generates awkward feelings in the vast majority of worlds

    population, but ruling it out of the list, our present world would not be able to sustain its

    present-day face. In a mathless world it would be terrible to live. The sheer thought sends a

    chill down my spine.