LEARNING MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS (LMS) https:// camtasia.msubillings.edu/Relay/UserPresentations .aspx?presentationId=601


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• Learning Management Systems or LMS or sometimes called Learning Content Management Systems. These are online resources commonly used for course supplement.

• These are websites that allow instructors to create multiple classes where they can upload syllabi, reading information, assignments, videos, quizzes, and other items for students to access. Many have calendars, discussion boards, and other interactive aspects as well.

• The three LMSs for this assignment will be Schoology, Instructure Canvas, and Coursites.

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• Schoology is an award winning LMS that is highly adaptable and allows an instructor to create, manage, and share academic content.

• Schoology is free which is extremely useful. Another positive aspect is Schoology is very similar to Facebook.

• Instructors can create multiple courses, manage a calendar, and keep students connected.

• Here is a video that was extremely useful and helped with some of the information above: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J9D4xaRQSS4

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• Some negative aspects of schoology would be due to human error. For example, posting the wrong assignment or altering a lesson plan.

• Another problem could occur when students do not have their own laptops or computers at home. This however, is becoming less likely as technology becomes more readily available.

• One other problem is the learning curve to use the technology which can become time consuming. However, once students and instructors learn to use the website this should no longer be an issue.

• Overall, this looks like a very useful tool for education purposes.

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• This seems similar to schoology however, Canvas costs money unless you use the “Try me” and “Build it” option.

• The positive aspects include uploading assignments, having a calendar, a discussion session, and many other tabs that are useful for students and instructors.

• There is also an entire Youtube playlist that explains Canvas in detail.

• Canvas Instructure is easy for students and teachers to use because of it’s good design.

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• Clearly, the worst aspect is the cost. Especially when Schoology and other LMS programs are free.

• Some of the negative aspects were found on a review that highly recommends this LMS format these include:

• Canvas can have bugs.

• No easy way to add one sentence reading assignments to the calendar.

• This information can be found on: http://distancelearn.about.com/od/onlinecourses/gr/Canvas-Instructure-Review.htm

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• Coursesites seems very user friendly; the beginning signup was simple and strait forward.

• Again the format, overall, is user friendly even inside the main profile after one’s account is set up.

• Coursesites also has a very useful YouTube playlist that was extremely helpful.

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• Free is not always better because there are questions that should be asked. Especially when Blackboard has expensive LMS options for schools to adopt.

• The calendar was not as strait forward.

• Limited to only 5 classes at a time.

• http://www.hackeducation.com/2011/02/11/blackboard_coursesites/

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• The three LSM programs here are similar in application. They can be used relatively the same way. Here are three methods that are useful for Schoology, Instructure Canvas, and Coursesites:

• All three can be used similar to D2L. There are calendars to show when assignments are due, syllabus, course instructions, and assignments that can be used, read, and graded.

• With all of these LSM programs students have the ability to access course content any time and compare their notes. One good method would be to have video recordings of every lecture, and upload them onto the website in case students missed something during lecture. This would also be useful when the teacher has to be absent for a substitute to use for instruction.

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• All of these LMSs are fairly similar and remind me of D2L, in a way, the only difference would be these websites are independent from the university or a specific school.

• Each LMS has it’s own positive aspects and negative aspects but overall they all seem useful in their own way. It would be interesting to try them out in an actual classroom and see which LMS works best.

• Technology can be a good supplement to teaching, however, I am not sure about the blended learning projects as some of them seem to replace traditional instruction completely.