Learning Intention In order to examine the morality of genetic engineering & embryo research, we must first understand what an embryo is and what a stem cell is. Success Criteria I can: explain what an embryo is. explain what a stem cell is.

Learning Intention In order to examine the morality of genetic engineering & embryo research, we must first understand what an embryo is and what a stem

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Page 1: Learning Intention In order to examine the morality of genetic engineering & embryo research, we must first understand what an embryo is and what a stem

Learning Intention

In order to examine the morality of genetic engineering & embryo research, we must first understand what an embryo is and what a stem cell is.

Success Criteria

I can:

explain what an embryo is.

explain what a stem cell is.

Page 2: Learning Intention In order to examine the morality of genetic engineering & embryo research, we must first understand what an embryo is and what a stem

A human embryo is a human offspring in the early stages following conception up to the end of the eighth week, after which it is classified as a foetus.

Study Card 1

At 8 weeks the embryo is about the size of a grape.

Page 3: Learning Intention In order to examine the morality of genetic engineering & embryo research, we must first understand what an embryo is and what a stem

•Cells that can be found in embryos, umbilical cords and bone marrow.

•Embryonic stem cells are unspecialised or undifferentiated - they can renew themselves and have the potential to change and can usually become any type of cell

•Adult stem cells are specialised or differentiated and can only become one type of cell.

Study Card 2

Stem cells

Page 4: Learning Intention In order to examine the morality of genetic engineering & embryo research, we must first understand what an embryo is and what a stem

In your jotter write today’s date and answer the following questions in sentences.

1.What is an embryo?

2.What is the difference between an adult stem cell and an embryonic stem cell?

3.Where are stem cells found in the body?

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Page 5: Learning Intention In order to examine the morality of genetic engineering & embryo research, we must first understand what an embryo is and what a stem

Learning Intention: Understand what is meant by ‘Genetic Engineering’

Why it is a moral issue

Success Criteria

I can:

Give a definition of genetic engineering

Give reasons why genetic engineering & embryo research is a moral issue.

Page 6: Learning Intention In order to examine the morality of genetic engineering & embryo research, we must first understand what an embryo is and what a stem

Genetic Engineering


Genetic Engineering is the manipulation of the genetic material of an organism.

Study Card 3

Page 7: Learning Intention In order to examine the morality of genetic engineering & embryo research, we must first understand what an embryo is and what a stem

Some people see genetic engineering as selective breeding (Darwin’s theory of evolution), 21st Century style.

Study Card 4


Page 8: Learning Intention In order to examine the morality of genetic engineering & embryo research, we must first understand what an embryo is and what a stem

Human genetic engineering has several moral issues and raises fundamental questions about the value of human life.


Page 9: Learning Intention In order to examine the morality of genetic engineering & embryo research, we must first understand what an embryo is and what a stem

Why GE is a moral issue

When does a human life actually begin?

GE raises basic questions about the value of human life.

Some see the use of embryos for research as murder.

There is concern that GE could be misused eg designer babies or growing ‘spare parts’.

Poorer people in society could be exploited eg being paid for sperm & egg donations.

It could lead to problems in society giving some an unfair advantage over others. In Time

Study Card 5

Page 10: Learning Intention In order to examine the morality of genetic engineering & embryo research, we must first understand what an embryo is and what a stem

In your jotter write today’s date and answer the following questions in sentences.

1. Give a definition of genetic engineering

2. Give 4 reasons why genetic engineering & embryo research is a moral issue.

☺Have you met the success criteria of this lesson?

Page 11: Learning Intention In order to examine the morality of genetic engineering & embryo research, we must first understand what an embryo is and what a stem

Learning Intention

We will find out about: the law in the UK regarding embryo research & genetic engineering. the governing body in the UK regarding GE.

Success Criteria

I can:

explain the law in the UK regarding GE

explain the guidelines governing research & criticisms of them.

Page 12: Learning Intention In order to examine the morality of genetic engineering & embryo research, we must first understand what an embryo is and what a stem

The Law in the UK

Research is only allowed up to 14 days of embryo developmentFrozen embryos must be destroyed after 5 yearsAll licences must come from HFEAOnly therapeutic cloning is allowedConsequences of breaking the law include fine or prison.

Study CardHFEA (Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority) is the government regulatory body for GE in the UK.

HFEA Guidelines

HFEA states life should be respected at all stages.Research on embryos is only allowed up to 14 days of development.Frozen embryos can only be stored for up to 5 years.

Study Card 6

Page 13: Learning Intention In order to examine the morality of genetic engineering & embryo research, we must first understand what an embryo is and what a stem

What are the criticisms of HFEA Guidelines?

Guidelines are not strict enough

Rules on guidance for developing treatments are too vague

Some believe abuses of GE can still happenStudy Card

What are the responses to the criticisms of HFEA?

If rules were too strict then research and therefore cures would be limited

The UK could fall behind research in other countries leading to financial loss

Study Card 7

Page 14: Learning Intention In order to examine the morality of genetic engineering & embryo research, we must first understand what an embryo is and what a stem

In your jotter write today’s date and answer the following questions in sentences.

1.What is the law in the UK regarding GE?

2.What is the governing body that regulates GE in the UK?

3.What are the guidelines of this governing body?

4.Give 2 criticisms to the guidelines.

5.Give 2 responses to these criticisms.

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Page 15: Learning Intention In order to examine the morality of genetic engineering & embryo research, we must first understand what an embryo is and what a stem

Learning Intention

We will now examine some Case Studies

Success Criteria

I can:

give examples how embryo research can help some people.

describe some of the ethical issues surrounding embryo research.

Page 16: Learning Intention In order to examine the morality of genetic engineering & embryo research, we must first understand what an embryo is and what a stem

Case Study 1 Janice's Story

Put today’s date and after watching the clip answer the following questions in your jotter.

1.What disorder does Janice suffer from? 2.What is the cause of Janice’s disease? 3.What are her main symptoms? 4.How has it affected Janice’s life? 5.Where do they embryos that the scientists use come from?6.What type of cells are used from the embryo?7.How can this help Janice? 8.Which ethical issues are mentioned connected with therapeutic cloning?

Page 17: Learning Intention In order to examine the morality of genetic engineering & embryo research, we must first understand what an embryo is and what a stem

Case Study 2 Lorna's Story

After watching the clip answer the following questions in sentences.

1.What disease does Lorna suffer from?

2.How many pills a year does Lorna take?

3.How does Lorna’s illness affect her?

4.What is the cause of her disease?

5.What treatment do scientists hope to develop to help sufferers of Lorna’s disease?

Page 18: Learning Intention In order to examine the morality of genetic engineering & embryo research, we must first understand what an embryo is and what a stem

Case Study 3 Jamie's Story

Answer the following questions in sentences.

1. What are Jamie’s disabilities?

2. What is thought to have caused Jamie’s disabilities? 3. Is there any cure for Jamie?

4. What affect has this had on his parents?

5. What is Jamie’s father’s wish?

6. What are your feelings about Jamie’s father’s wish?

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Page 19: Learning Intention In order to examine the morality of genetic engineering & embryo research, we must first understand what an embryo is and what a stem

Learning Intention

Understand Therapeutic Cloning and the benefits & dangers of it.

Success Criteria

I can:

describe Therapeutic Cloning

list some benefits of Therapeutic Cloning

list some dangers of Therapeutic Cloning

Page 20: Learning Intention In order to examine the morality of genetic engineering & embryo research, we must first understand what an embryo is and what a stem

Therapeutic Cloning

Definition: the use of human embryonic stem cells (hES cells) to create identical human tissue of some description.

Study Card 8

Properly referred to as somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT), this does not create babies but stem cells for therapeutic use.

Therapeutic cloning involves taking a cell from the patient who needs some kind of medical help and fusing it with an 'empty' ovum. This is stimulated and normal growth begins.

The stem cells are taken from the developing embryo and the embryo destroyed. These stem cells can then be used to create any kind of tissue, from skin to brain cells. NOT A WHOLE PERSON

Alternative to EMBRYO use

Page 21: Learning Intention In order to examine the morality of genetic engineering & embryo research, we must first understand what an embryo is and what a stem

BENEFITS OF THERAPEUTIC CLONINGOnly stem cells from the embryo are used; the embryo is destroyed before the 14 day limit so embryo doesn’t suffer.

Stem cells are no more morally important than other cells.

Using the same DNA as the patient means less chance of transplant rejection

Solves the problem of shortage of organ donors

It could benefit those requiring tissue replacement

Many illnesses we can’t treat at moment may benefit in the research process

It is no different to any other medical technique eg antibioticsStudy Card 9

Page 22: Learning Intention In order to examine the morality of genetic engineering & embryo research, we must first understand what an embryo is and what a stem


Risks of what could happen eg designer babies, clone farms

There could be medical dangers such as new viruses or mutations

Is illness a way of nature controlling population?

The costs may not be justified; could the money be used for a better reason?

Does a cloned embryo have rights?Study Card 10

Page 23: Learning Intention In order to examine the morality of genetic engineering & embryo research, we must first understand what an embryo is and what a stem

In your jotter write today’s date and answer the following questions in sentences.

What is the definition of Therapeutic Cloning

List 4 benefits of Therapeutic Cloning

List 4 dangers of Therapeutic Cloning

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Page 24: Learning Intention In order to examine the morality of genetic engineering & embryo research, we must first understand what an embryo is and what a stem

Learning Intention

Understand Reproductive Cloning and the benefits & dangers of it.

Success Criteria

I can:

describe Reproductive Cloning

list some benefits of Reproductive Cloning

list some dangers of Reproductive Cloning

Page 25: Learning Intention In order to examine the morality of genetic engineering & embryo research, we must first understand what an embryo is and what a stem

Reproductive Cloning. Definition: production of individual(s) that is identical to donor plant or animal. DNA from an embryo is removed and replaced with donor DNA.

Study Card 11


Helps childless couples

Saviour sibling (genetic matching to help ill children)

Replacing a lost child

Source of spare organs

Clone armies for dangerous jobs

Since we have the technology, it should be used to benefit people with illnesses

Study Card 12

Page 26: Learning Intention In order to examine the morality of genetic engineering & embryo research, we must first understand what an embryo is and what a stem


Should we ‘play God’?

We could become a society of ‘originals’ v ‘clones’ (eg Gattaca movie)

Is it morally right to ‘harvest’ organs? (eg The Island movie)

Would it only be rich people that could benefit?

Could a couple justify cloning?

Could there be mutations?

How would a cloned child feel? (eg Never Let Me Go movie)

Study Card 13

Page 27: Learning Intention In order to examine the morality of genetic engineering & embryo research, we must first understand what an embryo is and what a stem

In your jotter write today’s date and answer the following questions in sentences.

1.Describe Reproductive Cloning

2.What is the difference between Reproductive Cloning and Therapeutic Cloning?

3.Give 4 benefits of Reproductive Cloning.

4.Give 4 dangers of Reproductive Cloning.

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Page 28: Learning Intention In order to examine the morality of genetic engineering & embryo research, we must first understand what an embryo is and what a stem

Learning Intention

We will now learn about three different types of Genetic Engineering.

Success Criteria

I can:

Describe 3 types of genetic engineering

Give the benefits & dangers of them

Page 29: Learning Intention In order to examine the morality of genetic engineering & embryo research, we must first understand what an embryo is and what a stem


1.Somatic Genetic Engineering (Somatic Gene Transfer Therapy) Definition: Involves altering the DNA structure. Cells with defective genes are removed or a new gene is injected or inhaled. This is currently used to treat illnesses such as diabetes and cystic fibrosis.

Study Card 14

BENEFITS OF SOMATIC GENE TRANSFER THERAPY It is non-invasive (i.e. no surgery)

It is only ‘medicine’ at a genetic level

The altered cells only affect the patient; the new cells cannot be passed on- gene therapy on gametes (sex cells which can be passed on is currently banned)

Study Card 15

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Altered viral vectors may mutate and cause unexpected problems – currently viral vectors are modified to prevent this

Its limitations include only treating the symptoms and not the cause

Only treats the individual suffererStudy Card 16

Page 31: Learning Intention In order to examine the morality of genetic engineering & embryo research, we must first understand what an embryo is and what a stem

2. Germline Therapy

Definition: Involves altering DNA. Similar to Somatic in that unhealthy genes are changed to healthy ones. The difference is, it is the gametes (sex cells) that are altered and these can be passed on. This treatment is currently banned.

Study Card 17


It allows genetic disorders to be eradicated (wiped out)

It is relatively safe

Study Card 18

Page 32: Learning Intention In order to examine the morality of genetic engineering & embryo research, we must first understand what an embryo is and what a stem


Does anyone have the right to manipulate genetic information without the consent of those who will be affected i.e. future generations?

No-one knows what effect the modified gametes may have on future generations.

Healthy DNA would have to come from a donor; 3 parents?

Many argue it is start of designer babies

Some scientists believe it could be the start of 2 species i.e. genetically modified people v non-modified.

Study Card 19

Page 33: Learning Intention In order to examine the morality of genetic engineering & embryo research, we must first understand what an embryo is and what a stem

3. Pre-Implantation Genetic Diagnosis and Selection (PGD)

Definition: the use of embryos through IVF (in vitro fertilisation). It can be used in families with known inherited genetic disorders. No manipulation of embryo is currently allowed so once screened, faulty embryos are discarded. HFEA regulates this process however each case is evaluated on its own merits.

Study Card 20


Stops children being born with inherited illnesses

Would cut down on the number of late abortions

Allows the birth of ‘saviour siblings’

Study Card 21

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Can lead to the destruction of embryos, ‘playing God’

Could lead to designer babies

Relies on HFEA deciding which illnesses can be treated; does this devalue people whose illness is not considered worthy enough?

The procedure is complicated and risky

Would a ‘saviour sibling’ feel devalued as it was only born to help ill sibling?

Some believe abortion is wrong and PGD may increase the number of abortions.

Study Card 22

Page 35: Learning Intention In order to examine the morality of genetic engineering & embryo research, we must first understand what an embryo is and what a stem

In your jotter write today’s date and answer the following questions in sentences.

1.Briefly describe Somatic Genetic Engineering, Germline Therapy & PGD highlighting the differences between them.

2.Give 2 benefits & 2 dangers for each.

☺Have you met the success criteria of this lesson?

Page 36: Learning Intention In order to examine the morality of genetic engineering & embryo research, we must first understand what an embryo is and what a stem

Learning Intention

We will learn what rights an embryo currently has and why these rights are main points of concern in the issue of GE.

Success Criteria

I can:

describe what rights an embryo currently has.

explain why it is an area of concern.

Page 37: Learning Intention In order to examine the morality of genetic engineering & embryo research, we must first understand what an embryo is and what a stem

The Rights of the Embryo

Current situation:

Embryo has no rights up to 14 days of development

It has limited rights after 14 days

Can be aborted up to the 24th week

After the 24th week it has full human rights as by then it is considered a viable life.

Study Card 23

Page 38: Learning Intention In order to examine the morality of genetic engineering & embryo research, we must first understand what an embryo is and what a stem

The issue of the rights of the embryo is one of the main points of concern. It raises the following points:

When does an embryo become a person?

If an embryo is seen as a person it changes its status or its importance.

If it is a person then to kill it is murder.

If it is a person then it is entitled to human rights.

Study Card 24

Page 39: Learning Intention In order to examine the morality of genetic engineering & embryo research, we must first understand what an embryo is and what a stem


Some argue an embryo is not a person so it is morally justifiable to sacrifice it for the benefits of others.


Many believe rights begin at conception (when embryo is fertilised by sperm)We don’t use adults for research without their consent, why should it be okay to use embryos especially as it can’t speak for itself?Religious people argue that an embryo is a being in the ‘image of God’ and should be given the full protection of the law.Non-religious people may argue that if we treat embryos differently from all other life forms, we are taking risks with what is morally justifiable.

Study Card 26

Page 40: Learning Intention In order to examine the morality of genetic engineering & embryo research, we must first understand what an embryo is and what a stem

In your jotter write today’s date and answer the following questions in sentences.

1.Describe what rights an embryo currently has.

2.Explain why it is an area of concern.

3.Give 1 reason why some people are not concerned about embryo research and 2 reasons why some people are.

4.Which opinion do you agree most with and why?

☺Have you met the success criteria of this lesson?

Page 41: Learning Intention In order to examine the morality of genetic engineering & embryo research, we must first understand what an embryo is and what a stem

Learning Intention

We will learn what ‘meddling with nature’ means and why some people have concerns about it.

Success Criteria

I can:

Explain why some people see GE as ‘meddling with nature’ and are concerned about it.

Page 42: Learning Intention In order to examine the morality of genetic engineering & embryo research, we must first understand what an embryo is and what a stem



Altering genetic information is currently only used for treating diseases but could lead to people choosing things like intelligence in the future where some people are valued more than others.

Natural sexual reproduction produces variety; GE may lead to humans (as a species) being too similar who then may not be able to adapt to even the slightest change in the environment.

What responses might Nature make to a genetically modified world; it has a way of levelling things out?

What mistakes might be made in the future?

Should we be allowed to choose our future?

Study Card 27

Page 43: Learning Intention In order to examine the morality of genetic engineering & embryo research, we must first understand what an embryo is and what a stem

In your jotter write today’s date and answer the following questions in sentences.

1.Give 4 reasons why some people are concerned GE is ‘meddling with nature’.

2.Do you agree with these concerns? Give reasons for your answer.

☺Have you met the success criteria of this lesson?

Page 44: Learning Intention In order to examine the morality of genetic engineering & embryo research, we must first understand what an embryo is and what a stem


Embryo Research &

Genetic Engineering

Page 45: Learning Intention In order to examine the morality of genetic engineering & embryo research, we must first understand what an embryo is and what a stem

Learning Intention

We will now examine religious and secular viewpoints on GE & embryo research.

Success Criteria

I can:

compare and contrast religious and secular viewpoints on GE & embryo research.

explain which viewpoint I agree most with and why.

Page 46: Learning Intention In order to examine the morality of genetic engineering & embryo research, we must first understand what an embryo is and what a stem


ARGUMENTS FOR GEScientists define an embryo as a fertilised egg from 14days until 8 weeks so has no feelings etc.If life does not begin at conception then all that is being destroyed is a collection of cellsIt could help get rid of diseases such as cancer, heart disease, Parkinson’s or Alzheimer’s.

Study Card 28RESPONSES

If life begins at conception then it could be seen as murderScientists might use GE to create designer babiesClones might be used simply to provide spare partsOnly the rich would be able to afford itThis will lead to human life being devalued

Study Card 29

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RELIGIOUS VIEWSCHRISTIANITY FORTeaches compassion towards others; surely allowing a childless couple to have a child is exactly what this means?Jesus does not want people to suffer so we should use this to find new cures.Roman Catholic Church: Gene therapy acceptable if of medical benefitChurch of Scotland: Only approves of medical research up to 14 days

Study Card 30CHRISTIANITY AGAINSTLife begins at conception so it is murderThe Bible teaches ‘Do not kill’ (Exodus)Life is sacred and should only be ended by God (Book of Job)

Study Card 31

Page 48: Learning Intention In order to examine the morality of genetic engineering & embryo research, we must first understand what an embryo is and what a stem

HINDUISM FORWould the atman continue to exist anyway?

Showing compassion and helping others is a requirement of dharma and karma

Study Card 32HINDUISM AGAINSTAll life comes from Brahman only

Brahman is in all things and he should not be killed

The atman enters the embryo at conception

Killing an embryo disrupts samsara

Ahimsa means non-violence; not killingStudy Card 33

Page 49: Learning Intention In order to examine the morality of genetic engineering & embryo research, we must first understand what an embryo is and what a stem

NON-RELIGIOUS (or SECULAR) VIEWSPETER SINGER – UTILITARIANWe already allow abortion for cases such as Downs Syndrome so why not use GE to avoid it.If we can prevent disease and illness then we should as this is what most people want.We should not be put off using GE just because someone, somewhere might abuse it.

Study Card 34BRITISH HUMANIST ASSOCIATION (BHA) – RICHARD DAWKINSIt is the quality of life that counts not the sanctity of life.GE is not good or bad in itself; it depends how it is used.An embryo up to 14 days old cannot be self-aware; it is just a collection of cells and cannot suffer.If embryos can be used to cure pain and suffering then we should

Study Card 35

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It might lead to the rich being the only ones that can afford this. The government should ensure that the poor also benefit. 


We need to guard against misuse by scientists.Study Card 36

Page 51: Learning Intention In order to examine the morality of genetic engineering & embryo research, we must first understand what an embryo is and what a stem

In your jotter write today’s date and answer the following questions in sentences.

1.For Christianity, Hinduism & a secular viewpoint give:

•two reasons why each support GE & embryo research

•two reasons why each are against, or concerned, about GE & embryo research.

2. Which viewpoints do you agree most with and why? Give at least 2 reasons for your answer.

☺Have you met the success criteria of this lesson?