LEARNING HOW TO LEAN Savio Luiz Vieira - Brazil

Learning How to Lean – SAVIO LUIZ

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Savio Luiz Vieira - Brazil

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Three key topics

Focused and Diffuse mode of thinking.


Techniques, tools, tips to help students learn

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Different ways of thinking

Did you know that we have two fundamentalways of thinking ??



Our brain switch between these modes. It’s like a coin, we can’t  see both sides at the

same time.

Nice isn’t it ? So let’s learn more about them.

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We could also call it as working mode or watch


We are very familiarized with this mode, right

now you are in this mode.

 We are on focused mode when we study,

work, read a book, etc.

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Thinking modes - Explanation

 Let’s  use a analogy of the

game of pinball to help us to

learn about these two thinking

modes. Just think that the ball is your

thought  and the rubber

bumpers are your neurons. And the ball path are your


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Neurons, synapses and

neuromodulators - Concept

Neurons: It’s a basic structure of the brain and

the nervous system. They transmit information

using electrical and chemical signals. The

chemical produced by the neurons are calledNeuromodulators.

Synapses: They are structures that permit a

neuron to pass information to another neuronusing electrical or chemical signals. Neurons

communicate with each other through


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Focused mode - Explanation

Your thought bounces

randomly between

neurons through

synapses. On focused

mode they are located

very close to each

other and the thoughtbounces a lot more to

travel between


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 It’s a relaxed mode.

 We are on diffused mode when we take a

shower, daydreaming, go for a walk without

any concerns, exercise, falling asleep etc.

On diffused mode you can see things broadly

and in a big picture perspective.

For example imagine you’re fixing leaks in theroof, you only see one leak at time, and who is

outside(big picture) see all your roof and can

tell you what is the problem causing the leaks.

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Diffused mode - Explanation

Your thought bounces randomly between

neurons through synapses. On focused

mode they are located very close to each

other and the thought bounces a lot moreto travel between neurons.

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Diffused mode - Explanation

We have a similar

structure here, but look

how spaced are the

rubber bumpers.

On diffused mode your

thought can travel far

and wide, and alsorecognize a lot more

thought patterns than

in focused mode.

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Diffused mode – Who does?

One of the biggest inventor

ever, according to legend

what he used to do is sit

relaxed in a chair, holding

ball bearing in his hand,then he relax away letting

his mind run free and if he

fell asleep, the ball

bearings would hit the

ground waking him up, sohe get all these ideas from

diffused mode into focused

mode to work on them.



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Diffused mode – Who does?

  Dalí’s  have an interestingtechnique to help he comeup with fantastic ideas ofhis surrealistic painting.He’d sit relaxing in a chair,

letting his mind run free,often vaguely thinkingabout he was previouslybeen focusing on, he havea key in his hand, and if he

fell asleep the clatter wouldwake him up, just in time tocome up with all thoseideas and connectionswhile in diffused mode.

Salvador Dalí

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One of Salvador Dalí’s paintings


isn’t it ?!

 All this

done withthe


mode of


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Procrastination – What is

 Let’s take a look on what procrastination is.

“Procrastination  is the practice of carrying

out less urgent tasks in preference to more

urgent ones, or doing more pleasurable thingsin place of less pleasurable ones, and thus

putting off impending tasks to a later time,

sometimes to the "last minute" before the

deadline.”(Wikipedia 2015)

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Procrastination - Why

Why we procrastinate ?

There is a lot of reasons and some are in factgood, but not the most.

When you really don’t  want to do something, itseems that your brain associate it with pain. Thenyour smart brain looks a way to stop or preventthat pain and switch your attention to somethingelse more pleasant and enjoyable.

 And in the last minutes we start working on it,because it will cause more pain not doing it thando it, and because off the deadline you can’t procrastinate anymore

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Procrastination – Getting rid of it

Here I present you a powerful and might tool ThePomodoro Technique.

Basically you set a timer of 25 min, turn off allinterruptions and FOCUS, go to bathroom, eat,call someone etc. before you start a pomodoro.Then you give yourself a 5 min reward or relaxingtime.

When you completed 4 pomodoros you can take abreak of 15-20min and take care of theinterruptions you avoided before.

See the full manual of pomodoro technique here. 

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Procrastination – Tacking it

Before sleep do a mental list of thing you want orhave to do tomorrow.

Keep a list of task with deadline and a list of to dotoday.

Focus on the process not the product. When wefocus con product, a assessment done, your brainthinks “here comes the pain”, and you know whathappens then. The key is focus on the process,because our brain is process oriented, so if youfocus on doing one page or writing or doing it for 6pomodoros, for example, it will be stress free andyou won’t be misdirected.

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Techniques, tools and tips

The fist tool we’ve  learned was the pomodoro


You can download programs like Tomight for

pc, Pomodroid for android and other to yourmobile or computer to effectively use the

pomodoro technique.

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Break: Take a break between your study

sessions. Program them before their time. So

your brain can do its work while you are

relaxing. Sleep: It’s essential to your learning as much

as studying. While you sleep your brain

washes away all the toxins, letting the house

clean and fresh for learning.

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Exercise: Helps you wash away the toxins of yourbody and it’s  another way of entering the diffusemode. Healthy mind and healthy body.

Cornell Notes: The Cornell method provides asystematic format for condensing and organizingnotes. The student divides the paper into twocolumns: the note-taking column (usually on theright) is twice the size of the questions/key word

column (on the left). The student should leave fiveto seven lines, or about two inches, at the bottomof the page. See more here. 

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The holy triad: In order to be illuminated  – accomplish your studding goals – you need everyday, I’ll say It again so remember every day!, bitby bit SES- Study, exercise and sleep. That’s your

holy triad. You just can’t  win a muscle competition just by

working out on the last days, don’t  fool yourself. And so it is with you brain, research has found

that studying 10 min for a couple days is betterthen studying one hour. Remember practicesmakes perfect.

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Will power : Don’t  waste your will power on

procrastination. It uses a lot of neural

resources. You must not waste will power on

fending off procrastination. It won’t last foreverand motivation will get each time more difficult.

Focus on the process as misdirect your brain

procrastination misdirection.

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Bonus - Motivation

I would like to introduce youScott Young, the “Marco Polo” of learning.

This guy completed his MIT

bachelors degree in 1 year,instead of 4 years, withouttaking any classes. Only withbooks and online material.

Now his challenge is lean 4

languages in one year(oneper three months.).

How he does that ?? Learnmore about on his blog here. 

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Bonus – Remembering notes

One session study = Short Term Memory.

Spaced repetition or many sessions of study =

Long Term Memory.

Practices a little every day. You can useflashcards and recalling, those are one of the

greatest learning techniques. You will

remember easily de details by having a solidthought pattern.

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Scott Young, photografy  – Brainscape at https://www.brainscape.com/blog/2011/08/scott-


Level of procrastination © Chibird, 2013 at


Pinball machine, image © Kevin Mendez, 2014.

Focused and diffuse thinking, image © Kevin Mendez, 2014. Zombie ©Kevin Mendez, 2014.

Neuron and Synapse. At http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neuron  (Accessed on 27 Jan 2015)

Thomas Edison, courtesy U.S. Department of the Interior, National Park Service, Thomas

Edison National Historical Park

Salvador Dalí with ocelot and cane, 1965; http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/

File:Salvador_Dali_NYWTS.jpg From the Library of Congress. New York World- Telegram& Sun collection. http://hdl.loc.gov/loc.pnp/cph.3c14985; Author: Roger Higgins, World

Telegram staff photographer; no copyright restriction known. Staff photographer

reproduction rights transferred to Library of Congress through Instrument of Gift.

Salvador Dalí’s  paintings - 25 Famous Salvador Dali Paintings - Surreal and Optical

illusion Paintings. At: http://webneel.com/salvador-dali-famous-surreal-optical-illusion-

paintings (Accessed on 27 Jan 2015 )

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Cirillo, Francesco. "The Pomodoro Technique (The Pomodoro)". Retrieved

11 November 2013.

Pauk, Walter; Owens, Ross J. Q. (2010) [1962], How to Study in College 

(10 ed.), Cengage Learning, ISBN 978-1-4390-8446-5 

Cornell Notes, by Pauk, Walter - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cornell_Notes 

Dr. Barbara Oakley, Coursera Course “Learning  How To Learn”,  January


Dr. Terrence Sejnowski, Coursera Course “Learning How To Learn January


Young, Scoot  –  Get More from life blog  –  at
