Kindergarten Learning from Home Program, Term 2 – Week 4 Key – Orange Text= Pre-recorded Lesson Black Text= Complete Independently/under supervision Please open the PowerPoint for each day of the week and run in Slideshow mode to access all links and pre-recorded lessons. When you see a you will need to submit your work by uploading a photo of the completed task to your student folder. Week 1 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Morning Task: Make your bed. Task: Do 20 star jumps! Task: Help make your lunch for today. Task: Organise your toys today. Task: 20 High Knees 40 Second Plank Jog in Place for 30 seconds English Task 1: Modelled Reading Lesson Listen to the pre-recorded modelled reading lesson and read along with the teacher. Task 2: Writing With assistance, write a simple sentence about the book. (e.g. The sand is on a beach.) Draw a picture to go with the sentence. Task 3: CVC & Sight Words 1. Sound out the CVC words in the PowerPoint. 2. Use the ‘Word Work Ideas’ worksheet to English Task 1: Reading Follow along with the explicit phonics lesson video embedded in the PowerPoint. Task 2: Writing Write a list of words using the sounds explored in the explicit phonics lesson. OR Choose a picture book you have at home, read it with a family member and write a sentence/s about this! Task 3: CVC & Sight Words English Task 1: Reading Watch the pre-recorded read aloud story The Very Noisy Bear. Task 2: Writing With assistance, write a simple sentence about the book. (e.g.The animals played music in the jungle.) Draw a picture to go with the sentence. Task 3: CVC & Sight Words 1. Sound out the CVC words in the PowerPoint. 2. Use the ‘Word Work Ideas’ worksheet to English Task 1: Reading Follow along with the explicit phonics lesson video embedded in the PowerPoint. Task 2: Writing Watch the pre-recorded guided writing lesson with a Kindergarten Teacher and copy along at home! Task 3: CVC & Sight Words 1. Sound out the CVC words in the PowerPoint. 2. Use the ‘Word Work Ideas’ worksheet to English Task 1: Reading Watch the pre-recorded read aloud story The Very Noisy Bear. Discussion Questions: Can you remember what instruments the bear tried to play? Which instrument was the bears favourite? Have you ever played a musical instrument before? Task 2: Writing With assistance, write a simple sentence about the book. (e.g The bear liked to sing.) Draw a picture to go with the sentence.

Learning from Home Program, Term 2 – Week 4€¦ · PowerPoint. 2. Use the ‘Word Work Ideas’ worksheet to English Task 1: Reading Follow along with the explicit phonics lesson

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Page 1: Learning from Home Program, Term 2 – Week 4€¦ · PowerPoint. 2. Use the ‘Word Work Ideas’ worksheet to English Task 1: Reading Follow along with the explicit phonics lesson

Kindergarten Learning from Home Program, Term 2 – Week 4

Key – Orange Text= Pre-recorded Lesson Black Text= Complete Independently/under supervision

Please open the PowerPoint for each day of the week and run in Slideshow mode to access all links and pre-recorded lessons.

When you see a ✅ you will need to submit your work by uploading a photo of the completed task to your student folder.

Week 1 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

Morning Task: Make your bed. Task: Do 20 star jumps! Task: Help make your lunch for today.

Task: Organise your toys today.

Task: 20 High Knees 40 Second Plank Jog in Place for 30 seconds

English Task 1: Modelled Reading Lesson Listen to the pre-recorded modelled reading lesson and read along with the teacher. Task 2: Writing With assistance, write a simple sentence about the book. (e.g. The sand is on a beach.) Draw a picture to go with the sentence. Task 3: CVC & Sight Words

1. Sound out the CVC words in the PowerPoint.

2. Use the ‘Word Work Ideas’ worksheet to

English Task 1: Reading Follow along with the explicit phonics lesson video embedded in the PowerPoint. Task 2: Writing Write a list of words using the sounds explored in the explicit phonics lesson.

OR Choose a picture book you have at home, read it with a family member and write a sentence/s about this! Task 3: CVC & Sight Words

English Task 1: Reading Watch the pre-recorded read aloud story The Very Noisy Bear. Task 2: Writing With assistance, write a simple sentence about the book. (e.g.The animals played music in the jungle.) Draw a picture to go with the sentence. Task 3: CVC & Sight Words

1. Sound out the CVC words in the PowerPoint.

2. Use the ‘Word Work Ideas’ worksheet to

English Task 1: Reading Follow along with the explicit phonics lesson video embedded in the PowerPoint. Task 2: Writing Watch the pre-recorded guided writing lesson with a Kindergarten Teacher and copy along at home! ✅ Task 3: CVC & Sight Words

1. Sound out the CVC words in the PowerPoint.

2. Use the ‘Word Work Ideas’ worksheet to

English Task 1: Reading Watch the pre-recorded read aloud story The Very Noisy Bear. Discussion Questions: Can you remember what instruments the bear tried to play? Which instrument was the bears favourite? Have you ever played a musical instrument before? Task 2: Writing With assistance, write a simple sentence about the book. (e.g The bear liked to sing.) Draw a picture to go with the sentence.

Page 2: Learning from Home Program, Term 2 – Week 4€¦ · PowerPoint. 2. Use the ‘Word Work Ideas’ worksheet to English Task 1: Reading Follow along with the explicit phonics lesson

practise writing the CVC words.

3. Complete word work activities to help you learn the words on the yellow sight word list. Your goal is to be able to read AND write these words by the end of the week. Remember if you haven’t mastered the red and/or blue list yet, you can keep practising these first!

*NB: We have also included worksheets for each of the sight words on this week's list. These are an optional activity. If you would like to print and complete them, you can find them in the Files – Additional Sight Word Sheets section of Microsoft Teams. Task 4: Reading Eggs Complete some activities on Reading Eggs.

1. Sound out the CVC words in the PowerPoint.

2. Use the ‘Word Work Ideas’ worksheet to practise writing the CVC words.

3. Complete word work activities to help you learn the words on the yellow sight word list. Your goal is to be able to read AND write these words by the end of the week.

Task 4: PM Readers Login to your Cengage PM account and read the book assigned to you by your teacher.

practise writing the CVC words.

3. Complete word work activities to help you learn the words on the yellow sight word list. Your goal is to be able to read AND write these words by the end of the week

Task 4: PM Readers Login to your Cengage PM account and read the book assigned to you by your teacher.

practise writing the CVC words.

3. Complete word work activities to help you learn the words on the yellow sight word list. Your goal is to be able to read AND write these words by the end of the week.

Task 4: PM Readers Login to your Cengage PM account and read the book assigned to you by your teacher.

Task 3: CVC & Sight Words 1. Sound out the CVC

words in the PowerPoint.

2. Use the ‘Word Work Ideas’ worksheet to practise writing the CVC words.

3. Have an adult read out the words on the yellow sight word list and test to see if you remember them! Then you have a go at reading the words independently.

Task 4: Reading Eggs Complete some activities on Reading Eggs.

Break Wash your hands! Fruit Break then play outside.

Wash your hands! Fruit Break then kick a ball outside.

Wash your hands! Fruit break then do 10 star jumps.

Wash your hands! Fruit Break then do 10 high knees.

Wash your hands! Fruit Break then throw and catch a ball outside.

Middle Mathematics Task 1: Number Warm Up

Mathematics Task 1: Number Warm Up

Mathematics Task 1: Number Warm Up

Mathematics Task 1: Number Warm Up

Mathematics Task 1: Number Warm Up

Page 3: Learning from Home Program, Term 2 – Week 4€¦ · PowerPoint. 2. Use the ‘Word Work Ideas’ worksheet to English Task 1: Reading Follow along with the explicit phonics lesson

Go outside and throw a ball in the air or kick a ball between two cones (or similar). See how many times you can do it in a row by counting! Task 2: TEN Watch the pre-recorded video on Friends of Ten snap using playing cards. You need one pack of regular playing cards with the picture cards (J,Q,K, Joker) removed, with Ace being the number 1. This game can be played with a partner. Activity: Flip two cards over. Add the numbers together by counting the pictures or holding the biggest number in your head and counting on. If it the numbers equal ten/ are friends of ten then snap them! If not, discard them and put them to the side. Play this game for 10 minutes. Task 3: Subtraction 1)Look at the PowerPoint to practise taking amounts away. 2)Complete subtraction worksheet

Go outside with a piece of paper and write the sentence “I can see …..”. Every time you see a collection of objects write it down. For example, “I can see 5 flowers.”, “I can see 2 birds”. Task 2: TEN Activity Using the pre-recorded TEN activity video from Monday, complete this activity for 10 minutes. Task 3: Subtraction Watch the pre-recorded video on using numeral cards to complete subtraction tasks. You will need playing cards or similar to complete this activity.

1. Turn over two cards and determine which card is the biggest numeral.

2. Subtract the smallest number from the largest.

3. You can show your working out by drawing pictures and crossing out as you takeaway, or by writing a subtraction number sentence as a challenge!

• Start at 10, count backwards and stop when you get to 3 •Start at 12, count backwards

and stop when you get to 7

•Start at 18, count backwards and stop when you get to 11

•Start at 20, count backwards and stop when you get to 9

Task 2: TEN Activity Using the pre-recorded TEN activity video from Monday, complete this activity for 10 minutes. Task 3: Subtraction Complete Subtraction Worksheet

Task 4: Mathseeds Complete some activities on Mathseeds.

How old are all the people in your family? Who is the oldest (biggest number) and who is the youngest (smallest number). Task 2: TEN game Using the pre-recorded TEN activity video from Monday, complete this activity for 10 minutes. Task 3: Complete the Data worksheet.

Task 4: Mathseeds Complete some activities on Mathseeds.

Play a game of Uno or similar with someone at home. Can you add the numbers together when you play? Task 2: TEN Using the pre-recorded TEN activity video from Monday, complete this activity for 10 minutes. Task 3: Data

1. Collect some objects from around the house (pencils, fruit). Put them in straight lines (rows or columns) and make a graph of all the things you found.

2. Complete the cut and paste zoo animals graph worksheet.

Task 4: Mathseeds

Page 4: Learning from Home Program, Term 2 – Week 4€¦ · PowerPoint. 2. Use the ‘Word Work Ideas’ worksheet to English Task 1: Reading Follow along with the explicit phonics lesson

Task 4: Mathseeds Complete some activities on Mathseeds.

Take a picture of your working out and post it on your Class Notebook! ✅ Task 4: Mathseeds Complete some activities on Mathseeds.

Complete some activities on Mathseeds.

Break Wash your hands! Lunch – Help make your own sandwich.

Wash your hands! Lunch – Eat outside in the sunshine.

Wash your hands! Lunch - Have a picnic inside.

Wash your hands! Lunch – Draw on the concrete outside with chalk!

Wash your hands! Lunch – Draw a picture of what you had for lunch.

Afternoon Physical Development / Health Pre-recorded Task 1: Hair and Teeth Hygiene

- Discuss why we need teeth and why it is important to keep them healthy. Plaque can stick to your teeth and cause other sugary substances and bacteria to also stick to your teeth. This eats away at the tooth and can cause holes and gum disease.

Visual Arts Tomorrow you’ll be listening to a story about a bear! Before you listen, you can make your own bear using paint, scissors, glue, markers and a paper plate. You can get creative or you can use the paper plate bear template to help you!

Science Task 1: Watch Types of Clouds https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CezO52F_S_g

Discuss how clouds change, eg warm air rises and creates a vapour of tiny droplets into the sky. When there are lots of droplets in the sky clouds form and when the droplets become heavy it rains. Task 2:

Physical Education Task 1: Follow along with the aerobics lesson taught by our Sports in School coaches. OR Try doing 10 star jumps, 10 tuck jumps and skip around outside!

History - Celebrations 1. Discuss different types

of celebrations and commemorations (weddings, Christmas, Easter, NAIDOC Week, National Sorry Day). Do you celebrate any of these? What do you do to celebrate them? You can use the information in today’s PowerPoint to help you!

2. Complete the worksheet to show

Page 5: Learning from Home Program, Term 2 – Week 4€¦ · PowerPoint. 2. Use the ‘Word Work Ideas’ worksheet to English Task 1: Reading Follow along with the explicit phonics lesson

- Brainstorm ways to

keep teeth healthy. E.g. Brush twice a day, Visit a dentist once a year, Avoid eating sugary foods

- Listen to the brush your teeth song via https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H29oO3zk8f8

- Discuss how we keep our hair clean. Discuss headlice and why it is important to never share combs, brushes, hats, headbands etc. Stress that headlice are common and easily transferable.

Task 2: Happier Schools •Discuss the different ways you

can show respect to: - Family - Friends - Yourself - Your home

•Complete the respecting road colouring in sheet

Watch the story “Little Cloud” by Eric Carle https://www.youtube.com/embed/jWVwkdL98Rs Task 3: Using cotton wool balls, create your own little cloud picture. If you do not have any cotton wool balls you can draw a picture using pencils.

what your favourite celebration is!

Page 6: Learning from Home Program, Term 2 – Week 4€¦ · PowerPoint. 2. Use the ‘Word Work Ideas’ worksheet to English Task 1: Reading Follow along with the explicit phonics lesson