Learning Definition: The process of acquiring new and enduring information or behaviors Associative learning is the key Conditioning – the process of learning

Learning Definition: The process of acquiring new and enduring information or behaviors Associative learning is the key Conditioning – the process of

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Page 1: Learning Definition: The process of acquiring new and enduring information or behaviors Associative learning is the key Conditioning – the process of


• Definition: The process of acquiring new and enduring information or behaviors

• Associative learning is the key

• Conditioning – the process of learning associations

Page 2: Learning Definition: The process of acquiring new and enduring information or behaviors Associative learning is the key Conditioning – the process of

3 Major Types of Learning

• Classical conditioning• Operant conditioning• Learning by observation

Page 3: Learning Definition: The process of acquiring new and enduring information or behaviors Associative learning is the key Conditioning – the process of

Does the Name Pavlov Ring a Bell?

• Ivan Pavlov – early 1900’s

Page 4: Learning Definition: The process of acquiring new and enduring information or behaviors Associative learning is the key Conditioning – the process of

Classical (Pavlovian) Conditioning

• He noticed that his dogs salivated at sight of food from a cupboard

• Neutral stimuli elicited salivation

Page 5: Learning Definition: The process of acquiring new and enduring information or behaviors Associative learning is the key Conditioning – the process of

• Experiment: Sound a tone -> place food in a dog's mouth -> dog salivates -> after a period of time the dog salivates at the sound of tone

Page 6: Learning Definition: The process of acquiring new and enduring information or behaviors Associative learning is the key Conditioning – the process of

Terms Related to this Process

• Unconditioned Stimulus (US)• Unconditioned Response (UR)• Neutral Stimulus (NS)• Conditioned Stimulus (CS) • Conditioned Response (CR)

Page 7: Learning Definition: The process of acquiring new and enduring information or behaviors Associative learning is the key Conditioning – the process of

How Does Learning Occur?

• NS + US = CS• When the NS is paired with US: The animal (or

person) learns a CS• The CS then elicits the CR

Page 8: Learning Definition: The process of acquiring new and enduring information or behaviors Associative learning is the key Conditioning – the process of
Page 9: Learning Definition: The process of acquiring new and enduring information or behaviors Associative learning is the key Conditioning – the process of

4 Processes Involved in Classical Conditioning

• Acquisition• Extinction &

Spontaneous Recovery

• Generalization• Discrimination

Page 10: Learning Definition: The process of acquiring new and enduring information or behaviors Associative learning is the key Conditioning – the process of

Higher-Order Conditioning

• A new NS can become a new CS by becoming associated with an old CS

• e.g., associating a light with a tone

Page 11: Learning Definition: The process of acquiring new and enduring information or behaviors Associative learning is the key Conditioning – the process of

Contributions of Pavlov’s Work

• Is a basic learning process• Applies to a wide variety of stimuli and

species• An internal psychological process like learning

can be studied objectively• Applications to real life

Page 12: Learning Definition: The process of acquiring new and enduring information or behaviors Associative learning is the key Conditioning – the process of
Page 13: Learning Definition: The process of acquiring new and enduring information or behaviors Associative learning is the key Conditioning – the process of

Criticisms of Pavlov

• The importance of cognition on learning was underestimated by Pavlov

• Importance of biological constraints on an organism’s learning capacity

Page 14: Learning Definition: The process of acquiring new and enduring information or behaviors Associative learning is the key Conditioning – the process of

Operant Conditioning

• Behaviors are associated with their consequences

• Operant conditioning - associations are learned between organism's behavior and resulting events that occur after the behavior

Page 15: Learning Definition: The process of acquiring new and enduring information or behaviors Associative learning is the key Conditioning – the process of

B.F. Skinner - the “Godfather” of Operant Learning

• Designed the Skinner box

Page 16: Learning Definition: The process of acquiring new and enduring information or behaviors Associative learning is the key Conditioning – the process of
Page 17: Learning Definition: The process of acquiring new and enduring information or behaviors Associative learning is the key Conditioning – the process of

• Pioneered the Shaping procedure (aka method of successive approximations)

• Shaping based on reinforcement principles

Page 18: Learning Definition: The process of acquiring new and enduring information or behaviors Associative learning is the key Conditioning – the process of

Principles of Reinforcement

• Definition of Reinforcer

• Types of Reinforcers:

• Positive• Negative• Primary • Conditioned • Immediate • Delayed

Page 19: Learning Definition: The process of acquiring new and enduring information or behaviors Associative learning is the key Conditioning – the process of

Reinforcement Schedules

• Continuous - behavior reinforced every time

• Partial – responses sometimes reinforced

Page 20: Learning Definition: The process of acquiring new and enduring information or behaviors Associative learning is the key Conditioning – the process of

4 Types of Partial Reinforcement

• Fixed-ratio • Variable-ratio • Fixed interval • Variable-interval

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• Punisher - Aversive consequence that decreases the frequency of a preceding behavior

Page 22: Learning Definition: The process of acquiring new and enduring information or behaviors Associative learning is the key Conditioning – the process of

Negative Effects of Punishment

• Punished behavior is suppressed, not forgotten

• Behavior may reappear in safe settings

• May increase aggressiveness

• Can teach fear of person or place where punishment occurred

Page 23: Learning Definition: The process of acquiring new and enduring information or behaviors Associative learning is the key Conditioning – the process of

Contributions of Skinner’s Work

• Showed the value of reinforcers• Showed that punishers may not be effective• Applications to teaching and learning• Applications to home and the workplace

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Some “Interesting” Ideas from Skinner

• “Project Pigeon”• Walden II• “Beyond Freedom &


Page 25: Learning Definition: The process of acquiring new and enduring information or behaviors Associative learning is the key Conditioning – the process of

Criticisms of Skinner’s Work

• Like Pavlov, tends to ignore cognition and biological factors in learning

Page 26: Learning Definition: The process of acquiring new and enduring information or behaviors Associative learning is the key Conditioning – the process of

Learning by Observation (Modeling)

• The process of observing and imitating behavior

• Two types of Learning by Observation:

• Prosocial learning• Antisocial learning

Page 27: Learning Definition: The process of acquiring new and enduring information or behaviors Associative learning is the key Conditioning – the process of

Example: Bandura’s Bobo Doll Study

Page 28: Learning Definition: The process of acquiring new and enduring information or behaviors Associative learning is the key Conditioning – the process of


Page 29: Learning Definition: The process of acquiring new and enduring information or behaviors Associative learning is the key Conditioning – the process of

Mirror Neurons

• Neurons represent the physiological basis for imitation

• Become active when we observe another’s action

• Brain constructs an internal simulation of the observed action

• May also explain empathy and part of our social interactions