Learning and Assessing Competencies: New challenges for Mathematics in Engineering Degrees in Spain Alfonsa García 1 , Francisco García 1 , Angel Martín 2 , Gerardo Rodríguez 2 , Agustín de la Villa 3 1 Dept Matemática Aplicada (EU Informática), Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain 2 Dept Matemática Aplicada, Universidad de Salamanca, Spain 3 Dept Matemática Aplicada Universidad Pontificia de Comillas, Spain Abstract The introduction of new degrees adapted to the European Area of Higher Education (EAHE) has involved a radically different approach to the curriculum. The new programs are structured around competencies that should be acquired. Considering the competencies, teachers must define and develop learning objectives, design teaching methods and establish appropriate evaluation systems. While most Spanish universities have incorporated methodological innovations and evaluation systems different from traditional exams, there is enough confusion about how to teach and assess competencies and learning outcomes, as traditionally the teaching and assessment have focused on knowledge. In this paper we analyze the state-of-the-art in the mathematical courses of the new engineering degrees in some Spanish universities. Introduction The Bologna process encourages the transition of higher education from knowledge possession to understanding performances and from a teaching-centered to a student- centered approach via learning outcomes. The European Credit Transfer and AccumulationSystem (ECTS) is a system based on learning outcomes and competencies (European Commission, 2009). All degrees are defined in terms of the competencies that students should have acquired with a view to entering the job market. Such competencies are divided in generic and specific. All academic subjects, including mathematics, must define their learning outcomes in such a way that the acquisition of such competencies will be facilitated. The concept of competency can be defined as the ability of carry out tasks or to deal with situations effectively using knowledge; skills and attitudes (see Weinert, 2001). Learning outcomes are statements of what a learner is expected to know, understand and/or be able to demonstrateafter completion of a process of learning. The Tuning-AHELO conceptual Framework (OECD, 2011) defines Engineering as the profession that deals with the application of technical, scientific, and mathematical knowledge in order to use natural laws and physical resources to help design and implement materials, structures, machines, devices, systems and processes that safely accomplish a desired objective. This framework offers a summary of some of the most influential learning outcomes in the Engineering field. Graduates should possess generic skills needed to practice Engineering. Among these are: The capacity to analyze and synthesize, apply knowledge to practice, adapt to new situations, ensure quality, manage information, and generate new ideas. More particularly, graduates are expected to have achieved the following learning outcomes:the ability to function effectively as

Learning and Assessing Competencies: New …Learning and Assessing Competencies: New challenges for Mathematics in Engineering Degrees in Spain Alfonsa García1, Francisco García1,

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Page 1: Learning and Assessing Competencies: New …Learning and Assessing Competencies: New challenges for Mathematics in Engineering Degrees in Spain Alfonsa García1, Francisco García1,

Learning and Assessing Competencies: New challenges for

Mathematics in Engineering Degrees in Spain

Alfonsa García1, Francisco García

1, Angel Martín

2, Gerardo Rodríguez

2, Agustín de la


1Dept Matemática Aplicada (EU Informática), Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain

2Dept Matemática Aplicada, Universidad de Salamanca, Spain

3Dept Matemática Aplicada Universidad Pontificia de Comillas, Spain


The introduction of new degrees adapted to the European Area of Higher Education (EAHE)

has involved a radically different approach to the curriculum. The new programs are structured

around competencies that should be acquired. Considering the competencies, teachers must

define and develop learning objectives, design teaching methods and establish appropriate

evaluation systems. While most Spanish universities have incorporated methodological

innovations and evaluation systems different from traditional exams, there is enough confusion

about how to teach and assess competencies and learning outcomes, as traditionally the teaching

and assessment have focused on knowledge. In this paper we analyze the state-of-the-art in the

mathematical courses of the new engineering degrees in some Spanish universities.


The Bologna process encourages the transition of higher education from knowledge

possession to understanding performances and from a teaching-centered to a student-

centered approach via learning outcomes. The European Credit Transfer and

AccumulationSystem (ECTS) is a system based on learning outcomes and competencies

(European Commission, 2009).

All degrees are defined in terms of the competencies that students should have acquired

with a view to entering the job market. Such competencies are divided in generic and

specific. All academic subjects, including mathematics, must define their learning

outcomes in such a way that the acquisition of such competencies will be facilitated.

The concept of competency can be defined as the ability of carry out tasks or to deal

with situations effectively using knowledge; skills and attitudes (see Weinert, 2001).

Learning outcomes are statements of what a learner is expected to know, understand

and/or be able to demonstrateafter completion of a process of learning.

The Tuning-AHELO conceptual Framework (OECD, 2011) defines Engineering as the

profession that deals with the application of technical, scientific, and mathematical

knowledge in order to use natural laws and physical resources to help design and

implement materials, structures, machines, devices, systems and processes that safely

accomplish a desired objective. This framework offers a summary of some of the most

influential learning outcomes in the Engineering field. Graduates should possess generic

skills needed to practice Engineering. Among these are: The capacity to analyze and

synthesize, apply knowledge to practice, adapt to new situations, ensure quality,

manage information, and generate new ideas. More particularly, graduates are expected

to have achieved the following learning outcomes:the ability to function effectively as

Page 2: Learning and Assessing Competencies: New …Learning and Assessing Competencies: New challenges for Mathematics in Engineering Degrees in Spain Alfonsa García1, Francisco García1,



an individual and as a member of a team;the ability to communicate effectively with the

engineering community and with society at large;the ability to recognize the need for

and engage in independent life-long learning; andthe ability to demonstrate awareness

of the wider multidisciplinary context of engineering.

Other international references for competencies and learning outcomes of Engineering

are ABET (Felder and Brent, 2003) or CDIO (Crawley et al., 2011), with similar

learning goals even though different words are often used for the same idea.

Concerning the Spanish case, regulation RD1393/2007 is a detailed procedure to

implement the new grades adapted to the EHEA. No catalogue of degrees has been

drafted; instead we have a system for the verification and accreditation of university

degrees. This is run through a Quality Agency and a register of universities and degrees

(RUCT,2008). The degrees are grouped into five areas of knowledge, one of which is

Engineering and Architecture. According to the data available from this source, in

Spain there are 50 public universities and 31 private ones. Only four of these

universities are defined as polytechnic, but nearly all of them include Bachelor Degrees

in the fieldof Engineering and Architecture (EABD) in their offer, there being (in April

2012) a total offer of 606 EABD.

All Spanish EABD have 240 ECTS credits, 60 of which correspond to basic subjects

concentrated during the first three academic semesters. The generic competencies,

described in Table 1, are collected in the definitions of most of these EABD.

Competencies Description

GC1:Self Learning The ability to engage in independent life-long learning

GC2:Critical Thinking

The ability to select, analyze, synthesize and apply relevant

information, knowledge, methods and logical and well- motivated


GC3:Use of ICT The ability to use modern ICT technology for communication and

engineering practice

GC4:Problem solving The ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and

engineering for formulating and solving engineering problems

GC5:Technical Communication The ability to communicate effectively, by oral o written form,

with the engineering community and with society at large

GC6:Team work The ability to function effectively as a member of a multi-

disciplinary team

Table 1: Basic Generic Competencies for Engineering

The purpose of this paper is to analyze the treatment afforded to thesegeneric

competencies in the mathematics subjects of the Spanish EABD.

Competencies Associated with MathematicalSubjects

All students of Engineering and Architecture must follow different mathematics

subjects (calculus, linear algebra, numerical methods, differential equations, statistics,

etc.). In some EABD mathematical contents are limited to two 6-ECTS subjects,

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followed during the first two semesters. In many universities, in order to economize

resources, the same subject, calculus or algebra for example, is offered to students

following different EABD whose basic mathematics requirements are similar.

For each subject, teachers must prepare and publish a learning guide (LG) in which they

outline: competencies to be acquired, learning outcomes, programs, methodology,

assessment, planning, etc. To explore the treatment afforded to competencies in

mathematics subjects we have analyzed a set of different LGs. We have chosen a varied

and sufficiently representative sample of 60 subjects, imparted by 13 universities.

Table 2 shows the universities chosen for the study, with the number of EABD offered,

by each of them, during the 2011-2012 academic year, and the number of LGs chosen

for our research.

University EABD LG

USAL: Universidad de Salamanca www.usal.es Public 16 5

UPM: Universidad Politécnica de Madrid www.upm.es Public 38 12

UPCOMILLAS: Universidad Pontificia de Comillaswww.upcomillas.es Private 4 2

UAL: Universidad de Almería www.ual.es Public 5 2

UCLM: Universidad de Castilla la Mancha www.uclm.es Public 14 4

UEM: Universidad Europea de Madrid www.uem.es Private 11 4

ULPGC: Universidad de las Palmas de G. Canaria www.ulpgc.es Public 9 3

UNED: Universidad Nacional de Ed. a Distancia www.uned.es Public 6 2

UNIOVI: Universidad de Oviedo www.uniovi.es Public 16 3

UNIZAR: Universidad de Zaragozawww.unizar.es Public 14 3

UPV: Universidad Politécnica de Valencia www.upv.es Public 19 10

US: Universidad de Sevilla www.us.es Public 24 7

UVIGO: Universidad de Vigo www.uvigo.es Public 12 3

Total 13 188 60

Table 2: Learning Guides Analyzed

For each LG, we have analyzed the competencies sought, the learning activities

foreseen and the proposed methods of evaluation. All the analyzed LGs include as a

specific competency: The ability of students to demonstrate knowledge and

understanding of the mathematical principles underlying their branch of engineering.

Also, all LGs aim at developing one or several generic competencies that coincide with,

or are related to, the six generic competencies of our research. Table 3 shows the

frequencies where the analyzed competencies appear in the LGs.

University LG GC1 GC2 GC3 GC4 GC5 GC6

USAL 5 5 5 4 5 3 2

UPM 12 10 7 7 10 4 4

UPCOMILLAS 2 0 2 2 2 2 2

UAL 2 2 2 1 2 0 0

UCLM 4 3 4 1 4 3 2

UEM 4 4 2 0 2 3 2

ULPG 3 2 0 3 1 0 1

UNIOVI 3 2 2 3 3 1 2

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UNED 3 2 2 2 0 2 1

UNIZAR 3 3 2 2 3 3 3

UPV 10 7 5 9 10 3 6

US 7 5 4 2 7 1 2

UVIGO 3 0 3 3 3 0 0

Total/Percentage 60 45/75% 40/67% 39/65% 52/86% 25/41% 27/45%

Table 3: Frequency Table of Generic Competencies included in the LG analyzed

Although it is not possible to determine whether the students really do acquire the

competencies, there is broad consensus with regard to ensuring that the activities carried

out by students in mathematics subjects promotes the acquisition of competencies GC1

and GC4. Additionally, competencies from GC1 to GC5 are tightly linked to the

mathematics competencies defined in the KOM Project (Niss and Højgaard, 2011).

Methodological changes

The student-centered programs, based on the development of competencies, require

other methodologies and strategies than the traditional programs.

The CDIO Standard8 states: Active learning methods engage students directly in

thinking and problem solving activities. There is less emphasis on passive transmission

of information, and more on engaging students in manipulating, applying, analyzing,

and evaluating ideas. Active learning in lecture-based courses can include such

methods as partner and small-group discussions, demonstrations, debates, concept

questions, and feedback from students about what they are learning (Crawley et


Regarding the LGs it may be deduced that many teachers have attempted to incorporate

methodological changes aimed at adapting to the new scenario. These changes are

mainly relatedto two aspects: the way to teach, increasing the use of the powerful

technological support available, and the aims sought in the teaching activities, directed

towards the acquisition of the different competencies mentioned above.

From the LGs studied:

70%propose solving problems with mathematical software. This activity allows

the development of GC1 to GC5 competencies (Díaz, García and Villa, 2011).

55% incorporate teaching materials, managed through educational platforms

such as MOODLE. This activity develops GC3 and promotes GC1.

38% include some method of active learning, which permits the development of

the GC1, GC2 and GC3.

25% propose some collaborative learning activities activity for the development

of GC6.

However the teaching based on the transmission of information persists in many

mathematical subjects. That is, some teachers have tried to adapt their situation to the

EHEA with as few changes as possible.

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Assessment of Competencies

The change to competency-based learning implies differences in the assessment

methods used to adequately determine the acquisition of those competencies. Baartman

et al. (2006) state that one single assessment method seems not to be sufficient. They

propose some quality criteria for a Competency Assessment Program.

In Spain no procedures have been defined for the separate evaluation of generic

competencies. These competencies are evaluated together with the specific

competencies in the subjects. There are universities that offer advice onhow to develop

and assess competencies (VOAPE-UPM, 2011). But 23.3% of the LGs analyzed

propose an assessment model based exclusively on traditional written exams.

For assessing each competency a set of measurable learning outcomes can be defined.

For example, the learning outcomes for GC4 (Problem Solving) could be: gather and

organize relevant information; translate the problem, expressed in usual language, to

technical language in order to separate data from aims and choose a model; choose an

effective strategy; use mathematical knowledge for solving the problem and interpret

the result; and express the reasonableness of the solution. Also Niss and Højgaard(2011)

proposea varietyof learning activitiesfor assessing mathematical competencies, which

can be used for assessing generic competencies.

Other models for the assessment of generic competencies, based on indicators and

rubrics (see Villa and Poblete, 2008) or using Miller’s pyramid, can be used.

Student Performance

From a general point of view, academic results have improved in the new system.

Nevertheless, the feeling amongmany students and instructors is that the new learning

methods require more work time from both sides. In some cases, students continue to

demand traditional expositive techniques and look unkindly upon attempts to match

teaching and evaluation practices with what is demanded by the design of the degree.

Despite this, and little by little, resistance is being worn down.

Fenoll, Vizcarro and Vieira (2012) made a study about the opinions of leaders of

Spanish universities, teachers and students with respect to the Bologna Process. They

conclude that leaders perceive the process as a driver for a positive change. Teachers’

perceptions are diverse. The spectrum varies from the enthusiast innovators to the

immobile teachers. Students are skeptics, but anti-Bologna sentiment has weakened.

Proposals of Learning Activities

Among the active learning activities that develop generic competencies, the following

can be mentioned: solving problems using mathematical software (see Díaz et al.,

2011); small projects for team work (García, García, Rodríguez and de la Villa, 2011);

multidisciplinary projects (García, Bollain and Corral, 2011) and students’ competitions

(García, García, Rodríguez, Vila andde la Villa, 2011).

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Mathematics teachers in EABD are making important efforts to change towards a

competency-based teaching style. However, there is still considerable confusion

regarding which teaching practices are best and the optimum way of assessing such


There is an interesting process of diversification of teaching scenarios, with the

incorporation of Mathematics laboratories and the use of on-line methods with Learning

Management Systems such as MOODLE.

Nevertheless, it should also be noted that the students’ poor initial mathematical

knowledge hinders opportunities for them to produce autonomous work – resources that

could spectacularly increase the developmentof competencies.

It is indeed possible to appreciate an improvement in the results for the students

following the courses with certain regularity and doingthe tasks set by their instructors,

but we still need to design specific assessment tests that will allow the evaluation of



Baartman, L.K.J.; Bastiaens, T.J.; Kirschner, P.A. and Van der Vleuten, C.P.M.

(2006)The Wheel of Competency Assessment: Presenting Quality Criteria for

Competency Assessment Programs.Studies in Educational Evaluation, 32:153-170.

Crawley, E.F.; Malmqvist, J.; Lucas, W.A. and Brodeur, D.R. (2011)“The CDIO

Syllabus v2.0. An Updated Statement of Goals for Engineering Education”.In Proc. of

the 7th International CDIO Conference, Technical University of Denmark,

Copenhagen. Accessed via: http://www.cdio.org/files/project/file/cdio_syllabus_v2.pdf

(23 April 2012).

European Commission, Directorate-General for Education and Cultures (2009) “ECTS

users’ guide”. Accessed via: http://ec.europa.eu/dgs/education_culture/publ/(23 April


Felder, R.M. and Brent, R. (2003)Designing and Teaching Courses to Satisfy the ABET

Engineering Criteria. Journal of Engineering Education, 92(No. 1):7-25.

Fenoll, C; Vizcarro, C. and Vieira, M.J. (2012)The Bologna process in Spain, as seen by

university leaders, teachers and students: Perceptions and issues. Preprint.

Díaz, A.; García, A. and de la Villa, A. (2011) An example of learning based on

competences: Use of Maxima in Linear Algebra for Engineers.The International

Journal for Technology in Mathematics Education (IJTME),18 (No. 4):177-181.

García, A.; García, F.; Rodríguez, G. and de la Villa, A. (2011) “Small Projects: A

Method for improving Learning.”In Proc. of the 3rd International Research Symposium

on PBL.Coventry University, 460-470.

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García, A.; García, F.; Rodríguez, G.; Vila, J. and de la Villa, A. (2011) “Orthogonal

Transformations with DERIVE”. The 17th International Conference on Applications of

Computer Algebra. Houston.

García, J.; Bollaín, M. and Corral, A. (2011) “Applying problem-based project-

organized learning in a traditional system.”In Proc. of the 3rd International Research

Symposium on PBL.Coventry University, 684-676.

RUCT (2008). Gobierno de España. Registro de Universidades, Centros y Títulos.

Accessed via: http://www.educacion.gob.es/educacion/que-estudiar-y-donde/donde-

estudiar-universitarias.html(23 April 2012).

Niss, M. and Højgaard, T. (eds) (2011) Competencies and Mathematical Learning.

Ideas and inspiration for the development of mathematics teaching and learning in

Denmark .IMFUFA tekst nr. 485-2011, Roskilde University.

OECD (2011)A Tuning-AHELO Conceptual Framework of Expected Desired/Learning

Outcomes in Engineering.OECD Education Working Papers, No. 60.Accessed


expected-desired-learning-outcomes-in-engineering_5kghtchn8mbn-en (23 April 2012).

VOAPE-UPM (2011)“VOAPE. Formación y evaluación de Competencias



(23 April 2012).

Villa, Aurelio and Poblete, Manuel (2008)Aprendizaje basado en competencias.

Universidad de Deusto.

Weinert, F.E. (2001)“Concept of competence: A conceptual clarification.” In Rychen,

D.S. and Salganik, L.H., eds.Defining and Selecting Key Competencies. Hogrefe&

Huber Pub.,pp 45-65.

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Learning and AssessingLearning and AssessingLearning and Assessing Learning and Assessing Competencies: New challengesCompetencies: New challengesCompetencies: New challenges Competencies: New challenges for Mathematics in Engineering for Mathematics in Engineering g gg g

Degrees in Spain Degrees in Spain ALFONSA GARCÍA alfonsa garcia@eui upm esALFONSA GARCÍA [email protected] GARCÍA [email protected] MARTÍN [email protected] RODRÍGUEZ gerardo@usal esGERARDO RODRÍGUEZ [email protected]ÍN DE LA VILLA [email protected]

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1. General ideas2 Our analysis2. Our analysis3. Some proposals4. Conclusions

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1 G l idG l id1. General ideas. General ideas

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AdaptationAdaptation to EAHEto EAHEAdaptationAdaptation to EAHEto EAHE

Knowledge Competencies

Teacher Student

Traditional Innovation???Traditional o at o

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Competency is the ability of carry out tasks or to deal with situations effectively using knowledge; skills and attitudes (Weinert 2001)and attitudes (Weinert, 2001).

Different approaches for engineering competencies: Tuning, ABET and competencies: Tuning, ABET and CDIO.

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Generic competenciesGeneric competenciesppGC1 Self Learningg

GC2 Critical ThinkingGC2 Critical Thinking

GC3 Use of TechnologyGC3 Use of Technology

GC4 Problem SolvingGC4 Problem Solving

GC5 Technical CommunicationGC5 Technical Communication

GC6 Team Work

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GC6 Team Work

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Generic and Mathematical Generic and Mathematical Competencies Competencies (KOM Project)(KOM Project)


GC1 3

GC2 5 Reasoning

GC3 1

GC4 4

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GC5 3

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Generic and Mathematical Generic and Mathematical Competencies Competencies (KOM Project)(KOM Project)

Reas. Mod. PT Mat Th Rep S F Com AT

GC1 3 1 1 3 5 5 4 1

GC2 5 3 2 5 4 2 1 1

GC3 1 1 1 1 3 2 1 5

GC4 4 5 5 4 4 4 2 3GC4 4 5 5 4 4 4 2 3

GC5 3 1 1 1 1 3 5 3

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GC5 3 1 1 1 1 3 5 3

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2 O l iO l i2. Our analysisOur analysis

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Spanish characteristicsSpanish characteristicsSpanish characteristicsSpanish characteristics

81 universities.606 EABD (Bachelor Degrees in the field of Engineering and field of Engineering and Architecture).240 ECTS--> 4 years.A detailed Learning Guide (LG) for A detailed Learning Guide (LG) for each subject.

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Ai (th t d f GC1 GC6 i Aims (the study of GC1-GC6 in mathematical subjects).The sample: 60 different LGs analyzed 13 Universities (11 publics analyzed, 13 Universities (11 publics and 2 privates).

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ResultsResults (numerical percentages)(numerical percentages)Results Results (numerical percentages)(numerical percentages)

University LG GC1 GC2 GC3 GC4 GC5 GC6

USAL 5 5 5 4 5 3 2USAL 5 5 5 4 5 3 2

UPM 12 10 7 7 10 4 4

UPCO 2 0 2 2 2 2 2

…….. … … …. … … ….

Total( %) 60(100%) 45 (75%) 40(67%) 39(65%) 52(86%) 25(41%) 27(45%)

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Results: Results: Methodological changesMethodological changesesu sesu s e odo og ca c a gese odo og ca c a ges70% propose solving problems with p p g pmathematical software (GC1 to GC5GC1 to GC5).55% incorporate teaching materials, 55% incorporate teaching materials, MOODLE (GC3 and GC1GC3 and GC1).38% include some method of active 38% include some method of active learning(GC1, GC2 and GC3GC1, GC2 and GC3).25% p opose some collabo ati e lea ning 25% propose some collaborative learning activities (GC6GC6).Assessment of competencies: Unsolved problem

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3 S lS l3. Some proposalsSome proposals

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Learning ActivitiesLearning ActivitiesLearning ActivitiesLearning Activities

Solving problems using mathematical software

S ll j t f t kSmall projects for team work

Multidisciplinary projects

Student´s competitions Student s competitions 02/07/201202/07/2012 151516th SEFI MWG Seminar. Salamanca. Spain16th SEFI MWG Seminar. Salamanca. Spain

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Assessment of competenciesAssessment of competenciesssess e o co pe e c esssess e o co pe e c es

One single assessment method is not One single assessment method is not sufficient (Baartman, 2006)No specific procedures for assessing generic No specific procedures for assessing generic competencies have been developed in SpainS t i l f di ti f l UPMSome trials for directives, for example UPM.23.3% of the LGs analyzed propose an assessment model based exclusively on traditional written exams

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Page 24: Learning and Assessing Competencies: New …Learning and Assessing Competencies: New challenges for Mathematics in Engineering Degrees in Spain Alfonsa García1, Francisco García1,

Assessment of competenciesAssessment of competenciesssess e o co pe e c esssess e o co pe e c esMeasurable learning outcomes (LO) LO for Problem Solving (GC4) could be:LO for Problem Solving (GC4) could be:LO1: Gather and organize relevant informationLO2: Translate the problem, expressed in usual language, to technical language, in order to separate data from aims and choose a modelLO3: Choose an effective strategy gyLO4: Use mathematical knowledge and adequate tools for solving the problemadequate tools for solving the problemLO5: Interpret the result and express the reasonableness of the solutionreasonableness of the solution

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Page 25: Learning and Assessing Competencies: New …Learning and Assessing Competencies: New challenges for Mathematics in Engineering Degrees in Spain Alfonsa García1, Francisco García1,

Assessment of competenciesAssessment of competenciesssess e o co pe e c esssess e o co pe e c es

Learning activities for assessing mathematical competencies (KOM Project: Niss and Højgaard competencies (KOM Project: Niss and Højgaard, 2011)

Indicators and rubrics (Villa-Poblete, 2008)

02/07/201202/07/2012 181816th SEFI MWG Seminar. Salamanca. Spain16th SEFI MWG Seminar. Salamanca. Spain

Page 26: Learning and Assessing Competencies: New …Learning and Assessing Competencies: New challenges for Mathematics in Engineering Degrees in Spain Alfonsa García1, Francisco García1,

Assessment of competenciesAssessment of competenciesKnows: Objective Knows: Objective Miller’sMiller’s pyramidpyramid

ssess e o co pe e c esssess e o co pe e c es

test, written test, written exercicesexercicesKnows how: Portfolio, Knows how: Portfolio, o s o o t o o,o s o o t o o,SimulationsSimulationsShow how: Show how: Show how: Show how: Description of Description of algorithms and algorithms and algorithms and algorithms and process. Technical process. Technical reportsreportsreportsreportsDoes: Problems Does: Problems

02/07/201202/07/2012 191916th SEFI MWG Seminar. Salamanca. Spain16th SEFI MWG Seminar. Salamanca. Spain

Page 27: Learning and Assessing Competencies: New …Learning and Assessing Competencies: New challenges for Mathematics in Engineering Degrees in Spain Alfonsa García1, Francisco García1,

Student performanceStudent performanceS ude pe o a ceS ude pe o a ce

The academic results have been improvedThe academic results have been improved

F ll Vi d Vi i (2012) Diff t Fenoll, Vizcarro and Vieira (2012): Different approach for leaders, students and t hteachers.

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Page 28: Learning and Assessing Competencies: New …Learning and Assessing Competencies: New challenges for Mathematics in Engineering Degrees in Spain Alfonsa García1, Francisco García1,

4 C l iC l i4. ConclusionsConclusions

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Page 29: Learning and Assessing Competencies: New …Learning and Assessing Competencies: New challenges for Mathematics in Engineering Degrees in Spain Alfonsa García1, Francisco García1,

Conclusions (1)Conclusions (1)

Efforts and confusion. Difficulty for d l i d i t ideveloping and assessing competencies.Different teaching scenariosgAcademic results improved

i i i l h i l k l dPoor initial mathematical knowledge versus autonomous work

02/07/201202/07/2012 222216th SEFI MWG Seminar. Salamanca. Spain16th SEFI MWG Seminar. Salamanca. Spain

Page 30: Learning and Assessing Competencies: New …Learning and Assessing Competencies: New challenges for Mathematics in Engineering Degrees in Spain Alfonsa García1, Francisco García1,

Conclusions (2)Conclusions (2)Conclusions (2)Conclusions (2)

New methods implies more work timeNew methods implies more work timeSome students demand traditional expositive techniquesTeacher’s perception is diverseTeacher s perception is diverse

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Page 31: Learning and Assessing Competencies: New …Learning and Assessing Competencies: New challenges for Mathematics in Engineering Degrees in Spain Alfonsa García1, Francisco García1,



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