Learning Activity for Gr 7 and 8

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  • 7/25/2019 Learning Activity for Gr 7 and 8


    SAN ISIDRO CATHOLIC SCHOOL1830 Taft Avenue, Pasay City

    School Year 2014 2015


    QUARTER: First LAS No. 2SUBJECT: CLE 7: The Frusits of the Holy Spirit

    I. TITLE OF ACTIVITY: Rules and Reula!"ons Du#"n !$e C.L.ESu%&e'!II. TY(E OF ACTIVITY: Concet !otesIII. DESIRED RESULT: "no# the $ules %urin& C'(') ti*e'IV. REFERENCES: !+AV. )ATERIAL: (ASVI. SICS CORE VALUES: Christian iscileshi******************************************************************************


    A' The Hol+ S,"#"! is the na*e of the thir% erson in the Trinity' -esusro*ise% the Aostles that he #oul% sen% the Hol+ S,"#"!after hiscruci./ion an% resurrection

    ' The seven &ifts of the oly Sirit are enu*erate% in saiah 1123' Theyare resent in their fullness in-esus Christut are foun% in allChristians #ho are in a state of &race' 6e receive the* #hen #e areinfuse% #ith sanctifyin& &race, the life of 7o% #ithin usas, fore/a*le, #hen #e receive a sacra*ent#orthily'

    The Seven 7ifts of the oly Sirit

    1' 6is%o* &ives us the aility to roerly value those thin&s #e elievethrou&h faith'

    2' 9n%erstan%in& Allo#s us to co*rehen% the i*ortance of ourCatholic :aith

    3' Counsel &ives us the aility to %o the ri&ht thin& at the ri&ht ti*e'4' :ortitu%e &ives us stren&th an% coura&e to follo# throu&h on the

    actions su&&este% y the &ift of counsel'

    5' "no#le%&e "no#le%&e allo#s us to see the circu*stances in our life;ust as 7o% #ants us to see the*'en%in& i*'


  • 7/25/2019 Learning Activity for Gr 7 and 8


    1' n your o#n oinion, #hat is the *ost i*ortant &ift of the oly Sirit@6hy@