Learning About the Life Cycle of A Frog and Comparing and Contrasting Frogs and Toads Based on the Reading Story: Days With Frog and Toad by Arnold Lobel

Learning About the Life Cycle of A Frog and Comparing and Contrasting Frogs and Toads

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Learning About the Life Cycle of A Frog and Comparing and Contrasting Frogs and Toads Based on the Reading Story: Days With Frog and Toad by Arnold Lobel. Ordering The Stages Of A Frog’s Life Cycle. Measuring and Comparing Distances of Paper Frog and Toad Jumpers. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Learning About the Life Cycle of A Frog and Comparing and Contrasting Frogs and Toads

Based on the Reading Story:Days With Frog and Toad by Arnold Lobel

Ordering The Stages Of A Frogs Life Cycle

Measuring and Comparing Distances of Paper Frog and Toad Jumpers

Using Crafts To Learn About The Stages Of A Frogs Life Cycle

Ordering The Stages Of A Frogs Life Cycle


Vs. A group of frogs is A group of toads is called called

an ARMY of frogs a KNOT of toads

Vs.Frogs Toads smooth or slimy skin warty and dry skin strong, long legs and stubby bodies with short webbed hind feet hind legs two bulging eyes parotid glands behind eyeslay eggs in clusters lay eggs in long chains

Both are considered ectothermic or cold blooded because their body temperature adjusts with the outside environment.

vs.Frogs have:Toads have:Whats the difference between frogs and a toads?FrogsToads Smooth and slimy skin Webbed, long back feet for jumping and swimming Warty and dry skin Short hind legs for walking instead of hopping Jump Hop No warts on body Warts on body Live near or in water Live on land, breed in water Narrower body and waist Broader, flatter body Tiny teeth on both upper and lower jaws No teeth

How are they alike?Both frogs and toads are amphibians.

Can you think of other ways frogs and toads are similar?This means they have two lives. They are born in the water as tadpoles. Then, they change into another animal as adults.What do frogs and toads sound like?


Green Tree Frog

American Toad

Narrowmouth Toad

1214 species in PennsylvaniaFrogs and Toads

92 species in USA3,300 species in the world

Frogs and Toads

Fowlers ToadAmerican Toad

Toads in PennsylvaniaPickerelBull FrogGray TreefrogNorthern CricketGreen Frog

Northern Spring PeeperFrogs in PennsylvaniaMountain Chorus

Eastern Spadefoot

Striped Chorus

Southern Leopard

Wood Frog

Northern LeopardFrogs in Pennsylvania

rivers and streamslakes, ponds, marshesgrasslandsforestsHabitats For Frogs And ToadsFrogs are amphibians.They live in wet places.A Toad is a kind of frog.Frogs and Toads have four legs.Frogs use their legs to jump, and toads use their legs to hop. Some frogs use webbed feet to swim.Some use sticky feet to climb trees.Frogs that dig burrows have pointed toes.The word amphibian means two lives.Frogs and Toads have two lives because they start in the water and move to land.Insects that get too close to a frog or toad get eaten.Tadpoles eat algae then grow into frogs.How are frogs and toads similar and different?FrogsToads

Life Cycle of a Frog

The Life Cycle Of A Frog

MetamorphosisMetamorphosis is the changes that a frog goes through during its life cycle.There are four main stages in the life cycle of the frog.

EggThe first stage in the life cycle of the frog is the egg.A frog lays many eggs at one time.The eggs are covered with a jellylike coating.

TadpoleThe second stage of the frog life cycle is the tadpole.Hatched tadpoles have gills for breathing in the water. They have a tail, but no legs.

As a tadpole grows, lungs begin to form.Back and front legs begin to grow. These parts allow the adult frog to live on land.

MetamorphosisAdult FrogOnce the lungs form and begin to work, the gills and tail disappear.The adult frog is now ready to live on land.

What is the first stage of the frog life cycle? The first stage of the frog life cycle is the egg.

What is the second stage of the frog life cycle? The second stage of the frog life cycle is the tadpole.

What is the third stage of the frog life cycle? The third stage of the frog life cycle is the froglet.

What is the fourth stage of the frog life cycle? The last stage of the frog life cycle is the adult frog.

Frog Life CycleButterflyLife CycleButterfliesAmphibiansHow are their life cycles similar and different?


Name __________________________

Circle the Subject in each sentence. Remember, the subject is the part ofthe sentence that names or tells who or what the sentence is about.

Frogs are amphibians.They live in wet places.A Toad is a kind of frog.Frogs and Toads have four legs.Frogs use their legs to jump, and toads use their legs to hop. Some frogs use webbed feet to swim.Some use sticky feet to climb trees.Frogs that dig burrows have pointed toes.The word amphibian means two lives.Frogs and Toads have two lives because they start in the water and move to land.Insects that get too close to a frog or toad get eaten.Tadpoles eat algae then grow into frogs.Name __________________________

Circle the Subject in each sentence. Remember, the subject is the part ofthe sentence that names or tells who or what the sentence is about.

Frogs are amphibians.They live in wet places.A Toad is a kind of frog.Frogs and Toads have four legs.Frogs use their legs to jump, and toads use their legs to hop. Some frogs use webbed feet to swim.Some use sticky feet to climb trees.Frogs that dig burrows have pointed toes.The word amphibian means two lives.Frogs and Toads have two lives because they start in the water and move to land.Insects that get too close to a frog or toad get eaten.Tadpoles eat algae then grow into frogs.


Name ______________________________STAGE____________STAGE____________STAGE____________STAGE

Name __________________TOADFROGgreen, are good friends, brown, do things together, wants to be alone, likes to be with friends, likes to think, worries about his friend, enjoy picnics, could not talk in real life, has bumps, happy to be alive, glad to have friendsName __________________________

Rewrite each sentence so that it makes sense. Dont forget a capital letter at the beginning and an ending mark at the end (., !, ?). Also be sure to check spelling. Then circle the naming part or subject that each sentence tells about. Double check your work, please!is this a frog or toadWhat a nic friend you are?i got a letter from CindyHav you gotten one!may i type my letterOne of my friendscame in the mailDid you read the notewhere did yoo mail it.i gave it to jess!