NATIONAL CONFERENCE ON TECHNOLOGY IN EDUCATION 2017 LEARN. UNLEARN. RELEARN SEPTEMBER 12-14, 2017 // SMX CONVENTION CENTER GOALS The National Conference on Technology in Education 2017 aims to be drive conversations about mod- ernized trends in the Philippine education sector. In particular, it aims to achieve the following goals for educators: 1. Discover new tools and technologies that can be applied to the education industry 2. Brainstorm ways to incorporate cutting edge methods to traditional educator practice 3. Convene like-minded individuals in pursuit of a more competent local education technology (EdTech) landscape. TARGET PARTICIPANTS: a. K-12, TechVoc and Higher Education Institutions and Thought Leaders b. Classroom Teachers and Professors c. Information Technology Departments of Schools d. Education Innovation inclined Organizations, Startups, and Companies e. Education Majors and Graduates BACKGROUND More than any other time in the past, now is the perfect opportunity to merge advancements in tech- nology with classroom practice, to improve the way educators teach to better fit how students learn. The use of physical books and notebooks are now being challenged by the presence of tablets and other portable recording and reading devices. The existence of e-learning portals make individualized education possible and portable, breaking the physical walls of the traditional classroom. Because of technology, school equipment went from blackboards and whiteboards to wall projectors. Innova- tions in education is a continuing revolution. It’s an understatement to say that forcing the old ways to a new technology-driven landscape in the Philippines is like fitting a square peg into a round hole. THEME INNOVATED: LEARN. UNLEARN. RELEARN This year’s theme succinctly sums up the change that is required to adequately prepare students for the future. This was inspired by the statement of American futurist and writer Alvin Toffler: “The illiter- ate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn and relearn.” In order to effectively teach 21st Century learners, how can we transform ourselves to become 21s Century Educators and Schools? The convention is centered on innovation. It serves to jumpstart the process of learning what new methods and strategies work, unlearning outdated practices, and relearning for a more competent future. Educators who wish to innovate and own 21st century skills will thrive under this 3-point frame- work.

LEARN. UNLEARN. RELEARN - InnovatED 2017 · PDF fileLEARN. UNLEARN. RELEARN ... students’ perspective is a re˝ective exercise that aims to inspire new insights and ideas. ... ROSEMARIE

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GOALSThe National Conference on Technology in Education 2017 aims to be drive conversations about mod-ernized trends in the Philippine education sector. In particular, it aims to achieve the following goals for educators:

1. Discover new tools and technologies that can be applied to the education industry2. Brainstorm ways to incorporate cutting edge methods to traditional educator practice3. Convene like-minded individuals in pursuit of a more competent local education technology (EdTech) landscape.

TARGET PARTICIPANTS:a. K-12, TechVoc and Higher Education Institutions and Thought Leadersb. Classroom Teachers and Professorsc. Information Technology Departments of Schoolsd. Education Innovation inclined Organizations, Startups, and Companiese. Education Majors and Graduates

BACKGROUNDMore than any other time in the past, now is the perfect opportunity to merge advancements in tech-nology with classroom practice, to improve the way educators teach to better �t how students learn. The use of physical books and notebooks are now being challenged by the presence of tablets and other portable recording and reading devices. The existence of e-learning portals make individualized education possible and portable, breaking the physical walls of the traditional classroom. Because of technology, school equipment went from blackboards and whiteboards to wall projectors. Innova-tions in education is a continuing revolution. It’s an understatement to say that forcing the old ways to a new technology-driven landscape in the Philippines is like �tting a square peg into a round hole.


This year’s theme succinctly sums up the change that is required to adequately prepare students for the future. This was inspired by the statement of American futurist and writer Alvin To�er: “The illiter-ate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn and relearn.” In order to e�ectively teach 21st Century learners, how can we transform ourselves to become 21s Century Educators and Schools?

The convention is centered on innovation. It serves to jumpstart the process of learning what new methods and strategies work, unlearning outdated practices, and relearning for a more competent future. Educators who wish to innovate and own 21st century skills will thrive under this 3-point frame-work.

1. LEARN What are the new tools and strategies that can be seamlessly introduced to the Philippine education landscape?

2. UNLEARN What outdated practices and concepts need to be removed from the system to propel education to greater heights?

3. RELEARNProgress is hinged on a lifetime of learning and adapting. What new skills need to be considered as essential in supporting everyday work and pedagogy


GOALSThe National Conference on Technology in Education 2017 aims to be drive conversations about mod-ernized trends in the Philippine education sector. In particular, it aims to achieve the following goals for educators:

1. Discover new tools and technologies that can be applied to the education industry2. Brainstorm ways to incorporate cutting edge methods to traditional educator practice3. Convene like-minded individuals in pursuit of a more competent local education technology (EdTech) landscape.

TARGET PARTICIPANTS:a. K-12, TechVoc and Higher Education Institutions and Thought Leadersb. Classroom Teachers and Professorsc. Information Technology Departments of Schoolsd. Education Innovation inclined Organizations, Startups, and Companiese. Education Majors and Graduates

BACKGROUNDMore than any other time in the past, now is the perfect opportunity to merge advancements in tech-nology with classroom practice, to improve the way educators teach to better �t how students learn. The use of physical books and notebooks are now being challenged by the presence of tablets and other portable recording and reading devices. The existence of e-learning portals make individualized education possible and portable, breaking the physical walls of the traditional classroom. Because of technology, school equipment went from blackboards and whiteboards to wall projectors. Innova-tions in education is a continuing revolution. It’s an understatement to say that forcing the old ways to a new technology-driven landscape in the Philippines is like �tting a square peg into a round hole.


This year’s theme succinctly sums up the change that is required to adequately prepare students for the future. This was inspired by the statement of American futurist and writer Alvin To�er: “The illiter-ate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn and relearn.” In order to e�ectively teach 21st Century learners, how can we transform ourselves to become 21s Century Educators and Schools?

The convention is centered on innovation. It serves to jumpstart the process of learning what new methods and strategies work, unlearning outdated practices, and relearning for a more competent future. Educators who wish to innovate and own 21st century skills will thrive under this 3-point frame-work.

1. LEARN What are the new tools and strategies that can be seamlessly introduced to the Philippine education landscape?

2. UNLEARN What outdated practices and concepts need to be removed from the system to propel education to greater heights?

3. RELEARNProgress is hinged on a lifetime of learning and adapting. What new skills need to be considered as essential in supporting everyday work and pedagogy



KEYNOTE5 Led by experts from the �elds of education and technology,

Keynote Sessions will inform and inspire participants by framing big ideas, challenging assumptions and opening up possibilities for teachers, students, classrooms and schools.



Led by practitioners and researchers.The culture of technological change is hinged on empathy. In Learn Sessions, partici-pants will be wearing the shoes of the modern learner. This assimilation of the modern students’ perspective is a re�ective exercise that aims to inspire new insights and ideas.



Led by school administrators , professional trainers, curriculum specialists and education consultantsThese sessions will allow participants to focus on one aspect of their work such as assessment design, media education, lesson design, strategic planning, curriculum, action research, information technology, and employ new and innovative strategies to address various teaching and learning needs. Relevant outputs will be produced after these engaging, hands-on sessions.

STUDIO12 Led by innovators in the �eld of education technology

Studio sessions feature particular technologies that can enhance classroom teaching and student learning. In these sessions, participants get a �rst-hand experience of playing around and experimenting with these technologies, to generate ideas where they may intersect with content, learning outcomes and pedagogy.SESSIONS


1 Features prominent EdTech Professional Learning Communitiessuch as Google Innovative Educators and Educator Groups, Apple Distinguished Educators and Microsoft Ambassadors in a space where they can share their experience and expertise in a casual, relaxed environment, and where other teachers who are not yet part of these professional learning communities can inquire about eventually participating in them.


AN INVITATION TO INNOVATIONInnovation and change are, perhaps, overused words in today’s world. But at their core, they represent opportunity … for us and the learners we serve. Brian will connect the dots between this conference’s theme, “Learn, Unlearn, Relearn,” and the very real power we all have to innovate in big and small ways. He’ll share a practical framework for you to use as you create your own plans for change and empower yourself, your colleagues and your students to innovate.

BRIAN LEWISCEO of Atlassianformer CEO of ISTE (International Society for Technology in Education)

FUTURE-PROOFING EDUCATION (PANEL)The panel discussion will feature an exchange of ideas between experts in the �elds of sustainability, digital citizenship, business and society, and government, about the dynamic role of educators in preparing students for a fast-changing future.


CAROL LOIDQ AmbassadorDigital Quotient (DQ) Institute

USEC. ROSEMARIE G. EDILLONUndersecretary for National Development Policy and PlanningNational Economic Development Authority (NEDA)

REYNALDO LAGUDAExecutive DirectorPhilippine Business for Social Progress, PBSP


LIA CRUZJournalist, TV5

NO SACRED COWS: CHALLENGING THE THEORETICAL FOUNDATIONS OF TEACHING AND LEARNINGWe design teaching strategies based on theoretical concepts of how best to cultivate and nurture student skills, knowledge, and a�ect. However, does actual classroom data uphold these di�erent theories? In recent years, the emerging �eld of educational data mining has risen to, in part, subject our di�erent learning theories to the test. Using educational software that is designed and developed following best practices, researchers collect student usage data and analyze it to determine if outcomes match hypothe-ses. This presentation gives an overview of the �eld of educational data mining and then gives examples of experiments that challenge educational theory.

DR. MA MERCEDES T. RODRIGO Ph.D.Professor, Project Leader, Ateneo Laboratory for Learning SciencesAteneo De Manila University



*actual session titles and desscriptions subject to change without prior notice

CULTIVATING A CULTURE OF WHAT IFThis keynote sessions will lead participants to re�ect on how to implement innovations in their own respecve contexts, how various stakeholders can actively be invited to be part of the process, and how schools can do so strategically and discerningly.

FR. JOHNNY GO, S.J. Ed.D.Assitant to the President for EducationAteneo de Manila University

FLIPPED TEACHINGIn this last keynote, we bring the focus back to the teacher. As schools implement various innovations in curriculum, tools (technology), and pedagogy to ensure 21st century learning, what are new knowledge, skills and attitudes that teachers need to learn? What are practices that need unlearning? And what are things we need to relearn so that we can really make education more engaging and meaningful for every student?

DR. ERIC CARBAUGHCo-author of The di�erentiated �ipped classroom, Seasoned member of Di�erentiated Instruction Cadre and Understanding by Design® (UbDTM) Cadre, Association of Supervision and Curriculum Development (ASCD

AN INVITATION TO INNOVATIONInnovation and change are, perhaps, overused words in today’s world. But at their core, they represent opportunity … for us and the learners we serve. Brian will connect the dots between this conference’s theme, “Learn, Unlearn, Relearn,” and the very real power we all have to innovate in big and small ways. He’ll share a practical framework for you to use as you create your own plans for change and empower yourself, your colleagues and your students to innovate.

BRIAN LEWISCEO of Atlassianformer CEO of ISTE (International Society for Technology in Education)

FUTURE-PROOFING EDUCATION (PANEL)The panel discussion will feature an exchange of ideas between experts in the �elds of sustainability, digital citizenship, business and society, and government, about the dynamic role of educators in preparing students for a fast-changing future.


CAROL LOIDQ AmbassadorDigital Quotient (DQ) Institute

USEC. ROSEMARIE G. EDILLONUndersecretary for National Development Policy and PlanningNational Economic Development Authority (NEDA)

REYNALDO LAGUDAExecutive DirectorPhilippine Business for Social Progress, PBSP


LIA CRUZJournalist, TV5

NO SACRED COWS: CHALLENGING THE THEORETICAL FOUNDATIONS OF TEACHING AND LEARNINGWe design teaching strategies based on theoretical concepts of how best to cultivate and nurture student skills, knowledge, and a�ect. However, does actual classroom data uphold these di�erent theories? In recent years, the emerging �eld of educational data mining has risen to, in part, subject our di�erent learning theories to the test. Using educational software that is designed and developed following best practices, researchers collect student usage data and analyze it to determine if outcomes match hypothe-ses. This presentation gives an overview of the �eld of educational data mining and then gives examples of experiments that challenge educational theory.

DR. MA MERCEDES T. RODRIGO Ph.D.Professor, Project Leader, Ateneo Laboratory for Learning SciencesAteneo De Manila University




*actual session titles and desscriptions subject to change without prior notice

CULTIVATING A CULTURE OF WHAT IFThis keynote sessions will lead participants to re�ect on how to implement innovations in their own respecve contexts, how various stakeholders can actively be invited to be part of the process, and how schools can do so strategically and discerningly.

FR. JOHNNY GO, S.J. Ed.D.Assitant to the President for EducationAteneo de Manila University

FLIPPED TEACHINGIn this last keynote, we bring the focus back to the teacher. As schools implement various innovations in curriculum, tools (technology), and pedagogy to ensure 21st century learning, what are new knowledge, skills and attitudes that teachers need to learn? What are practices that need unlearning? And what are things we need to relearn so that we can really make education more engaging and meaningful for every student?

DR. ERIC CARBAUGHCo-author of The di�erentiated �ipped classroom, Seasoned member of Di�erentiated Instruction Cadre and Understanding by Design® (UbDTM) Cadre, Association of Supervision and Curriculum Development (ASCD


*actual session titles and desscriptions subject to change without prior notice


RESEARCHES on INNOVATIONS IN EDUCATION : K-12Media-based learning in the Philippines: The Knowledge Channel Learning Interventions and Philosophy (Ms. Rina Lopez Bautista, Knowledge Channel) / Educational Technology Leadership for the K-12 Program (Dr. Ferdinand Pitagan, De La Salle University)

RESEARCHES on INNOVATIONS IN EDUCATION: HIGHER EDOpening Doors through E-Learning (Dr. Grace Alfonso, UP Open University) / Gami�cation in an Outcomes Based Higher Education Learning Environment (Dr. Michael Dino, OLFU)

Empower learners, connect families and elevate teaching in early childhood education Joe Sibayan, Apple

Creating Relevant and Meaningful Instruction for All Learners: Unpack-ing the SAMR Model’s Innovative Promise for the 21st Century Pedago-gy and AndragogyDr. Judy Bautista, PNU

iCapture: Making the most of mobile technologies for learningJessica Demegillo, Xavier School

"Teach with Tech" : Educational tools for the 21st Century ClassroomMs. Laricile T. Ganiron, CENTEX Manila

Authentic learning through Interdisciplinary projectsMr. Jemmry Velasquez, Hope Christian High School

Using Tech to Reach and Teach Special LearnersMs. Jonellie Reynes-Santos, M. Ed, Learning Paths School

Technology-powered collaboration for 21st century learningJoseph Sabido, Ateneo de Iloilo-Sta. Maria Catholic School

Using Children-Helping-Children Model with Technology to promote Academic PerformanceDr. Aurelio Vilbar, UP Cebu

Enhancing communication and collaboration in Higher EdLouis Mark Plaza, MSU-IIT

Opening your classroom to the world with SkypeAdelina Calub, Asia Paci�c College




*actual session titles and desscriptions subject to change without prior notice


Implementing and evaluating innovations to increase student DQ across the schoolSue Mulhall, DQ Institute

Media in the Time of Social Media : Necessary skills in navigating the multimedia landscapeZarah Gagatiga, Beacon School

Relearning Action Research Through Design ThinkingGerson Abesamis, Habi Education Lab

Unbreakable Internet: Cost-e�ective Strategies to Enable innovations in TechnologyLester Gastala, USPF CebuCristo�er Javier, Hope Christian HS

Going Further with Tech Tools: Di�er-entiating Formative and Summative AssessmentsJim Tuscano, Xavier School

Finding Way to Student Success: Blended Learning as Your GPSWinnie Diola, De La Salle- Zobel

Relearning your Classroom ToolboxMary Sieras, Education Technology Specialist

Power searching for 21st Century LearningTBA

Google Apps for Education BootcampLouis Mark Plaza, MSU-IIT

Teaching and Learning the K-12 Standards with 21st Century TechnologiesDr. Mike Rapatan, DLSU



Fostering Technopreneurship and Innovation in SchoolsTBA

Robotics as the FutureMs. Mylene Abiva, Felta Multi-Media Inc.

Minecraft in EducationGarrett Zimmer, Minecraft Mentor, Founder, YouTube Heroes in the Classroom

Making Learning Inclusive in Every ClassroomClarissa Segismundo, Education Programs Lead, Microsoft Philip-pines

Design Thinking and the 21st Century LearnerDr. Ani Rosa Almario, Ph.D., Ms. Edmarie Querubin,Raya School

Implementing a schoolwide learning management systemRogelio Dela CruzDe La Salle University - College of St. Benilde

Teaching Media and Information Literacy Dr. Ferdinand Pitagan, Ph.D.- Professor, De La Salle University

Projects in Instruction: Applying 21st Century Skills across the Curriculum through proj-ect-based learningMs. Rita Atienza, M.Edaculty, Education Department, Ateneo De Manila University