Firstly I would like to say a big thank you to everyone who took part in our Princess and Hero day on the 24 th Septem- ber 2013 and to everyone that kindly donated towards this charity. It was fantastic to see all the children and staff make a wonderful effort and dress up for this worthy char- ity. We raised a total amount of £60.40. All the money we have raised goes to Cracker- jacks Children’s Trust which is a registered charity. Cracker- jacks Children’s Trust was established to help relieve the stress and strains in life that coping with a severe disability can cause. We would like to say a big thank you to Harley’s mum for donating some musical instru- ments to our nursery. We are very proud to announce that we have recently achieved the Investors in People Award on the 9 th September 2013 and we have displayed our certificate in reception area. Our plaque will be on display soon. At Pepperberry we are always looking at ways of improving our organisational performance and achieving Investors in People is one of the ways in which we can do this. Staff opinions are of the upmost importance to us and this was a great way for us to listen to staff and complete an action plan working with the Investors in People framework plan so we can maintain a high quality staff team and also en- sure management work even closer with our wonderful staff team. On Friday 25th October 2013 we would like all children and staff to dress in something yellow to raise money for Shine Charity. Any dona- tions for this charity will be greatly appreciated. All the money we raise will continue to help and support and improve the lives of people living with spina bifida and hydrocephalus. You can find out more about this charity by visiting their website which is www.shinecharity.org.uk . I would also like to remind you that we are celebrating Pepperberry’s 2 nd birthday on the 12 th October 11.00am-3.00pm. We have now finalised the stalls which are tom- bola, raffle, trash or treasure, lucky dip, cake stall and so much more. On the day we will be joined by chil- dren’s characters Woody and Peppa Pig, free candy floss for everyone, free Bouncy Castle for all the chil- dren; there will be refreshments throughout the day and we will also be having a barbecue. Any dona- tions for any of our stalls would be kindly appreciated. I look forward to seeing you all there on the day. A Message from Kerry... Newsletter Date: October 2013 Pepperberry Newsletter October 2013 Pepperberry Newsletter October 2013 Inside this issue: Baby Peppers 2 Tiny Peppers 2 Sweet Peppers 3 Chilli Peppers 3 Policy of the Month 3 Recipe of the Month 4 Photos 4 Special Points of in- terest this month: September highlights see what the children have been up to this month. Preschool Uniformmandatory from September Look at our photos from September/October and see if your child is featured this month. Recipe of the Month Flu Jab for 2 year olds Get to know a new member of staff. Learn Enjoy Flourish - Please note that our baby room is a No Shoe Zone Area, and at the beginning of the year we stopped parents from other rooms using baby room as a way of access from outdoors. This also disturbs the babies as you can understand. Please could all parents when picking your child up from outside make your way to the outdoors via the stairs upstairs in Chilli Peppers, thank you. - Could parents please refrain from bringing medi- cation into the nursery unless this has been pre- scribed by the doctor. If you do bring medication in for your child please give this to a member of staff. Just a reminder that Pepperberry provides Calpol for all the children. - Please note that we have had complaints regard- ing parents parking, please never park in front of the main door, this has to be kept clear in case of an emergency. Please park in the bays. - Our local children’s hairdresser Little Big Heads now come to Pepperberry every 6 weeks so please keep an eye out for the posters and book in for the next time they come in. Their next appoint- ment will be on 16th October from 10am-12pm. If you are on Facebook please ‘like’ Pepper- berry’s page. I would like to say a big Thank You to those par- ents/carers who have already made a comment on our facebook page. All comments are very much appreciated. www.facebook.com/ pepperberrydaynurseries Important Messages

Learn Enjoy Flourish - Pepperberry Day Nurseries

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Page 1: Learn Enjoy Flourish - Pepperberry Day Nurseries

Firstly I would like to say a big

thank you to everyone who

took part in our Princess and

Hero day on the 24th Septem-

ber 2013 and to everyone that

kindly donated towards this

charity. It was fantastic to

see all the children and staff

make a wonderful effort and

dress up for this worthy char-

ity. We raised a total amount

of £60.40. All the money we

have raised goes to Cracker-

jacks Children’s Trust which is

a registered charity. Cracker-

jacks Children’s Trust was

established to help relieve the

stress and strains in life that

coping with a severe disability

can cause.

We would like to say a big

thank you to Harley’s mum for

donating some musical instru-

ments to our nursery.

We are very proud to announce

that we have recently achieved

the Investors in People Award

on the 9th September 2013 and

we have displayed our certificate

in reception area. Our plaque

will be on display soon.

At Pepperberry we are always

looking at ways of improving our

organisational performance and

achieving Investors in People is

one of the ways in which we can

do this. Staff opinions are of

the upmost importance to us and

this was a great way for us to

listen to staff and complete an

action plan working with the

Investors in People framework

plan so we can maintain a high

quality staff team and also en-

sure management work even

closer with our wonderful staff


On Friday 25th October 2013 we

would like all children and staff to

dress in something yellow to raise

money for Shine Charity. Any dona-

tions for this charity will be greatly

appreciated. All the money we raise

will continue to help and support and

improve the lives of people living

with spina bifida and hydrocephalus.

You can find out more about this

charity by visiting their website

which is www.shinecharity.org.uk.

I would also like to remind you that

we are celebrating Pepperberry’s 2nd

birthday on the 12th October

11.00am-3.00pm. We have now

finalised the stalls which are tom-

bola, raffle, trash or treasure, lucky

dip, cake stall and so much more.

On the day we will be joined by chil-

dren’s characters Woody and Peppa

Pig, free candy floss for everyone,

free Bouncy Castle for all the chil-

dren; there will be refreshments

throughout the day and we will also

be having a barbecue. Any dona-

tions for any of our stalls would be

kindly appreciated. I look forward

to seeing you all there on the day.

A Message from Kerry...

Newsletter Date:

October 2013

Pepperberry Newsletter

October 2013

Pepperberry Newsletter October 2013

Inside this issue:

Baby Peppers 2

Tiny Peppers 2

Sweet Peppers 3

Chilli Peppers 3

Policy of the Month 3

Recipe of the Month 4

Photos 4

Special Points of in-

terest this month:

September highlights see

what the children have been

up to this month.

Preschool Uniform—

mandatory from September

Look at our photos from

September/October and see

if your child is featured this


Recipe of the Month

Flu Jab for 2 year olds

Get to know a new member

of staff.

Learn Enjoy Flourish

- Please note that our baby room is a No Shoe

Zone Area, and at the beginning of the year we

stopped parents from other rooms using baby

room as a way of access from outdoors. This also

disturbs the babies as you can understand. Please

could all parents when picking your child up from

outside make your way to the outdoors via the

stairs upstairs in Chilli Peppers, thank you.

- Could parents please refrain from bringing medi-

cation into the nursery unless this has been pre-

scribed by the doctor. If you do bring medication

in for your child please give this to a member of

staff. Just a reminder that Pepperberry provides

Calpol for all the children.

- Please note that we have had complaints regard-

ing parents parking, please never park in front of

the main door, this has to be kept clear in case of

an emergency. Please park in the bays.

- Our local children’s hairdresser Little Big

Heads now come to Pepperberry every 6 weeks so

please keep an eye out for the posters and book in

for the next time they come in. Their next appoint-

ment will be on 16th October from 10am-12pm.

If you are on Facebook please ‘like’ Pepper-

berry’s page.

I would like to say a big Thank You to those par-

ents/carers who have already made a comment on

our facebook page. All comments are very much

appreciated. www.facebook.com/


Important Messages

Page 2: Learn Enjoy Flourish - Pepperberry Day Nurseries

Each month in our newsletter we

introduce you to a new member of

our staff team where they tell

you a little more about them-

selves. This is to help you get to

know the staff a bit better.

This month we will be introducing

Jade Davey who has recently

joined Pepperberry Team. Jade

works in the Tiny Peppers room

and she is working to build up a

good relationship with all the chil-

dren and parents.

Page 2

What have Tiny Peppers been up to this month?

Pepperberry Newsletter October 2013

Get to know our staff...

What have Baby Peppers been up to this month?

Jade Davey

Ella Griffiths (Senior), Kimberley Jack,

Chloe Watkins This month Baby Peppers have had lots of

fun learning all about our theme ‘our senses’.

Through September we have been exploring

our senses though

various types of play,

including dried pasta,

gloop, sand, paint,

flour, shaving foam,

sawdust and water


To support each activity we have been look-

ing at further developing our physical skills

when using our whole body when investigat-

ing textures, our knowledge and understand-

ing of the world skills when making our

sensory bottles shakers and also our expres-

sive arts and design skills when experiment-

ing with sensory exploration materials.

This month all the staff in Baby Peppers

would like to welcome all the new children

that have started in their new nursery envi-

ronment: Tiggy Mae, Annaleisse, Joel and


We have had a very busy month celebrating

lots of 1st Birthdays in Baby Peppers in-

cluding Jasmine, Adam, Amber, Megan and


We would like to say good bye to Freya,

Megan and Olive who have moved up to

Tiny Peppers room.

A big thank you to all the children in

Baby Peppers that dressed up for our

charity hero and princesses day.

We would like to inform all the parents

that a poster with any event days that we

hold will be posted on Tiny Pepper’s


Kath Lennon (Unit Leader), Kerry

Deakin, Melanie Beckett, Ashleigh Hasel-

den, Chloe Dawson, Jade Davey, Louise

Carter, Sue Watkins

During the month of September Tiny Peppers

have focused on ‘our Senses’ theme. Activities

promoting sight, touch, taste, smell and hearing

have been made available for the children to

take part, enjoy, explore and investigate. Sen-

sory bags have been made using tights and a

variety of media. These bags made by the chil-

dren have been added to our treasure baskets in

the sensory room for the

children to investigate

freely. Coloured, flavoured

playdough with a variety of

tools has been made avail-

able; as well as coloured

water, sand or flour with

small world figures also

have been offered both

indoors and outdoors.

Outdoors tiny peppers children have been

experiencing the effects of the wind. Using

bubbles, watching the flags and streamers the

children have experienced the lovely outdoor


Tiny peppers have also been exploring the

local area and have been on trips out which

have linked in with our senses theme. Trips

to the fish shop, bakery and curtain shop

have been enjoyed and shared by the little

ones who travel safely in our three-seater

buggies supported by our qualified practitio-

ners who hold first aid certificates.

Next month Tiny Peppers' Theme will be

‘Autumn’. Please take time to view our white

boards with information for the daily focused


Tiny Peppers would like to wish all the

children who have celebrated their birth-

day—a very happy birthday and also a

very warm welcome to all the new chil-

dren that have started in Tiny Peppers in

September either moving up from baby

room or have just recently began their

Pepperberry Journey. To all the children

who have now made their transition to

Sweet Peppers—best wishes and we hope

you’ll have fun upstairs, make new friends

and enjoy all the exciting experiences that

Sweet Peppers have to offer.

My name is Jade and I have been part of Pepperberry’s Team since

September. I began studying for childcare after working in a after-

school club at my old Primary School. I have completed my studies

at University and I am qualified to a Level 5 in Early Childhood

Education and Care. I have had lots of experience with children

aged 0-11 years. In my spare time I enjoy spending time with my

family and friends.

Page 3: Learn Enjoy Flourish - Pepperberry Day Nurseries

Pepperberry Newsletter October 2013

Policy of the month: Medication Policy

Sweet Peppers

Page 3

Joanne Dean (Senior Practitioner),

Chris Deluce (Early Years Appren-

tice/Teaching Assistant)

Chilli Peppers have recently sorted a new

timetable of weekly activities. On Mon-

days Nicola has been teaching children

Spanish Lessons and singing ‘que llue– the

old man is snoring’. The children love

using the musical instruments to sing this

song. Children now say ‘hello’ and

‘goodbye’ easily in Spanish. Tuesdays we

have had the pleasure of having Beryl back

after the Summer

Holidays. The

children have

been learning a

new song called

‘hilly billy hedge-

hog’ which re-

lated to our sea-

son. On Thurs-

days we have

now started our


dance classes that

children seem to really enjoy. Every 4th

Friday our brilliant chef Trish bakes with

the children. Children look great in their

little chef aprons and hats.

This term we have been looking at

‘Transport’. The children have helped to

make a large Thomas the tank engine for

their role play. We have also been looking

at emergency vehicles, planes, trains cars

and trucks. Chilli Peppers children have

been out for a walk to the train station to

see the trains. We have also made a trans-

port display using shapes and colours,

focusing on the square and circle.

We would like to say a warm welcome to

our Chilli Peppers room to our new starters

Olivia and Juliana as well as to our chil-

dren that have made their transition from

Sweet Peppers: Emily, Harley, Dhilan and


Emma Toth (Senior Practitioner)

Grand Peppers have had a very busy month. We

have said good bye to lots of our friends who have

made their journey to school. I would like to say a

warm welcome to Grand Peppers to Sophie,

Olivia, Alex, Eva, Scarlett, Charlie, Jacob and


Grand peppers children have been enjoying activi-

ties and experiences based on our topic ‘transport’.

The children seem to enjoy their new classes. In

the Spanish classes with Nicola children have

started to learn to say ‘hello’ and ‘good bye’ and

have been learning ‘los vocals’ as well as a lovely

Spanish song called ‘Buenos Dias’. Stretch and

Grow is continuing on a Wednesdays morning

where children continue to promote their physical

development. Grand Peppers children have started

Ballroom dancing with Chloe who helps children

develop their social skills as well as helping them

to recognise new movement. Grand Peppers have

also started ‘we can cook’ classes with our chef

Trish. Children will learn to cook different recipes

every lesson. The ICT classes with Kim have re-

started for the children that would like to take part

those are on a Wednesday morning and Thursday


This term the timetable for grand peppers is as

follows: an introduction to jolly phonics; learning

letters and sounds; number recognition and inde-

pendent skills.

We will be starting with phase 1 of Jolly Phonics.

Letter Land Characters have also been introduced

to the children to support their letter recognition

and also linking letters and sounds.

Grand peppers children have visited the train sta-

tion as part of our ‘transport’ topic and as a result

have worked together to create a beautiful train

display using different

shapes. Children have also

learned about the safety

when crossing the road by

making their own Stop

signs and taking part in

organised activities where

they could use those.

Emmie Bradeth, Rebecca Judge, Emily

Piotrowicz, Sophie Barlow, Kerry Jack-

son, Donna Preston, Michelle Ridgard

During September in Sweet Peppers have

been learning about transport. As a result

some of the children have been out for a

walk to the train station. The children have

all helped to decorate a bus for our dis-


Children have also

learned about

‘self’ and have

painted their self


Children have explored and investigated a

wide range of textures both indoors and

outdoors such as hay, flour, cornflakes and


To raise money for Crackerjacks charity

children have dressed up in princesses and

hero’s outfits which we are very grateful

to all the parents and children for the ef-

forts made.

Our next month’s theme will be Autumn

and the children will be given plenty of

opportunities to learn through play about

this beautiful season using both the in-

doors and the outdoors space.

Sweet peppers would like to wish all the

children who had a birthday this month a

very happy Birthday. Also we wish a

warm welcome to our new starters that

have recently joined us in Sweet Peppers

as well as to all the children that have

made their transition from Tiny Peppers

into our room.

If a child is unwell and requires one to one attention because of their illness they should not be attending the setting, for their own best interests and for that of the other children.

However some illnesses, allergies and medi-cal conditions do no prevent children enjoying their day to day activities with the support of medication. Where possible staff must dis-cuss and respect the wishes of the parents/carers with regard to the administration of medicine to their child.

For safety of the child and the protection of staff it is important that the following proce-dures are adhered to:

A child is excluded for a 24 hour period after receiving an MMR pre-school booster injec-tion & childhood immunisation.

Staff must only administer medicine with writ-ten consent from the parent/carer using a medication form.

Staff must only administer the recommended

dose, as directed by the Doctor’s instructions.

All medicines must be stored in their original

containers, in a safe secure place, that is at the

correct temperature and inaccessible to chil-

dren. The medicine should also be clearly

labelled with the child’s name.

Prescribed medicines must only be given to the

named person and should, at all times, be

stored out of reach of children.

Cream/oils may be applied as directed by the

manufacturers printed instructions on the bottle/

tube to a child’s hair or skin.

Written consent form parents/carers are re-

quired on a medical form.

In cases of long term medication prescribed

by a doctor, the management team will be

required to carry out a review with the par-

ent/carer on the child’s medical condition at

regular intervals.

When any medication is presented to staff to

administer to a child, the parent/carer must

complete the medicine consent form before

this can be administered. Staff must also

check the medication form to ascertain

whether the child has had this medication

before, as the first two doses of medication

must be administered at home/24 hours after

start of a course of antibiotics.

All children aged two will be offered free

vaccination against flu from September -

because this will only be a nasal spray

there is no need for the little ones to be off

for after this flu vaccination.

Chilli Peppers Grand Peppers

Page 4: Learn Enjoy Flourish - Pepperberry Day Nurseries

Phone: 01625 419 509

E-mail: [email protected]

September/October Photographs

Learn Enjoy Flourish

Spinach and Mushroom Lasagne


400-500 g spinach

Large punnet of mushrooms

Garlic (crushed)

Cheese sauce

Lasagne sheets


Blanch the spinach in one pan and gently fry the mushrooms and gar-

lic in another with a little oil. Once cooked, stir the two together and add

some black pepper. Make the cheese sauce and add to the mixture of spinach

and mushroom.

Pour some of the mixture into the lasagne dish, then layer with the la-

sagne sheets. Add another layer of the mixture and cover with lasagne

sheets. When finished pour over the cheese sauce mixture, then cook in the

oven at 180 c/gas 4 for 45-50 min until pasta is cooked then sprinkle with

cheddar cheese.

This is the recipe our lovely chef Trish uses for the vegetarian lasagne

option for our Pepperberry’s children.

Brought to you by Pepperberry’s Full Time Chef Trish

Cygnet Court

Hawthorn Street



We’re on the Web!




Page 4

Pepperberry Newsletter October 2013

At the train station...hooray! Look at me....I can cook!

We are all princess and he-

roes today We are all friends and super-

heroes! Together we will save


Messy play is the best,

especially outdoors!

I’m learning about Autumn

Yummy ... we love the cookery


Concentration is key...

I can ride a bike!

I’m playing with the shakers we

just made Roarrrr... I’m a dinosaur

No matter the weather we

are out and about!

Oh I feel a little tired, I

think I will have a snooze

This jigsaw puzzle is a

bit tricky

Wow look at these bubbles