Learn & Talk I © 2018 Acadsoc Limited Chapter 10 Holidays Lesson 89 Halloween at the bottom of the following pages: TI=teaching instructions; T=teacher; S=student

Learn & Talk I Chapter 10 Holidays Lesson 89 Halloween

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Page 1: Learn & Talk I Chapter 10 Holidays Lesson 89 Halloween

Learn & Talk I

© 2018 Acadsoc Limited

Chapter 10 Holidays

Lesson 89 Halloween

at the bottom of the following pages: TI=teaching instructions; T=teacher; S=student

Page 2: Learn & Talk I Chapter 10 Holidays Lesson 89 Halloween

ContentsPart A.Part B.Part C.

Let ’s Talk (11 mins)

Let ’s Learn (11 mins)

Review (1 min)L e a r n i n g O b j e c t i v e s :学习目标 :5 w o r d s / p h r a s e s a b o u t H a l l o w e e n 5 个和“万圣节”相关的单词或词组E x p r e s s i o n s f o r H a l l o w e e n“万圣节”的常用表达H o w t o t a l k a b o u t H a l l o w e e n谈论和“万圣节”相关的话题


Page 3: Learn & Talk I Chapter 10 Holidays Lesson 89 Halloween

VocabularyLet’s Learn


A.( 3 m i n s )


dress up /dres//ʌp/to put on special clothes, especially to pretend to be somebody/something different装扮e.g. The boy dressed up as a pirate.

costume /ˈkɑːstuːm/a set of clothes worn in order to look like someone or something else, especially for a party or as part of an entertainment化妆服e.g. They were dressed in Halloween costumes.

TI: Teach the pronunciations, definitions and example sentences of these words, then ask S to make sentences with them.

Page 4: Learn & Talk I Chapter 10 Holidays Lesson 89 Halloween

VocabularyLet’s Learn


A.( 3 m i n s )


TI: Teach the pronunciations, definitions and example sentences of these words, then ask S to make sentences with them.

decorate /ˈdekəreɪt/to make something look more attractive by putting things on it 装饰e.g. They decorated the house with balloons.☞ decorate…with…☞ decoration n.

spooky /ˈspuːki/strange and frightening怪异的,诡异的e.g. This is a spooky forest.

Page 5: Learn & Talk I Chapter 10 Holidays Lesson 89 Halloween

VocabularyLet’s Learn


A.( 1 m i n s )


TI: Teach the pronunciations, definitions and example sentences of these words, then ask S to make sentences with them.

get under one’s skinto annoy somebody激怒某人e.g. Don’t get under my skin!

Page 6: Learn & Talk I Chapter 10 Holidays Lesson 89 Halloween

DialogLet’s Learn



TI: Take turns to play both characters. Emphasize and repeat the highlighted expressions.


( 4 m i n s )Role-play the dialog with your teacher twice, and learn the highlighted expressions by heart.


Jack: What do you think about Halloween?

Mary: I actually like it. It‘s a fun holiday for kids especially, because you get to dress up in

costumes and get lots of candy when going trick-or-treating.

Jack: What were you on Halloween?

Mary: Last year, I dressed up as a ghost to a party. How about you?

Jack: When I was a kid, my parents always decorated our house with spooky things. I dressed

up as Batman because I wanted to look like a hero.

Mary: That’s great. When I was a kid, some of my classmates liked to pull a prank on me on

Halloween, and it really got under my skin.

Page 7: Learn & Talk I Chapter 10 Holidays Lesson 89 Halloween

ConversationLet’s Talk



TI: Let S practice situational conversation with what he/she has learned in Part A. Answers are on the next page.

( 3 m i n s )

A: Do you have plans for Halloween?

B: Yes, I will _____ as a ghost. What about you?

A: First, I will help my parents to ____ the house, and they want to

make it _____.

B: That’s interesting. What about your_____?

A: I haven’t decided yet … Batman or Superman.

B: You’d better make a quick decision. There are only two days left.

Suppose you are talking with your friend about Halloween. Use the vocabulary and expressions you’ve

learned in Part A to complete the following conversation. 假设你和朋友正在讨论万圣节。运用在第一部分学到的词汇和表达将以下情景对话补充完整。



• costume• spooky• dress up• decorate

Page 8: Learn & Talk I Chapter 10 Holidays Lesson 89 Halloween

DiscussionLet’s Talk



Talk with your teacher about the following questions. Refer to the hints if necessary. 和老师一起讨论以下问题。可以参考方框中的提示。

1. What do you know about Halloween? What do people do on Halloween?

Exchange your knowledge about Halloween with your teacher.

TI: Let S practice speaking by answering the questions. Correct S as necessary.

( 4 m i n s )

Hints:• dress up in costumes/carve pumpkins/

go trick-or-treating /decorate houses…


Key to exercises on

last page:

• dress up

• decorate

• spooky

• costume

Page 9: Learn & Talk I Chapter 10 Holidays Lesson 89 Halloween

DiscussionLet’s Talk




• yes → have a good time with friends and family/have an unique experience designing your own costumes/learn about American culture…

• no → waste money and time, since costumes are only used once/ costumes aren’t that important, it’s just for show

( 4 m i n s )Talk with your teacher about the following questions. Refer to the hints if necessary. 和老师一起讨论以下问题。可以参考方框中的提示。

2. Have you ever celebrated Halloween? Do you think it’s worth spending

much time and money on Halloween costumes? Give your reasons.


TI: Let S practice speaking by answering the questions. Correct S as necessary.

Page 10: Learn & Talk I Chapter 10 Holidays Lesson 89 Halloween


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Let’s ReviewPart


In this lesson, you’ve learned:

✓ 5 words/phrases about Halloween

✓ commonly used expressions for Halloween

✓ how to talk about Halloween

dress up costume decorate spooky get under one’s skin

• It's a fun holiday for kids especially, because you get to dress up in costumes and

get lots of candy when going trick-or-treating.

• My parents always decorated our house with spooky things.

TI: Review the learning objectives in this lesson briefly.


( 1 m i n )

Page 11: Learn & Talk I Chapter 10 Holidays Lesson 89 Halloween

Learn & Talk I

© 2018 Acadsoc Limited

See you next time!下一页有课后扩展音频,记得收听!



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