Author : Fran Khall Candida Diet/Candida Cleanse: The good microorganisms when act badly Candida is a group of yeast like microorganisms living in human mouth, throat, intestines and genitals. They are not harmful if they are in balance with other bacteria. When the population of Candida yeast increases uncontrollably it causes Candidacies or Candida. Common examples of Candida infections are kidney and bladder infections, joint pain, weight gain, sore throat, vaginitis, constipations, diarrhoea and heartburn. Causes of Candida: Poor Diet Overuse of antibiotics Use of corticosteroids Oral contraceptives AIDS Diabetes

Leaky Gut Syndrome

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Candida is a group of yeast like microorganisms living in human mouth, throat, intestines and genitals. They are not harmful if they are in balance with other bacteria.

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Author : Fran Khall

Candida Diet/Candida Cleanse: The good microorganisms when act badly

Candida is a group of yeast like microorganisms living in human mouth, throat, intestines and genitals. They are not harmful if they are in balance with other bacteria. When the population of Candida yeast increases uncontrollably it causes Candidacies or Candida. Common examples of Candida infections are kidney and bladder infections, joint pain, weight gain, sore throat, vaginitis, constipations, diarrhoea and heartburn.Causes of Candida:

Poor Diet

Overuse of antibiotics

Use of corticosteroids

Oral contraceptives



To fight Candidacies, one should follow a strict Candida treatment program. Following are the steps:

Stage One-The candida cleanse:

This is an integral part of the diet and the two tested methods are as follows:

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candida diet : This diet includes some detox drinks and liver flush too. Eat only fresh organic vegetables, which will stop toxins to further enter your body. Drink lots of water. Eat raw salads and steamed vegetables. This process should continue for 7-14 days. The detox drinks should be taken on an empty stomach. If any symptoms like irregular heartbeats or nausea appear, the process of cleanse should be stopped immediately.

A Colon Cleanse: A colon cleanse should last up to 3 days to a week. This type of cleanse is generally safe but before starting one should always consult a doctor.

Stage Two-The Strict Diet:Once the cleansing is done, dietary changes are required to restore the balance. In this stage, probiotics and antifungal should be introduced. During this weight loss is also expected to be seen. The food with high sugar content should be avoided. This stage will take few weeks to several months. It all depends on how strictly the diet has been followed, the effectiveness of probiotics and antifungal and the severity of infection.

Stage Three-Reintroducing Foods: Now the long term eating plan should start. One food should be introduced at a time, which ensures the possibility of infection or allergy from a particular food item. There is no fixed duration of Stage Three, but people after reintroducing all of their favourite foods have found that the infection has returned. So it is very important to follow this regime for as long as possible.

Detoxification is effective in cleansing the system

The food and drinks we consume play a vital role in influencing the functioning of our bodies. Toxins also collect in our bodies, which is why eating the right food is what keeps us healthy and free from excessive toxins building in our bodies. Although most of us know that healthy foods will keep us strong and prevent the risk of diseases, most individuals ignore these foods. As a result, a considerable amount of toxins collect inside our bodies that will later contribute to bad health.

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Therefore, one of the most effective methods of cleansing our systems is detoxification . Detoxification is a process that cleanses the body of unwanted elements and contributes to good health. If performed on a more consistent basis over a span of time, you will end up on the path to keeping your body healthy and fit.

Though there are various detox methods and programs, it is important to consult a doctor before following any steps. One of the most common and effective methods is a lemon detox. Lemon is known to contain properties that are beneficial for humans if consumed and above all, it is inexpensive. Lemons work as natural antiseptics and are best used against infections. For people suffering from heartburn, bloating besides other digestive disorders, consuming lemon water on a daily basis will provide effective relief. Lime water is also responsible for helping your liver and kidney as it decrease the level of toxins building in your body.

As part of the detoxification process, ensure that your diet contains probiotics. Probiotics can be found in yoghurt, curd and dark chocolate. You could also opt for probiotic supplements to serve as a substitute for yoghurt or curd. Ginger root and apple cider vinegar are also strong contributors to detoxification.

Drink plenty of water to flush out your system and keep it clean. Water is one of the best natural remedies for various health conditions. However, consult your doctor before you decide on performing a detox as some individuals are known to show side effects. This is dangerous as the possibility could be that the individual’s body is not reacting well to the diet followed or the process of detox.

The characteristic of the irritable

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bowel syndrome

A hypothesised condition of an altered or damaged bowel lining is called Leaky Gut Syndrome. A mal-nourishing diet, with increased use of medications and the absorption of toxins by the abdominal walls, as well as the growth of intestinal parasites leads to the condition called Leaky Gut. A leaky gut makes the bowel lining extremely permeable which allows substances like toxins, waste, stomach waste, bacteria to leak from the damaged bowel into the body. This reaction triggers an unwanted immune reaction in the body and the misplaced substances affect the body sooner or later causing problems in unforeseen ways. This is the Leaky Gut Syndrome.

The intestinal cells that cover the digestive tract are called tight junctions because they are thick membranes that virtually make it impossible for any type of fluid, molecules or ions to enter or leave the digestive tract. It has been proposed by some researchers that because of , these tight junctions are made permeable. This has led some doctors to believe there is a connection between this syndrome to the other chronic diseases relating to undigested food and abdominal viruses. Diseases such as asthma, diabetes, several allergies, and inflammable bowel syndrome are examples of such diseases that have been theorized to be caused by a Leaky Gut.

Another condition related to the problems affecting the abdomen is the Irritable Bowel Syndrome. It is characterised by severe abdominal pain that comes and goes at irregular intervals, discomfort, bloating of the stomach, and irregular bowel movements. There is no known cause fort this condition that can be seen on the patient like other medical conditions. Even an onset of diarrhoea or constipation cannot be constituted as the characteristic of the irritable bowel syndrome. In the absence of traditional features, this syndrome is diagnosed in a patient based on the symptoms alone.

There is no permanent cure for Irritable Bowel Syndrome as of today. The lessoning and worsening of the pain caused by the syndrome depends on the type of food you eat and the water you drink. This is the first step towards strengthening yourself against this condition. There are several treatments that doctors can suggest to the patients for relieving the effect of this syndrome on the body. A proper balanced diet, medication and therapy are some suggested ways. It is also necessary to

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educate the patient on the factors affecting this syndrome and it also helps to maintain a good doctor-patient-relationship.

Stomach those tummy worries!

Gastro esophageal reflux disease or acid reflux in general is a disorder where the acids produced by your stomach tend to move up the body through the esophagus. There is a diaphragm in our body which separates the chest from the stomach, due to some abnormal activities when the stomach moves above the diaphragm it causes the acid reflux.

IBS is irritable bowel syndrome which is a long term chronicle disorder though it is not as serious as it sounds to be. In most of the cases, the IBS syndrome can be brought down by a balanced diet and good medication. One in every five Americans has this problem. IBS is noticed more in women than in men and the average age of occurrence of IBS Syndrome is between 35-40 years. Almost every disorder has a treatment and even this disorder has IBS treatments.

Symptoms of Acid Reflux:

Heartburn and regurgitation are some of the common symptoms of acid reflux. People canalso have





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Symptoms of IBS:

People suffering with IBS can have some or all the symptoms

Abdominal pain



Infrequent bowel movements

Difficulty in passing stool because of straining or cramping


There are many medications available in the market which will be prescribed by the doctor for both IBS treatment and acid reflux but the medicines have their share of side effects. These medicines are not designed to be taken for a longer time. Also, surgery is another costly option for the treatment.

The best way to get rid of these two disorders is a change in lifestyle and a good balanced diet along with the prescribed medicines by the doctor. Be sure of what you eat. Avoid eating foods that may later cause irritability or may create gas in your stomach. Exercise regularly to ensure you are fit and fine. Exercises not just make you healthy but release a lot of stress from your bodies.

Brenda Watson is a nutritionist who specializes in digestive disorders and prescribes a healthy diet and a regular work out chart to help you stay fit. Brenda recommends a fiber rich pro biotic diet to ensure the digestive disorders are at bay. It is always better to eat right followed by medications to avoid any kind of health concerns.

Just eat right and stay Fit!

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Probiotic help in maintaining our overall being

Probiotics are quite beneficial for our body as they help us to be healthy. It s known that our stomach almost has about four hundred kinds of probiotic bacteria which are important for our well being of our body. These bacteria help in reducing the harmful bacteria by promoting good health.The probiotic bacterium that is found in the stomach are known as Lactobacillus acidophilus, which is also found in yoghurt. Yeast is also known to contain probiotic properties.

We can also find probiotics in various dietary supplements. Probiotics are known to be effective in treating problems of stomach and intestine and research still being carried out o prove whether probiotics can treat the problems single handedly . Probiotics are known to be effective in preventing gas, bloating and diarrhea. It is also known to have certain properties that can alleviate the cramps that start due to the effect of antibiotics. When we take antibiotics the beneficial bacteria is lost from our body. Thereby taking probiotic supplements is necessary so that we can maintain the balance for beneficial bacteria in our body.

When there is usually a decrease in beneficial bacteria in our body it leads to other problems such as urinary tract infections and other intestinal problems.

Various studies have also indicated the fact that probiotic supplement are also known to benefit our body from colon cancer and other irritable bowel syndrome. It is a known fact that probiotics are generally present in fermented foods and other cultured food products but research is still needed to be carried out regarding probotics. There is also another important angle to it as whether probiotics can be termed as safe for use in treating young children and also for treating individuals with weaker immune systems.

You should take probiotic supplements only the advice of your physician. There are several probiotic supplements that are available in the market which often makes false claims so if you need to buy these supplements make sure that you ask the

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brand that you will choose.

Studies have been consulted extensively with regard to probiotic supplement have pointed out that they could be a solution for antibiotic resistance and also abuse related to it. Most the products are known to have live microorganisms but there is hardly any proof to show that they are beneficial for our body. The probotics are known to prevent eczema in children and also protect them against developing any kind of allergies.

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