2 April 2015 2 April 2015 Leadership Team News Term 1, 2015 has been a productive term. We have learned, laughed and sometimes lamented (when we got things wrong). The popular wisdom is we tire towards the end of something, but not at St Francis College if the last two weeks are anything to go by. We have been busy with Harmony Day, the Prep – 6 Disco, Exams, Assignments and the Prep-6 parent teacher discussions. Lots of fun was had at the Prep Pirates and Princesses celebration of learning day on Monday 30th March. As for the Prep – 12 Cross Country, it was so disappointing to have to postpone this event. My thanks is extended to Mrs Emma Allam and Ms Jordan Litzow for the great organisational skills that they have displayed. We remind parents and caregivers that Middle and Senior Phase (Years 7 – 12) reports will be mailed home on the holidays. Please take the opportunity to congratulate students on their achievements. If reports are not all you or students expected, then this is a good time for reflection and setting new goals as the year is still young. Middle and Senior Phase parent/ teacher interviews are scheduled for next term. I hope parents/ caregivers prioritise these very important conversations. There is much evidence in the cooperative work of staff, students and parents that we are enacting our theme for 2015: It is in Giving that we Receive (Epiphanies and Opportunities). Last week on the Prep – Year 6 assembly, Ms Judy Simjanov and the Year 2 class presented an item about Palm Sunday. I include the YouTube song they used which was delightful. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5jtDqKkdS1M A few weeks ago, five staff commenced training in a Visible Learning program. This professional development course explores how evidence can be used to create innovation in the learning environment. It focuses on the research of John Hattie, who is currently the Director of the Melbourne Education Research Institute. His research involves millions of students and represents the largest ever evidence-based research into what actually works best in schools to improve learning. (Evidence is the process of gathering, analysing, interpreting and using information about students' progress and achievement to improve teaching and learning.) The mission statement of Visible Learning is to build the capacity of learners to learn, teachers to teach, leaders to lead and systems to improve teaching and learning. I thank our Visible Learning Team - Mr Julian Cotter, Sr Lee Veriga, Ms Cathy Barrett, Mrs Stacey Readman, Mr Lachlan Grove, Ms Stephanie Goebel and Mrs Maree Billborough for their commitment to this project. Earlier in the term, the St Francis College Leadership Team attended the Cluster School’s Conference on the Gold Coast. While some of this time was spent engaged in dialogue and discussion with our colleagues from neighbouring schools (as well as staff from Brisbane Catholic Education), having time to work on the College’s Strategic Renewal Plan was beneficial. The College Strategic Renewal Plan contains strategic goals that span a 5-year-cycle (from 2013 – 2017). These goals are accompanied by a series of actions that we have identified for 2015. Our Strategic Renewal Plan is a comprehensive document that highlights the major focus areas occurring in the school this year. Staff at St Francis College also set goals and these align closely with the School’s Strategic Plan. Towards the end of the year, we will evaluate the efforts we have made in achieving the actions that have been set and use this data to plan for the following year. In Term 1 we have been happy to share our fields with Browns Plains Rugby Club. They have used our fields to train their younger teams. It is great to see our fields full of young people engaging in sport and fun. Well done to Mr Harry Norris for bringing our two organisations together and for showing once again how we folk in Logan work together for the good of all. Logan really is a special and cooperative community. In this, one of the holiest weeks in the Church calendar, I would like to share with you the words of Ms Pam Betts, Executive Director of Brisbane Catholic Education in her weekly bulletin to staff: As I write my final reflection before our Easter vacation I am particularly mindful of our Prep and Year 1 students. Their religious curriculum has a particular focus on the scriptural content of the Holy Week and Easter liturgical celebrations. 64 Julie Street Crestmead Qld 4132 Website: Website: http://www.sfcc.qld.edu.au/ Email: Email: [email protected] Phone: Phone: 07 3489 4800 Fax: Fax: 07 3803 4507 Subscribe to Online Newsletter! Subscribe to Online Newsletter! http://sfccrestmead.schoolzinenewsletters.com/subscribe 1

Leadership Team News...Julian Cotter Miss Katrina Howie Students learn about the Old Testament and New Testament stories that tell of a God of creation and goodness

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Page 1: Leadership Team News...Julian Cotter Miss Katrina Howie Students learn about the Old Testament and New Testament stories that tell of a God of creation and goodness

2 April 20152 April 2015

Leadership Team NewsTerm 1, 2015 has been a productive term. We have learned,laughed and sometimes lamented (when we got things wrong).The popular wisdom is we tire towards the end of something,but not at St Francis College if the last two weeks are anythingto go by.

We have been busy with Harmony Day, the Prep – 6 Disco,Exams, Assignments and the Prep-6 parent teacherdiscussions. Lots of fun was had at the Prep Pirates andPrincesses celebration of learning day on Monday 30th March.As for the Prep – 12 Cross Country, it was so disappointingto have to postpone this event. My thanks is extended to MrsEmma Allam and Ms Jordan Litzow for the great organisationalskills that they have displayed.

We remind parents and caregivers that Middle and SeniorPhase (Years 7 – 12) reports will be mailed home on theholidays. Please take the opportunity to congratulate studentson their achievements. If reports are not all you or studentsexpected, then this is a good time for reflection and setting newgoals as the year is still young. Middle and Senior Phase parent/teacher interviews are scheduled for next term. I hope parents/caregivers prioritise these very important conversations.

There is much evidence in the cooperative work of staff,students and parents that we are enacting our theme for 2015:

It is in Giving that we Receive (Epiphanies and Opportunities).

Last week on the Prep – Year 6 assembly, Ms Judy Simjanovand the Year 2 class presented an item about Palm Sunday. Iinclude the YouTube song they used which was delightful.


A few weeks ago, five staff commenced training in a VisibleLearning program. This professional development courseexplores how evidence can be used to create innovation inthe learning environment. It focuses on the research of JohnHattie, who is currently the Director of the Melbourne EducationResearch Institute. His research involves millions of studentsand represents the largest ever evidence-based research intowhat actually works best in schools to improve learning.(Evidence is the process of gathering, analysing, interpretingand using information about students' progress andachievement to improve teaching and learning.) The missionstatement of Visible Learning is to build the capacity of learnersto learn, teachers to teach, leaders to lead and systems toimprove teaching and learning. I thank our Visible LearningTeam - Mr Julian Cotter, Sr Lee Veriga, Ms Cathy Barrett, MrsStacey Readman, Mr Lachlan Grove, Ms Stephanie Goebel andMrs Maree Billborough for their commitment to this project.

Earlier in the term, the St Francis College Leadership Teamattended the Cluster School’s Conference on the Gold Coast.While some of this time was spent engaged in dialogue anddiscussion with our colleagues from neighbouring schools (aswell as staff from Brisbane Catholic Education), having time towork on the College’s Strategic Renewal Plan was beneficial.The College Strategic Renewal Plan contains strategic goalsthat span a 5-year-cycle (from 2013 – 2017). These goals areaccompanied by a series of actions that we have identifiedfor 2015. Our Strategic Renewal Plan is a comprehensivedocument that highlights the major focus areas occurring in theschool this year. Staff at St Francis College also set goals andthese align closely with the School’s Strategic Plan. Towardsthe end of the year, we will evaluate the efforts we have madein achieving the actions that have been set and use this data toplan for the following year.

In Term 1 we have been happy to share our fields with BrownsPlains Rugby Club. They have used our fields to train theiryounger teams. It is great to see our fields full of young peopleengaging in sport and fun. Well done to Mr Harry Norris forbringing our two organisations together and for showing onceagain how we folk in Logan work together for the good of all.Logan really is a special and cooperative community.

In this, one of the holiest weeks in the Church calendar, I wouldlike to share with you the words of Ms Pam Betts, ExecutiveDirector of Brisbane Catholic Education in her weekly bulletin tostaff:

As I write my final reflection before our Easter vacation Iam particularly mindful of our Prep and Year 1 students.Their religious curriculum has a particular focus on thescriptural content of the Holy Week and Easter liturgicalcelebrations.

64 Julie StreetCrestmead Qld 4132

Website:Website: http://www.sfcc.qld.edu.au/Email:Email: [email protected]

Phone:Phone: 07 3489 4800Fax:Fax: 07 3803 4507

Subscribe to Online Newsletter!Subscribe to Online Newsletter! http://sfccrestmead.schoolzinenewsletters.com/subscribe


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Page 2: Leadership Team News...Julian Cotter Miss Katrina Howie Students learn about the Old Testament and New Testament stories that tell of a God of creation and goodness

Julian CotterJulian Cotter

Miss Katrina HowieMiss Katrina Howie

Students learn about the Old Testament and NewTestament stories that tell of a God of creation andgoodness. They have listened to stories about Jesus’ life,his mother Mary, his teachings about love, compassionand forgiveness that challenged people about the waythey were living; and of his suffering, death andresurrection. The appeal and relevance for every agegroup is indeed one of the great beauties of ourChristmas and Easter celebrations.

For the early Church Fathers the beauty of these liturgieswas the anima ecclesiastica – the Christian soul identifiedwith the Church who is mother. This is the earliesttheology of Mary, who was revered as the Mulier fortis,the ‘valiant woman’ standing at the foot of the Cross.

The reference to the Good Friday Gospel reading fromJohn is a reminder of our own lifelong curriculum that wetoo first heard as young children:

Seeing his mother and the disciple he loved standingnear her, Jesus said to his mother, “Woman, this is yourson. Then to the disciple he said, This is your Mother.And from that moment the disciple made a place for herin his home. (John 19:25-27)

The ancient Church had a sincere fondness forconnecting this event with the beginning of the MaterEcclesia, Mary as the Mother of the Church. Twomillennia later the Church still reverences this humanperson and Mother of the Lord who lived out her faithfrom Nazareth to Calvary and Pentecost. Our personalEaster journey is also a call to be in solidarity with Mary’sconcrete human existence lived out day by day towardsthe risen Christ.

I would like to wish all our families a very happy and holy Easter.May you be blessed with the graces of the risen Lord.

Safe travels for those who are taking some time away as I willbe until 23rd May.

As mentioned previously, Mr Les Conroy will be Acting Principalin my absence.

Tricia Kennedy

On behalf of Tricia, Les and Julian

Staff NewsIn Term 2, we welcome the following staff members:

Mr John Aoese and Mr Tamara Fisher Carnes who join ourcleaning staff.

Mrs Margaret Homan who will be working with us inWorkplace Health and Safety.

Congratulations to staff taking up new positions:

Ms Michelle Ferguson who will be Acting in the Middle Leaderof Practical Arts while Ms Rachel Kilby is on maternity leave.

Mr Gabby Triffan who has added working in the grounds tohis cleaning duties.

Mr Sam Yates who will be Year 7 teacher while Ms RachelWhittaker is APRE (until 23rd May). Mr Yates will then join ourLearning Support team for the remainder of the year.

Staff Profiles

Particularly in a large school setting, it takes time to put namesto faces. We hope you enjoy learning more about thesensational staff at St Francis College.

This week Mr Julian Cotter is SuperStar No.1

To find out more, click on the link below!

Miss Katrina Howie is Super StarNo. 2

Religious Life of the School

The Value of Reconciliation

St Francis and St Clare recognised that the fullest expressionof God’s love is forgiveness and therefore it is essential thatas Franciscans and as members of a Christian communitywe strive for reconciliation and to restore right relationships.Forgiveness/reconciliation does not forget or ignore pain, butallows for new possibilities, change, growth, and life.

“‘Lord, if another member of the church sins against me, howoften should I forgive? As many as seven times?’ Jesus saidto him, ‘Not seven times, but, I tell you, seventy-seven times’”(18:21-22).

At St Francis College, we understand that humans makemistakes and sometimes the mistakes cause a lot of pain. Itis because we recognise the dignity of each person and thecall to love and to forgive one another, that we seek to healrelationships so that all can have life and live it to the full.

• Julian enjoys any form of exerciseand is a keen cyclist.

• Julian loves to cook and believesthat “a meal begins at the market”.

• The silliest thing Katrina has donewas buy her groceries and leftwithout them.

• The thing she detests the most islentils.


Page 3: Leadership Team News...Julian Cotter Miss Katrina Howie Students learn about the Old Testament and New Testament stories that tell of a God of creation and goodness

On the Road to Emmaus

The past weeks have been marked by some shocking events;the tormented pilot who crashed 150 people to their deathsin the French Alps, devastation by cyclone in our neighbouringcountry Vanuatu, the deaths of tourists in Tunisia and otheratrocities in Africa and Syria. Sometimes when tragedy strikes,it is difficult to make sense of it all and to keep faith in a lovingand compassionate God. The response by this community tothe cyclone damage in Vanuatu, reminds us of the compassionand solidarity humans have for and with each other.

This week at St Francis College and in all Christiancommunities, the story of Jesus’ last days will be told. Jesuslived his final years amongst the poorest and outcastchallenging the authorities of the time to seek authentic truth,to bring about God’s reign on earth. His example, followed bySt Francis and St Clare and their time with the poor, the lepersand the outcast is emulated by Pope Francis as he seeks tohighlight the plight of sufferers of Aids and others in jail and onthe margins of society.

Jesus was a radical and, like others who speak to the heartof what is truly human, he was initially lauded by his followers.On what Christians celebrate as Palm Sunday, Jesus waswelcomed into Jerusalem with the waving of palms and criesof “Hosana”. A few short days later, he was abandoned by hisfriends and, like all radicals who make authorities and leadersfeel uncomfortable, and who might be impacting on the psycheof the masses, they plotted to get rid of him and he wassubjected to torture, ridicule and ultimately a humiliating deathon the cross. Yet Jesus trusted that death was not the end.Jesus called his disciples to continue his mission to bring aboutGod’s reign on earth. Christians are a resurrection people andin the spirit of that hope we enter this Holy week in memoryof Jesus and with the Christian hope of resurrection that wecontinue to fight for justice, dignity of the human person and thefullness of humanity.

Ms Cathy Barrett (Assistant Principal ReligiousEducation: 6-12)

The Garden of GethsemaneThe Garden of Gethsemane

Teaching and Learning News

Prep Celebration of Learning

On Monday our Prep Students had a Celebration of Learningthat culminated in a "P" party. They came dressed as pirates,princesses, policemen and policewomen...... Some studentseven wore their pyjamas! It was a PERFECT day thanks to theplanning and preparation done by the teachers and their aides.

Year 5’s Incursion

On Thursday 26th March, 5PCBC and 5PCJD had an incursionbased on Australia from the 1800’s! Everyone who came hadto have a licence for our gold digging. We were all pretendingto be at the famous Eureka Creek (just near the Science lab atthe High School).

As we were walking up to Eureka Creek a Bush Ranger cameout of nowhere and threatened the classes to give him all thegold we had but none of us were fooled. The Bush Ranger thenasked us “Have any of you gold diggers seen Sheriff P?” Afterthat we split up into class groups - 5 PCBC went with Miss Aand learnt a bit about the gold rush that happened in 1860s.Miss P who was with PCJD taught them about haggling andshops back then.

We were all excited because we were making tents and it wasso much fun. The main aim was to work together as a team.Miss P was inspecting everyone’s work. Later on we all hadlunch and went back up. Everyone was excited because ourfirst activity was code cracking. We had to find the numbers onour sheet on trees or on an object and it would reveal a letter,which would then give us a bushranger. My group won.


Page 4: Leadership Team News...Julian Cotter Miss Katrina Howie Students learn about the Old Testament and New Testament stories that tell of a God of creation and goodness

The next activity was Gold Rush. It is when we had to find goldand take it to the authorities (Miss Ciuffetelli, Miss Darcy andJacob Lake). After, we learnt how to make and cook damper,then we were able to eat it. Everyone loved it! When the daycame to an end everyone who was there now certainly has theknowledge about the 1800’s. We had lots of fun!

By Maddy Iva (5A)

Year 5 Gold Rush DayYear 5 Gold Rush Day

Year 7 & 8 News

Students in Years 7 & 8 have had a great first term.

In Years 7 & 8 we run two different competitions. One is thestamp system, where students are given a stamp in their diarieseach day in the morning by their PC teachers. These stampsare a visual cue for the students that tell them that they aredoing the right thing in Pastoral Care class. To receive a stampin their diaries all the students need to do is be in correctfull day uniform and have their diaries and technology deviceswith them at the start of Pastoral Care Class. At the end ofeach term the students that have consistently received stampshave their names put into a raffle and they have 5 chances ofreceiving a $20 gift card from Coles/Myer.

The lucky winners for Term 1, 2015 are:

Year 7 Year 8

Run Sin Mawi Melanie Letufuga

Laswon Bell Sharenece Deen-Butterworth

Joshusa Moza-Dekker

All students who were eligible for the raffle will also receive acertificate from the Year 7 & 8 Pastoral Care Team in the mailwith their report cards. Well Done to all those focussed andhard-working students.

A uniform competition is also run between PC classes and, atthe end of each term, the class with the highest number ofstudents wearing the correct uniform win a lunch time party. Itwas a very close race this term and the winners were 7-1 and8-2. For their prizes 7-1 will be having a party lunch and 8-2 willbe having a pizza lunch.

I would like to take the time to thank all parents / guardians andteacher (especially the Pastoral Care teachers of Years 7 & 8)for their support.

Enjoy the Easter holidays and we will see you back in Term 2.

Mr Jim Boucher (Years 7 and 8 Pastoral Leader)

Middle Years Matters

We made it!! As we move towards the last few days of Term1, 2015, and enter into the journey towards Easter, it’s goodto take some time, as a Middle Years Learning Community, toreflect on the term and give thanks for all the gifts shared duringthis time.

This week we include and celebrate Year 7-3’s Charter ofBelonging.

The coming holidays provide students and teachers with theopportunity to step back, rest, renew and reenergize ourselvesin preparation for Term 2. During this time we might considerthe advice from Andrew Fuller on ‘How to be Happy’.

The art of making yourself happy is something we can all learnand practice. No one is happy 100% of the time. Life has its upsand downs. Even so there are some sure fire ways to increaseyour happiness.

• What experiences have I had over the term that I amgrateful for?

• What is there about the challenges/difficulties I haveexperienced that I can be thankful for? (e.g. Whathave I learned? How have I grown?)

• What opportunities do I have that I am thankful for?

• What have others in my life done that I am thankfulfor?

1. Don’t wait to see if you are having a good time.Instead of going to places and seeing if it is fundecide in advance to have fun regardless of thecircumstances. Enjoy the day regardless of theweather. Make the most of the occasion regardlessof the company.

2. Go outside and play. You were told to do this as akid and I’m telling you to do it again, play more. Gofor walks, throw a dog a stick, skip, sing loudly orimagine yourself to be a spy passing through enemyterritory. Whatever does it for you. Make a promise toplay more.

3. Develop deep friendships. Your friends are your truewealth, Value them and see them regularly, Let themknow how important they are to you. Most peopleonly have two close friends so don’t fool yourself intobelieving you are less popular than most people.


Page 5: Leadership Team News...Julian Cotter Miss Katrina Howie Students learn about the Old Testament and New Testament stories that tell of a God of creation and goodness

Copyright Andrew Fuller www.andrewfuller.com.au

Thank you for your continued support with the learning andteaching development of all our Middle Years students andteachers. Wishing you and your families a very happy andblessed EASTER celebration.

Sr Lee (Assistant Principal: P-9 Curriculum)

Student Services News

Our Angelo building will be open every morning tea and lunchnext term with a series of activities scheduled for Prep to Year9 students.

Year 10 Media Class Photography Excursion

On Friday 13th March, the Year 10 Media class went on anexcursion to Brisbane city and Southbank. This excursionoffered students an excellent opportunity to put in practicetheir knowledge and understanding of the Street Photographytheme covered during this term. Students were able to applytheir technical knowledge when taking photographs anddevelop a series of shots to be submitted as a main componentin their assessment. Well done to everyone! You certainlyrepresented the school in an excellent way, wearing the schooluniform with pride, showing a great sense of community, wellbehaved and great manners! A big thank you to Miss LauraHawkins for coming with us on the day. Here are some of thesample photos taken by our talented students.

Mrs Claudia Crow (P-12 Student Services LearningSupport)

Legal Studies Court Visit March 2015

It was an early start but we felt it was worth it! The HonourableJustice Debra A Mullins very kindly gave up her time to chatwith us and answer questions from the students. Judges' talksare a prestigious event and we were delighted that we wouldbe having a talk. Some messages that the Justice gave wasthe hard work and determination that is needed to achievesuccess. The other message was that in her court room overthe years there have been a lot of (and mostly) males who havecommitted serious offences that are alcohol and drug related.This message was very powerful and poignant, particularly forthe males in the group. In the court room, we saw theempanelling of a jury, witnesses being questioned and asentencing hearing; terrific learning opportunities inunderstanding how the court works. The classes would like tothank The Honourable Justice Debra A Mullins for giving up hervaluable time to talk to students.

Mrs Christine Rolfe (Technologies Faculty: 7-12)

Pastoral News

Parenting Ideas

Helping Kids Deal with Rejection

A bit of rejection and disappointment is good for kids, as longas they learn how to cope with it. One of the keys to functioningsocially and emotionally is the ability to deal withdisappointment and rejection.

iParentingideas Magazine

Do you enjoy reading the Michael GroseParenting Flyers we place in the newslettereach fortnight? If so, you will love theiParentingideas Magazine. This issue is afabulous mix of up-to-date research (‘Thestress of teen success’), age-appropriateadvice (‘Grief: A child’s perspective’) andinspiration (‘Creating creative kids’). It is written by a team ofparenting experts and expert parenting writers and is perfect forparents of primary and secondary school students.


Attendance Percentages for March

Congratulations Year 9 for the best attendance record forMarch. All year levels were over 90%. Well done! -Year 7 – 91%,Year 8 – 90%, Year 9 – 93%, Year 10 – 90%, Year 11 – 90%,Year 12 – 91%

Attendance at school every day gives your child the bestopportunity to do well.

4. Increase the closeness of extended family. Keepingin close contact with your family gives you a supportbase for difficult times and also strengthens yoursense of where you come from. Feeling you belong ina family is a powerful way of being happy.

5. Play to your strengths. Have a good long hard look atyourself. What are you good at? Make a commitmentto develop your skills, talents and abilities as much asyou can. If you don’t develop your own unique talentsthe world misses out.

6. Seek out groups that most strongly value what youhave to offer. Finding the niche where your abilitiesare valued is the basis of success.

7. Avoid social groups where your unique attributes arenot valued. Not everyone is going to like you or thinkyou could amount to much. Get used to it. Acceptthat it is so, and then get out of their way.

8. Live in the dreamtime. Find and follow your passions.Dream big dreams and make a promise to yourself tolive a wonderful life.

9. Laugh a lot more. Find people, shows, books, filmsand situations that make you laugh and surroundyourself with them.

10. Have something bigger than yourself to believe in.Think about the contribution you can make while youare on this planet and do it.

11. Love as much as you can - and then love somemore.


Page 6: Leadership Team News...Julian Cotter Miss Katrina Howie Students learn about the Old Testament and New Testament stories that tell of a God of creation and goodness

If yourIf yourchildchildmisses….misses….



And overAnd over13 years13 yearsofofschoolingschoolingthat’s…….that’s…….

WhichWhichmeans themeans thebest yourbest yourchild mightchild mightperformperformis…….is…….

1 day perfortnight

20 daysper year


Nearly 1.5years

Equal tofinishing inYear 11

1 day perweek

40 daysper year


Over 2.5years

Equal tofinishing inYear 10

2 daysper week

80 daysper year


Over 5years

Equal tofinishing inYear 7

3 daysper week

120 daysper year


Nearly 8years

Equal tofinishing atYear 4

Uniform Expectations

At St Francis College our school rules are Respect self, Respectothers and Respect the environment. One of the ways wepractise these rules is by taking pride in our school andourselves by following our uniform code.

When we are dressed correctly we convey that we are proud tobe a St Francis College student. Information in regards to ourUniform Code can be found below.

Counsellor CornerRecently our Guidance Counsellors provided valuable input ata Year 12 Information Evening. Those in attendance providedpositive feedback on their presentation and suggested thatinformation was shared with those unable to attend. Even ifyour child is not currently in their Senior Years of School, it isworthwhile reading what lies ahead.

Sr Marg Smith, Mrs Caroline Vakaci and Ms MelissaStevenson (Counsellors)

Culture and The Arts

Term 2 Samoan Language Class

When Commencing Monday 27th April, 2015

Time 3.15-4.15pm

Where The Angelo Building

Why • Learn to speak, read and write in Samoan

• Develop a greater respect for this culture

• Improve your current language skills

Who • All students are invited

Activities • Music

• Dance

• Art

• Craft (e.g., weaving and beading)

Cost Free

How toEnrol

Parents need to sign and return the consentforms available in the Office

Instructor Koleta Galumalemana

Sports UpdateFor all SECA sports updates please visit the Twitter@secasportfor live updates.

Ms Allam and Miss Litzow (Sport Program Leaders)

Library Happenings

Chess Challenge

During this term a chess competition washeld in the library for Years 3-6 students.Over 30 students participated in thelunchtime games and, after 3 weeks ofgames, our final 8 players were ready to play off in a RoundRobin competition. These games were keenly contested andthe children needed to use their problem-solving skills and relyon their favourite strategic moves to win. All players should becongratulated for the friendly but competitive way in which thegames were played. Our congratulations go to the winner,Jasper Calicdan and the runner-up, Kobi Ravenscroft.

Mr John Roberts (Teacher/Librarian)

Careers Corner

Career Days and Expos


Aviation Australia's Career Days offer you the chance to explorewhat we offer, experience some of the most advanced trainingequipment and speak to industry experts to discover what lifeas a Flight Attendant is really like.


Miss Kaitlyn McNamara (VET/Careers Coordinator)

General News

Harmony Day

Harmony Day celebrates Australia’s cultural diversity. It’s aboutinclusiveness, respect and a sense of belonging for everyone.Each year this day is held on 21st March.


Page 7: Leadership Team News...Julian Cotter Miss Katrina Howie Students learn about the Old Testament and New Testament stories that tell of a God of creation and goodness

St Francis College recognised the 15th annual Harmony Dayon Friday 20th March by inviting our school community to adelicious breakfast where guests had the opportunity to see ourFANTASTIC Samoan dancers perform. Some staff, parents andstudents in Years 10-12 also had the opportunity to hear ChrisMiranda, President of the Refugee Association in Logan, speakon the plight of asylum seekers in Australia. His presentationwas very thought-provoking as we learned of the harsh realitiesfaced by those seeking asylum.

Harmony Day celebrates Australia’s cultural diversity. It’s aboutinclusiveness, respect and a sense of belonging for everyone.The message for all of us: Harmony doesn't just happen - It's acommunity effort. We are so lucky to have such a multiculturalcommunity where diversity is not only accepted, butappreciated; a community of families who always display a“How can I help?” attitude, regardless of their own situation.

The Vanuatu Relief Appeal

The Vanuatu Relief Appeal is yet another example wherefamilies come together to provide those in need with support.The donations received at the school were amazing: blankets,sleeping bags, clothes. . . We had it all!

Deahre Tauti Auvua’a (mother of Sarayah and Tabori) who ledthis appeal wanted to share her appreciation with the schoolcommunity:

Please accept a massive thank you to St Francis for yourgenerosity,

love and messages of support to the victims of Vanuatu fromcyclone Pam.

We received so many donationsof which the Ni Van community will be forever grateful.

Tabori Tosusu, Sarayah Tousu and Joshua AbelaTabori Tosusu, Sarayah Tousu and Joshua Abela

ANZAC DAY 2015 – A Special 100th AnniversaryEvent

We strongly encourage all members of the St Francis Collegecommunity to join us on ANZAC Day as we mark the 100thanniversary of the landing at Gallipoli. This is such a uniqueopportunity – one not to be missed!

When: Saturday, 25th April at9.30am.Where: Blackwell St Corner (justabove the Greenbank RSL)Who: Children from Prep to Year 12 (Day uniform please)

Parents/ Caregivers please collect your children at theend of the parade after the service.

Rob Canning (Assistant Principal Religious Education:P-9)

SFC Community Hub

A Good News Story

This week, we would like to share a letter that came from amember of our community who desperately sought assistancefor a friend in need. Assistance was offered by Tammie Usherfrom our Community Hub and several families in our school. Weappreciate the generosity of those in our school community andare humbled by the fact that a letter of thanks has come ourway.

I was approached by a family in the school to tell me that herfriend was in desperate need. His partner had just cleaned outhis house and was left with nothing except the walls and thefloors. This man also had two small children. My heart wasbleeding and my head started to think what I could be doing forthis family. I took my daughter to the shops that afternoon andwe bought him the bare essentials for his kitchen like a kettle,toaster, pans, plates, bowls and cutlery, so at least they hadthe basics to cook with. We delivered these items to him thatafternoon. I returned to work the next day with a mission andthat mission was to try and help this family get some furniturefor their house so that there could be some kind of normalityin their lives. I was referred to Noelene from Logan’s HelpingHands so I gave her a call to explain what had happened and Ipleaded for some kind of help for this family that had been leftwith nothing. I started to talk to people around the Hub and theschool. Some wonderful parents brought in bags full of linen,quilt sets, bath mats, and clothes for the children and books.That afternoon we had a truck pull up and deliver a house full offurniture. He was amazed and didn't understand how he got solucky, I replied it was not that he was lucky but he was a part ofa community and that community always come together to helpwhere they can. He was speechless and did not know what tosay but the smile on his face said everything. Yesterday morninghe was left with nothing and today he had a whole house fullof love and somewhere he could call home again thanks tothe wonderful support of Logan Helping Hands, the communitymembers of St Francis and a Community Hub leader who wentthat extra mile to help a family within our community. A welldone effort by all!

Helping FamiliesHelping Families

Ms Tammie Usher (Coordinator)


Page 8: Leadership Team News...Julian Cotter Miss Katrina Howie Students learn about the Old Testament and New Testament stories that tell of a God of creation and goodness

Parish NewsAs we celebrate Holy Week, I encourage all families to attendthe range of events held in our Parish. Holy Week is a significanttime in the Church calendar; a time when we reflect on the greatsacrifice that Jesus made for us. Please join our Parish SchoolCommunity in prayer and worship.

Date Claimers


Mass of the Lord’s Supper @ 7.30pm HolyThursday


Good Friday

Stations of the Cross @ 10am

Celebration of the Passion of the Lord @ 3pm


Easter Working Bee @ 8am

Easter Vigil @ 7pm


Easter Sunday Mass @ 9am


No Mass


Care & Concern Healing Mass – Theme: Easter.(Wear your Easter Bonnet!)

Community NewsIsn’t it about time someone started to reward people for traininghard and gave something back to our local sportingcommunities? Amart recognises that our future champs arein local schools and clubs right now and that they deservegreat facilities. Amart is launching Community Kickbacks, a newprogram that passes rewards back to our school.

Click on the links below to help support St Francis College:

Have a blessed Easter everyone!Enjoy the time with family and friendsand, if you are travelling on our roads,

please drive safely!