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LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT JOURNAL file · Web viewOutcome. Target class. Additional Experiences. Descriptive notes regarding learning and practice. 1. Student will demonstrate autonomy

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Page 1: LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT JOURNAL file · Web viewOutcome. Target class. Additional Experiences. Descriptive notes regarding learning and practice. 1. Student will demonstrate autonomy

Outcome Category: Self-LeadershipOutcome Target class Additional Experiences Descriptive notes regarding learning and practice

1. Student will demonstrate autonomy and a minimized need for approval

HDF 291 Getting a loan in my own name, and buying my first carHDF 205

Coming to college was a huge step for me. I was excited, nervous, but in general I was curious as to how the next four years were going to pan out. Finally, being at college, meant that I will finally be able to do things on my own, make more of my own decisions, and start planning things for my own future. In my Spring semester of my Junior year, I decided to take HDF 291. In that class I truly learned a lot un the sense that I realized that I’m stronger than I am, smarter than I am, and realized more of my capabilities. Because of this class, I finally started telling myself “you can do more”. In the past, I repeatedly always had car issues, and It was always my parents who would help with it. This past summer, I finally got tired of waiting to find a car, and decided to email a Toyota dealership myself. In July I went to the dealership with my mom, with the faith in my loan from USAA. I already had a car in mind, test-drove it, and started speaking monthly payments. When we getting ready to finalize things, I called USAA and found out that there was a glitch in the system when I applied for the loan and was never supposed to get approved for as much as I did. Due to that I was back at square one, with no money, no down payment, and I was proposed with the option to take out my own loan. My mom simply told me that it’ be my decision, my credit, and my money that’ll be paying $201 a month and I did it. In that moment, I also remembered taking HDF 205 and learning more about what things can help and hurt your credit. So for somebody who had a credit card and cards for stores, I figured that having a car payment may show as more of a “real” payment. I thought of it I would be able to afford it or not, but also what the payments would look like later on my credit report. It’s so weird to say that a class was able to begin to build my confidence to do things like this but I did. I realize from this class that I was able to take chances, and do things for myself without the help or approval of my parents. Taking out the loan, and beginning to pay it for myself without my parents, and bettering my credit was a big step for me. I’m paying my own bills, and I feel great about it.

See Evidence #1

2. Student will demonstrate personal, organizational, and academic examples of self-discipline

HDF 291 BIO 103PSY 254

In HDF 291, I truly was able to learn the importance of learning from my mistakes. During my sophomore year of college, I think was the time that I found myself struggling the most in my academics, and it truly showed. I’m not the strongest in Sciences, and never really have been, so taking BIO 103, I tried to be optimistic, and with all my efforts, and tutoring and getting outside help, I still failed the class. With HDF 254, it was a different teaching style then I was used to and it really affected my learning, but I tried to understand that that’s what was bound to happen eventually. After a while, it was just a lot of outside influences as well that made my load harder and I struggled in this class as well. Fast forward to Senior year, when I’m looking at graduate schools, and realizing that for some, my GPA isn’t what they’re looking for, it was a lot for me to take in. I truly had reached a point earlier in this semester of feeling helpless and tried to question why I tried so hard to feel as though I may not even have a chance of getting LOOKED at by some graduate schools? However, that was the same moment that I told myself there was nothing in this world that could take away my love for education. I had a year left in undergrad and I promised myself id do everything I could to raise my GPA. I was able to self-assess and pay attention the weakness I had academically and decided to work on them instead Some of my classes were harder with more work, and I realized that that was something I just had to take on head first. I personally started writing more lists, I planned my work schedule a certain way to give me more openings for my class work, and took time specifically for myself to balance everything out. I realized that I have to recognize weakness but also appreciate my strengths in every aspect including personally, organizationally and academically

3. Student will demonstrate the ability to manage emotions

HDF 290 RetreatPrevious Election

During our retreat for HDF 290, I think I finally realized how involved I had become in politics. I also realized how much I truly do view people as an overall thing rather than by certain situations. For the activity of when we had to place certain people under whether or not they were good or bad leaders,

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I actually found myself struggling for certain people. However, I also realized that I became more passionate about certain people when somebody would say they were opposite of what I had believed. Now in the type that respects everybody’s opinions, but I definitely think that activity proved to myself that regardless of my personal emotions I have to respect those of others as well. Now fast forward to the time leading up to the recent election. Being a woman of color, there were a lot of things that I heard and witnessed that truly disturbed me. I’ve learned to speak up against things that bother me because I know that my opinion does matter. However, with this election, I truly saw things that actually made me mad, and disappointed and hurt, and instead of going against my own values and beliefs on certain things and getting to a point of where I clearly could’ve reacted in an angry way, I chose to be calm. I chose to become more educated, I chose to accept others opines but still stand my own ground on mine. I was able to control any angry emotions I started to feel because I came to a point to where I had to step back and think about the overall issue here. The issue of fearing those around me started to change completely couldn’t and isn’t going to be resolved by any president elect, but had to come from the people around me. I controlled and managed any hurt feelings I had because I knew that not everybody has the same opines and that’s okay, and that it’s not my place to ever get angry but it is my place to state my opinion, to educate myself and others, and continue to stand for what I believe in regardless of anybody’s opinions or who runs this country.

See Evidence #24. Student will demonstrate knowledge of

stress management methods5. Student will demonstrate the ability to

manage stressHDF 290 SB/LP/CS Paper

Case Study: Inclusion in the WorkplaceTaking GRE’s

Coming into my Senior year, I had a lot of high hopes as well as expectations. What I didn’t full think out was truly understanding the work load I was about to put into my plate. It wasn’t that I couldn’t handle it, it was the fact that I didn’t believe in myself enough to believe I could. Almost a month into the semester, I had the Small business, local politics, & local community service organizations presentation; to be exact, it was on September 28th. This was also the time that I had become sick, and it took everything in me to go to class and present that day. I thought I had aught something from somebody I had simply interacted with previously, but it was actually due to the fact that I was already causing myself to become stressed. I had personally MADE myself sick, due to stressing, and it was a lot for me to understand, because I just always push myself very hard. From then, I had to tell myself, that regardless of anything, my health MUST come first. With leadership being a minor I had a limited amount of time to finish, I wanted to make sure each class involved was definitely finished with 100% of my efforts. As the semester continued, I started to feel more comfortable, and began to take each day, as it was. When it came to the first case study of family leadership, I found myself stressing again because it came off to me as one of the more difficult papers I would come across, and ended up getting an 83. Now it was great because I did it, but I still wanted to do better, and I knew my next chance was the following case study of Inclusion in the Workplace. While starting this paper, and finishing, it was the same time I started investing more time into studying for my GRE’s. So at this time, I was pushing myself to make sure I did better on this paper, while also having so much focus on my GRE’s. When I finished writing the paper, and finally turned it in I truly was able to take a deep breath and appreciate what I had done. I had reached a point of realizing that yes it’s very good to push myself to the best that I can be, but none of it matters unless I’m taking care of myself. When it came time to take the GRE’s on December 5th, I had realized how much my mindset had changed from September 28th. This was one of the most important tests I’ll ever take, and I was finally at a place of being at ease. I had come to a point of understanding that there is a such thing as good stress, and that I have to allow it into my life and learn from it. I took the GRE’s with confidence, and actually did better than I had expected. Later on in that week, I also received my final case study back, and I received a 94. In the moment I realized what grade I was capable of, by simply taking it day by day, paper by paper, I was able to realize that there were better ways to manage stress. During this semester, I was able to gain the knowledge of realizing that my way of managing stress is taking things at my own pace, and simply believing in my capabilities. I do know I still stress with things, but I am now able to handle it head on, one day at a time, and I am okay with that.

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See Evidence #3

6. Student will express a personal code of leadership / membership ethics

7. Student will demonstrate practice of the personal code of ethics

HDF 433 NCFR Family Life Educators Code of Ethics

I want to be a counselor when I’m older. I hope to one day be able to have my own counseling center and homeless shelter and hopefully have my own nonprofit as well. One of the steps I chose to take was getting a certificate that could help me reach those certain goals. In order to get that certificate I had to take specific class, that just so happened to be HDF classes, and one included HDF 433; Family Life Education this class, we learn about a variety of things, including the Family Life Educations Code of Ethics, that come from various principles. From looking through this and learning about it, I realized a lot seemed to possibly make a lot of sense when it came to things I’d have to be aware of as a counselor. There was a lot involving respecting others, and other cultures, being aware of different, respecting myself and supporting a variety of people from different backgrounds. This truly got me to think of what my personal ethics were, things that I count negotiate on no matter what. I came to the conclusion of realizing that my own code of ethics included, being aware as well as respecting differences in cultures, identities, and people. I will continue to do the most I can to ensure safety, happiness, and loyalty between those I care about and what relationships/bonds I put my time in. I will continue to hold myself at a certain standard of having self-respect and appreciation, but also respect and appreciation for the world around me. I will always stay true to my own personal values, and refuse to go against them in order to give another person satisfaction. I will put my time and effort in the promotion/building of diversity, respect, self-love.

See Evidence #4

8. Student will express a personal values statement

I am a strong believer in appreciating the one life I was given because of the fact that I only get one shot in this lifetime. A lot has occurred in my life to make me thankful for the things I’ve been given and the people placed in my life. When it comes to what I value most in life, life is what something I genuinely appreciate with many aspects included. According to the VIA Character strengths, my top ten even included (in the order) gratitude, honesty, kindness, appreciation of beauty & excellence, fairness, humility, love, zest, teamwork and forgiveness. It was very interesting to me because when I personally thought about what I feel I hold the most value of, a few of those mentioned were included. With that being said, my values have a foundation that’s built upon my family, patience, love, kindness, happiness, and education. Along with my VIA Strengths, I believe my results from the Strengths Quests truly does represent the things I value, they included, ideation, input, positivity, developer, and empathy. I think they are able to tie into my VIA strengths and just deepen my core values overall. The reason being is because with all of those together, it builds a foundation for the rest of things in my life that are most important.

9. Student will demonstrate practice of the personal values statement

I’ve always been aware of the aspects that are valuable to me, but before taking HDF 291, I never stopped to challenge myself to genuinely think about them and actually think about how I apply them each day. For a while now, I’ve started to make sure that the things I stand for and believe in, are carried with me in each moment of my day. Whether it be in an action, or a thought, or even a simply gesture, I believe what you believe is important should never dim regardless of the situation you’re placed in. I have noticed a few ways situations in which without necessarily trying, I personally kept my values in check. When it comes to family, they aren’t simply a value but a backbone of mine. From my parents to my cousins to my godson to my grandparents to my very close friends I consider family, I make it a point to make them know I care. Whether it’s a phone call or a text message or seeing somebody in person, or even just the simply thought of a family member, I make sure that my actions in some way can build towards being beneficial for them as well. Which leads to another value of education. I have a lot of dreams and goals in life that I plan to achieve within this lifetime I was given, and as my father always told me, “education is the key to success”, and I believe in that so very much. I want to further my education so that I continue to learn, that I continue to embrace different forms of knowledge, so that as I get older and I progress through life I can become a working woman and stand on my own two feet while being there for family who may need help to do

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the same. Overall, patience, love, kindness, and happiness I feel is the foundation for aspects of a fulfilling life. In life you need to have patience within yourself as well as others, love yourself as well as others, be kind to others and definitely yourself, and trying to grasp your own happiness is key. I feel all of those aspects together can branch off into relationships, into your social life, into your drive and motivation and all can lead you on a path of greater things. For those reasons, they’re all a part of how I choose to live my life to get the best out of it. I’m on a path of finally doing what makes me happy and being okay with it. I’m learning more and more about myself, my strengths and my capabilities, all due the values I make an effort every day to embody. family, patience, love, kindness, happiness, and education

10. Student will demonstrate the ability to lead a project from start to finish (follow-through)

11. Student will describe goals and objective statements regarding personal issues, career issues, and community issues

12. Student will show evidence of goals and objectives that were planned and achieved

13. Student will show knowledge of the “Hierarchy of Needs” theory by Maslow

14. Student will show application of Maslow’s theory to own life

15. Student will describe personal leadership style and/or personality style including strengths and weaknesses and examples of application (Sources = Leadership style inventories, the L.P.I., StrengthsQuest, Type Focus (MBTI), LAMP, and other career inventories, etc.)

HDF 290 Retreat Before the retreat, I was already aware of my VIA Strengths, but I think taking the Strengths Finder truly took it to another level. I already felt I was a genuine human, kind hearted, and very caring, but when it came to picking out which characteristics were my greatest strengths, it took me some time. According to the Strengths Quest, my top five strengths include positivity, developer, input, empathy, and ideation. Going along with how I view my own positivity, I believe I do my best to try and keep a positive outlook on things in my life own, but also help others try to do so within theirs. I try my best to be somebody that lets others know they can achieve the greatest things when they put their minds to it, and I already respect and appreciation any form of effort (developer). Due to my own personal life experiences, I find it very important for one to be able to put themselves in another person’s shoes, and take the time to truly understand what it is they’re going through, because we never truly know. (empathy). The world in general, humans on this earth, all of it truly fascinates me. It’s very fascinating to me to find out new things, and be able to figure out how things are connected in a bigger picture. (ideation). Lastly, I am a big person on creating and saving memories. I personal enjoy photography and have a hard drive with over 15,000 pictures I’ve taken or saved in the past. Along with physical aspects, I’m very interested in learning and being able to constantly collect more information and figure things out. (input).

See Evidence #516. Student will show knowledge of the theory

of Superleadership by Manz & Sims 17. Student will show application of Manz &

Sim’s theory to own life

Outcome Category: Leadership Theories

Outcome Target class Additional Experiences Descriptive notes regarding learning and practice18. Student will show knowledge of the

“Authority and Bureaucracy” theory of leadership Weber

HDF 290

19. Student will describe personal application of the above theory

HDF 290

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(Weber)20. Student will show knowledge of the

“Scientific Management” theory of leadership by Taylor

HDF 290 The Scientific Management theory by Taylor is one with a main focus around build around the work place. The goal within this particular theory is to enhance productivity in the most efficient way. There is also the belief within this model that if one is to perform more efficiently and get their work done as a faster pace, their pay should increase as well. Within this particular model, there are 4 key principles; create laws and rules through scientific methods, recruiting and training individuals, divided the work among those individuals and managers, which will result in more support between the workers and the managers. If you are to think of this theory in a cycle, it starts with the recruitment which gives you employees, from their you train them to reach and follow the goals and rules in place. From there, provide the work to be completed to not only the workers but their managers as well, while creating an appreciation between the two which leads to more efficient workflow.

See Evidence #6

21. Student will describe personal application of the above theory (Taylor)

HDF 290 Hyatt Regency Activities Department During the summer, I returned to my job at the Hyatt Regency in Newport and worked in the Activities Department. I was the only one who had been there from the summer before, so I became a key person in helping to train others there included my manager who was just two years older than me (which made it much easier!). Also, due to the fact that I had come back, I was awarded a raise as well. In this case, there were already rules and created, there were just some more added seeing how a lot had changed within the management and hotel as a whole. Once two more employees were hired, training began and since it was slower at the beginning the summer it got easier to train since there was more time and room for mistakes to be made before it got busy. Due to the down time in the beginning, the team got closer easier and was able to tackle the responsibilities together. Everybody had their own strengths and weaknesses but as a team, we were able to equally split the work because our manager saw us as equals among each other. Because of this and her attitude, we were able to establish more of a connection and more support one another. Also, together, we were able to perform more efficiently as well.

See Evidence #722. Student will show knowledge of the

“Management by Objectives” theory of leadership by Drucker

23. Student will describe personal application of the above theory (Drucker)

24. Student will show knowledge of “Theory X and Theory Y” theory of leadership by MacGregor

HDF 290 Douglas McGregor’s Theory X and Y is a theory that represents two different management styles. According to McGregor, in the style of Theory X, the leader has the mindset of assuming employees aren’t naturally motivated. Due to this fact, it causes the leader to have a more controlling or forcing approach to the employees when it comes to getting work done. Because of that, the employees make an effort to actually avoided the work to be done because they don’t enjoy the work to begin with. With Theory Y, the leader is decentralized and, unlike a Theory X leader, has the presumption that the employees are already motivated. In this situation, there’s little to no control, because the workers are able to be motivated naturally through the ratification of their job and being educated on it. A main difference between the two theories that you see more of an authoritarian leadership style in Theory X, while in Theory Y, there is more of a participatory leadership style.

See Evidence #8

25. Student will describe personal application of the above theory (MacGregor)

HDF 290 In HDF 290, when we were learning about Theory X and Y, the question of which theory we believed was best came up. I personally had to think of my own values but also what style I would be more comfortable being under. I recognized that Theory Y would be the one I’d personally be involved in, but also saw that Theory X works. With Theory X, there’s an emphasis on control and tough management, which for some people serve as strict but effective style. For me, I prefer, and do have a boss, who is Theory Y. Under this, there’s more creativity and job satisfaction. At my job now, I thoroughly enjoy it,

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and when asked to do things, I’m never demanded or threated to do so. Along with every other employee, we each have to engage in the same tasks, get asked to do the same things regardless of who we are, and also have an open space to voice opinions and ideas. My boss follows more of a participatory leadership style; and even physically helps out with a variety of tasks during the day.

26. Student will show knowledge of the “Servant Leadership” theory of leadership by Greenleaf

HDF 290BUS 441

The Servant Leadership theory is one that embodies an individual being able to put others first, have the ability to listen to others previous to acting upon their own thoughts, is accepting of others, and has the ability to show empathy. With servant leadership, the idea of one wanted to primarily serve, is the first step, because this provides the individual seeking to be the leader. Within this particular theory, there are ten characteristics consisting of: listening, empathy, healing, awareness, persuasion, conceptualization, foresight, stewardship, commitment to the growth of people, and building community.

See Evidence #9

27. Student will describe personal application of the above theory (Greenleaf)

HDF 290 Future Goals For this particular theory, I believe wanting to be a counseling serves as this sort of leadership. As a counseling, a big portion of my work that I want to be able to be a part of, includes being able to be somebody who listens to my clients. I want to be somebody that they know will listen without any judgements, and listen to understand rather than to respond. Since empathy is one of my top strengths, I plan to utilize that in my future, so my clients with be able to understand that although I may not be in their exact situation, I do try my best to understand where they’re coming from. A big reason why I want to be a counselor is to be able to help others, and to help each individual get to a point of healing and bettering themselves as a whole. I want to be aware of the issues the individuals I come in contact with have, but also be able to raise awareness to help them as best I can. In the future I also hope to have my own non-profit organization to raise awareness about particular issues individuals face every day. I want to be able to persuade individuals in trying new things, look at things in a new light, and to gain more education on the world around them while also learning to love themselves even more. I want to be able to remain committed to helping each individual grow as a a person, and get to a place where they truly feel worth it. As a whole I would love to make an impact in my community by starting with individuals and helping them move towards becoming the best versions of themselves, and love the person they are.

28. Student will show knowledge of the “Principle Centered Leadership” theory by Covey

Principle Centered Leadership is practiced on four important levels of personal, interpersonal, managerial, and organizational. This theory includes the characteristic of continually learning, positive energy, belief in others, service oriented, leading a balances life, seeing success, viewing life as more of an adventure, being synergistic, and being able to cerise for self-renewal.

29. Student will describe personal application of the above theory (Covey)

30. Student will show knowledge of the “14 Points / TQM” theory of leadership by Deming

31. Student will describe personal application of the above theory (Deming)

32. Student will show knowledge of the “Visionary Leadership” (now often cited as “Transformational Leadership”) theory by Sashkin

33. Student will describe personal application of the above theory (Sashkin)

34. Student will show knowledge of the “Individuals in Organizations” leadership

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theory by Argyris35. Student will describe personal application

of the above theory (Argyris)36. Students will demonstrate knowledge

of the “4 V’s” theory of leadership by Grace (Center for Ethical Leadership)

HDF 290 The Four V Model of leadership created by Dr. Bill Grace includes value, vision, voice, and virtue, all in which serve a major role in ethical leadership. Value is able to represent the fact that as individuals we each have a group of values that are able to serve as a foundation of what we base our decisions off of and serve as a representation of ourselves. Vision is primarily how we are able to view the actions we make, but also be aware of how those actions can make a difference with those around us and in our community. Voice represents how leaders are able to project what their visions are in a clear way. Virtue Is actual the center of all the other V’s, representing that is truly is key that one is able to be engaged in good behavior while staying true to their core values. Within the 4 V’s there are also three elopements involved: service, polis, renewal Service, is being able to act on our values in a way that will also be beneficial for those around us. Polis is the action in which we are voicing our vision to others. Lastly, renewal is the act of continuing to be sure that our actions are able to be a representation of our values as well as our vision overall.

See Evidence #10

37. Student will describe personal application of the above theory (Grace)

HDF 290 HDF CurriculumPsychology, Leadership, Criminal Justice Minor.

I believe the biggest way this theory is able to apply is to the overall college experience. I personal have a strong connection to education. I believe that being able to go to school is an honor and a privilege most people do not have. I take pride in being able to come to a university to move towards graduating and accomplishing the goals I have set for myself. My vision with every class I take or anything I choose to be a part of is all pieces of my bigger picture. I want to be a counselor one day, so taking the classes to get certified, to gain as much knowledge as I can to do what I want add feeds into being able to make a change in the world. It is all able to build upon the fact that I want to be somebody to make a change in my community and make an impact in the lives of others. The best way I’ve been able to express my passions and my visions is through simply having set goals for myself. I may not know all the steps to get there, and I am figuring it out along the way, but I am still able to confidently express what I want to do and what I will be taking out of my undergraduate experience and hope to take out of my graduate experience. All of this combined aligns with my values and I know everything I do and will do will add into doing good for myself and the world around me. In order to achieve it all, I will engage in polis, and be able to voice my vision to others as I continue to grow in my life and career. With service, I will be a part of communicate service, complete an internship in the career field I want, and continue to be a person who helps others. Lastly, I will continue on the path I am going in order to achieve my career goals, and continue to take the necessary steps in college to make sure I have that foundation. Altogether each step I take will be building blocks of my values that help create my overall vision and goals.

See Evidence #11

38. Student will show knowledge of the “Situational Leadership” theory by Hersey & Blanchard

HDF 290 In Hersey & Blachard’s Situational Leadership theory, there is a representation of the fact that no single leadership style can serve all people. There may be some behaviors that are able to suit certain employees while others may not. In this theory, there is a strong emphasis of the two components of directive and supportive behavior. With directive behavior, it supports the actions of a leader being the one who makes a majority of the decisions including what things need to be done as well as when and how. This is fueled by the follower being able to take a hold of their own work. With supportive behavior, the leader does more of the opposite and is the one who acts as one who will listen, communicate, and be the encouragement for the followers. In this case, the leader’s behavior is fueled by how well the follower is able to function without as much of that natural support. A representation of this model is drawn out in the form of a quadrant with four leadership styles including directing, coaching, counseling and delegating; each in which are able to vary based on the leadership style and the task at hand. Each in which vary within the level of task behavior and relationship. Within this

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theory, it is emphasizing that a leader has to alter their leadership style based on the maturity that their followers are able to project. Based upon the follower and the task, the leader has to be able to alter the task and the relationship. If you have a follower who has low task behavior and high relationship(counseling), the leadership style will differ compared to that of a high task behavior and low relationship(directing)

See Evidence #12

39. Student will describe personal application of the above theory (Hersey & Blanchard)

HDF 290 TLC Coffee Roasters At my current job, I personally feel as though I work perfectly fine with the leadership style my boss chooses. There of course have been times where maybe I didn’t agree, but in the end I of course knew to do what I was told as the employee. He’s interactive, will help when needed, is approachable and has a standard of getting things done and making sure the customers are taken care of and leave with the thoughts of coming back. Now for some of the new girls, who see how the older people interact and do things, it may come off that everybody just has the ability to do certain things or get away with certain things. My boss sees it as if you don’t know what you’re doing in the way that more experienced people do, you should ask and learn on your own. A new girl in particular, got in trouble recently for putting off certain tasks to get done at the last minute because she felt as though if the more experienced people could do it fast, she could too. Due to that my boss had to switch his leadership style a little and become more directive with her to get her to understand that when he asks to get things done it should get down at that time, before assuming that she can get things done at the same level when she’s still not as experienced. In that moment I did recognize the fact that the style of the leader in this situation, did depend on the follower because the actions she was engaged in cause him to approach the situation differently compared to how he would’ve with somebody who worked their longer.

See Evidence #13

40. Student will show knowledge of the “Relational Leadership” model by Komives, McMahon & Lucas

41. Student will describe personal application of the above theory (Komives et al)

42. Student will show knowledge of the concept of constructivism

Just to acknowledge the meaning of the word, constructivism is based on observation as well as scientific study, that states how people learn. Through personal experiences as well as reflections of them, the individual is able to construct their own understanding and awareness of the world around them. I’ve been able to understand this best when I relate it to education and different relationships. With education, you learn by example a majority of the time and being taught, but you can learn best within your personal experiences and being able to act on them. With relationships it’s the same way just a different context. Whether its friendships or intimate relationships you learn what does and doesn’t work for you once you genuinely have experience with them. Overtime for both, your able to apply the things you learn into real world situations, to broaden your personal knowledge of the world around you as well as the people you interact with.

43. Students will describe personal examples of implementing constructivism

I have been able to take what I’ve learned about constructivism, and recognize that I have acted within this model more times than I’ve taken the time to acknowledge. The most recent and one of the most impactful was specifically was HDF 291. I’ve grown up knowing who I am, and have embraced more knowledge about where I come from. Coming in the beginning of the semester and learning what woman of color is, learning how others deal with issues in their everyday life, learning that I am not alone in the things I go through have become very relieving. As weeks went on in this class, each Tuesday and Thursday I gained more knowledge about the foundation of many of the issues I’ve

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known about and learned about more. For example, I never once was asked how I genuinely define myself, and with this course I was challenged to realize that how I identify truly may not always be necessarily accepted by another person. With that being said, I was able to realize that that’s how it’ll be in many aspects of my life. I never took the time to sit and understand how many obstacles and stereotypes are against me, until I took the time to realize how others within my race deal with everyday life. I never noticed the genuine impact of colorism, never understood how deep race issues run in the world. One of the biggest things I have to experience and reflect never took the time to sit and think of the deeper issues behind transgendered woman of color either. This course specifically challenged me in various ways, which caused me to experience different feelings and emotions about issues in the world. My perspective on issues of color grew as well as changed for the fact that I constructed more knowledge and understanding of the world around me, by experiencing as well as reflecting on

44. Student will demonstrate knowledge of experiential learning in leadership development (Kolb)

45. Student will describe personal application of experiential learning in leadership development (Kolb)

46. Student will show knowledge of the “Social Change Model of Leadership Development” by Astin et al

HDF 290 The Social Change Model of Leadership Development is geared to helping those who may not hold the traditional leadership role, incorporate leadership concepts to move towards a positive change through the process of the model. This particular model hopes to strengthen pones self-knowledge, and personal skills. Within this model, there are 7 C’s, all in which one must be able to accomplish before progressing towards the final 8th C, which is change. The 7 C’s are ideals within the model broken down into individual, group and community and societal values. The 7C’s include: consciousness of self, congruence, commitment, collaboration, common purpose, controversy with civility, and citizenship. Consciousness of self, congruence, and commitment all help one move towards change individually. Collaboration, common purpose, controversy with civility work towards change through the group. With the community/societal, citizenship helps to move towards change. Consciousness of self is being able to be aware of your own beliefs, values, attitudes and emotions that are able to be the motivation behind and individuals’ actions. Congruence means regardless of the circumstance, that one is able to remain constant with their own values, beliefs, strengths and limitations (which goes hand-in-hand with consciousness of self.) Commitment stands for the energy being an individual’s act of serving, and that in which drives the collective effort. Collaboration represents leadership being a group process, and being able to explore a variety of values, ideas, and identities. Common purpose is being able to work with similar values and aims. Controversy with civility represents the clear differences within the group that are able to be acknowledged as well as resolved through open communication. Citizenship is actively participating to better the community. Altogether, the 7 C’s act as stepping stones towards the final 8th C of Change of one being able to be involved in creating a better society for themselves as well as those around them.

See Evidence #14

47. Student will describe personal application of the above theory (Astin et al)

HDF 290 My Life (21st birthday) Over time, I have realized that it’s possible to put myself first sometimes, and still be able to care deeply about people/things around me. Without even realizing it completely at first, I was able to realize that I was already engaged in the Social Change Model through this year (2016). Due to a handful of events surrounding my 21st birthday, I was able to really be tested on my values, my beliefs, and my emotions, while being true to them with my actions. It was situation of my best friend having a conflict with some family members. I have strong ties to my family, while also believing in loyalty and honesty in friendships. (consciousness of self) Along with that, I was also able to truly put my beliefs, values and strengths in action when I had to step away from that particularly sticky situation, take deep breath and remember that regardless of what goes on, my actions will always affect me the

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most(congruence). With my actions, I was stay committed to my values, and personally came to a compromise that I have to respect both sides, and for the issue at hand, I removed myself from continuation of any possible issues, to be able to continue the strong relationships I had with both sides. (commitment) With collaboration, I had to step up in the situation and speak to both sides, and recognize the behaviors of my best friend and my family members, as well as make the steps towards understanding everybody’s perspectives and why they had them. For the common purpose, as simple as it may seem, it came to the conclusion that regardless of their disagreements, the most important thing was me being able to enjoy my birthday and the weekend without having to deal with any negativity at the time. With controversy with civility, we were able to recognize the differences, seeing as how both sides had something to be upset about, but were able to be accepted but also able to move towards a consensus on a resolution. With citizenship, while it may not refer to many people, my friends and family are still an apart of my community, so being able to work towards bettering that conflict, ad practicing good citizenship became the goal to be achieved. In doing so all together, going through each of the 7C’s within that time frame, as it still continues, the end result is the 8th C, with being able to make a change. This change refers to myself personally and the relationships I have with others, and how that affects more than just us in this particular situation.

48. Students will demonstrate knowledge of the “Leadership Identity Development Model” by Komives et al

49. Students will describe personal application of the above theory. (Komives et al)

50. Students will demonstrate knowledge of the Strengths-Development Model by Hulme et al

51. Student will describe personal application of the above theory (Hulme et al)

52. Student will demonstrate knowledge of behavior theories of leadership from Michigan and Ohio State

53. Student will describe personal application of the above theories (Michigan & Ohio State)

54. Student will demonstrate knowledge of Charismatic leadership

55. Student will describe personal application of the above theory

56. Student will demonstrate knowledge of contingency approach to leadership by Fiedler

57. Student will describe personal application of the above theory (Fiedler)

58. Student will demonstrate knowledge of Path-Goal theory by House

BUS 441 Leadership by Peter G. Northouse The Path-Goal theory serves as a representation of how leaders have the ability to motivate their followers to become more softies with the work they are completing and create more effective performances. This theory is based around the facts that an individual will continue to feel more motivated if they feel they are good enough to complete the task, are under the assumption that their work will be awarded, and if they feel as if their efforts serve some sort of value. Path-goal theory consists of three main components including the behaviors of the leader, the characteristics of the followers as well as the tasks. The main leadership behaviors in this particular theory include directive, supportive, participative, and achievement oriented. Each of these are able to provide the leader with

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the tools to give the follower assistance and coaching along the way. The directive offers guidance, supportive provides more nurturing behaviors, participative offers more mutual involvement, wand achievement oriented offers challages for the follower.

See Evidence #15

59. Student will describe personal application of the above theory (House)

BUS 441 In the beginning of the Fall 2016 semester, I was very interested in my PSC 388 class. After a few weeks, I of course remained interested, but starting realizing I was struggling around the first exam. I did my best, but ended up with 56, a grade that I didn’t feel represented that as well. Due to that, and my continuiong struggles of certain conceots, my professor seemed to take notice as well, so I made an appointment to meet with him outside of class. During my office hour appointment, he provided me with tips to remember the information but also with tips on how to apply the information. From there he also gave me tips on what things he felt I had a control on so pointed me to which tigns he felt I needed more time focusing on. He was able to create certain goals I should meet, and which directions I should take in order to meet those goals. For me, I recognized studying more and keeping what he said in mind as the efforts that would reward me with a better grade in the class. As the leader in this situation, my professor provided me with supportive leadership behavior. He was able to specifically point oou things he noticed, and was able to communicate effectively about his suggestions. Altogether, he was able to provide the guidance of specific topics, support, and I ended up with an 80 much better grade then the two previous exams given.

See Evidence #16

60. Student will demonstrate knowledge of Leader Member Exchange (LMX) theory

61. Student will describe personal application of the above theory

62. Student will demonstrate knowledge of Leadership Substitutes Theory

63. Student will describe personal application of the above theory

64. Student will demonstrate knowledge of Models of leader emergence

65. Student will describe the impact of traits on leadership emergence and performance

66. Student will demonstrate knowledge of Chaos approach to leadership by Wheatley

67. Student will describe personal application of the above theory (Wheatley)

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Outcome Category: Inclusive Leadership / Diversity and its Application to Leadership

Outcome Target class Additional Experiences Descriptive notes regarding learning and practice68. Student will demonstrate how cultural

anthropology / paradigms relate to leadership

69. Student will describe personal example of using cultural anthropology / paradigms as a leader

70. Student will demonstrate knowledge of the “Cycles of Socialization” (Harro) theory and its uses in leadership

The cycle of socialization is a cycle in which we are born into. Within this cycle, we do learn the how very complex oppression actual is. In this cycle, we learn we are born into this world with our mechanics already decided for us; whether by family, peers, that all shaped our expectations, and even our values. While we become socialized, these become reinforced or swayed by different parties from culture or different institution. Form here, we are involved with rewards and punishments, privileges, discriminations that lead to feelings of silence, anger guilt, crime or even violence. With these feelings we either act on change and educate others, question things, take a stand against something, or we do nothing make no changes and fall into societal expectations, which then brings us back to the beginning of prejudices , the traditions and belief that things are meant to be the way they are.

71. Students will demonstrate personal application of the “Cycles of Socialization” (Harro)

The biggest way in which I have realized and tried to get myself out of the cycle was built on my identity. Born into this world, I was already branded with the labels of a girl, Puerto Rican, Jamaican, a child born out of wedlock, and even not in a high class family. My parents placed my ethnicity naturally upon me, and the areas I lived in reinforced that. However, the peers around me began to build into my head that I was going to end up into the group of the young teenage mother before my Quince date arrived, or a “ghetto girl”. I’d see it on television all of the time, that the woman I resembled had to be sex objects or had bad attitudes, that I had to dress a certain way, like certain music, enjoy certain things, that I began to realize didn’t match how I viewed things. I didn’t want to be sexualized, I didn’t want to be a teenage mother, I didn’t want to be disrespected for my body I wanted to be respected as a human. As I got older I reached the stage within the cycle of realizing my privilege, realizing that I can feel empowered, that I had a control with my beliefs, values and my voice. I realized that my personal values were important and I had a right to act upon them. I do remember times such as being bullied, being overweight, being insecure in which I was stuck in or repeated this cycle of socialization due to the fact that I was easily encouraged by the world around me. With difference experiences, I began to feel (once becoming knowledgably about this cycle) that I was able to progress rather than beheld back within the cycle of socialization. I have recently begun to move past the stage within the cycle that had the possibility of resulting in anger, silence, stress, violence, or hatred. I’ve been able to step into advocating for change, been able to question things, interrupt what I don’t see is right, I’ve been able to educate myself, been able to reframe my mindset to becoming more positive in various aspects of the world as well as within myself. I have been able to think for myself, create my own outlook, been able to be genuinely happy and not sit back and not believe my voice was worth hearing.

72. Student will demonstrate knowledge of the “Cycles of Liberation” (Harro) theory and its uses in leadership

73. Student will demonstrate personal application of the “Cycles of Liberation” (Harro)

74. Student will demonstrate knowledge of the “Configuration of Power” (Franklin) and its relationship to leadership

75. Student will demonstrate personal application of the “Configuration of Power” (Franklin)

76. Student will demonstrate knowledge of racial identity development via the Cross, The way one identifies can vary in many different aspects. Each of which that have given researchers

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Helms or other models (Ferdman & Gallegos; Kim; Horse; Wijeyesinghe etc.)

knowledge about how identity issues are set. With examples such as Cross, Helms, Ferdman & Gallegos, Kim, Horse, and Wijeyesinghe, that is specified very well. Cross and Fhagen-Smith, developed a model of Black Identity Development that included six sectors. These sectors included infancy and childhood in early black identity development, preadolescence, adolescence, early adulthood, adult nigrescence, nigrescence recycling. Helman had a model of white identity development that included both the development of color as well as white people. For white identity development, it was split with two phases; abandonment of racism and evolution of nonracist identity. Rowe, Bennett and Atkinson developed the white racial consciousness model that built a response to concern within the white racial identity that incorporated Helm’s model. Ferdman and Gallego’s Model of Latino Identity Development, which included six orientations of Latino-integrated, Latino-identified, subgroup-identified, Latino as other, undifferentiated/denial, and white identified. Kim was able to develop the model of Asian American Identity development, which consisted of five stages including, ethnic awareness, white identification, awakening to social political consciousness, direction to Asian American consciousness, and incorporation, Horse developed the Perspective on American Indian identity, which consisted of one’s knowledge of their native language, consciousness of their heritage, and the consciousness of their values and respects. Regardless of the race, I’m able to recognize various identities, whether it be in my friends or my family, there’s always different identities around me and different developments individuals may have gone through.

77. Student will demonstrate personal application of model(s) of racial identity development above

Personally, I identify with more than one race, how ever one model specifically was one that I was able to connect with. The model in which I was able to connect the most with was Ferdman and Gallego’s Model of Latino Identity development. I can clearly recall at the beginning of the semester when we first touched upon racial identity, I wouldn’t have chosen this model, I’ve been able to deepen my thoughts on the subject and did realize that this was one that did apply to me. In the sense that Latino’s represent a variety of skin colors, different identifications, and different factors contributing to that, definitely sparked my connection. I personally did have issues understanding that there isn’t one set “type” of Latina, that it was okay for me to be mixed and still proud of my Puerto Rican roots as well. I realized the differenced over time that everybody can be their own version of a such a complex ethnicity. I was able to fall into the orientation of Latino as other, for the fact that I didn’t always know specifics, but did mesh well with other people of color for the fact that physically I “looked like everybody else” I was able to. As I got older and became more aware of different things, I felt myself have moments in Latino-identified, but especially after class discussion and having more of an explanation, I have genuinely found myself within the orientation of Latino-integrated. I am also Jamaican, however, this model in a way was also applied to me finding my identity with being mixed. I’ve pushed myself to do more and can now challenge racism in a healthy way and I “understand the racial constructs that exists in the United States” (Evans, Forney, Guido, Patton, & Renn, 2010) and I can and am able to mesh both races within identity with others I’ve encompassed. I’ve been able to mesh my identities to find myself, and being to focus on who it is that I want to become.

78. Students will demonstrate knowledge of McIntosh’s theory of privilege and its relationship to leadership

79. Student will demonstrate personal application of McIntosh’s theory

80. Student will describe the differences and similarities of individual and institutional oppression and relationships to leadership

81. Student will show knowledge of effective leadership as it relates to change agency

82. Student will describe personal examples of being a change agent

83. Student will create a personal code of inclusive leadership

84. Student will demonstrate knowledge of the “Model of Intercultural Sensitivity” by

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Bennett and its uses in leadership85. Students will demonstrate personal

application of the “Model of Intercultural Sensitivity” by Bennett

86. Student will demonstrate knowledge of the ally Action Continuum by Griffin & Harro

87. Student will demonstrate personal application of the Action Continuum by Griffin & Harro

Outcome Category: Critical Thinking

Outcome Target class Additional Experiences Descriptive notes regarding learning and practice88. Student will show knowledge of principles of

critical thinking (logic is used in this minor)89. Student will demonstrate proficiency of

critical thinking90. Student will show knowledge of

metaphorical analysis to critically analyze self and leadership situations

91. Student will demonstrate proficiency of metaphorical analysis to critically analyze self and leadership situations

92. Student will show knowledge of at least five decision making methods

93. Student will describe personal examples of having used five decision making methods

94. Student will show knowledge of at least five problem solving / conflict management methods, as well as understanding the roots of conflicts

95. Student will describe personal examples of having used five problem solving / conflict management methods (if student has been trained in mediation, that information goes here)

96. Student will describe what it means to analyze, criticize, synthesize and utilize information as a leader

97. Student will demonstrate knowledge of leadership that is used in crisis

BUS 441 Group Presentation: Crisis Leadership November 8th,2016

In BUS 441, after a few weeks into the semester, each student had to be in a group to present a topic in Leadership. On November 8th, thegroup that was presenting that day chose the topic of crisis leadership. I was explained that crisis leadership is the act of an individual being able to take the reins of a situation in the time of a crisis, and having the ability to guide your followers through that crisis. In order to lead in a crisis one must first assess the situation as whole. This is to be able to know what you’re dealing with in the first place. From there you are to act as quickly as you can in order to attack the crisis, but you are to do so without being careless. This allows you to be able to engage in more controlled actions. Next, you have to communicate with your followers how severe the crisis is; you want to be able have them know what’s going on. Then you should take control of the situation and move towards being able to elevate the crisis as a whole. Lastly, you want to fully adapt and react in

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order to take care of the crisis at hand.

See Evidence #17

98. Student will describe examples of leadership in crisis situations

BUS 441 Group Presentation: Crisis Leadership November 8th,2016TLC Coffee Roasters

I work at a coffee shop, and to many people, unless you work at a coffee shop, you don’t understand the severity of only knowing English, having a lunch rush, and the next customers in line speak 99% Spanish, and understand about 5% English. Close to the end of Spring 2016 semester, I was in the middle of preparing coffee during the lunch rush. While calling out the drink to give to the customers, I heard a couple discussing what to get in Spanish with one another, while trying to explain their order to my coworker who was having difficulty understanding what they were saying. I was able to assess the situation, saw the look on her face, and being the only Spanish-speaking (not 100% fluent, maybe 50%) employee, I knew I had to step in. I told my coworker that id handle it, and after her smile and sigh of relief I was able to do so. I acted quickly by simply asking what drinks they wanted and how it was made, and wrote down their lunch order. I did so with a quick pace, to keep up with the rush, but slow enough to provide my full attention to the customer. I let my coworker know the drinks that the customer needed and let her know it was all handled and understand that the severity of the situation was very low from that point. I took control of the situation by being able to make sure I was communicating all the right things. From there I was able to cash the customer out and the situation was able to end very smoothly.

See Evidence #18

Outcome Category: Interpersonal and Organizational Concepts & Skills

Outcome Target class Additional Experiences Descriptive notes regarding learning and practice99. Student will demonstrate knowledge of

active listening techniques100. Student will describe examples of using

active listening skills101. Student will demonstrate knowledge of

functions of group communication by Hirokawa

102. Student will describe personal application of functions of group communication (Hirokawa)

103. Student will show knowledge of techniques regarding giving and accepting of feedback

104. Student will describe examples of giving and accepting feedback.

105. Student will demonstrate knowledge of facilitation and de-briefing techniques

106. Student will demonstrate proficiency of facilitation and de-briefing techniques

107. Student will demonstrate knowledge of

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framing and breaking the frame108. Student will demonstrate proficiency of

framing and breaking the frame109. Student will show knowledge of

organizing meetings / setting agendas / and leading meetings

BUS 441 COM 100 In BUS 441, we were assigned to partner up with somebody in the class and would have to teach a whole class period on a topic of our choice in leadership. This meant that my partner and had would have to come up a presentation that would last at least an hour of the hour and fifteen minutes of class. During this presentation, we had certain points we had to hit, but overall we had to be able to communicate effectively, have a power point presentation, keep the audience engaged, stick to an agenda so we were able to fit all of the information in, and be able to end with a one-minute question to make sure that everybody paid attention. I sometimes get nervous speaking in front of class, but I remembered that in COM 100, I was told that the nerves will always show if you let them, so it’s okay to fake confidence during presentations and make sure you come off as knowing what you’re talking about. In BUS 441, we learned to project your voice, plan ahead for the possibility of things going wrong but come prepared with a set idea of what you’ll do that day. Along with presenting our information on the topic, by partner and I had make sure we could control the class. With the variety of all of that together, I had learned that planning ahead of what could go wrong truly does help, but preparing for things to go well does help as well, because it can add to that confidence whether you fake it or not. Also, being able to project your voice, stick to your schooled, and find some sort of passion with what you’re presenting goes a long way.

110. Student will describe personal examples of organizing meetings / setting agendas / leading meetings

BUS 441 P.I.N.K. Women Meeting In P.I.N.K Women, along with various events, booth hours, and outings, we have weekly meetings every Thursday at 7p.m. In the beginning of the Fall 2016 semester, a number of girls voiced their concern of feeling that there was something missing within the org, felt a disconnect and expressed a want for more bonding, connection, and understanding. Due to this, I came up with the idea of doing an activity with the girls in P.I.N.K. to open our eyes and be more aware of our sisters around us. I had expressed the fact that I wanted to do an activity commonly called “On the bus, off the bus”. This including asking a variety of simple questions as well as deeper questions, where if they applied to you would step onto the line. I also had people close their eyes when I asked questions, and open them only to see the hands that were raised by those who my questions applied to. My point was to get everybody to see that we are all here for a reason and each of us have somebody that we can relate to on different levels. After the activity, I remember some girls wanting to continue with their own questions, and even had sisters approach me and say it was helpful to have a visual. It was also able to create the action of breaking down a wall that some began to put up between our E-Board (leaders) and the general members. As an organization, we have an E Board, but still want to understand that they too are general members, and that nobody is more important than their sister sitting next to them. Due to that, I felt as though some became more open in that meeting and ready to try to build more relationships between one another.

See Evidence #19111. Student will show knowledge of

Parliamentary Procedure112. Student will show knowledge of techniques

for working with difficult people113. Student will describe personal examples of

using techniques to work effectively with difficult people

114. Student will show knowledge of the stages of group development (Tuckman, Bennis or others)

115. Student will describe personal examples of group development in use (Tuckman, Bennis or others).

116. Student will show knowledge of group dynamics and group roles

117. Student will describe personal examples of Leadership Inventory Revised 8/30/2013 16

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group dynamics and group roles118. Student will show knowledge of effective

memberships skills in groups119. Student will describe personal examples of

membership skills in use120. Student will show knowledge of the

Challenge and Support theory by Sanford, and its relationship to organizations

121. Student will describe personal examples of using the theory of Challenge and Support (Sanford)

122. Student will show knowledge of the construction / elements of informative and persuasive speeches

123. Student will demonstrate proficiency in informative and persuasive public speaking

124. Student will show knowledge of planning and conducting interviews (as the interviewer)

HDF 290 Painted Karma Interview In HDF 290, we were assigned to interview somebody in the community who was local politician, small business owner, or leader in a community service / non-profit organization and present as well as write a paper on them. In order to complete the two of these, we had to conduct an interview with the individual(s). The questions we asked had to be able to provide information on the individual(s) including education, motivation, mentors, and advice. Along with that, we had to gather information on things such as the business/political position/organization, long and short term goals, leadership theories/philosophies, moral and ethical issues, legal issues and decision and problem solving strategies. I had originally planned on going into Elle G to conduct an in person interview, and that did not work out. I then decided to interview the owners of Painted Karma in Wakefield. I wasn’t able to meet witht them in person, so I had to communicate through email. I had the understading that regardless of the way the interview occurred, I had to remain professional and effwctively commiunciate what the purpose of the interview was. I was able to gather a lot of information from Kristy and Duran, and they were extremely cooperative and helpful. Due to this, I was able to have a succesfful interview, and prepare an in class speech for HDF 290, as well as a write a paper.

See Evidence #20

125. Student will describe personal examples of planning and conducting interviews (as the interviewer)

HDF 290 Painted Karma Interview For my presentation of a small business, I chose to interview the owners of Painted Karma in Wakfield; Kristy and Duran. Based on the rubric I was given, I formed questions that were able to get background on the two indivudlal, as a married couple, as parents, and as business owners. Alogn with that I was able to gain information on their personal philiosophies, motivations, mentors, short and long term goals, problem solving skills, moral/ethical issues, legal considerations, their combined hopes for the future, and their contributions within their community. I wasn’t able to meet in person with Kristy and Duran, however I was able to think of an alternative and communicate effectively back and forth through email. Altogether, I was able to present a speech in class, and well as write up a paper of their small business.

See Evidence #21

126. Student will show knowledge of preparing for and effective answers in interviews (as the interviewee)

URI 101 P.I.N.K. 101 Interviews By the time I was taking URI 101 as freshman in college, I already had a job. However, it was the same job I had since high school and I wanted to branch out but I wanted to be able to learned about how to truly do well in an interview. Because of this, I asked the T.A. on tips of how to prepare questions, and present myself physically as well as mentally. Now P.I.N.K isn’t a job, it was going to become more of a lifestyle for me so when interviews came I wanted to be able to truly give it my own while remaining professional as well. When it came time to prepare for my interview I made sure to remember the tips I was given freshman year. I remembered to be authentic, study up on the job I wanted, have a common

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goal in mind and always be confident in myself. For this particular interview, I remained genuine and authentic because I knew I had to be myself there was no other option. I studied the facts I was given throughout the semester so that I would be prepared to recite any of the answers. When preparing for other questions I tried to plan out possible questions I thought would be asked about community service, about myself, and why I wanted to join P.I.N.K. The most helpful part of it was being able to remain calm and confident in myself, yes I was nervous but I tried my best not to let it show. I had to tell myself that I had to do my best and if I didn’t get in, then I didn’t, but at least I know I gave it my all.

See Evidence #22

127. Student will describe personal examples of preparing for and being interviewed

HDF 290 P.I.N.K. 101 Interview I am currently in a multicultural organization here on campus called Powerful Independently Notoriously Knowledgeable Women (P.I.N.K. Women). During my Fall 2015 semester, I was involved in the semester long process to get into the organization. Along with other girls in the process, I was involved in community service and having to become familiar with facts about the organization as a whole. In the beginning of December, we had group and individual interviews to serve as our final interaction before we found out whether we did or didn’t get into the organization. Before the interview, along with having self-talks almost every day, I made it a point to study the facts I was given, prepare business casual attire, and try to come up with questions I believe may be asked during the interview. During the interview, I was nervous, but I did my best, and answered questions about the facts of the organization, myself, and questions that asked about my own values and beliefs. I took this interview very seriously, and was able to go in as if it were a job interview. Just like a job interview, I had to prepare knowledge on the company I was interested in, prepare answers to possible questions and remain true to my own beliefs and values while representing why I stood out as a candidate.

See Evidence #23

128. Student will show knowledge of effective collaboration / coalition building

129. Student will describe personal examples of working in collaboratives/coalitions

130. Student will show knowledge of Intercultural communication considerations

131. Student will demonstrate proficiency in intercultural communication

132. Student will describe ways to maintain accountability in leadership / member relationships

133. Student will describe personal examples related to maintaining accountability as a leader

BUS 441 SOC 242 During my freshman year of college, I took SOC 242, Sex & Gender. Towards the end of the semester we had to present a group project, and it involved the equalization of women in different ads. Within the group, I was with four other girls, all in which I got along with very well, except one girl near the end of the semester. This girl started to rub people the wrong way, and created conflict within the group. Being who I am, I wanted to resolve the issue rather than have it continue and blow up in everybody’s faces. The conflict seemed to end, until the actual time of our presentation. During the girl’s time in the presentation, she basically presented her part and was able to mention that she felt as if I did something wrong in front of the whole class by saying “well I thought this, but somebody in the group seemed to disagree”, and the proceeded to point at me and say “well actually it was her”. I was in complete shock as well as the professor and everybody in the room. I immediately told myself to remain calm but after class addressed the situation it the professor. I wanted to take full responsibility for the situation because I felt as though that may have been something that could’ve messed up the groups grade, and I didn’t want that to happen. The professor actually told me she respected my approach, but also said that other members in my group felt this particular girl was out of line and wasn’t honest about her accusation. In BUS 441, I learned that in situation where your action says affect the whole team, being able to address the situation and move towards making a solution truly goes a long way. You move past any selfish acts, with your efforts to make things better.

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134. Student will describe ways to build relationships between leaders and members

BUS 441 In BUS 441, we learned the best ways to be effective leader, and the number one thing I learned was the fact that there isn’t one type of leader or leadership style. However, I learned that there are better ways to build a stronger bond between the leaders and members of any group. In order to have stronger bonds, it’s important to have trust, honesty, respect, confidence, and determination. Having trust between leaders and members will establish the ability for both sides to put faith in the other. Having honesty goes hand in hand with that because without honesty, there can be not true trust established. In having respect for one another, it results in being able to build a foundation between the two of you so you can have a clearer perspective and in the end want what’s best for the other in your team. Having a confidence in your action, especially with a leader can show your determination to the members of your team and provide a stronger bond. When you have confidence it can show that you’re willing to take the necessary steps, and step up when truly needed. As far as determination, it goes a long way when you’re able to see your leader be determined, because it shows that you’re doing your best for the team, and as a member it shows your leader that you’re willing to put in the effort as well for yourself and the team.

See Evidence #24

135. Student will describe personal examples of building relationships with members as a leader

BUS 441 PINK Women In the beginning of the semester, you could tell that a lot of girls in P.I.N.K. we’re having mixed emotions about the organization as a whole. A lot of us felt there was something missing, and a lot of changes were being made, but also saw somethings that still needed improvement. The E Board implemented many things throughout the semester to try and strengthen the org and the bond between us as a whole. Throughout the semester, our meetings seemed to increasingly be more about getting to the root of the issues, but also being able to acknowledge solutions to move past them. I think the President, Vice President, and the entire E Board truly took the situation and tried a lot of activities and events to push towards making a change. During a particular meeting, the E Board and President voiced their own concerns and opinions, and I think it truly showed to everybody that they too feel as though not everything’s going great, so that honesty from them fed into the trust we built, and the determination along the semester to improve on things truly showed a lot. Throughout the semester there was the sense that the wall people had built up slowly came down more and more due the building of mutual respect for each member and the E Board positions. Throughout the semester everybody was able to make it clear that change could occur, and being the end of the semester now, it truly did show everybody’s efforts were able to build stronger bonds and relationships between members of the organization.

See Evidence #23136. Student will describe how credibility applies

to leadership, as well as the characteristics and skills of a credible leader

137. Student will describe personal examples of building, maintaining, and repairing his/her own credibility as a leader

138. Student will describe ethical standards in influence

139. Student will describe influence applies to leadership

140. Student will describe principles of effective mentoring, as well as problems particular to the mentoring relationship

The things I assumed embodied a mentor a few years ago, have definitely changed and progressed. Especially during this semester, including the process of writing my own mentoring/mentee paper in this course, I’ve learned more about what those words truly mean. Mentoring specifically is seen as a relationship on a more professional level, where a proficient individual supports another in their development of different skills in order to provide them with tools to grow professionally as well as personally (or both). As a mentor, one may engage in many aspects such as being a resource for networking, specific issues, overall development, or maybe even just stepping out of their comfort zone. For the top mentoring effectiveness, one must practice confidentiality, remaining professional, staying committed and accessible, being aware of limitations/pushing them, being knowledgably of the

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Page 20: LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT JOURNAL file · Web viewOutcome. Target class. Additional Experiences. Descriptive notes regarding learning and practice. 1. Student will demonstrate autonomy

needs and goals of the relationship. Also one must remain nonjudgmental, provide advice, voice problem solving approaches & going above what they believe their limits are, engage in active listening, and lastly end civilly once the mentee is able to go forward independently.

141. Student will describe personal examples of mentoring and being mentored

Before my Spring semester of my Junior year, I wasn’t able to sit back and say I viewed anybody on campus as a mentor. I never really took that move forward in order to find one, for the fact that I believed it had to be something that simply occurred naturally. With the mentoring paper, it did challenge me to think deeper into who I may view as somebody that could be called that for me. I was interested in finding somebody that could embody each or most of the principles genuinely, without me having to explain it was that I was looking for. After my first day of HDF 310/311 with Karoline Lopes, I instantly felt as if it would become a class that I would enjoy with a teacher I would feel comfortable around. Once the paper came around to having to be started, Karoline Lopes was the first person that came to mind, and before asking if she’d be comfortable taking on that role in a mentor/mentee relationship I had already been able to acknowledge that she would be able to be confidential, keep a profession relationship, be nonjudgmental, give advice, listen actively and provide problem solving tactics. When I approached her to ask if she’d be okay with being my mentor, she instantly said yes. After interviewing her, I felt even more comfortable with my decision. I got to find out that she did touch upon each of the remaining principles I originally wasn’t able to recognize.

In my own experience of being the mentor, I was challenged to see if I was able to reach each of the principles in the way that my mentor did for me. After discussing it with my mentee and going through the principles I was very honored to realize that I was capable of being a mentor. At first I believed that a mentor also had to be some sort of a leader and I never truly viewed myself as being that. However, the main reason was because I never really learned what a mentor actually was before this course. Now having the experience of being a mentee, having a mentor, it added to me being a mentor as well. I was able to figure out what my own philosophy in mentoring is time progressed I hope to better myself in each of the principles to continue being the best mentor I can be and hopefully be one to others in the future.

142. Student will describe principles of effective peer leadership, as well as problems particular to peer leadership

143. Student will describe personal examples related to being a peer leader and being led by peers

144. Student will describe the four frames of organizations by Bolman and Deal

145. Student will describe personal application of organizational analysis using the four frames of organizations (Bolman and Deal)

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