Top 10 Leadership Qualities What are the top 10 leadership qualities? You shall come to know the most important traits a person must possess in order to become a good leader. Read on. Possessing leadership traits is itself a quality that is seldom bestowed in an individual. However, leadership qualities can be acquired by experience and following the path tread by great leaders in history. A leader has certain abilities and attributes that distinguish him from the masses. A person who listens to the grievances of his subordinates with patience, and acts rightfully, is capable of becoming a leader. One who is confident enough to put forth his views and can convince people to follow him willingly is a leader. A good leader is stubborn and magnanimous at the same time. Leadership qualities need to be understood, inculcated and practiced in order to etch a reputation in the good books of an organization and in the minds of people. Top 10 Leadership Qualities List 1. Assertive Being assertive should not be confused as stubborn and aggressive. Assertiveness is required to present your views clearly in front of others to avoid ambiguity and misunderstandings. On the flip side, you should be generous enough to consider the expectations of your followers from you. The basic difference between being assertive and being aggressive is how our words and behavior affect the rights and well being of others ~ Sharon Anthony 2. Optimistic Pessimism has no place in the head of a good leader. Leadership qualities and skills can be garnered when you have an optimistic approach towards everything. Pessimism breeds low self-confidence and low self- esteem, making you vulnerable to conflicts and disputes with your underlings and colleagues. Always the eternal optimist, President Reagan instilled confidence and optimism at a time when both were in short supply in our country ~ Jim Ramstad 3. Visionary Being a visionary is one of the most important characteristic of a good leader. You cannot progress unless you can foresee better things in life. You need to act wisely in the present and understand how things are going in the organization and set strategies accordingly. Change is the law of life. And those who look only to the past or present are certain to miss the future. John F. Kennedy 4. Courteous Leadership is not about being obstinate, adamant and self seeking. Among the top 10 qualities, this is one of the most important attributes through which respect and humility can be earned. You must appreciate your subordinates when they have achieved something and encourage them in all possible ways. Your ego should not hold you back from interacting courteously with your followers. No one can make you feel inferior without your consent ~ Eleanor Roosevelt 5. Decisive Imbecile character, inability to take right decisions, confused attitude and dependency negate the growth process of an individual. You must be capable of taking right decisions without hesitation and possess good judgmental power. One of the true tests of leadership is the ability to recognize a problem before it becomes an emergency ~ Arnold H. Glasgow


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Top 10 Leadership QualitiesWhat are the top 10 leadership qualities? You shall come to know the most important traits a person must possess in order to become a good leader. Read on.

Possessing leadership traits is itself a quality that is seldom bestowed in an individual. However, leadership qualities can be acquired by experience and following the path tread by great leaders in history. A leader has certain abilities and attributes that distinguish him from the masses. A person who listens to the grievances of his subordinates with patience, and acts rightfully, is capable of becoming a leader. One who is confident enough to put forth his views and can convince people to follow him willingly is a leader. A good leader is stubborn and magnanimous at the same time. Leadership qualities need to be understood, inculcated and practiced in order to etch a reputation in the good books of an organization and in the minds of people.

Top 10 Leadership Qualities List

1. AssertiveBeing assertive should not be confused as stubborn and aggressive. Assertiveness is required to present your views clearly in front of others to avoid ambiguity and misunderstandings. On the flip side, you should be generous enough to consider the expectations of your followers from you.The basic difference between being assertive and being aggressive is how our words and behavior affect the rights and well being of others ~ Sharon Anthony

2. OptimisticPessimism has no place in the head of a good leader. Leadership qualities and skills can be garnered when you have an optimistic approach towards everything. Pessimism breeds low self-confidence and low self-esteem, making you vulnerable to conflicts and disputes with your underlings and colleagues. Always the eternal optimist, President Reagan instilled confidence and optimism at a time when both were in short supply in our country ~ Jim Ramstad

3. VisionaryBeing a visionary is one of the most important characteristic of a good leader. You cannot progress unless you can foresee better things in life. You need to act wisely in the present and understand how things are going in the organization and set strategies accordingly. Change is the law of life. And those who look only to the past or present are certain to miss the future. John F. Kennedy

4. CourteousLeadership is not about being obstinate, adamant and self seeking. Among the top 10 qualities, this is one of the most important attributes through which respect and humility can be earned. You must appreciate your subordinates when they have achieved something and encourage them in all possible ways. Your ego should not hold you back from interacting courteously with your followers. No one can make you feel inferior without your consent ~ Eleanor Roosevelt

5. DecisiveImbecile character, inability to take right decisions, confused attitude and dependency negate the growth process of an individual. You must be capable of taking right decisions without hesitation and possess good judgmental power.One of the true tests of leadership is the ability to recognize a problem before it becomes an emergency ~ Arnold H. Glasgow

6. CreativeA creative mind can stretch to any limits to introduce new schemes, policies and implement new plans for progress of an organization. In this regard you must be a good team worker and should be open to suggestions from your teammates. Your creative skills will be appreciated only when you praise the work of others. Don't let anything stop you. There will be times when you'll be disappointed, but you can't stop. Make yourself the very best that you can make of what you are. The very best ~ Sadie T. Alexander

7. Motivative

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You should motivate and encourage your employees in every possible ways. People should approach you to get mental boost to bring out the best in them. In view of this, you can conduct regular interactive sessions with your employees. Your leadership traits should set an example for creating more leaders in the future. A leader is one who knows the way, goes the way, and shows the way ~ John C. Maxwell

8. CommunicativeLacking communication skills hinders self growth. You must be able to delegate your views to others. This way people will come to you know you and vice versa. Your message should be conveyed throughout the organization and you must be assured that people are willing to accept without grudges. This way chaos and pandemonium is also avoided.The ear of the leader must ring with the voices of the people Woodrow Wilson

9. InformativeYou have to keep your senses open to perceive your surroundings. Instead of being a self seeker, you should look at the root level of any cause. You must know the happenings of every layer of society and keep yourself abreast of the current affairs. You can grow as an individual when you are courageous enough to accept and see things in a broader aspect.An individual has not started living until he can rise above the narrow confines of his individualistic concerns to the broader concerns of all humanity Martin Luther King, Jr.

10. PersonalityYou can acquire a pleasing personality through your actions and words even though if you are not endowed with them. You presence should inspire awe among others present along with you. And this is exactly what we call, a charismatic persona! Amongst the good leadership qualities, possessing good sense of humor is also important. If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader ~ John Quincy Adams

After reading these qualities, I'm sure you must be assured of what makes a good leader. Apart from all these, you should be a good individual, capable of leading others and courageous enough to face any kind of situation. I end my article, with my favorite leadership quote, by Nelson Mandela, It is better to lead from behind and to put others in front, especially when you celebrate victory when nice things occur. You take the front line when there is danger. Then people will appreciate your leadership.Read more at Buzzle: http://www.buzzle.com/articles/top-10leadership-qualities.htmlEffective Leadership Qualities and SkillsTo be a leader takes more than just skill, it's all about playing your cards right at your work place! Here are some essentially effective leadership qualities and skills that can help you shape the future of your organization.

Have you ever been the kind to always take initiative in various activities or have you been the kind to shy away from being in the limelight? The true essence of leadership lies in your basic personality as well. With increase in work pressures, being a good leader is not only about being excellent at your job but also being the one who develops the skills to manage people well. So, what are the kinds of skills that are needed to be an effective leader? Here, we shall have a quick look at some of the various qualities and skills that can help you tackle various situations with ease.

Having the Right PerspectiveWhatever your task may be, it always helps to have the right perspective or approach towards various work-related issues. Knowing about all the nitty-gritties of your work will help you to plan and strategize better. A true leader is able to visualize his/her goals and plans things accordingly. This would also enable proper distribution of tasks and ensure productive results.

Giving Constructive FeedbackEffective leadership skills are not just about showing your superiority in things, rather it would be a wise idea for you to give constant feedback to your colleagues or sub-ordinates. Being very meticulous about your approach would help you achieve your targets with ease. Always ensure you praise when the job is well done and criticize when needed, gently. If you wish for any job to be well done, you need to approach the matter professionally. Ranting and raving about issues would only put you in a bad light. However, you might achieve better results from your juniors if you tackle the matter professionally. Another very important point that is often overlooked is the fact that it is optimally important to take feedback from your team as well. Remember, upward feedback will only direct you towards what you need to do to

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become a better leader and how you should go about offering the best interests to your teammates.

Possessing the Right Spirit!An effective leader needs to lead and set an example, and also cause many to emulate him/her. By having the right approach and spirit towards work, you can motivate others to be equally energized about work. When the schedule is tough, be a little firm about things. When your team has done excellently, you can loosen up slightly and create a happy atmosphere to make everyone feel at ease. This would only help you to have better working conditions. When you have a happy set of people working for the organization, you will achieve all the targets and get productive results. Also, be honest! Do what you say and say what you do. If you feel that you will be unable to deliver something to the client within a specific date, then say it truthfully. Do not promise promotions or raises to your employees if you will be unable to give it to them. This will only increase frustration levels within a team. Honesty is a very helpful tool to keep a team together and make the full use of it.

Setting GoalsAlways set goals for yourself and your team. This would help you to keep things in check and streamline things in the workplace. With the right perspective towards things, you can set short-term goals that would help you to assess situations and implement the required changes in the organization. There can be nothing better than working for an organization that has a complete streamlined function about various work-related issues. However, always set goals that a re realistic and achievable, in keeping with the goals of the organization. Otherwise, hard work, energies, resources and time will all be wasted. If there appear to be glitches that hinder the process of achieving these goals, be considerate and work towards eliminating the hindrances and do not focus on blaming your team.

Delegating ResponsibilitiesAn effective leader is one who can delegate tasks to the right people. Knowing and identifying the strengths and weaknesses of your team would help you to manage things efficiently. Learn to tap the potential skills and distribute tasks accordingly. Give authority to deserving people and ensure they help other teammates to perform better. Remember, the way you make decisions will have direct effects on exactly how efficiently the team works and of course the eventual output. Make sound decisions with precision and here only objectivity can give you clarity.

Creating an Enjoyable AtmosphereEffective leadership qualities are not only about setting an example or handling tasks at work. One should also learn to identify problem areas at work and handle them to create an enjoyable atmosphere that's conducive for work. An effective leader will develop the right skills required to maintain a healthy and happy atmosphere at work!

These were some qualities and skills. With the right thought process, you can successfully implement these at work and achieve fruitful results. And as they say, it is never too late to inculcate good values and habits.Read more at Buzzle: http://www.buzzle.com/articles/effective-leadership-qualities-and-skills.htmlFour Most Important Leadership Qualities of Good LeaderConfidence and communication skill are just some of the plethora of attributes that a good leader should possess. Good leadership is a universal and timeless need. We take a look at the four most important leadership qualities.

To lead people, walk beside them ... As for the best leaders, the people do not notice their existence. The next best, the people honor and praise. The next, the people fear; and the next, the people hate ... When the best leader's work is done the people say, 'We did it ourselves!'- Lao-Tsu

Good leaders are required in all walks of life, in all professional fields. A good leader can motivate and inspire those around them to strive to achieve much more than they thought they could. The position of a good leader is indispensable. A good leader has the knack to align his team members and prepare them to take on any challenge that may lay in their path towards success.

There are a number of qualities that one seeks for in a potential leader. Some of the important ones include - a strong personality, good character, enthusiasm, confidence, tenacity, etc. However, there are four qualities that are most desirable in a good leader. Here is an account of those qualities.

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4 Pillars of Good Leadership

1. Ability and Confidence to Take Risks

A leader needs to have the ability to take risks. This ability comes with confidence in your decisions and yourself. It is claimed that higher the risk, higher is the gain. However, it need not always be so. A good leader should hence be able to weigh the pay-off of each situation properly. Someone who is happy being where he/she is will never make a good leader. A good leader should not rest on past laurels. A leader who does that soon loses his/her position. People are quick to remove such leaders from the pedestals they had set them upon. The constant urge for innovation is one of the most important leadership qualities. It helps the leader to be in tune with the modern times. It enables the leader to prepare his/her team to face new challenges much more effectively. A leader doesn't accept society's definitions of what is possible and what isn't. They break all barriers, go beyond connotations and achieve something extraordinary. Good leaders refuse to allow norms and limits defined by society to guide their actions or plans. Everything is possible for a good leader, despite the arduous and bumpy road to getting there.

2. Mental Strength and Stability

A leader needs to be mentally strong. He should also have a stability and calm about his personality. A leader is always under the microscope; there will be more than single occasion when a leader will be questioned about his/her judgment and / or decisions. Only a tough leader Will be able to live through and overcome such periods of trials. Leadership creates a certain separation from one's peers; this separation comes from carrying responsibilities that only a leader is capable of. A leader must be able to be strong in such a situation. It is not possible for a person to please everyone; a good leader must be able to keep his/her own counsel until the proper time. A leader should possess the ability to live with criticism and not be affected by it. Leaders must be able to limit the impact of stress on their lives. A good leader thrives on the energy of stressful situations, not the negativity. Good leaders have a self-esteem and self-confidence to ride out of any tough situation.

3. Superior Communication Skills

Effective leadership necessitates good communication skills. By communication skills, I mean talkingAND listening skills. A leader needs to create a proper system of communication for the organization. All interactions should take place without hurting anybody, especially the minorities. Leaders should possess the ability to ask the right questions. However, the role of a leader goes beyond himself; it also extends to the team he creates/elects. A good leader should also possess superior interviewing skills in order to choose the right candidate. He should clearly communicate the objectives and procedures required for a task. Though not absolutely a prerequisite, a leader should be good at reading body language. A leader has to be open to constructive feedback, but should also have the ability to convince others and communicate their vision to their team. A leader should motivate his team to work and strive to do better.

4. Going the Extra Mile

Good leaders always put more effort than the organization expects from them. They do activities that the majority of people won't do. Where most people quit, they persevere. All these things contribute to make them a good leader. Through their actions, dedication and excellence, a leader should set an example to their team. Leaders do not only motivate themselves in personal development but also motivate those around them. Good leaders do what is necessary to upgrade their knowledge and skills and be on the cutting edge in their field.

To end the article on a positive and hopeful note, I will quote Walter Lippmann - "The final test of a leader is that he leaves behind him in other men, the conviction and the will to carry on." Superior leadership is essential in today's high-pressure competitive world. Indeed, a leader should be able to prepare his team to such a level that they would never need another leader ever again.The ability to lead effectively is based on a number of key skills.  These skills are highly sought after by employers as they involve dealing with people in such a way as to motivate, enthuse and build respect. Ideally a leader wants people to follow them because of the trust and respect they have earned – not because they are told to.  Leadership roles are all around us, not just in a work environment, and although these pages focus on

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leadership skills from the perspective of working in an organisation, the skills can be applied to any situation where you are required to take the lead.People with vested interests in the subject of leadership (academics and those offering leadership training or literature of some sort) are convinced that leadership skills can be taught.  Many successful leaders however have never had any formal training; for them it is a state of mind, their personalities and personas that make them successful leaders.  You can of course learn about effective leadership skills and practices but being able to implement them yourself may require an altogether different set of skills and attitudes.  The question “Can leadership be taught?” has no simple answer and we do not want to argue for one side or the other, but rather keep an open mind on the subject and provide information about the skills good leaders need.

Skills a Good Leader NeedsSee our pages on Decison MakingPerhaps the most important skill a leader needs is to be able to make decisions; leadership is all about having a vision of where you want to be and making decisions along the way to get closer to achieving this vision.  Decision-making in leadership however involves other people as leaders need followers, so the decision-making process will usually have an impact on your team of followers.  With this in mind, a good leader also needs strong ‘people skills' since a leader needs to be able to communicate the vision and motivate the team to follow.Along the way to achieving the vision the leader will come upon many problems, hence problem solving is therefore another key leadership skill.  Problems come in all shapes and sizes, from those related to the people in your team when mediation skills may be needed, to those of a more strategic nature and everything in between.  A good leader will not be afraid of problems and, with trust and respect, followers will not be afraid to discuss problems or potential problems. With a positive attitude, problems can become opportunities and learning experiences.  A leader’s biggest asset is information as the more information a leader possesses about the how to achieve the vision or individual goals along the way, the more the leader learns about the direction needed to get there.  Problems provide information and therefore good problem solving is a very powerful skill for the leader.As with anything in life, things do not always go according to plan and leadership is no exception. The direction a leader takes in order to realise their vision is likely to change.  Strong leaders embrace change and can adapt quickly and efficiently to new situations since they learn to balance opportunity and risk while being aware of their (and their team’s) strengths and weaknesses.A leader also needs to be a strong facilitator - that is providing the support necessary for the team to achieve their goals.  Support may be as simple as words of encouragement or a specific tool needed to perform a task.  By listening to team-members, a leader can often learn about the barriers preventing a goal from being achieved and, through facilitation, find a way to an appropriate solution.A common mistake of a leader is to try to do everything themselves.  A good leader will delegate responsibility to team members and, with the help of motivation and facilitation, aim to enable success.  Delegation also allows the leader to learn more about the strengths and weaknesses of the team members and therefore make better informed decisions about individual roles and responsibilities.Leadership StrengthsThere are certain strengths and qualities that help a person become a more effective leader. Read on to know all about leadership strengths and qualities...

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Leadership is the ability of a person to guide people in a group towards achieving a task at hand. There are many leadership qualities that help you to become a good leader. These are certain strengths a person needs to capitalize on to be able to execute effective leadership. So, given below is a list that entails the important strengths of leadership that you need to keep in mind to be a good leader.

Key Strengths for Leadership

Task ExecutionThere's many a slip between cup and lip. Coming up with a brilliant idea and executing that idea are two completely different things. Bringing an idea to life is lot easier said than done. An idea really comes to life only when it is executed to perfection. Thus, this is one of the most important leadership strengths. For this, you need to be a team player. There is a fine line between having followers that follow you out of respect and having followers that follow because they have no choice. Any kind of discord in the team reflects in the end result and the efficiency of the task performed.

EnvisionBefore you go on to put any kind of strategy into place, you need to understand and envision what you wish to achieve. This is important because the expectations of the entire group will ride on your shoulders. Thus, one of the important strengths is to be a visionary because you need to have a very clear vision about how to go about a task at hand, keeping the long term and short term goals and repercussions in mind. You need to be realistic yet optimistic about the prospects involved in any task and must take into consideration all the risks involved.

ListenBeing the leader does not mean that you own the people you work with. Many people tend to get carried away and do not listen to their team members. This can go against them as the team members then tend to lose respect for their leader. Hence, one of the most important strengths is the ability to listen to your teammates. You need to genuinely listen to your team members because they are the only ones that will tell you if you go wrong at any point of time. Furthermore, listening will make sure that you connect with your team members on a personal level, which will improve the performance of your team greatly.

Relationship BuildingNo two people are alike and hence, even the thinking of no two people will match. Hence, there is always scope for discord and dispute within group members. In such cases, you need to be the peacemaker. You need to be the one who manages to listen to both sides of the story from an unbiased third persons point of view. Furthermore, when an idea is conveyed, be sure to never outrightly rule out any kind of suggestion offered, no matter how irrelevant or unrealistic it may be. This makes it look like the group is following a dictatorship, which in general, brings down the morale of the group. Thus, relationship building within and out of a team is one of the most important strengths that a person needs to keep in mind.

Accept MistakesThere will be times when as a leader and as a group, you may fail. This will be a hard time for you but you need to understand that you have to be patient. Lashing out at your team members, blaming them for failure will only add to your resentment. If the success is shared, then so must the failure be shared. So in fact, when the team fails, ensure that you take an equal amount of responsibility in the failure. Do not cower to admit defeat because if you do so, then you may lose the respect of your team. So accept your mistake, learn from it and try to improvise as a leader. This will earn you respect and the most loyal team members you can ever hope to find.

Thus, leadership strengths are essential qualities that distinguish a good leader from a bad one. Irrespective of what the saying is, I believe that leaders are made, they are not born and a person can always be a good leader if he capitalizes on the above given list of strengths.People often confuse the terms manager and leader; they are not the same thing although it is possible to be both. A leader has a vision, a number of visions, or is creating visions – in this context a vision is an overarching idea or achievable dream. Managers plan: planning is used to enable the manager to do the job well. Leadership is about asking the questions, ‘what’ and ‘why’ and empowering people (followers) by giving them the responsibility to do things right. Leaders therefore work with people and their emotions. Managers ask, ‘how’ and work mainly with processes, models and systems – things.

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One of the most famous distinctions between managers and leaders was made by Warren Bennis, a professor at the University of Southern California. Bennis believes that “Managers do things right but leaders do the right things”. This is down to how we think about things – if you think about doing something right you tend to think about mechanisms or ‘how-to’s’ of the task at hand: this is what a manager does. Doing the right thing however is a much more philosophical concept and makes us think about the future, about vision and dreams: this is a trait of a leader.Bennis goes on to compare these thoughts in more detail, the table below is based on his work:

A Manager A LeaderAdministers InnovatesMaintains DevelopsFocuses on systems and structure

Focuses on people and emotions

Controls systems and people Inspires peopleAccepts the way things are Challenges the way things areHas a short-range view Has a long-range perspectiveManages tasks Leads people

Risky Leaders and Careful ManagersPart of our Leadership Skills sectionThe distinction between the manager and leader is also about the risks (or perceived risks) that either will take. Managers tend to be risk-averse whereas leaders are generally more likely to take risks, although this does not necessarily make them thrill-seekers. Leaders are concerned with fulfilling their vision and therefore consider it natural to encounter problems and barriers that must be overcome along the way. They are generally more comfortable with risk and therefore accept that the direction needed to reach their vision is not always the easiest path. A leader can turn problems into opportunities and will happily break rules in order to get things done. Managers tend to be more focused on the status quo and will try to minimise risk.A surprising number of leaders have overcome some form of handicap in their lives: for example, traumatic childhoods, dyslexia, and even being shorter than average. This perhaps taught them the independence of mind that is needed to do things differently, take risks, and to not worry about what others are thinking about them.Managers have subordinates, people who work under them and follow the rules. Leaders, at least when they are leading (many are also managers), have followers. Following is a voluntary action and is achieved, at least in part, by the charisma of the leader. Charisma comes from excellent interpersonal skills and the understanding that you cannot tell people what to do, you have to inspire them and make them want to follow you. Leaders often use transformational benefits as motivators for their followers, that is the belief that somehow the follower will become a better person for following. Such motivators are very powerful, more so than more traditional work-related motivators such as money, better working conditions or other benefits.The roles of manager and leader are often blurred and, due to individual personalities and skills, it may not always be obvious who is a leader in any given situation. We hope this article has helped to confirm that managers and leaders are in fact two entirely different people.Listening is the ability to accurately receive messages in the communication process.  Listening is key to all effective communication, without the ability to listen effectively messages are easily misunderstood – communication breaks down and the sender of the message can easily become frustrated or irritated.Listening is so important that many top employers give regular listening skills training for their employees.  This is not surprising when you consider that good listening skills can lead to: better customer satisfaction, greater productivity with fewer mistakes, increased sharing of information that in turn can lead to more creative and innovative work.Good listening skills also have benefits in our personal lives, including: a greater number of friends and social networks, improved self-esteem and confidence, higher grades in academic work and increased health and wellbeing.  Studies have shown that, whereas speaking raises blood pressure, listening brings it down.Listening is not the same as hearing.  Hearing refers to the sounds that you hear, whereas listening requires more than that: it requires focus.  Listening means paying attention not only to the story, but how it is told, the use of language and voice, and how the other person uses his or her body.  In other words, it means being aware of both verbal and non-verbal messages.  Your ability to listen effectively depends on the degree to which you perceive and understand these messages.

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“The most basic and powerful way to connect to another person is to listen.  Just listen.  Perhaps the most important thing we ever give each other is our attention.” Rachel Naomi RemenWe spend a lot of our time listeningAdults spend an average of 70% of their time engaged in some sort of communication, of this an average of 45% is spent listening compared to 30% speaking, 16% reading and 9% writing. (Adler, R. et al. 2001).

Based on the research of: Adler, R., Rosenfeld, L. and Proctor, R. (2001) Interplay: the process of interpersonal communicating (8th edn), Fort Worth, TX: Harcourt.

10 Principles of ListeningSee also: Verbal CommunicationA good listener will listen not only to what is being said, but also to what is left unsaid or only partially said.Listening involves observing body language and noticing inconsistencies between verbal and non-verbal messages. For example, if someone tells you that they are happy with their life but through gritted teeth or with tears filling their eyes, you should consider that the verbal and non-verbal messages are in conflict, they maybe don't mean what they say.  Listening requires you to concentrate and use your other senses in addition to simply hearing the words spoken. Listening is not the same as hearing and in order to listen effectively you need to use more than just your ears.1. Stop Talking“If we were supposed to talk more than we listen, we would have two tongues and one ear.” Mark Twain.Don't talk, listen.  When somebody else is talking listen to what they are saying, do not interrupt, talk over them or finish their sentences for them.  Stop, just listen.  When the other person has finished talking you may need to clarify to ensure you have received their message accurately.2. Prepare Yourself to ListenRelax.  Focus on the speaker.  Put other things out of mind.  The human mind is easily distracted by other thoughts – what’s for lunch, what time do I need to leave to catch my train, is it going to rain – try to put other thoughts out of mind and concentrate on the messages that are being communicated.3. Put the Speaker at EaseHelp the speaker to feel free to speak.  Remember their needs and concerns.  Nod or use other gestures or words to encourage them to continue.  Maintain eye contact but don’t stare – show you are listening and understanding what is being said.4. Remove DistractionsFocus on what is being said: don’t doodle, shuffle papers, look out the window, pick your fingernails or similar. Avoid unnecessary interruptions.  These behaviours disrupt the listening process and send messages to the speaker that you are bored or distracted.5. EmpathiseTry to understand the other person’s point of view.  Look at issues from their perspective.  Let go of preconceived ideas.  By having an open mind we can more fully empathise with the speaker.  If the speaker says something that you disagree with then wait and construct an argument to counter what is said but keep an open mind to the views and opinions of others.  (See our page: What is Empathy?)6. Be PatientA pause, even a long pause, does not necessarily mean that the speaker has finished.  Be patient and let the speaker continue in their own time, sometimes it takes time to formulate what to say and how to say it.  Never interrupt or finish a sentence for someone.7. Avoid Personal PrejudiceTry to be impartial.  Don't become irritated and don't let the person’s habits or mannerisms distract you from what they are really saying.  Everybody has a different way of speaking - some people are for example more nervous or shy than others, some have regional accents or make excessive arm movements, some people like to pace whilst talking - others like to sit still.  Focus on what is being said and try to ignore styles of delivery.

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8. Listen to the ToneVolume and tone both add to what someone is saying.  A good speaker will use both volume and tone to their advantage to keep an audience attentive; everybody will use pitch, tone and volume of voice in certain situations – let these help you to understand the emphasis of what is being said.  (See our page on Effective Speaking for more)9. Listen for Ideas – Not Just WordsYou need to get the whole picture, not just isolated bits and pieces.  Maybe one of the most difficult aspects of listening is the ability to link together pieces of information to reveal the ideas of others.   With proper concentration, letting go of distractions, and focus this becomes easier.10. Wait and Watch for Non-Verbal CommunicationGestures, facial expressions, and eye-movements can all be important.  We don’t just listen with our ears but also with our eyes – watch and pick up the additional information being transmitted via non-verbal communication. (See our page on non-verbal communication)Do not jump to conclusions about what you see and hear. You should always seek clarification to ensure that your understanding is correct.Leadership Activities for College StudentsThe different kinds of leadership activities for college students are listed in this article. Some of the activities like role-playing, debating and event planning require active participation and are therefore, useful. One can learn a lot about leadership through these activities.The leadership activities enable them to handle challenges and thereby make them responsible. College students can develop their inherent leadership qualities through these activities. Leaders are known for their ability to face challenges; it is therefore, necessary to arrange programs and activities which push the participants to their limits or at least test them to some extent. The activities mentioned below should enable students to take challenges, acquire new skills and bring about positive changes in their personality.

Different Leadership Activities*click to enlarge image

Community ServiceRole PlayingDebateEvent Planning

Leadership is one thing that cannot be taught. It has to be developed all by ourselves. These days, efforts to provide leadership training in order to develop leadership skills of students are made by many universities and colleges. One should however, understand that adversity is a factor that helps in the rise of leaders. Even if we take a look at profiles of great leaders, it becomes clear that they have fought through difficult and mind-boggling situations. One should therefore, pose challenges before individuals for leadership development. The activities mentioned below are few such interesting tasks used for motivating individuals and allowing them to develop their inherent leadership qualities.

Role PlayingIn this leadership program, participants have to play roles of different kinds of leaders. One can make use of different scenarios in order to play these roles. Participants will have to play roles of leaders who embody the personalities like self-absorbed, blamer, paternalistic, know-it-all, lecturer, etc. Participants will first have to understand the nature or behavioral traits of different types of leaders and then play their roles. The activity of role-playing creates a playful atmosphere in which different facets of leadership can be studied. For example, an act in which a leader dealing with an employee who has arrived late to office is commonly used for this activity. In this activity, different people can play roles of different types of leaders in the same scenario. Such an activity help us understand how leaders with different personality types react to a certain situation.

Event PlanningPlanning an event in the college and executing it properly requires you to possess many different skills. The first thing that students would need is the courage to handle a real-time event all by themselves. Completing the activity without any or minimal hitches should be the participant's target. In the process of event planning and its execution, you learn to

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manage the time properly. For completing a particular task, you also need to keep in mind the budget and available resources. Leadership and management skills can be developed in the process of event planning.

Community Project WorkThe 'Youth Community Service' projects help in the development of leadership qualities and also make college students aware of their social responsibility. The activity of handling different responsibilities raises the confidence of students by teaching them how to delegate the work properly. It is therefore, one of the leadership activities for college students which draws them out of their comfort zones.

Participating in DebatesA good leader is expected to possess excellent communication skills along with qualities like time management, delegating tasks, etc. Organizing debates on current issues provides food for the brain and it also requires the students to research the topic thoroughly. Presenting a topic and providing valid reasons in its support is the main job of those participating in a debate. In this activity, the ability to communicate your views and thoughts in a proper manner is highly important. Heads of companies meet people from various backgrounds. Explaining to them (clients included) the goals of a company, the way of working, etc. is very important. The activity of debate should therefore, be of great help for future leaders in developing their communication skills. Participating in debates prepares a person to understand different views on a particular topic. It requires patience to listen to the counter-arguments and respond to them. Debate is thus, an activity which helps the participant to understand a problem from different perspectives.

Choose Your QuoteFor this activity, you'll have to write down few leadership quotes on a whiteboard. The participants have to choose one quote each from the list. Each of the participants have to explain what they found appealing in their respective quotes. The underlying meaning of the quote being chosen should be elaborated in detail. If two or more participants choose a single quote then they can share their different perspectives on a single thought (quote). This activity can bring to the fore some interesting and innovative ideas pertaining to leadership development.

The activities presented in this article can be of great help to students in developing the skills needed for becoming a good leader. Even if a person possesses the required qualities and attributes needed for leadership, he/she needs a medium to demonstrate them; the activities mentioned above act as a medium for the same. Participating in these activities also has a positive effect on the overall personality and not just the leadership traits of the participants.Read more at Buzzle: http://www.buzzle.com/articles/leadership-activities-for-college-students.htmlWhat is Interpersonal Communication?

Interpersonal communication is the process by which people exchange information, feelings, and meaning through verbaland non-verbal messages: it is face-to-face communication. Interpersonal communication is not just about what is actually said - the language used - but how it is said and the non-verbal messages sent through tone of voice, facial expressions, gestures and body language.

When two or more people are in the same place and are aware of each other's presence, then communication is taking place, no matter how subtle or unintentional. Without speech, an observer may be using cues of posture, facial expression, and dress to form an impression of the other's role, emotional state, personality and/or intentions. Although no communication may be intended, people receive messages through such forms of non-verbal behaviour.

Elements of Interpersonal CommunicationSee also: Listening SkillsMuch research has been done to try to break down interpersonal communication into a number of elements in order that it can be more easily understood. Commonly these elements include:The CommunicatorsFor any communication to occur there must be at least two people involved. It is easy to think about communication involving a sender and a receiver of a message. However, the problem with this way of seeing a relationship is that it presents communication as a one-way process where one person sends the message and the other receives it.

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In fact communications are almost always complex, two-way processes, with people sending and receiving messages to and from each other. In other words, communication is an interactive process.The MessageMessage not only means the speech used or information conveyed, but also the non-verbal messages exchanged such asfacial expressions, tone of voice, gestures and body language. Non-verbal behaviour can convey additional information about the message spoken. In particular, it can reveal more about emotional attitudes which may underlie the content of speech.NoiseNoise has a special meaning in communication theory. It refers to anything that distorts the message, so that what is received is different from what is intended by the speaker. Whilst physical 'noise' (for example, background sounds or a low-flying jet plane) can interfere with communication, other factors are considered to be ‘noise’. The use of complicated jargon,inappropriate body language, inattention, disinterest, and cultural differences can be considered 'noise' in the context of interpersonal communication. In other words, any distortions or inconsistencies that occur during an attempt to communicate can be seen as noise.FeedbackFeedback consists of messages the receiver returns, which allows the sender to know how accurately the message has been received, as well as the receiver's reaction. The receiver may also respond to the unintentional message as well as the intentional message. Types of feedback range from direct verbal statements, for example "Say that again, I don't understand", to subtle facial expressions or changes in posture that might indicate to the sender that the receiver feels uncomfortable with the message. Feedback allows the sender to regulate, adapt or repeat the message in order to improve communication.ContextAll communication is influenced by the context in which it takes place. However, apart from looking at the situational context of where the interaction takes place, for example in a room, office, or perhaps outdoors, the social context also needs to be considered, for example the roles, responsibilities and relative status of the participants. The emotional climate and participants' expectations of the interaction will also affect the communication.ChannelThe channel refers to the physical means by which the message is transferred from one person to another. In face-to-face context the channels which are used are speech and vision, however during a telephone conversation the channel is limited to speech alone. (See Effective Speech)

When you have the opportunity to observe some interpersonal communication, make a mental note of the behaviours used, both verbal and non-verbal. 

Observe and think about the following factors: Who are the communicators? What messages were exchanged? What (if any) noise distorts the message? How is feedback given? What is the context of the communication?

By observing others you will start to think about how you communicate and be more aware of the messages you send.

Uses of Interpersonal CommunicationSee also: Verbal CommunicationInterpersonal communication can be used to: Give and collect information. Influence the attitudes and behaviour of others. Form contacts and maintain relationships. Make sense of the world and our experiences in it. Express personal needs and understand the needs of others.

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Give and receive emotional support. Make decisions and solve problems. Anticipate and predict behaviour. Regulate power.

Presenting information clearly and effectively is a key skill to get your message or opinion across and, today, presentation skills are required in almost every field.  

Whether you are a student, administrator or executive, if you wish to start up your own business, apply for a grant or stand for an elected position, you may very well be asked to make that dreaded presentation.   If, in this position, the first thing you do is open up PowerPoint, then you should probably first spend some time developing your presentation skills.  Delivering an inspirational or captivating presentation requires a lot of preparation and work, and you may not even need PowerPoint at all!Many people feel terrified when asked to make their first public talk, but these initial fears can be reduced by good preparation which will also lay the groundwork for making an effective presentation.Here you can learn how to develop your presentation skills, we recommend working through our step-by-step guide:What is a Presentation?A presentation is a means of communication which can be adapted to various speaking situations, such as talking to a group, addressing a meeting or briefing a team. To be effective, step-by-step preparation and the method and means of presenting the information should be carefully considered. (See also Effective Speaking) Preparing a PresentationPreparation is the most important part of making a successful presentation.  This is the crucial foundation and there should be no short-cuts. Organising the MaterialIrrespective of whether the occasion is formal or informal, always aim to give a clear, well-structured delivery.  You should know exactly what you want to say and the order in which you want to say it.  Clarity of ideas and good organisation should result in a lively, logical and compelling message. Writing Your PresentationThis article offers advice on how to write an effective presentation.   Before you write your presentation, you should already have started to prepare by developing your ideas and selecting the main points to include. Deciding the Presentation MethodFew people are able to give a presentation without notes. You will need to know your own abilities and decide how best to make the presentation. You might manage your talk by using full text, notes on cue cards, keywords on cue cards, or mind mapsWorking with Visual AidsMost visual aids will need advance preparation and should be operated with efficiency.  Only use visual aids if they are necessary to maintain interest and assist comprehension: do not use them just to demonstrate your technological prowess. If visual aids are used well they will enhance a presentation by adding impact and strengthening audience involvement, yet if they are managed badly they can ruin a presentation. Managing the EventThe practicalities of how you manage your presentation even can make a significant difference to its success, and to your nerves!Coping with Presentation NervesIt is entirely natural to feel nervous before making a presentation. Fortunately, there are some tried and tested strategies and techniques to manage your nerves so that you can concentrate on delivering an effective and engaging presentation.Dealing with QuestionsAt the start of your presentation, you should make it clear whether and when you would prefer to deal with questions. Some speakers prefer questions to be raised as they arise during the presentation whilst others prefer to deal with questions at the end. Decide in advance how and when you wish to handle questions.

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Preparation is the most important part of making a successful presentation.  This is the crucial foundation and there should be no short-cuts.  Preparation can be broken down into the following elements: The objective The subject The audience The place Time of day Length of talk The ObjectiveYou have been asked to speak to a group of people.  First, ask yourself 'why?' What is the purpose of the presentation, what is the objective, what outcome(s) do you and the audience expect?  It is useful to write down the reason you have been asked to present so you can use this as a constant reminder while you prepare the presentation.  There are many reasons for giving a presentation or talk, but never lose sight of your objective as determined when you were asked and accepted the invitation.The SubjectThe subject of what you are going to talk about comes from the objective but they are not necessarily one and the same thing.  For example: The subject may be given to you by an inviting organisation. You may be knowledgeable in particular field. The subject may be entirely your choice within certain limitations.

The AudienceBefore preparing material for a presentation, it is worth considering your prospective audience.  Tailoring your talk to the audience is important and the following points should be considered: The size of the group or audience expected. The age range - a talk aimed at retired people will be quite different from one aimed at teenagers. Gender - will the audience be predominantly male or female? Is it a captive audience or will they be there out interest? Will you be speaking in their work or leisure time? Do they know something about your subject already or will it be totally new to them? Is the subject part of their

work? Are you there to inform, teach, stimulate, or provoke?

Preparing a PresentationPresentation SkillsThe PlaceIt is important to have as much advance information as possible about the place where you are going to speak.  Ideally, try to arrange to see the venue before the speaking event, as it can be of great benefit to be familiar with the surroundings.  It does much to quell fear if you can visualise the place while you are preparing your talk.  Additionally, it would also give you the opportunity to try out your voice.  If at all possible, you need to know: The size of the room. The seating arrangements and if they can be altered. The availability of equipment, e.g., microphone, overhead projector, flip chart, computer equipment. The availability of power points and if an extension lead is required for any equipment you intend to use. If the room has curtains or blinds. This is relevant if you intend to use visual aids, and so that you can ensure the

correct ambiance for your presentation. The position of the light switches. Check if you need someone to help if you are using audio/visual equipment and

need to turn off the lights. The likelihood of outside distractions, e.g., noise from another room. The availability of parking facilities so you do not have a long walk carrying any equipment you might need to take.

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The TimeOften there will be no flexibility in the time of day that a presentation is made.  However, if you do have a choice consider the following points:Morning:  The morning is the best time to speak because people are generally at their most alert.  However, late morning may start to present problems as people begin to feel hungry and think about lunch.Afternoon:  Early afternoon is not an ideal time to make a presentations since after lunch people often feel sleepy and lethargic.  Mid afternoon is a good time, whereas at the end of the afternoon people may start to worry about getting home, the traffic or cdollecting children from school.Evening or Weekend:  Outside regular office hours, people are more likely to be present because they want to be rather than have to be there.  There is a higher liklihood of audience attention in the evening, providing of course that the presentation does not go on for too long when people may have to leave before the presentation has finished.Length of TalkAlways find out how long you have to talk and check if this includes or excludes time for questions.  Find out if there are other speakers and, if so, where you are placed in the running order.  Never elect to go last.  Beware of over-running, as this could be disastrous if there are other speakers following you.It is important to remember that people find it difficult to maintain concentration for long periods of time, and this is a good reason for making a presentation succinct, well-structured and interesting.Irrespective of whether the presentation occasion is formal or informal, always aim to give a clear, well-structured delivery.  You should know exactly what you want to say and the order in which you want to say it.  Clarity of ideas and good organisation should result in a lively, logical and compelling message.  Organising the presentation material may include: Blue Sky Thinking (the ideas). Selecting the main points. Deciding whether to illustrate. Introduction and conclusion.

Blue Sky Thinking (The Ideas)Keeping your objectives in mind, write down all the points you wish to make, irrespective of order. For an introduction to Blue Sky Thinking, see our page on Brainstorming.Select the Main PointsThe talk/presentation should be divided into three sections: Introduction (beginning) Main Content (middle) Conclusion (end)A useful structure would be the following: Tell the audience in the introduction what your subject is and how you have organised the presentation (by stating the

key elements). Then tell them the details of the key elements and/or messages (by expanding and qualifying the key points in more

detail and providing supporting evidence). Then tell the audience what you have just told them (by summarising the key points, concluding with the main subject


It is advisable to work on the main content first.  From your notes decide on the most important things that need to be said.  If you have too much material, be selective.  As a guide: 3 key points are sufficient for a 10-15 minute presentation. 6 key points are sufficient for a 30 minute presentation. 8 key points are sufficient for a 45 minute presentation.

Arrange the key points in logical order and expand them with supporting material - discussion, argument, analysis and appeal.  If you are hoping to persuade people then it is advisable to address potential objections within the presentation so that you present a reasoned, well-balanced view.

Organising Your Material

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Presentation SkillsDecide Whether to IllustrateMost talks benefit from personal anecdotes, real-life situations or hypothetical examples to bring them to life.  If the presentation is short and informal it is probably not necessary to use any visual aids.  Use visual illustrations if anything requires expanding, clarifying or simplifying.  Illustrations of any type should be relevant and fully explained.  Bear in mind that a talk will last longer if visual aids are used. PowerPoint or other presentation software is often used to support a presentation, although care needs to be taken to ensure that this technology aids the presentation and does not detract from the main essence of your talk. Do not use visual aids or PowerPoint just for the sake of it or to show off your technological prowess.Introduction and ConclusionThe introduction should give a preview of what you are going to say and should gain the attention of the listeners with a statement of purpose.  Make it clear whether you wish to accept questions as they arise during the presentation, thereby breaking your flow and risk being side-tracked, or will invite questions at the end.The conclusion should repeat the main points but this time try to use different words and summarise the main point and argument.  End decisively, so that no-one is in any doubt that your presentation is finished. This is also the time to ask the audience whether they have any questions.This article offers advice on how to write an effective presentation.   Before you write your presentation, you should already have started to prepare by developing your ideas and selecting the main points to include. For further explanation, see our previous articles onPreparing Your Presentation and Organising Your Material.Remember that you should structure your presentation with an introduction, the main message or content, and a conclusion.You should also aim to write a story that has maximum impact and one which conveys your message in a way that is easily understood by the target audience.he structure and content of your presentation will be unique to you and only you can decide on the best way to present your messages.  However, you might like to consider some standard presentation structures for inspiration.Harnessing the Power of ThreeIn public speaking and rhetorical debate, as well as in much communication, three is the magic number.  The brain finds it relatively easy to grasp three points at a time: people find three points, ideas or numbers, easier to understand and remember than four or more.  You could therefore structure your presentation about the magic number of three.For example, your presentation should have three main elements: the introduction, middle and conclusions. Within the main body of your presentation, divide your key message into three elements and then expand each of these points into three sub-points.  If you are a visual aid such as PowerPoint, limit the number of bullet points to three on each slide and expand on each of these as you go along.What, Why, How?You could try structuring your presentation by addressing the questions “What?”, “Why?” and “How?” to communicate your message to the audience. “What?” identifies the key message you wish to communicate.  From the perspective of the audience, think about what is the benefit of your message.  What will they gain, what can they do with the information, and what will the benefit be?“Why?” addresses the next obvious question that arises in the audience.  Having been told “what”, the audience will naturally then start to think “why should I do that?”, “why should I think that?” or “why should that be the case?”  Directly addressing the “why?” question in the next stage of your presentation means that you are answering these questions and your talk is following what the audience perceives as a natural route through the material. The result is that you have the audience on your side immediately.“How?” is also the next question that naturally arises in the audience’s mind: how are they going to achieve what you have just suggested.  Try not to be too prescriptive here so, instead of telling people exactly how they should act on your message, offer suggestions as to how they can act. You should also finish by proving what you have just said: providing evidence that what you have just said is beyond dispute using either case studies, personal examples or statistics.

Writing Your Presentation

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Presentation SkillsEditing Your ContentOnce you have a first draft of your presentation, it is important to review and edit this.  Ideally, you should take a break from the presentation before editing so that you can look at your writing with a fresh pair of eyes. When editing presentation content, you should consider the following:

1. Ensure that the language you use is appropriate for the audience. Are there any terms they may not be familiar with? If so use more familiar terms or explain the meaning.

2. Is your language presentation friendly? Presentations are spoken and so choose to use accessible and easily-understood words (such as those you would use in a conversation) rather than technical or obscure words.

3. Eliminate long sentences. Remember that you will be talking through your ideas and that the audience will be listening rather than reading. Therefore keep sentences short, and their structure, simple to ease the audience’s understanding.

4. Use metaphors to aid understanding and retention.5. Identify ways of grabbing the audience’s attention. Are there additional visual materials that you could include to

illustrate your key points? 6. Check, and double check, that any presentation slides or illustrations, titles, captions, handouts or similar are free from

spelling mistakes.Few people are able to give a presentation without notes. You will need to know your own abilities and decide how best to make the presentation.  The following are examples of how you might manage your talk: Full text Notes on cue cards Keywords on cue cards Mind mapsFull TextThe main advantage of this method is that the entire text is in front of you so you cannot forget what you want to say. The main disadvantage is that you will pay less attention to the group or audience whilst reading the text.  If you are speaking to a small group, this method might be overly-formal as written text sounds very formal when spoken outloud.  If you read a prepared text, you should know what you are going to say very well so that you can maintain eye contact with your listeners whilst not losing your place. Reading the text is not always an easy option as it can sound stilted and rather unnatural.Cue CardsTo use cue cards, write your main points on separate index cards and, underneath each point, write all supporting material in a concise way.  Use onlyone side of the card and number the cards so ythat you can easily reorder them if you drop them.  On the bottom of each cue card, write a link statement to lead you into the next point. The advantage of this of using cue cards is that you are speaking directly to the audeince which increases your rapport with them.  Small index cards also look more professional than large sheets of paper which may prove difficult to handle.  Ensure that you are familiar with the main points of your argument and the links between one idea and the next so that you become less reliant on the cards.

Decide the Presentation MethodPresentation SkillsKeywords on Cue CardsFurther simplify the information on the cue cards by drawing out keywords that will remind you of the key point you wish to convey.  The advantages of using keywords on clue cards are the same as above but their use increases spontaneity andrapport with the audience even further. However a disadvantage is that, if you become side-tracked, it is easy to lose the thread and possibly miss key points.  Using key words is a useful method if you are very familiar with your subject and feel confident in making the presentation.Mind MapsMind maps are diagrams used to represent words, ideas, tasks, or other items linked to and arranged around a central key word or idea. Mind maps are used to generate, visualize, structure, and classify ideas, and can be

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used as notes to aid a presentation. The advantages of using a mind map are similar to those of using keywords on cue words but it is easier to illustrate complex relationships than with keywords.However, again, using mind maps as a presentation aid requires you to be familiar with the subject material and a confident speaker.Only use visual aids if they are necessary to maintain interest and assist comprehension. Do not use visual aids just to demonstrate your technological competence.  If visual aids are used well they will enhance a presentation by adding impact and strengthening audience involvement, yet if they are managed badly they can ruin a presentation. Most visual aids will need advance preparation and should be operated with efficiency. If you wish to use such aids in an unfamiliar room or location, check what facilities are available in advance so that you can plan your presentation accordingly.The following are examples of visual aids: Whiteboard Flip chart Over-head projector (OHP) Slides Video PowerPoint or other presentation software Handouts

WhiteboardIf available, whiteboards are good for developing an explanation, diagrams and simple headings, and for recording interaction with, and comments from, the audience during brainstorming sessions. Remember that writing on a whiteboard takes time and that you will have to turn your back to the audience to do so. If using a whiteboard, you should ensure that your handwriting is legible, aligned horizontally, and is sufficiently large to be seen by all the audience. Also ensure that you use non-permanent pens (sometimes referred to as dry-wipe pens) rather than permanent markers so that your writing can be erased later.Bear in mind that white background of a whiteboard can cause contrast problems for people with vision impairment.If you have access to an interactive whiteboard, you should make sure you know how this works, and practice using it, before your presentation.Flip ChartA flip charts is a popular, low cost solution to recording interactive meetings and brainstorming sessions.A flip chart can be prepared in advance and is portable.  They are ideal for collecting ideas and responses from the audience and are good for spontaneous summaries.  However, if the audience is large, a flip chart will be too small to be seen by everyone.The following points may help you to use a flip chart effectively:1. Arrive early and be sure that the flip chart is positioned so that you can get to it easily when you need it.

2. Ensure that it is positioned so that you can stand next to it and write while still facing your audience. Do not turn your back on your audience.

3. Make sure you have to hand several markers pens that work.  Throw away any pens that do not work. 

4. Only use blue or black marker pens: it will be difficult for those at the back of the room to see any other colours. You can however use the colour red to accentuate things already written in blue or black.

5. When writing on the flip chart, make your letters at least 2-3 inches tall.

6. Draw lines in pencil pages beforehand to help you keep your writing legible and straight.

7. Plan out your pages as you are writing the outline for your presentation. They will be the support for your public speaking presentation.

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8. Write notes to yourself, in pencil, on the flip chart to help remind yourself of all the important points to be included. Your audience will not see the pencil notes.

9. If you have something that you want to present and then accentuate during the presentation or discussion, write out the flip chart page beforehand so that you can just flip the page to it.

10. If you need to refer to something that you wrote on a page at a later point in your presentation, rip off the page and ask someone to tape it up on a wall.

Working with Visual AidsPresentation SkillsOver-Head Projector (OHP)Displays can be prepared on acetates, both in written and graphic form.  They command attention but, as with other visual aids, care must be taken to talk to the audience and not the screen.  OHPs are suitable for both large and small groups although the machines can be noisy and unreliable and the projector can obscure the screen. OHPs as a method of presenting have now largely been replaced by presentations projected from a computer onto a whiteboard or other screen..SlidesSlides of excellent visual quality can have great impact on any size of group .  However, a good blackout is required for the images to be seen clearly and this causes eye contact with the audience to be lost. Unlike with other methods of presentation, you will not be able to add any spontaneous notes or records to the slides. If you are using slides, ensure that they are prepared in the correct order, ideally numbering the slides so that if the carousel is dropped the slides can quickly be reordered.Like OHPs, the use of slides has largely been replaced by PowerPoint or other presentation software in professional situations.VideoVideos are excellent for training purposes, but can be difficult to fit into a presentation structure. If a computer connected to a projector is available then videos can be played as files, from a DVD or with an Internet connection via You Tube or other online sources. Videos can also be built into a presentation using PowerPoint or other presentation software.PowerPointUse of PowerPoint and other presentation software is very common when presenting today.  Care should be taken, however, that visual effects do not detract from the presentation itself.  If you do choose this try to have a practice run well in advance of a presentation so that you are confident when giving the presentation itself.HandoutsHandouts summarising or including the main points of a presentation are an excellent addition but must be relevant. Presentation software packages such as PowerPoint can automatically generate handouts from your presentation slides.However, think carefully about when to distribute your handouts. Giving out handouts at the start of a talk will take time and the audience may start to read these rather than listen to what the speaker is saying. However, if your presentation contains complex graphs or charts, the audience will appreciate receiving the handout before the presentation starts since they may find it easier to view these on paper than on the projection screen. The audience may also appreciate being able to make their own notes on the printed handout during the presentation.Consider the best time and method to distribute any handouts, including either placing them on seats prior to the start or giving them out at the end of your presentation.It is entirely natural to feel nervous before making a presentation. Indeed, many seasoned teachers, lecturers, and other presenters always feel nervous beforehand despite having given hundreds of presentations.The symptoms of nerves can include "butterflies" or a queasy feeling in your stomach, sweaty palms, a dry throat and the panic that your mind has gone blank about your opening lines.Fortunately, there are some tried and tested strategies and techniques to manage your nerves so that you can concentrate on delivering an effective and engaging presentation.These techniques will not get rid of your nerves; instead they will help you to use your nervous to your advantage. When you are in a heightened state from the adrenaline that is being pumped around your body, you

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can use that energy to communicate enthusiastically, convincingly, and passionately. The key is to decrease your level of nervousness so you can focus your energy on these positive activities, not on trying to control your nerves.Coping with NervesIt is essential to always be well prepared and well rehearsed in order to be confident.  If you feel nervous before a presentation, the following strategies and exercises should help you.Practice Deep BreathingAdrenalin causes your breathing to shallow. By deliberately breathing deeply your brain will get the oxygen it needs and the slower pace will trick your body into believing you are calmer. This also helps with voice quivers, which can occur when your breathing is shallow and irregular.Drink WaterAdrenalin can cause a dry mouth, which in turn leads to getting tongue-tied. Have a glass or bottle of water handy and take sips occasionally, especially when you wish to pause or emphasize a point. Take care not to take large gulps of water.SmileSmiling is a natural relaxant that sends positive chemical messages through your body.Use Visualization TechniquesImagine that you are delivering your presentation to an audience that is interested, enthused, smiling, and reacting positively. Cement this positive image in your mind and recall it right before you are ready to go on.Self-MassagePress and massage your forehead to bring to energize the front of the brain and speech center.PauseJust before you start talking, pause, make eye contact, and smile. This last moment of peace is very relaxing and gives you time to adjust to being the centre of attention.Slow DownSpeak more slowly than you would in a conversation, and leave longer pauses between sentences. This slower pace will calm you down, and it will also make you easier to hear, especially at the back of a large room.Move AroundMove around during your presentation as this will expend some of your nervous energy.Stop Thinking About YourselfRemember that the audience is there to get some information and that it is your job to put it across to them.

Coping with Presentation NervesPresentation SkillsRelaxation ExercisesAlthough you may not feel relaxed before you give your presentation relaxation exercises can help.  Try the following relaxation exercises, but do not continue with them if they cause pain or discomfort although remember that you may use some muscles you have not exercised for a while and so feel a little stiff afterwards.

Relaxation Exercises Stand in an easy position with your feet one pace apart, knees 'unlocked' and not

rigidly pushed back, spine straight, shoulders not tense and head balanced. Try to keep your face muscles relaxed by not clenching your jaw or clamping your teeth together.

Now stretch SLOWLY upwards, aim to touch the ceiling but keep your feet flat on the floor. Then flop forward from the waist bending your knees slightly as you go.You are now hanging forward like a rag doll - your arms and head totally unsupported and relaxed.

Straighten up SLOWLY - almost vertebrae by vertebrae, as if you were puppet and a giant puppet master was pulling you up by the strings keeping your head until last, when you are standing in your original easy position.

Repeat this exercise three times.Alternatively you can do an easy relaxation in a chair if you have problems with your knees: Sit comfortably with your lower spin pressed into the back of the chair.

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Raise your arms above your head and stretch as high as possible. Release your arms to your sides and bend forwards with your legs stretched out

and reach as far as possible. Return to your starting position.Repeat this exercise three times.