{115}{175}Charles Aznavour|in movies {193}{262}Santa Forests|novel|Honors de Balzac {496}{575}Vakyur board rooms|for men and women. {664}{709}What a beauty! {898}{939}Hurry up on the table. {1003}{1061}The soup smells delicious. {1091}{1133}Cabbage is, as every Tuesday. {1414}{1459}This napkin for me. {1637}{1680}Enjoy your meal. {1680}{1741}Why are you so sad? {1741}{1785}Just do not be awakened. {1785}{1823}Tasty it is heated. {1823}{1882}Sylvie soup as always|is very hot. {1883}{1946}Here is bread.|-- Here, please. {1991}{2102}This is from Etham Kaymuk.|First quality. {2102}{2165}Mixed with Italian. {2165}{2238}Bravo, and forests. What we|done without you? {2238}{2312}Mom Vakyu, it never|can you tell us sated with bread. {2383}{2478}Flour, pasta, yeast and butter.|-- Pasta is delicious. {2478}{2552}Yes but not in our pocket, M.|Poirier. {2580}{2678}You can spend a lot of money|bringing Ukrainian wheat by sea. {2678}{2716}From Odessa. {2716}{2807}A lot of money ...|-- What are you waiting for? -- I think. {2807}{2892}At least you have something to pay its|entertainment. {2892}{2937}With your beauty. {2937}{2999}What is beauty? {2999}{3061}Well, as that which spoke|last month. {3061}{3139}Although it slipped under|you as a weasel. {3139}{3177}We saw her. {3177}{3246}Ladies like this, probably|expensive? {3246}{3327}She had a silk scarf. {3327}{3421}Well coach, I saw|and carriage? {3421}{3515}Ah, Father Woods, if not stop|pohozhdeniya these, you {3515}{3571}no Ukrainian wheat|will not go. {3571}{3627}Foolishness is good until|are young, {3663}{3713}then it has only|trouble. {3713}{3766}What filth?|What folly? {3766}{3840}What you talking about?|-- As if you do not know? {3871}{3928}This is the youth of|Angulen. {4077}{4143}Monsieur?|-- Jean de Rastinyak I {4143}{4185}I ordered room for you.|-- Yes, yes. {4185}{4250}Hello merciful, let|this here. {4316}{4432}We just sat at the table|sure you are hungry after this cold. {4432}{4504}Christophe, Christophe! {4535}{4592}Take the belongings of|young gentleman of the fourth {4592}{4648}floor in a room with windows to the street. {4648}{4692}Well madam. {4719}{4818}Come on, enter!|Semi quickly chair! {4855}{4905}Mr. Jean de Rastenyak. {4905}{4957}Aristocrat Mom Vokyu. {4980}{5057}Come, monsieur.|Highness. {5057}{5139}Oh, mixture, place|for the prince. {5139}{5210}Allow you to present my|boarders. {5210}{5275}Mr. Votren is set on the third floor. {5275}{5320}As Mr.. Poirier. {5320}{5368}He is retired. {5368}{5437}Madame Kutsur care of Miss|Quiz. {5437}{5482}They live on the second floor. {5585}{5645}The third is also mixed Mademoiselle. {5645}{5724}AND MR. Forests.

Le Pere Goriot Eng

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{115}{175}Charles Aznavour|in movies{193}{262}Santa Forests|novel|Honors de Balzac{496}{575}Vakyur board rooms|for men and women.{664}{709}What a beauty!{898}{939}Hurry up on the table.{1003}{1061}The soup smells delicious.{1091}{1133}Cabbage is, as every Tuesday.{1414}{1459}This napkin for me.{1637}{1680}Enjoy your meal.{1680}{1741}Why are you so sad?{1741}{1785}Just do not be awakened.{1785}{1823}Tasty it is heated.{1823}{1882}Sylvie soup as always|is very hot.{1883}{1946}Here is bread.|-- Here, please.{1991}{2102}This is from Etham Kaymuk.|First quality.{2102}{2165}Mixed with Italian.{2165}{2238}Bravo, and forests. What we|done without you?{2238}{2312}Mom Vakyu, it never|can you tell us sated with bread.{2383}{2478}Flour, pasta, yeast and butter.|-- Pasta is delicious.{2478}{2552}Yes but not in our pocket, M.|Poirier.{2580}{2678}You can spend a lot of money|bringing Ukrainian wheat by sea.{2678}{2716}From Odessa.{2716}{2807}A lot of money ...|-- What are you waiting for? -- I think.{2807}{2892}At least you have something to pay its|entertainment.{2892}{2937}With your beauty.{2937}{2999}What is beauty?{2999}{3061}Well, as that which spoke|last month.{3061}{3139}Although it slipped under|you as a weasel.{3139}{3177}We saw her.{3177}{3246}Ladies like this, probably|expensive?{3246}{3327}She had a silk scarf.{3327}{3421}Well coach, I saw|and carriage?{3421}{3515}Ah, Father Woods, if not stop|pohozhdeniya these, you{3515}{3571}no Ukrainian wheat|will not go.{3571}{3627}Foolishness is good until|are young,{3663}{3713}then it has only|trouble.{3713}{3766}What filth?|What folly?{3766}{3840}What you talking about?|-- As if you do not know?{3871}{3928}This is the youth of|Angulen.{4077}{4143}Monsieur?|-- Jean de Rastinyak I{4143}{4185}I ordered room for you.|-- Yes, yes.{4185}{4250}Hello merciful, let|this here.{4316}{4432}We just sat at the table|sure you are hungry after this cold.{4432}{4504}Christophe, Christophe!{4535}{4592}Take the belongings of|young gentleman of the fourth{4592}{4648}floor in a room with windows to the street.{4648}{4692}Well madam.{4719}{4818}Come on, enter!|Semi quickly chair!{4855}{4905}Mr. Jean de Rastenyak.{4905}{4957}Aristocrat Mom Vokyu.{4980}{5057}Come, monsieur.|Highness.{5057}{5139}Oh, mixture, place|for the prince.{5139}{5210}Allow you to present my|boarders.{5210}{5275}Mr. Votren is set on the third floor.{5275}{5320}As Mr.. Poirier.{5320}{5368}He is retired.{5368}{5437}Madame Kutsur care of Miss|Quiz.{5437}{5482}They live on the second floor.{5585}{5645}The third is also mixed Mademoiselle.{5645}{5724}AND MR. Forests.

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{5724}{5799}Who ever checked my|bread.{5799}{5848}Do not try and check.{5873}{5956}He is thinking of trading in Odessa|Bread to withstand her lovers.{5956}{6031}As long as you and Monsieur Poirot, my|age.{6031}{6099}The rest are students, they only|eat here.{6115}{6188}I am also a student arrived|Paris to study law.{6188}{6262}In Paris? So this is the robber|city ??in the world.{6285}{6334}City in which lawlessness reigns.{6347}{6406}Yes here it is better to be studied|antipravo.{6406}{6454}Here drink.{6483}{6561}Vince is good.|-- My name Bienshon.{6561}{6620}Studying medicine.{6635}{6701}Act which is subject|our muscles and arteries.{6740}{6805}Rastenyak not have relatives in|Vasiliyan?{6805}{6893}Yes ma'am, from Marseille. Contessa|de Vasiliyan is my aunt.{6931}{6982}Contessa de Vasiliyan?{6982}{7036}I think tomorrow to visit and help.{7083}{7167}And how come, nephew of such|some lady{7167}{7223}has hired a room in our|humble board?{7239}{7295}Modest, but then decent.{7295}{7395}My family is destroyed;|us almost nothing left.{7432}{7494}Revolution.{7494}{7574}Revolution did not help|only the poor.{7601}{7675}As you become rich from it.{7675}{7737}Become rich through|their machinations.{7737}{7818}Do not complain, even now I{7818}{7899}to go to Ukraine and then ...{7981}{8046}Mademoiselle?|-- Mr. Forests here?{8046}{8097}Yes, wait a minute now|will be notified.{8097}{8163}Mr. Forests?{8163}{8244}Excuse me, you should quit.{8283}{8338}Just in time.{8338}{8454}Love. -- You known you|love you mr. Poirier?{8454}{8514}Of love, just cool|soup.{8672}{8744}I fear that the forest is lost to|Vokyu you Mom,{8744}{8786}nothing you dandified.|-- Never in{8786}{8828}my life have I thought of for him.{8828}{8904}How were you not, that this|makes a list of his virtues?{8919}{8994}Mr. Rastinyak, I forgot|give you a napkin.{9032}{9103}Is something saved our|Dad forests?{9174}{9245}Allow me, I have|some skills.{9275}{9323}See, like this.{9323}{9378}Raz, and voila.{9378}{9461}Can be simple with|silver, which he keeps in the trunk.{9461}{9532}He has already sold part of it|Did you know?{9532}{9620}Old as it can|found nothing to take from it.{9620}{9680}And if you continue to whore?{9680}{9742}There will be nothing but his eyes remain|with which to cry.{9742}{9794}Do not give more gherkins.{9794}{9867}That is what his mouth?|-- Because it volnodumets.{9867}{9929}Those of his strange fantasies ...{10146}{10210}Ah, the joker with his eagle|sight.{10210}{10269}What would you say to your creditors.{10304}{10354}Beauty is only instant pleasure{10354}{10401}which, after emptying pockets|this.{10761}{10832}What are your first impressions|Paris?{10832}{10915}So far they have only this house.{10915}{11020}Yes, but you have links here.|You can get into society.{11020}{11108}I hope Madame.|-- Not in whorehouse like this one here.{11167}{11237}You will know what lies behind|gold and crystals.

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{11237}{11286}Certainly not something|that glitters.{11286}{11370}You are still too young to|know everything about Paris here{11370}{11460}and meet people with passion,|but there are also women, eh?{11460}{11559}To Mademoiselle, and we had|passions.{11559}{11666}These people quench their thirst|only from certain sources.{11666}{11732}And often rotten ones|to drink from it{11732}{11808}they are ready to sell and soul.{12568}{12626}All you have coffee?{12659}{12724}Mr. Woods will.{12794}{12861}Welcome otherwise would undermine|our work.{12895}{12975}And you pursue your beauties|lucky you.{12975}{13035}Anyway have a good|taste.{13035}{13095}Just not enough flavor, I had|and money.{13095}{13186}This was my daughter, Delfina small.{13217}{13307}And this last month, brunette|with eyes like coals?{13307}{13377}Anastasia, my second|daughter.{13377}{13425}And how many daughters do you have?{13425}{13485}Only two.{13485}{13580}For now.|-- Do not believe me?{13608}{13680}Old lecher.{13680}{13741}Whatever it is, be careful|for your health.{13741}{13795}Recently, color|your face is unhealthy.{13795}{13878}Yes, you should quit smoking.{13878}{13932}And what will you do with gold|his cigarette case?{13932}{14016}I sold it already anyway|she did not take me.{14044}{14109}It seems you do your daughters|visit often?{14109}{14170}Why come from time to time.{14170}{14218}And I myself go there.{14218}{14283}So their pay and accommodation?{14283}{14344}Forgive me, tabakerke.|-- I leave for work,{14344}{14391}I wish all friends|day.{14432}{14508}I believe you.|-- Mama, I'm late.{14669}{14763}He always talked about a job.|And I think these are dalaverki.{14763}{14820}Are you coming?{14850}{14897}Quiz, it is time to|costs.{14897}{14958}Dress warmer|it is cold outside.{15023}{15082}Excuse me, monsieur.|-- Welcome.{15101}{15155}Mademoiselle ...{15191}{15240}Thank you, monsieur.{15273}{15342}Tell me room 4th floor|Is it still free?{15342}{15391}Yes, but there is cold and uncomfortable|she{15391}{15438}is just below the roof.{15469}{15535}How will I give it?{15566}{15614}For you?{15685}{15745}Excuse me, can you|to talk a little?{15745}{15787}You you monsieur?{15787}{15850}I'm an inspector from Gandiro|Prefecture of Police.{15909}{15963}Let's go, let's not|impressed!{15963}{16058}Do you know Mr. Votren that|lives in a boarding house with you?{16058}{16130}Of course.|-- What do you think about it?{16158}{16232}He is a strong man, even outlandish.{16232}{16308}By the way very nice,|and prankster.{16308}{16397}It scares me, I feel|he knows everything.{16397}{16438}And, you know that he wears a wig?|-- In any{16438}{16478}If his sideburns painted.{16478}{16550}Have you been to view it|stripped?{16550}{16600}No monsieur, never.{16600}{16658}Why are all these questions?{16658}{16770}His Excellency, Minister|the police{16770}{16847}attaches great importance to this.

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{16868}{16943}Well, if his excellency ...{16943}{17046}But why, why Interested|of his naked body?{17046}{17112}To tell you in his will|leather{17112}{17174}certain traits.{17191}{17249}Signs you?|-- Yes, scars ever made{17249}{17307}shoulders with hot iron.{17307}{17365}Do you understand me?|His initials.{17393}{17493}Convict? -- It is possible|This is the famous Votren{17493}{17551}Jacques Collin, escaped from prison|in Toulon.{17605}{17739}But if you want to see naked|Why not send a woman?{17739}{17784}Young and beautiful?{17784}{17868}Will reveal a secret that{17868}{17952}you do not like women.{17979}{18040}Obviously it is left|from the penal colony.{18040}{18109}So there was such a thing?{18109}{18165}Why do not you arrest him?{18165}{18249}He has connections everywhere. This|could prediizvika unrest.{18273}{18357}He is treasurer of the convicts|and has great tools.{18395}{18457}We must act carefully.{18457}{18521}Would you help|Justice?{18557}{18622}Of course against a|sum?{18746}{18793}How?{18831}{18924}So your family is overthrown?|-- Ah yes.{18987}{19081}My mother and my sister sold|anything to send me to Paris.{19081}{19159}Yes, family is everything|have.{19159}{19223}What to talk about.|Who was I, I,{19223}{19267}without daughters.{19313}{19398}I will tell you if you|links?{19441}{19513}If you do not get support|the powerful.{19513}{19579}Your family will remain poor.{19579}{19655}Tomorrow will see me Madame|de Bose.{19655}{19715}I really count on it.{19715}{19780}Madame de Bose?{19780}{19898}I did not know her but I|heard about it from their daughters.{19898}{20038}It is a noble lady who is fond|some Portuguese.{20089}{20147}Marquis Zhud Pinto.{20147}{20203}She is crazy about him.{20203}{20257}Because it is waived|everything.{20257}{20336}And this gentleman is going|to marry another woman.{20336}{20410}Young and rich wedding|has already been announced.{20428}{20531}And they say it is Madame de Bose|not only knows about it.{20558}{20638}This true?|-- Equally as this{20638}{20683}that winter is cold.{20706}{20788}Paris is the case, here{20788}{20838}here please.{20858}{20903}Thus.{20903}{677}Well, good night.|You're a good boy.{21000}{21058}Perhaps to help you more?|-- No thank you.{21078}{21145}Now go.{22825}{22909}Who's there?|What happens?{22909}{22956}Who is here?{22956}{23026}I am a mom, I am.{23062}{23120}I do not understand, Christoph concluded|door chain.{23133}{23220}Well, do not worry, Mama|everything is fine.{25158}{25215}Goodbye.|-- Jose!{25215}{25275}See you tomorrow.|-- By tomorrow you?{25275}{25320}Do not go to opera?{25320}{25362}Excuse me but I can not.{25424}{25491}Why?|-- I'm out to dinner{25491}{25550}Ambassador to England.

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{25666}{25743}I'll be back right now.|-- Take the gentleman in my living room.{25849}{25927}Cancel tonight!{25944}{26000}Do you insist?{26027}{26093}Yes.|-- Exactly what I wanted to hear.{26195}{26267}Jose!{27457}{27508}Jacques!|-- Yes, ma'am.{27508}{27558}I will go tomorrow night|British Embassy in{27558}{27608}and ask for Jose Marques Porto.{27608}{27666}Well madam.|-- If it is there{27666}{27713}will say that I wait.{27713}{27758}And if it does not?{27758}{27847}In this case, will not|say anything.{27847}{27902}You are free Jacques.{27917}{27995}Madame, waiting for you young|Your guest{27995}{28038}do not forget.{28466}{28523}So you are Mr.. de Rastinyak?{28555}{28599}Yes ma'am.{28599}{28675}And how can I help you|dear nephew?{28676}{28731}Thank you for having me.{28731}{28804}I arrived in Paris, and family|I was in bad position.{28817}{28884}I also need your|patronage.{28963}{29037}Would you kill for me?|-- Even two.{29080}{29135}Child.{29172}{29253}Anastasia log.{29253}{29297}This is Mr. de Rastenyak|my nephew{29297}{29342}He had just arrived from|province.{29342}{29426}And look for mentors who|it taught him about good taste.{29427}{29469}Countess de grows.{29469}{29542}What a coincidence,|amazing coincidence.{29542}{29625}What you talking about?|-- Just talk to Mr. Forests{29625}{29691}and we live with him in a|pension on the same floor.{29797}{29864}Would you welcome a little?{29890}{29940}Of course.{29980}{30079}Did you know that tomorrow will be signed|marriage between Mr. Pinto,{30079}{30130}and Mademoiselle de Roshvil?{30244}{30303}These are fools for gossip.{30303}{30358}Kzavat that she had a decent|annual income.{30400}{30461}Marquise is too rich for|such accounts.{30461}{30556}She is very sweet, strange that|you are not over.{30556}{30606}I decided to tell you.{30606}{30668}Poor boy does not understand|word of our conversation.{30668}{30732}Let's spare, to leave it|tomorrow.{30732}{30805}As you wish. Until tomorrow|then.{30850}{30903}Thank you come over.|I hope{30903}{30957}it was not you|too bad?{31230}{31341}What did I do|that stab in the heart and?{31361}{31440}And this is so.|-- But why?{31440}{31499}Because the Countess de Risto is|Mademoiselle Forests.{31535}{31589}So it really is his father?{31620}{31692}He has two daughters, which|is crazy.{31692}{31733}The second is called Delfina.{31733}{31789}She is married to a banker.{31819}{31909}He is a German family|Nyusingen May was?{31924}{31971}I do not love them.{31971}{32034}Denied his daughters Are|is it?{32082}{32178}He thought it was great|and gave them everything we have,{32178}{32243}will provide old age.{32243}{32341}Will create two families where|be surrounded by care and affection.

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{32372}{32461}And even love.|-- Zetovete him I drove it?{32496}{32570}No, he saw that the daughters|his cool with it.{32570}{32668}Then he sacrificed himself.{32724}{32790}He himself undergo|exile.{32900}{33022}And lemons were squeezed and peels|thrown on the street.{33036}{33092}How vile world?{33092}{33160}Do not f.{33160}{33252}He goes his own way in this|everything.{33291}{33405}See, still|disaster.{33446}{33543}And you will always find a friend|to tell about it.{33774}{33882}You are right, the world is a swamp.{33941}{33998}We must try to|afloat.{34031}{34106}Watch the men and women|as horse riding.{34137}{34217}If you include any real|sense may not be issued.{34217}{34290}If you ever fall in love?{34290}{34345}Keep it secret.{34345}{34418}Do not allow anyone to|suspects.{34418}{34477}Or you're dead.{34526}{34586}I will help you.{34586}{34629}How?{34650}{34750}You need a woman, young|and rich. -- Madame?{34750}{34799}And elegant.|-- What?{34820}{34889}These two sisters have not only|disowned by his father.{34889}{34948}They hate each other.{34962}{35030}Delfina younger, envious|the greater.{35030}{35099}And is ready to throw all|street dirt{35099}{35155}only to come into my living room.{35200}{35276}No, I will not eat butter|it is bad for me.{35277}{35361}Do not count on me.|-- If you save it,{35361}{35414}will eventually start to eat|only with the smell from the kitchen.{35414}{35490}You'll get a patent for an invention, and|will get rich.{35599}{35649}Hey you, ragged hat.{35764}{35810}Stop, stop.{35852}{35947}We should not play with the bread.|-- Have you in the mood Mr. Marquis?{35947}{35999}Stop calling me Marquis.{36028}{36094}The lovely lady, your refusal|you take at home.{36094}{36175}And what is it, can you know?{36203}{36251}Countess de Risto.{36347}{36456}She turned away from me, because I|I was standing at a table with her father in.{36456}{36505}Her father here?|-- Who is he?{36505}{36550}Who is her father?|-- Mr. Forests.{36550}{36671}Mr. Forests? -- Now that is attached|it will have to deal with me.{36687}{36766}For this young man will have to|fluent rapier.{36766}{36820}And to know how to shoot a gun.{36820}{36861}I will learn.{36861}{36939}And I am not obliged to report|to anyone.{36940}{37049}I'm not trying to figure out what|engage other night.{37049}{37106}So you're the father of the Countess?{37106}{37156}And the Baroness.{37156}{37234}Countess and Baroness de Risto|Nyusingen.{37271}{37328}They are my daughters.{37496}{37550}Here I live Shri. de Rastinyak?{37550}{37618}Yes. -- Wear it|two sacs.{37618}{37683}And we have to inquire about them.|-- He was in the cafeteria, come.{37726}{37790}Mr. de Rastenyak for your f.{37854}{37915}Need to lay.{37951}{38064}Mom Rastenyak has bled, now|you can star in the world.

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{38064}{38142}But hear me, looking|more often in these ...{38272}{38338}You will be able to realize his dream.{38383}{38442}I'll pay you to feast on|Saint Sylvester.{38442}{38508}And maybe to visit a|a good tailor.{38514}{38596}Clothing is very important in|lives of young people.{38596}{38663}Well--tailored pants, can|so you can rent.{38682}{38764}And you, monsieur, Votren?|Do you have a dream?{38851}{38919}I have a ideyka. America.|-- Does America?{38941}{39033}Yes. Will I land, 3000--4000|ha.{39058}{39142}Will become a planter, will|buy slaves.{39142}{39188}200 or 300 negroes.{39188}{39257}Will sell profitable cows|and tobacco, will live on{39257}{39305}as a prince, for his pleasure.{39334}{39409}And yet? -- Work is|there, I'm a poet, Mama.{39409}{39487}Except do not write about their|feel them and experience{39487}{39539}They are my actions and feelings.{39568}{39671}4000--5000 ha, and if I|Who asked you?{39671}{39742}I will say I'm Mr..|40 million,{39742}{39792}citizen of the United States.{39793}{39886}Yes, but you have to pay|on the road.{39999}{40058}Who's there?|-- I'm Forest.{40094}{40150}You are a brave young man, thank you.{40150}{40209}But you are mistaken.|-- For what?{40209}{40275}For the fact that Madame Risto|was disappointed{40275}{40341}when you utter the name|me, I assure you you are mistaken.{40341}{40432}My daughters love me, I|happy father.{40456}{40557}Actually, my zetove is|behave stupidly at my address.{40558}{40622}Say you sold it|their silver?{40622}{40707}Yes, but spoons Anastasia{40707}{40762}I had to give for a debt.{40787}{40853}I thought you were rich?|-- I used to.{40853}{40928}I won a lot of money|during the revolution.{40928}{40973}That then.{41007}{41093}No equal in the grain trade.|No equal!{41161}{41251}But here, after the death of my wife.{41287}{41359}I stayed with my daughters,{41359}{41449}and I gave them all my love.|My whole life.{41489}{41562}I loved that even the pain|they caused me.{41562}{41615}Widowed there others?{41615}{41689}I swore to remain faithful to|wife{41689}{41763}even after death in.|And kept my word.{41823}{41890}I found my daughters best|teachers.{41890}{41991}Companion, own carriages.{42019}{42117}Everything, everything a|father could give them.{42117}{42203}I obezpechih their supplements.{42203}{42269}After all, they are my angels.{42312}{42397}Thanks to my money|they were able to choose men.{42397}{42454}Graf and Baron.{42478}{42552}Now do not want to|see me.{42581}{42662}Do not let your daughters|to get married if you love them.{42706}{42767}This is your mother you send it?|-- Yes.{42804}{42880}Their jewelry is sold to|I can not buy clothes.{42880}{42946}And my sisters are sent|everything they had.{42946}{43011}They want to sew, shirt,|suit.{43011}{43059}They do all this|necessary.{43059}{43129}They will never regret|this. I swear.{43129}{43175}I believe you.{43175}{43281}I must enter into society|necessary. Do you understand?{43334}{43392}Will you do me a favor?|-- Of course.{43392}{43485}Tell me what to go home|Delfina, your daughter?

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{43485}{43526}Madame de Nyusingen.{43526}{43575}I'll tell you, will help you.{43575}{43654}You will know which balls|it's going, I{43654}{43703}I know all of its|maid.{43723}{43803}I promise you, you will see it|course.{43803}{43869}This is a wonderful idea.{43869}{43955}And you yourself do not know|see?{43955}{44036}I prefer to see them|secret because zetovete me.{44057}{44119}But that brings me joy|not have even{44119}{44181}fathers who see|daughters every day.{44181}{44271}When the weather is nice, I am going|in the Elysée garden{44271}{44345}or the boulevard. Sit on|bench and wait.{44376}{44429}Wait when it will pass.{44429}{44502}Zatuptyava in my heart|nature of their carriages.{44502}{44565}I love horses that|ride them.{44565}{44640}I wish I was that puppy|they hold in your lap.{44640}{44701}I live with their joys.{44796}{44884}Sometimes I walk around town and listen|how say{44884}{44978}what a beauty, and this|my heart rejoices.{44978}{45039}You are my blood you know?{45060}{45133}And it's enough for you?|-- Everyone loves their own way.{45133}{45207}And my love does not cause|evil to anyone.{45271}{45335}You will meet with dolphins|I promise you.{45336}{45407}This is very, very good|idea.{45601}{45653}Good afternoon.|-- Hello.{45802}{45876}Take your time.{45876}{45956}What do you want?|-- We have a little conversation.{45956}{46037}What are you doing? -- Do not be afraid|Mama, I want{46037}{46082}try a gun|in your garden.{46082}{46146}I do not even think about not|Allow to shoot in my home.{46146}{46213}Okay, we'll go|any shooting.{46248}{46316}He does not want to kill him?|-- No, calm down.{46316}{46394}Do not stay here, these things|not concern us.{46394}{46448}I will get a minute, I forgot|his hat.{46576}{46634}Please!{46634}{46707}You may not believe me, but|I like.{46718}{46781}And why would you say if|request.{46781}{46871}I know you like it, myself|I created you.{46871}{46924}Who are you?{46924}{47009}Want to know this?|Say So{47009}{47084}I went through many trials in|life. It made me independent.{47084}{47153}For me, it costs nothing to|kill a man.{47189}{47256}Kill you?|Are you a murderer?{47272}{47326}I am what you call a man of{47326}{47379}art, if|I do a clean kill.{47379}{47432}Insofar as there is beauty|it.{47456}{47508}Why do I say this?|-- Because you want{47508}{47560}to fight and duel it is nonsense.{47561}{47627}When two live|people one should{47627}{47694}Only a fool would disappear|relies on chance.{47719}{47793}At your age I saw|some nonsense in the dark.{47793}{47841}Now I do not obey anything.{47841}{47924}I watch, you know|what you need?{47924}{47977}Large sum of money.{47988}{48050}And I will give you the money.{48050}{48121}You? -- Your family|catastrophes,{48121}{48206}have neither S. Eat cereal|Mom Vakyu in a dream,{48206}{48260}to sit together with Saint Germain.{48260}{48337}You wrong?|Ambition is a good thing.{48337}{48425}On chestolyubtsite spine is strong,|blood is better than iron.

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{48425}{48488}A heart is hotter than|among others.{48488}{48546}You have a ravenous hunger, what|whatever.{48638}{48690}To borrow the right to{48690}{48742}then work in a|provincial court?{48742}{48808}Do you have links you to the best{48808}{48875}If you marry|the daughter of the mayor.{48875}{48921}Thanks, but no.{48921}{49006}Or to become a lawyer and throwing|language in the palace of justice.{49006}{49065}Roll in the dirt so that{49065}{49124}are worse than pigs, you|you are such a dishonest person.{49125}{49178}Then what? That must now{49178}{49231}rebelled against all|people's conventions.{49231}{49289}You are at the crossroads of life|choose.{49289}{49347}But where to find the money?{49371}{49452}50,000 young people in Paris are asking{49452}{49533}this and eat|one another like spiders in a jar.{49582}{49669}Everywhere reigns cruelty woman|fought with her husband,{49669}{49717}Dad had Forests|to sell silver{49717}{49764}because of his ungrateful daughters.{49764}{49828}Yes, my friend. Man is imperfect|then what{49828}{49885}be done? To be rich,{49885}{49941}must be in vrezhesh|people as cannon fodder in,{49941}{49998}banging elbows,|to dirty their hands or{49998}{50070}conscience. I will|suggest something.{50070}{50117}I moved to America.{50117}{50203}Yes it is. I will give to|win a huge amount{50203}{50252}and you give me 20% of it.{50252}{50298}Speak, what should I do?{50298}{50395}Nonsense, you see the girl|you see, burning your eyes?{50395}{50439}Yes.{50439}{50511}This quiz is Tayfer father and|abandoned it and decided{50511}{50561}to leave all his fortune to|son.{50598}{50662}Why?|-- It does not matter, but true.{50662}{50715}And to me this injustice|I do not like.{50715}{50767}Look nice.{50836}{50913}Heart and is ready for love as|sponge in the manure.{50913}{50986}Attract her married|for her{50986}{51044}and then I'll admit|a huge debt{51044}{51101}she will be rzbira|agreed to cover.{51101}{51148}I'll take my commission and|will go.{51148}{51222}A brother?|-- Brother.{51222}{51329}If the Lord it home, then the old|Tayfer will call her daughter back.{51329}{51407}I know this for sure, he|wants to have a successor.{51433}{51485}And what you imagined?{51519}{51568}Pleasant walk.|-- Thank you Monsieur.{51651}{51701}What are you whispering there|these two?{51808}{51889}I will take the role of providence,|I have a true friend{51889}{51932}Colonel of the Guards|Army. For me{51932}{51974}he is ready to crucify|Christ for the second time.{51974}{52012}So what?{52012}{52064}He will quarrel with|brother who does not want to{52064}{52115}give 100 francs to the poor sister.{52116}{52179}I. ..|-- What a horror, just kidding right?{52179}{52243}Come on, quietly. Do not be a child.{52244}{52301}Think or not|give.{52301}{52413}Name me a bandit, I|I forgive you in advance.{52413}{52513}Sooner or later you like|will do that which I speak.{52513}{52586}I thought it would be without blood.|-- Not a word more, I thought

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you were stronger.{52599}{52651}Let me.{52652}{52737}I give you two weeks to|or not.{53292}{53360}Delfina de Nyusingen with|her husband.{53447}{53509}She is lovely.|-- She has big hands.{53509}{53565}Beautiful eyes.{53565}{53641}See how it raises and releases|larneta.{53641}{53700}In her every movement|sliver of Forests.{54171}{54271}If it only pierced it with eyes|will not get anything.{54271}{54363}See lover in.|His name is Marcel.{54363}{54424}Sits in the box of the Countess|Glotyomska.{54485}{54551}The dolphin is a lot.{54598}{54663}There is no better time to|approximation with a woman.{54663}{54710}Especially with the wife of a banker.{54710}{54781}And your new suit is lovely|ears.{54798}{54860}And your manners are not only|so provincial.{55000}{55066}You came.{55066}{55142}Abandoned their cases|to be with you.{55166}{55223}And well you did.{55258}{55311}You sufficiently|know Ms. de Nyusingen,{55311}{55364}and to present|my nephew,{55364}{55420}Jean de Rastenyak?|-- Of course.{55420}{55478}Go?|-- Of course.{55710}{55772}It is you talking to me?|-- Never.{55772}{55845}I feel it in my country.{55845}{55917}Did she?|-- Yes.{55947}{56011}I can not guess.{56011}{56074}I do not know what you|think of me.{56074}{56133}But the eyes and say everything.{56133}{56235}Yes, exactly what|I'm afraid.{57263}{57322}I dare you suggest that|stay with me.{57323}{57403}He who has the honor to sit alongside|Ms de Bossi,{57403}{57451}will not leave.{57451}{57505}Can I trust you a secret?|-- I love them.{57505}{57573}With your father live in adjacent rooms.{57573}{57661}And I do not know why Madame de Risto,|your sister, and his daughter.{57661}{57744}I had the stupidity to talk about it and|and she was angry.{57744}{57793}Really?{57793}{57872}I told this to her aunt,|and she laughed.{57896}{57949}Madame de Bossi?|-- Yes.{57985}{58062}Rather, for you it is expression|very favorably.{58082}{58151}She told me how good you are|Mr. Forests.{58171}{58251}Who loves you so passionately|I'm already jealous.{58279}{58353}Yes, my sister is not right to|also applies to our poor father.{58353}{58502}Yes, and added that her husband ipozvolyava|be seen with you in the morning only.{58502}{58548}And turn it torture.{58548}{58625}But she was wrong on the occasion of Anastasia.{58625}{58679}Sisters jealous of each other|you know?{58679}{58754}This is evidence of excessive|their tenderness.{58754}{58855}No, Anastasia loves me very much.{58855}{58935}Her husband is the one that prohibits and|come to see me.{59014}{59128}Say it was okay|dressed?{59128}{59248}Very elegant, but if your daughters|are so well designed, how{59248}{59330}you can live in this|wreck?{59386}{59499}What is my room better, my|Luckily my daughters are now.{59499}{59612}If they walk on carpets, is not|like where I sleep?{59648}{59702}, I do not cool if|They warm.{59754}{59840}I wanted to go to Odessa to|buy wheat.

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{59874}{59979}Yes, you better think|thereof.{59998}{60051}You.{60168}{60307}But how will I let my daughters,|Who will take care of them?{60340}{60393}I want to tell you this and that.{60393}{60503}Becoming a father, I realized God.{60562}{60637}Except I love my daughters{60637}{60711}more than|God loves this world.{60790}{60896}The man who loved my|Dolphins and make her happy.{60933}{60997}I'd pinned to his chest.{61067}{61158}I cleaned his boots,|I ministered unto him.{61180}{61292}Tell me, you know we are now|and?{61292}{61357}I and thousands of counsel|nonsense.{61357}{61431}We loved you in it?{61431}{61514}It seems so.{61544}{61624}I understand you, understand you.|Will be seen again?{61625}{61727}On Saturday afternoon.|-- I wish you happiness to both.{61789}{61851}They say it will break with Marcel?{61851}{61914}This Marcel just torturing her.{61914}{61996}And you, you're good.{61996}{62051}You will not and causes pain.{62051}{62140}When I see and I will tell|for you.{62140}{62215}Good night. Tell me{62245}{62299}Do you speak it to me?{62319}{62394}She asked me to tell you,|kiss goodnight.{62755}{62818}I love you?|Leave us.{62875}{62922}My dream to be.{62922}{62984}Unenviable dream.{62984}{63030}Why?{63030}{63092}You latter of which|I told them.{63150}{63195}But I want to know?{63317}{63396}I am unhappy, very much.{63396}{63473}The gold chains are the worst.{63503}{63587}Despite its appearance, I am|desperate. -- Desperate?{63587}{63641}And what did you do?{63641}{63711}I told her I loved her.{63711}{63755}Right.{63755}{63842}Then she drove me with their|slot to slot home.{63842}{63899}He gave me money and told me{63899}{63977}proigrayte all or|bring the required amount.{63977}{64026}And how much and need?{64026}{64104}Many.|-- But what?{64104}{64169}The man is loathsome miser.{64169}{64216}But he is bathed in gold.{64249}{64301}Ladies and gentlemen, please|your bets.{64301}{64379}To admit never in my life|I have not played. -- Bets are made.{64426}{64491}Bets are made more bets|no.{64585}{64638}7 red odd.{64657}{64710}You are apparently new.{64710}{64782}The principle is simple, if you put luidor{64782}{64854}one of 36 numbers and then{64854}{64942}fall. You will receive 36 luidora.{64942}{64994}Come on, young man, not|shy?{64994}{65081}You see this is highly|feeling?{65160}{65228}How old are you?|-- On 22.{65228}{65295}Good day.{65358}{65409}Ladies and gentlemen, I bet.{65585}{65635}Make your bets|gentlemen.{65756}{65810}Bets are made, no more|bets.{65920}{65981}22 black wins.{66240}{66331}Take.|-- You saved me.

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{66331}{66379}Are you saved?{66379}{66481}Mr. de Nyusingen not let me|dispose or one sem.{66481}{66569}Gives me only a small amount|dress as a lover.{66618}{66667}Dooms me need.{66667}{66752}We are so young and naive|when she married.{66796}{66863}I started to spend their money|for your poor father.{66863}{66930}Then I took a loan from a|man.{66990}{67062}Money has meaning only|when the feelings fade.{67082}{67191}Tonight, Mr.. Marcel will|see a woman that was paid.{67241}{67315}My father taught me and to Anastasia|are not deprived of anything.{67315}{67393}And we turn.|-- Robbed me, what kind of nonsense.{67393}{67450}She wept you tell me?{67450}{67519}I wept?|-- Little.{67519}{67596}And then he asked me a word that|no longer play.{67596}{67652}Rights is, then?{67652}{67746}Then she rushed to the theater, and|She grabbed my hand.{67746}{67815}It brought me way back|Mon to Neuve.{67815}{67872}I love when I tell|for it.{67872}{67985}But why not come to me instead|you sent to hell.{67985}{68052}I still have securities{68052}{68141}I can sell them and live|the rest of the capital.{68180}{68238}You say that she is crying.{68238}{68305}Wiped in my vest.{68305}{68379}Give it to me, I promise.{68408}{68482}Promise me?|-- Okay.{68551}{68605}I'll buy another.{68647}{68698}Lord, she wept.{68698}{68774}Even as a child is crying.{68802}{68905}I sold, father and son|Holy Spirit to protect her from crying.{68947}{68995}Excuse me while I|for classes.{69122}{69187}It seems to me that Delfina|would give anything to{69187}{69252}be accepted at my aunt|Madame de Bossi.{69252}{69295}That's right{69295}{69353}When you see|and say that I will do{69353}{69410}to all this joy and supplies.{69410}{69519}Because I love her.|-- Yes, I say.{69587}{69635}Wait?{69635}{69753}Beware of this man Votren.{69769}{69909}It is a strange type, I feel|he wants to implicate you in anything.{69931}{70002}Beware.{70048}{70097}Forgot to vest.{70476}{70525}Thank you.{70610}{70665}Good morning madam.|-- Hello.{70695}{70761}I see that I have told the truth.{70761}{70836}You have joy in my heart.{70836}{70947}Can you rely on your heart?|You know you're confident in your own?{70947}{71002}Yes, I have assurances.{71059}{71129}If tomorrow you become|rich and happy{71129}{71187}If you suddenly fall great|state{71187}{71239}Would you loved before as poor{71239}{71292}student witness|your poor past?{71292}{71384}Yes.|-- Do you see a conversation here?{71384}{71474}As for talking nonsense?|Let's go.{71474}{71512}Hold on, wait!{71512}{71595}Why are you angry, you would|one release a great couple.{71595}{71650}Quiz Mademoiselle, give me|hand.{71650}{71716}I am familiar with palmistry|and I can guess your hand.{71769}{71838}But, my God!{71897}{71975}Soon you will become the richest,|successor in Paris.

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{71975}{72130}And I will marry a young and beautiful|aristocrat.{72130}{72200}And he loves me?|-- He loves you.{72200}{72307}Bless you. Words of|honest man{72307}{72370}certainly worthwhile.|They were heard God himself.{72370}{72422}And also my dad Forest.{72422}{72480}For now, his hearing is not bad.|-- Let's go.{72480}{72548}What is it in his hands.|-- My jacket, I gave it to him.{72548}{72594}Really? And how|case?{72594}{72642}In it there are traces of|tears of his daughter.{72642}{72683}Traces of the tears of his daughter?{72683}{72786}Listen, you treat|his daughter as a lover{72786}{72831}so keep only one lover.{72831}{72893}So do not keep people with|their children.{72893}{72971}More with children who suck|your blood.{72971}{73020}Stop.{73501}{73559}Consider working with the appliance.{73559}{73618}After several months, I will|went to America{73618}{73674}I love you, I have you|said.{73714}{73782}I have a passion to sacrifice himself|for others.{73809}{73869}You are a man of great discipline.{73901}{74001}These two have quarreled, young|Tayfer, fluent rapier.{74020}{74064}He is confident, but{74064}{74107}put his blood.|I care about.{74107}{74152}Leave me.{74212}{74284}Where are you going? -- Classes.|-- And where are your books?{74318}{74362}I forgot them, will now|take them.{74362}{74412}Do not let the old man|be sad.{74412}{74487}He is used to revenge|their children, that is his goal.{74487}{74538}Sylvie, my Coffee.{74589}{74641}Now it will bring.{74883}{74960}Leave I alone will bring them.{75066}{75132}Are not you very sad, Mama?{75132}{75190}Like you breathless in|uphill?{75190}{75263}Can disband a little, eh?|-- Keep your hands away.{75263}{75322}But if you cry it will break.{75322}{75410}However, I will gather the debris with|patience of the antiquarian.{75410}{75453}Can not fawn.{75483}{75527}I hope you do not smell.{75560}{75615}We have a new maid?{75688}{75749}Staff hire you, Mama?{75769}{75813}Thank you.{76302}{76362}Lower back down, served coffee.{76362}{76413}I do not drink coffee now.|-- It will warm up,{76413}{76465}will save it to my|account to go.{76465}{76554}Leave vest.|-- You will love my little dolphins?{76554}{76605}Promise me.{76655}{76711}Mademoiselle Tayfer you here|lives?{76711}{76771}Yes, it is in the living room, and what|happened?{76881}{76949}Mademoiselle, your father has|need you.{76949}{77013}Unfortunately it happened.|-- What misfortune?{77031}{77087}Great misfortune.{77087}{77155}Your brother was wounded in a duel.{77171}{77223}What?|What did you say?{77223}{77275}Doctors do not give hope that|will save him.{77275}{77322}Only you will be able to get|forgiveness with him.{77322}{77387}Coming. -- I come with you.{77509}{77570}Surely, no young|could behave.{77626}{77699}That's your opinion.{77841}{77926}Death comes without|to ask, that's for sure.

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{77926}{78045}Is there anything to be wasted|blood every morning in Paris have duels.{78045}{78133}Listen to this Quiz|is lucky.{78133}{78196}Now her father will be forced|to recognize it.{78196}{78259}Until yesterday it had neither S,{78259}{78304}and there is now millionaire.{78304}{78385}Hurry, the coach waiting for us.{78909}{78979}Hey God, you are a prophet.{79021}{79100}I know what you think.|-- And for what?{79100}{79181}That today's youth,{79181}{79239}very careful.{79239}{79323}Do this, and another.{79323}{79445}For example? -- I think that behind this|has some game{79445}{79525}I feel it. I do not think you|to deceive me.{79525}{79601}I also grew up in the street|and you.{79601}{79666}I know what it was mud.{79666}{79722}I'm used to it.{79722}{79808}Cal you? She was everywhere,|even in wealthy salons.{79866}{79944}And, above all in the souls of|some ladies.{79976}{80053}Daddy, what does.{80087}{80199}Afraid to lose handsome|Cupid, that we commissioned for dolphins?{80199}{80316}Shut up. -- A quiet Forests|keep its power.{80353}{80468}Here's what you say never|I have not lied in its assessment.{80468}{80536}I always worry about you.{80555}{80652}The wolf changes his skin but|no temper.{80686}{80772}Would not be surprised to know|that you have a hand in this work.{80772}{80852}You are smart by italinatsi.|-- And you?{80871}{80959}Where are you from what Foxhole|trooped from which well?{80959}{81022}Well the truth of Mr.. Forests.{81022}{81091}I have seen the truth naked.{81091}{81176}Well, Mr. Jean, you obviously will not|to spend a year here.{81176}{81269}How, what does that mean?{81269}{81338}Will marry the first meeting?{81339}{81384}Just because she has money?{81384}{81458}You promised me?|Promise me.{81515}{81625}You know ma'am, I never|marry Mademoiselle Quiz.{81701}{81809}Cole, tempua. Time will tell|as the Italians say.{82208}{82312}Get stroke, faster|go to Mr. Yanshon.{82326}{82378}Christoph, a chemist at you.{82404}{82460}Madame you have ammonia?|-- Ammonia?{82460}{82513}Yes, each house has|have ammonia.{82513}{82578}Hurry.|-- Run, run. -- Hurry!{82685}{82753}Watch live his shirt and it|contact.{82753}{82816}The shirt you know why?{82816}{82902}Our time presses, save me|the need to look closely.{82935}{83017}Ready? -- Almost.|-- Have it?{83017}{83085}Wait, what do you do?|-- Yes.{83085}{83140}If it is something that helps him|I do not understand?{83206}{83269}Finish is give.{83292}{83391}Initials.|-- Initials it?{83414}{83513}What you talking about? -- Jacques Collin,|has escaped from prison in Toulon.{83528}{83582}Banker of the convicts.{83582}{83639}I'm hardly surprised.|-- Put on it.{83639}{83695}Here Ammonia quickly.{83695}{83742}What, is he?{83742}{83794}No, no.{83864}{83923}But he is strong, his heart|beating normally.{83923}{83970}Really?|-- Yeah.{84034}{84093}Thus.

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{84160}{84228}Look, it reacts ammonia!{84273}{84320}Is as strong as a Turk.{84352}{84419}Santo De Fehr has quarreled with one|Guard colonel.{84434}{84492}The result is two shots|in the forehead.{84492}{84543}What accuracy.{84543}{84636}And the little quiz, it|the richest girl in Paris.{84636}{84716}Can you imagine? She|gazed,{84716}{84780}if not wrong. -- I will not|marry her. -- Why?{84780}{84850}Because I love another, and feelings|Our mutual.{84850}{84896}Is not Madame de Nyusingen?{84896}{84938}Over you?|-- All over Paris.{84938}{85010}Blonde Dolphin, one of|daughters of Father Woods.{85036}{85110}But he is married?|-- They live separated.{85110}{85197}And I will say this to Alsatian|I gave my wife{85197}{85256}as it can make her happy.|-- Do you gave your wife? -- Yes.{85256}{85332}Is it worth the status of|Ms. Tayfer?{85332}{85388}Shut up.|-- What's happening?{85388}{85441}Did you know about this duel?|-- Shut up.{85441}{85491}Man!{85491}{85540}Hey, Man.{85831}{85891}Well, what happened?{85927}{86020}Survived in the impact of which|could perish and ox.{86020}{86110}Say rather a bull.|Fortunately, I gave him, purgative.{86110}{86187}Thank you mom.|-- I saved a part of vomit?{86187}{86231}Yes of course.{86232}{86291}It is in a bucket in the kitchen, hey|I will bring it.{86291}{86367}But for what?|-- To take samples for analysis.{86367}{86443}It could be anything. -- About|What is your analysis of this shit?{86443}{86490}Better look sick.{86506}{86579}As if you are unhappy that more|I'm alive?{86635}{86741}You and you, too.{86756}{86837}At the bottom of the street|Mademoiselle mixed.{86838}{86919}Talking about man|nickname immortal.{86946}{86999}This name suits you.{87939}{88018}In the name of the royal law|You Jacques Collin,{88018}{88109}you are arrested. -- Yes I am Jacques|Kole, sentenced to 20 years{88109}{88154}fugitive, known by the nickname|immortal.{88154}{88204}Come nadenete my handcuffs.{88204}{88276}You are my witnesses that|I did not resist.{88495}{88595}What I did not expect?|Do not cry mom.{88595}{88683}My stigma is not so vile as|what others have in your heart.{88683}{88752}Who betrayed me?{88752}{88807}Who betrayed me?{89143}{89189}You were right?{89189}{89249}Old witch.{89278}{89337}Do not worry,{89337}{89409}I forgive you. I|I am a Christian.{89409}{89477}How much you paid?{89557}{89652}Nenom rotten, prepared|Grave of Venus.{89682}{89766}If I was warned would|to get twice as much.{89766}{89883}I think they look at me with horror. But you|cause in them only aversion.{89926}{89995}I never gave|in my life.{90081}{90125}I have 10,000 brothers{90125}{90193}I am immortal and I know who to|back to escape.{90193}{90241}And then they will find.|Well{90241}{90304}go. Forgive, South{90304}{90366}our contract is valid irrespective|where I am.{90366}{90421}To live life.{90515}{90630}Thank you, thank you|for all were very good with me.

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{90989}{91050}Still, it was not bad, boy.{91100}{91156}If this woman believes in the future{91156}{91211}to sit with us|table, I leave.{91236}{91313}And I with you.|-- Me too.{91340}{91442}Monsieur Poirier, tell the lady|and that place is not here{91442}{91495}let go immediately.{91495}{91546}But I'm paid in advance.{91546}{91655}Madame, if you do not force it, we|all leave the pension.{91682}{91729}You do not want me to go broke?{91729}{91795}Room Mr. Votren release|and you ...{91795}{91869}Do not go to dinner Square|Sorbonne ...{91869}{91979}Wait! You see, these gentlemen|force me.{91979}{92026}You can stay until the evening.{92026}{92105}No, let's leave immediately.{92105}{92143}Out.|-- Out!{92143}{92263}Mademoiselle, I am ruined,|you can not stay, go.{92300}{92350}Excellent, I'm leaving.{92395}{92438}Will go to Madame Benoit.{92495}{92605}All the best, there will|eat yesterday,{92605}{92701}and instead of wine, leavened water.|Walk, Christoph bring your belongings.{92751}{92802}And you Poirier, what are you waiting for?{92802}{92882}Go after it, come Poirier|She is waiting for you.{92883}{92926}Go on, go.{92926}{92988}Here's the door will not|confused.{93031}{93086}Go Poirier.{93345}{93392}Letter to Madame Vokyu.{93663}{93730}Now my only remains to kindle|house.{93730}{93788}Tayfer died young.{93889}{93967}Quiz me and her guardian|ask them to send their belongings.{93967}{94035}What?|-- They will live at his father in.{94070}{94127}Four rooms are empty.{94164}{94230}Misfortune came to my house.{94362}{94412}Ferdinand, where were you?{94412}{94460}Because of the snow had not been|possible to pass.{94460}{94509}Lie, was with Artans.{94528}{94577}Well, let's sit down.{94638}{94692}Sorry that late.{94692}{94740}Be careful with the spoon is hot!{95267}{95324}And the piece I can not swallow.{95866}{95941}Good night, Janet.|-- Yes, all minor.{95941}{95995}Quick, quick, must conclude|house.{96104}{96187}See you tomorrow.|-- Soon we will have a surprise for you.{96187}{96241}For me?|-- For you.{96357}{96438}What leads me.|-- Now you are completely free.{96438}{96496}Today, we will have dinner with you|at Dolphin.{96513}{96583}4 years since I sat|at a table with her.{96583}{96634}Now you see it every day.{96634}{96720}Did you have a few days|work in your home.{96787}{96840}At me?|-- At you.{96915}{96991}Even twisted arms to transfer|furniture.{97107}{97166}Here is,{97166}{97233}After you.{97233}{97331}This is only temporary, everything|is almost ready.{97331}{97375}I could not wait.{97375}{97428}Now, now.{97428}{97504}You still have brought.|-- Fate intervened.{97594}{97689}This will be our nest, and|reveal our secrets to anyone.{97689}{97778}I do not count, I will|come and go.{97778}{97843}Do not mind me.|-- This is a guest.

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{97843}{97942}I said and for what I said|I know wonderful accommodation{97942}{97994}'ll buy for him.{97994}{98060}Fathers should be donated to|be happy.{98060}{98112}I guess your wish?{98112}{98187}She refused, fearing it would|start talking nonsense.{98214}{98318}But ... but I'm not worthy.{98318}{98375}Let my dreams come true.{98375}{98421}Reject you?{98421}{98478}But this is impossible.|You know what{98479}{98536}pleased to arrange|this apartment.{98536}{98591}Do not worry.{98591}{98683}In the old days, ladies podaryavali|knights of their armor.{98729}{98787}Today is our weapon|time.{98787}{98846}Needs of those who want|to gain something.{98846}{98900}Dad, arrange it.{98900}{98959}But who pays it?{98959}{99035}Look, I paid all|your accounts.{99035}{99145}Here they are, you will give me a receipt|piece of sheet, and{99145}{99224}then if you want me|back debt.{99240}{99335}But where did you get the money? -- I|sold their rent, their capital.{99366}{99432}I left a little to me|I will go.{99432}{99512}A top room where there|will live like a prince.{99531}{99595}So we'll be with you.{99595}{99665}Almost do not need clothes.{99665}{99731}My not wear.{99731}{99831}Father, father, no other such|worldwide.{99885}{99956}My house deserted.{99978}{100044}Axis makes almost no lodgers.{100084}{100148}How will I live without their boarders?{100199}{100291}Tomorrow morning, must boil|only 3 cups of coffee.{100399}{100496}How angry sky that I|send all this misery?{100542}{100614}I have stocks of beans for 20 people.{100699}{100756}Police were at my home.{100787}{100836}Poor mr. Votren,{100836}{100890}proved to convict.{100906}{100980}Such a man, ma'am.{100980}{101029}Every day, drank liquor.{101052}{101106}Unbelievable.{101106}{101174}And that leads from the witch|Poirier here.{101174}{101243}What enticed him that followed|her as a puppy?{101259}{101302}Yes, indeed.|-- It was to{101302}{101346}sent to the penal colony and not|Votren poor.{101346}{101403}He was also generous.{101403}{101451}Yes, very generous.{101451}{101570}We saw everything, Louis 16th|fell before our eyes.{101570}{101635}The return of the emperor and|His new fall.{101662}{101741}But such a thing happen|in a decent home ...{101741}{101852}Well, no emperor could|live, but not homeless.{101864}{101928}This is the end of the world.{101928}{101991}Madame ...{102131}{102202}These are only my lodgers,{102202}{102273}Come in, my dear. You|you are my only consolation.{102273}{102370}Christoph, rekindle the fire|guests plenty. Quick!{102405}{102460}Segichka will become warmer in|living room.{102460}{102574}Madame Vokyu, and we will leave|after a few days.{102592}{102635}What?{102635}{102691}Christoph, not fire.{102747}{102808}Yes, we live together, we found|your accommodations.{102883}{102943}Both?

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{102978}{103045}You are my mortal Deal|shock.{103045}{103145}This week, I was distressed by|10 years.{103261}{103315}What will I do with beans?{103426}{103516}Now you will feel better and for the first time|see her crying.{103553}{103623}Did you know Mr. Menshon, we|to rent my room.{103646}{103713}A Quiz for the room, easily|will find tenants.{103713}{103776}Golden your mouth.{103800}{103846}But I fear the worst.{103846}{103944}I think that somewhere here|wandering death.{104024}{104082}Monsieur, there came a letter for you.{104200}{104246}Have good news?|-- I think so.{104246}{104310}I still have time.|-- What?{104310}{104368}Good news.{104558}{104611}Madame, just came out of the tub.{104611}{104679}Welcome, but time|and less.{104721}{104776}Guess what I brought you?{104990}{105073}My aunt Madame de Bossi, you|invite them at the ball.{105073}{105127}You only bring me happiness.{105175}{105232}But if you think about stupid|and frivolous?{105257}{105309}Ball at Madame de Bossi?{105344}{105419}Men are never invited me|in such homes.{105514}{105600}But I dream to get into Saint|Germain, at least because there will you.{105659}{105703}Teresa.{105703}{105812}Being prepared for the theater before|my husband that I was sick.{105827}{105879}I do not want to leave you.{105879}{105929}It is here ma'am.{105957}{106035}I also will not go to the theater, but{106035}{106113}I would like to talk to you later.{106113}{106180}Or tomorrow morning.|-- On what topic?{106180}{106234}I only talk to you|for one subject.{106246}{106320}Is it something important?|-- Maybe to you.{106780}{106866}My father still is above you?|-- Yes, Miss 4th of ... -- Dad?{107129}{107180}Dad, Dad, I am.{107327}{107396}Dad, Dad?{107434}{107491}We need to talk.|-- As of urgency?{107491}{107573}My husband is on the verge of catastrophe|told me about it this morning.{107573}{107620}I told him that it concerns me that{107620}{107667}I live separately and have|their condition.{107668}{107767}So what? -- He has put all|money in new business.{107767}{107830}And mine.|-- Yours?{107880}{107959}He told me if I now ask|your part{107959}{108010}I will be forced to declare bankruptcy.{108010}{108061}It scared me, Dad.{108061}{108100}And I said,{108126}{108168}will get complete freedom, if{108168}{108210}allow me to use|your share.{108210}{108264}He was separated from her dancer,{108264}{108318}and will be forced to|water saving lives.{108324}{108397}Had he seen it was like crazy.{108397}{108455}Talking about suicide.|-- Playing comedy.{108455}{108525}Wants to outwit. -- Do you?|-- Of course.{108525}{108602}If they invest your money|in their cases{108602}{108641}Let me show documents.{108641}{108690}He thinks of fools.{108690}{108788}I'm 40 years stretch strap|to happen now all dust.{108788}{108850}There are laws, there are courts.|Let's go, I'll talk to him.{108850}{108904}Be careful, capable|is everything.

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{108926}{108979}I hate it, despise it.{108979}{109044}He proposed marriage,|you know what that means?{109044}{109095}Yes, buy your conscience.{109095}{109136}Allows me to be with whom|I want.{109136}{109202}Just to think that they|I gave this vanity.{109202}{109249}Forgive me my child, forgive me!{109249}{109290}Do not cry!{109316}{109366}Secure and you are less|fault.{109366}{109431}When we get married|We are so young.{109431}{109485}So foolish.|-- I know.{109507}{109565}Our fathers have to think|for us.{109607}{109665}Stop, you saddens me.{109783}{109831}Mr. Woods, here?{109831}{109884}Yes ma'am, you can|upload.{109895}{109961}Now on the fourth floor.{109981}{110035}Dad, Dad?{110129}{110195}Dad?|-- What are you doing here?{110195}{110263}And you?|-- I see our father every day.{110263}{110331}Not to offend you, I died.|This time completely.{110344}{110404}Hi, Dad.|-- Nazi?{110404}{110444}Nazi what happened?{110467}{110512}Salt you.{110512}{110566}Tell me everything at once,|or die.{110656}{110709}My boyfriend is proigral|huge amount{110709}{110771}that neither he nor you have.{110771}{110836}To save him, I took what|I do not belong.{110836}{110892}Diamonds of your mother in law?{110915}{110958}Yes, I sold them.{110958}{110998}Oh, really?{110998}{111048}My husband knew everything|called me yesterday when{111048}{111097}himself and asked me where|are diamonds?{111097}{111145}I told him that I have in me.{111145}{111221}And he said, they are not here|my chest.{111221}{111267}He bought them?{111267}{111318}Yes, tell me no.|What a shame.{111318}{111363}So what now?{111386}{111444}He asked both|Our children have at least one{111444}{111501}which is mine. And I told him|I said to the greatest.{111501}{111594}He asked him cheating, my|share of the property.{111594}{111662}No, do not sign.|For nothing in the world signed.{111662}{111722}I forbid you, I will|able to protect you.{111722}{111837}My children, is that your|life?{111837}{111886}Come, come unto me.{111886}{111936}I would like to take upon himself{111936}{111985}to your disadvantage.|I suffer for you.{111985}{112094}We were so happy we|tirmata when you were young.{112094}{112177}Yes, only felt|well.{112177}{112245}I have to pay 12,000 francs.{112245}{112267}Besides diamonds?{112267}{112322}Otherwise my lchbovnik will throw|in prison.{112322}{112373}I already have nothing, anything.{112373}{112475}Although silver remained|talkie.{112520}{112660}Here they remained well and|instrumentation.{112694}{112808}Take them, but how can|should they cost?{112808}{112851}But where is your capital?{112851}{112933}Do you rent?|Sold in January{112933}{112972}For what?{112972}{113037}To buy an apartment.{113037}{113092}For you know?{113092}{113154}Stop it sister, you see|I got to where.

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{113154}{113215}Not all men rage|lovers.{113215}{113265}This is cruel, but you never|do not love me.{113265}{113321}You envy me.|-- Do not love it.{113321}{113383}And you, how you treated me?{113383}{113436}You deny me|for you, all salons{113436}{113490}Saint Germain closed|its doors to me.{113490}{113541}Here's what you do.{113541}{113612}Grand after grand|You took everything from him.{113612}{113674}I saw a father with|each occasion.{113674}{113735}Not chasing him and then he|lick your hands.{113735}{113788}Goodbye, I no longer have any|our father, sister.{113788}{113831}Shut up!|Both silent!{113853}{113897}Anastasia you monster.{113897}{113941}Keep quiet or will|suicide.{114337}{114410}Well, I forgive you.{114410}{114520}You're unhappy, but know|I'm better than you.{114539}{114617}I was ready to do anything to you|help.{114617}{114671}Even if your husband robbed.{114705}{114828}They kissed, kiss now.|Please.{114828}{114892}I speak the truth, me and you|defamation.{114892}{114932}Delfina, what you ...|-- Stop!{114932}{115015}It breaks my heart.{115050}{115142}It is more unfortunate than you,|simple in.{115220}{115270}I was wrong, sorry!{115270}{115366}Thus, how to unmeasured|Now those 12,000?{115392}{115450}Did not I do|nothing?{115476}{115563}Must kill to go to the penal colony|as Votren.{115605}{115669}But I'm not capable of anything.{115669}{115732}I'm a bad father.{115732}{115779}I only stayed to die.{115807}{115871}She asks me and I have nothing.{115871}{115916}Nothing, not a thing left.{115940}{116006}How it hurts!|-- Dad stop.{116006}{116116}Sorry, there are securities|I received from my parents.{116116}{116179}You can sell it,|if you must.{116204}{116257}You are you here?{116257}{116303}And you know this?{116303}{116356}He is listening.{116356}{116422}Allow yourself to him|know all my secrets.{116422}{116486}For children, everything.|I hate you!{116486}{116583}Stop it! It is our|guardian angel. Our savior.{116583}{116638}See I embrace.{116639}{116730}I will be more than your father, I|I will be all about you.{116730}{116772}Go and embrace him Nazi!{116772}{116816}Leave it, she is herself.{116816}{116862}And you yourself you?|Want to know what you?{116862}{116918}You'll die if you start again.{116918}{116959}See you kill him.{116988}{117050}The situation is terrible|comfort her!{117093}{117176}They kissed again|They kissed.{117282}{117333}Thank you.{117333}{117437}Nazi, send me a message when|everything is fine.{117437}{117480}Hurry!{117562}{117613}Lover of my sister is|gamble.{117613}{117667}Eg hell did you plant in the window|these 12000.{117710}{117758}How do you feel?{117758}{117846}I'm tired, not my thing|well.{117883}{117923}We will call Bienshon.{117923}{117983}Thank you on their behalf.{118417}{118482}Like to think that given all of|my sister.

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{118482}{118530}Stop.{118638}{118697}Paris will be around the ball|at Mrs. de Bossi.{118726}{118791}Lover and married, he|will not come.{118791}{118857}Your poor aunt still nothing|knows.{118872}{118930}This will kill her.{118930}{119004}It is possible, I do not know.{119038}{119119}But around Paris will be there to watch,|I will be.{119138}{119179}Thanks to you.{119244}{119302}What do you think?{119302}{119404}For dad, it was{119404}{119491}so happy at the thought|that will live in the room above us.{119554}{119610}Does not bring him here?{119610}{119705}For a shame, I am more|lover than a daughter.{119745}{119849}My father gave me a heart, but|You make him fight.{119903}{119980}What if it's sick.|-- No, that is, do not worry.{120018}{120091}We have sorely grieved him a little morning|but he is strong.{120122}{120220}I know that he is suffering, seeing|consequences of our marriage.{120257}{120342}But why not think about us|What can you do?{120379}{120423}Our obedience to|fate would have caused{120423}{120468}more suffering than|our quarrels and reproaches.{120519}{120587}There are those situations in which|everything is bitter.{120733}{120830}Thank you for coming, how is he?|-- Things are bad.{120830}{120903}Apparently he suffered shock, but I|I do not know how?{120903}{14677}Mr. South?|-- Yes. -- The new month began,{120991}{121031}and you owe me rent.|Today the number is 30,{121031}{121080}So I pay for themselves.|And my dad Forest.{121080}{121123}Do not you believe it?{121123}{121184}He left this morning, bringing|last silver.{121184}{121264}If he dies, his daughters|will not pay me no su.{121264}{121321}So?|-- Now I am responsible for it.{121630}{121682}Get out there today?{121696}{121744}And for what?{121744}{121807}Anastasia was so upset.{121837}{121895}She had ordered a dress for this ball.{121895}{121975}With sewn silver.{121996}{122073}A dressmaker would not|and sew on credit.{122083}{122136}1,000 marks.{122136}{122194}The dress was ready.{122194}{122248}But she did and gave it.{122282}{122335}Anastasia can not be displayed{122335}{122387}prom dressed|worse than her sister.{122510}{122585}That was the last straw, she|My heart turned over.{122606}{122663}I problyakoh and went.{122692}{122761}Talkies and sold|cutlery.{122813}{122856}600 francs.{123214}{123286}Neither she did not know?|-- No, I write them again here.{123286}{123378}As you know. You have to|places bedpan, help me.{123759}{123832}What are you doing here?|Have to get ready for prom.{123832}{123903}Your father is very ill, I write to you|and you did not answer.{123903}{123945}So I decided to come.{123945}{123993}Do not teach me how to behave|with his father.{123993}{124058}We'll talk about the way|for ball{124058}{124098}but not now.{124098}{124151}You should dress, hurry!{124151}{124210}We should leave early.{124210}{124266}Or you stuck in the column|by Karen and late.{124266}{124319}But he is waiting for you, you and your sister.{124342}{124403}He will see us, or at least me.{124404}{124452}But after the ball.

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{124452}{124502}Your father ...{124552}{124598}Please do not read my morale!{124617}{124667}Be here at 19:00.{124852}{124940}How are you beautiful|how beautiful.{125110}{125158}South.{125175}{125245}Do not say anything there.{125245}{125309}Most importantly, nothing|do not tell them.{125334}{125420}Paris goes to whole Aunt|I like people on death row.{125434}{125473}This is terrible.{125473}{125561}Everyone wants to see, will be able|Does this woman to hide his pain.{125561}{125599}Everyone is so curious.{125599}{125650}What is it?{125674}{125726}Prichuva me of wheezing|father.{125726}{125782}Will cry for you, and|look bad.{125854}{125920}If I had gone in before them,|I swear, I would not have gone today.{125967}{126018}But she probably never|will not accept me.{126018}{126076}Do not tell me I'm beautiful?{128475}{128519}I was afraid that they will not come.{128533}{128584}You stole it for a minute.{128632}{128694}You're only here|I can trust.{128694}{128743}What happened, you|This is your score?{128778}{128820}My company.{128820}{128939}They dance and have come to|see how I die.{128989}{129099}Hear me, you will not see|or Paris{129099}{129185}or the world. Tomorrow morning I leave.{129185}{129242}And will be buried in the desert in Normandy.{129295}{129342}Come here.{129389}{129440}Look!{129459}{129511}My coach is ready.{129511}{129570}She waits for me.{129777}{129844}No longer see me.{130031}{130141}I often think about you|I leave you in this terrible world.{130165}{130285}I wish sometimes to|remember me.{130324}{130410}Let's go, I do not|think that I cry.{130461}{130576}However to me it is everlasting,|and there I will be alone.{130628}{130745}South, you're still young{130794}{130858}you can still believe|something.{130991}{131071}Last glance.{133105}{133189}Here, take it.{133272}{133330}So how was it you poveseliha|well?{133330}{133388}To many.{133423}{133484}He told me everything that night.{133484}{133545}-- She dances in its|dress. Here is a dolphins?{133545}{133634}It will come, Anastasia also.|Christophe sent to them.{133675}{133761}Better you?|-- I am a bit relaxed head.{133787}{133857}Dress and sewn with silver, a beautiful|was?{133857}{133963}Very beautiful.|-- Tonight I brought a little wood.{133963}{134045}But what to pay them, I have|nothing?{134082}{134138}Do not worry, I will|fix everything.{134188}{134285}If I die, how will you suffer?{134321}{134427}So I do not want to die|they do not want to cry.{134427}{134530}To die means to them|see more.{134580}{134672}The father is not hell|can see their children.{134782}{134870}If I were in heaven, my soul{134870}{134959}will be able to visit them.{134989}{135067}Right?|-- Quiet, Rest.{135149}{135267}When they were small and did not know|nothing of this world{135314}{135392}they love me more.

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{135432}{135506}Why not remain forever|children?{135583}{135653}Only you know how it hurts|head?{135693}{135771}They will come to you?|-- Of course.{135771}{135831}They will come.{135857}{135910}You do not know that I am ill.{135910}{135981}Otherwise they would not dance.{136014}{136082}I will be standing with him.{136153}{136210}I am not sick,|I need them so.{136210}{136302}Madame Anastasia is busy with important matters|with her husband.{136302}{136352}Will come as soon as the end.{136352}{136393}And Madame de Nyusingen?{136393}{136435}-- Maid and|said that if he woke up{136435}{136503}She will be angry.|-- Go back to them after 1 hour.{136503}{136546}All right.{136579}{136655}They will want to come?|Neither?{136655}{136725}No, they will come.|-- They have a job.{136725}{136770}They sleep will not come.{136770}{136835}Only dying, understand what{136835}{136900}children, you give them|life and death they are to you ...{136900}{136950}I'm sure they will come|calm down.{136950}{137026}They will not come, I know now|than 10 years ago.{137037}{137106}If I had kept his condition.{137106}{137208}They would be here to me|cover with kisses,{137208}{137293}money ... make money|everything, even your daughters.{137293}{137368}But I now have nothing.{137380}{137471}Nothing. They were my|vices{137471}{137557}my lover, everything.|I want to drink{137557}{137633}I'm hungry, I ...|-- Do not worry so much.{137633}{137696}Do not worry.{137696}{137744}I will give him a tranquilizer.{137797}{137897}But they are not guilty of|nothing.{137956}{138082}For all my fault, I|taught them to trample me.{138082}{138202}To humiliate me ...|And I liked it.{138202}{138264}Drink this.{138315}{138391}I got a fair punishment.{138391}{138456}I ruined them.{138554}{138624}I'll go for flour to|Odessa.{138668}{138739}This is not comes to mind|anyone.{138739}{138791}Milyoni, milyoni.{138855}{138960}Yes, they write that|I have milyoni.{138960}{139021}And they will come.{139058}{139121}Do not give your daughters|to marry if{139121}{139183}love them. No marriage, no.{139183}{139259}Must earn a law|death penalty for fathers.{139277}{139375}You have to kill children|them. My daughter.{139400}{139495}I want to see their daughters,|I created them, they are mine.{139539}{139602}Delfina! -- No, Monsieur|that's me.{139623}{139674}But where is my daughter?{139688}{139782}And bad, monsieur.|She scolded her husband.{139782}{139905}Now the doctor is with her.|She only repeated, I want to see Dad.{139922}{139987}Poor me.{140165}{140224}Who comes there?|-- I'm a dad.{140288}{140362}They could not get out|earlier, excuse me.{140362}{140439}Only you love me, all|others hate me.{140439}{140515}Deprived of their illusions|even my kids would hate me.{140596}{140673}Take me with you, I will|I love you, take care of you.{140733}{140794}Do you think he heard me?{141400}{141468}Hurry up, gentlemen.|The soup cools.

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{141724}{141790}If we must speak the truth|for it is better that he died.{141790}{141854}While he was alive, was|only exacerbate.{141904}{141964}Soup cools.{142813}{142871}How are you?{142894}{142943}We need sheets for the ark.{142943}{143027}Am I obliged to give you?|-- It has no S, and we also.{143027}{143085}Bury him as a pauper.{143151}{143220}Silva, give them the old|sheets.{143220}{143300}Well madam.|-- What? For the dead and become such.{143319}{143375}His children will know|to make some money?{143375}{143416}This can not be|count.{143416}{143475}On his grave should be|write,{143475}{143600}here rests Woods, father of the Countess|de Risto and Baroness de Nyusingen.{143600}{143701}Buried, with funds from|students.{145867}{145936}Cool and dry wind, annoyed|nerves.{145936}{146023}Jean de Rastenyak, last|time looked grave{146023}{146127}and otroni last tear|plucked from his young heart.{146195}{146291}He saw Paris, lying below|on both banks of the Seine.{146291}{146390}Here lived, high society,|in which he so wanted to go.{146390}{146493}He threw it over the buzzing|look{146493}{146567}like, how anticipation|will drain from there honey{146567}{146617}and decide for yourself.{146617}{146750}We'll see who--who! Then,|as at the first call of the society{146750}{146855}Rastenyak, auction at noon|Ms. de Nyusingen.{146932}{147314}For more rumor you translate MENA!