Le 27-28 octobre

Le 27-28 octobre

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Le 27-28 octobre. Nos emploi du temps. Qui est présent ? Les dialogues Les cahiers Les chiffres 0 à 60. Make-up dialogues & notebook checks. Warm-Up. Translate the following sentences: ( AVOIR) He has math on Tuesday. Anne and Robert have physics on Friday. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Page 1: Le 27-28  octobre

Le 27-28 octobre

Page 2: Le 27-28  octobre

Nos emploi du temps

Qui est présent?Les dialoguesLes cahiersLes chiffres 0 à 60

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Make-up dialogues & notebook checks

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Translate the following sentences: (AVOIR)He has math on Tuesday.Anne and Robert have physics on Friday.Didi and I, we have science on Monday.You (all) have German on Thursday?I have a party (une fête) on Saturday!

Page 5: Le 27-28  octobre

Il a les maths mardi.

Anne et Robert ont la physique vendredi.

Didi et moi, nous avons les sciences lundi.

Vous avez l’allemand jeudi?

J’ai une fête samedi!

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*Don’t forget: days of the week and school subjects are NOT capitalized in French.

What day is in the middle of the school week?

What day do some people go to church?

Page 7: Le 27-28  octobre

1. What are the four sections your notebook should be divided into?

Vocab, Notes, Warm-ups, Homework/Everything else

Give zero points if they have 0 correctGive 1 point if they have 1-2 out of 4

correct Give 2 points if they have 3 out of 4

correctFull credit (3 points) for all 4

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2. Name an expression or word we learned today

Classroom commands: ex, est-ce que je peux aller aux toilettes

Les bisesBonjour, SalutJe m’appelle…Tu t’appelles comment? (friendly)Comment vous appelez-vous? (formal)Et toi? (friendly) Et vous? (formal)Enchanté

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2. (continued)

Au revoirA plus (tard)!Tchao!Ça va bienÇa va malComme-ci comme-çaFULL CREDIT (3 points) if one or more of

these words is mentionedGive 1 point if they mention a word from

the ACCENT examples

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3. What was the correct order (LETTERS only) of the conversation Meli-Melo?

I. Bonjour!D. Salut! Comment ça va?E. Ça va mal! Et toi?G. Ça va très bien!C. Comment t’appelles-tu?H. Je m’appelle Richard. Et toi?B. Je m’appelle Tori.A. Enchanté. Au revoir!F. À plus tard!

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4. Sep 16, 19: What kind of words did we learn today?

NOUNSLes amis (m.), Le cinéma, Le skiLe football, Le magasin, La plageLe vélo, La glace, L’écoleLe français, Les frites (f.), Le chocolatL’anglais (m.), Les examens (f.), Les vacances (f.), Les escargots (m.)

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4. (continued)

Les concerts (m.)Les hamburgers (m.)Les maths (f.)La pizzaLe sport1 example is 1 point2 or more examples is 2 pointsGive 3 points if they ALSO circled


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5. Sep 16, 19: What was the grammar topic?

The answer must include something about gender,

masculine v. feminine nouns, or Le, la, les, l’Mentioning any of these topics would count

as FULL CREDIT (3 points)

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6. Sep 26-27: Sep 26-27: In the Lisons activity, give the answer for letter B

There should be a list of cognates (words that look similar in French and English

0-1 words: 0 points2-3 words: 1 point4 words: 2 points5 or more words: 3 points

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7. Oct 6, 10: What were you to translate into English?

Your partners’ class schedules into EnglishGive 1.5 points if they wrote school


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8. Oct 11-12: What was the topic of our notes and warm up?

AGREEING/DISAGREEING, expressing opinions

ACCORD/DESACCORDIt’s either right or wrong!

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9. Oct 19-20: Name 1 of the ER verbs we conjugated

Aimer OR Regarder

You may Give 1 point if they mention another ER verb

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10. Oct 19-20: What new verb did we learn? What kind of verb?

AVOIRIRREGULAR1.5 points each (3 points total)

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0 à 10 11 à 20

Zéro un deux trois quatre cinq six sept huit neuf dix

Onze douze treize quatorzequinze seize dix-septdix-huit dix-neuf vingt

Résumons: les chiffres

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20 à 29 30 à 39

VingtVingt et un(e)Vingt-deuxVingt-troisVingt-quatre Vingt-cinqVingt-sixVingt-septVingt-huitVingt-neuf

TrenteTrente et un(e)Trente-deuxTrente-troisFill in the rest!

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40-49 50-59

QuaranteCan you guess what

41 is?Quarante et un(e)Quarante-deuxQuarante-troisetc

Can you guess what 50 is?

CinquanteCinquante et un(e)Cinquante-deuxetc

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Levez-vous (opposite of asseyez-vous) et comptez!

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Round 1Say “BIZZ” on multiples of 7

Round 2Say “BUZZ” on multiples of 5

Say BIZZ and BUZZ for multiples of 7 & 5 respectively

Round 4Say “BIZZ” on multiples of 7 AND anytime you say “7”

ex 17, 27, 37 etc

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If you are not going to participate, you will complete a worksheet to reinforce your numbers & days of the week. This will be due at the end of the period.

These are the exercises that must be completed: 11, 12, 13, 14, 15

You will also receive one of these worksheets if you get eliminated from the game and are having a hard time paying attention (talking, sleeping, etc)

The winner will receive an extra bathroom pass for the 2nd marking period.