LDS Doctrine and Covenants Slideshow 16: D&C 76

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  • 8/9/2019 LDS Doctrine and Covenants Slideshow 16: D&C 76



    Hurricane Utah Adult Religion Class

    Section 76

    The Vision

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    The John Johnson home (Hiram, Ohio)


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    The John Johnson home (Hiram, Ohio)

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    Upon my return from Amherst [Ohio] conference,I resumed the translation of the Scriptures. Fromsundry revelations which had been received, it wasapparent that many important points touching thesalvation of man, had been taken from the Bible, orlost before it was compiled. It appeared self-evidentfrom what truths were left, that if God rewarded every oneaccording to the deeds done in the body the term Heaven, asintended for the Saints eternal home must include more

    kingdoms than one. Accordingly, on the 16th of February,1832, while translating St. Johns Gospel, myself and ElderRigdon saw the following vision.

    History of the Church 1:245

    Josephs context for the Vision


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    Paul as catalyst?

    There are also celestial bodies, and bodiesterrestrial: but the glory of the celestial isone, and the glory of the terrestrial is

    another. (1 Corinthians 15:40.)

    I knew a man in Christ above fourteenyears agosuch an one caught up to the

    third heaven. (2 Corinthians 12:2.)


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    Philo Dibbles recollection


    The vision which is recorded in the Book ofDoctrine and Covenants was given at the house ofFather Johnson in Hiram, Ohio, and during thetime that Joseph and Sidney were in the spirit andsaw the heavens open, there were other men in theroom, perhaps twelve, among whom I was oneduring part of the timeprobably two-thirds of the time,Isaw the glory and felt the power, but did not see the vision.

    The events and conversation, while they were seeing what is

    written (and many things were seen and related that are notwritten,) I will relate as minutely as is necessary.

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    Philo Dibbles recollection


    Joseph would, at intervals, say: What do I see? asone might say while looking out the window andbeholding what all in the room could not see. Thenhe would relate what he had seen or what he waslooking at. Then Sidney replied, I see the same.Presently Sidney would saywhat do I see? andwould repeat what he had seen or was seeing, and Josephwould reply, I see the same.

    This manner of conversation was repeated at short intervals to

    the end of the vision, and during the whole time not a word wasspoken by any other person. Not a sound nor motion made byanyone but Joseph and Sidney, and it seemed to me that theynever moved a joint or limb during the time I was there, which

    I think was over an hour, and to the end of the vision.

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    Philo Dibbles recollection


    Joseph sat firmly and calmly all the time in themidst of a magnificent glory, but Sidney sat limpand pale, apparently as limber as a rag, observingwhich, Joseph remarked, smilingly, Sidneyis notused to it as I am.

    Philo Dibble, May 1892

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    Nothing could be more pleasing to the Saints upon theorder of the kingdom of the Lord, than the light whichburst upon the world through the foregoing vision. Everylaw, every commandment, every promise, every truth,and every point touching the destiny of man, fromGenesis to Revelation, where the purity of the scripturesremains unsullied by the folly of men, go to show theperfection of the theory [of the degrees of glory] and witnesses thefact that that document is a transcript from the records of the eternalworld. The sublimity of the ideas; the purity of the language; thescope for action; the continued duration for completion, in order that

    the heirs of salvation may confess the Lord and bow the knee; therewards for faithfulness, and the punishments for sins, are so muchbeyond the narrow-mindedness of men, that every honest man isconstrained to exclaim: Itcame from God.

    History of the Church 1:25253

    Josephs evaluation of the Vision


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    When God revealed to Joseph Smith and SidneyRigdon that there was a place prepared for all,according to the light they had received and theirrejection of evil and practice of good, it was a greattrial to many, and some apostatized because Godwas not going to send to everlasting punishmentheathens and infants, but had a place of salvation, in due time,for all, and would bless the honest and virtuous and truthful,whether they ever belonged to any church or not. It was a new

    doctrine to this generation, and many stumbled at it, butJoseph continued to receive revelation upon revelation,ordinance upon ordinance, truth upon truth, until he obtainedall that was necessary for the salvation of the human family.

    Brigham Young, May 1873

    The Saints reaction to the Vision


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    I could explain a hundred fold more than I everhave of the glories of the kingdoms manifested tome in the vision, were I permitted, and were thepeople prepared to receive them.

    History of the Church 5:402

    How much did Joseph see?


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    Outline of D&C 76

    76:110. Preface.

    76:1118. Introduction & setting.

    76:1927. Testimony of opposites: Jesusand Satan.

    76:2849. The sons of perdition.

    76:5070, 9295. Heirs of celestial glory.

    76:7180.Heirs of terrestrial glory.

    76:8191, 96113. Heirs of telestial glory.

    76:114119. Conclusion.12

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    Preface (110)

    76:510. I, the Lord, am merciful andgracious unto those who fear me, and delightto honor those who serve me in righteousness

    and in truth unto the end (5). 76:7. To them I will reveal all mysteries...[and] all

    things pertaining to my kingdom.

    76:8.Wonders of eternity[and] things to come.

    76:9.Wisdom[and] understanding.

    76:10.The secrets of my will.

    76:12. Our eyes were opened and our

    understandings were enlightened. 13

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    Introduction & setting (1118)

    76:13.Vision included those things whichwere from thebeginning.

    76:25.War in heaven.

    Grand tour prophets:

    Enoch (Moses 7:67).

    The brother of Jared (Ether 3:2526).

    Moses (Moses 1).

    Nephi (1 Nephi 14).

    76:14. Whom we saw and with whom we

    conversed. 14

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    Testimony of opposites (1927)

    76:2224.Last = latest.


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    John [the Revelator] saw beings there [in heaven]of a thousand forms, that had been saved from tenthousand times ten thousand earths like this,strangebeasts of which we have no conception.John learned that God glorified Himself by savingall that His hands had made, whether beasts, fowls,fishes or men; and He will glorify himself with them.

    History of the Church 5:343

    By himthe worlds are and were created


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    Jesus the Savior of all worlds?


    Joseph Smith, Times and Seasons 4/6 (1 Feb 1842)

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    Let me open the eyes of your understanding. There has neverbeen a time when the creations of worlds commenced. Theyare from eternity to eternity in their creations and redemption.After they are organized they experience the good and the evil,the light and the dark, the bitter and the sweet as you and Ido. There never was a time when there were not worlds inexistence as this world is, and they pass through similar changes in abidingtheir creation preparatory to exaltation. Worlds have always been inprogress, and eternally will be.

    Everyworld has had an Adam and an Eve, named so simply because thefirst man is always called Adam and the first woman, Eve. And the oldestson has always had the privilege of being ordained, appointed and called tobe the heir of the family if he does not rebel against the Father, and he is theSavior of the family. Every world that has been created has been createdupon the same principle. They may vary in their varieties, yet the eternity isone: it is one eternal round. Brigham Young, October 1854

    Jesus the Savior of all worlds?


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    The fall of Satan

    76:25. Satan an angelin authority in thepresence of God, who rebelled. D&C 29:36. Pride and lust for power. (Moses 4:3.)

    Four name-titles: 76:26. Greekaplia, destruction, ruin = Latin

    perdere, destroy, lose = Englishperdition. (76:37.)

    76:26. Hebrewhelel ben-shakhar, son of the

    morning = Latin lucis ferre, light-bringer = EnglishLucifer. (Isaiah 14:12; Luke 10:18.)

    76:28. Hebrewha-sawtahn, the accuser = EnglishSatan.

    76:28. Greekdiabolos = English devil. 19

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    The sons of perdition (2849)

    76:2930. Sons of perdition formerlysaints ofGodwith whom [Satan] madewar and overcame.

    Sons of God overcome Satan and the world(1 John 2:1314; 5:45).

    76:31. Five requirements to become a son

    of perdition.


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    All sins shall be forgiven, except the sin against theHoly Ghost; for Jesus will save all except the sons ofperdition. What must a man do to commit theunpardonable sin? He must receive the Holy Ghost,have the heavens opened unto him, and know God,and then sin against him. After a man has sinnedagainst the Holy Ghost, there is no repentance for him. He hasgot to say that the sun does not shine while he sees it; he hasgot to deny Jesus Christ when the heavens have been opened

    unto him, and to deny the plan of salvation with his eyes opento the truth of it; and from that time he begins to be an enemy.

    History of the Church 6:314

    Sons of perdition & the unpardonable sin


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    The sons of perdition (2849)

    76:32. Sons of = children of. Children by covenant (Mosiah 5:7 vs. Alma 5:39


    76:33. Vessel = container.

    76:35. Crucifythe Son of God forthemselves all over again and hold him up

    to contempt.


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    The sons of perdition (2849)

    76:3839.All the rest shall be brought forthby the resurrection of the dead. 88:32. Sons of perdition will be resurrected.

    76:4448. Extent of their punishment noman knowsexcept to them who are madepartakers thereof. Every wicked man andwomansooner or later...will

    be thrown back to the native element from which they

    originated, to be worked over again, and be preparedto enjoy some sort of a kingdom. Brigham Young, April 1853 (JD 2:124).

    29:29.Never at any time have I declared from mineown mouth that they should return, for where I amthey cannot come.


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    Say to the brothers Hulet and to all others, that theLord never authorized them to say that the devil,his angels, or the sons of perdition, should ever berestored; for their state of destiny was not revealedto man, is not revealed, nor ever shall be revealed,save to those who are made partakers thereof:consequently those who teach this doctrine have not received itof the Spirit of the Lord. Truly Brother Oliver declared it to bethe doctrine of devils. We, therefore, command that this

    doctrine be taught no more in Zion [i.e., Missouri].History of the Church 1:366


    The sons of perdition recycled?

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    Heirs of celestial glory (5070, 9295)

    Celestial= heavenly / of the heavens(sky).

    76:5153. Five qualifications to enter thecelestial kingdom.


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    The Holy Spirit of Promise is one of manydescriptive name-titles of the Holy Ghost and refersto a specific function of the Holy Ghost.


    The Holy Spirit of Promise is the power by which

    ordinances and other righteous acts performed onthis earth, such as baptism and eternal marriage, are ratified,validated, and sealed in heaven as well as on earth. Thesealing of earthly covenants and performances is conditionaland depends upon the recipients personal commitment andworthiness. If a person who has received the Holy Spirit ofPromise subsequently becomes unrighteous, the seal is brokenuntil full repentance and forgiveness occur.

    Encyclopedia of Mormonism 2:65152


    The Holy Spirit of promise

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    Individuals are said to be sealedwhen they arepromiseda certain fate or destination, such as thecelestial kingdom or exaltation in the kingdom.Whether Gods promises are conditional, as in thecovenants of baptism or the endowment, orunconditional, as when ones calling and electionare made sure, on either level it is the power of the Holy Ghostacting as the Holy Spirit of Promise that ratifies the contract,guarantees its terms, and testifies or promises that Gods word

    will be kept.Stephen E. Robinson & H. Dean Garrett,

    A Commentary on the Doctrine and Covenants 2:305.


    The Holy Spirit of promise

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    To be sealed


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    Heirs of celestial glory (5070, 9295)

    76:54. The church of the Firstborn. Christs heavenly church (76:94; 93:2122).

    76:56. Received ofhis fulness, and of hisglory. (Cf. 76:76, 86.)

    76:57. Exaltation and higher priesthood.

    76:5859, 95.They are gods and allthings are theirs. God makes them equalin power, and in might, and in dominion.


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    Heirs of celestial glory (5070, 9295)

    76:60.They shall overcome all things.

    76:69. They are just men made perfectthrough Jesuswho wrought out thisperfect atonement.


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    Heirs of terrestrial glory (7180)

    Terrestrial= of the earth.

    76:60.They shall overcome all things.

    Three groups: 76:72. They who died without law, but would

    nothave received it if they had it (cf. 137:7).

    76:7375. Had full opportunity to accept the

    gospel in this life, but only accepted it in the spiritworld.

    76:79.Accepted the gospel in this life, but werenot valiant in the testimony of Jesus.


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    I do not believe the Methodist doctrine of sendinghonest men and noble-minded men to hell, alongwith the murderer and the adulterer. They may hurlall their hell and fiery billows upon me, for they willroll off me as fast as they come on. But I have anorder of things to save the poor fellows at any rate,and get them saved; for I will send men to preach to them inprison and save them if I can.

    There are mansions for those who obey a celestial law, and

    there are other mansions for those who come short of the law,every man in his own order.

    History of the Church 6:365


    Universal salvation (nearly)

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    Heirs of telestial glory (8191, 96113)

    Telestial= from Greektele, at adistance? Or telos, end, purpose?

    76:82, 101. Rejected the gospel in life andin the spirit world.

    76:103. The wicked who rejected law anddid not repent.

    76:84, 106. Hell, but still a kingdom ofglory (76:81, 89, etc.).


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    Br[other Wilford]Woodruff spoke. He refered to a saying ofJoseph Smith which he heard him utter (like this) That if thePeople knew what was behind the vail, they would try by everymeans to commit suicide that they might get there, but theLord in his wisdom had implanted the fear of death in every

    person that they might cling to life and thus accomplish thedesigns of their creator.

    Diary of Charles Lowell Walker, 465


    Telestial glory worthy of suicide?

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    Heirs of telestial glory (8191, 96113)

    76:110. Even those in the telestial kingdomshall confess:

    that He is God (Mosiah 27:31), and

    that his judgments are just (Mosiah 16:1), and

    that Jesus is the Christ (Philippians 2:11).


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    Hurricane Utah Adult Religion Class

    Next week:

    Sections 78, 8083,85, 92, 104