Ldap Authentication for Linux

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  • 7/27/2019 Ldap Authentication for Linux


    LDAP Authentication for Linux

    LDAP Authentication for Linux 2002 by metaconsultancy

    LDAP is a directory server technology that allows information such as usernames andpasswords for an entire site to be stored on a central server. This whitepapers describeshow to set up a Linux workstation to use an LDAP server for user information and


    Before proceeding, you will need a working LDAP server which can provide you with userinformation. If you need to set one up, consult our OpenLDAP whitepaperfor instructions.

    User information consists of such data as mappings between user id numbers and usernames (used, for example, by ls -l), or home directory locations (used, for example, bycd ~). Lookups of such information are handled by the name service subsystem,

    configured in the file /etc/nsswitch.conf. Authentication (password checking), on theother hand, is handled by the PAM (plugable authentication module) subsystem,configured in the /etc/pam.d/directory. While these two subsystems can (in fact must)be configured seperately, you will likely want both to use LDAP.


    Begin by installing the shared library code necessary for the name service to use ldap.

    # apt-get install libnss-ldap

    Next, open the /etc/nsswitch.conffile, and tell the name service subsystem to use

    LDAP to obtain user information.


    passwd: files ldap

    group: files ldap

    shadow: files ldap

    Note that we do not eliminate the use of flat files, since some users and groups (e.g. root)will remain local. If your machines do not use flat files at all and your LDAP server goesdown, not even root will be able to log in.

    Finally, you need to tell then name service subsystem how to talk to your LDAP server.

    http://www.metaconsultancy.com/whitepapers/ldap-linux.htm (1 di 5)30/09/2004 17.56.17

  • 7/27/2019 Ldap Authentication for Linux


    LDAP Authentication for Linux

    This is done in the file /etc/libnss-ldap.conf.


    uri ldap://ldap.example.com/ ldap://ldap-backup.example.com/

    base dc=example, dc=org

    The uri directive specifies the domain name (or IP address) of your LDAP server. As ourexample illustrates, you can specify multiple LDAP servers, in which case they will beemployed in failover fashion. The base directive specifies the root DN at which searchesshould start. For additional information on these and other configuration directives,manlibnss-ldap.conf.

    nss-ldap expects accounts to be objects with the following attributes: uid, uidNumber,

    gidNumber, homeDirectory, and loginShell. These attributes are allowed by theobjectClass posixAccount.

    There is a simple way to verify that your name service subsystem is using your LDAPserver as instructed. Assign a file to be owned by a user that exists only in the LDAPdatabase, not in /etc/passwd. If an ls -lcorrectly shows the username, then the

    name service subsystem is consulting the LDAP database; if it just shows the usernumber, something is wrong. For example, if the user john, with user number 1001, existsonly in LDAP, we can try

    # touch /tmp/test

    # chown 1001 /tmp/test

    # ls -l /tmp/test

    -rw-r----- 1 john users 0 Jan 1 12:00 test

    to determine whether the the name service is using LDAP.


    Next we configure the PAM subsystem to use LDAP for passwords. Begin by installingthe necessary PAM module.

    # apt-get install libpam-ldap

    The configuration file for the pam_ldap.somodule is /etc/pam_ldap.conf.

    http://www.metaconsultancy.com/whitepapers/ldap-linux.htm (2 di 5)30/09/2004 17.56.17

  • 7/27/2019 Ldap Authentication for Linux


    LDAP Authentication for Linux


    uri ldaps://ldap.example.com/

    base dc=example,dc=com

    pam_password exop

    The uri and base directives work the same way they do for /etc/libnss_ldap.confand /etc/ldap/ldap.conf. Notice that we have used ldaps to ensure that

    connections over which passwords are exchanged are encrypted. The directive"pam_password exop" tells pam-ldap to change passwords in a way that allowsOpenLDAP to apply the hashing algorithm specified in /etc/ldap/slapd.conf,instead of attempting to hash locally and write the result directly into the database.

    pam-ldap assumes accounts to be ojbects with the following attributes: uid anduserPassword. The attributes are allowed by the objectClass posixAccount.

    We are now ready to configure individual services to use the LDAP server for passwordchecking. Each service that uses PAM for authentication has its own configuration file /

    etc/pam.d/service. To configure a service to use LDAP for password-checking, youmust modify its PAM configuration file.

    To avoid an in-depth explanation of PAM, we will content ourselves with a few examples.

    Consider first the login program, which handles logins from the text console. A typicalPAM stack which checks passwords both in /etc/passwdand in the LDAP database



    auth required pam_nologin.so

    auth sufficient pam_ldap.so

    auth sufficient pam_unix.so shadow use_first_passauth required pam_deny.so

    After successful password authentication using the auth stack, login checks for theexistance of an account using the account stack, so it is necessary to reference pam-ldapthere, too.


    account sufficient pam_unix.so

    account sufficient pam_ldap.so

    account required pam_deny.so

    http://www.metaconsultancy.com/whitepapers/ldap-linux.htm (3 di 5)30/09/2004 17.56.17

  • 7/27/2019 Ldap Authentication for Linux


    LDAP Authentication for Linux

    Other login-like programs include xdm and gdm (for graphical logins), ssh (for remotelogins), su (for switching programs), and xlock and xscreensaver (for locked screens).Each has its own file in /etc/pam.d/.

    Some applications not only authenticate passwords, but can also be used to change

    them. The prototypical example is of course passwd, the standard password-changingutility. Such programs can be configured to use LDAP by modifying their password stack.


    password required pam_cracklib.so

    password sufficient pam_ldap.so

    password sufficient pam_unix.so

    password required pam_deny.so

    One convienient application of pam-ldap is to set up "black box" servers that canauthenticate users for a particular service without having an account on the machine atall. Services such as netatalk, (Cyrus) imap, and (Postfix) smtp use PAM. By configuringtheir PAM stacks to use LDAP, while leaving LDAP out of the PAM stacks of servicessuch as login and ssh, you can easily create a "black box" server.


    To keep your computers from pounding your LDAP server every time a command suchas ls -l /homeis issued on a computer in your organization, it is a good idea to

    configure your workstations to cache some user data. As long as the data in the cache issufficiently fresh, the workstations use in instead of asking your LDAP server again. Thename server caching daemon (nscd) accomplishes exactly this task.

    To install nscd on Debian, just

    # apt-get install nscd

    The configuration file for nscd is /etc/nscd.conf.


    enable-cache passwd yes

    http://www.metaconsultancy.com/whitepapers/ldap-linux.htm (4 di 5)30/09/2004 17.56.17

  • 7/27/2019 Ldap Authentication for Linux


    LDAP Authentication for Linux

    positive-time-to-live passwd 600

    negative-time-to-live passwd 20

    suggested-size passwd 211

    check-files passwd yes

    http://www metaconsultancy com/whitepapers/ldap linux htm (5 di 5)30/09/2004 17 56 17