LC ZURICH INFORMANT Dear LC Zurich member We hope you are all enjoying your last days of holidays before Uni starts again. Therefore, it’s time to meet again, to catch up with your AIESEC friends, to share your summer experiences and to get back to your LC – LC Zurich. We are very much looking forward to seeing you all again at the 1 st LCM of this term next Wednesday at 7pm at the University of Zurich. See you there! Your Comm Team NEWS of the Week The first LCM in 3 points What’s awaiting you next week? Get a feeling of it… First LCM of the term 2011/2012 1. Start of the new term - UPDATES 2. Your Opportunities – Our Future 3. Recruitment - @ 2015 products 4. Catch up with your friends! Content NEWS OF THE WEEK 1 1 st LCM 1 UPCOMING EVENTS 1 EB UPDATES 2 TEAM UPDATES 2 EB MEMBER OF THE WEEK 3 EVENTS & OPPORTUNITIES 3 YOUR @ OPPORTUNITIES 3-4 ABOUT US 4 In this newsletter you shouldn’t miss out these fantastic news: Updates from your EB Your Challenge this Autumn: TL in TM OCP Kick-Off 2012 OCP Impact! 2012 Kraft Foods Key Account Manager VP External Relations Upcoming Events 1 st LCM Sept 14, 2011 KO2-F-174 Newsletter 11 th of September 2011 Volume 8 Start into the new Semester with catching up with your AIESEC people!

LC Zurich Informant Nr. 8

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LC Zurich Newsletter

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Dear LC Zurich member

We hope you are all enjoying your last days of holidays before Uni starts again.

Therefore, it’s time to meet again, to catch up with your AIESEC friends, to share your summer experiences and to get back to your LC – LC Zurich.

We are very much looking forward to seeing you all again at the 1st LCM of this term next Wednesday at 7pm at the University of Zurich.

See you there!

Your Comm Team

NEWS of the Week

The first LCM in 3 points What’s awaiting you next week? Get a feeling of it…

First LCM of the term 2011/2012

1. Start of the new term - UPDATES

2. Your Opportunities – Our Future

3. Recruitment - @ 2015 products

4. Catch up with your friends!



1st LCM 1








In this newsletter you shouldn’t miss out these fantastic news:

-­‐ Updates from your EB

-­‐ Your Challenge this Autumn:

-­‐ TL in TM

-­‐ OCP Kick-Off 2012

-­‐ OCP Impact! 2012

-­‐ Kraft Foods Key Account Manager

-­‐ VP External Relations

Upcoming Events

♦ 1st LCM Sept 14, 2011 KO2-F-174

Newsletter 11 t h of September 2011 Volume 8

Start into the new Semester with catching up with your AIESEC people!

Page 2: LC Zurich Informant Nr. 8

Preparing the 1st LCM

Your EB is preparing the first LCM of this term and is looking forward to working with all of you again!

EB Updates TM Updates

Networking events & Meetings

The ER team has attended the EMEX Messe and had a meeting with the Nuance Group, which is very interested in our program.

VPER Step-down

Unfortunately, our VPER Elke decided to step down from her position. Read more about this in the AIESEC Opportunities section.

ER Updates IM Updates

X Updates F Updates

Page 2 of 4 LC Zurich Informant

Recruitment: Starting soon!

Member recruitment starts next week! The TM team is working hard to be best prepared to recruit new and motivated people.

New Inters Arrival

Welcome to Jonathan from Portugal who started his internship at Krafts! Event 17.09.2011 The IM Team is going for some drinks with the interns on Saturday 17.09.2011. You are all very welcomed to join in!


Kraft Foods Key Account Manager

This very interesting position is open for application. Read more about it in the AIESEC Opportunities section below.

Budget 2011/2012

Have you already taken a look at the budget? If you have any questions, feel free to contact our VPF. The final budget will be sent out on Wed 14th of September 2011.

Networking event attended by Elke and Daniela

Our new intern: Jonathan

Comm Updates Busy weeks with designing

- New LC t-shirts have been designed! Decide on the design on FB. - National Recruitment posters are ready! - Partnership with Uniboard.ch is starting

New Recruitment Poster

New LC T-Shirts!

Page 3: LC Zurich Informant Nr. 8

Speed Dating Application,13.10.2011

Our Partner Uniboard.ch is organizing a Speed Dating Event where you can practice job interviews with different employers! (Link below)

Page 5 of 6 Other News

When Sara met some AIESECers in Croatia during her summer holidays, she decided to become one of them and joined the LC in Zurich. Although Sara never had a dream job, she would now like to become an interpreter for a big company or organization. She definitely has started into her future career with studying translation, speaking German, Croatian, English, French

EB Member of the Week: Sara Kurtovic VP TM 2011/2012

and soon even Russian, and of course being part of our international organization. Currently, our VPTM preparing recruitment: "It's a huge responsibility as a lot depends on a good recruitment. Fortunately, the EB is a great support and I'm really looking forward to seeing the whole LC take part and show everyone how awesome AIESEC is!"

1st LCM: Wednesday, 14.09.2011 KO2-F-174

Your EB officially invites you to its first LCM in this new term! A LCM presented by the new EB to catch up with the other LC members, to update you and to give you a look into our future!


This autumn a lot of fantastic Leadership Opportunities are awaiting YOU!

Have you ever thought about …realizing your own ideas? …challenging yourself?

…leading a team?

Then apply now for the following positions:

TM: TL processes and TL learning

What is our organization all about? People and taking responsibility. Why not combine both? We are happy to announce two TL opportunities within the TM department: TL Processes and TL Learning. Take your chance to be part of the 'heart of the LC'. Become TM TL and 'kick our asses!' OCP Kick-Off 2012 (DDL 12th of September!!)

National Conferences: An unforgettable experience for every new member - and you have the unique chance to shape it by yourself. E.g. Ever thought about having David Guetta as live act at the parties? - Whatever dream, now it is your time to make it come true. How? Be responsible for a team of 4 people (plus extended OC during the conference). Be in close contact with your EB and MC. Be awesome. Be OCP KO 2012!


Facebook 1st LCM event: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=168061713274837 Speed Dating Event: https://www.uniboard.ch/threads/47459-Speed-Dating-Application

Page 3 of 4 LC Zurich Informant Updates


Sara and Caroline at ScaLDS

„Leadership is the art of getting someone else to do something you want done

because he wants to do it.“

Dwight D. Eisenhower

Speed Dating ApplicationBewerbungsgespräche mit Profis üben,

ohne den Druck einer echten Bewerbung

Unterstützt  durch:Teilnehmende  Arbeitgeber:

Anmeldung  bis  1.  Oktober  2011  unter:  

Weitere  Informationen:


uniboard.ch      und      financeclub.ch


Page 4: LC Zurich Informant Nr. 8

AIESEC Zurich Rämistrasse 66

8001 Zurich, Switzerland

Office: +41 44 252 36 82 Fax: +41 44 262 55 40

E-mail: [email protected]

We’re  on  the  Web!  www.aiesec.ch/zurich  

or  visit  us  on  Facebook  



Any questions or comments on the newsletter? Send an email to the Comm team ([email protected])

Ed i tor  Caro l ine  Sp iege l  Ass i s tant  Ed i tor  Frank  Oben  

Page 4 of 4 LC Zurich Informant Final Page

We hope you enjoy your last days of holiday and are looking forward to seeing you next week! Your Comm Team


OCP Impact! 2012

Globalization and Intercultural Communication: Two topics of major importance, which our organization is capitalizing on. Two topics, which do not receive as much attention as they should within society. Project Impact is your chance to be a social entrepreneur. Be OCP and make a difference - have an Impact! Kraft Foods Key Account Manager

This position is located within the ICX department with the main task to pre-select applicants for our TN-Taker Kraft Foods. Take care of “your” TN and stay in touch with the company. What do you gain in this position? Get a great insight into hiring and selection processes of big companies, learn how to properly and efficiently communicate, read many applications, CV's and motivation letters and build up your own personal network. Vice President External Relations

“As Zurich’s VPER, the last three months have been extremely valuable. I wish I could continue with the position. Resignation is a hard decision, but in the long run probably better for AIESEC Zurich. It has nothing to do with the position itself - the issue lies with my own personal development, (…) being unsatisfied with University, needing a major change and being accepted as an intern for a management position made me seriously reconsider my plans for the following year. I would do a lot to be able to continue as VPER, but I will be working during business hours and the VPER position requires flexibility and a fair amount of time. I’ll be jealous of the one who gets voted in for this position – it is challenging, extremely interesting, fun, varied, and means working together with a highly creative, motivated EB. AIESEC and ER still mean as much to me as they did three months ago, and I will be happy to stay on as a coach to the new VPER and support him or her as much as I can. In this sense, I can only encourage you to apply in order to have a spectacular term as Zurich’s VPER.” – Elke Wiebalck


You are in for one of these once-in-a-lifetime opportunities? Contact your VP or LCP for more information via email or approach the EB

during the first LCM. We are looking forward to receiving your application.