THE VILLAGER, GREENWICH VILLAGE, NEW YORK, THURSDAY, AUGUST 20,1964 Page Seven' Local Art I By Mabel BlAoDonAld Carver I World Art Sbow The five floors gallery at 330 West Broadway, Washington Square Gallerlei Is In effect, a not BO small museum. One hundred and forty artists are represented. They ball from Japan, South Korea, the USA, Canada, Lithuania. Poland, Germany, The Netherlands, Eng- land, Belgium, Austrli^ Switzer- land, Roumanla, Monaco, France, Greece, Italy. Syria, Portugal, JEWISH Grmwkh VUagt Syugoga# nroN p/'p •I CHARLM »T. al W. Oh II. Airiil 0. Wttumin, RibbI CH 9-1428 High Holy Day Bervlcei Bait! Btirti Bto Reiirvitloni for B Monday, Auguat Spain, Egypt, Israel, Lebanon, Mexico, Cuba, Colombia, the Do- minican Republic, the Union of South Africa, Morocco, Peru, Indo- nesia, Argentina, and we probably overlooked some I Works are In all media, even the un-imagined. Not In all classlflca- tlojis. This enormous collection Is almost competely far out. We said, "almost." An exquisite eight-panel screen by D. C, Chang of Formosa Is designed and painted In tradi- tional centuries-old Chinese man- ner: calligraphy, flowers, trees, rocks against a cloudless sky. A dream of serene beauty! "Lady of Spain," by Carlos Sense- gundd, here In America since April, is like nothing so much as an enormous Victorian valentine, whereon the artist has superim- posed mirror fragments, fabric bits, photograph cut-outs of personages and even of horsemen with their hunting dogs. Why? Of course to JEWISH lBratl|rrl;o^^ ^iftingotjup- Rabbi Irving J, Block Cantor Laib Mirkov>c and Choir c'PiN n '3 nc'np n?n? A Llbttol Irodftlonal Synogogui 143 W. I3tb Straat Algonquin 5 - ?0Bl SABBATH SERVICES Mdor availing ol SiOt^Saiurdoy morning of tOtOO HIGH HOLY DAY SERVICES R05H HA5HANAH. Soptambar 7 and I Evaning Sarvica Saptambar b at 8:00 p.m TOM KIPPUS, Saptambar 16 15—Mambari iirvica at 6:30 p.m.—Commumty larvica at 9:00 p.n. for Informotlon obauf aynagogua mamborahip p/ania cop or v|aJf tha aynogogua o/fict. Thu lytagogui doai riot leM tickati for tba High Holy Oiy larvicai. Mambert raceiva tickati by mail Raiarvations lor Community larvicat are available on Monday to Thuriday evanmgt from 7.)0 to 9:00 p m. and 0(1 Sunday mornmgi from 10.30 a.m to I? noon. Admunon to Community larvicai wiU ba by ratarvation card only. Air Conditioned Sonctuory , Convention Vigil Sbe pea^e organizations are spon- soring a Vigil at the Democratic National Convention In Atlantic City on Tuesday, August 25 from 5:30 to 11:00 p.m. The vigil wUl be silent and its purpose is to "awaken America’s conscience to the ter^ rlble war we are waging in Viet Nam." The sponsoring organiza- tions are the Committee for Non- violent Action, the Catholic Worker, Fellowship of ReconcUla tion, Greenwich Village Peace Cen- ter, Student Peace Union, and War Reslsters League. J5usses will leave New York at 2:00 and 5:30. Tickets will be $4.00 and may be obtained from CNVA, 325 Ufayette St., WA 5-9415. Checks should be made ouu to CNVA, Atlantic City Project. surround with glamour the central theme » the beautiful head and shoulders. In oil, of the “Lady"l A collage to challenge all collegers, about eight-by-elght feet In area. Paul Jenkins, USA. has con- ceived his remarkable "Phenome- non," an 86 by 180-Inch one, with a powerful simplicity. Great spaces of cobalt and mauve, mostly: cliffs, are thrust up against stark white of sky, projecting cosmic con- sciousness in a gruudeur all the I more convincing because of Us di- rect Impact. A welded steel bas- relief by Gerald Gladstone of 1 Canada, tilled "Nova Series I I ‘ lay Shaw RufA Sf. Den/s and Ted Shawn tooiiinq each other on their SOth wedding anniverbary. Faith Shaw watching over the croo* of Mill Ruth’i arm. forw ard eXooLing By Ray Shaw Another memorable day, in tills most exciting of nil jKissihle worlds, took place last Thursday afternoon. wlTfn my daughter Faith, Camera and I a Itender! the Golden Wedding Celebration of lluth St Denis and community synaoooue center m Eait Rabbi Abraham L. Harlttalr ith Straal Niw York City In Cantor Louii Fadar m&H HOir DAY itftriCtS ROSH HASHANAH lapfambar 7-6, 1966 KOI NtDRI laptambw U TOM KimjR Baptambar 16 M alifl v 6ur iBivT'Ts.iwi, “ r'v Day Sar«ica$ by *li>tlng (aa lynagogua ofdca. T.IO r M Mon thru Thun or call ORamarcy M U I - MM The Conservailve Synagogue of Fifth Avenue aff/f/at«a wUi Ma UntHdl lynafiigua of Anar/ca 11 BAST nth STRUT * WA 9-«fS4 GILBERT M. EPSTEIN, RABBI BERNARD FISCHER, CANTOR RUMMIR lABRATH tIRVICIS Friday Evaningt at 7:30 o'clock Saturday Morningt at 9:30 o'clock ALL WELCOME Sunday morning larvicat at 9:30 A.M. For inlormatioti ragarding Mambarthip, High Holjr Day Raiarvattom and Ragiitratlon In our hiition-fraa Rallglout School, plaaia call fha Synagogua office, WA 949B4. in the pose of Si Fiuncls piiiiing Hint 1 modelled Ills hiinds. The final number on the progniin was Sulilhns of thv Vjyj>rr An, based on a poem by Miss Kuih choreographed by Pupa Ted. and danced by the two ■Seeing them togruber "ti i I h- singe made us recall nostalgn alls might well lie a dreamed Image of graven ( '*** were young long ago aereni planet In outer apace, with ^ 'Vn,s al -K-easlon l.«.k place '"'’en these two flt'urrs were pa,, smaller ones hovering at it» rim " f v e r y 'ile Andre Ramseyer of Switzerland Dunce Fesiivul at I-ee, ' f'urtam ueni has sent two beautiful, unusual all- 'down the ligln <ame up am! men stractions in bronze, namely ^,| eartlJ women, some .standmi; some ■Gei-minafion" and '■('ontellatlon i,,e„as admuers students “ ne were drving ihen leais each small figure ‘'onveylng. I venture lo sai there wax subtly, the title ronnatIon in strong, i - Miss Ruth and *‘V< '1 b. sI i in the audience Papa Ted' as the two arc affer-| Did we erj for jo\ I wondeied I nonute'y called “F because of things nMiiemla-ied We were ushered into the theatre . or recalled'" More ob\ious p<Mhfni- to watch H [lerfoimance by the because our own Miss Itulh I uest.s of honoi- The progiam was weeping profusely us she glnk'l nfw only to the very young, such ' acniss the siage with hei pm inn as Faith. Those of us interested In i of more than half a renlun the dance, and old enough to have | ) too. w a.s cr\l;ig. and m\ o ai .seen these artists [lerform. niej filled n e s niLssert ,t legieiiabie familiar with Ruth St iTmis’ /a- nurnitet m( ('\eellenl ptioi.igi .pdix reuse, and Ted Shawn's Shtdy of . o! a liisioric episode I miof now ti'casure In inemnii onl\ It was In the role of St Francis,' The entire audience u is im iied that I first sow .Shawn And years to niouni the stage to ineei and luteiv when he [Hised forme. It was i greet the guests of honor and to pai taUi' of rel l eslinKMil ^ in I hr* ad THE VILLAQE TEMPLE Coitfftgatloa t'ltal /•/«•/ at Oraaawtek A Reform Congregofroa Mamkat of ffcc Union of Amerreon ffebrew Congregoftoni :I8 Kant I2lh E«il ol IJnlvoroliy Ploi*o rJIARI.ES J. DAVIDSON. RthM RAMON R. GILBERT, l anior HIGH HOLY HAY .SKHVICKS HOKH nA.sno.MAn SiiiiilBy Lvniing, Sepleinber 6lli Muiiilfi) Mortilii(S, Seplem lirr 7lti YOM KiPPirn (Kol Nltlre) Tiieadny I'veiling, .Seplemlicr IStli eiliK'A(lny M uriiing. Sepleiiilier I6lli For information ahoitl Memfrernbfp, Ui$h llalj Hay Hni^rraiiont and ftfffgfoui Srhttot Hrgiatrnfion-—fdaaar call thr Ttmid* of fieri ORrgoa 4-134n SAIUIATII S L im c l S DIIIUNL T ill SlMVIMI':il IViilny I'vpiilngfi— 7 130 ill IT e/ri»nu'— simplified, flowing rhythms Niki de St Phalle of France shows a stranger than strflnge assemblage a bas-relief of what appears to be forms comiHised of fabric, glazed over w'lth a kind of grey-white enamel. A Coca-(’ola bottle, angels, man on horse, two grinning skulls [ "Homage to Medgar Evers" was obviously painted with dramatic I Intent by fJugene de Bernord Kura- 'kin of eu . painted In rich riVR fg 7 0 / colors of despair, perhaps. VVe could wish that Les Levine of ('anada would define to us his reasons for constructing bis "Const met Ion" f»f i tube-like forms draped over with *leather or fabric strap.s. siwinges added, all projecting from tangular wall panel, and overlaid with a kind of aluminum spray j Village Life" by Sudjana Kerton I of Indonesia is completely dellght- (ful. Here a large canvas Is crow'ded with several levels of activity child on bull, gardeners, washer- women at creek s edge, monkeys hanging by their tails from flower- ing trees local color presented with understanding and a fluent brush. I "African Tiny ( ’nM'fKlIle by with the logical thinking of a scien- tific Imaginative, wlihul mind Aj Joining .studio Alexis Prellen of South Africa Is ii superb design In greims. tilues, hn>wns n bit of white, remlnlwenl !r„ninlned In the frayed pages of PIcfisHo I Has It not tieen sold j Frank, USA. shows an np- that Picasso was influenced by • j^,^ung eight-Inch tall unique Africa'’) An almost solidly black. 1i,p„n,e, ' "Daphne." which Is by no large ( anvas by Ad Reinhardt, means lost In the vast collection of USA. Ls ba/fling Titled simply " A l l - p a i n t i n g s It holds Hs stracf Painting." fni-ms wuaf vet also, undeniably, against such 1 m * there, sornewhei-e. In the mourn- Mhllque pi-ojei tIons ns Agostini h ing darkness of the whole ' , OSA i "tYark of Dawn." wIPi its Tsai Wen Vliig, of Formosa, ageit forms Us unconvcnnonnl .14. an engineer now n’sldlng In the ness m USA, shows II remarkably InlercHl ,,vci »lih white plaster ' Whai s ncM on luiu • n ( inlai " ' with small mathematically sfiaced ^ a.skcd tiu pi iplu i '•! .biiolis IMlliivv disc-like fonns, set-hacks, super- i ImfKwed against a vivid vermillion . There i.s sn mui li tr> Mo U*forc [tanel. Imaginative m<Min craters. If *he next ( elchration rolls around you will, though this painting was ' he tftid me, done ftrforr the reccni photographs : And noticing m\ nonpln.sscd look of that Illusive planet' he nddcfl 'Tm referring to our An assemblage hy John I.aiham, | Diamond Anniversary. Rn\ And USA. tilled "Unsi>erlfled Material" rememlM*r Faith nml\ou and youi consists of ancient crumbling tomc.s - .ym i,ee are expected to \h- with us whose frayed pages and hlmlings We re counting on you." flap against 277upright tmek-' of (oursc Mls.s Tluth and Papa ground set ujxm the wall One 'ped wc'vc already marked it "ii must a.ssume that the title of this calendar \Vc neerpi with .'ollage, must mean the information ■ picasun’' ing large r/ima.s. olivlously planned Among ucll known narni>s ol Soffball Tonighf live Sixth Prei'int I k Sufllmll WorM .Srites IwglnK tonight (Thursday I In JamcH .1 U'lilkct Park. Ifudson and l.rn?> St . iii fi .W ) [).m Hie Aincrlciin f.('ngiirs fliht place .Sullivan it wdl nlai tin* Naliutml l>Migue In case nf IIIm iIw IM- 1 ’’anic YOUNG ISRAEL OP FIFTH AVENUE 1 will Uril llilll for Mormollon otoul DAILY m Y IC ti and HIGH HOLY DAYS Call WA 4-IS2B _____ qrAIJTl .SKHVICK ta matt Iha panonal raquirimanti of ■vary family FUNERAL nOMB Jomei J. Andrewi, Director 363 Stcond Avt. (fff 20fli SL| HIW YORK Caff 0«F ar NffAf 6R B-I014 oihrr llsled cxhlhltorM, we noted wdl he played 1 -1 idiiy John-. de Kooning. taipmskl An ording to t hnninaii .1 imeti I 1,1'vlhe Miinay Tinguely, Twor | Kirk the nerleH of ]'2 games cm h kov Velasi'o 'Zagorsky IJehensleln. {wan eoinpleied with all ■larfing Miillnar ami llaiischentierg lb( lenins play m ihett full li! games Iniler our nelghlioi at I2th St ami j no drnp-oiits I''it(I Antonelll and rtmadway | Mike Dlfflev wen* ni(hairm aii of The illiwtor of the Washington ‘ (he softball Iruirnament .Squmf (iiillerles Miss lluth Kleg man. Is lioth painter and iHiri Grn elniisly. she iieeoinpanlpd us nn oiir lung lour of the five fhwns of the galleries Unselfishly, she leipiest- pil us not to use vnlUahle spare In review her own palilings In Ihe exhllillliin Ho I If von re in 'i htin)i fn tnirhl up Sill flips, ffte 1/00 Heiies K ' f/ M fifii*ftif/s ffmof nos mode for you. Huu one n month /ic/iere t/ou work nr tmnhi for five j/rois. mid |/oi» ll fiiirt? (I iiesf rgtf of J

lBratl|rrl;o^^ ^iftingotjup-nyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn83030608/1964-08-20/ed-1/seq-7.pdf · c'PiN n'3 nc'np n?n? ... 11 BAST nth STRUT * WA 9-«fS4 GILBERT M. EPSTEIN,

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Page 1: lBratl|rrl;o^^ ^iftingotjup-nyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn83030608/1964-08-20/ed-1/seq-7.pdf · c'PiN n'3 nc'np n?n? ... 11 BAST nth STRUT * WA 9-«fS4 GILBERT M. EPSTEIN,


Local ArtI B y M abel BlAoDonAld C arver I

World Art Sbow The five floors gallery at 330

West Broadway, Washington Square Gallerlei Is In effect, a not BO small museum. One hundred and forty artists are represented. They ball from Japan, South Korea, the USA, Canada, Lithuania. Poland, Germany, The Netherlands, Eng­land, Belgium, Austrli^ Switzer­land, Roumanla, Monaco, France, Greece, Italy. Syria, Portugal,


G rm w k h V Uagt Syugoga#n r o N p / 'p

•I CHARLM »T. al W. Oh II. Airiil 0. Wttumin, RibbI CH 9-1428

High Holy Day BervlceiBait! Btirti

B toReiirvitloni for B

Monday, Auguat

Spain, Egypt, Israel, Lebanon, Mexico, Cuba, Colombia, the Do­minican Republic, the Union of South Africa, Morocco, Peru, Indo­nesia, Argentina, and we probably overlooked some I

Works are In all media, even the un-imagined. Not In all classlflca- tlojis. This enormous collection Is almost competely far out. We said, "almost." An exquisite eight-panel screen by D. C, Chang of Formosa Is designed and painted In tradi­tional centuries-old Chinese man­ner: calligraphy, flowers, trees, rocks against a cloudless sky. A dream of serene beauty!

"Lady of Spain," by Carlos Sense- gundd, here In America since April, is like nothing so much as an enormous Victorian valentine, whereon the artist has superim­posed mirror fragments, fabric bits, photograph cut-outs of personages and even of horsemen with their hunting dogs. Why? Of course to


lB ra t l |r r l ;o ^ ^ ^ i f t in g o tju p -

Rabbi Irving J, Block Cantor Laib Mirkov>c and Choir

c'PiN n '3 nc'np n?n?A Llbttol Irodftlonal Synogogui

143 W. I3tb Straat Algonquin 5 - ?0Bl

SABBATH SERVICESMdor availing ol SiOt^Saiurdoy morning of tOtOO

HIGH HOLY DAY SERVICESR05H HA5HANAH. Soptambar 7 and IEvaning Sarvica Saptambar b at 8:00 p.m

TOM KIPPUS, Saptambar 1615—Mambari iirvica at 6:30 p.m.—Commumty larvica at 9:00 p.n.

for Informotlon obauf aynagogua mamborahip p/ania cop or v|aJf tha aynogogua o/fict.

Thu lytagogui doai riot leM tickati for tba High Holy Oiy larvicai. Mambert raceiva tickati by mail Raiarvations lor Community larvicat are available on Monday to Thuriday evanmgt from 7.)0 to 9:00 p m. and 0(1 Sunday mornmgi from 10.30 a.m to I? noon. Admunon to Community larvicai wiU ba by ratarvation card only.

A ir Conditioned Sonctuory ,

Convention VigilSbe pea^e organizations are spon­

soring a Vigil at the Democratic National Convention In Atlantic City on Tuesday, August 25 from 5:30 to 11:00 p.m. The vigil wUl be silent and its purpose is to "awaken America’s conscience to the ter ̂rlble war we are waging in Viet Nam." The sponsoring organiza­tions are the Committee for Non­violent Action, the Catholic Worker, Fellowship of ReconcUla tion, Greenwich Village Peace Cen­ter, Student Peace Union, and War Reslsters League.

J5usses will leave New York at 2:00 and 5:30. Tickets will be $4.00 and may be obtained from CNVA, 325 U fayette St., WA 5-9415. Checks should be made ouu to CNVA, Atlantic City Project.

surround with glamour the central theme » the beautiful head and shoulders. In oil, of the “Lady"l A collage to challenge all collegers, about eight-by-elght feet In area.

Paul Jenkins, USA. has con­ceived his remarkable "Phenome­non," an 86 by 180-Inch one, with a powerful simplicity. Great spaces of cobalt and mauve, mostly: cliffs, are thrust up against stark white of sky, projecting cosmic con­sciousness in a gruudeur all the

I more convincing because of Us di­rect Impact. A welded steel bas- relief by Gerald Gladstone of

1 Canada, tilled "Nova Series I I ‘

lay ShawRufA Sf. Den/s and Ted Shawn tooiiinq each other on their SOth wedding anniverbary. Faith Shaw watching over the croo* of

Mill Ruth’i arm.

f o r w a r deXooLing

By Ray ShawAnother memorable day, in tills

most exciting of nil jKissihle worlds, took place last Thursday afternoon. wlTfn my daughter Faith, Camera and I a I tender! the Golden Wedding Celebration of lluth St Denis and

c o m m u n i t y s y n a o o o u e c e n t e rm Eait

Rabbi Abraham L. Harlttalrith Straal Niw York City

In Cantor Louii Fadarm&H HOir DAY itftriCtS

ROSH HASHANAH lapfambar 7-6, 1966 KOI NtDRI laptambw U TOM KimjR Baptambar 16

M a lifl v 6ur iB iv T 'T s .iw i , “ r ' v D a y S a r « ic a $ b y * l i > t l n g ( a a l y n a g o g u ao f d c a . T .IO r M M o n th ru T h u n or c a l l O R a m a r c y M U I - M M

The Conservailve Synagogue of Fifth Avenueaff/f/at«a wUi Ma UntHdl lynafiigua of Anar/ca


RUMMIR lABRATH tIRVICIS Friday Evaningt at 7:30 o'clock

Saturday Morningt at 9:30 o'clock ALL WELCOME

Sunday morning larvicat at 9:30 A.M.For inlormatioti ragarding Mambarthip, High Holjr Day Raiarvattom and

Ragiitratlon In our hiition-fraa Rallglout School, plaaia call fha Synagogua office, WA 949B4.

in the pose of Si Fiuncls piiiiing Hint 1 modelled Ills hiinds.

The final number on the progniin was Sulilhns of thv Vjyj>rr An, based on a poem by Miss Kuih choreographed by Pupa Ted. and danced by the two

■Seeing them togruber "ti i Ih- singe made us recall nostalgn alls

might well lie a dreamed Image of graven ( '*** were young long agoaereni planet In outer apace, with ̂ 'Vn,s al -K-easlon l.«.k place '" '’en these two flt'urrs were pa,, smaller ones hovering at it» rim " f v e r y 'ile

Andre Ramseyer of Switzerland Dunce Fesiivul at I-ee, ' f'urtam uenihas sent two beautiful, unusual all- 'down the ligln < ame up am! menstractions in bronze, namely ^,| e a r tlJ women, some .standmi; some■Gei-minafion" and '■('ontellatlon i,,e„as admuers students “ ne were drving ihen leais

each small figure ‘'onveylng. I venture lo sai there waxsubtly, the title ronnatIon in strong, i - Miss Ruth and *‘V<'1b.sIi in the audience

Papa T ed ' as the two arc affer-| Did we erj for jo\ I wondeied I nonute'y called “F because of things nMiiemla-ied

We were ushered into the theatre . or recalled'" More ob\ious p<Mhfni- to watch H [lerfoimance by the because our own Miss Itulh

I uest.s of honoi- The progiam was weeping profusely us she glnk'l nfw only to the very young, s u c h ' acniss the siage with hei p m inn as Faith. Those of us interested In i of more than half a ren lu n the dance, and old enough to have | ) too. w a.s cr\l;ig. and m\ o ai .seen these artists [lerform. n ie j filled n e s niLssert ,t legieiiabie familiar with Ruth St iTmis’ /a- nurnitet m( ('\eellenl ptioi.igi .pdix reuse, and Ted Shawn's Shtdy of . o! a liisioric episode I miof now

ti'casure In inemnii onl\It was In the role of St Francis,' The entire audience u is im iied

that I first sow .Shawn And years to niouni the stage to ineei and luteiv when he [Hised form e. It was i greet the guests of honor and to

pai taUi' o f rel l eslinKMil ̂ in I hr* a d

THE VILLAQE TEMPLEC o i t f f tg a t lo a t ' l ta l /•/«•/ a t O raaaw tek

A Reform Congregofroa

Mamkat of ffcc Union of Amerreon ffebrew Congregoftoni

:I8 Kant I2 lh E«il ol IJnlvoroliy Ploi*orJIARI.ES J. DAVIDSON. R thM


H I G H H O L Y H A Y .S K H V IC K SH O K H n A .s n o .M A n

S iiiii lB y L v n i i n g , S e p le in b e r 6 l l i

M u iiilf i) M ortilii(S , S e p le m l ir r 7 lti

YOM K iPPirn( K o l N lt lr e ) T iie a d n y I 'v e i l in g , .S e p le m lic r I S t li

eiliK'A(lny M u r ii in g . S e p le i i i l i e r I 6 l l i

For in form ation ahoitl Memfrernbfp, Ui$h l la l j Hay H ni^rraiiont

and ftfffg fou i Srhttot H rgiatrnfion-—fdaaar call thr T tm id * of f ie r i

O R rgoa 4-134n


IViilny I'vpiilngfi— 7 130

— i l l IT e/ri»nu'—

simplified, flowing rhythms Niki de St Phalle of France shows a stranger than strflnge assemblage a bas-relief of what appears to be forms comiHised of fabric, glazed over w'lth a kind of grey-white enamel. A Coca-(’ola bottle, angels, man on horse, two grinning skulls

[ "Homage to Medgar Evers" was obviously painted with dramatic

I Intent by fJugene de Bernord Kura- ' k i n o f e u l » . p a i n t e d I n r i c h r i V R f g 7 0 /colors of despair, perhaps. VVe could wish that Les Levine of ('anada would define to us his reasons for constructing bis "Const met Ion" f»f

i tube-like forms draped over with * leather or fabric strap.s. siwinges added, all projecting from tangular wall panel, and overlaid with a kind of aluminum spray

j Village Life" by Sudjana Kerton I of Indonesia is completely dellght- ( ful. Here a large canvas Is crow'ded with several levels of activity child on bull, gardeners, washer­women at creek s edge, monkeys hanging by their tails from flower­ing trees local color presented with understanding and a fluent brush.

I "African Tiny ( ’nM'fKlIle by

with the logical thinking of a scien­tific Imaginative, wlihul mind Aj

Joining .studio

Alexis Prellen of South Africa Is ii superb design In greims. tilues,hn>wns n bit of white, remlnlwenl !r„ninlned In the frayed pages of PIcfisHo I Has It not tieen sold j Frank, USA. shows an np-that Picasso was influenced by • j^,^ung eight-Inch tall unique Africa'’ ) An almost solidly black. 1 i,p„n,e, ' "Daphne." which Is by no large ( anvas by Ad Reinhardt, means lost In the vast collection of USA. Ls ba/fling Titled simply " A l l - p a i n t i n g s It holds Hs stracf Painting." fni-ms wuaf vet also, undeniably, against such1m* there, sornewhei-e. In the mourn- Mhllque pi-ojei tIons ns Agostini h ing darkness of the whole ' , OSA i "tYark of Dawn." wIPi its

Tsai Wen Vliig, of Formosa, ageit forms Us unconvcnnonnl.14. an engineer now n ’sldlng In the ness m USA, shows II remarkably InlercHl ,,vci » lih white plaster

' Whai s ncM on luiu • n ( inlai " 'with small mathematically sfiaced ̂ a.skcd tiu pi iplu i '•! .biiolis

I Mlliivvdisc-like fonns, set-hacks, super- iImfKwed against a vivid vermillion . There i.s sn mui li tr> Mo U*forc [tanel. Imaginative m<Min craters. If *he next ( elchration rolls around you will, though this painting was ' he tftid me,done ftrforr the reccni photographs : And noticing m\ nonpln.sscd lookof that Illusive planet' he nddcfl 'T m referring to our

An assemblage hy John I.aiham, | Diamond Anniversary. Rn\ And USA. tilled "Unsi>erlfled Material" rememlM*r Faith nm l\ou and youi consists of ancient crumbling tomc.s - .ym i,ee are expected to \h- with us whose frayed pages and hlmlings We re counting on you." flap against 277 upright tm ek-' o f (oursc Mls.s Tluth and Papaground set ujxm the wall One 'ped wc'vc already marked it "iimust a.ssume that the title of this calendar \Vc neerpi with.'ollage, must mean the information ■ picasun’'

ing large r/ima.s. olivlously planned Among ucll known narni>s ol

S o ffb a ll T onighflive Sixth Prei'int I k Sufllmll

WorM .Srites IwglnK tonight (Thursday I In JamcH .1 U'lilkct Park. Ifudson and l.rn?> St . iii fi .W) [).m Hie Aincrlciin f.('ngiirs fliht place .Sullivan it wdl nlai tin*

Naliutml l>MigueIn case nf IIIm iIw IM -1 ’’anic


for Mormollon otoulDAILY m Y IC ti and HIGH HOLY DAYS

C all W A 4-IS2B _ _ _ _ _

q r A I J T l .SK H V IC Kta matt Iha panonal

raquirimanti of ■vary family

FUNERAL nOMBJomei J. Andrewi, Director

363 Stcond Avt. (fff 20fli SL|H I W Y O R K

Caff 0«F ar NffAf • 6R B-I014

oihrr llsled cxhlhltorM, we noted wdl he played 1- 1 idiiy John-. de Kooning. taipmskl An ording to t hnninaii .1 imeti I 1,1'vlhe Miinay Tinguely, Twor | Kirk the nerleH of ]'2 games cm h kov Velasi'o 'Zagorsky IJehensleln. {wan eoinpleied with all ■larfing Miillnar ami llaiischentierg lb( lenins play m ihett full li! games Iniler our nelghlioi at I2th St ami j no drnp-oiits I''it(I Antonelll and rtmadway | Mike Dlfflev wen* n i(hairm aii of

The illiw tor of the Washington ‘ (he softball Iruirnament .Squmf (iiillerles Miss lluth Klegman. Is lioth painter and iHiri Grn elniisly. she iieeoinpanlpd us nn oiir lung lour of the five fhwns of the galleries Unselfishly, she leipiest- pil us not to use vnlUahle spare In review her own palilings In Ihe exhllillliin Ho I

If von re in 'i htin)i fn tnirhl up Sill flips, ffte 1/00 Heiies K ' f/ M fifii*ftif/s ffmof nos mode for you. Huu one n month /ic/iere t/ou work nr tmnhi for five j/rois. mid |/oi» ll fiiirt? (I iiesf rgtf of