LBM 4 - LI - Caesar Huseindy Daminggo

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  • 8/10/2019 LBM 4 - LI - Caesar Huseindy Daminggo


    Komunikasi lintas sektoral

    1. Apa tujuan komunikasi lintas sektoral?

    2. Apa hambatan untuk berkomunikasi dengan profesi lain?

    3. Perbedaan komunikasi dengan komunikasi lintas sektoral?

    4. Apa manfaat komunikasi lintas sektoral?

    Team work

    1. Bagaimana cara membentuk team work yang bagus?

    Choose and hire the right people for the right roles

    Get to know each member of your team.

    Agree on a mission for your group.

    Play to peoples strengths.

    Promote idea sharing by subtly managing discussion so that

    everyone participates. Reward the team and reward individuals.

    Make teamwork one of the criteria on annual performance reviews.

    Spend time building team relationships.

    Sumber: Wilson, Adelaide & Gaines, Lynne. (2005) Teamwork: Tips for Manager.

    Ceridian Corporation.

    2. Bagaimana cara membentuk team work dalam komunikasi lintas sektoral?

    3. Bagaimana peran ketua dalam menghasilkan team work yang efektif dan efisien?

    Pitch in and lend a hand.

    Communicate often about common visions and goals.

    Personalize team meetings.

    Reward your group often and thoughtfully.

    Take time out to have some fun with your team.

    Sumber: Wilson, Adelaide & Gaines, Lynne. (2005) Teamwork: Tips for Manager.

    Ceridian Corporation.

    4. Apa saja peran dan tugas dalam sebuah team work?5. Apa saja kendala dari team work?

    decreased productivity

    conflicts among group members

    tension at team meetings

    an increase in complaints among staff members or among those

    outside the department

    confusion about work assignments or peoples roles

    return to old patterns or attitudes

    a lack of trust lopsided participation

  • 8/10/2019 LBM 4 - LI - Caesar Huseindy Daminggo


    Sumber: Wilson, Adelaide & Gaines, Lynne. (2005) Teamwork: Tips for Manager.

    Ceridian Corporation.

    6. Bagaimana ciri team work yang baik dan kreatif?

    a team spirit based around trust, mutual respect,


    at bestfriendliness.

    Sumber: Constructing Excellence. (2004) Effective Teamwork: A Best Practice

    Guide for the Construction Industry.

    7. Apa manfaat team work?

    8. Bagaimana persiapan rapat?

    Komunikasi efektif dalam team work dalam medis

    1. Ciri-ciri komunikasi efektif?

    2. Apa manfaat komunikasi efektif dalam team work?

    3. Apa kendala komunikasi efektif?

    4. Apa saja elemen/komponen komunikasi efektif?

    5. Bagaimana melakukan komunikasi efektif dalam rapat?

    6. Bagaimana cara melakukan komunikasi efektif dengan profesi lain?