DOCUMENT RESUME ED 125 527 95\ lB 003 546 AUTHOR Files, Patricia, Comp. TITLE Federal Information Systems: A Selected Annotated List of Documents Available From ERIC. INSTITUTION Stanfcrd Univ.', Calif. ERIC Clearinghouse on Information Resources. SPONS AGENCY National Inst. of Education (DREW), Washington, D.C. PUB DATE Jul 76 CONTRACT NIE-C-74-0027 NOTE 18p.; Paper prepared for the Federal Libraries Round Table, the Government Documents Round Table, and the . Association of College and Research Libraries, American library Association Convention (Chicago, Illinois; July 18-24, 1976) EDRS PRICE DESCRIPTORS IDENTIFIERS MF-$0.83 BC -$1.67 Plus Postage. Annotated Bibliographies; *Bibliographies; *Government Libraries; *Inforation Systems; National Libraries; National Programs *ALA 76; Educational Resources Information Center; ERIC; Government Printing Office; Library of Congress; National Commission Libraries Information Science;' National Library of Medicine; National Technical Information Service . ABSTRACT s This bibliography includes studies and descriptions of federal information systems; including federal li 'raries,0 Educational Resources Information Centers (ERIC)., Go ernment Printing Office, Library of Congress, National Library of Medicine, and National Technical Information Service. Also fisted are National Commission on Libraries and Information acience publications and hearings. Each listing provides title, source, availability,, and a r brief synopsis of the contents (except in the case of the National Commission on libraries and Information Science -where most of the titles areself-explanatory). All the materials are available through ERIC, and the ERIC document (ED) numbers are provided. (EMH) **************************,#****************************************** Documents acquired 4 ERPt include many informal unpublished * materials not available fiom other sources. ERIC makes every effort * * to obtain the best copy available. Nevertheless, items of marginal * * reproducibility are often encountered and'this affects the Tiality * * of the microfiche and hardcopy reproductions ERIC makes available * * via the ERIC Document ReproductioA Service 1EDRS). EDRS is not * responsible for the ,quality of the original document. Reproductions * * supplied by EDRS are Elie best that can be made from the original. *****************************t***************************************

lB 003 546 - ERICDOCUMENT RESUME ED 125 527 95\ lB 003 546 AUTHOR Files, Patricia, Comp. TITLE Federal Information Systems: A Selected Annotated. List of Documents Available From ERIC

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Page 1: lB 003 546 - ERICDOCUMENT RESUME ED 125 527 95\ lB 003 546 AUTHOR Files, Patricia, Comp. TITLE Federal Information Systems: A Selected Annotated. List of Documents Available From ERIC


ED 125 527 95\ lB 003 546

AUTHOR Files, Patricia, Comp.TITLE Federal Information Systems: A Selected Annotated

List of Documents Available From ERIC.INSTITUTION Stanfcrd Univ.', Calif. ERIC Clearinghouse on

Information Resources.SPONS AGENCY National Inst. of Education (DREW), Washington,

D.C.PUB DATE Jul 76CONTRACT NIE-C-74-0027NOTE 18p.; Paper prepared for the Federal Libraries Round

Table, the Government Documents Round Table, and the. Association of College and Research Libraries,

American library Association Convention (Chicago,Illinois; July 18-24, 1976)



MF-$0.83 BC -$1.67 Plus Postage.Annotated Bibliographies; *Bibliographies;*Government Libraries; *Inforation Systems; NationalLibraries; National Programs*ALA 76; Educational Resources Information Center;ERIC; Government Printing Office; Library ofCongress; National Commission Libraries InformationScience;' National Library of Medicine; NationalTechnical Information Service



This bibliography includes studies and descriptionsof federal information systems; including federal li 'raries,0Educational Resources Information Centers (ERIC)., Go ernment PrintingOffice, Library of Congress, National Library of Medicine, andNational Technical Information Service. Also fisted are NationalCommission on Libraries and Information acience publications andhearings. Each listing provides title, source, availability,, and a r

brief synopsis of the contents (except in the case of the NationalCommission on libraries and Information Science -where most of thetitles areself-explanatory). All the materials are available throughERIC, and the ERIC document (ED) numbers are provided. (EMH)

**************************,#******************************************Documents acquired 4 ERPt include many informal unpublished

* materials not available fiom other sources. ERIC makes every effort ** to obtain the best copy available. Nevertheless, items of marginal *

* reproducibility are often encountered and'this affects the Tiality *

* of the microfiche and hardcopy reproductions ERIC makes available *

* via the ERIC Document ReproductioA Service 1EDRS). EDRS is not* responsible for the ,quality of the original document. Reproductions ** supplied by EDRS are Elie best that can be made from the original.*****************************t***************************************

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t Federal Informationt Systems:

A Selected Annotated List of Documents

Available from -ERIC

Patricia Files, compiler





Published by the ERIC Clearinghouse op Information Resources,Stanford Center for Research and Development in Teachilig,School of Education, Stanford University, Stanford, California 94305

Page 3: lB 003 546 - ERICDOCUMENT RESUME ED 125 527 95\ lB 003 546 AUTHOR Files, Patricia, Comp. TITLE Federal Information Systems: A Selected Annotated. List of Documents Available From ERIC


Introduction 1

Federal Libraries and Information Systems

Iducational Resources Information Center 4

Government Printir4, Office 5

Library of Congress '6

National Library of Medicine 8

ttc, I

National Technical Information Service. 9

- ,"AA*

National Commission on Libraries and InformationScience Publications 10

National Program for Library and InformationServices: Program Document and Related:

Papers a . 10

Regional Hearings 11

Annual Reports 11

()trier NCLIS Publications and Related

Legislation 11

ERIC Ordering Information 15


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This bibliography was prepared by the ERIC Clearinghouse on Information

Resources at Stanford University for distribution of the American ar

Association 19-6 Conference in Chicago.

readings included here comprise suggested background material for

two se,,,,Ions titled "The Dynamics of Federal \Information: A Bicentennial

Update" sponsored :Jointly by the 1-ederal Libraries Round Table, the Government

Documents Round Table, and the Association of College and Research Libraries.

Most listed items are available from ERIC (the Educational Resources

Information Center), either at one of the 500+ ERIC collections located across

the country, or from the ERIC Document Reproduction Service, which supplies

microfiche and photocopies upon request. Ordering information for ERIC

documents is available on the last page of this bibliography.

Included are both studies and descriptions of various aspects of

federal information systems. Most citations are arranged alphabetically by

Personal author or title, and, include annotations and bibliographic information

obtained from the filets of ERIC. No annotations are included in the last

section, "National Commission on Libraries and Information science," because

of the self-explanatory nature-of most titles. Items in the National Program

for Library and Information Services Related PapersIection are listed in

numerical order, and the Regional Hearings are listed by city.

- ;Patricia Files, Compiler


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Ayer, \anc L. Aa,zhington, D.C.: \ational Agr4yultural.:toher 1)-1. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American

Society f r Information science, 1tf-inta, Georgia, OctAer 1)-1. Spp.

ED 09' 00CAIN i tnt computer cataloging and indexing syst01 of the National .

Agricuaturaf Library. In this 'spoe,:h are described the structureof th CAIN s,.stem and the various uses of the CAIN data bases.


Crov.ers, (Clifford P., ed.. .:,... .. -:: :c..,.- ::''..,:-._.:p:.r;.:, -;,...;f::


_:..3. Philadelphia, PennsYlania: DrexelUniersi > , Graduate Schopl of Library Science, 19-4. 156pp. FD 105 S11.

In al attempt to clarify the indexing and announcing controls forgore nment docu1ments, this %-sue of the :re-se: :17i.-r_zr-:. sivaPtt,:r:-.

pros nt-, background information on several of the information controllingand ccess agencies, descAbes their operations, and points-,ot theirinhe ent problems and weaknesses. Fhe agencies covered are the GovernmentPrin ing Office, the National Technical Information Serl,ice, the National -

%rch yes, and the Educational Resourw., Information Center. The rolesand he effectiveness of the "Monthly Catalog of U.S. Government Publications,"the ederal depository library system, and the overall federal system of

bibliiographic control are analyzed.

Danilol V.J., and others. ?,:-.Tr,rt :; :h.,, Pane: -,.;z Econr:mics _,:f the Science


:nf,r-i,-,-i,;r. -;.,:. Washington, D.C.: National Science Foundation, Officeof Sciance Information Services, Science Information Council, January 1973.119pp.j IR 003 530.* ,

Sc.' ntific and technical information services cost the federal governmentclo)e I() a billion dollars a year and cost further large'3.4ms to othersectIor of the ecoatmy, Unless the relationship of benefit to cost for

as e in some areas or of the passing up of enormous net benefits in others,e services is quantitatively understood, there are dangers of enormous




\cry little has been done toward the assignment of a monetary value tothe.e benefits. It should be possible to develop rough but usef,!..0 quanti-tative measures fbr the benefits, delivered by many kinds of infohlationservices by combining theoretical analysis with suitably gathered empiricaldata on the response of the user community to these or related services.To obtain these 1-ilue measures' extensive data on the markets for information,serviices and on the habit's of their'users will be needed, as well as

sopOsticated theoretical analysis of markets and of the interaction ofdiffi:rent modes of information transfer.

Henderson, Madeline, and Susan Cedifes. Aat,:,mation and thelFederal, LibraryCum9uni y: .'k:popt rc (../ Sw,vej. Washington, 0:C.: Federal Library Committee,June 19 3. 58pp. ED 086'238.

ihe study sought'to define which library operations were susceptible toautomIption, to describe potentially useful automation techniques and to.


41/u tc: hay t'L tuerli;!- r:,!4;loqr!! :'op .rdr'r:n,' th7 !;'(kow77ent wa:3 n/t 'aoailaZe.

a the t pl.., of ',uii!.zt:, n. Y,)u ,mar ,ibtlin thr gr.' number 1,21 ch(R!ki0,upcoming7:osucL; (,..,t :ferp,ur. in i:",.1f(ill C)r i'il ,or;tr:,n(.7 thc EPIC Clearinwhouse nn'

InfoPmqty? i..';:,,,,p, rIt :,,,zilf(ir,1 lip's;),- Y':-i



Page 6: lB 003 546 - ERICDOCUMENT RESUME ED 125 527 95\ lB 003 546 AUTHOR Files, Patricia, Comp. TITLE Federal Information Systems: A Selected Annotated. List of Documents Available From ERIC

e-t 0,11-h f.Dr a,tomatiom cpestionnalres

,..ere sent to .21W4 federal 1:rlirie-, .ni,h.D1fres:'onded. %lajor

results inclaJtd f.i-Jin,:s that .o-t federil libraries ',ere of

small or mediu7 ,;:e, mut nad '.dried ,_olle,tins and 2ffered manyliorar; f,ivored automation. but recognized that

better commun:-ation,in,reased m,inoer, and stron central sum-sort would

be, needed. A tron4er-rJ1l for the icdei41 Librar: Committee (1LC ads

indicated and centralized' _tut:,natc....1 netw)rs 'ird ,tandardized program

packages for 1", federal .ere seen a, desirable.

Jane (;rant-'1ackaH '

, '.1aster's 1he-is. Texas homan's Uhiersit',!, Denton,

Texas, 'day 19-5. )3pp. ED 101 -2S.Sources and selection criteria for map,, and charts published by the United

States Government are outlined in this manual. Since there is still no

comprehensive indei to U.S. co%crnment published naps, several selectionstool, are recommended. A section is included concerning the nap and chartrr0grAm, of each of tne 1,suing departments, agencies, bureaus, and services.

, p: ashIngton,

D.C.: Comptroller cricral of the United States, July 24, 19-3. 1-1,r.

\-1;11hlt from M.S. General \ccounting office, Room 011-, 441 C Street, \A%hashington. D.C. 20548 (B-1-4013; S1.0 0h ED 082 -6?.

The General Accounting Office reviewed Federal libraries in MetropolitanWashington to identify common problems and to determine hcq,, they are beinghandled. The revies, revealed that: a central depository could providenumerous benefits; microforms are not used substantially; central directionis required for research projects; cooperative arrangelpents for accNiringmaterials have not been entered into by Federal librariess; _and Federal-.libraries have not integrated their services, resulting iii \\

conflicts, and reduced efficiency. It tNas recommended that-/e Officeof Management and Budget (OMB) should be more active in encourNngimproved management and coordination of Federal library activ4tiiis.

L::P2P?:eo; Washington, D.C.: National.

Center for Educational Statistics (DHEh /OE), 1975. 251pp. Available fromSuperintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C.20402 (Stock Number 017-080-01459-9; $3.15). ED 112 920.

The fourth study of federal libraries provided the first nearl c mpLetestatistical study of all federal libraries in the continental Uni States

and overseas. Tche survey identified 2,313 federal libraries, and datawere collected on 2,145. Expenditures for reporting libraries totaled$191,825,822. The report includes summary statistics for all libraries,separate treatment,of the national libraries, detailed findings for 1,386libraries providing individual response, and aggrepte data for otherreporting libraries.


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Brown, James h., and others. E:-::: W7,-,..2: :: .172): .3.: %?2,:::-.. ..

_ _.,,. ...-- nghese It.nformationStanford, California: Stanford University, !

Resources, September 19-5. 27pp. .107006 Box, of Education,

Stanford University, Stan -.....-, a --- 94305 -. 7-,,,Checlivimade payable to"Box E"). Ep 1 I


Th' 000 cation expl utility o cational Resources..

. mation Center ''ICo e ,la titutions and practitioners..Included are a rec y of ERcilli r ghouses and other units'; anintroductio o ERIC in e , 7 sources in Ethtatior; and Current indexto j.-ar,r,..--e ' .24,.:.u2a-.',ic and instructions for doing a,manual search of ERIC-......-.

./'Me ;....,s obtaining C,Tfaterials, the computer search process, and theanpfds for subm., tiall documents for inclusion in ERIC are also outlined.

,'Cynthia, an'-eudith Wanger. Educational Resources Information (:enter (ERIC)e ;.a y: Final, Report. Santa Monica, California: System Development

orporation, gust 1972. 272pp. ED 067 520.A studVro provide the National Center for Educational Communication

(NCEC) with information that could be useful in making the ERIC data basemore relevant to the needs of educators and more efficiently usable bythem is discussed. The project involved three data-gathering activities.These were:' (1) review of current ERIC practices, (2) a review of somecurrent ERIC-related studies, and (3) a questionnaire survey. A comparisonof the 15 user-group profiles created by the cross-tabulations revealedsome similarities that cut across al/ groups, as well as a number ofdifferences that set the groups apart.


Summit, Roge K. ERIC Online RetrievalSysdpem. Use of the DIALOG OnlineInformation etrieval System with ERIC Research in Education Files. FinalReport. Palo Alto, California: Lockheed Aircraft Corporation, April 1970.S8pp. ED 040 592.

The utility of computer-based on-line retrieval of material from theERIC document files was tested by member's of the ERIC Clearinghouse onEducational Media and Technology at Stanford University and by the Region'IX office of the U.S. Office of Education in San Francisco. TheDIALOG retrieval system developed by the Information Sciences Group ofthe Lockheed Palo Alto Research Laboratory was the on-tine system tested.More than 800 searches were conducted and over 51,000 citations andabstracts were printed in the one-year period covered by this report.


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..., . 111,';ingt(in, . Information Industry

:association, 19-1 , 39pp. \\ailable from Information Industry Association,1025 15th Street, .h., hashington,'D.C. 20005 ($3.00). ED 058 920.

Three speakers represented different points of view in-consideringthe implicatio s of a GPO micropublishing program--a librarian's,an informatio publisner's, and a micropublisher's.

hashington D.C. Comptroller General of the United States, November19, 1?-1. 28pp. D 105 904 (microfiche only).

Government Prin ins; Office (GPO( pricing was reviewed in order todetermine wheth r: (1) the Augu,t 19-3 price increases embraced the samefinancial philo ophy which had pi,eailed in the past and (2) the relation-ship between the pricing structure and the annual appropriation by theCongress has changed. It was concluded that there has not been a majorchange in the fi ancial philosophy of pricing publications for thesales program, b cause the Public Printers have traditionally operatedon the philosoph, that Sales revenues should exceed full costs. It was

further concluded that the GPO is now requesting appropriated funds forcosts it intends to recover throUgh sales revenues. An analysis of the

pricing formula being used by GPO and its application to specific documentsresulted in the suggestion that the pricing method used may not be 'the most


Schwarzkopf, LeRoy C. :,7:hrap',rs _2;2 ArY, of ]J62.

June 1972- :-;4pp. ED 066 177.This report is a ten-year review of the regional depository library systemfor federal government documents which was established by the DepositoryLibrary Act of 1962. It.jwcribes the status of programs which regionallibraries have undertaketo comply with the, requirements of the Act to"provide interlibrary loan, reference service, and assistance in the disposalof unwanted publications." Also described are the retention policy ofregional lOraries for materials which they are authorized to discard as anexception to the Act, and the attitude of documents librarians on the'desirability,of4providing f'ederal support to regional ciepOsitory libraries.

Schwarzkopf, LeRoy C. S74r;>e f ir. ai zl, .74Jp,,ci.torj Libraries for U.S. (;overnment

Pub'iiiatino. College Pail., Maryland: University of Maryland, School of Library

and Information Services, DecembeP 1974. 85pp, ED 104 361.

Based on 33 responses,to mailed questionnaires, visits to selected regionaldepositories, and the authoPs personal experience as a regional depositorylibrarian, this report analyzes the interpretdt ion and implementation by theSuperintendent of Documents, state library agencies, and depository librariansof key provisions of the Depository Library Act of 1962.- The followingrelated subjects are also discussed: historical background, includingexperimental regional dePositories in Wisconsin and New York in the 1950's;impact of other major Changes introduced by the Act, including expansionof the depository system, and distribution of non-Government Printing Office'publications; organization of regional depositories as large research librariesfor overall government documents service; and'federal financial support to

the depository libraryisys'tem.


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L-Scr2rian )f 7,.)ngrees for the Fiscal Year Ending June 30,

Washington, D.C.: Library of Congress, 1975_1195pp. Available fromSuperintendent of Documents, U.S. Government pAinting Office,. Washington, D.C.,

20402 (Stock Number 030-000-00078-1; S6.40) . '711R 003 224.*The body of the report begins, with a general overview of recent LCactivities in such areas as special services, automation, copyright,affirmative action, publications, and preservation of special materials.This is followed by reports on the activities of the Processing Departm

.iCongressional Research Service, Reference Department, Law Library, Admini-

strative Department, and Copyright Office. The Copyright Office report

\ includes a table of United States international copyright relations listed\byn country.

,*_p,1,1/;2t Pica Practices. :973 Revisions. Washington, D.C.:

Library of Congress, Copyright Office, July 1973. 187pp. ED 092 099.

Proposed revisions and additions,to the Compendium of Copyright Office

practices for 1973 are presented. The Prefeace indicates' that the Compendium

is primarily an office manual foi= the use of 9,e staff of the Copyright Officeand is not a book of "rules" to be followed.

Cooke, Ei\leen D. Statement fr,r the Subcommittee on Legislative Branch Appro.-,;.riations\cf the House ^ommittee on` appropriations, March 22, 1974. Chicago,

Illinois: \American Library Association, March 22, 1974. 9pp. ED 089 661.

This statement by the American Library Associatxon (ALA) for the Subcommitteeon Legislative Appropriations of the House CoitiMittee on Appropriations endorses

the Libary of Congress request for funding ih 1975 and requests thatfunding be increased, for the Office of Superintendent of Documents for the

same period. the value and impoTfance of several activities of the Libraryof Congress is commented .upon. Some of the services of the Office ofSuperintendent of Documents vital to libraries and the American public aredescribed,, and the problems besetting the Office are discussed. The ALA

also urgesincreased financial support for the Depository Library Programof the Office.

Design of an Automated Library Information Storage and Retrieval System forLibrary of i',ingres Div;sion for the Kin] and Physically Handic ppec. (DBPH).

Final, Report. Randolph, Massachusetts: Systems Architects, Inc , June 30, 1975.

444pp. ED 108 713.A practical system for producing a union catalog of titles i the Collections

of the Library of, Congress Division forthe Blind and Physi ally Handicapped,

its regional network, and related agencies from a machine-r adable data base

is presented. The-DBPH organization and operations and the associated regional

*Note: The ED number necessary for ,ordering this document was not available

It thee lime of publication. You may oain the ED number by c ecking upcoming.issues of Recourcs in Education gar by writing the 'ERIC Clear4nghouse on

Information Resources at Stanford linivemity.'


Page 10: lB 003 546 - ERICDOCUMENT RESUME ED 125 527 95\ lB 003 546 AUTHOR Files, Patricia, Comp. TITLE Federal Information Systems: A Selected Annotated. List of Documents Available From ERIC

library network are analyzed. The major objectk es of the proposed,system are defined as improved bibliographic con rol over materials

acquired by DBPH and the network libraries, and mproved management


The Zibrary of Congress as the, National, Bibliographic\

Center. Washington,

D.C.: Association of Research Libraries, February 1976. 64pp. Available

from Association of Research LibrariesI527 New Hamps ire Avenue, N.W.,

Washington, D.C. 20036 ($4.00). ED 118 097.In a program sponsored by the Association of Resea Ich Libraries (ARL),

the Library, of Congress (LC) Processing Department Ireport§fon progress,

in development of the National Bibliographic Servic. The first paper

deals with past, present, and future cooperation between LC and the ARL.The second paper provides an overview of the automaton activities ofLC's processing department and serves as an introduc ion to the three

subsequent papers. In the first of these the LC cor bibliographic

system is described, with heavy emphasis on MARC sysvpm operations.The next paper-covers the national bibliographic syst m including:CONSER; an automated register of additional locations, and participation

in the projects of various library organizations. Finally,. various

problems encountered in transition to an automated sysem are described.

Processing Department of the Library of Congress; Organiz.aton and Functions.

Washington, D.C,: Library of Congress, Processing Departme4t, 1975. 41pb.

Single copies available from Central Services Division, Library of Congress,

Washington, D.C. 20540. ED 115 269.This guide introduces visitors and new staff members to the history,

organization, fudgkions, funding, and responsibilities of its processing

department. Twenty-three charts illustrate the organization ofthedepartment as a whole; the MARC office; the core bibliographic system;the National Union Catalog project; and various research, cataloging,

and publications functions.

N r

,. .





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Bruce, Eli3abeth W. Decentralization of the National Bionkdical CommunicationsNetwork; Development of Regional and State Plans. North Dakota Library Notes,VcZ. 6, No. 6. Bismarck, North Dakota: North Dakota State Library' Commission,November 1974. 33pp. ED 097 889.

Starting with the Medical Libiary AssistanceAct of 1965, various plansof organization have been tried for improving the national diffusion ofmedical information. In )973,.-the Midwest followed other regions in,switching'to a decentralized network, with 10 libraries designated asresource libraries for their regions. The formation of consortia ofneighboring libraries was encouraged. A resource sharing plan for NOrthDakota included division of the 'state into four service vadrants withcentral coordination by a new Director of Health Science Libraries.

Historical Chronology and Selected Bibliography ReZatin, to the NationalLibrary of Medicine. Bethesda, Maryland: National Library of Medicine (DHEW),1971. 25pp. 1ED 058 914.

The chronological development of the National Library of Medicine is tracedfrom 1836through.1970. This history is followed by a selected bibliographyof materials concerning the National Library of Medicine. ,


The National,Library of MedicinelPrograms and Services, Fiscal. Year 1974.Bethesda, Maryland: National Library ofMedicine (DHEW), 1975. 46pp.

ED 103 000.The activities and projects of the National Library of Medicine aredescribed. New and continuing programs in library services and operations,'on-line computer retrieval services, grants for library assistance,audiovisual programs, and heaffic communications research are Included.-Summary statistics of the Libtary's 1974 fiscal year activities areprovided with comparable statis4cs from previous years.

L'bi')ary of Medicine, 135th Anniversary Report, 1835-1971.Bethesda, Maryland: National Institute of Health, 1971: 44pp. ED 056 700.

This report reveals some of the highlights of the National Library of'Medicine's service during the 135th anniversary year. t recounts theaccomplishments of its diversified professional staff o more than 450library and biomedical scientists, physicians, medical educators, historians,

pliterature.analysts and translators, computer and electronic communicationsengineers, and the many persons working in their support. It describes theexpanding progress both of established services and developing programstoward their goal of improving access to useful information and new medicalknowledge.

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HowiSon, Beulah C. Developing SeZf-Instruc 1.o al Materials for NTIS Users.

. Menomonie, Wisconsin: University of n at,Stout-Menomonie, ,y(structional

Technology Services,November 1975. 82pp. ED 112 930. --

A package of information was deve oiled to inform vocational, technical,and adult education teachers how to find information relevant to their occu-

pational interests. Instructions were proVid,ed for the use of three

indexes: Government Reports Announcements (GRA)4kGovernment ReportsIndex (GRI), and National Technical Information Service.(NTIS).

Meredith, Joseph. C. Selective Dissemination' of Microfiche Documents in a

University Setting: Phase 1. Final Report. Project CLR-561. Park Forest

South, Illinois: Governors State University, Learning Resources Center,

October 1975. 81pp, ED 112 954.The selective dissemination service (SRIM) of the National TechnicalInformation, Service MTIS) was used to test a university .subsystemwherein a number of individual profiles were combined and submitted to

NTIS as a composite. Microfic e documents received were duplicated 't

in sufficient copies to meet lo al distribution requirements. The study

indicated the effect of a local\agency in stimulating and mediatingthe use of an SDI system, and the relative economy of local copying

band redistribution of microfiche over direct ordering at current NTIS





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'Toward a National Program for Library and Information Services: Goals forAction. June 1975. 115pp Available from the Superintendent of Documents,U.S. Government Pfinting Office, Washington, D.C. 20402 (Stock No. 052 -003-00086-5; $1.45). ED 107 312.

Tnezza, Alphonse F. Relationship and Involvement of the State Library Agenciesth th.? Natic.na! Prc7rnm Pr4csea b? =TS. Rej2ted Paper No. 1. November

,1974. FD 100 387.

Martin, Allie Beth. Role of the Public..Library in the National Program. RelatedPaper I/o. 2. October 1974. 3ipp. LD 100 388.

Strable, Edward G. The Relationship and Involvtment of the Special Library withthe National Progrdm. Related Paper N November 1974. 26pp. ED 100 389.

Budington, William S. The Independent Research Library. Related Paper No. 4.

October 1974. 31pp. ED 100 390.

Zurkowski, Paul G, The Informatioq.Service E:n5§bnmeni'Relati'anshipsPriorities. Related Paper No. 5. November 1974. 30Pp. ED 100 391.-.4


Taylor, Robert S. Manpower and Educational Programs for Management, Research,and Professional G1',00th'in Library and Information Services. Related Paper No. 6.

October 1974. 37pp. ED 100 392.

Franckowiak, Bernard M. School Library Media Programs and the National Programfor Library and Information Services. Related Paper 'No. 7., NoveMber 1974.

, .23pp. ED 100 393.

Lynch, Beverly P. National Program of Library and Information Services.ofNCLTS: Implication for College and Community CoZlege Libraries. Related PaperNo: 8. December-1974. 28Pp. ED 100 394.

Hayes, Robert M. The National Library Network, Its Economic IationaZe and Funding.National Program for Libraries and Information Services. Related.Paper No. 9.,

December 1974. 49pp. ED 114,098.

*Note: The related papers are listed numerically by report number. Additionalpapers in thissPriPs will be available through ERIC when .they are published.



a "

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Mol:, R. kathleen. and

Program for Liirary Fo"at-J- Parer :C. Decembet

1974. 61pp. ED 100 395.

Mohrhardt, Foster E. I,:formation Service Developments

as :hey Relate t :he :'ommisof:r on Libraries and Information Science.

Related Paper NT. December 1974. 67pp. ED 100 396.

Benjamin, Curtis G. An Economic Profile she U.S. Book Indu-stry. National

Program for Libraries and Information Services. Related Paper No. 12.

November 1974. 28pp. ED 114 099.

Weisman, Heilman M. The Role of the Information Censer in the National Commissionon Libraries and Information Science Program for the Improvement of NationalInformation Services. --;'elated Paper,No. 23. November 1974. 5Opp. ED 100 397.

Carvey, David. The Relationship of the Iovernment and the Private Sector in

the Proposed National Program. ,7atina/. Program for Libraries and Information

Belated Paper No. 24. November 1974. 34pp. ED 114 100.

Stevens, Jane E. Urn Information Centers and Their Interface with the NationalProgram for Lirary and nformation Services. National Program for Libraries

and Information Services. elated Paper N'o. 23. May 1975. Opp. ED 114 102.

-Williams, Martha. The Impact of Machine-Beadable Data Bases on Library and,Information Services. National Program for Libraries and Information Services.

Related Pdber 'No. 26. ,Apfil 1975. 35 p. ED 114 103.

Ball, Alice Dulany. The Role of the United StatLibrary and Information Services Network. Natio

Info'mation Services. ?glassed Paper 7. M


s Book Exchange in the NationwideZ Program for Libraries and1975. 32pp. ED 114 104.


on Libraries and Information Science Public Hearing; Atlanta

Regional Hearing (March 7, 1973): Oral Testimony. March 7, 1973. 356pp.

ED 077 548.JP

National Commission on ,Libraries and Information Science Public Hearing; Atlanta

Regional,Hearing (March 7, 2973): Other Written Testimony. March 7, 1973.

555pp. ED 077 550.

National Commissio'n on Libraries and Information Science Public Hearing; Atlanta

Regional Hearing (March 7, 1973): Written Testimony of Atlanta Witnessedi

March 7, 1973. 179pp. ED 077 549.

*Note: These, documents are arranged alphabetically by location.


Page 15: lB 003 546 - ERICDOCUMENT RESUME ED 125 527 95\ lB 003 546 AUTHOR Files, Patricia, Comp. TITLE Federal Information Systems: A Selected Annotated. List of Documents Available From ERIC


1.Yankee Comments; Testi7ony Submitted to the Nationa: Commission on Librariesand Information Science, October 3, :973, Boston, Massachusetts. 1974.

343pp. ED 112 947.


National Commission on Libraries and Information Science Public Hearing; ChicagoRegional Hearing (September 27, 1912). September 27, 1972. 415pp. ED 068 143.

National Commission on Libraries-and Information Science Public Hearing; ChicagoRegional Hearing (September 27, 1972).: Other Testimony. September 27, 1972.401pp. ED 068 145.

. National Commission on Libraries, and Information Science Public Hearing;Chicago Fe,7ional Hearing (September 27, 1972): Written Testimony of ChicagoWitnesses. September 27, 1972. 165pp. ED 068 144..

Trezza, Alphonse F., comp. In Our Opinion; Regional'Hearing Before the NationalCommission on Libraries and Information Science, September 27, 1972, Chicago,Illinois. 1973. 308pp. ED_114 047.


National Commission on Libraries and Information Science, Mountain PlainsRegional Hearing, September 18,1974, Denver, Colorado. Volume 1; Scheduled 4

Witnesses. September 18, 1974. 326pp. ED 100 342.

National Commission on Libraries and Information Science, Mountain PlainsRegionaZ Hearing, September 18, 1974, Denver, CoZorado. Volume 2; OralTestimony. September 18, 1974. 259pp. ED 100 343.

*Natidal Commission on Libraries and Information Science, Mountain PlainsRegional Hearing, September 18, 1974, Denver, Colorado. Volume 3; WrittenTestimony. September 18, 1974. 251pp. ED 100 344.


National Commission on Libraries and Information Science Mid-Atlantic StatesRegional Hearirig, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, May 21,. 1975. Volume One.Scheduled Witnesses. May 21, 1975. .214pp. ED 111 362.

Nationa"l Commission on Libraries and Information Science Mid-Atlantic StatesRegional Hearing, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, May" 21, 1975. Volume TwoWritten Testimony. May 21, 1975. 186pp. Ed 111 363.

National Commission on Libraries and Informdtion Science Mid- Atlantic StatesRegional Hearing, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, May 21, 1975. Volume Three.Transcribed Testimony. May 21, 1975. 383pp. ED 111.364.



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Nati:nol Re2p-:n2,

24 ATr-il 2,224, 7eslo. April 24, 19-4. 593pp. ED 092 129.


Naoi,ona: 72--.7.::cs::n on HeaPir;,:

San Frznr.i.?c 'No.2e-1,,Ir 22, :ra: 7est:?'7on:.

November 29, 1972. 363pp. ED 077 545.

National 2-,missi.tn Libraries an:i :nforn3:ion Science Hearin,7;

San. Francisc: 2,?-72): Wrirter. :esrimon?.

November 29, 1972. 363pp. ED 077 547.

Rational and.:nfcmation Science Hearing;

San Fran ..s:.- JYA liearing (::y)e-Ier 2. :272): Wr:tten Tes:irron, of tile

:an Winesces. November 29, 19-2. 113pp. ED 077 546.


Annai FeFort to tie President art th., Congress :972-1973, Natial?ommissionon Libraries and information Science. January 31, 1974, 55pp. Available from

the Superintendent of Documents, U.S, Government Printing Office, Washington,

D.C. 20402 (Stock No. 5203-00022, $0.65). ED 094 712.

llationo: 7-_,,mrrission on Libraries and Informan Seience; Annul Report 1971-

1.372. January 31, 1973. 34pp. Available from the Superintendent of Document's,

U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington,' D.C. Z0402 (Stock No. 5204-000(i2;,

$0.40). ED 071 679.

Nationdl Commission on Libraries and information Science Aimual Report '741'75.

January 6, 1976. 61pp. IR 003 139.*

National ComAission on Libraries and Information Science Annual Repo-fit to thePresident and.the Congress, 1973-1974. 1975. 44pp. AVailable fiom Superin-

tenderlt of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Wa4hington, D.C. 20402(Stock No. 052-003-00083-1, $0.70). ED 110 019.


Alterna,tives for Financing the Public Library. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania:Government Studies fi Systems, May 1974. I37pp- Availablel from the Superin-tendent of Documents, UPS. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402(Stock No. 5203, $1.05). ED 100 303. 1,

*Note: The ED number necessary for ordering this doewnent was not availableat the time of publiatikn. You may obtain the ED number b. checkirlg upcomingissues of Resources in Mucation or by writing the ERIC Clearinghouse onInformation Resources at Stanford University, -


-4- .1 6

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Burkhardt, Irederich. Plann:ni in the :Kited States.Paper presented at the General Council Meeting of the International Federationof Library Associations, Washington, D.C., November 16-23, 1974. 6Opp.ED 104 437 (microfiche only).

Caudra, Carlos A.,Needs of theEthnic, and ,

the SuperintendentD.C. 20402 (Stock

and Marcia J. Bates, eds. Library and Infor,72!:Ln Serviae. Proceedings rl'pnference on the Needs of Eccupation2Z,'r-).Aps in the ''sited States. 1974. 319pp. Available fromof Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington,\o. 5203-00033, S2.95). ED 101 716.

National mmission on Libraries and :nformaion Science; Hearing before theSubcorsf4mittee 91: Education...on E.:5:c,, to Establish-a National (.7ommission on

Libraries and Tnforration Science, an; for ':'ther Purposes. Washington, D.C.Senate Committee on Labor and Public Welfare, 1969. 63pp. ED 040 717.

Perkins, Carl D. Natinal "..'orzniesitn. on :il.r2riec and Information Science Act;

(Huse) ,:c<ference Report (To Acaompary Z. :5:9). Washington, D.C.: U.S.

House of Representatives, Committee on Education and Labor, June 24, 1970.6pp. ED 040 '19.

Proposed White Hcuse :onference on Library and Information Sciences. hearingBefore the .5:4.committee on Education of the Committee on Labor-and Public

:'cited States Senate, Ninet!-third Congress, First Session on S. J.Res. .40. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Congress, Senate Committee on Labor andPublic Welfare, July 24, 1973. 117pp. ED 082 782.

Stone, Elizabeth W., and others. Continuing Library and information ScienceEducation. Final report. Washington, D.C.: Catholic University of America,Department ofLibrary Science, May 1974. 467pp. Available from the Superin-tendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402(Stock No. 5203-00045, $5.05). ED 100 312.

To Establish a National,. Commission on Libraries and Information Science; Hearingsbefore the Select Subcommittee on Education...on H.R. 8839 and H.P. 908.Washington, D.C.: U. S. House of Representatives, Committee on Education andLabor, 1969. 233pp. ED 040 718.


Yarborough, Ralph. :,National Commission on Libraries andInformation Science Act;(Senate) Report (Tc Accompang E.' 1519). Washington, D.Ct: Senate Committee onLabor and Public Welfare, May 1969. 7pp. ED 040 720.

Young, Larry G., and others. An Inquiry into the Patterns Among the Statesfor Funding Public Library Services. Washington, D.C.: Public AdministrationService, May 1973. 143pp. ED 075 031.


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